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I generated (and should) this with np.where :(array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]), array([1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])) I use random.choice to generate an available location in the 2d array in a tuple with: position = random.choice( zip(possibilities(board)[0], possibilities(board)[1])). This does give the correct output but it is not accepted in the workspace I use for an exercise. I probably have to generate an answer without using zip in the workspace?
Well nevermind. Probably only some operations specific for numpy are accepted. Will find another solution.
Are there better tags that i should use here?
@wim Make the intermediate list comp a gen exp. But why not just parse at C speed with ast.literal_eval?
@PM2Ring because you have to quote the strings if you want to use literal_eval, and that's non-trivial
oh man, they implemented &, |, +, - for collections.Counter to be used as multisets. But they didn't bother to implement <, <= etc like set has. That SUCKS!
especially sucky on python 2.7 when it actually runs, but doesn't do anything sensible
hello all
any python guru's online? I've been learning Python for the past 7 months and need some direction.
don't ask about asking your question, just ask (and see the room rules at the top right)
ok I finished 3 books and did some data structures and algorithms. I'm looking for more intermediate to advanced books on python with projects to keep learning so I can start my own.
Someone here recommended eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP002510.html which has been very helpful to me.
I became acquainted with Python on edx.org. They also have two Python courses on intermediate level.
All free
Well the book isn't but there is a cheap paperback version.
1 hour later…
finally getting around to watching Mr. Robot. Holy shit, this is a good show.
Cabbage :-)
I have a super array which is 1x1000. And 3 lists, of indices between (1,1000). How can I compare these three lists without even inflating them or interpolating them on the super-array
2 hours later…
@vinita ... well, your question is missing 50 % of the context...
@wim <, <= on sets suck
@DavidAgabi There is nothing like a practical project. Think about something you are interested in and implement in Python
@wim Rightio. I didn't notice that the strings aren't quoted. :oops: As an alternative to that comprehension, you could do something like this:
def f(s):
    k, v = s.split(':')
    return k.strip(), int(v)

data = 'key1: 1, key2: 2, key3: 3'
a = dict(map(f, data.split(',')))
{'key1': 1, 'key2': 2, 'key3': 3}
Or if you're allergic to map:
a = dict(f(u) for u in data.split(','))
But I think I prefer your dict comp. :)
How do you guys keep globals?
my webapp has a few global objects
I don't know how to keep them
I was thinking about creating a mixin for it but that's tight coupling
@AnttiHaapala link above :D
@manuzi1 old :D
Thats why I said "classic" ;)
that's just a cartesian product tho :D
My iPhone has this shutdown problem... pfff
IdeaVim breaks pycharm's search
@BhargavRao How is the mod life ?
Quite Quite easy :)
> Django loads that Python module and looks for the variable urlpatterns.
What a stupid design
@manuzi1 still better than galaxy note :D
alright, Django told me to change the way url patterns are registered, because the old way isn't supported in 1.10. Now it stopped working for 1.9
> HINT: It seems you set a fixed date / time / datetime value as default for this field. This may not be what you want. If you want to have the current date as default, use django.utils.timezone.now
ok I got why
@TheExorcist I find the advertisement of Functional+OOP mix to be BS. It is OOP with a couple of functional tools. The structure is still OOP
Is it possible to stop a Thread early? Looking at docs.python.org/3/library/threading.html#thread-objects i cant see a stop or terminate function.
Q: Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?

Sudden DefIs it possible to terminate a running thread without setting/checking any flags/semaphores/etc.?

Thank you, how could i miss that! Raising exception in thread, sounds like a bad idea, gonna do it anyway :D
feeling tempted to rewrite my whole db access code with async/await
wait, isnt that a c# concept? or does python have that too?
it is a general concept and Python has that too
Speaking of async stuff, Martijn appears to know how it works in Python. :) He just answered an async question a little while ago.
Martijn efficiently scrapes PEP every 5 minutes
I kind of wrote an async answer the other day, but I'm still at the cargo-cult stage with async stuff: I just hacked together my code from an existing answer. :) I guess I should set aside some time to seriously learn about async.
found it ;) https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html
look exactly like c#! Really useful for sure.
Does simplify so many things
does spawning a new process with multiprocessing library take considerable amount of time?
Never worked with it, but it has a Pool. So its probably similar to normal threads in terms of overhead.
@MarioDekena multiprocessing spawns a different interpreter
@khajvah No idea. But spawning a new process is a relatively heavy task at the kernel level anyway, I don't expect the extra stuff that Python probably needs to do to make much difference.
I need to run an expensive calculation on real time but don't want to hold my web server busy
I wish I could mix async/await with multiprocessing
that would be cool
@MarioDekena One of the reasons for the whole existence of threads is that they're a lightweight alternative to forking a new process.
Creating new threads takes time. No matter how you do it.
Thats why you have thread pools
the difference is that it's not a thread but a process
The fact that multiprocessing has a Pool lets me think, that it is comparably heavy in process starting then threads are.
why would youneed a Pool, when creating processes is fast?
creating a process is naturally much slower
however, CPython doesn't run interpreters in parallel in threads
Another way is keeping the process alive and asking it to calculate stuff, but that's a lot of work
I don't need a pool
Well you just described a pool
another thing to know:
maybe I should create a Celery task for it
does pool have an internal queue ?
what happens if all the processes are busy?
you can specifiy how many threads should be spawned in a pool.
yes and what if they are all busy?
if you start a task the pool automatically selects a free thread to perform the task on
and I apply_async more
if no thread is available it will block until a thread is free
that's bad
how many tasks in parallel do you want to start? Too many threads doesnt help performance either...
but I also need a queue
and a way to not halt the web server
then use a pool with 2 internal threads, if i understood correctly. The thing with the webserver... Normally with webservers there is a number of max concurrent connections. Each is processed in a different thread from a thread pool. If the max number is reached other connections are getting refused.
am I abusive?!
I am (ab)using [*foo], {*bar} instead of list(foo), set(bar) everywhere
wouldn't it be more abusive if I coded the empty set as
I started python not long ago and i actually never saw the latter :D
No. It's better to use operators rather than functions / methods when you have a choice.
@PM2Ring I am now doing things like
[*map(my_func, another_array)] :P
@PM2Ring for performance?
@MarioDekena It's a fairly new feature.
    ids = {*map(self._str_hash_to_bytes, ids)}
@khajvah Yes. And for conciseness. Ok, it does look a bit cryptic at first, but you get used to it very quickly. :)
>>> [*'this']
['t', 'h', 'i', 's']
{*map(self._str_hash_to_bytes, ids)}
{self._str_hash_to_bytes(i) for i in ids}
functional programming ftw
@AnttiHaapala isn't the second one faster?
not necessarily
Guido would probably prefer the 2nd version though, since he hates map.
the first one kind of does 2 operations
it needs to look the method on self every single damn time
Good point. But you could copy the method to a local
I could, for even more characters :d
guido hates lots of things
now that we do have iterators, I don't get the hate against map
it could be named better though
I'm quite fond of map myself, but I agree that using it with a lambda is dubious.
isn't map a general name for that kind of function
its called select in c#
also not a great name if you ask me
I like map
@khajvah It is, in several functional languages. OTOH, Python has traditionally used "map" as a synonym for dictionary, and dictionary-like things.
it maps keys to values => map
makes sense to me
wait shouldnt * and ** format the words in some way?
in the function, it maps one list to another
@MarioDekena Yes, but not in multi-line posts. You either get style commands, or code blocks, you can't mix the two.
yeah the name map makes sense only on "pure" functions
Using map with a mapping function that has side-effects is evil, and should be killed with fire. Unless it's for code golf. :)
that's true
There are use cases...
builiding the sum while mapping for example
yeah, i know, its stupid :/ but works, so why not
It's misleading
@MarioDekena True, but we now have accumulate to do that sort of thing.
and I imagine hard to read and understand
its incredibly hard to read
FOR OTHER PEOPLE <- thats the point :D
Here's one way to do an accumulator manually:
def acc(func, prev=0):
    def f(v):
        nonlocal prev
        prev = func(prev, v)
        return prev
    return f

fac = acc(int.__mul__, 1)
print([fac(i) for i in range(1, 7)])
[1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]
Or the Python 2 way:
ah but isn't this...
def acc(func, v0=0):
    def f(v):
        f.v = func(f.v, v)
        return f.v
    f.v = v0
    return f
Or the "classy" way:
class acc(object):
    def __init__(self, func, value=0):
        self.v = value
        self.func = func

    def __call__(self, x):
        self.v = self.func(self.v, x)
        return self.v
or the non PM2Ring/obsolete way
>>> import operator as op
>>> from itertools import accumulate
>>> list(accumulate(range(1, 7), op.__mul__))
[1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]
@AnttiHaapala I linked to that a little while ago. :)
but yeah...
I was just showing some alternatives to itertools.accumulate
hello is any one working in Bangalore
in this chan room
Bangalore /bæŋɡəˈlɔːr/, officially known as Bengaluru ([ˈbeŋɡəɭuːɾu]), is the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. It has a population of about 8.42 million and a metropolitan population of about 8.52 million, making it the third most populous city and fifth most populous urban agglomeration in India. Located in southern India on the Deccan Plateau, at a height of over 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level, Bangalore is known for its pleasant climate throughout the year. Its elevation is the highest among the major cities of India. A succession of South Indian dynasties, the Western Gangas, the...
Double stacked sarcasm too much for sarcasm detector tho. Gets into stack overflow so easily.
True :=
@AshwiniBhat here you will find people from all city.
I want to close this as off-topic, but I'm not sure what close reason to use: stackoverflow.com/questions/41363215/…
Hi all :)
Why is he saying There is only one character ',' after 'name =' Human ''. when his input has no commas?
my emacs is adding extra spaces and tab in python file,because when i opened it in sublime i got indentation error thing.
Is he saying "If this text were valid lua, there would be a character ',' after name='human'"?
When i converted each tab into spaces this error vanished.How to resolve this in Emacs.
I am hopelessly confused and thus feel fully justified in voting as unclear
@Kevin yep i also sometimes feel like picking a closing reason is difficult. the question you have there, my first impression was off-topic. but none of the possible reasons in "off-topic" really fit. so unclear will do. after all it is.
I'll happily vote to reopen the very instant that OP answers my question. (Readers are advised not to hold their breath)
@TheExorcist the answer might start with "apt-get install vim"
haha ..no i @AndrasDeak i am not vim fan
@Kevin Oh yeah, i understand him now i think. So he has this text file. He knows how he could parse it manually. But he thinks this might be a ready made data format like xml, json etc. and dont want to reinvent the wheel. And the thing with the , is, that it looks a lot like lua script when adding , and ;. The question really hast to be reworded to be of any use.
\o cbg how was your holidays
Is xrange still used in Python 2.7.12
@Kevin It's a mystery. But I see that Paul McGuire has had some fun answering it.
@F.Bar "Does xrange exist as a built-in function in Python 2.7.12?" I'm 99% sure that it does. "Does the community actually use xrange for practical purposes?" I don't see why not, it seems quite useful for huge ranges that you don't want to build proper lists out of.
@AshwiniBhat I guess there are many
I see that OP replied to other commenters but not me... Where is the love ;_;
Who could lua variables be serialize lua pickle like in python? in a text form? — user320212 17 mins ago
@F.Bar These days, it's a Good Idea (IMHO) to write code that will perform correctly on Python 3 or Python 2, so xrange should only be used if you need to make a really big range. OTOH, it's easy enough to convert xrange to range using the 2to3 utility.
I think we've all asked ourselves, at one time or another, "who could lua variables be serialize?"
all your lua serialize to us
That's easy for you to say.
I miss set in python :\ it's so useful
{} ?
that's a dict ^
set() is a set though:P
@MarioDekena corvid's not writing in Python.
I feel like the least comprehensible questions always come up on days when I'm the most sleep-deprived and thus unwilling to tolerate tomfoolery.
and I think corvid means that they miss python's set in another language
Off-topic due to Recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site
Because of the line *What are your tools (Python, Lua) to evaluate such text files?* in question :P
@Kevin nice cognitive bias you have there
The rational explanation is that when I'm tired, I have more stringent standards of what makes a good question, and I'm less able to ignore bad questions as "not my problem", but I prefer the explanation that there's a vast conspiracy whose only aim is to irritate me
@MoinuddinQuadri That's not necessarily a resource request though: the OP may suspect that there are standard tools in the language to process that data, but doesn't know how to find them in the docs.
Oh the joys of the English language where "I miss X's Y" can mean "I miss the old days when X still had Y" or "I miss when I had access to X, and thus Y"
Dec 17 at 10:05, by PM 2Ring
My theory is that most new questions are posted by people who are too lazy or too incompetent to make a decent search for an old question that addresses their problem. Or their communication skills (or English skills) are so poor that they can't express their question in a way that makes a search possible.
I see. By building a searchable index of all useful questions, we're gradually filtering out of the active community anyone that is capable of asking a useful question.
Solution: destroy the SO database and start over
I feel like a lot of people just started programming in general (for school, or study) and therefore dont have enough understanding to write a proper question or even understand the answers.
@Kevin then we could build a new John Skeet
We'll rule as kings over the new order, naturally.
I welcome our new Martijn overlord
If let's assume SO database is destroyed. Work in most of IT companies (specially service based) will come to halt. As so called Software Engineers won't be knowing "What to do next?"
sad - and true
Can anyone with Pycharm or Sublime text reproduce this? I suspect a simple typo that somehow disappeared when copying the code to SO. stackoverflow.com/questions/41364264/…
already answered
I want to serialize some python objects in binary. including dicts, numpy arrays, etc. Maybe with deflate compression if possible. I just found pickle. Is that the right choice? I feel like its going to have a hard time with the numpy arrays. Deflate not to mention.
@excaza And hammered. :)
@MarioDekena Pickle is fine for that. And you can compress pickle files, if you want.
What are the odds that apt-get autoremove will brick my system after removing 285 packages?
@PM2Ring Can i do the compression in memory or do i need to write the file first?
@Mario AFAIK pickle is the standard serialization tool in python, but numpy arrays have their own tools for serialization (dunno how pickle works for them)
@MarioDekena You can do it in memory, eg using pickle.dumps and zlib.compress
one aspect is that pickle is insecure (unpickling can execute arbitrary code)
going to use pickle. dumps/compress looks promissing. i am fine with security.
Every file is going to be produced by me and read by me. So i am fine with INsecurity ;)
lets see if it can serialize a dict with numpy array values
doing Day22 part 1, what does it mean by Node A's used would fit in Node B's avail?
do we add them together and see if it's under the total size? do we just compare if they are the same ?
node_a.used <= node_b.avail. That's all.
.... >.> k i was doing it wrong. thanks...
mv -r /mnt/A/* /mnt/B/
What are you talking about? Of course not:P
yeah, but mv does that already
it doesn't have a -r option
yeah thats why i asked
Ooops. after check your answer got confused with -R with cp
no, cp has -r
I just made a mistake and didn't notice in the 2-minute edit window:)
It has -R
mquadri-ltm:tmp mquadri$ cp --help
cp: illegal option -- -
usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file target_file
cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file ... target_directory
what system?
   -R, -r, --recursive
          copy directories recursively
debian ^
I didn't know -R was valid too there:)
I was not knowing the same about -r :P
I'm confused enough by "ssh -p ..." vs "scp -P ..." alone
Once I also use to sail in the same boat. But it is kind of routine task now.
Is it a good idea to create a hashable dict like this: stackoverflow.com/a/1151705/2063361a
To make it immutable, is it ok to just raise the exception in setattr function? That's it?
@MoinuddinQuadri I only see the top answer by Martelli that says "my answer..." and starts with "This does not sharply ensure...", I'd blindly go with his approach, whatever that is:P
you should go with Martelli's version
24 hours ago, by Kevin
We're all adults here and I'll silently corrupt data structures if I really want to
same topic around that message, I believe ^
i.e. hash vs eq and how they should correspond to one another
@MoinuddinQuadri I don't think blocking setattr will prevent the user from mutating your dict with either d[23] = [42] or d.update({23:42})
@Kevin both top answers say "make sure you don't mutate it later"
OK, Moinuddin seems to have two questions: one about hashable dicts, re: link; the other about making the dicts immutable
as far as I can tell the linked post doesn't concern mutability
Yep that is in line with my philosophy of "dear users, please don't mutate this even though you can if you want to. Don't come crying to me when you do and everything breaks"
and in python it might not be worth the effort making your dict as mutate-proof as possible:P
the easiest mutating paths should be blocked, I guess, just to inform the kind reader
Preventing your users from shooting themselves in the foot is as simple as holding water in a wicker basket
I am pretty much satisfied with Martelli's version. But what should be the right way to restrict the user for accidently updating the dict? i.e make it immutable
@Kevin steel plated boots, anyone?
@MoinuddinQuadri another question (though Kevin's been answering it)
A sufficiently determined user can counteract literally any safeguard you can think to set up
A sufficiently determined user can modify integers, which are the most immutable thing there is.
Shouldnt be the most immutable thing a bit?
Well. If user is determined to break it. I will leave him to suffer from his own sins ;)
What is the best I can do here? :)
that link might not be the best though
@AndrasDeak checking them. let's see
@MarioDekena that doesn't really make any sense (or I'm misunderstanding you)
"Ok," you think, "I get your point, but in practice my users aren't going to hack the freaking byte code, so what reasonable safeguards can I set up to protect the 99.9% of my users that aren't completely deranged?" Certainly this is a valid question.
As a first line of defense I'd override update and __setitem__ to raise exceptions.
most "immutable dict" answers revolve around hashability
@Kevin shouldn't those two be enough to guide non-desperate users?
of course your dict should also have immutable keys...
@AndrasDeak i think i just stopped understanding myself
Let's see, what else mutates a dict... There's clear and pop... I'm looking at dir(dict) and nothing else looks obvious.
> On the other hand, exposing the existing read-only dict proxy as a built-in type sounds good to me. (It would need to be changed to allow calling the constructor.) GvR.

Update (2012-04-15): A new MappingProxyType type was added to the types module of Python 3.3.
Ok. update, __setitem__, clear, and pop are a good place to start.
this might be built-in-ish enough, dunno if it's applicable (see also pep above)
@Kevin Why not 'popitem', 'setdefault' , '__setattr__'?
For the first two, because I didn't read that far through the method list. For __setattr__, doesn't it already raise an AttributeError for pretty much everything?
@AndrasDeak Looks good and could be used. But it is introduced in Python 3. My version of code is compatible for both Python 2 and 3
I don't think my_dict.insert_attribute_name_here = whatever will successfully execute, regardless of what you fill in the blanks with. Nothing obvious comes to mind at least
Ok, so it's update, __setitem__, clear, pop, popitem, and setdefault... Is it obvious yet why I think you can't make a bulletproof immutable object this way? Three days from now I'm going to wake up in a cold sweat, shouting "there's a seventh mutating method that I forgot about!"
:| Let's start from here. I will be waiting for 3 days to upload the new code to PyPI. In case you come up with something new ;)
Ok, so just those seven methods and we should be good... Maybe.
Just to be on safer side, I will also override __delattr__ and __setattr__
If you like.
Isn't there any in-built exception as NotAllowedException? To be used in these cases
@MoinuddinQuadri NotImplemented
NotImplemented means method is not implemented. It is not humanly code (inspired from kenneith - requests for human). As it gives the idea you may implement the method
Cabbage, all.
I think I should go with custom exception MethodNotAllowed
\o cbg DSM how was your holiday
Christmas was very good, although it's really not over for another week (12 days, and all that). And I don't have to be in the office until next Tuesday.
value... nice, enjoy the tiem off
is marcus around? I wanted to comment on how interesting his day 22 part 2 solution was ...
@MoinuddinQuadri If you like. frozenset raises AttributeError for forbidden methods, IIRC.
AttributeError makes sense. As for this class, these methods do not exist
BTW tested the prototype of FrozenDict and it works as expected.
Also, a set is basically a dict with keys but no values, so your frozendict should parallel frozenset
True. Nice point
@MooingRawr ?
I guess by parallel behavior you were talking in terms of raised exceptions? OR, is there anything else in your mind that is also needed to be taken care of? @PM2Ring
yeah... i didnt think of using A* for it nor did i think of treating the nodes that can't be moved as walls... now i realized how perfect that fits the question
but i dont wanna use A* for part 2 of day 22
@MoinuddinQuadri Just the exceptions. There might be other stuff too. But nothing comes to mind. :)
Rhubarb for @PM2Ring!
rhubarb @PM2Ring
rhubarb PM \o
@MooingRawr You actually don't need A* for part 2 at all -- it can be done by hand
if you print the grid you'll see why
i see, will give it a try during lunch thanks
in other news, for breakfast i had eggs + toast, and while I was reading stuff I was mindlessly eating away at the toast
now i just have eggs
the real question is, how the eggs are cooked....
make more toast
typo (mcve? but probably typo) stackoverflow.com/q/41366688/344286
cbg snakes
how's the week going
\o how goes it joe ;3
did u get to spend enough time with the family ?
yup had a nice 4 day weekend, went to be a carrier while my sisters and my mother went ham on shopping for boxing day >.> that was the lowest point for my holiday so i guess it went pretty well...
I bought a new videocard. So I'm happy
i remember u were looking at a 1060 or 1050
hold on
I got it when it was in stock. So I got it for the more normal price :P

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