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I am confused, my output is correct, but isn't passing unit tests..
@SimeonAleksov a) your tests are wrong, or b) your actual input is a special case which works
consider writing it as a non-oneliner
It is not a one liner :D
no way
That was only a homework.. :D
6 hours later…
cbg o/
Post-holiday-can't-sleep cbg
drive-brother-to-the-airport-and-go-directly-to-work cbg :D
4_hour_sleep cbg
why is None with uppercase?
I think all built in constants from Python are uppercase?
But I think that is not the answer you are searching for. :D
you are right
which is better to pcall python into shell script
or shell script to python
right now i am working with automation tasks
nokia is coming
omg martijn has 21 hats already
+ ninja hat
I have one hat that martijn doesn't have
which one
my new one, when it switches in chat
the woman one?
<-this one
visited 1638 days, 323 consecutive
323 goddamn
@khajvah I suppose None, True, and False _should be all upper-case, since they're constants, but that would look ugly, IMHO. You may find this article interesting: The story of None, True and False (and an explanation of literals, keywords and builtins thrown in)
they could be lowercase now too, for being keywords :P
Assignment to None was disallowed in 2.4, but not to True/False until python3. Was there a reason None was originally built as a variable rather than a literal?
I just got the Like Clockwork hat, too. FWIW, it's from the Kubrick film A Clockwork Orange.
@AnttiHaapala now?
guys can i seek help
which is better to pcall python into shell script
or shell script to python
right now i am working with automation tasks
@TheExorcist neither.
don't write shell scripts at all.
you have python
well its needed
everytime you can run os.process
but not evertime for everything
you don't use os, you use the subprocess module
@AnttiHaapala shell>python because Python doesn't have JIT
it's slow
and not webscale
oh and shell has, where?!
shell is slower.
I am kidding, just reciting node.js developers
@TheExorcist there are not many shell tools that would be faster than writing stuff in proper python
if you handle big text files say, or do recursive file searches and so on, perhaps then, but usually no
I do write shellscripts when I know they don't need to be fast and I know that they will be easier to write than the corresponding python code
hmm .. python >shell
this work flow i follow
but suppose we want to read argument in shell pass to python then i need to reverse the flow shell>>python >>shell like this
i thnk os .system is also working
for shell commands..
@TheExorcist os.system is ok if you literally just want to run an executable or shell script. But it's very primitive: all it gives you back is the return code, you don't have any access to the executable's stdin, stdout, or stderr. So in general you should use subprocess (or the related facilities provided by asyncio).
hmmm... but in long term process is becomming slothy
slothy is good
which is better to read argument
from shell or python
because thinkingto use switch case thing
@TheExorcist Python. The Bash shell has fairly simple positional arguments. As your question implies, it's common to parse them using getopts and switch / case. Python has a getopt module, which is mostly for the benefit of programmers who are already familiar with C or Bash getopts. But it also provides a very powerful argparse module.
can i automate ssh password login thing
so that we dont have to throw passoword while logging to server
not using rsa thing
that is dangerous
infact very dangerous..
using fingerprint is good what if somebody cut your that finger use it everywhere
for login and else purpse
how is it dangerous?
@TheExorcist I think there's fail-safes so that severed body parts can't be used to login
Also, if you're in danger of having your thumb cut for fb access purposes, you're dating wrong
hahah ... but savage people can do it ,infact they do it.
they steal rsa encrypt
@TheExorcist source?
and do the christmas celebration realseaing the message hallelujah
last time one of my friend did for staeling company log files
he copied rsa files and its path
@TheExorcist ...
that's not RSA's fault
i am thinking for more strong vault.
@TheExorcist he was logged in already why not just copy logs files right away
i dont know might be he want to mes with /sur/lib or something else
If you already have access to the private key, that's like already having the password with the login/pass analogy
still after pem file we need to throw password
while ssh
that thing i wanna automate it
In saner news, my parents are crashing with me until I finish fixing up their home
Remember when my roof, my rules mom and dad ? How the tide have turned, eh
sounds like win-win :P
housing the parents while you fix their home:D
Haha !
good luck, dude
Thanks Andras [ : And you're right, I believe they're milking this whole parenting thing
@TheExorcist Please take a little more care with your posts in this room. Almost all of your posts here contain spelling and / or grammar errors. :( Everyone makes the occasional typo, but we generally try to edit those when we notice them in time (you can quickly edit recent posts by hitting the up arrow on your keyboard).
sure ...
Thank you.
do spelling is important for people like us.
Note that if PM is the one telling you this, you're really doing it wrong. And you better get your act together before davidism starts telling you the same thing:P
I think from now; mine English is going to be better.
Almost starred
@TheExorcist We're a little more casual here than on the main site, but we still like the posts here to be well-formed. Remember, everything you post here is archived forever... If your writing is sloppy, it gives people the impression that your coding habits are also sloppy. That's not necessarily true, but it often is. If you're always fussy about writing correctly you're less likely to make stupid typos and syntax errors while coding.
in django, I have a model that has a nested list of objects of another model. I want to change that list to be computed and not be connected using a FK to a table in the database. should I use computed_property in the mode, or use the serializer to add the computed field?
that list is pretty complex and requires other calls to the database, so my git feeling is telling me it belongs in the serializer
@PM2Ring Ok in detail this happens with my brain thought process is much much higher than writing , if I follow the proper writing protocol i forget the thread of thought ,might be this can sound strange but this happens with me.If its common, I will be happy to hear, in real scenario among my peers,friends none has experience like this.
@Mosho how else can you "connect" those tables?
@TheExorcist the 2-minute window for editing is more than enough
also, do you have ManyToMany field for the list of objects?
@AndrasDeak Nope. Remember my brainfart a few days ago?
@khajvah well you have slothy thought processes:P
slow and smelly
SO is racist
they should give 5 minutes to sloths
@khajvah no, just OneToMany
@Mosho how do you have list of objects then?
that's the many
ok, I see
it's a client with a list of assets
each client has assets and they are mapped only to that client
but each asset has a list of holdings and I want to lose the assets table and calculate them from the holdings
So you don't need the assets table other than that computation
and make the relation between client and holdings only
right, I'm going to drop it
but I still need the aggregation the current model gives me
where a client has assets and each of those has holdings
what if you need the specific assets in future? not gonna happen?
@TheExorcist I get what you're saying, and I sympathise. I have studied a few other languages, but I'm only fluent in English. I would certainly have difficulties trying to have a technical conversation in another language. So we do make allowances for people whose mother tongue isn't English; OTOH, we also strongly encourage such people to improve their English.
@khajvah they are entirely computable from the holdings
therefore redundant
yeah I don't think you should keep them in a field
perhaps, but it's a spec I was given
as to not break current frontend etc.
it comes down to read/write ratio. If it's changed rarely, you can keep it in a field and update every time the user changes his holdings
in that case, you would save some CPU time
when you say "field" what do you mean?
@PM2Ring I think by next year you will be tracing me in betterment of English so that I could apply to harvard.Thanks!
@Mosho total_assets field in the client table
you mean keep the assets table?
no, you already decided to get rid of it
so what would total_assets contain
I am answering you question about keeping the toal in the table vs computing it every time when serializing
I'm confused because you said "update every time..."
if it's computed, there wouldn't be any updating, right?
@Mosho if you keep the total in the client field, you will have to update that field every time the client changes holdings
yeah that would be computed as well
does it take considerable amount of time to compute?
or it's just simple arithmetics
yeah mostly summing up
and grouping
maybe you shouldn't get rid of assets table :D
there are other reasons to do that
and it's not my call anyway :X
So the choice is simpler. I you do it in model, it will be kept in the database, if you do it in serializer, it won't
but I can also do it with @computed_property
in the model
that way it wouldn't be saved in the db
@Mosho I can't find docs on that
Is anyone here PSF Managing/Contributing Member? If not, you may enroll here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/…
PSF > Python Software Foundation
I just enrolled. Willing to know more about it. Is here any existing member how can throw some light on this?
@MoinuddinQuadri There are 7-10 people who are, in this room.
There are a few core-devs too.
Cabbage all \o
@BhargavRao: cbg. Are you the part of PSF?
Then you should be :)
Hah, Sure :D
Though it's not a mandate, but I think it will great to be serve the community. All they expect is minimum 5 hours / month from us ;)
I'm not that well versed in python. All that I've learned is from Stack Overflow.
Even I was mostly involved with SO from last 3-4 months. From a week I am having a fever to contribute more to the community :P I guess being a contributing member of PSF is a good idea.
Yep, It sounds good. I'll take a look at it later and then decide. Thanks :)
Is there a way i could get a list of all installed program in windows with python ?
anybody here??
you should at least google "get a list of all installed program in windows with python"
Q: Get list of installed applications from Windows command line

ranaI once saw a guy run a command and got a list of all installed applications on his computer. How do I do this? I would like a list of my currently installed applications. I believe he used WSH somehow.

its not exact
but you call this in python environment
get your task done
how can i do two statements
i mean
how can i do this with python
os.system("Blah") ??
your answer
2 mins ago, by vaultah
you should at least google "get a list of all installed program in windows with python"
@vaultah is correct first google it .There are number of queries like this in google.
but can I use python to google it?
Let's see... The Google Custom Search API could probably do that, but you have to make an account first, and the free tier is quite rate-limited.
100 searches a day is probably sufficient for most humans unless you're a curiosity junkie
It seems there used to be an easier way to get programmatic results, but Google deprecated it. We can never return to the golden times of the past.
You could use regular old web scraping, but that violates Google's TOS so they'll probably send a self-driving tank to flatten your house
All perfectly legal since you checked the box in their EULA without reading it
you can work on scala for web scraping
i have heard functional married to oops such is characteristic of scala.
morning everyone. Everyone enjoy their Christmas?
It was entirely adequate thanks
@Kevin will the result count as "material design" then?
I have been using material design for a year and still have no clue what it is
I feel like it's way easier to just pick a color palette and do a design in sketch/photoshop
The ruins of your home will uphold the highest standards of aesthetics
A new python badge has been awarded stackoverflow.com/help/badges/51 :/
gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble
cabbage @idjaw
Hey it's that guy who rustled my jimmies this morning by posting an arguably factually inaccurate answer.
He suggested replacing lambda (a,b): with lambda a,b: which is only good advice if the original author forgot that lambda paramter lists don't need parentheses, and not if the original author was intentionally using parameter tuple unpacking and didn't expect someone to try their code in 3.x where that feature no longer exists
I'm 75% sure that the latter was the case for the question in question.
oh, it's winterbash time again
Updating list within a method exhibits some curious behavior. I don't think even my suggestion about mixed indentation could cause that function to return an empty dict. If only we had an MCVE...
re-cbg I've been busy working on that Mersenne primes code golf thing that heather was doing the other day. codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/104768/46655 I realised I couldn't make a shorter code than the existing Python winners, so instead I made one that can handle huge numbers in a reasonable time frame.
@BhargavRao DeepSpace has been busy lately. But I agree that their comments and answers can often do with some improvement...
I've only had the one beef with him, so far. Maybe I've just forgotten the rest.
I don't have the energy to maintain a feud with someone else so I tend to just repress any slights made against me
@PM2Ring Yeah, I've seen that they're learning too.
@PM2Ring it's a small improvement, but you can omit the space in while -
@vaultah Oh yeah. Thanks!
Morning should-still-be-asleep cabbage for all!
cbg DSM
So I solved the last AoC problem by reverse-engineering the asm code and figuring out what it outputs for arbitrary inputs, and somehow I feel that I was not supposed to do that.
Why not? If anything that's more clever than needed.
I could modify my asm interpreter to detect cycles in the pc+registers state, but it seems vaguely sacrilegious to try to solve the Halting Problem for a silly coding challenge.
Morning, DSM. I managed to golf Lucas-Lehmer down to 82 bytes. :)
Something I've been wondering: is assembunny actually Turing Complete going by the official definition? If the registers are bigints, then you can hold a representation of the infinite tape using one register, but it's not clear to me that you can fully manipulate it with only three remaining registers.
@PM: Not bad! I think you can shave another character in your while: (c)*n has the same bool value as c and n.
@DSM Of course! But I better test it first...
Perhaps you could do something clever with tgl to store information in the instructions themselves.
add representing one, and jnz representing zero... Something like that.
@DSM Updated. Now down to 79 bytes.
Are you sure about that reduction?
Interpreting the previous message to mean you and PM are cooking something together and you're questioning the quality of his sauce-thickening technique.
That question's non-rhetorical, by the way -- I put the parentheses in because I was too lazy to think through anything at this time of the morning.
@Kevin: wait, "reduction" means to thicken a sauce?! Given how often cooking gets discussed in here it's clear how little I know.
It's a little passive-aggressive to use chat to voice your concern when you're both in the same kitchen. Also your keyboard is going to get sticky or floury or both.
@DSM Yes, Wikipedia tells me that it "reduces" the fluid by evaporating out the bits with the lowest boiling point. So it's basically the opposite of dilution.
@Kevin The bit about lowest boiling point is actually interesting to know
@DSM Well, it appears to work on my test code. And that's good enough for me. :)
I do like it when I learn something chemistry-related about cooking. "Here's what happens to long protein strings under varying temperatures" is interesting; "adding egg to the mixture makes it hold together better" is not.
I'll bet good money there's a "the science of cooking" book which is nothing but chemistry.
FWIW, I tested it first with parentheses, but then I decided to see what happened when I removed them. Frankly, I was a little surprised that it worked without them. :)
Chemist Derek Lowe says "Never trust an organic chemist who can't cook".
I know it doesn't work in the general case for m and n, but I couldn't find a failing case when n < m//2, which we have.
For anyone else with a scientific interest in cooking, The Chemistry of Baking is a quick and neat read.
Again, post-coffee this should be obvious.
Finally you will discover why your cake tastes weird when you use baking soda instead of baking powder.
(spoilers: you didn't neutralize your base)
@DSM Oh yeah... I was thinking that the precedence wasn't what I was expecting to be, but it's actually doing while(-~m&m)<(1*n). So I can get rid of 2 more bytes and do while-~m&m<n. Now I'm a little worried that the loop count isn't quite what it's supposed to be, but it still gives the right answers, which is the main thing. :)
And it looks like the only feature you use about s's initialization is that it's 4 or something==0, so 4*(m!=3) should save one.
I think I recall reading that Alton Brown's cookbooks tend to have sidebars discussing what is actually happening inside your food as you prepare/cook it, although I don't know how detailed it gets.
If it doesn't contain formulas like 2 HCl + 2 Na → 2 NaCl + H2, I won't be satisfied.
Cabbage for MarcusS.
Maybe a little digression about electron orbitals, but that's hardly mandatory
"Why your souffle fails to rise, and other quantum physics problems"
You changed the outcome by observing it. Cook and eat your souffle in the dark next time.
Who was it who recommended the Synacor thing the other day? I'm halfway done and enjoying it quite a bit.
The most relevant search result for "synacor" in the transcript is:
Dec 23 at 7:28, by Marcus S
@wim @AnttiHaapala Did you guys ever try the Synacor Challenge?
So Marcus is to blame.
Hey, maybe that explains why it occurred to me immediately after he showed up? #subconscious #eidetic
I believe it.
I wasn't present for the initial conversation... Maybe I'll give it a try now.
I haven't bothered testing that the number of loops is the same, but the latest version takes roughly the same time as an earlier, more sane looking version. ANd since it gives correct results, I think we can assume that the loop counts are still correct in the latest reduction. :)
Curiously, the code seems to be noticeably faster on Python 3 than on 2.6. I guess that makes sense since Python 3 is supposed to be a bit more optimised in various things, and there's no string processing, so we don't have to worry about the slowness of Unicode handling.
Anything tech-related is improved by using green monospace text on a black background with CRT scanlines
Amber text is also acceptable if you're trying to be countercultural.
I may or may not remember using such terminals back in the [mumble mumble].
I certainly used green terminals. And the occasional amber one.
I have memories of operating such a device, but I don't know where/when/why.
I remember... the Apple II I think
Possibly it was during a trip to Papa Kevinson's friend's house, who had a variety of interesting then-contemporary tech. I know I played Myst for the first time on one of his machines.
My dad had an MS Dos computer, Olivetti
Man those days's keyboards felt good
I mentioned the other day that I got my first smart phone for Christmas. It runs Android 5.1, IIRC. It's fun, but I was annoyed to discover that it uses proportional fonts when displaying code blocks, both in here & on the main SO site.
Guys, in your opinion how hard is this question? Suppose that you can't run the code in interpreter
I have a Python interpreter on my phone but I never use it because my on-screen keyboard requires four keypresses to type a square bracket.
@PM2Ring It feels unnatural, I understand the feeling
@vaultah: FWIW I got it wrong -- I guessed the 2 answer, and didn't realize my mistake until I saw what actually happens.
@vaultah I don't know the answer, and my first reaction was "this is toeing the line of testing for knowledge of non-useful minutae/trivia". I rate its difficulty 8/10. All of the preceding is entirely subjective and you may ignore me at your leisure.
@vaultah Tricky! It's certainly not what I expected. And Python 2.6 behaves quite differently to 3.6.0a0
I'm cheating and using the REPL now. 2.7's behavior seems sensible to me, but I don't understand why 3.X is doing what it's doing.
I guessed answer D :/
Thanks for the feedback :)
@MarcusS Try print(hash(Mixin()))
Any theories, Antti?
@idjaw @DSM lol @
@PM2Ring Weird -- I wonder why it doesn't inherit
Having read the relevant portion of the docs, I see why they're doing what they're doing, but I think they're wrong to do it.
I'm upgrading the difficulty of this question to 9/10 because I still can't answer it even with docs.python.org at my fingertips
See here.
Ah, I should have looked up __hash__ instead of hash.
@idjaw @DSM O Canada + Ô Canada played to Denmark + Sweden in Junior Champs?
Unrelated, but oops, I've been doing this wrong for a long time: "A class which defines its own __hash__() that explicitly raises a TypeError would be incorrectly identified as hashable by an isinstance(obj, collections.Hashable) call"
Luckily I only suppress __hash__ like half a time per year, so the number of disasters I've inadvertently caused is limited.
@AnttiHaapala: it's a good anthem! Sorry about the Czechs..
@DSM but like... waat :D
And anyway it's the other guy's fault for being LBYL with isinstance instead of EAFP with try-catch.
isn't it enough to sing it at every Canada's game? .d
I guess this explains it: If a class that overrides __eq__() needs to retain the implementation of __hash__() from a parent class, the interpreter must be told this explicitly by setting __hash__ = <ParentClass>.__hash__.
@vaultah you should know it exactly
@Kevin no, 2.7 behaviour is not sensible at all
@vaultah 8/10
Ok, I'll bite: why?
@Kevin because hash must match the behaviour of eq
if your eq changed, then your hash is probably also wrong.
Lots of methods don't make sense if they depend on others and you only change one. What's so special about this?
you can corrupt data structures with this
silently of course
I figured it was because hashing is a lossy operation -- you can have two unequal objects hash to the same value
We're all adults here and I'll silently corrupt data structures if I really want to
No amount of steel plating on my boot can prevent me from shooting myself in the foot.
the thing here is, you always inherit both hash and eq if you don't mess with eq.
closing as a duplicate of
Q: Types that define `__eq__` are unhashable?

Ram RachumI had a strange bug when porting a feature to the Python 3.1 fork of my program. I narrowed it down to the following hypothesis: In contrast to Python 2.x, in Python 3.x if an object has a .__eq__ method it is automatically unhashable. Is this true? Here's what happens in Python 3.1: >>> clas...

Don't you inherit, well, everything? Except in this so-obscure-four-of-us-forgot-about-it exception?
How generous of you to assume that I ever knew about this behavior in the past.
post-Christmas cabbage, all
@Kevin you meant to say: "here I have happily been writing broken code for years and now Python 3 complains about it, wtf??"
In my defense, I virtually never use inheritance, so I only had the potential of writing broken code. I might have never subclassed a class with a custom hash before.
Haven't checked yet but I wonder how Java handles this
wow, this is odd, a girl that I don't remember meeting, who looks like an East-European supermodel, from my hometown, joined Facebook today, started attending 2 schools in Helsinki, yet has time to befriend me on FB? :D
@MarcusS silent
but I am pretty sure IDEs will warn
A lot of the time when I define __hash__ and __eq__, I implement them as return hash(self.make_into_tuple()) and return isinstance(other, MyClass) and self.make_into_tuple() == other.make_into_tuple() respectively
@Kevin: I use inheritance all the time, but apparently not in this particular pattern.
It's not often I define one without the other
ah these sleeper trolls are getting better, can't find the pic by reverse image search...
If I ever get catfished by a masterful Nigerian scam artist pretending to be an eastern European supermodel with the intent of liquidating all of my assets, I entrust you guys to rescue and deprogram me.
no, seriously, 2k * 1.5k photo that can't be found by reverse search, not even when mirrored horizontally...
these must be pros
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