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Is it possible to create a class within a function?
Yes, why not. But its scope will be limited to within function
I am using function where I need to make my dict hashable
I made a hashable dict class but I am not sure how to implement in my code
have you checked this: stackoverflow.com/a/1151686/2063361 ?
pass your dict object to this class, and it will return the hashable dict object
No no that's okay
I created this
However I need to use the dict in my function
I'll try to figure it out
So? In fact why you need to create a class within the function? Suppose you create a class `hashabledict ` (as mentioned in the link I shared) in the global scope. Then within your function, you may do:

> def my_function(my_dict):
> my_hashable_dict = hashabledict(my_dict)
Ah, no that wasn't my problem
It's okay
I needed to use the hashable dict when calling the function..
I'm sleepy, sorry :D
my_hashable_dict = hashabledict(my_dict)

Else I do not know what you want :P
No, no it's okay :D
I'm using lru_cache, that's why I needed to be hashable, but it's okay, I fixed it
2 hours later…
cbg and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
same to you
watching Meet the Fockers. this is funny shit!
> Write a Python 3 script, invoked without flags, that imports no modules, contains no parentheses, and prints something to stdout.
Hey, could a Python gold badger reopen this and rehammer as a dup of this?
2 hours later…
xmas cbg
Merry Christmas, everyone!
not merry
I hate AoC
I thought this was about programming a solution
okay leaderboard capped
so here was something wrong with my interpreter I guess
Christmas Cabbage to All and to All a Good HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
<3 xoxoxooxo
:D drunk yet? :D
On food
I can't move
@AnttiHaapala I noticed you unhammered this as I'd been hoping someone would, but haven't rehammered. Would you like to rehammer (with this), or would you prefer that I turn my comment into an answer?
ah forgot
you should answer it instead because product just generates the case for n digits.
All right, will do.
perhaps even using itertools chain, chaining product(repeat=n+1) for range(n)
@TigerhawkT3 need to think that the people who come from google and are not logged in will see the excerpt in google, but then be redirected directly to the dupe target
Unregistered visitors from Google are taken directly to dupe links?
Also, Happy Chanukah to everyone!
Merry happy cabbage. Cabbage - the one true holiday celebration.
@TigerhawkT3 yes
I didn't know that; I'll keep it in mind.
Q: Is there a new automatic redirect for duplicate questions?

WendiKiddI feel like this has happened to me several times today, though this is the only example I have saved a link for. Recently, when I click on a question on a site's main page that's been marked [duplicate], I seem to be getting an auto-redirect to the original question. If this is intentional, I t...

4 hours later…
@PM2Ring Look who made it to the News letter stackoverflow.com/questions/41143393/… :D
2 hours later…
bbc.com/news/world-europe-38430671 not so merry christmas in augsburg :D
2 hours later…
@BhargavRao Wow! Thanks for that info, Bhargav. I guess that explains why I'm still getting votes on that answer. :)
Merry cbg all
Season's brassications to you too, Jon.
I was looking at @alecxe's post. I thought I found a nice use case of nested f strings for code golfing, But I was wrong.
>>> a = 10
>>> f'{f"{a}":*<10}'
>>> f'{10:*<f"{a}"}'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#69>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Invalid format specifier
The second doesn't work.
Cabbage @Joncle :)
>>> a = 10
>>> f'{10:*<{f"{a}"}}'
Wow, Then I think There's a use for that.
But this is better:
>>> f'{10:*<{a}}'
>>> a, b = 10, 42
>>> f'{b:*<{a}}'
There goes the use case again :/
Pyramids are now easier print("\n".join(f'{a:{a}<{a}}' for a in range(1,10)))
>>> n=9;w=2*n+1;print("\n".join(f"{f'{c:{c}<{j}}':^{w}}" for j,c in((2*i+1,chr(97+i))for i in range(n))))
I was trying that and I screwed up somewhere.
Now add it as an answer on alecxe's post :D
Just worked out I needed to use nfc and tap my phone on prezzie to pair em... sighs
I got my first smart phone from Santa. It's an Android, so hopefully it won't take me too long to figure out how to work it. :)
First smart phone in what's a very time going to be 2017? Wow.
I still haven't got any gifts from Santa. :/
Perhaps I'm a bad kid who just likes to "destroy" users.
Hey, I only got my first mobile phone 6 months or so ago. :)
@Bhargav I have some scooby snacks? /me drops a bag at BR's feet
Aww, Thanks. I love them
I finally managed to get rid of the various off-by-one errors that inevitably arise while translating recursive pseudo-code that uses 1-based indexing :) stackoverflow.com/a/41310973/4014959
The two key points of being a programmer - off by zero errors
LOL I wasted a bit of time on that code yesterday. I was pretty close, but I fell into the trap of adding or subtracting ones by trial and error. That strategy can sometimes work, but when it doesn't... :)
Planes fall from the sky? :-P
I figure that I have enough coding experience that I can trust my intuition to make the right random choices when doing stuff like that. :) And I did have code that I knew worked correctly, so I could easily test that the new code worked properly too. OTOH, I do prefer to reason logically about my code, and I don't feel comfortable coding by trial & error... but it is tempting sometimes, when you know you've almost got a solution. :)
rbrb PM
2 hours later…
Merry Christmas, @vaultah
same thing
Merry Christmas to you too :)
Merry Christmas to you both :)
@PM2Ring :D about time then :D
I thought I was about the last one when I bought a phone in 2000
If I iterate over a sequence, how can I restart from the beginning? Specifically, I am getting a sequence from a call to map().
Can you give an example?
one sec
gist: c51faaff3d0ef3ce607268aba5d91cd7, 2016-12-25 18:16:07Z
def main():
  with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
    plaintexts = map(lambda line : cryptopals.break_xor(bytes.fromhex(line.strip())), file)
    for plain in plaintexts:
    best = min(plaintexts, key=cryptopals.distance_from_english)
The for loop is for debugging purposes but it breaks the code which calls min() because the sequence has been consumed.
map returns an iterator, not a sequence
you could convert it to list : plaintexts = list(map(...))
my bad
hmm...I'm trying to avoid storing all the data in memory at once.
I think in this case I don't have much data, but potentially I could have much more.
is it possible to reset an iterator to the beginning?
cool, thanks for the link
1 hour later…
@wim lol at your 2-line solution
@idjaw we had white christmas here... but 200 km south of Oulu they weren't that lucky:
> 200
the damn climate changes 10km away in my city
@khajvah there are no mountains, same altitude, a bit further away from the baltic sea but that's about it...
it is quite common to see snow in my neighborhood while it's raining in the city center
thanks to climate change we're not going to have white christmases any more...
print('Merry Christmas')
@AnttiHaapala it's just weather
@AnttiHaapala That and a different latitude.
@Code-Apprentice nope, the border is shifting northwards... this year we barely had white...
@Jovito that pic is from Rovaniemi
yes, there's that, too.
Just saying that 200km isn't entirely insignificant
@Jovito ~150 north of Oulu, soon they need to find another business there too :D
I had a whiter christmas this year than the past 5 years...but then I moved a few months ago.
it will be an utter disaster to the northern tourist traps of Finland.
sorry Antti, got busy with family after I pinged you:)
@AndrasDeak I really hated today's AoC...
read the problem description: "write a program that solves the halting problem on a turing-incomplete machine."
I read it as "find a number so that you get at least 5 pairs of aternating ones and zeroes" and it worked:P
anyway, my solution for yesterday was something like 670 ms for part1+2
I would have expected a program that will output 42000 times 1,0...
and then fail
@AnttiHaapala I was hoping that the reverse problem of coming up with one like that would be too difficult, so I said "fingers crossed" (like on oh so many previous days)
my first program that I ran did exactly that, the output opcode exited as soon as incorrect output happened...
but I did 3 errors and failed the star.
... or both of them
I did that and it worked great...
plaintexts = map(lambda key: xorcrypt(key, cipher), map(list, range(256)))
for x in plaintexts:
Why does my for loop give TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable?
plaintexts is a map object, not an int!
So where does the interpreter see an int object?
does the loop do it rather than the map?
what do you mean?
are you positive that the error happens in the loop?
it's also possible that the map doesn't realize there's a problem until it gets iterated over in the loop
can you map a map without turning the latter into a list?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/l/devel/src/crypto/s1c3.py", line 12, in testCase
self.assertEqual(expected, cryptopals.break_xor(cipher))
File "/home/l/devel/src/crypto/cryptopals.py", line 70, in break_xor
for x in plaintexts:
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
try doing the maps into proper loops
If I read that correctly, it says the error occurs on the for loop.
btw map(list,range())... is just list(range(...), is it not?
no, map() returns an iterator, not a list.
err...in py3 at least
and can't you map on a range?
use iter(range)?
I'm trying to make singleton lists out of each element in the range
you mean range -> [[0],[1],[2],[3],...]?
Are there any utilities/objects/functions you think should be part of Python and would be helpful?
I am working on a utility library, need inputs :)
yes, that's what I need
list(map(list, range(5)))
list(map(list, range()) should make a list of lists
I tried that. Similar error.
that's the probelm
(I forgot to paste the error:P)
oic...making the noob mistake of doing too much in a single line of code.
I should follow my own advice and break it up.
([k] for k in range(256)) btw
keys = [[x] for x in range(256)]
oh...a generator comprehension instead of a list comprehension
generator expression, but yeah
yah, that
btw Guido hates map
but why isn't map(list, range(5)) the same thing?
@AndrasDeak yah, I read that somewhere
keys = map(lambda x : [x], range(256))
This seems to work...
oh...I'm sending an int to list.__init__() which doesn't do what I was originally thinking.
still it's strange that the result is an int object, not a list object
What's strange in this as per you?
map(lambda x : [x], range(256)) is logically equivalent to [[x] for x in range(256)]
and try list(2)
But not equivalent to map(list, range(256))
list() type casts the object to list type, but do not encapsulates the value within list
oic! that's the int object which isn't iterable
list.__init__() requires an iterable
hah! just had to dig deeper
I'm too much of a python noob to have anything constructive to suggest.
same here, I don't actually use python professionally
Number one on my list is: to make multiple asynchronous call returning the value of function in the order it is called. It is something I wanted from a long time
I don't know much about what python already has
my needs are along numpy and scipy, I rarely need fancy stuff from vanilla python
but thanks for asking:)
Oops. No problem. I am stuck thinking of the possibilities :P
@MoinuddinQuadri doesn't that inherently conflict with the concept of async?
One call needs to wait for the previous one before any further processing can happen. Isn't that so?
If I prepend a string literal with b is it a bytes object?
more generally, how do I test the type of an object?
in py3, yes (just check type() if in doubt...)
@Code-Apprentice ^
but that's fairly easy to google, you know
yah, I'm being lazy =p
yah, don't:P
Requests will work asynchronous. Idea is to have a async_call() function which accepts list of functions to call asynchronously. This function will have flag as subprocess=True/False.
subprocess=True means it will give back the control to main thread and you may check the status of subprocess and when succeeds will get the response of all the functions as list in a ordered way.
if subprocess=False, will wait for all the aync_tasks to complete and will return the list of ordered response
All the functions passed as parameter to this functions will make asynchronous calls
sounds fun
BTW if anyone is interested in contributing, repo is available here: github.com/moin18/utilspie :P
I am learning dynamic programming and everywhere I read it says DP is used in optimisation problems . But the basic example mostly given is calculating nth fibonnaci number . What are we optimising here ? We do not have to find min/max of something its just addition of previous 2 numbers.
fibonacci is hello world level 2
and I guess it's not "used in optimization problems". Maybe "mostly used", which I can't verify or deny because I don't know dynamic programming
@AndrasDeak: Don't say that. Marcus taught you the Dynamic Programming the other day. You are lying this time :P
oh, my bad:P
@johnsmith yes, DP is primarily used for optimization. However, it can be used for any problem where the solution can be calculated with a recurrence relation.
many optimization problems satisfy that criteria
@Code-Apprentice are you a native English-speaker?
why do you ask?
then *criterion :P
I try not to grammar-nazi non-native speakers:D
I speak American
we make our own rules
haha.. Cute comment try not to grammar-nazi non-native speakers :P
@Code-Apprentice mistakes made corresponding to words that originate from other languages are one of my pet peeves
"grammar-nazi" isn't even a verb =p
by that I mostly mean stuff like "matrixes", "vertexes"
don't all words originate from another language?
@Code-Apprentice I just verbed it
@Code-Apprentice loan words, then? Whatever they're called:P
mostly latin
keep discussing.. My eyes are open.. and I already started enjoying this discussion ;)
I didn't want to exclude examples such as plateaux
@AndrasDeak which is basically half of English vocabulary...the other half being of Greek origin.
@Code-Apprentice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
all the fewer excuses to say it wrong:P
so my friend told me he wrote a simple program to decrypt a message using a shift cipher. So I texted him an encrypted message. He replied, but it doesn't appear to be a simple shift. At least, not every character uses the same key.
I'm guessing a key of length longer than 1 char.
he left spaces and punctuation, so I figured out all but one word manually
maybe it's Vigenère
didn't get far enough yet to analyze other cryptosystems. Got side tracked by a conversation about grammar nazis.
grammar nazis, ciphers...it's all WW2
talking about WW2, Cryptonomicon is very good.
need to make some time today to read more
@AndrasDeak been a while since I looked at that one. That is basically what I was thinking, just in different terms. And his key isn't a word.
What is the list comprehension equivalent to map(func, xs, ys)?
res = [f(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]
hmm...that doesn't really seem better to me.
you are just switching map for zip
Is zip not on the list of controversial functions like map, filter and reduce?
I guess not. From a Haskell perspective, map and zip have equivalent standing.
I don't know what you're talking about.
maybe "controversial" isn't the right word. I just remember reading about the creator of Python wanting to remove map, filter, and reduce. I mentally put zip in with that bunch since I learned of these tools in Haskell where they are all equally useful.

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