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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

bots never lie
unless they are programmed to lie
they are quite like the hips of Shakira
and programmed to tell you that they are not lying
@idjaw all the people nowadays....
Welcome to Lie-Bot 3000, where every sentence is guaranteed to have at least three lies in it!
including the sentence that was just outputted
and that one
Lie-Bot 3000: I don't do meta-commentary, you must be mistaken!
more laughter
plot twist: it's a Lie-Bot
gotta go do Real Life, I hope tomorrow's AoC is short otherwise I'll be in trouble:P
good night
rbrb @AndrasDeak
1 hour later…
Hey, quick question. I bumped into this unexpected error and I'm not sure how to resolve it while maintaining the same mutability. When I remove global, the error is as expected; that python couldn't find a local variable of that name. Documentation and examples seem to indicate I've used global correctly. Perhaps a better solution would be passing a state object which contains a?
@Aaron3468 a is nonlocal, not global.
@davidism Ah, thank you! That distinction seems an unintuitive one, but I was sure I was missing something. Also, apparently it's time for me to use python 3 as my default rather than a backup
1 hour later…
I have a question for you guys. I'm a Senior Network Engineer that know basic Python. I also get a lot company interest in me because I have Python on my resume, but when I go to into an interview, I always failed in the python interview.
What would be a good python book to get me to the next level? Things that I need to learn are there: Anything with Network, Threading, How to analyze data that I collect from either logs or stat.
For example; What is the best way to ping 3000k devices(threading) and print/save all devices down and up.
For starters, take Python off your resume.
David Beazley's python essential reference is good
How does Python currently play a role in your current position?
What do you use Python for right now?
Do you know other languages?
I use python to automate some tasks like templating the network devices config. Testing connectivity between location. I disagree about taking it out of my resume because I do work using python.
@wim I already started reading it. Thanks
I don't know what switches you deal with, but I assume that in templating, are you pretty much crafting rpc calls?
depending on the switch model you are using
or you have a standard "set" of switch commands that you have templated, and then you connect to the device and issue those commands?
Granted if you take Python off your resume but use it for some, basic, networking tasks - this is something you should mention in a networking admin or engineer interview. If you do not know Python well enough to do full development you should not have it in a resume for those type of positions (or be interviewing for them). Even if your hired it won't likely last long and too many "6 month jobs" is not a good sign in the hiring market
It also depends how you say you know Python
also cbg all
cbg @JGreenwell
long time no see
yeah, the last row, arguement, dust-up, whatever you want to call it with a new moderator just made me think - it was time for a break.
@JGreenwell I always mention that and I explain the project that I have done.
@JGreenwell :( didn't know that happened. That sucks
I never apply for a job, I get recruiters from companies calling me. You don't see a lot of senior network engineer with any python experience.
I understand where you are coming from.
We craft a lot of solutions for our network team
What I have in my resume is all about my career and in the bottom I have I use Python for automating some of my task
Which is what I do.
@idjaw not to me directly just situation was very insulting and made me go time for a break
well. I'm glad you're back!
most network engineers I know use Python - though this is not a very significant sample :)
I worked for Three Major financial company
Only two Engineer out of 75 engineers knew python. It is not the norm.
if you don't mind my asking. What types of questions in your interviews were asked that revolved around Python
aside from that threading one
I was show an output of interfaces stat and I needed to show the top talker. Which I did, but I just feel like I didnt do it the right way.
That was an interview with Google
Which I pass the network part interview.
But I think I failed the coding.
The string was something like this:
interfaces_stat = '''
#host, port, input bps, output bps
switch01, et0/1, 567555675, 8789987897
switch01, et0/2, 4555675, 7889987897
switch01, et0/3, 767555675, 2489987897
so was the test to determine if you could find the top network resource hog yourself (using something like socket I would assume) or if you could perform statistical and heuristic operations to determine the top hog given a string of information?
if the input was given exactly as provided, I think it was an exercise on how to best manipulate data to get what you want
@idjaw nice to see ya too, btw. :)
highest talker I assume is to determine which interface has the highest output?
To perform statical analysis of that string.
Yes, output
Hey, @JGreenwell!
Given that question I'd have given full points for something morally equivalent to
>>> max(csv.DictReader(io.StringIO(interfaces_stat.strip()), skipinitialspace=True),key=lambda x : int(x["output bps"]))
{'output bps': '8789987897', '#host': 'switch01', 'input bps': '567555675', 'port': 'et0/1'}
well, that's a horse of a different color - how much statistical analysis do you want to learn? Start with Euler Project either way for practice
Modulo whatever details I might be misunderstanding. But you've got a near-csv incorporated in a string.
bonus points if you can do the math without Python on the early questions (like to 50 I would say)
People always recommend Euler, but I dunno.. it feels like there should be a less-mathy place to send people, one with more data manipulation and less theorem recall..
I agree
hey, @DSM I was just talking about something you said yesterday (full discloser: I still am not entirely sure what you were saying but it gave the person I was talking to a full blown headache)
@MarcusS :)
When I've been interviewing Python candidates lately, my first question is just "count the unique names in this string", and watching how people solve -- or fail to solve -- that one question gives me most of what I need to know.
@DSM that would be an answer that I think they would like. Mine was like a mess of for loops.
that count?
When I recall my earlier interviews when I thought knew Python...I realize why things didn't work out
@DSM I also agree - have you found such a place? (mostly I just point to YouTube Python talks for that but it is not ideal)
@MarcusS: there are some commas strewn about, and the question is deliberately ambiguous about "subname" vs. full name to see if they catch the problem. But a variant of that would fly.
You'd be astonished how many people who claim they've been programming in Python for a while can't manage it.
Yeah, would have to see the structure of the names in the string
I used to think that speed interviews were silly, but in the last dozen interviews I've given I've only significantly changed my views after the first fifteen minutes once.
What might be another question?
yeah, as if it is a small string I think I would just use a set based solution but larger the dataset gets the more one would need Counter or other tools (or to start optimizing the set solution which I haven't had to do in years)
@DSM I would probably ask what you mean by names. Are you simply looking for unique "words" in a string? i.e. omit certain characters, like punctuation? If so, I would probably simply do a counter and just grab all counts that are 1 and get the length of that
(this is the part where DSM is going to tell me I don't have the job)
well, you do get points for being Canadian
I always get points for being Canadian
The Great North is Great
@MarcusS: don't want to give too much away in public :-), but the standard is-any-permutation-a-palindrome; certain mstermnd-based games; returning the longest contiguous groups; etc. I also give an a remove_duplicates function which I'm proud of -- it looks perfectly reasonable and works just fine, but can show O(n^3) behaviour in some cases -- and ask them to optimize it. If the candidate has pandas experience, there's a separate [number-y data source] I ask them to work with.
Disclaimer, you have to also know where each person is coming from. Data Science Man (DSM) deals with a lot of......data 😛 so his questions cater around a lot of that
and in that, the solutions have to be fast.
well...all solutions should be fast 😛
@idjaw: those are perfectly reasonable questions. Usually I say "well, let's do full names first", and all the names I give have commas in them. 75% of the time they try to count commas, and then I add "Sting". Once a guy said "okay, I'll check that all names have length > 1", so I added "Q"..
@DSM Yeah. So, I would half expect a back and forth where my questions would allow for adding a twist, or a clarification for the sake of simplifying
I see your approach
Yep. I explain to them right up front that it's not a quiz. They can ask me anything they like and I'll answer.
"bill s preston esquire"
would you consider that a name?
(bonus points if you know what that's from :P)
Indeed I do. :-)
(dating myself again)
This is my aircode attempt at the permutation question, untested -- how I would answer on the spot:
from collections import Counter

def is_any_perm_a_palindrome(input_string):
    C = Counter(input_string)
    count_one_seen = False
    for key in C:
        if C[key] == 1:
            if count_one_seen:
                return False
            count_one_seen = True
        elif C[key] % 2 != 0:
            return False
    return True
hmm it could also come up as bill s preston esq.
officially would there be a '.' after the 'S' as well?
Bill S. Preston ESQ.
so many options
Let's all apply at NumberFirm just to get DSM'd and see how we do
I already spotted an issue
aaaand that is why I am not good at these (change first part to % 2 == 1, remove the elif)
@idjaw that is actually a really good point as I've had Undergrads who write a huge solution (huge here referencing memory and processing impact) loading pandas, scikit or NLTK to do frequency analysis when I just asked them to make a bubble chart of unique word counts. Not that this is bad, but many cannot explain why they did it that way (like to allow for scalability or something) as they are just programming from route memorization not actually looking at what I asked for.
@MarcusS: bugs like that show up during the process, though, because there's a test suite which the code has to pass. So pretty much everybody makes a think-o the first time, and then they go "oh, yeah, need to fix that", and that's just fine.
def isPalindrom(foo):
    return sum(i % 2 == 1 for i in Counter(foo).values()) <= 1
@JGreenwell Right! See. In our interview process, we are not married to one language. Granted, on my team in particular we are Python dominant. But, we are flexible with jumping to different things. Other teams jump between Python, PHP, JavaScript. So, when we interview candidates, we interview them for their engineering/development capabilities. How do they solve problems as a developer. Can we work with them. Depending on the team they are interviewing for, they get a tech-test catering to that
alternatively str_n == str_n[::-1] (although strings are slow)
To be fair, I actually think I got that from DSM a while ago and just used it in so many interviews that I have it memorized
@MarcusS: we want to see if any permutation is a palindrome, though. JG's code will test that.
(Poorly named function, I admit..)
Oh, I only saw the function name and assumed he was checking for palindromic status
argh! cannot remove typo
let it burn in your mind for eternity
the one that got away :P
I stole a question from davidism too, although I haven't had the chance to use it yet.
A couple people at work want to adapt AoC problems now that I've got them hooked.
Me too. The tricky ones will take too long, but some of the easier ones combine a lot of good stuff (string parsing, algorithms, etc.)
I guess what bugs me is that in practice, you rarely get to test what you write at a computer
@MarcusS: eh?
@davidism oh! adapt for interviews?
>>> isPalindrom('abab')
@idjaw yeah
As in, you have to code the thing out on a whiteboard, or on paper -- as opposed to just writing the thing and testing it / getting it to work / etc.
We use a laptop with a bunch of different editors, hooked up to a montior so we can see what you're doing.
^^ we do something similar
I actually used my own laptop when I interviewed and I was using Sublime Text at the time
While in the past I've asked whiteboard questions, these days I tell candidates to bring their laptop. We go over the questions, I show them the test suite, and tell them to code until python whatever.py passes.
They only started doing that because I told them that whiteboards were so last century.
@DSM We do exactly that. Each branch is a more difficult bug
that's awesome :)
My problem with just doing whiteboards is that if you write amazing code on the whiteboard you'll probably be good in front of a terminal. But lots of people who are great when they have feedback blank in front of a whiteboard, and in our actual projects, they get feedback. So it culls too many viable candidates.
Right now the questions I use are "write this code", but I want to create some optimize and debug problems too.
@DSM I consider myself part of that category
If I can actually code/test as I go I feel like I can get most things to do what I need -- but aircoding is killer
I haven't heard that one before
sense8 christmas special is available on netflix
typically when I got whiteboard problems they were math based and just to check that I actually knew the math I claimed to know (which seemed to be a problem, people claiming to know way more math and analysis techniques then they actually did, around here)
Do math-based questions really get asked anymore? Or is it mostly syntax / algorithmic?
On the first pass I never ask anything stronger than factorial or mod. When we have a data candidate I get to crack my knuckles and have some fun.
depends on the field (like a job involving hydraulic system <- last one that did that to me)
@DSM Any examples?
I was asked to code a factorial function at an interview. That was a few years ago, though.
@DSM mod? without %?
with or without integer division operator?
Hard to come up with some offhand that don't give away what NumberFirm does, not that it's rocket science to deduce. :-) But we have some teams who care very much about optimization of certain functions of time series where a lot of work is done to model said series as quasirandom processes.
@Code-Apprentice: oh, I just meant that I'd like the candidates to know what it means to take the mod. Nothing beyond fizzbuzz level.
oh...I thought you meant like writing a mod function
the whiteboard question was based on calculating limits of integration (which is massively import when it comes to flow modeling). I got the question right but further interviews showed that it was way out of my level of expertise (this was 3 years ago but still would be in an area of mathematics that I don't use enough to be that comfortable with it)
was really fun writing the code to answer their questions though so not a total loss :)
@JGreenwell Was that earlier isPalindrom() function a serious attempt at it? I might have missed the context as I scanned the transcript.
@Code-Apprentice not really, I don't even have my Linux box open to check it - was just my first thought
It returns true for 'abab'
abba is a permutation that is a palindrome, etc
since you are only counting and not checking the order
This is why we should name functions well. Too confusing otherwise. :-)
...it should
oh...so it was for the permutation variation, not just strictly checking for a palindrome.
24 mins ago, by JGreenwell
argh! cannot remove typo
does it return true for 'abbba'?
yah, I missed that.
I understand now, though ;-)
@Code-Apprentice: yes, because there's only 1 letter with an odd count, so you can put the extra one in the middle.
oh...I get it
had to go back and look at the code. Mostly I was confused by the name...but that's cleared up now.
hangs head in shame - I swear I name my functions properly in my real code ;)
no worries. That's what I get for jumping into a conversation just as I log in.
and again
I don't get what I am doing wrong
except ofc.
Me neither, the test case works but I'm too low on the real problem, which means I must be walking through walls or something. :-/
that's still better than my too high
lost time not realizing the starting point was always 0 (I assumed you could start anywhere)
.. and now, in trying to fix whatever problem was making me too low, I'm too high even on the test case. #goingbackwards
same answer?!
I get correct answer on the test case, incorrect on the actual. I thought "ok maybe some shortest route we visit some other nodes"
but it didn't help
u beat me again marcus
Now I'm finding even shorter paths. I think it's time to sleep and spot my bug in the morning. :-)
BFS for the hattrick
freaking slam dunk, didn't even write a single bug
so why don't I get a fscking solution :D
I literally used the same worker code as day 13 without a tweak
I am using it, not helping much
Yep, okay, every path I find goes through a wall. Time to give up -- my jealousy of those of you who succeeded will keep me warm. ;-)
Evening rhubarb for all!
why oh why am I too high
are you allowing yourself to revisit old spots?
i removed that condition just in case there was some backtracking needed
if not, may be possible that it's forcing you to go the long way around
@AnttiHaapala hehe...out of context reading...that's funny
@idjaw intended
Just made python 3.6 the default build system on sublimetext :) woop woop
@AnttiHaapala I was afk just now -- whatever you wrote earlier I didn't see
too slepey
AAARGH after about thirty seconds away from the room I realized my problem. This is why I should never be allowed to write code. :-(
1) Dec 24 00:05:46 (anonymous user #31397)
yeah right
zomg h4><
starred for comic value:
16 mins ago, by Antti Haapala
why oh why am I too high
blazed Antti !!
Oh great, another pathfinding puzzle.
Rhubarb for now, I'll solve it in the morning.
@MarcusS: I don't understand your deleted argument from above, regarding pbzovavat fhocnguf.
@davidism's "Rhubarb for now, I'll solve it in the morning" reminds me of the Dread Pirate Roberts' "Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." But then most [something]-in-the-morning expressions do..
:-) Okay. And now that I can sleep the sleep of the guy who found his own bug, I really will. Rhubarb for all!
@AnttiHaapala how do you get the superman hat
lol a bug in my a*
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'count'
I don't get it, now I get too low...
though I visited all nodes...
this is wim's code
ah nvm
argh nvm
I am way too sleepy
stupid me...
yes, of course
that much is obvious from the test case shown
oh, I misunderstood what you meant by local optima
or then I did something wrong...
were you using a heuristic or something
it just complicates matters, once again you don't need pruning
what I mean is that the shortest length for 01234567 isn't the path that is shortest for 01, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67
that would be too easy
it would just be like ... loop day 13 puzzle 7 times
0 and 1 might be on completely opposite sides of the maze
buhuhu my original approach was correct but I blew it somehow!!!!
shit I'd have made it in 25 minutes
accepted answer on +0 / -16 .. LOL
there was nothing wrong with my approach...
bug was in my Node all the time :D
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return (self.heuristic, self.distance) < (other.heuristic, other.distance)
should have been
so what was the bug ? I don't understand
def __lt__(self, other):
    return (self.heuristic + self.distance) < (other.heuristic + other.distance)
so the bug was in my astar impl for 10 days.
so it was doing a lexicographic comparison?
but somehow it didn't matter before :D
26 mins ago, by wim
were you using a heuristic or something
so I got 530 at about 25 minutes after...
26 mins ago, by wim
it just complicates matters, once again you don't need pruning
and when I replace , with +, I get my correct answer...
with that code...
@wim it is not the heuristc that is wrong, the astar was wrong :D
ah not that one
shrugs I mean that stuff is adding needless complexity here
@wim nah!
just searching blindly finishes in under a second
my original code was very simple
i just wrote it once, then ran, when it didn't throw it gave 530 which was due to the wrong ordering there...
ah sorry, 0.30 secs because it searches the paths twice
did u get on global board?
I reckon the guys on top might be cheating, nobody can do that in 5 mins ...
as I said it took 2 hours to find the bug
but when I fixed the bug in the code that I didn't write today, my code gives the right answer to part 1 and part 2 was just adding like one character.
and weird that other problems didn't reveal it ...
how does it actually cause wrong answer here but not before?
because there weren't actually that many paths before I guess...
At this rate, day 25 is probably going to be a Floyd-Warshall variant or something
alright. I'm off, seeya.
compare codez tomorrow .. :)
ok cleaned up my code a bit, now it runs much slower :P
but it is nicer
2 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/q/41230538/2301450 as typo (see OP's comment)
2 hours later…
@randomhopeful haha I missed the stamp :D
3 hours later…
Ain't nobody here but us cabbages...
Yesterday I saw a question about printing all balanced sequences of parentheses of a given length. It was closed as a dupe of this old question, so today I posted an answer there. :) And since then I've been implementing various related algorithms from this PDF which was linked in the dupe target.
Unfortunately, that paper uses 1-based indexing, and trying to convert some of those algorithms (like the one for generating a Dyck word from its index number) to 0-based made my brain melt. :)
Anyway, it's now Christmas in my time zone, so I guess I better go to bed, or Santa won't come. :) Rhubarb
brief cbg
@Antti how long does your part1+2 run?:)
btw your day25.py on GH seems to be filled with day24
That was the Christmas spirit I was waiting for
Cbg! o/
@AndrasDeak 0.7 s
@AndrasDeak that'd be day 22
Cabbage chrismasteers
@AnttiHaapala That's one awesome stamp. I'm sure it will be collector material in some time
@Cosinux 9.99 a month you say? Does that include meals?
no sadly
OK...OK....15.99, lunch and coffee included
@idjaw *tea
very well. You have to feed the fish too
Fluffy the goldfish gets angry when not fed
@MartijnPieters comment from OP on (newline, indent) giving syntax error coming up. 😛
umm wat? "ask, answer, or vote on December 25th"
I just got that
that doesn't make sense
Why not? It's Dec 25 in some places..
Morning cabbage, by the way. Trying to finish part 2 of day 22 which I keep putting off.
I thought StackOverflow always works with UTC?
Who can say? Decent odds someone's already asked on meta, though..
re-cbg all
also: Happy whatever-holiday-you-celebrate to all :)
Hanukkah starts at sundown, no?
@idjaw sure it does. It's December 25th somewhere in the world. It's been like that every Winterbash; dates stretch to a 48h period to cover all time zones.
yep, all Jewish Holidays start at sunset (Lunar calendar and all that)
@MartijnPieters Yeah. I wasn't sure what time rules winterbash followed. SO rules, for example when restarting your 200 rep cap, follow UTC, right?
@idjaw yes, SO points follow UTC.
It would be great if we knew how we got secret hats
but I guess that ruins the secret for others.
I suspect this secret hat might be from comment votes.
really? I got a ton (well more than ten) during the hats thing and haven't gotten a "secret hat" yet @idjaw
@idjaw BTW Your hat looks nice ;)
thanks :)
@MoinuddinQuadri you should make yours bigger so the beard is in the right place 😛
I tried to do that. But anonymous man in my image is having very big face and hat won't adjust to that level. So instead I aligned my hat too put beard on head :P
I just changed my hat. But it looks like it takes some time to reflect the changes in chat group. I am loving the new one. Hope anonymous group won't see this change, else they'll definitely hack me :'(
changes are reflecting now :D
there has just been a lot of bot and output talk going on and that kinda looks similar 😛
yup...looked familiar 😀
@MarcusS They are totally over-complicating the solution.
The data structure in that question makes no sense
2 hours later…
Have you guys found challenge.synacor.com yet? Same author as AoC, and I'm having enormous fun with it right now.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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