"Recall that intercaps became popular in programming languages that did not allow underscores within names, such as Pascal and Smalltalk. In using intercaps, one seems to be reverting to the early Middle Ages, when handwritten words were not separated, and thus flouting an important readability tool that is a thousand years old."
That isn't quite the same, because there are objects which are lower which aren't ascii_lowercase, but since we know the input is ascii we don't have to worry about it.
Counter(c for c in text if c.islower()) Is Counter a class? What is this syntax in parentheses? It kind of looks like a list comprehension without the []s
Counter is a subclass of dictionary, and the syntax is called a "generator expression" -- it's kind of like a comprehension only the object isn't materialized.
does anyone know of a library that will split video into segments given a start/end time? I'm currently using a serious of ffmpeg commands and it is very very slow
@AlexBollbach if ffmpeg is slow it's unlikely that you'll find anything much faster. You may ask on SO if there's a faster way to do what you're doing, but it seems like unless you're just doin' it wrong, that's a reasonably best option. Alternatively, ask on softwarerecs
Just make sure it's a good question on either platform
the reason i think a faster solution exists (in the context of a scripting/prog language and not CLI) is i'm invoking the command to crop a section of video for each crop
so ffmpeg has to demux the entire video file for all N crops
perhaps i just need to look into ffmpeg itself for a better command
I mean, I learned PHP at school, but that was my own damned fault. I didn't know any better. I just knew I didn't want to write another damned thing in Pascal
@AndrasDeak Critters don't have to be mammals. "Critter" is a dialect variation of "creature". Technically, a creature is any created thing, although the term generally refers to animals.
Cabbages. The to item is of in and perl for that this you be it if or as with not on are head use an file by sv can from will over. Who guessed where did the previous sentence come from?
@khajvah We are in the process of buying our own supercomputer. It's a tiny setup for 7400 €. Two Xeon processors and 24 cores with 128 GB of RAM. Go suck on it, apple. :)
[11] poke lynx
[10] khajvah :D
[9] poke vim + lynx + screen = best experience
[8] khajvah I know you are making fun of all this, poke, I know
[7] marxin tmux is better
[6] poke ↑2 @khajvah Are you sure about that?
[5] poke Maybe I’m chatting via a console based websocket tool?
[4] khajvah [Q] Nov 25 at 9:09, by Antti Haapala
ah poke uses windows so np with that :D
[3] poke Maybe I’m just running Windows so I can have a PowerShell console do all the work?
the previous team put run-able scripts inside a package, and instead of adding a path to sys.path, they went on developing the package with wrong imports