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@PM2Ring yep.
"" evaluates all the variables directly. So it's like concatenation
Thanks guys.
Many phishing sites are written by people of questionable competence - so their competence is just like their ethics in that respect
Sadly there's one born every minute, so the phishing sites are doing quite well, thank you
cbg again :D
Oh why my name is not changed here
@PM2Ring OP sets those variables using sanitize[$_POST[...]], so maybe they are trying to do it safely?
@AndrasDeak Yeah, I was wondering about what sanitize does. Does it just escape special chars like quotes, or is it smart enough to also delete suspicious-looking strings?
I know less PHP than you:P
but it seems to show some good will:D
let's ask the blue one
@Bhargav? ^
@AndrasDeak I don't know about that, but there's a sql_query_sanitize[$_POST] which I use
So, I think it must be somewhat similar.
@AndrasDeak True. I'm hoping (for their sake) that it does make their code safe, and isn't just the equivalent of painting flowers & smiley faces on the bullets you shoot yourself in the foot with.
well judging by the reputation of php......
Anyone did the cinematic decryption from yesterdays task on aoc?
@BlueMonday I posted one recently, let me update my gist with poke's improvement on it
@AndrasDeak PHP is kinda easy to learn. :)
But don't ever go to ask a php question on SO :D
I thought about doing fancy cinematic decryption. It's not too hard if you know the trick to overwriting already-printed text.
I just couldn't come up with an elegant way to re-print the text at a reasonable frequency. Say, every quarter of a second.
@PM2Ring haha :D
It's easy to re-print after every new md5 hash, or after every tenth md5 hash, or whatever. But then the frequency is dependent on your processor speed.
I originally wrote the rolling characters and the progress bar, poke upgraded it with the stream of garbage
Nice, thanks :)
I'm trying to see how much time it will need to do it
On different CPUs with different inputs
although if you're interested in speed, buttload of output will not help you
What do you mean
if you add loads of prints, the program will run much slower
at least that's my usual impression
and it might be shell-related
Very generally, I/O instructions tend to be hundreds of times slower than other kinds of instructions.
I have to go to class now, I'll check it out later.
have fun
When you come back, the cache would have been cleared :)
Browsing through the repos, looks like AoC #6 is made short work of thanks to collections :-)
Mine clocks in at a breezy three lines. Could have done it in one, but it wouldn't be as pretty.
I couldn't resist the oneline
We have nearly identical code XD
but I'm allowed to write ugly oneliners for silly programming challanges, on account of me not having a programming license that can be revoked
@Kevin yup:)
Extra credit: do it in one line without any imports.
that's for Blue Monday
It's not too hard if you don't mind it being O(N^2)
I thought you meant __import__('collections').Counter
That's worth half of an extra credit ;-)
I'm 4 days behind but I'll take day 6 to learn collections, I suppose. :P
collections is the most important Python module because the fastest way to get points on stack overflow is to post "have you tried collections.Counter?" before anyone else and blow away all the readers that had no idea there's a built-in histogram type.
The effort-to-amazement ratio is off the charts
collections.Counter also has a handy dandy .most_common(N) function.
Agreed, it is both handy and dandy.
cabbage @AnttiHaapala
@Kevin as you might have noticed, I have from collections import * readily in each solution
I didn't import numpy... because it is slooow
I saw a couple repos use numpy today for easy access to transposition. I'd rather just use zip(*...), even though it's arguably not as readable.
my docstrings were b0rken
I didn't have an empty line before :param
Perl to rescue: perl -pi -0777 -e 's/^(\s+[^:\s].*?\n)(?=\s*:param)/$1\n/mg' **/*.py
perl -3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
morning everyone
Couldn't work out why my md5 was taking ~10 minutes. Note to self: if you rely on while len(password) < 8, actually append each character as you find it.
also: make sure to print intermediate steps to make sure nothing's off:P
My code for part two was taking forever until I noticed the problem on the line if index < 8 and found_digits[index] is not None: found_digits[index] = value
The only problem with knowing lots of digits of pi is that when you see a bunch of pi digits you have to check them to make sure they're correct. :)
it's the don't-read-just-look-at-text problem on a whole new level
\o cbg
I added more Hollywood (note, only works in terminals that support ANSI escape sequences)
I mean, it could work in any terminal
but it will look really ugly if it doesn't support ANSI
@AndrasDeak wouldn't that be perl.py? Or would that be perl.pi?
that would be perl -pi, same thing Antti wrote
gotta go now, rhubarb
Hey guys! Suppose I have created an object with emp1 = Employee("Zara", 2000), how can I delete emp1 and completely clean up RAM? I'm very confused :(
How can I check the memory consumed by my code at runtime ?
just set emp1 to something else @mertyildiran it's a dirty way to let gc get it
Well, there's del emp1, but I don't think that guarantees that the garbage collector will run right away.
@MooingRawr It's not working in my case, I dunno why
Maybe if you delete the value and then call gc.collect?
@johnsmith Windows Task Manager will show you, provided you're on Windows.
@Kevin gc collect worked perfectly. Thanks!
so basically gc didnt come around to clean yourself, that lazy gc.....
@MooingRawr Yeah, lol
python is so lazy, lazy evals, lazy gc, all it wants to do is sunbathe
Is that guaranteed to trigger a collect cycle? I thought I remembered reading something that said there wasn't a guarantee
The price you pay for a high-level language is, it's sometimes hard to interface with low-level abstractions like memory management.
I might be confusing that with the __del__ method not being guaranteed to be called
@MooingRawr Well, what do you expect with such a cold blooded language?
@WayneWerner If that's the case, someone should really update the gc module documentation to say that.
"collect -- With no arguments, run a full collection... Maybe >:-)"
it might be that it triggers a cycle, but there's no guarantee that it will delete anything
Which might just be because
3 hours ago, by PM 2Ring
@MohammadYusufGhazi Note that when a Python object dies its memory gets returned to Python's memory allocator, it doesn't get released back to the OS. The Python allocator does return memory to the OS when it decides it's appropriate, though. If you want to know the gory details, take a look at Memory Management
Ah, I see. Even though the object is collected, the space it took up might remain in Python's private heap for later use.
My intuition is that this usually isn't the case when it comes to objects that are large enough that you care about freeing their memory as soon as possible
Morning cbg
Day 6 was disappointing.
@mertyildiran Is it particularly urgent that you reclaim the RAM from a single employee record? In Python, we generally just let the interpreter's memory manager do its thing behind the scenes and don't worry about stuff like that unless we're working with really large data structures. If an object has no references it will get cleaned up. Adding code to explicitly force the freeing of RAM just adds clutter and may slow down your code without actually speeding up the memory reclamation process.
Looks like I jinxed my fastest-time statement yesterday
Lost it on Day 6 to 1:44
cbg room6
how you all doing today
Completed day2 finally.
Ok, I've been looking through the source for fifteen minutes and I have no idea where PyMem_FREE is defined.
@Kevin Correct. del emp1 just unbinds the name emp1 from the object and hence decrements that object's reference count by 1. And if the reference count is zero, the object's memory will get recycled when the memory manager gets around to it.
MetaProblem: I can never find function declarations in the Python source when I need them. simply grepping for the function name turns up hundreds of function calls, which is a real needle-in-a-haystack problem.
"def PyMem_FREE"?
@WayneWerner Yeah. There's no guarantee that an object's __del__ method will get called when an object goes out of scope, although it will get called before the interpreter itself exits. But by then the usual execution environment may be "dismantled", so don't expect stuff like exception handling to work.
@MarcusS I assume Kevin is talking about the C source.
Oh, here it is: #define PyMem_FREE free
I was kind of hoping for a, I don't know, function body with helpfully commented sections like //decide whether now is an appropriate time to free memory back to OS, or just keep it in our private heap for later
Oops, that's only how it's defined for some versions.
/* there is no object memory interface in 1.5.2 */
#define PyObject_Malloc		PyMem_Malloc
#define PyObject_Realloc	PyMem_Realloc
#define PyObject_Free		PyMem_Free
I'm not really interested in how garbage collection worked in 1.5.2.
Or, hmm, no...
@idjaw \o how goes it
This would be easier if I actually knew C
@MooingRawr good. Busy. But good.
You know what I'd really like? An unzipping application with a context menu command like "extract here iff the top level directory of the zip contains exactly one folder and nothing else; extract to [foldername] otherwise"
@PM2Ring No no, it was just a simplification. I'm actually generating like 10,000+ object and deleting them for some reason :D
I think I’m not allowed to send mails to python-dev after all…
Employee record was a simplification what I'm trying to say.
@mertyildiran Ah, ok. Still, you probably don't need to explicitly delete them or call garbage collection functions. Just make sure that nothing holds a reference to those objects and they'll get cleaned up.
@Kevin :D
"I'll just extract this to desktop, aaaaand... Now I have a hundred more icons than before" -- me, all the time
My default is the other way around
For that exact reason
A lot of the stuff on that Memory Management page I linked earlier is mostly of interest to people writing Python extensions in C, so unless you're doing that you can safely skim over a lot of that stuff. :) But there's some important info down towards the end under Customize PyObject Arena Allocator.
Essentially, Python manages memory using 256 KB chunks called arenas. So it does all its mallocs and frees in terms of those arenas.
@Kevin What I usually do is just make a dedicated folder and extract there -- it's an annoying extra step but eh
And if you malloc shortly after freeing, there will be a fight in the arena over the data that was in there a few ticks before!
If the extraction is, in itself, a folder, then I can drag it back out and delete the dedicated folder I made
PyGC_Head unreachable; /* non-problematic unreachable trash */. I identify with this comment.
@Kevin You could write that in Python... The zipfile module isn't fantastic, but it's certainly good enough for an application like that.
FWIW, I use zipfile to unzip & rezip .epub files so I can perform minor modifications on their contents. I've got a dumb e-reader that ignores \n inside HTML <p> paragraphs. So I need to add a space to the end of each line of a paragraph if I don't want the word at the end of the line to get joined to the word at the start of the next one. :)
@AnttiHaapala cute
Ok, I think I found what I'm looking for. Objects\obmalloc.c, line 1399, _PyObject_Free(void *ctx, void *p)
Anyone have an opinion on functions taking file handles vs passing them a file path?
@JosephLeClerc why?
I don't like my functions to have side-effects if I can help it, and file handles pretty much exist to be mutated, so I avoid passing them around when possible.
Just wondering what the convention is
Yeah I can definitely see it from the side-effects angle, but at the same time if you pass it a file handle then you can restrict the function to read-only
but then again if you pass it the path then you can have the "with open(...) as f" within that function instead of cluttering up main()
My preferred approach is, whatever context I get the filename, I do whatever I need to the file in that same context.
So rather than filename = input("Enter filename:"); frob(filename) or filename = input("Enter filename:"); with file as open(filename): frob(file), I'd do filename = input("Enter filename:"); with file as open(filename): data = file.read(); frob(data)
@JosephLeClerc Even logically, I can't think of a use case when passing the file object makes sense
I recognize that this isn't always possible / practical, however
@khajvah I was thinking of unit testing, it's easy to pass a StringIO "file" and then "read" it in the function but harder if passing a file path. Is it even possible to have a "path" to a StringIO object?
I guess you could create something in /tmp and then read from there but I'm not 100% sure that's portable
You can mock
Json loading expects a file object iirc
.. I just read the star board..... Kevin is savage.... and yet true..... lol never change
Oh good idea, actually I just found this pypi.python.org/pypi/pyfakefs
@JosephLeClerc you don't have to use something else
unittests.mock can work too
but that's hacky, so is any mocking
maybe passing a file object is not a bad idea after all, now that I thought about it
I see, mock_open looks good actually
Morning cabbage.
cabbage @DSM
> Incidentally, if you've just been greeted with the word "cbg" or "cabbage" then you may want to have a look here...
        /* All the rest is arena management.  We just freed
         * a pool, and there are 4 cases for arena mgmt:
         * 1. If all the pools are free, return the arena to
         *    the system free().
@Ffisegydd maybe it's because there is explicit function for strings?
\o DSM
so I'm usually 2 days late on AoC and I missed the MD5 chat, (reading up on it) I wonder if there's a better solution than ogre force it..
Ok, so memory gets actually deallocated for real when the arena's pools are all empty.
@Kevin Melon!
@khajvah yeah probably, just thought I'd throw an example out
This is... Not useful information for answering the question "when does a huge object get truly deallocated after being collected?"
Oh god I had a huge problem with that
It is supposed to be better in Python3 than in Python2.x
@MooingRawr Not that any of us have found.
I had this recursive loop that had to do this...not sure how to describe it..."cross-cutting" (?) variable tracking. It ran for 2-3 days and ended up taking 8GB of memory. I added GC's to the loop and deleted whenever possible and still had a huge memory footprint
to be fair it had about 4GB of actual data but the internal fragmentation is real
Yeah it does look like the arena chain memory model does allow for the possibility of fragmentation
Since cases 2 through 4 don't return memory to the system
cuz part 2 my solution takes like around a minute to find my password
oh well ... guess it's good enough....
I notice that there's a fallback in _PyObject_Alloc that skips arenas entirely and runs a raw malloc if the requested memory size exceeds a certain threshold.
Perhaps if you're creating one single truly monolithic object, then that branch will execute? Then I'd expect it to get deallocated instantly as it's garbage collected.
But "truly monolithic" is not a well-defined term. Is a tuple containing a million ints a monolith, or is it a composite of one million reasonably sized objects?
@Kevin hopefully it's a generator :)

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