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Here's an easy way to know if you're getting different input - f9 is the first to letters of my part 1
with open(os.path.join(os.path.sep, "sys", "class", "thermal", "thermal_zone0", "temp"), 'r') as f:
    temp_string = f.readline()
    temp = int(temp_string) / 1000  # convert to celsius
That's how hot
(just happened to be looking at that piece of code)
only one more digit...
I get 66!
and then I'll let you know
haha that's weird, I looked that up last night
yay! now I can see what the hate is about
I get IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory :-(
(27.8, apparently?? That doesn't sound right...)
I don't hate part 2, it just took me sixteen times longer to execute than part 1
Oh, wait, that's ambiguous. I have a temp of 66. My puzzle answer started 1a, so I guess they really are different.
Mini nerd snipe: how many inputs must the administrator generate so that there is only a 1% chance that a community of 15 coders will have a duplicate input among them?
@Kevin You mean AoC day 5 part 2? For me part 1 took 15s and part 2 40s.
so barely 3x the time for part 1
My part 1 solution starts with "45..." and part 2 with "10..." btw.
Strange, I'd expect it to be much longer than 3x.
@ByteCommander that's the same as mine
49ºc now
well, presumably, it's possible they are different still ;)
You have to discard half of the hashes you find because their index will be greater than 7, so that's 2x right there. Then you're going to have some that you discard because the slot is already filled.
@enderland puzzle input "ojvtpuvg"?
@Kevin possibly my input is just lucky and produces few invalid hashes...
Hmm, what's the expected number of trials required to generate eight unique random numbers between 1 and 8? I want to say 8^2...
I discarded 9 hashes because slot index >7 and 7 because the slot was already full.
I don't have my output anymore but I estimate I discarded around 25
What is your input?
My part1 was 20 seconds and part2 was 53 seconds
@Kevin More like (8**8) / 8! == (8**7) / 7! ~= 416.1
@ByteCommander you must either have a faster system or a faster algorithm than me :P
There's definitely different inputs. I signed in with two different accounts and for two different inputs
Ok, my back-of-the-envelope calculations says that the expected number of trials to find a new entry in a list of length D with N slots already filled is D / (D - N). so the expected number of trials to totally fill an empty list of length D is [sigma] from i = 0 to D of D / (D - i), which is... 21.74 for D=8.
@enderland i5-6200U running Python 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 16.04
In fact, I used the wrong input for the account in a submission and got a message along the lines of "your answer is incorrect, but it's correct for someone else's input, are you cheating?"
@Kevin: okay, you sniped me. The sample needs to be about 10453 big so that 15 people have less than a 1% chance of colliding.
I think there's a way I can avoid creating a new md5 object every time and instead reset it, that seems like it'd make it go a bit faster
Errata: sigma is neither latin, nor backwards.
@Kevin I got an output in part 2 starting with "43..." in 42 seconds
for your input
@ByteCommander Yep, that's what I got, but not nearly as quickly.
Only more evidence that my employer skimped out on nice hardware for me
@enderland I initialize a hashlib.md5() object with the input once and then copy() that instance each iteration instead of creating a new one with the same starting data.
@Kevin what's your relative ratio though?
your part1 for me is ~18 seconds and part2 is ~54 seconds
@enderland what're you trying to do?
Determine how slow Kevin's computer is. :-)
@JonClements running this about 30M times or so:
        md5 = hashlib.md5()
@enderland because... ?
@JonClements Advent of Code!
Cabbage for our friends in blue.
/me whispers to @DSM I think BR is stalking me... I've just gone into two chats and he's there... what do I do?
@enderland I'll run it again and tell you. In like fifteen minutes.
@Kevin XD
i think i just misunderstood day 3 part 1 of AoC, when it said 'sum of any 2 sides' i thought their example 10+25 > 5 is valid....
Pretty sure you need to behead him and absorb his power
You can't determine exactly how much faster Byte's computer is than mine, because I'm not copying the md5 instances. Who knows, that could account for 90% of my run time.
@Kevin I'm not copying them either though
and my time is fairly close to his
So err... why is this a test of speed or something?
@JonClements *3
Day 3 tripped me up because I thought triangles with collinear vertices were valid triangles.
For example, (1,1,2)
@DSM Hey you're a blue guy too ;)
are they not ?
Well if you got a correct answer, far be it from me to contradict you :-)
@JonClements sort of, naturally once we all solve it we want to compare algorithms and determine speed statistics and otherwise analyze the crap out of anything. usual programmer stuff. ;)
i just started working on it T.T .... and this triangle thing has got me confused
I need tea... really badly..... but there's a line up at the staff room....
Ok, it's finished running.
part one: 64.7 seconds
part two: 189.0 seconds
ratio: 2.9
that 44k.. congratz or did you get it long ago and I haven't notice until now
@DSM, happy belated birthday.
My ancient notebook took 69s to solve Kevin's part 2.
@MooingRawr: thanks!
Happy Birthday @DSM
If you had access to a few million cores you could solve today's easily!
Strangely, copying the md5 instances holding only the input string without the appended index instead of creating a new one each time gives nearly no performance improvement.
@MooingRawr The triangle thing made me angry. It's because the instructions aren't precise
Copying took 42 seconds while recreating took 45 seconds for me.
@ByteCommander That's not a surprise - the hashing is the intensive part
Yep, but doesn't the .update() method instantly perform some calculations?
Or is it all done in the .hexdigest()?
Well, "instantly"?
@WayneWerner .......... i see what you mean now.... also @kevin, I see what you mean too.... ><
im not angry im just sad ;(
@MooingRawr I was table-flippy. I expect more precision from my challenges.
> hash.copy()

Return a copy (“clone”) of the hash object. This can be used to efficiently compute the digests of data sharing a common initial substring.
So that manual suggests there should be a performance difference.
@WayneWerner part 2 is so confusing ...... maybe it's cuz im not awake yet but what
@DSM Let's see... I think that's right. fact(d) / ((d**n) * fact(d-n)) approximately equals 0.99 for d=10453 and n=15.
does it mean that the first 3 'hundred' digits in the column are the sides of the triangles ?
@Ffisegydd I just finished The Sudden Appearance of Hope by Claire North. Not sure if I'd recommend it while sick though, I got really wrapped up in it and it's not a happy book.
It's about a girl who can't be remembered by anyone, and Not-Facebook inventing an app to control people's lives.
@MooingRawr No... it means that 101, 102, 103 are one triangle
@Kevin I'd recommend it to you too, it's by the same author as The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August.
@davidism sounds really like a mix of a couple of Black Mirror episodes
Martijn is our local Facebook Overlord Representative
@MooingRawr 201, 202, 203 is another
@JonClements I was getting Black Mirror vibes too.
@davidism Ooh, nice.
eh... I thought the first hundred's digit has to match..... but now I think about it some more, that doesnt make sense...
@MooingRawr It's just a silly way of not colorizing the text to say, "these groups are the triangles"
it's just changing the triangles from the rows to the columns
so if you had this set
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
@Ffisegydd another recent read was The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson. Great writing, with lots of very subtle hints at future plotlines, worldbuilding, etc.
@MooingRawr Instead of your triangles being 1 1 1, 2 2 2 and 3 3 3 you have 3 triangles of 1, 2, 3
@MooingRawr he should have color coordinated it, so that instead of 101 102 103 matching those were all the same color, so you could visually tell which ones were grouped
Or stuck them in a div with a border or something
it took me a minute or two to figure out what the heck it actually meant
2 digits left for my part 2 password today \o/
1 more!
Hmm... do I smell smoke? :P
Mine took maybe 20s and I don't have that amazing a PC...
54ºC is my poor Pi's CPU temp
morning everyone
Oh right it's on a pi :p
@WayneWerner I usually bake pies at around 180°C
I guess Raspberries lower the cook temp :D
You would place them on the pie after baking I’d guess
Yeah you really should be blind baking first then adding the filling
> You have an interesting profile and I'd be keen to give you more details.
^ I really like these highly personalized recruiting mails
I got a shotgun email of 25 different jobs the other day of different types of engineering jobs (not even all software dev)...
ok, sure, I'll definitely be reading through that to see what jobs are relevant to me, NOT
Apart from the “Hi Patrick” nothing in the email I got seems even relevant to me..
@poke Those are my faves
@enderland Lemme guess, LinkedIn?
Best thing is that person’s title “Talent Acquisition – Americas”
“Americas”? Is that a thing?
@WayneWerner no it was a direct email somehow
which makes it worse, my real email is in some stupid recruiter database
@poke: yeah, I've actually heard that before.
so sad. You check the email headers?
@poke North America, South America...
@enderland At least you got actual jobs.. I only got “we partner with a select few elite, technology and data driven quant funds and award winning tech firms”
Day 4, kiosk.... I thought of the store in Toronto
It sounds so wrong though..
Like internets
But we say "the Carolinas" and so on as well.
Man... I really want to re-do todays using multiprocessing
see if that speeds it up.
In theory my Pi3 is quad-core
Oh lol, I just realized that I received that exact same email already last week.
with a different title but from the same person
hahaha, that's amazing
Oh, no, there’s one difference!
The new email features an additional line break after the greeting
That just shows you how quickly promotions can happen if you're associated with them!
I question the wisdom of treating North and South America as one homogeneous mass. "I see you're currently living in Massachusetts... How open are you in relocating to Uruguay?"
Or even better, Cuba
(not removed)
(removed by International accord)
Don't feel bad, I missed the shiny "first result" as well. ;-)
(removed due to violation of Geneva convention)
Too bad you can't use color/style tags
cbg @vaultah. I've passed you up a bit (ooh, davidism, too!)
I only start working on them 9 hours after they post, so I'm probably not going to jump ahead.
We have a leaderboard for work too, and it's revealing that everyone stays up much later than me.
Everybody stays later than you AND you only work on AoC 9 hours after the start..
(what an unfortunate effect of timezones :P)
Looks like I forgot to put my code for day 4 up on my gist... Bad weekend-Kevin! You had one job!
Was there some special trick to Day 5? Mine's just a for loop: bitbucket.org/davidism/advent2016/src/…
Mine is also just a for loop.
I did combine both parts in the same loop, for a little time savings.
Oh hey, I didn't know md5's constructor accepts a parameter.
I suppose I also could have recorded all the 1st hashes then checked them first for the 2nd.
I remember thinking "boy it's annoying that I can't get the digest in a single expression"
Wait, now that I look at it, I broke the part 1 solution with the part 2 solution. Time to go fix that.
I guess 8.7 seconds isn't too bad for the first part of today's challenge
my solution looks so unelegant compared to yours @davidism
I'd be tempted to write a one line solution for each part, if only I had sub-minute run times.
That's roughly what I did, @davidism github.com/waynew/advent2016/blob/master/05/05_chess.py
I was trying to do some fancy fun where it would write to the different positions, for the self-satisfaction
but that was being a PITA so I gave it up
I should post this one on codereview, too
Am I the only one who used itertools.count and a yield to create a stream of characters? password = ''.join(islice(produce_keys(base), 8)).
@DSM I was lazy today. :-)
I was thinking about how to do it with multiprocessing.
I used count but not yield
Have processes generating digests and putting them on a queue, but I'd have to figure out some ordering scheme, probably waste more cpu time than it would save.
Less complicated in general, too.
cbg friends
I screwed up my part 1, and my part 2 doesn't make sense now
I might need to re-think part 1 in order to make part 2 easier.
I'm still on day 1....siiiigh
My solution: github.com/vaultah/AoC-2016/blob/master/05.py second is quite slow compared to first, it takes 26 seconds
Python's peephole optimizer does not optimize {*'string literal'} :/
Still better than {'a', 'b', 'c'}, unless BUILD_SET_UNPACK is really slow compared to BUILD_SET.
Oh, true
I wanted to use it in the if statement
In [5]: dis.dis("x in {'a', 'b', 'c'}")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
              2 LOAD_CONST               3 (frozenset({'c', 'a', 'b'}))

In [6]: dis.dis("x in {*'abc'}")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
              2 LOAD_CONST               0 ('abc')
              4 BUILD_SET_UNPACK         1
Ah, yeah, missed the actual optimization the first time. :-)
so it seems that {'a', 'b', 'c'} is better in this case
@idjaw can i join the day 1 club too ?
my answers gets the job done but is kinda messy in some places ;( im not happy with it but i dont have time to fix it :(
Even though I love oats, and am a fan of Quaker Oats products generally, their Oatmeal Squares cereal is not very tasty. :-/
Oatmeal squares tasting bad is mankind's punishment for trying to make oats square in violation of the design of nature
Try sanding off the corners. I expect oatmeal ovals to be much better.
Anyone know an easy way in Python (i.e. without using a git branch subprocess) to determine the active git branch?
Hang on, I've got it
with open('.git/HEAD') as f:
^^ neat!
@vaultah 26 seconds for part 2? You must either have a lucky input string or amazing hardware.
I'm verifying it myself but I'm pretty sure that should work
Aargh, Kevin'd by KMG! I had done grep dev .git/* to find out where it was stored. :-(
@KevinMGranger holy crap dude, it works!
I need around 40-45s for part two with a nearly equal algorithm
>>> with open('.git/HEAD') as f:
...     print(f.read().split()[1])
That's the full form, though. Logic to get rid of leading refs/heads or refs/remotes would be a bit more complex, I think
rb folks
rhubarb @AndyK
is django management command wrapped in transaction by default?
@heather see the links of PM 2Ring primarily. And those variables are not actual globals, since you're importing that module from another file. But as far as functions.py is concerned, they are globals. But when you go inside some def op(): ... scope, you can read the outer (global) variables. If you just do mem1 = 3 in the function, it will define a local (local-to-that-function) variable by the same name, that will shadow the global one.
If you first use global mem1; mem1=3 in the function, it will properly overwrite the global value. I think, I didn't actually check. I avoid globals like the plague.
@AnttiHaapala yeah, you're right. I didn't bother much with optimization of the other parts because I assumed the md5 line would be the dominant factor
@ByteCommander must be hardware, because I get roughly the same results when running davidism's code
Morning cbg
What CPU, OS and Python version do you have, if I may ask?
guys it's snowing, it's so great
For me it's a notebook with an i5-6200U, Ubuntu 16.04 and Python 3.5.2
I didn't time mine
should I?
@corvid Yeah! It's coming down hard here!
I hope this means that the ice rinks are going to open up soon
I want to hit the outdoor rinks this year
@ByteCommander i7-5820K, Ubuntu 15.10 (yeah), Python 3.7.0a0
@ByteCommander i5-something something 2014 retina mac book pro, 8 GB RAM, OSX, Python <all the versions??>
It's not snowing here. It's 6ºC
default is 2.7.9 or .10 or something
it's like -1, -2.5 celsius here
@vaultah Latest Python but outdated Ubuntu? You're strange. But the i7 probably explains the speed.
i3-3227U, Ubuntu 16.04, 3.5.2.
I agree
it definitely burns through a lot faster on my macbook
already found 4 of the letters
I tidied up the things you mentioned and it gained me all of .... 2 seconds.
part 1 18.4 s, part 2 45.7 s
that's slow
70s to run my solution. I bet about 10s of that is output
premature optimization and all that
I didn't optimize mine at all
I reckon there is no point, all your time will be in the md5
I didn't bother optimizing / timing mine, but here it is: github.com/MarcusStuhr/Advent-Of-Code-2016/blob/master/Day%2005/…
so you may as well make the other stuff readable and pythonic
@MarcusS Nice and readable :)
^ I'm sad to see everyone copy-pasting their code from part1 for part2
@wim why?
I did rewrite it a bit between, but why?
since as far as I can see one of the "lessons" of the puzzle is how to write maintainable and adaptable code
@wim mine is sort of but I ended up with two methods to calculate both part1 and part2
@wim You can technically combine the two into one loop, but IMO it becomes a little less readable
no, it does not become less readable
@wim so why is it a lack of adaptability if you can copy and adapt your first code?
I combined them for Day 1 and for some reason it bothers me github.com/MarcusStuhr/Advent-Of-Code-2016/blob/master/Day%2001/…
because copy and pasting code is evil
if you've ever worked in a big company on other peoples code, you should know that
Okay, time to turn off the SO, crank up the cheery J-Pop, and get some coding done.
Paying-the-bills rhubarb for all!
you fix a bug in 1 place, you have to go and hunt down the other n places it has been copied to
@wim I clearly don't, but I'm not sure I see the parallel
it depends on whether or not you see part1/part2 as separate and distinct operations, too
that ^
well, there hasn't been an AoC yet in 2016 where you couldn't solve both in the same loop
I don't reckon that part 2 should still work with part 1
every one of them so far I've just adapted for the part2
it's not to be maintained for part 1
Err, guess I overestimated the efficiency of the copy method and underestimated the efficiency of f-strings. Calling md5(f"{arg}{i}".encode()).hexdigest() in a loop is faster than making a copy on every iteration. md5((arg + str(i)).encode()).hexdigest() is slower, but is still faster than copy
@davidism what was that profiler you mentioned ?
it was like runsnakerun but better maintained
@wim In general, yes, I agree (DRY principle)
but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out where the heck the kernprof command has gone
no there was a very nice one @davidism showed me that generated html and js plots
but I've forgotten the name
Sep 27 at 17:57, by wim
@davidism snakeviz ... game changer!!! thx
that one?
Sep 27 at 17:59, by davidism
@wim just rememberd the new vprof which also has memory info.
either of those
no worries
ok, I'm profiling it now
I'm expecting to see something like 95% of the time in the md5
same here :P
ughhh wat
(aoc) ~/git/aoc/aoc2016$ python --version
Python 3.6.0b4
(aoc) ~/git/aoc/aoc2016$ python -m cProfile -o q05.prof q05.py
(aoc) ~/git/aoc/aoc2016$ snakeviz q05.prof
Usage: snakeviz [options] filename

snakeviz: error: the file /home/wglenn/git/aoc/aoc2016/q05.prof is not a valid profile. Generate profiles using:

    python -m cProfile -o my_program.prof my_program.py
anyone see anything obviously wrong there??? :(

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