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yeah, unfortunately, the sweat is cold :)
ah crap, past 1 AM again:D
but my code's almost compiled...
So, I read this to my kids. Quite possibly one of the weirdest books I've read for them.
I question the sobriety of the author when writing that.
oh, Seuss
I've heard of the dude
his books are a bit of national treasure in the US, right?
very popular
very popular in the US, understood to be a bit of a weirdo
At least there was a light-hearted fantasy webcomic strip in Seuss's style, but in a pretty murder-and-torture-y context. Readers reported to be surprisingly violated.
@KevinMGranger Here it is, it's about a torturer named Landor. It's short and some background is missing from the main comics it's a spin-off from.
and comments such as this one are what I was referring to
i imagine having an ear cut off would be reasonably painful, but the disfigurement would be more a self-perception issue
(especially for elves)
..well, besides directional hearing
hey Aaron!
so what's new?
cracking away at a presentation I'm working on, watching tv, drinking coffee.
how about yourself?
I'm reading up on Simula for - a presentation myself.
what's that?
Pretty much the first OOP language, built on Algol 60.
developed over the early to mid 60's.
Simula is the name of two simulation programming languages, Simula I and Simula 67, developed in the 1960s at the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo, by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard. Syntactically, it is a fairly faithful superset of ALGOL 60. Simula 67 introduced objects, classes, inheritance and subclasses, virtual procedures, coroutines, and discrete event simulation, and features garbage collection. Also other forms of subtyping (besides inheriting subclasses) were introduced in Simula derivatives. Simula is considered the first object-oriented programming language. As its name suggests...
Early on they wanted to use Algol as a preprocessor, and allow that Fortran could be an alternate, but then decided to build Simula into Algol's compiler.
In spite of it being very expensive, it was incredibly popular.
oh that's good
added to spotify
How do I instantiate a custom type written as a C extension?
I tried PyObject_CallObject((PyObject*)&type, args) but got a sigfault.
That (PyObject*)&type looks funky. I know little C(pp), so it can easily be correct, but it still looks funky to me:)
oh, that's not a function declaration, but a call
looks less funky that way:D
haha yes
goes to show you how much C I know;)
the signature is PyObject_CallObject(PyObject* callable_object, PyObject* args)
yeah I just googled that, thanks
Where exactly did you get that segfault? Did you check if that returns something other than NULL?
when the call is made
its a fatal error
and what is your type?
static PyTypeObject SoundFileType = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
    "SoundFile object",
is that an instance?
no, PyObject_CallObject() should return the instance
this says that CallObject... calls an object
> This is the equivalent of the Python expression apply(callable_object, args) or callable_object(*args).
Q: Create an object using Python's C API

detlySay I have my object layout defined as: typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD // Other stuff... } pyfoo; ...and my type definition: static PyTypeObject pyfoo_T = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) // ... pyfoo_new, }; How do I create a new instance of pyfoo somewhere within my C exten...

that would suggest layman-me that it doesn't return the instance, rather it returns whatever the result of the method is
ooooh, I see
callable as in constructor-ish
so when you said &type, did you actually do &SoundFileType?
and is args something reasonable?
I tested both with NULL and
args = PyTuple_New(6);
PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, PyLong_FromLong(ifd));
PyTuple_SetItem(args, 1, PyLong_FromLong(props->srate));
PyTuple_SetItem(args, 2, PyLong_FromLong(props->chans));
PyTuple_SetItem(args, 3, PyLong_FromLong(props->samptype));
PyTuple_SetItem(args, 4, PyLong_FromLong(props->format));
PyTuple_SetItem(args, 5, PyLong_FromLong(props->chformat));
in both cases I got a segfault
sorry to be pedantic, but it's segfault for "segmentation fault" for "segmentation violation", and sigterm for "terminate signal" or something:)
anyway, I'm out of rubber duck ammo, sorry...
maybe I should call something else instead of PyObject_CallObject()
well you could try the crossed-out original version in that answer, for the case of args=NULL
misread the docs, sorry
Looking at the docs, dying mid-call to PyObject_CallObject() should not happen. Is there any chance that the definition of your type is somehow off?
I wouldn't say so. Instantiating SoundFile from python works fine.
OK, so one last effort from my cargo cult experience: found this official example
note that it uses PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT throughout, not PyObject_HEAD_INIT. That's a pattern mismatch:D
but I don't know what either does...so...hope somebody soon comes along who's seen anything like this:)
this difference seems to be due to some python 3 changes (?) see also PEP3123
hmm, wait
can't, gotta go sleep;)
good luck
@Andras thanks for the help!
3 hours later…
@AndrasDeak blind leads another
@Jovito PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT is for variable-length objects
also, you don't call the PyType itself...
ah sorry, calling the class should work
@Jovito actually you shouldn't have these casts (destructor) and (initproc)
what they do is just silence any errors
lol, no, again you must use PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT
happiness is when you earn "Tumbleweed" badge:p
@AnttiHaapala you there?
yes but I am sleepy :D
didn't you just wake up @AnttiHaapala
I should be going to bed
it's late here
ok, so, I did this and it worked:
sf = SoundFile_new(&SoundFileType, args, NULL);
SoundFile_init((SoundFile*)sf, args, NULL);
doesn't sound right that the other didn't work
did you remember to call PyType_Ready?
yes, I called it right before those two lines
didn't understand why I had to though since I already had done so in the PyMODINIT_FUNC function
but calling the type object should work
ok so we need to see your full code now
could you post to a pastebin or sth
before I do
let me see if I understand you
you said PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT is for variable-length objects, so that's what could be possibly breaking my code?
what should I say instead?
That's the macro used here:
well I was wrong about PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT - you need to use it.
yes, you confused me
I said I am sleepy
point taken
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT is for variable length objects, but PyType is considered a variable-length object.
ok so you're saying PyObject_CallObject((PyObject*)&SoundFileType, args) should work
yes as far as I can see
ok, I'll show you the code, just a sec
it is the only conceivable way of calling the PyType...
but also naturally you must check the return value of each and every function here
what do you mean?
I just showed you the way I did it
it might be NULL and then you need to pass the exception
@Jovito so how do you create an object of type X?
obj = X_new(&X, args, kwargs);
actually, it almost worked. I still had to call PyType_Ready(&X) right before I made that call even though I had already called it in the module init function.
but it doesn't need to be thus named
@idjaw yeap
@idjaw I saw that too.
@AnttiHaapala you're saying I shouldn't need to call PyType_Ready(&X) again?
@Jovito did you check the return value of PyType_Ready
you must check each and every return value of each and every api functoin
PyType_Ready returns 0 on success, or return -1 and sets an exception on error.
I'll show you the code.
Tonight was very productive. Figured out how to sign git commits and Python packages with my Keybase key, made the official Flask Sphinx theme an installable package, and released it. pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-Sphinx-Themes
Only hiccup was messing up the 1.0.0 install then finding out that PyPI decided to never allow same version uploads anymore for security reasons, so the first release is 1.0.1.
@AnttiHaapala pastebin.com/25tj5Jgy
@Jovito one thing comes to mind: printf("%p\n", (void*)SoundFileType.tp_init) and printf("%p\n", (void*)SoundFileType.tp_new) members
@davidism good job! :) I actually haven't messed around with keybase at all.
It's not documented very well, got it by piecing together a couple different blog posts.
It was pretty easy, just not obvious.
@AnttiHaapala they're different
yes but also not 0 :D
just making sure that you counted the slots correctly
so what will happen if you construct in Python with SoundFile(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
hm, I got an error
says object is not callable
@davidism Was there anything odd you had to do with keybase? Or was it as simple as using whatever keys you would have generated on your machine?
You can actually sign directly with the keybase command, if you're using twine, or you can export your public and private keys then import them into gpg locally.
oh neat. that's painless
@Jovito with the pytype
keybase pgp export > public.key
keybase pgp export --secret > private.key
gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key
cool. thanks again! :)
OK. Before I get distracted with something else, I'm going to bed.
rbrb :)
For some reason there's no keybase command to do that, although it will do it if you generate another key with the keybase command.
@AnttiHaapala what do you mean?
@AlHizbulBahar please read our room rules. Don't post recent questions here.
sorry, I didn't know
Thanks, I'm reading the rules
@AnttiHaapala Sorry, I screwed up before. Actually SoundFile(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) works just fine.
morning everyone
x = pypsf.SoundFile(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

>>> <SoundFile id=1; sample_rate=2; channels=3; sample_type=4;> format=5; channel_format=6>
hmm seems to work yes
so why doesn't PyObject_Call work?
you must have readied type before PyObject_Call(&PyTypeGoesHere, args)
You mean everytime I call PyObject_call() I need to call PyType_Ready()?
absolutely no
@Jovito you should need to call PyType_Ready once and only once.
after you've done everything to it
@AnttiHaapala In the pastebin I sent you, right on the end you can see that I call PyType_Ready(&SoundFileType)
yes, in a wrong place
it should work there in the module initialization
where then?
and if it doesn't then something is very wrong
module init func.
as you're doing
but that's where I'm calling it
then why did you said "in a wrong place"
you're also calling it in psf_props_to_Soundfile
yeah, because without the call the code doesn't work
if you need that call in psf_props_to_SoundFile then you're doing it very wrong
you're creating python objects to a module without that module ever existing perhaps?
or without you holding GIL or sth equally evil.
why would I need to hold the GIL if its all happening in the same thread?
and how could the module not exist if I can instantiate SoundFile objects on python code?
because Python C-API says you must hold the gil.
yes but how did you call psf_props_to_SoundFile
and where and when...
static PyObject* open(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
    PSF_PROPS props;
    int ifd;
    int rescale = 0;
    char* path = NULL;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|p", &path, &rescale))
        return NULL;

    ifd = psf_sndOpen(path, &props, rescale);
    return psf_props_to_Soundfile(ifd, &props);
and where is that placed then?
in the same module?
same module as the SoundFile type
and that's called way after PyImport_AppendInittab("pypsf", &PyInit_pypsf)
exactly, and before the stuff from Inittab gets run
what do you mean?
btw, I was calling PyObject_CallObject()not PyObject_Call()
AppendInittab doesn't do anything
does that make any difference?
yes, I said wrong, PyObject_CallObject instead of PyObject_Call
PyObject_Call has keyword args too
if I remove the PyType_Ready(&SoundFileType) from the psf_props_to_Soundfile() call I get an error because tp_alloc is null.
because you're creating those instances before your module is initialized
But I am calling PyType_Ready() on the module init function. You saw the code.
yes, and you're not calling the module initialization function, got it?
first of all, I don't even get why do you want this module be a built-in module?
do you need to build a single exe to contain this?
What do you mean? You're saying I should explicitly call it?
you're poking Python internals before you initialized the python interpreter.
When exactly does the module init function gets called?
on import...
... or for builtins, when Py_Initialize is called
I'm making the calls in this order:
PyImport_AppendInittab("pypsf", &PyInit_pypsf);
so that shouldn't be a problem.
then I guess, it is not created before you import it
if it wasn't created then how could I be able to instantiate a SoundFile object on python code?
because you imported it there
by calling PyType_Ready() ?
you imported your module in there.
it called your modinit
if the module is imported and the module init function is called before I run psf_props_to_SoundFile() then how can it not have been created?
so how about you add some debug prints to make sure the module init function is called before you do psf_props_to_SoundFile
(it isn't, or at least not properly)
Yes, I'm running tkinter code so the module gets initialized, the tkinter's event loop starts, a window opens up, and that's all that happens until I press a button in the GUI that calls back to that open() C extension function that in turn calls psf_props_to_SoundFile().
tp_alloc is not null after the module is initialized but somehow is when psf_props_to_Soundfile() is called.
Hey @Andy, how's the new job treating you ?
nice, remote code execution vuln in pyramid_debugtoolbar
triggerable by a visit to malicious website
hey @randomhopeful ok for now. colleague that is leaving , has been off-sick for a week so I've been stuck, doing docs :)
Anyway, I've been doing a presentation about building startups & coding with students at Sc Po Paris
pres are plain draining
\o @BhargavRao
o/ @AndyK
Ah, Just andy will ping the wrong andy.
@AndyK Nice ! I've been to Paris a couple of times. Good times
I've never seen such a bunch of students who were so unknowledgeable about computer ... and yet, they are seen as ... Elite ... scary for the future of France ...
the pres was done on my spare time , if it needs to be mentioned
@AndyK nice
@FlorianMargaine man, they were just plain clueless ... but I mean ... clueless yet most of them graduated with high honours (mention très bien)...
@AndyK yeah well... future journalists or politicians...
ha ha ha ha ha ha (nervous laugh. indeed -_- )
Computer science became yet another field of actual knowledge being joyfully disregarded. Like one being proud about weak understanding of math
@randomhopeful yeah but you still need to evangelize. work is a real value, that's need to be said. Even if you are choosing Humanities, at one point it will become complex. Are you going to give up because of the toughness?
@AndyK Goddamn no I won't !
In all seriousness, I agree with you. The lack of will to understand what computers are about is crazy, especially when it comes to students, elites or not
Cabbage @PM2
@idjaw It looks like someone at python.org is an Amiga fan. When the Amiga crashed, the error message it displayed was called a Guru Meditation.
I've seen lots of those, especially when writing assembler: a bus fault (caused by attempting to access memory with improper alignment) would throw a Guru Meditation. Fortunately, in later versions of the OS those would (generally) be recoverable errors, i.e., they wouldn't cause a reboot, but they were still scary. :)
@PM2Ring Guru Meditation is varnish default error message
@FlorianMargaine Ah, ok.
so, someone at varnish was an amiga fan :)
@randomhopeful knowledge is being disregarded every day. "We've heaad enough from experts" (Michael Gove) is typical, and yet scientists still think they can "win" arguments by being rational: newscientist.com/letter/…
I think 2016 has been a long-play version of the Death of Rationality.
With America heading towards Idiocracy at half the speed of light
*rationality was only ever bounded rationality at best, but we seem to have taken all the walls of those rules and collapsed them in on themselves.
@holdenweb Nice work. Coincidentally, I just read an Asimov story today written in 1939 (just before the outbreak of the war) that was set in a world where there was a big post-WWII swing away from science & rationalism and a massive resurgence in religion.
"Trends" is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. It was first published in the July 1939 issue of Astounding Science Fiction and was reprinted in Great Science Fiction Stories About the Moon (1967) and The Early Asimov (1972). "Trends" was the tenth story written by Asimov, the third to be published, and the first to appear in Astounding, then the leading science fiction magazine. == Origins == The story had its genesis in research Asimov was conducting on behalf of an academic writing a book on social resistance to technological change. Asimov was particularly struck by a serie...
atlassian sourcetree is the worst piece of software
ever created
in fact atlassian-created software are bad
all of them
What's up with it? My experience of it's always been as a fairly mundane day-to-day piece of software.
@holdenweb Sweet article, man [ : And I agree with you. Sensational triggering beats logic any day
Here's a fun Aussie pop-rock song from the mid 1980s Like Wow—Wipeout by the Hoodoo Gurus.
And here's Samantha Fish from a couple of days ago doing the old Screamin' Jay Hawkins classic, I Put A Spell On You
@Withnail should be banned by law as it advertises git ignorance
I think the two are unrelated tbh. Blindly doing stuff in sourcetree isn't much/any different to cargo culting git commands from SO.
I calmed down a bit
:D Was that you on linked in yesterday, btw?
nope, I don't think so
> Faster than
85 %
of tested sites
85% of tested sites must be really really crap then
@khajvah I want to use bitbucket for source code. Should I go with them or more gitlab ?
@AndyK bitbucket worked fine for me besides the retarded payment management
cbg everyone
ive got a problem with installing modules on my Ubuntu 16.04 server. pip doesnt install them - returns Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /.... easy_install has the same problem. Both pip and easy_install is up to date. Im so frustrated. I just want to set up my first Django project but already got a bunch of errors thrown in my face. :/
@khajvah we use it; seems fine to me
@RobertGrant I was pissed off for a few minutes
@MaxLunar are you using a virtualenv?
"how to edit my code so that"... sounds like a symptom of cargo-cult programming to me.
(def Cbg (partial println "Hello!"))
@Withnail yes, but packages doesnt install both in activated env and in usual terminal window
did you set your virtualenv up with sudo, by any chance?
im working as root user
@AnttiHaapala I believe I made that very clear myself:P Yet I didn't see any sighted people rushing to help, and sometimes all you need is a rubber duck
if you stick the full traceback in a pastebin or something I'll have a look, I've been building(and rebuilding) 16.04 servers for the last two weeks. :)
okok, wait a second
Hi, Anyone with experience with Raspberry Pi (RAspbian) and OMXPlayer controlled from Python? I have a strange behaviour when using a HDMI->DVI cable instead of HDMI->HDMI
only former
so what is the problem?
Basically I have a video of a door. When I trigger a GPIO, it should start playing the video of a door opening, and after that, rewind and pause with the image of a closed door again (first part of the video)
It worked well so basically for each GPIO trigger I do the following:
1. Resume
2. Wait for the length of the video
3. Rewind
4. Pause
Between step 3 and 4, I have a sleep of 250ms to allow the video to start so It shows the door.
It works well using HDMI connected to my TV. But when conneting to my monitor with HDMI->DVI, the rewind part does not work
Antti I´m very often in Finland thank you very much :-)
Antti too
So to make it work, I have to increase the sleep between "rewind" and "pause" from 250ms to 600ms
Just for DVI connections
@Withnail pastebin.com/9pj1zvYy - trying to install mysqlclient. pastebin.com/SizMJhep - doing same with easy_install. Actually mysql-python gives me the same errors
I cannot imagine why
Also, it seems like the rewind does not take place with the sleep of 250ms. Its like the sub process does not detect rewind, only pause
And I am REALLY confused how the connection to the display makes this difference
tv-service -s reports DVI CEA for the monitor and HDMI CEA för the TV
TV is detected as 1080i and Monitor 1080P
@randomhopeful @PM2Ring thanks! Enjoyed writing that
Ah ok
@ElToro sounds like perhaps you should be in rpi.sexchange chat :D
Yeah, I had this with our ansible install. I think you'll need to do apt install mysql-client instead before you run the pip install for the things that are dependent on it.
doesn't look too busy... :D
@AnttiHaapala sexchange?
Not much
@ElToro anyway this hardly seems like a Python problem anyway...
(Actually, had the same issue last night building another machine for testing)
@khajvah stackexchange
To me it seems like a problem with the sub process in python
Here's your mysql_config issue: stackoverflow.com/questions/7475223/…
well, there is the other site, expert sexchange.com
Because it does not detect the first keystroke
You are missing a (non-Python) dependency
Why does it work with slightly increased delay on DVI
The first of two key presses directed to stdin of the sub process disappears
difference in how the rpi handles those ports?
@ElToro you don't have key, you have GPIO.
anything could happen
GPIO triggering works fine
why wouldn't you make it edge triggered...
The triggering works fine
No debouncing or whatever
I discovered last night that O'Reilly continue to publish the content of the four Python classes I wrote for them under a Creative Commons license - that's pretty advanced for a commercial publisher, I'd say
Using HDMI, inter-keystroke delay 250ms is perfect
Using HDMI/DVI, inter-leystroke delay of 550 ms is perfect
@RobertGrant I just saw this today on the xkcd Coding forum:
$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> (define x '(1 2 3))
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    (define x '(1 2 3))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
actually ive installed both mysql server and client, and no result. I get completely SAME error
That guy has been coding for well over a decade, and has expertise in multiple languages. :)
@PM2Ring @IljaEverilä did hack something like that into Python though...
@AnttiHaapala That's evil... but I think I like it. :)
archive.oreilly.com/oreillyschool/courses/Python1/index.html (replace 1 with 2, 3 or 4 for later courses). Somewhat dated now, but all Python 3
Did you read the question holdenweb linked? You also need:
@AnttiHaapala not into python, on top of
@PM2Ring :D
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
I do really like Clojure
which contains the mysql_config
When I wrote these, the intended target audience included (e.g.) technicians who might have to program instruments in Python and the like, rather than just professional programmers. For such people there's probably a lot more value in the first two classes than the last two.
Can't tell whether it'd actually be good for coding big stuff, but perhaps I should try standing up a small $thing in it one day
@IljaEverilä That's ok then. Writing interpreters for other languages in Python is perfectly fine.
The styling was, and remains, awful. But it might be interesting to produce new materials based on it and the Jupyter notebook.
And fun
Anyone here had to register docker containers to amazon ECS using alpine linux or such? Seems like I'm in for some hell of a time...
Have just passed that on to someone in the office, thanks @holdenweb

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