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good night
Hey, where would I look to find information about writing a computer program that would stream video from a camera connected via a radio connection?
for my quadcopter tinkering...to add a little context.
thanks for any help! :)
what is it?
cbg == hello => sopython.com/salad
silly thing done in this room that stuck around. No one really uses any of the other "lingo" in there other than cabbage (cbg) and rhubarb (rbrb)
also I have no idea where you can get that info. And weekends are pretty dead around here
lol ty...now that i've announced myself as a noob
I will come back later then. Thank you.
@tristan I realized my problem with knowing whether the taco place I went to was good. I don't have a reference point for what is actually a good taco. But I liked it.
@wellington i'd start at the beginning -- figuring out how to receive data from the radio connection. i assume it sends back data via UDP?
@idjaw oh cool. did they pickle onions? it looked like they did
yes. they did. The restaurant was rented out for the event, and they were just walking around handing out food from a pre-set menu.
So I ate what was served. It was delicious
let me see if what I had was on the menu
oooh that's the best way to eat, imho
chef's menu and you don't have to hem and haw about what delicious thing to order
^^ yes! I usually always go for chef's menu when it's available
no thinking. Let the people who know what they are talking about feed me.
beef tartare / garlic / fermented serrano chilis / pasilla mayo / potato chips
guacamole / tortilla chips
brisket / watercress / pickled onions
carnitas (pork) / onion / cilantro / salsa verde /
fried cheese / cherry tomato salsa / jalapeno

and a few extra finger foods not on the menu
wat. There was a New Girl Brooklyn nine nine crossover episode? Watching .Now.
interesting, yeah, sounds delicious. i doubt tacos would travel well from nyc->montreal, so if i end up getting a house next year, you'll have to come down for a taco tour
haven't seen new girl. watching the new black mirror episodes now, but they're really not on par with season 1 and 2
New Girl is all about the supporting cast. They are fantastic.
@tristan House in Boston?
@idjaw heh, no. unless things seriously change. looking at easy commute distance just outside NYC or potentially middle of nowhere upstate NY
is Long Island a thing that people do who want to be close to NYC?
or is that too far?
Not my/our scene
hehe...group of friends and I went years ago to NYC and we decided to stay in Long Island and make our way to NYC...it wasn't fun.
it wasn't fun at all.
out by montauk is entirely different, and there are some really chill places along the way, but yeah, sburban LI definitely has a personality to it
Hey Tristan
Any thoughts on declaring constants as class variables vs module constants?
They're more annoying to mock at the module level :P
Do what makes sense to you.
^^ that too
That would be such a great strategy if I were less of an idiot
If it's something expensive to generate, head's up that not "guarding" it in a class means you pay for it at startup time
That is useful to know
remember that the moment you import a module, anything that isn't within a def or class will run.
so if you have something like MY_CONST = thing()
that is running on import of that module
context matters too -- what kind of constant are you talking about?
is it correct that iterating through a zipped set of lists should yield ndarray types for each iteration element?
e.g. MILLION_1 = 1000000 is cheap/safe/obvious. if it's something like a DB query that grabs a set of contextual constants, i'd put that behind a class so you don't accidentally re-use something or keep memory allocated unless it's actually needed
for example in the code: * for pred, age, worth in zip(predictions, ages, net_worths):*
pred, age, worth are ndArray's of length one
actually, nevermind i see now that my input data is a list of lists so it makes sense teh elements would be arrays
I mean basically I'm just writing a message delivery class
Im just not sure whether stylistically, constants should be declared inside the class definition or just in the module is fine
tristan's advice is the right approach: cheap -> do whatever makes sense in your design. expensive -> "guard" it in a class or function.
@gowrath oh, "it depends"
Haha damn
Im submitting this to a company so I want to stick to best practices
most of the time, it makes sense to namespace something for testing purposes/"code-smell"/not polluting globals
Are they only used in the class?
if you end up having constants that are used in many classes, you could always define it as a dict and reference it in the classes (either on instantiation and/or defaulting to it)
way to go netflix, you made black mirror suck
@Natecat Yea
Netflix normally makes pretty good series tho
ehh. black mirror season 3 is terrible
And then why would you define them in the module
It just makes the value of the constant more obscured
depends on the constant and if it's contextual to that class
Because that class is the only "major" class in that module
It's kind of a contrived example
When would a constant used only in one class not be contextual to that class
it's not my code :)
Well the advantage i see to keeping it at a module level is that the code looks neater without self.CONST everywhere
"Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all capital letters with underscores separating words. Examples include MAX_OVERFLOW and TOTAL ."
So officially you should define it on a module level
PEP 8 is like the definitive style guide for python code
so unless you have a company specific style guide, then you should generally follow the rules set forth in that
gotta run
rbrb folks
@randomhopeful well, he hesitated for almost 9 months!
2 hours later…
Hi, anyone here
How can i save image with extension?
Can I use Image.save(save(path,format='png')
i find the answer. No need for help :D
any done lisp interpreter in python?
@Ananthu I guess @IljaEverilä did something like that :d
@Ananthu how about brainf*ck? :D
if u are interested read this, anyway I want to implement this code in c

good for you :D
What did ya do?
whats cbg?
@Ananthu it means "cabbage2
@BhargavRao I opened a martijn-hammered q by accident :P
then fscked my close vote too :d
I was to hit "delv" :d
That's some epic fail :D
let it have 1 delv for now :P
when someone gets annoyed by it it will have 2 delvs :P
then it will be soon deleted :d
@AnttiHaapala thanks
@Ananthu nice
@RobertGrant melon
Cbg, btw
Discovered a script in NewCo that takes in excess of 12 hours to run.
It's just moving stuff from one db to another, and it's not that much data. Horror show.
so...new hobby project?;)
We once had a database backup script that took over 24 hours to run; turned out it was compressing the files with gzip -9. Removed the -9 and it now only took an hour or so. The resulting file was like 2MB larger or some such ridiculous small size. :-/
Yet another example of silly premature optimisation
Hobby? They're paying me, at least.
(Having been paying myself in dribs and drabs freelancing since Feb, I am deeply looking forward to getting paid :D )
I'll take my laptop for repairs on Friday, I think I'll try to finally switch to debian while I'm already backing up my stuff
cbg all
yay debian!
@Antti I have to reconsider my stance that it is without risk to demonstrate in Hungary: video by a guy whistling at Orban's talk yesterday in protest (hope you can open the video on this hoster)
(many people went whistling, got beaten up)
(by fellow humans, not paid thugs)
pretty bleak. :(
@AndrasDeak ...
@AndrasDeak ^
I thought they've made a film... and a book about this...
The 1984 film was actually pretty good
And look, they're doing a remake of that as well, lol
special effects weren't good enough,
and it was too much talk/not enough action.
they didn't show the war either...
also, there was too much nudity
@AnttiHaapala :P
I thought nudity was in vogue in films now?
Or is that just in HBO series?
@Carpetsmoker that was sarcasm you know...
but that is how the remake is going to be..
@AnttiHaapala V for Viktor?:D
@AndrasDeak V for Vendetta
Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Call me crazy but I dislike alliteration
@AndrasDeak you dislike
Finnish national epic is all about alliteration
I angered the Suomi within
you dislike alliteration, as in the sense... "If I utter 3 words starting with the same consonant in a row, I must stop and think how to avoid the 4th"?
Haha, no:D I just find excessive alliteration annoying
like "Did Donald do... err..."
I probably don't even notice only a few occurences
I very much like the sound of v in Weaving's voice there...
@AndrasDeak *the suomalainen (?)
when it starts sounding violently vicious and voracious
Was it Agent Smith behind Fawkes' mask? I'm not sure I ever checked.
Cabbage :-)
AAAAH another 25% increase in grey hairs. The end is near:(
Love V for Vendetta. Apart from Whathername's accent, which carts around England like a milk race
Morning cabbage for all.
* Natalie Portman
that's what I said;)
I wonder how long it would take to learn to read ROT13.
And once you did, whether you could consciously not read a ROT13 passage because you don't want to be spoiled. Or would your eyes be inexorably drawn to it the way a Lovecraft protagonist is drawn to write his story instead of fleeing from the shoggoths in his sitting room?
You're going to break my encryption @Kevin?!?!
@PM2Ring cbg
@Kevin Back in the days of Fidonet ROT13 was rather commonly used in spoilers. I spent a month or two practicing ROT13 and developed a reasonable speed. I haven't kept up the practice, so these days I'm pretty slow and I often have to think for a second or two with some letters.
And of course I don't get much ROT13 practice these days because I wrote a bookmarklet (for Firefox) that ROT13s selected text on a Web page. :)
When the game FEZ came out, I spent long enough playing it that I memorized the in-game language's glyphs, which are just one-to-one substitutions for regular letters, but not in any obvious overarching pattern. I could read maybe three words a minute.
Only application of rot13 that I've ever seen is for the "offensive" fortune data files − which is annoying since it makes it more difficult to grep for that one quote you remembered...
I may or may not have made flash cards and practiced them at work.
Never quite understood why they have to be rot13-ed in the first place...
@Kevin One of my practice activities was to write or recite the alphabet in ROT13 pairs, "AN BO CP DQ ER"... etc. Also, I made up a game called "Rotagrams" to help me practice. The object is to construct words or sentences that when ROT13'd become an anagram of the original word / sentence.
Reminds me of the Achewood comic where Cornelius, the only intelligent character, explains the concept of bilingual anagrams to Phillipe, the dim five year old. You rearrange a phrase in English so it says something related in, say, Portuguese. Phillipe comes up with half a dozen of them in a minute, quickly loses interest, and returns to doing some inane activity for five-year-olds.
@RobertGrant Neta-Lee Hershlag
@RobertGrant and literally the first time that an American movie by American directors and an Israeli-American actress gets English accent wrong.
Exactly! Groundbreaking.
ah nice...
TIL... Hugo Weaving is a Nigerian immigrant.
i prefer lyon
Don't you go dissing Natalie. I thought she was brilliant in A Few Good Men in Black Swan.
Now I'm confused. I know you're much smarter than me, but you also just referred to a celebrity by their first name.
I was going to call her "our Natalie", but I thought that was going a bit too far. :)
Morning cabbage.
my datastructures do not have any relationships.
they have no life.
and cbg
I worry about money and love and death and my dog and the hole in the ozone layer and... Code is probably in the top thousand, though.
man... hiring is hard
also, cbg folks
For today's Newbies Write The Damndest Code. if test is any in list(teams). Where teams is a list.
I regret that that is valid syntax.
it is...
that is so sad
operator chaining will be the death of us all.
@MorganThrapp is that a real example?
I can get behind some chaining, but when would you ever chain is.
cbg all
@MorganThrapp and the problem is that that is in no way a syntax error or otherwise in python...
Ah I will answer that
Also, can someone hammer that as a dupe? It's getting answers.
Crowdsourced question: how would you answer "what is perfect CI?"
@BhargavRao damn you :D
I wanted to answer that question
and incidentally, @MorganThrapp you're incorrect.
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, I thought I might have the exact chaining wrong.
what it tests is test is (any in teams)
(which I would have gotten incorrect too with 50 % probability)
Oh, gotcha. I can never remember what order it does stuff in.
orning everyone
@enderland The perfect amount of CI, the measurement of radioactivity, is zero. Zero radioactivites.
no one wants to be quoted in my presentation? :o
j/k. Kevin wants to be included for teh lulz. :P
Unless you're building a nuclear reactor, in which case you want quite a lot of it, but only in certain places. Core yes, break room no.
the donuts... they're... breathing
@AnttiHaapala I caught in the other room :D
@Kevin I'm tempted to quote this in my talk as an answer someone gave to that question
Do as thou wilt
I'll skip my even more elaborate and copycatted note concerning the configuration interaction
kids these days... ;)
@tristan you'll be delightfully annoyed by the new xkcd (no, don't read it:P)
Life Goals?
The albanian village is pronounced 'Jaffzohtay' fyi. #nicheknowledge
@AndrasDeak woohoo, the Finnish populist party is now planning to introduce outright slavery in Finland.
@AnttiHaapala immigrant work visas?
@AnttiHaapala about time
@AnttiHaapala democracy in action (inaction?)
there are a lot of people who feel H1B visas in the USA are pretty close to that
"A lot"?
[citation needed] ;)
I've heard that in a variety of forms
@enderland even worse
Antti tosses around words like "Nazi" so casually that when he says something is "outright slavery" I'm inclined to suspect it's slavery in the sense that restrictions on free agency in professional sports are slavery.
cbg again
@DSM Nazis must be stopped before they get into power, not after.
you will nazi them coming
@AndrasDeak doesn't work if you can't pronounce Nazi correctly
Most jokes don't if you can't pronounce their words
hops on the antti-bashing bandwagon
so, this new form of slavery is called "recruitment try-out"
=internship for immigrants?
@AnttiHaapala: and I don't trust your ability to distinguish dangerous and genocidal antisemitism from policies you don't like.
antisemitism antisemitism
there were much more to Hitler's Nazism than antisemitism.
Sure, there was socialism and conquest.
Combine the three, you get the NSDAP.
"Other victims of Nazi crimes included ethnic Poles, Soviet citizens and Soviet POWs, other Slavs, Romanis, communists, homosexuals, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses and the mentally and physically disabled"
I'm pretty sure the largest issue with that hitler guy was the whole holocaust thing, including all those guys ^

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