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or yeah, paging.
I can't split windows with keyboard
that's one thing that makes me use a mouse
I'm a very hard on mouse user, but some things are just so annoying to reach for the mouse for
Post vacation cabbage for all.
One day, I want to come and say "pre vacation cbg for all"
Welcome back
Having recently gone to Ubuntu full time, there's definitely some quirks that I'm not used to and still have to use the mouse for things I feel i shouldn't
Use i3wm
oh, interesting
I'm not quite sure I like Ubuntu. It crashed on me last friday because I tried reinstalling pulseaudio
It's definitely 'good enough' now, imo.
It's also infinitely better than regressing to windows. I was here for 4 hours before I asked them to rebuild my machine as a linux box. :D
lol. systemd, an init system, from the people that brought you pulseaudio
pulseaudio is fine. It was shipped before it was ready by canonical, much to the devs' disappointment
gets popcorn
I don't get the bashing that systemd gets
No, you write unit files. No bash necessary.
I also think that US taxes are too low, especially for its citizens who live in other countries
this is the problem
@RobertGrant lol what, come again?
we pay US taxes while abroad and making income in other countries. we're one of the few countries in the world with that setup
Usually you pay only taxes in the country you live in
and tristan takes the bait! Let's see how this continues to play out.
e.g. I moved from the Netherlands to the UK (while working for an Irish company) and pay only UK taxes now
@Carpetsmoker see the second part. if i was working in the UK, i'd also have a tax burden in the US as well
"Usually you pay only taxes in the country you live in" and "The US is one of the few countries in the world that taxes expats" are not contradictory statements
Wow, that sucks @tristan :-(
eats more popcorn
Was this a callback to an earlier discussion? I feel like I missed something.
There was nothing to miss, really. Unless we like beating dead horses
@Carpetsmoker not as much as paying high taxes in a country where our criminals and people that have no intention of actually taking a job get better resources than our veterans, elderly, and people outside the formal work structure
Trigger warning: fiscal policy
@Kevin that's why Terry Gilliam renounced the citizenship
I should get around to reading 1984.
It's a quick read
yeah, 4 digits.
The novel is named "nineteen eighty-four", so it's a bit more than four digits ;-)
It appears that you're discussing fucked-up US policies aimed at global citizens. Do you know about the HEART act?
much less than Nineteen Eighty-Four, which is 18 letters, one hyphen and space and thanks @Carpetsmoker for ruining my joke.
I need something uplifting to read next week.
1984 is an uplifting read. It's a love story! He learns to love Big Brother!
The "Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax" (yes, HEART and Heroes, from the same country that sends its youth off to fight and die against people funded by the same people funding our current presidential frontrunner) was designed to tax people making money in tech or giving up their citizenship due to double taxation or political reasons.
I still prefer Brave New World.
I think I read them both right after one another and stopped reading one, since it felt so similar
Read both at the same time, alternating chapters.
that's kind of what it felt like
Don't read books. Morph into a monster truck. Smash some cars. Think "yeah, this is pretty cool."
I've been rereading the redwall series. kind of a trap
'morning cabbage
oh man, I <3 Redwall
Well, the series. I actually kind of hate Redwall the actual book
it's such a cheesy series but still really enjoyable to read
One of my least favorite of the series
Tsk look at tristan assuming I haven't already exhausted all reading alternatives that involve becoming a monster truck.
I got into them in my teens
> series about mice with swords
> cheesy
hur hur hur
I really enjoyed Pearls of Lutra
definitely one of my faves
And any of the ones that focus on the badger lords of Salamandastron :D
@Kevin You know what they say about assumptions? (that you should make them because of course i want some fresh ground pepper on my dish)
(my first email address was [email protected] if that tells you anything)
probably tells a lot, actually :D
Yes, my liege
Disappointed nothing awful comes up on googling that email
think about where my nick came from ;-)
I did just get my official fedora yesterday, so I'm ready to say "m'lord" and "m'lady" to you all
"ender" :)
from another great series
@tristan I don't quite follow you, funded by whom? Soviet Union funds Hillary?
TFW you log in to SO and see a bunch of rep bumps, but it turns out they're no on SO so you're sad again
I do very much love Ender's Game (and all the sequels and prequels and side-quels)
@AnttiHaapala Saudi Arabia. Funding ISIS and Hillary.
listened to Ender's Shadow on CD back & forth to school for a week or two
so good
At quiz night my friend suggested our team name be "done-yun rings", a pun on "onion rings" and I asked him if it would be spelled "donion rings" and wouldn't that confuse the emcee who might pronounce it "dough-knee-on rings"? And I decided there that the title of my first fantasy epic novel would be "rings of Donion". Or possibly my first scifi epic novel. Donion is either a magical blacksmith or a planet.
look at this guy, showing off that he has a friend
Is the sequel The Dominion of Donion?
What about a magical blacksmith who forges planets?
Dominion of Donion will be written by Kevin Kevinson III, who won't be as talented as me, and many fans will shun it as noncanon despite the wishes of my estate.
Can't it be a food-related fantasy series? It could be part of The Wheel of Thyme.
@Withnail Ah, the "porque no los dos?" method of creative writing.
The Lard of the Rings
I kinda want onion rings now
@Kevin ALL THE MACGUFFINS.. Macguffi?
Tricksy Macguffinses
the spice must flow
What do you guys think of Javascript? It's much harder than C, I think
Buys more popcorn
Write a book about an AI that creates a religion to explain existence.
I, Doughbot - a collection of short stories that later gets made into a movie that has nothing to do with the original collection
@RobertGrant Yes, much better designed too. Also, marketing has really helped the internet become important.
Nintendo Switch is coming March 2017! Catch the Preview Trailer and visit http://Ninten.do/6184889Qg for more details. https://t.co/EV7zPiVf35
The NX is revealed
JavaScript is better than Python 3 but not quite as good as Python 2
Javascript is good if and only if emacs is better than vim and spaces are better than tabs
On-topic question - I have a legacy GUI program (referred ot here as 'standalone', even though it's not) that depends on the django environment and models. We're migrating the django system to AWS. Is there any (easy-ish/non horrible) way to have it talk directly to the server, other than exposing the AWS version as an API?
Are we forgetting anything in the holy war list?
Brace position I guess, but that doesn't matter to this room.
That is beyond our ken.
Who's Ken? I'm Kevin. You're Kevin.
Metamorphosis, but instead of a boring, pathetic tale of turning into a cockroach, he turns into a monster truck and it's awesome
Ken is the guy who forlornly looks through the window while we live it up at our Kevins Only meetings.
@Withnail eh. you could set up a tunnel.
@KevinMGranger That trailer looks amazing. If it actually performs that well, Nintendo is going to have a hit on their hands.
Depends on "performs well". Everyone else is on their second iteration and still struggling with 4k, I doubt something with that form factor can even do 1080p 60fps.
I mean, I know it's nintendo and that stuff doesn't matter. I'm still intrigued
Yeah, that had been one of the things at the back of my mind - 'standalone' tool ssh's to the server, runs in the virtualenv so has access to the django app config, etc?
Also, new Mario and new Splatoon. So that's nice
@tristan I see you're on to me
@Withnail yeah, give it a user key beforehand, it just pops up a tunnel. if i planned on being there less than a year and it was "effort" to make the django stuff into an API, that would be my "YOLO" approach
Yeah, I don't necessarily mean "performs well" in the sense of tech specs, more just that smooth transition between form factors, and a battery life that doesn't make you want to murder someone.
I think battery life is going to be the biggest stumbling block.
Remember when game consoles didn't need to be charged?
Bringing a Nintendo console over to someone's place to play smash is a use case that hasn't been handled since the Gamecube. I'm glad they've got that down
Heh, handled
nintendo won't rest until the pacific ocean is made of plastic
My friend's xbox 360 doesn't work because it refuses to run any games unless he connects to xbox live but he doesn't have an ethernet cord long enough to hook it up. So we just play with his NES instead.
huh. i didn't think that was a requirement on 360
It's not supposed to be. Something's funky there
Maybe it was a different kind of xbox. They all look the same to me.
Morning never-owned-a-Nintendo cabbage for all.
I haven't purchased a new game console since the original Wii. Not sure if interests are naturally changing as I age, or the grind of life has sapped all of the enjoyment out of my passions which would be otherwise immutable.
@Carpetsmoker I can see that
I enjoy other things, but am I enjoying them enough?
anyone played the NES Classic yet?
Just checking with the machine learning crowd here:
Q: Ways to encode fizz buss as an one-hot encoding - Python

alvasFrom , Joel Grus used this simple function to encode an integer into a one-hot encoding for fizz buzz: def fizz_buzz_encode(i): if i % 15 == 0: return np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]) elif i % 5 == 0: return np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]) elif i % 3 == 0: return np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]) else: ...

That sounds way, way, way to broad to me.
> How else can one get the one-hot encoding for fizzbuzz?
What if there are 40 different ways?
But before I come down like a mod hammer on that, anyone here think it is not too broad?
Gif of the Day:
user image
Too broad IMHO.
@PeterVaro where in that graph is the bit where you make this animation? :-D
@PeterVaro seen about 1000000000000000 times.
@AnttiHaapala sorry 'bout that :/
@MartijnPieters LOL :)
@DSM thanks for the confirmation, closed.
well, I was working hard with my team 5 hours ago... you know..
heroin yet?
There, now they can fight
almost there..
What a stupid GIF. Everyone knows that crack cocaine is much better
@AnttiHaapala I was just coming here to link that. It's magnificent
It was new to me when Peter Varo posted it :)
@Carpetsmoker Excuse me, but as someone who <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted>
Serious - Extreme Happiness - My talk proposal for another event got accepted. I'll be giving my first talk in November!
really excited
@idjaw Awesome!
(sigh) As I said yesterday in a similar context: I think 8(>_<)8 is the emoji for jealousy
What's the talk on?
@idjaw What's the talk about?
The title of the talk is: The Key Components of Adopting CI The OpenStack Way
Going to talk about how we improved our CI process by leveraging the toolset that the upstream OpenStack community uses while also utilizing a particular internal tool that we have that helped us really improve our integration and delivery.
an internal tool that we would love to open source, but for now it's just not ready for the world yet.
@idjaw Congrats, that's awesome!
thanks :)
@idjaw this is eerily similar to the talk I'm doing
@enderland Cool! You use OpenStack too?
@idjaw no. but I'm giving a talk about our CI process and improvements I made to it
I guess that's not as similar
that's awesome. When's your talk?
end of october. they cut this really close for informing people :|
I'm hoping that doesn't mean only 40 people will be there
which will be fun putting together a 45-60 min presentation in.. a week
Understanding Flask Blueprints too broad (and link only answer)
Flask record information is not saving everything typo (with follow up question in answer)
There was actually a decent Flask question too, so this morning is looking up.
@enderland yeah...I haven't put together a presentation that long before either.
when I was in grad school I did stuff like this all the time. will be interesting to see if I can still do that as well as I used to be able to
Has anyone used ltree type with sqlalchemy utils?
Yeah, saw that on Twitter a couple days ago. Really hope someone picks him up.
@tristan dstufft is responsible for pypi.
@davidism wait, seriously? i thought that would be a group of people
It's basically one person doing everything.
Hmm... maybe we'll scoop him.
His resume starts in 2012. Is he quite young?
> when you’re talking about the people powering the current version of PyPI you’re largely talking about 3 people in total.
I hope they take separate planes.
^ Donald
If by "?" you mean "why did you post a picture of this person?" I assume the picture is in response to tristan saying "is he quite young?" effectively replying "here, judge for yourself"
Hey everyone !
I'd guess 24 or so, but I'm notoriously bad at these things.
Yes Kevin understands flow of conversations well
Only for conversations which have transcripts. In real life I have more trouble and just nod and say "yeah" and hope that's an acceptable response to whatever the person said.
Them: Wubba lubba dub cranberry?
Me: Heh, yeah.
Them: How dare you! My mother is a saint.
@Kevin I quote that quite often :-)
Zoidberg is the Homer of Futurama
Them: Sporgle flob idiosyncracy pblthp?
Me: Heh, yeah.
Chris Hansen, emerging from the shadows: Why don't you have a seat right over there.
@RobertGrant More like a mix of Ned, Homer and Dr. Nick
@RobertGrant It's something I haven't learned. I usually just try to randomly reply hoping that it is somewhere within the vicinity of the conversation. On that note, yes, I do agree with you, the pretzels are in fact making me thirsty.
cabbages. just reviewing this edit, I think it is legit and really fixes the answer, but would like second eyes
On the grounds that we should make broader improvements where possible, I don't like the fact that the code looks like it's executable but isn't.. but I agree that the original output was wrong.
I wouldn't know how to make it executable though. I will leave that in more knowing hands.
nor if we should make it executable, actually
"Paying down technical debt and “unsticking” stuck projects." Meh gosh, he should come work here.
Is there a well-established recipe or an idiomatic way to split a sequence into two halves in all possible ways? I have this but I don't consider it very comprehensible.
import itertools
def binary_splits(seq):
    for result_indices in itertools.product((0,1), repeat=len(seq)):
        result = ([], [])
        for seq_index, result_index in enumerate(result_indices):
        yield result
for x in binary_splits("ABC"):
    print x
I can also do it without itertools but it's not much better
def binary_split(seq):
    if not seq:
        yield ((), ())
        left = seq[0]
        for right in binary_split(seq[1:]):
            yield ((left,) + right[0], right[1])
            yield (right[0], (left,) + right[1])
for x in binary_split("ABC"):
    print x
It's hard being a romantic that thinks that every problem has at least one beautiful solution.
print x? print x?!?!?!?!
you linked the dstufft's post here...
I was going to post it here before...
but I forgot
@davidism responsible for warehouse
(and he's programming it with pyramid... :D)
I just contacted about a pyramid job using python 2
@idjaw python 2?
let me confirm hold on
is that, what you call it... ah, a joke?!
aww yeah. week long problem turns out to be an encoding issue with python2/3 and utf8 strings
@AnttiHaapala yeah, I was just rolling up everything under "pypi", since I'm pretty sure he's responsible for that too
@enderland KILL PYTHON 2
@AnttiHaapala ... I wish
@davidism well, saying that someone is responsible for "pypi/cheeseshop" is an insult... :D
@enderland no seriously, kill!
Responsible for, not originator of.
@AnttiHaapala won't paste it here directly and it is in French, but: ultimately it says something like: "Pyramid Framework, chameleon template, and python 2.7"
@PM2Ring cbg :)
@Kevin How about this?
def subsets(seq):
    z = [[]]
    for x in seq:
        z += [y + [x] for y in z]
    return z

data = "ABC"
for x in subsets(data):
    print (x, [u for u in data if u not in x])
@idjaw take the job and upgrade them to 3
@idjaw you contacted someone or you were contacted?
ugh this is frustrating
@idjaw +1 to @RobertGrant, ask me any time :P
It's my Broken Python socioeconomic theory
@enderland if you were to migrate Python 2 tshi to Python 3, I'd be happy to help :D
worse. I'm supporting both
@davidism and yes I know, but someone else might not :D
🛠 We now process source maps at 40x the speed using Rust instead of Python. https://blog.sentry.io/2016/10/19/fixing-python-performance-with-rust.html
In case anyone missed it, this is awesome.
We need a decent canonical for chained comparisons. I couldn't find one, so I wrote an answer
I really want to investigate Rust for Werkzeug now.
@davidism well, not awesome for python
No, it's great for Python.
@AnttiHaapala I was contacted
Also this Rust vs Python thing, we’ll forever have zero regrets on using the “slower” language, as the business comes before the tech.
@idjaw so, get the job :D
also, that "in French" sounded like a challenge :P
> it makes Python look really good. Being an interpreted, dynamic language where most internals are represented by a hash table, it'll never compete in terms of raw speed. The people who choose Python choose it for the ecosystem and productivity, and from that perspective it's actually to its benefit that it's easy to replace your bottleneck code with a faster implementation. The only high level language in my experience easier to drop to C/C++(and now Rust) would be Lua of the luajit flavor.
@idjaw: does anyone actually say "cadriciel" in the real world?
@davidism Python has got these stupidities that make it really hard to optimize, c.f. say javascript
@davidism like, there was some discussion about speeding up the % formatting in Python 3.6 using the BUILD_STRING opcode...
but... you cannot blindly speed up 'Hello %s' % s, because s can be a tuple...
you cannot really speed up local variable accesses, let alone globals, because any function call or any expression really can change the globals...
@RobertGrant hehe and then ride off in to the sunset
@DSM I've never heard it being used.
So someone was having trouble parsing a CSV in C#. I asked if it was incorrectly quoted, and got the answer yes. Looked at it myself and it was fine. Turned out they were splitting on commas, so they had the upstream provider switch to pipes. I spent a few seconds on Google and learned about TextFieldParser and recommended it. Today they said it wouldn't work because it only worked on files. Took a few seconds to read the docs and find out it accepted Streams and TextReader objects.
SO had a worked solution as the second google result for "C# textfieldparser from strings".
@idjaw: thanks. I wasn't sure how you'd say "framework" in French, so I found this, and I was pretty sure I'd never heard cadriciel ever.
@DSM Yeah. My personal experience with French and tech is that the more global terms will be used. Funny enough you will have other as common terms that will sometimes be both equally used in their French and English names
like données <=> data, logiciel <=> software
in one conversation you can have clavier and keyboard being used. It's more whatever comes to mind first :P
@idjaw so you don't want to post the full ad somewhere because it is in french?
@davidism Thank you for linking this
@PM2Ring Works well, provided each item in data is unique. You'll get some unusual results with data="ABA", though.
@idjaw clavier sounds too much like the piano if you know German
@Kevin Ah, ok.
There are workarounds to enforce uniqueness - say, pass enumerate(data) to the function instead - but workarounds do not fit with my subjective mercurial opinion of what "elegant" is
@AnttiHaapala Oh. Sorry, I had forgotten. I'm pasting it in the other thing that doesn't exist :P
let me know when you're there
I find it hard to hear the word "clavier" without inserting "well-tempered" before it..
Any noun ending with "ier" where the "R" is silent, I assume is something I can't afford.
or as children learning French always giggling at the word for seal in French -> phoque
@AnttiHaapala sent
"Uncle Steve is always trying to put on airs, with his hundred year old claret and mahogany inlaid clavier"
@davidism great post
@idjaw read.
2 years ago I travelled for a week with wife in France
my biggest achievement was renting bikes for half a day in French!
:) awesome
A: Remove the empty lines left by Jinja2 variable definitions

oeufteteThere is whitespace control in Jinja2. You might want: {%- set ip = grains['ip4_interfaces']['eth1'][0] -%} {%- set domain = pillar['company_domain'] -%} {%- set version = pillar['site_version'] -%} {%- set site_url = 'www.' + domain -%} [...] As well, the salt configuration file supports ji...

jinja ninja
@idjaw do these events comp you a ticket or help out with travel expenses or anything? Or is it just for the fame?
It was like "deux vélos s'il vous plaît"... and ... then "demi-journée"... and then I didn't understand anything that she said but we got the bikes...
Hey, @AnttiHaapala Any comments?
Can I be safe assuming this kind of working remains supported in the future releases of Python 2.x? — Vineeth Bhaskara 9 mins ago
Well, there will be no python 2.8.
@WayneWerner This one happens to be in Montreal, but my ticket to the event is free. Also, for other similar talks that are overseas, they typically only give you a free ticket (which can get pricey). So airfare is usually on you.
But that is as much as I know. I don't know if there are other incentives when it comes to the big players in the industry
... naturally preceded by "Parlez-vous anglais?", she denied, though I am pretty sure her English would've been lightyears ahead of my French...
Irony is that English is kind of the Lingua Franca... which isn't English ;)
Should've tried "Y'ALL SPEAK AMERICAN?". They love us over there.
@idjaw I enjoy teaching and giving talks, but I'm also trying to get rid of student loans, so most of my spare change goes there :P

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