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@WayneWerner unless you're doing something else, I personally find map(do_something, things) better
I don't think I've ever before seen lambda lumped in with map/filter/reduce in the "things Python doesn't need any more" conversation.
def do_something():
    def do_something_special(argument):
    return [do_something_special(thing) for thing in things]
@Kevin: Guido tried to kill it. Enough of us revolted he had to back down.
@DSM lambdas are great!
That feels fairly natural enough for me after using it a few times.
def can do everything a lambda can do
If you can find a way to write for i in range(10): Button(command=lambda i=i: button_clicked(i)).pack() without having a function definition inside a for loop, I'm all ears
so lambda is redundant
you don't need the function def in the loop. it can be out of the loop
List comprehensions don't do anything that loops can't.
@Kevin and that's pretty much the only reason that I use lambdas
@wim even lambda x,a=a,b=b: x+a+b? currying, or something? (inside map etc)
not if you want i as a default value, it can't be out of the loop
@wim it's sometimes misused of course - it doesn't mean it's redundant... I shouldn't be forced to write a function def for a one time use
its not readable
what is the scope of those things bound in the argspec ??
I don't even know
that's your fault, is it not?:P
what happens with the implicit self if you define one on a class ?
too many = and : on one line, it's confusing.
the fact alone that you hate it might not be enough justification to do away with a language feature
And the poor old parser has to make sense of rubbish like this {0: lambda x: 0}
(that's a dict with a lambda value)
thanks for saying that - no one with with Python experience would have ever guessed otherwise!
it can't be anything else
enough troll feeding, gotta go:P
rhubarb for now
def return_zero():
    return 0

d = {0: return_zero}
Would you prefer that then ?
parses easier in the wetware
{0: (lambda x: 0)}
OK I'm done
Why can't it be sensible like KevinScript where you can do {0: function(x){return 0;}};
Only one colon present. Ambiguity erased!
@Kevin functools.partial
{0: (=>0)}
@wim and what's stopping you from doing that? :p
I think wim's argument is that the other form shouldn't be available ;)
{0: (x) -> 0} in Coconut
>>> def button_clicked(number):
...     print("Button", number)
>>> from functools import partial
>>> partial(button_clicked, 0)()
Button 0
Yeah, the problem is that wim can write whatever code he wants, but it doesn't stop his coworkers from assailing him with lambdaful code.
^^ I don't agree with wim on lambdas, but I do agree that "you don't have to use it if you don't like it" isn't a strong argument, because you'll have to work with code that does.
Unless you go live on a deserted island
then you can take all your frustrations out on a volleyball and write all the lambda's you want
Right now, the most likely reason I'll migrate away from Python is the introduction of inline type annotations. If I'm having to work with explicitly typed code, why shouldn't I use a language in which it'll actually give me performance benefits instead of just uglifying things?
A good way to find bugs is to search for 'lambda'
there is usually crap code all around it
@wim because some people abuse things - it's not a reason the rest of us should suffer for something we think is beneficial
the biggest problem with lambda is that it cannot be shortened to λ
thats the same argument the gun nuts use to keep their assault rifles
@wim I am not sure if that is going to convince lots of people here :P
I need to make more friends.
It's OK Wayne. I'll listen to your space facts.
Space is big...
Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.
too often abused, and the consequences are tragic ... take them away from everyone!
If we did that with everything we'd be left with Java
Something that I wondered while reading this week: when in history did it become general consensus that space was a vacuum? Or was that just always assumed?
Maybe in antiquity people climbed tall mountains and noticed the thinning air and reasoned "I bet it just keeps getting thinner as you go up"?
Interestingly enough, it's not actually a total vacuum. If what I read on the Internet is true
Also? Space can transmit sound
I too have read things on the Internet about that. There's something like one atom per cubic meter.
I read things on the internet too!
Aether wasn't quite a vacuum..
Although I'm sure it varies between interplanetary space vs interstellar etc
Rather broad definition of "sound" there but ok
I do remember reading a (non-clickbaity) article that there was a constant low hum throughout space
it was like an extremely low B or something
> In 1650, German scientist Otto von Guericke constructed the first vacuum pump: a device that would further refute the principle of horror vacui. He correctly noted that the atmosphere of the Earth surrounds the planet like a shell, with the density gradually declining with altitude. He concluded that there must be a vacuum between the Earth and the Moon.
I guess that more-or-less answers my question.
I'm assuming Guericke wasn't brushed off as a quack and laughed out of the academy or anything
Interesting that people still use the phrase "nature abhors a vacuum" despite the formal principle being disproven
I guess the saying applies equally well to "vacuums can't exist", which is untrue; and "vacuums are really hard to maintain", which is true.
I think the real problem is that "vacuum" is an imprecise term. It's like saying "Really Cold" instead of 0K.
Nature abhors imprecise terminology.
The journal, not the all-encompassing state of reality. The latter doesn't care what words you use.
have I missed something obvious here ? it collected -2 downvoters
help me ... Im working on a django site ... we implemented the whole thing to be super responsive and restful, it works great... but now we realized we must autologout after user specified periods of inactivity... would it be too hacky to just use a javascript.setTimeout? with no middleware control? ...
This type of question comes up once in a while. Am I right in linking what I linked? i.e. should it be duped with that question? I feel like when it comes to asking about protecting Python code, the only answer is pretty much, "re-think your approach" .
the problem is a separate hardware is also logged in as the same user that is on the website simultaneously ... its hard to differentiate between ajax calls from the js of the site , rest calls from the hardware, and actual interations (from the middleware)
@wim Probably just a knee-jerk reaction to your use of locals(), which is typically an indicator of bad coding, but which seems fine here since you need some kind of introspection
afaik it's fine to get from locals(), just not set in it
We need Andras Deak. He schooled us on temperature a couple days ago, I'm sure he could do the same with "vacuumness"(?)
is that wrong ?
I'd go as far to say that it's fine to get from locals() as long as it's for diagnostic purposes. I wouldn't base any business logic on it.
@JoranBeasley Store a login time, or a last activity time? Presumably you're keeping the session somewhere, right?
@JoranBeasley just expire the token
the problem is a separate hardware is also logged in as the same user that is on the website simultaneously ... its hard to differentiate between ajax calls from the js of the site , rest calls from the hardware, and actual interations (from the middleware)
You're not tracking IP addresses?
so because the site calls js ajaxy stuff everysecond even though the user is "inactive" they are still "active" from the point of view of the site...
@idjaw Yeah, seems fine.
the hardware is certainly a different "session" that is logged in as the same user so its less of an issue
and aren't the AJAX calls on specific endpoints? Or are they calling the same "normal" endpoints?
right to link it, also right not to hammer it
people who want to 'protect' their source code need to go away and write in assembler ..
unfortunately they are calling normal endpoints... and lots of them
the urls was not made very well with /api/v0/... endpoints
:( oops
People that want to protect their Python code have too much hubris and not enough laziness and impatience.
some of it i can catch by checking if its returning json... but some of the ajax calls just do a div.load("/some_endpoint")
protecting code is difficult and takes a long time, therefore you shouldn't do it.
@Kevin Thanks. Voted as dupe.
@Kevin people who want to protect any code and still provide the actual bits to the consumer
I'm pretty sure the last downloadable release of photoshop was hacked in less than an hour
im guessing im going to have to add some stupid get parameter to all my ajax calls ... or keep an explicit list of endpoints that should not reset the timeout
Yeah, if you want real protection just set up a REST API and jealously hoard your code. Job done.
@JoranBeasley don't add stupid stuff
the bots should be using service accounts
Maybe throw in some random sleeps so they can't reverse-engineer likely code paths from timing attacks
That one is obvious - the harder problem is distinguishing between user activity and automated session activity
@wim i agree... this is the issue with scrum ... too much emphasis on get it done now ... not enough emphasis on get it done right ... and no emphasis on go back later and make it right ...
Then you're not doing Scrum right
or, your Definition of Done is only your Definition of Partway Done
I agree ... and they pay good lip service to the get it done right and going back for tech debt... but then they allways leave it in backlog ... forever
Ive had plenty of "discussions" with our scrum masters
(who are not engineers)
(as it turns out, every manager methodology is stupid)
Nobody does scrum right. Like other religions, you're striving towards a perfect ideal which no mortal can hope to match.
Sounds like you need to file some bugs.
                                        ^Release Point...(good enough)
Or are they OK with bugs in the software? Because you should be fixing bugs before shipping new features...
don't blame scrum for bad proj management
so long story short i cant really rewrite the urls.py at this point (I wasnt the original author) ... lets pretend for the sake of simplicity my powers are limited to one middleware file
when you give your time estimates, pad them out for the refactoring cycles that you as a developer know will have to be done,but that you know managers don't care to hear about
Unless there's something that actually has a time sensitivity, like, "Your meal ready in 30s or it's free!" then there's no reason to not take the correct amount of time to do the thing.
(we dont do time estimates ... each task has "effort points" (fib seq) ... but its fairly moot)... part of the problem is my project team is working on certain functionality, that is very dependent on a totally separate team (the other team is the django project... but my team has to implement some of it...)
Aren't scrum teams supposed to be comprised of the whole team? :P
we are making a product that acts as a central hub and interacts with periphrials ... the other team is making the hub, and i am on a team making the first 2 peripherials ... however most of that is designing and implementing custom interfaces for each peripherial to run on the hub... we know its bad and tangled like spagghetti (my corp just started doing scrum and are still working on figuring it out...)
speaking of wich time to go fix a coworkers django migrations ...
sounds like you need to make sure your retrospectives are improving things ;)
well we are pretty much done ... (we are in our last sprint for the peripherials)
and then i can chicken into the other scrum to help with some tech debt... (they have 3 more sprints i think)
man, I missed the vacuum talk
so no ideas other than pay off tech debt for my problem? :P
@AndrasDeak don't worry about it, it sucked.
I see what you did there:P
lol so punny
When people say "Order of magnitude", what does that actually mean? x2 or x10?
Normal humans, not developers.
@QuestionC x10
another zero
@WayneWerner at the end
1 -> 10 is an order of magnitude
10 -> 100
100->10 too
@AndrasDeak Does nature really abhor a vacuum?
@JoranBeasley Just tuning in and haven't scrolled up. What's the TL;DR;?
@QuestionC define abhor and vacuum, but no:P
@QuestionC For normal people, it has about as much objective meaning as "a quantum leap". Which is to say, none whatsoever.
presumably it's the same for hex and other bases, so an order of magnitude would be less problematic ;)
if you have a liquid, it will gladly evaporate into the space above it, so no vacuum there
@idjaw trying to have user defined auto timeout .... easy way (add js snippet to base.html that uses setTimout to redirect user to logout after timeout ... ) ... but somewhat hacky in that it doesnt actually enforce it with sessions or middleware (js only security mesures are not awesome in general)
even solids will diffuse a little bit into empty space, until the saturation gas pressure of the given material is reached
and no, space is really not vacuum
and I am aware that you weren't actually trying to talk about this again
I'll define abhor if you define vacuum.
Does nature tend to reduce the "vacuity"(?) of the universe?
That's going to be tricky considering space is expanding but the amount of matter isn't
i can add a middleware file that can intercept the requests... but there are lots of ajax calls from the pages that are passive (the user doesnt do anything) and they hit lots of normal endpoints) so its hard to distinguish in middleware between passive ajax request and active user request
I just always assumed vacuums were like... low entropy or something like that.
Yeah, can't get more well-ordered than an empty room.
That's why judges kick people out when they want order in the court.
@Kevin though it could be disappearing
or more accurately, far enough away that we can't see them.
@QuestionC nature does bupkis
Vacuum is a lack of atoms whatsoever. A state where the particle count operator has 0 expected value, if you want a definition.
No weird quantum negative vacuums or anything like that?
outer space is full of gas (after all every star and nebula is made of gas) in the sense that it isn't empty
and let's not talk about dark matter and energy...
@QuestionC what's a quantum negative vacuum?:P
I think i need to do the hacky js.setTimeout... :(
oh well thats probably sufficient
I dunno. I'm still absorbing the negative temperature thing.
@QuestionC don't
the two have nothing to do with each other, and negative temperature is just a piece of theoratical trivia, not important from a practical point of view
whereas outer space is actually not empty
Let's talk about quantum fluctuation. What's the deal with virtual particles, am I right?
@Kevin tell me about it
photon pairs all be like, let's spontaneously exist and then annihilate unless we're on opposite sides of an event horizon
@JoranBeasley could you check for X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest?
Actually, the "weird negative quantum vacuum" thing reminded me of one thing. If you look at relativistic quantum mechanics, the Dirac equation (relativistic version of Schrodinger's) has solutions with both positive and negative energies (unlike Schrodinger's, which is bounded in energy from below). This is what's originally interpreted as electrons vs positrons.
But the thing is that if you take this seriously (which you shouldn't), the "vacuum" state would mean the state where every negative energy state is filled, so an unthinkable soup of positrons.
no, wait, maybe a positron is the lack of a negative-energy state
so the vacuum is that soup, and if you excite a particle from negative to positive energy, you end up with a particle in the E>0 part (an electron) and a hole in the E<0 part (a positron):D
I think the original reasoning was something like this
I was with you right up until "relativistic"
but this whole interpretation breaks down if you look too closely
That's like the imp with handwriting recognition in that Discworld book
I'd need that book for some types of laminate flooring...
And that guy looks a little like Terry Pratchett
Heh, he does. I never noticed that.
Pterry was well-learned enough that I wouldn't be surprised if he was an expert wood identifier.
I wood
What do you guys use when you have a bunch of inter-dependent python scripts and you don't want to rerun things with duplicate parameters? Something like: generate-dataset.py -> augment-dataset.py -> test-classification.py
@Seanny123 cabbage! Your profile image concerns me. Should I call for help? Should I bring food? Are they treating you well?
I'm looking at a bunch of tools like, Luigi, Lancet and Doit, but I'm getting a tad overwhelmed.
you mean modules?
@AndrasDeak they feed me every two days, so it's pretty good
@Seanny123 could be worse:P
If I'm calling several functions with identical parameters, I'd probably stick 'em in a tuple and/or dictionary, and use argument unpacking
@JoranBeasley We are actually in the process of releasing an implementation that actually has a built-in TTL for a user for <something>. We leveraged adding meta-data to one of the properties that would be under the user. There's a service running that does a clean up once TTL is expired
@WayneWerner I don't know if "modules" is the right word. Each one of those calls has it's own set of parameters and they're dependent on each other.
calls == scripts
@Seanny123 I'd script calling the scripts.
The problem with that is that I end up reimplementing "check to see if this has already been called this way and load the cached file"
(I scripted your script so you can script while you script)
Which I feel like I shouldn't be reimplementing because I'm not that good of a programmer
And Luigi does seem to be aiming at this problem according to this blog post
And what my partner has told me about her own experiences
Which I found as part of this GIANT LIST
@AndrasDeak you being from Hungary, I would have expected that you're familiar with this imagery
I see. The usual solution to this is to (optionally) have a hidden file that contains frequently used parameters. For example, git uses the file .gitconfig
@JoranBeasley Ultimately, we rely on the backend to keep this data for us and not involve the front-end having any responsibility.
Got seven Wikipedia articles deep before I decided that I don't really need to know what a graviton is.
@Seanny123 note that it doesn't have to be like this...
            # you see where this is going...
        except EvenMoreErrors:
            # ...
    except CleanSomeDataError as e:
        # handle CleanSomeDataError
except GetSomeDataError as e:
    # handle GetSomeDataError
You could have something more like this...
except GetSomeDataError as e:

except CleanSomeDataError as e:
especially if you can actually handle exceptions
or even this
except GetSomeDataError as e:
except CleanSomeDataError as e:
Yes - especially if you can't recover from the problems
extra points for chaining exceptions in your except block using `from e`:

raise MyException() from e
Yeah. I think I agree that I might be over-engineering the problem.
Joblib is really good at the caching problem I have, so maybe I'll just build around that.
I'll try it out and get back to this chatroom.
And probably write a blog post once I figure something out.
@AnttiHaapala why do you think I was concerned?:D
link to answer on purpose?
I chipped in
oh sorry
wow, alecxe...
it was supposed to be the question
wish that was their first blatantpoo answer:/
def foo(x):
    y = locals()
    # other stuff below
@AndrasDeak fixed
@idjaw \o/
is it possible for y to have any other keys except 'x' ? how ?
Voted. Curse these unhammerable Python-3.x tagged questions.
@AndrasDeak it took me a few search attempts to get that because the wording was tricky to get exactly what I was looking for
and I wonder how this answer:
A: How to zip two lists of lists in Python?

hammar>>> map(list.__add__, L1, L2) [[1, 2, 'a', 'b'], [3, 4, 'c', 'd'], [5, 6, 'e', 'f']]

fares against a simple comprehension with + a la answer after that
go go gadget timeit
@idjaw your country very tight neighbourhood in the community thanks you
@Kevin should've told me to retag.....
edit as then hammer ..
I'll try to look out for this next time
@wim I assume it's implied that nothing else happens before the definition of y?
wow not just a python 3 tag, but a python 3.5 tag
I didn't catch that. I would have tagged it before asking
well scrolling down in that answer helps (reading wins)....there were timings already.
Howdy. For matplotlib, how to specify which subplot a vertical line (axvline(...)) appears on? Having a problem with set_axes(...), it's raising "ValueError: Can not reset the axes." Any suggestions?
@d0rmLife Cabbage! plt.vlines should accept an axes argument.
@d0rmLife please read the page with the room rules in the top right, it will be clearer;)
Docs says that you can pass the axes kwarg through axvline to the underlying Line2d object
Lol, got it.
Okay, I will try that approach.
if axvline doesn't work, vlines should, I've used that on multiple occasions
nevermind, vlines also passes on that kwarg
@AndrasDeak If axvfline takes that kwarg, I am unsure why I am getting that error.
set_axes() gives you the error, you said
Right, sorry. I mean that plt.axvline(...,axes=axes[0]) gives the same error.
"ValueError: Can not reset the axes."?
can you provide an MCVE with a few dummy values?
well, first off, I don't know how to use the code, like what should i use in the fcopy() function, since it keeps giving me an error when i use the file name, and if there is anything wrong that I may have done in the coding. — TheJoker 1911 1 min ago
@wim Let's see, locals() executes bltinmodule.builtin_locals, which executes ceval.PyEval_GetLocals, which executes frameobject.PyFrame_FastToLocals, which... Executes a lot of C code which I don't know what it does.
@AndrasDeak I just wrote one up, and... it worked fine. Must be a separate problem in my project or something. Though, not really sure what the problem could be.
@d0rmLife yup
are you sure that line produces the error to begin with?
isn't that often the way that scratching an itch in python ends up ..
Although my project is in python 3.5 and the MCVE I just ran was in python 2.7, not sure if that could be relevant.
I'll try doing that and I'll get back to you — TheJoker 1911 35 secs ago
@AndrasDeak It's highlighted in the traceback.
It's also in a for-loop, as I'm making several plots. Need to clear values or something?
that probably shouldn't matter...but then again the C in MCVE stands for complete, which encompasses "same version";)
@WayneWerner just came across a comment of yours on eevee's blog :)
oh my god there are gotos everywhere, what does _PyDict_MaybeUntrack do, ack get me out of here
@d0rmLife I really can't say anything new without seeing your code with a Heisenbug
@AndrasDeak Yeah, I understand. Was just throwing out some information, hoping that some of it may lead to an insight. I'll keep at it and see if I can figure it out.
good luck:)
18:26:11 6 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
18:26:11 17 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
18:26:11 51 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
18:26:11 Took 36m55.073s
omg omg omg My system tests passed
they passed they passed. I'm so yammin' happy right now
\o/ :)
that should dull the pain of having to finish the sword fight
and on a Friday. Makes it so much sweeter
btw, just as an idea on how far our CI has come when dealing with system tests. That total time was more than double that last year.
\o/ for progress
o/ tristan
o/ oi oi friend
I'm going to present a few colourful topics about my department's research at a small expo aimed at high school students tomorrow. I'm happy to find that my previous laptop that's been sitting in a drawer for more than a year works still:D
@idjaw maybe your machine is breaking
breaking records, amirite?
@AndrasDeak boom!!!
same, but i deleted half the tests
Has anyone here had the misfortune of falling asleep at work before? I admit I'm a bit tired to begin with, but what I'm going over right now is making me nod off.
True story: I fell asleep at work in the middle of a conversation.
I fell asleep at work on my first week, in a meeting with my boss' boss' boss.
@DSM konichiwa
Wow, I feel much better lol.
I've intentionally put my feet on the desk and actively tried to fall asleep, if that's what you're asking
Surprisingly, he wasn't mad. The man is an olympic-class yeller but I got off with the lightest of admonitions
In my defence, I was deathly ill.
In my defense, I was really bored and slightly sleepy
@DSM are you sure you fell asleep and not just died for a little while?
if your meeting is so long and so boring that people start thinking of ways to express their disinterest, that's on you
I was lightly snoring, apparently. Do the dead snore?
Sometimes gasses escape from various openings.
DSM wasn't aware, but that colleague divided DSM by zero. He has no trace of this, because his exception handler made sure to remove any traces. In comes Nerdcop to investigate.
shhhh...only dreams now
Pretty sure I've read many spooky anecdotes from undertakers who hear their subjects exhaling but it turns out to just be some natural postmortem process
ah crap, i need to renew nerdcop next month
Said colleague was a Python programmer, so he would indeed know to catch ZeroDivisionError. Hmm.
I read a freaky short story that was written by Stephen King about someone who was alive for their autopsy
I have come up with a lame riddle: what statement can you add to the indicated spot to make this code raise an exception? (SyntaxErrors and IndentationErrors don't count.)
seq = []
def a():
    def b():
    return b()
    #you may add one statement here (but you can't delete the existing four-space indent)
was part of a collection of short stories in a book called Robert Blochs Psychos: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bloch%27s_Psychos
@Kevin: got it. :-) (Or a way to do it, anyway.)
Do IndentationErrors count as SyntaxErrors? I feel like one should inherit from the other.
@tristan nice. thanks.
Ah, yep
>>> IndentationError.mro()
[<class 'IndentationError'>, <class 'SyntaxError'>, <class 'Exception'>, <class 'BaseException'>, <class 'object'>]
@idjaw it's been ~10 months and i'm still not sure how i feel about the whole album. it's very catchy at points though
.. I'm not sure I knew that you could do .mro().. I tend to do __mro__..
@tristan I'll queue up the album on spotify
$100mm business idea: audio recording devices that send text through national language processing and quantify what concepts your employees are talking about throughout the day
in a coffee shop and have been listening to two people (who came here for a meeting) talk about emails, when they were sent, how they sort emails, and generally emails they've recently received for 30 minutes
are they in suits?
no, casual friday suburban city woman wear

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