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I remember when FORTRAN_77 was released. It was so thoroughly modern! (But I no longer remember why...)
@AndrasDeak -- I LOVE fortran!
I used to write fortran all the time.
And contrary to popular opinion -- I believe it to be an excellent language when used as designed.
3 days on 24 cores -- Is it MPI code?
Can anyone one post a working .mp3 file link you know something that looks like website.com/music/lib/song.mp3
Now I'm curious. Maybe I'll search around to see how FORTRAN has evolved in the last, oh, 25 years or so.
Please I need it to test my app
is popular opinion that it wasn't good? Most I've encountered were impressed by it (when used in heavy math processing areas) but then this does not necessarily mean developers no matter how much they/we actually code
@june1992 freesound.org has many (free) sound files.
@JGreenwell I seem to recall that FORTRAN had lots of libraries for doing egghead math, Electrical Engineering, rocket science, etc.. since it's what the scientists used.
@GordThompson -- It's definitely still a more sciency-like language.
But it has some really interesting ideas.
only thing I know about electronic structure code is that it involves densities which cause very large matrices - after that it starts to move towards gibberish
e.g. Arrays are first-class objects.
e.g. foo(:, :, :) + bar(:, :, :) is a valid statement (which is very numpy like)
Array slices work mostly as you'd expect as well.
There are definitely performance gotchas if you start passing array slices around too much without knowing what you're doing (you might end up getting copy-in/copy-out behavior if you don't give the compiler enough information)
(Also, most of these ideas are introduced in Fortan90)
Fortran95 didn't really add too much on top of what F90 had already.
@GordThompson this is the only place I encounter it so I assume a grain of salt whenever one speaks of developers (like I just realized the last time I called myself a developer was about 4 years ago)
That has only for downloads I need a link that ends with a .mp3 to test my app @Carpetsmoker
Glad to hear that it's still kickin'. With "the circle of life" and all that I may wind up using FORTRAN again. (Can I get punch cards at Staples?)
and @JGreenwell -- I think that Fortan gets a bad rap... e.g. You can write FORTRAN in any language
e.g. The name of that article strongly implies that Fortran is bad.
yeah but search for physicist and Fortran and you get a whole bunch of "it still works" articles so I think I encounter those opinions more often
The problem with Fortran is mostly the people who use it (scientists, engineers) who care more about "Does the code work" than "If I give it to someone else, will they understand it?"
Of course, that's a gross over-generalization.
Not all sciency people feel that way about their code :-)
granted, I've seen a lot of these moving more towards Python and C++ lately but there is a lot of code and Fortran still runs fast and well
And Old fortran (e.g. F77) had no provision for dynamic memory allocation which forced people to rely on hacks and tricks to make sure that they had the memory they needed to run the program.
(of course, F90 alleviated these problems ... but some people are slow to adapt :).
But yeah, Fortran code is fast out of the box. If you avoid archaic structures, it's generally straight forward to read...
The build system (with F90 modules) is a bit of a nightmare for most tools people are used to using (e.g. make).
But ... I suppose that's a deficiency in make -- not in Fortran.
I was always a bit disappointed that Borland didn't make a "Turbo FORTRAN". (But I'm dating myself again.)
oh. Another fellow Canadian! o/ fellow Canadian. :D
@idjaw Sure 'nuf.
Welcome to the room, Gord Thompson (I don't believe I've seen you in here before)
when using Django, how does model validation work when submitting a form? For example, will the validation exception be caught if you have a charField(max_length=5) in a model and i submit data in a form what has a length of 7?
What happens when you try? Where would you expect the exception to be thrown?
Well I am seeing that my form is never seeing as valid, so it is never saved to the database. I would expect it to be in form.errors()
I don't get it
@Corgs It's possible to have a form without a database.
@idjaw Same. Also, hello, my tired friend
(tired as in lacking sleep, not that I'm at all bored of you)
o/ man. tired indeed. And opened up a box of wtf on my tests...so now I'm trying to write up "smart" clean up scripts between feature files.
did more JS/UX stuff today and went to a pitch battle. having a few beers to force myself to switch off. might passively fix a couple bugs while watching formulaic TV
@tristan understood. My form is not beeing seen as valid, but tyhere are no error thrown and i know that it is not be seen as bvalid
@tristan I'm watching Gotham because I need noise and not caring what noise it is :P
to help me concentrate on finishing these tests
@idjaw heh. i'm pretty excited to crash and get back to work tomorrow.
@tristan yeah. I'm giving myself another hour and passing out. I'm actually looking forward to it
@Corgs validate that assumption that it's not being seen as valid. also, sorry, as I misread your original question and assumed a DB
I kno, because of a debug message.
Thanks for being cool about me basically telling you something completely unrelated to the problem you were having.
If my memory of Django is correct, you should be getting an exception if the field length somehow exceeds your maximum. Maybe a ValidationError?
Can you post an an MCVE if you're not just speaking in hypotheticals?
here? in chat? or as a pastebin?
pastebin/gist/whatever if more than 5ish lines
chat is pretty awful about code formatting
here is my code, pastebin.com/hrqnVLeY , and what's interesting is there is no errors shown when I don't not enter all required data.
I was considering working on something that would have adapted (a tiny piece of) a huge Fortran simulation of chemical reactions in groundwater/vapor flow. It's a little embarassing how relieved I am I did something else; would have been at least a year just getting a clue about the original code. But it had verification and validation out the wazoo, also is regularly useful in real-world applications. Yay Fortran, or maybe yay Fortran programmers.
Ok but is it possible to discuss the scrnario here atleast. Sordy for pasting the question here. Would really love to get suggestions.
Wow that's weird. I just sent a "flag for offensive content" request from the C++ Lounge
how did that happen?
your hate for C++ bubbled over so much that it developed sentience and started flagging conversations on C++ Lounge? @idjaw
I was asked to approve a flag randomly.
so strange
well, that doesn't make nearly as interesting a story
hehe sorry :P
would have been better if I went on a rampage in to different rooms just ranting
that's stage two
stage three it starts making its own meta posts
what would be this antagonists name?
as it comes from you and is a rant-y type of sentience - Captain Canuck seems likely
this is concerning. Captain Canuck is for good....ah man...did we just start different threads in the comic universe?
is this the one where Captain Canuck is bad?
Or its his arch-enemy disguised as him
captain street hockey?!?!
I feel like there is a universe being created here
captain street hockey and the mean street hosers
It's so cute when users of other languages indent their code like it matters, and then place these little } or end's everywhere.
        this is somehow
python: the e e cummings of programming languages
someone bring me forth coffee - I'm out and the shops aren't open for 2 hours
unhappy puppy
throws a coffee bag at @Jon
becuz yeah. it comes in bags now. sealed bags.
Yo guys
Any chance someone can help on this: stackoverflow.com/questions/39908841/…
@NickChapman it's 26 mins old mate... please take the time to read our room rules sopython.com/chatroom - thanks
@JonClements so sorry, up against a hard deadline. Absolutely should have read the rules first.
no worries - perhaps midnight US time and just before anyone else gets up in the UK/some of Europe just won't get much attention to immediately start with - a little bit of patience :)
I'm chatting with another guy and we got to the bottom of it, which is that the character is invalid
In json tha tis
But now we're just trying to work out how to parse it without preprocessing
I'm somewhat amazed at the 6M tweets JSON file itself
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the results of many poor grad students being forced to do data capture
@idjaw I'll return some coffee later... sorry about the quick nip in and out...
@NickChapman seriously: please read MCVE
you come here to ask for help because no one answered your question in one hour,
yet in one hour you yourself didn't add the actual error message into the question itself
along with the traceback, information about the version of Python you're using and so on...
I'd hazard there's not much life left in that horse. it seems to have understood the lesson.
I am using cURL to do a PUT request on my localhost django webserver.
The cURL I am using is curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"username":"test","passw
ord":"test12345", "email":"[email protected]"}' ht
tp://localhost:8000/login/ The view creates a form, but when I check if form.is_bound, it returns false. If I try to print you the request.POST, it prints out an empty QueryDict, even though I am sure that I inputed values. Why?
you're sending a PUT request
shouldn't you be doing something like form_data = json.loads(request.body)
Either send form data, since you're looking at request.POST, or load the json data: stackoverflow.com/questions/1208067/…
@Corgs then you can do YourForm(form_data) and it should work
@Blender@davidism Thatseems like the correct idea, however, json.loads) throws a JSON decode error: `("b'------WebKitFormBoundaryAVwOXkmZ12kJwtui\\r\\nContent-Disposition: "
'form-data; '
this is what it was trying to decode ^
that's definitely not JSON
Actually, I just sent is as json and set the cont type as json.
first time ever I've heard lichen pronounced :D
lol at those Russians they test constantly how well the Finnish radars work, and Finns go ID all planes that stray into Finnish airspace and then write it on the newspapers that the Russians will surely know that the radars are still working.
Should I foolow PyDannies method for adding more validators here? pydanny.com/core-concepts-django-modelforms.html or should i add the validators in the model?
Nvm, figured it out. Thanks!
@AnttiHaapala I have
cabbage and rhubarb:P
man I'm tired
I missed the overnight FORTRAN talk D:
Good language
Insanely fast but surprisingly simple to read.
hello everyone
how i can login into http://www.kumhoepos.com.au/ using scrapy??..... I am trying import scrapy
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
from scrapy.http.request import Request
from scrapy.spiders import BaseSpider
from scrapy.http import FormRequest
from loginform import fill_login_form

class ElementSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'epos'
start_urls = ['http://www.kumhoepos.com.au/']

def parse(self, response):
yield FormRequest.from_response(response,
formdata={'user_id': 'myid', 'pass': 'mypassword'},
Please don't paste large blobs of code directly. Read the room rules.
@IljaEverilä sorry i will keep in mind. thank you :)
@Ffisegydd actually C will be faster soon
the reason why C is so slow is that people have been misusing C...
... so they need to compile without optimizations enabled because "when optimizing my compiler breaks my code"
which is bs
Eh. FORTRAN is still easier to read. C has pointers :p
@AnttiHaapala Kids these days... :)
cbg @BhargavRao
@AndyK \o
cbg Bhargav
cbg holden
@AndyK What's the latest on your bot? (which, you, mentioned here meta.stackoverflow.com/q/332982/4099593)
after much going back and forth between people who knows and people who does not know, there was a much simpler solution
the feed
and there is also a bot called Caprica
Yeah. Feeds are the best :D
@AndyK Ah, Yes. That's the JS Room bot that can be invoked anywhere.
We got some discussion about how serious we would be in monitoring the sql questions and to be honest, it is a lot of work
so we are for now , put on that question until/ if we have more people
that caprica 6 is quite funny
but I learnt a great deal about the SO chat and else ecosystem
no wonder why people are flocking to SO
@AndyK Have you seen Queen in SoBotics? and Hatman? They have an integrated AI to talk to each other.
@BhargavRao nope. There is QueenBeen on GMT and on SO close vote room
but never heard of the hatman
Ah, Yes. The Queen there doesn't have AI enabled. I've invited you to SoBo. Enjoy :D
Anyone here build their systems using baseline build techniques?
nope ...
Having to Google that to know what it means, implies that I haven't done that. So, Nope.
OK, thanks. (FYI, loosely it's a layering of your component architecture at different levels so you can minimize the effects of change)
Latest project :-)
@idjaw Do you mean you just got sent a "flag for offensive content" request from the C++ Lounge? If so, that's normal. All 10k+ users in Chat see those flag messages no matter which chatroom they happened in.
The joys of 10k. So much more drama!
I've been too busy to notice much difference other than seeing a few (amazingly inept) deleted answers.
Having deleted a few howlers of my own I have sympathy with the authors, but I am irritated by having to skim past them
the fun comes with 20k
you can delete answers :)
(well, vote to delete)
That's fun?
@holdenweb Yes, If you consider answers like these stackoverflow.com/a/39913254/4099593
Deleting bad answers with <20k is easy. You just need to write a persuasive comment to the author. :)
@BhargavRao even my dad would do better ... (roftl)
Smells like a spambot trying to confuse spam filters
@BhargavRao Flagged
@Carpetsmoker Could be just a clueless newbie, but there's a good chance that it's proto-spam.
I had already flagged. One flag's enough :)
Needs more flags!
True. 100 is too less.
is it weird that I don't have any photos of myself?
Are you a vampire?
no, I am just an antisocial nerd
I have reopened the post. Just need to be closed now. Thanks
@PM2Ring includes Guido
Oh dear.
@PM2Ring the new C standard has restrict pointers that behave like fortran objects - the compiler knows that two arguments point to distinct objects
C is still being updated?
@khajvah C99.
(and C11)
yet because of the MicronSnot company, everyone is still stuck with C89.
which sucks.
why isn't chat showing my new avatar?
nice pic, you look exactly as I thought you'd look :P
aw <3
are you interested in Operating System development?
I am usually lazier.
yes I used to be
well, that's one of the virtues of a great programmer
but I don't have time to get into it
well 2.5.2 crosscompiled into userland...
I am lazy haven't been doing anything to that in ages
@AnttiHaapala I guess I've always been pretty strict when writing C, especially stuff that I put online. In the days of Fidonet I was writing on Amiga, but I wanted people using DOS / Windows to be able to run my code, so I had to be pretty strict about endian issues & alignment, etc. I was forever bitching about the sloppy practices of typical people writing for their weirdo Microsoft environments with their crazy memory models. :)
you can run it in browser too :D
I used to read about Linux kernel
I know the concepts but haven't got my hands dirty yet
@khajvah I believe that would be easier to work with, it is C, C++...
@BhargavRao Re-hammered
Thanks... Your hammer's nice and shiny. :)
A gem from ds.se tagged python datascience.stackexchange.com/q/14410 :D
This needs a facepalm tag. — David Arenburg 34 mins ago
@BhargavRao flagged :P
can't downvote with my 100 rep :D
Yeah, I need to get more rep on that site :D
giving second life to a tiny and cute laptop
linux ... oh...
@khajvah Is that the (now almost deprecated) palmtop computers?
@khajvah Yay, Puppy Linux! I love Puppy, despite its quirks.
@mgilson yeah, it's MPI. I believe fortran gets a lot of crap from people who only see ancient fortran written optionally by dilettantes. F90 is a very reasonable language and really good for scientific computing. Especially if your usual objects are complex and have 5 indices.
@khajvah don't tell me you don't have a mugshot from the time you were arrested for loitering:P
cabbage @Andras
People deleting the post before you can hammer. Just why?
no answers?
Because we don't need crappy dupes, that's why. More power to them:P
Posted 1 min ago, Deleted 10 secs ago. Had found an appropriate dupe :D
they did too
@AndrasDeak True, Agree to that. But hammering is fun.
@BhargavRao dunno. A coworker asked me to revive it
@PM2Ring I will go with ubuntu minimal though
Puppy was nice
@AndrasDeak -_-
Please reject this edit suggestion he's attempting to fix borked indentation.
@khajvah hey you have a new avatar


@khajvah My dad was given one in office, Perhaps 2004 or so (don't actually remember). I remember seeing that once or twice. :)
the data science post is now closed
AH, That's good.
I guess this is off-topic, but it's getting some good answers, so I'd feel mean close-voting. stackoverflow.com/questions/39915330/…
POB. Voting to close and judging each of the answers based on merit :)
@AndrasDeak thank you :)
@BhargavRao I am getting attached to it. Have to let it go though :(
Old Laptops are cute. :)
@PM2Ring I agree with Bhargav: good off-topic questions have to be moved elsewhere where they are on topic:P
Sounds good to me.
Would it be on-topic on programmers?
anything is on-topic on programmers.SE
which is why the quality of questions is terrible
@PM2Ring Exactly that. Thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression chat flags only went to room owners of that channel.
(seems like déja vue in term of today's cbg) :)
anybody used this cool looking thing?
I am using too many third-part libraries
have a feeling I am gonna get rekt in future
You finally revealed your true form?
So now we have a sloth in the room
I am cool as hell
we work in computer, we are all supposed to be sloth ...
@idjaw BTW, I've noticed you using the word "method" as a synonym for "function". That can be a little confusing, since not all functions are methods. A method is a function which is associated with an object, i.e., a method is an attribute of a class / class instance.
@PM2Ring oh have I? I'm usually pretty careful when I use that. Thanks for letting me know.
Let me revise
No worries. It's not a big deal, I just noticed it in a few of your answers or comments. And it might be teaching the newbies bad habits. :)
I think it's because I'm always used to using methods so much, that I just always say it out of habit :P
@idjaw we have one sloth who reveals that publicly... and a dozen more who don't.
sloth witch hunt ... (smells bad suddenly)
@PM2Ring found a few places that needed method -> function. Edited..Thanks.
Excellent. :)
I need somebody to write a require js build script for me
oh my I just got 3 flag notifications
so...this is 10K
@idjaw Those crazy JavaScript guys...
My flag yesterday, however, was from the C++ Lounge
You'll also see quite a few flags for stuff posted in various Indian languages.
The Lounge is notorious. And they're very defensive of their room culture. I just "Not Sure" those ones, to be on the safe side. :)
I used to hang out in The Lounge
morning everyone
Thanks for the link, music for the next hour and a half is set
It tells a story
they deleted their answer. nvm.
Anyone here good with vimscript?
@corvid yeah, there are some old people here
I just want to know how to check if my current directory is within some directory :|
haha..someone felt inspired by <thing>THW

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