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All rectified now.
@JRichardSnape Ooooooh, you!! shakes fist
@MartijnPieters haha:D
@corvid Would you rather definitely have $6 today, or maybe $7 next month?
@tristan is $7 today an option? :p
sneaky little ninja
@JonClements Not if you don't ship the pre-order. You can maybe get another 20% with a month-one DLC
@tristan but no other decent games are coming out on PC any time in the foreseeable future, might as well make a good one
rhubarb for now
I love the denial though. weren't me (but account is back up that one point after reverting the vote)
@corvid I heard half-life 3 is coming
HL3 :(
@corvid I want to be so optimistic as to believe that big budget games and movies are meant to be "quality first"
Wow... do I go for a rep-cap today... ummm....
Can blame mass effect 3 and microtransactions there
that accumulate answer went better than expected...
I feel like when they reach this megalithic budget, it's impossible to take any chances, especially with movies. The last three or four marvel movies are such a simple arch-plot that's not very interesting.
@ToddLewden If your objection is "it's a big pain in the butt to modify __repr__ every time I add/remove/rename a column", I agree with you. If I was dead-set on making a write-once-use-forever __repr__, I'd dynamically get all the column names of the class, then get all the values in those columns, then mash them all together into a string representation. Something like:
def __repr__(self):
    column_names = User.__table__.columns._data.keys()
    return "User({})".format(", ".join("{}={!r}".format(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in column_names))
(Apparently there are like half a dozen ways to get the column names of a sqlAlchemy object. I just picked the easiest looking one. I don't necessarily endorse it as the best possible option)
@corvid If we're talking movies, you get to that budget by hiring famous leads and dumping money into marketing. It's not like the financial risk just exists and they're making the most of it.
@tristan I completely agree. And the same is everywhere. In Tunisia, this same reasoning turned the revolution into a pointless screw-up. "That dictator was crazy and acted all alone. It's not that idle hands encouraged him, he was just a super-villain."
@randomhopeful I'm not sure if it comes down to rampant control over state-funded education, the idea that school lessons are meant to be discrete chunks of information to test on, or just extreme simplification, but I don't find it surprising that general populations fall victim repeatedly to dumb, transparent plots by manipulators.
@MartijnPieters With a rep of almost 500,000 I'm surprised you can find time to be concerned about that trivia
brb starting the "Clean Code Party"
@holdenweb it's when the first response to your answer is a -1 when you know it is the correct and helpful answer that I get upset. Especially when it is so blatant, and I gave clear feedback as to why the other answer was incorrect.
The comments in Mimic while-loop using only for-loops in python are amusing to me. "that proposed dupe question doesn't solve my problem!" "ah, but did you try looking at the answer?" "no I didn't, the answer does solve my problem!"
Perhaps it is the bald-faced lying that got my goat the most.
Your most got goat.
@tristan my got most goat
@tristan I suspect lazy shortcuts and lack of questioning are the root to all these shenanigans. But well ... Humans
I like both
@MartijnPieters Right, because nobody ever minds being told they are wrong ...
My goat most got?
@MartijnPieters Haha, so it's not just me. I feel like my brain is driving down a rocky road while reading that.
Also good
@tristan sounds delicious
@tristan Me and my youngest daughter drive everyone bananas with turning everything into spoonerisms.
Got the most G.O.A.T.* goat. (*Goatiest Of All Time)
(*G.O.A.T.iest Of All Time) ?
@MartijnPieters Impressive
@tristan sometimes you see word combos that just cry out to have initials swapped about. Especially when the result is rude.
Curd wombos are the best
What was the name of that framework that allowed you to save a (thread?) and later continue it on another machine, please?
Thought it was greenlets, but I'm not finding it in the docs. My Google-fu is weak ...
Can't say I've heard of that one.
Angular (2) is the worst…
@poke Why do you say that? I think it's okay
@corvid At the moment, it’s because of its terrible error messages. But I have plenty of other reasons.
TypeScript or JavaScript?
Runtime error messages
> faad bro....keep them coming
"It's probably a sqlite database though." whoa buddy, no need to be so specific
@jadsq the only way you can have for loop iterate forever in Python is to have an iterable/iterator/generator of infinite length. — Antti Haapala 51 secs ago
l = [1]
for x in l:
^ @Antti
@poke but that won't iterate forever :D
So I got a job interview where they sent a screening that is an SAT prep test, or IQ test looking thing. What's the deal with that?
@AnttiHaapala Until the memory is full…
@AnttiHaapala what's wrong with while True: ?
Yeah, generator will iterate forever
@corvid I'm going to make a bet that the company isn't very technical or a leader in their industry.
@corvid Pretty sure IQ tests are illegal to administer during a job interview. Sue them. Sue them so hard.
@JonClements that's not a for loop :)
@JonClements see the linked question
What I learned today. Due to horrible construction and regular traffic, leaving my place 30 minutes early made no difference. Therefore, I will go back to leaving my place at 9 instead of 8:30
and tell me why it is not a duplicate :d
stackoverflow.com/questions/39124634/… too broad and starting to attract garbage answers
Antti is as precise as Python's handling of the display of large numbers
@tristan yeah some of the questions are a little bizarre... like "ASSENT is the opposite of which word?"
@corvid I've done aptitude tests before, but not that simple. What country is the company based in?
@corvid DE ASSENT
Sounds as though they're testing your English skills
It's the USA and probably Bahston
@AnttiHaapala oh okay... my first thought was for whatever in iter(str, None) :p
2 live crew aptitude test
Morning cabbage for all.
morning DSM
Think I prefer using None as the sentinel rather than a valid value for the type...
@RobertGrant Merica, I'm a little confused why it's not just technical questions about what I will actually be working on
@JonClements: are we solving some kind of puzzle?
Hmm, maybe IQ tests aren't illegal in job interviews. Unless you can argue that it's biased against a protected class you belong to. "These questions clearly benefit humans that live in human culture. Corvids rarely have ten apples and take away two! It is simply not done"
@DSM Apparently trying to find alternate ways to write while True :)
1 cv more needed
@corvid Because it's a company that doesn't know how to interview candidates and likely someone that peter-principled up likes those sort of questions
I already did my part by making a snippy comment.
@JonClements: sounds.. fun? he suggested, out of courtesy.
My job here is done. dusts hands off self-satisfiedly
I like how one of the answerers is pretending he wasn't just trying to grab some low hanging rep
lol he deleted the answer and reposted it
that's enough frontpage SO for me for the week. what a garbage fire
@corvid I thought you were steps into the interview process at Tweeter
@tristan Nah, twitter declined. Not sure why. I felt like the application I sent in was very strong. It had everything they asked for and had all the buzz-wordy things like React and Webpack
Bad culture fit. Twitter wants birds that tweet. Corvid is more like "WRAWWWWK"
You forgot Bootstrap then
Had react-bootstrap too :| Used a lot of my own styles and CSS transitions and animations
Even had a production configuration to minify the code, as well as a ServiceWorker so that it would work offline.
Maybe they couldn't afford you. Their stock price has gone from ~70$ to <20$ over the last few years.
How does Twitter make money, anyway?
Or is it one of those "just one more funding round and we'll figure out a business model, we promise" things?
That and adverts, probably
Users/companies can pay to have their tweets promoted
Businesses paying to promote tweets
Ahh. James is on it, quicker than me :)
So they appear on lots of people's home feeds
Haha sorry ;)
Probably a mix of ads and selling your data.
I don't know who came up with the line "if it's free, you're the product", but it's usually a sound policy.
Oh yeah, I forgot that ads exist.
DSM I doubt they sell your data
@corvid joke was already made, but re-submit by sending in small portions of your resume with inflammatory language
I don't believe that ad revenues are a viable long term strategy, and I fear for when their market will collapse
Twitter sells your data.
@James: I'd put big money on the fact they bulk sell tweets to data miners.
In aggregate and specifically.
You can also pay to get favorable treatment for your message.
Twitter has something called Firehose I think? That you have to pay extra for that lets you access all of the datas
Tweets are publicly available unless your account is private (very few people's accounts are)
@randomhopeful Doesn't YouTube make a decent amount of money though? Don't they just run ads? I have ads blocked for every video except a few people I like
@James In which case your "private" content is still sold in aggregate/
Anyone that knows how their API works can data mine
You don't get the same rate and data without paying.
I think I thought of something to make. A chrome extension that detects click bait titles, copies and pastes them to a website like pastebin, and then redirects you to the pastebin article so you don't have to give the company any ad revenue.
Terry should be doing what I just did.....*stares at Kevin*
@idjaw: that's the first hit I got for "twitter make money"..
> Data licensing is Twitter's second major revenue stream.
The micro-blogger sells something known as the "firehose", its public data, which often adds up to about 500 million tweets each day.
Companies can dive deep into the data to analyse consumer trends and sell their insight on to other brands and companies.
@Kevin yeah - what's happening with Terry? :p
don't forget we still require the LOTC and colonisation of Mars projects to be completed - no pressure! :p
Yeah but firehose is only public data isn't it?
If you're Sony-sized for corporate or Clinton-sized for political, you also can also pay to get "positive hashtags" magnified while "negative hashtags" get squelched.
pay extra to manipulate the data to make everyone think all the people love you
so you love them
@JonClements I'm deeply pondering the authentication scheme. The problem with "don't roll your own crypto unless you know what you're doing" is, it's not actionable; I'm wisely not rolling my own crypto, but now nothing is getting done.
@corvid no, you just don't go to the link
triple-des ftw wtf
@Kevin Err... what authentication scheme is there to implement?
the problem with don't roll your own crypto is that they always try to walk it in
I guess I'm supposed to wait for the ghost of Alan Turing to cobble together something while I sleep
was that wrong reference?
@James: since I didn't know it existed five minutes ago I'm probably not the one to ask, but just because it's accessible in one way doesn't mean it's not worth paying to get in a better way.
@idjaw :)
@James it is only public data...
@AnttiHaapala that's what I heard
but --- if you follow it you will also capture tweets that are later removed
@JonClements For the user-facing part that you can use to view people's kick count etc.
@tristan I want to click that so much
Oh, we're pretending that we can believe PR over terms and conditions, got it.
And Facebook isn't state-funded. Got it :)
@Kevin so - are you talking about a web page front-end or something?
@RobertGrant haven't you ever been curious to read a clickbait-y article to see what it's even about or if it is satire, but at the same time, don't want a company to make money by having a clickbait article?
We've had people to work for Google and Facebook here.. did we ever have anyone who worked for Twitter?
You're probably thinking "but that is only tangentially related to the core functionality of the project, can't you work on something else instead?" But your mistake there is assuming I behave rationally

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