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12:07 AM
Oh wow, hey Shog:)
looks at chat profile --> "Silently watching... Or just asleep." OK:P
Woah, docs even brought Jeff out of retirement.
That's certainly something.
he's been around for a while
left a few answers here and there
What did he say? "You guys are nuts, this setup makes no sense!"?
he was surprisingly non-burn-it-down-ish
12:13 AM
Oh, I guess I don't follow meta enough.
@tristan Atwood
Oh, neat.
Fair enough, he's done his time. Guess it's time for me to find my matches.
rbrb making dinner
12:14 AM
A: Can we please introduce more reputation limits for examples on Documentation

Jeff AtwoodIdea 5: Keep Q&A rep and Examples Documentation rep in different buckets Asking good questions and writing great answers is the purpose of Stack Overflow. Seven years on (is it eight? nine? I don't even remember any more) the whole concept is well understood at this point. Not that writing good...

Hey, people pretty early suggested that unifying the reps was not the way to go, and the Powers That Be pushed back. If it takes Jeff endorsing the idea to get attention, well, good, but it was no worse an idea before he stepped in.
yeah, its nothing new - actually at this point I'm sick of the repeating arguements
To be honest, I'm just carrying on as if Docs didn't exist.
@JGreenwell it must be cognitive bias (right?), but I keep seeing the same arguments over and over
all along the lines of "Docs suck especially in this form"
well, 100% is rare in my line of work so must?
in this case I wonder if it is bias or just that's what pops up the most on Featured
12:19 AM
but the most reassuring answer so far was the comment I linked above, on an answer by Shog, which seems to hint that rep is not a huge issue with SOD (which confuses me)
I'll just attribute it to cognitive bias and help DSM carrying on
Without actually believing that it's cognitive bias, of course. That only happens to other people:P
well, rep is an argument against by me (but minor actually); to me plagiarism and devaluation of Q&A (or just what the heck is the difference) are the main ones
but I'm content to wait at this point and just try and find it where I can and get rid of it
@JGreenwell both are fueled by rep
true, also by laziness
if you pull out the rug from under the rep whores, you end up with quality content curated by people wanting to do it right for its own sake
Well, ideally of course. But I'd expect an insane increase in signal-to-noise without SOD rep.
meaning yes, get rid of easy rep and it should help
12:23 AM
I also credit gamification with the existence of all those robo reviewers
we'd have much less reviewers without that; but even much smaller ratio of robos
bah I can't type
of course, other problem is how qualified are people to write documentation (not I tried this and it worked) but actual docs - I'll admit to not feeling qualified for that at my level most of the time
and I've got a solid number of years in industry
well for most levels below Martijn you'll have impostor syndrome anyway, shouldn't worry about it
if there was guidance on what SOD should be (*cough*), we could write it
true, I still get impostor syndrome when teaching all the time and have to push past it
but in this case shrug
I'm just saying that qualification shouldn't generally be a thing (as long as you know what you're talking about)
yeah, this should be in SOD this shouldn't; here are some examples of the examples we want - would be nice
12:27 AM
Now, I usually don't, which is another reason why I'm keeping away from SOD
I think I feel impostor syndrome more because my background is so different compared to most in academic track (self taught in a lot of upper level math, teaching experience is mostly industry - military - based, still haven't gotten anything published - no IRB/IEC at my school due to budget cuts, etc)
I see. I think impostor syndrome is pretty common among our ranks. Although I've always had more than a healthy amount of confidence, so I don't feel too much affected...
and comments therein:
It might have been better to call it Examples instead of Documentation. — hatchet Jul 28 at 20:28
@hatchet: I don't disagree with you. The name was certainly the subject (many) intense internal debates. In the end we decided to be a little bit ambitious. It's possible to imagine a future where new projects start off building example-based documentation right on Stack Overflow as the feature matures and it would be a shame to cut that evolutionary path off prematurely. — Jon Ericson ♦ Jul 28 at 20:42
...so basically infinite scope?
well, sure; but "it should've been called Examples instead of Documentation" explains a lot
oh look what I've found just now:
I pushed super hard for the name Examples from the first time I heard about this proposal. Couldn't a highly curated group of Q&A around some extremely narrow thing be bundled together into a form of examples? — Jeff Atwood ♦ Jul 29 at 7:50
"examples" didn't sell as well to paypal & co
12:39 AM
yeah, look down a little; he also comments on why examples don't work
@tristan coming from a paid shill of SO, I believe you
what's more believable, that i'm a paid shill of SO or that I became a RO as the result of a popularity contest?
(feel free to also extend this line of logic to proving the earth is flat)
considering this room? That latter
Embrace the healing power of "AND".
12:42 AM
Oh crap, I've been made!
made? made of what?
cancels extraction beacon on watch Made of whiskey and vinegar, I suspect.
I would've guessed unicorn farts, but I have no idea why.
.. and on that note, rhubarb for all!
rhubarb, DSM:)
12:49 AM
I don't see how voting is going to be good for SOD. There's a huge voting bias towards simple things because of the larger audience, but a "Hello World" tutorial for python is not going to benefit from visibility more than the "Write a Raytracer" tutorial for python.
have you been to the main site?
the most upvoted crap are the simplest stuff, "oh yeah, I see, lst.append(x), noice"
see also the Hot Network Questions
Yea, this is awful.
Almost every one of these is trivially answerable with a google search that'll lead to the official documentation.
It's really hard, near impossible, to fight the amateur-ization of a network
"Math module" seriously?
I didn't expect SO to crack it or attempt to combat it, especially with "docs"
12:55 AM
The best way to award documentation is the way google does it... the more things actually refer to you, the higher value you are.
Whatever, worst case scenario SOD is worthless and everyone ignores it.
well no, worse case can be much worse than that
@QuestionC I think that's pretty much the best we could hope for at this point
I guess if SO tries to really push SOD in an effort to monopolize Developer resources it would be bad.
worst case is that it will drive people insane such that they begin muttering strange utterances and the seas begin to boil - and Cthulhu arises
That's just the documentation for HTML parsing with Regex.
1:00 AM
since we got rid of Easter Eggs
we had already begun to hear the muttering with that
@QuestionC and you're back to "hello world" and trivial things
good night
God documentation is a bad name. It denotes something official.
It's officially trash ;)
need a good acronym for O.F.F. so we can do "SOD OFF"
1:34 AM
Officially Frustrating Forever?
@WayneWerner Officially Fastidious Farcical?
Officially Fastidious Facet
Overly Fatuous & Fallow?
Also thought of Fervent and Fiasco but could make work/think of O word
Hello all, know this is not the place to ask questions but I was hoping to get an old question of mine looked at. It is dealing with pyqt and the proper way to open a new widget then close said widget. stackoverflow.com/questions/36963353/…
Offal Frustratingly Farcical?
@ZackTarr No, this is a fine place to ask questions like that.
1:42 AM
word homies
oh, I like that one
@MorganThrapp so beautiful....
@idjaw word indeed - and the word is cabbage
I'm having a watermelon appletini.
beer here
simple, cold, beer
1:44 AM
I would make a joke about a man's drink @tristan but I do love those too
i'm jelly
@idjaw Oh yeah, I saw that one recently - I think through the Python whatever weekly mailing list
@JGreenwell Right? Had fresh watermelon and no beer in the fridge.
strangely very few people make fun of me when I drink them...not for long at least (occasionally guys hit on me but I take that as a compliment and my wife gets to dance for a bit)
@tristan Sweet thanks Tristan, last time I ask something here I was scolded
1:45 AM
It was 95ºF here earlier in the week and I poured myself a couple fingers of lagavulin and realized that peaty brown isn't a good summer drink
yes it is, just need to drink a lot of them
canadian whisky on the rocks
@ZackTarr That was probably because it was a very recent question. The idea on our rule for that is to prevent people from asking on the main site, then marketing their question in here, then having multiple people write answers on something that would get immediately answered anyway
just two tumblers left though
It's not a perfect system, but it's organically grown into what it is for "reasons"
good summer drink with whiskey: sazerac
old fashioned is also a winner
1:47 AM
Yeah, my whiskey cabinet is lacking: lagavulin 16, a bottle or two of canadian club harvest rye (that impure "best whiskey of 2016"), some bulleit, and some eagle rare
hi guys
old fashioned is good if you have some solid cherries and a good mix whiskey for ice and club soda
@ZackTarr are you using pickle to store a todo list? Because, don't do that
@damniatx cabbage/welcome
sazeracs and sidecars are good summer night drinks, yeah
@tristan similar. Replace the lagavulin with an aberlour 16 and I still have some of that balvenie Caribbean left
1:49 AM
@WayneWerner Fair enough learned it back in my undergrad days (few months ago) but I am working on getting you better code to look at
ooh that caribean cask is good
yeah...I need to find another bottle.
it's delicious
i'm going to restock once i launch the company that i've been stalling on
I'll share a drink with you to celebrate. You let me know when
i considered getting 5 or 6 of those canadian club harvest ryes for mixing
1:50 AM
it's only like $27 USD
yeah the price is ridiculous
@ZackTarr Pickle is only appropriate if you can clearly explain why it's a security hole and why saner serialization, like JSON or a simple flat file are inappropriate for your situation. There are only very rare occasions where that's the case.
@idjaw I will. If it goes well, I'll even send you a bottle for your support
For me it's been never, heh
@tristan wow...thank you. You really don't need to. But I'd be glad to partake in your festivities :)
1:52 AM
@idjaw meh. if we were at a bar, i'd buy you some rounds, so this is the internet equivalent
Cheers, man.
@WayneWerner Noted, so only use it when storing information that you want to hide, correct? In this case yes JSON would have worked and probably been safer. If you refresh the question youll see a link to my "new" code without the addit feature.
forty creek whisky someone gave me; not my favorite so far
@ZackTarr there's no hiding information in Python
@tristan Interesting, never knew it was light on security
1:54 AM
@ZackTarr No. If you want to hide files you should be using the cryptography module (3rd party)
If you're trying to mask the data from users, use a cheap hash or some other obfuscation.
@WayneWerner Got it, so all in all dont use pickle for data storage
@tristan Well, hashing would be more like obliterating the data
next time I get Wiser or Pike Creek - those were pretty good
@ZackTarr correct. Pickle is for moving binary things across the wire (or persisting them to disk). But that is very rarely what you want to do
unless you actually want to move a running program from one computer to another
but a todo list is not a program ;)
1:57 AM
once upon a time I kept a todo list here: workflowy.com
@WayneWerner Damn did not know that.
@JGreenwell noted.
Pickle "just" replays for a given setup. I'd only suggest that and shelve for single-machine, no expectation of networking.
with Wiser 18 year old and up is expensive (not compared to Scotch of that age) but I've seen the 10 yr at 16-18$
I've never seen Wiser in store
2:00 AM
we have good liquor stores in Florida....not much else (unless you like swamps and gators)...but good liquor stores
The liquor store I use sells a 1.75L of bulleit for ~45USD, so I just use that as my general use
actually that's probably why we do
@idjaw Interesting. Me? I just like flat files more and more :P
like my A/C is out so its 82 degrees inside right now (at 10pm)
@WayneWerner yeah....I downgraded....I now hit apple-space -> notes -> type stuff and then forget about it and then my wife says "did you remember to do ....."
2:02 AM
I like sour mash (Jack) over most Kentucky whisky....bourbon whiskey ale on the other hand
@idjaw Heh. Sounds like you need to add a time to review your todos and actually, you know, do some ;)
Same with me Wayne - end up using Pandas so much that DB just gets in the way
@WayneWerner WIP :P
You might find the pomodoro technique interesting there. What's fun is that you could commit yourself to something small, like spending one pomodorii (25m) interval on doing stuff per week (or per day, if you're ambitious)
I'm still amazed by what I can accomplish in a 25m timeboxed interval
I recently moved from evernote, notepad, notes, sublime text, backs of junkmail envelopes, whiteboard, sticky notes, etc to just trello. Generally pretty happy
2:05 AM
Mmmm, Trello
so good
I use trello for my personal projects
I love it
Have you tried the email to list feature?
I mean, generally very stressed and unhappy. But I accept my note taking approach.
Oh. Emails that I sent myself and photos of whiteboards. Oh, and 50+ GH issues
I started playing with IFTTT for trello <-> GH a while back
I seem to be well organized for work and projects....but then life things I just lose track of. I need to be better at those things.
2:08 AM
isn't that what a wife is for? ;)
It's surprising the number of people for whom that sort of thing is the case
what they're great at professionally they're terrible at personally
cbg guys
Yeah, GF reminds me of most "life stuff"
That's actually kinda true for me though I couldn't remember half my appointments if not for her
e.g. housecleaners have messy homes, accountants can't keep track of their own money...
2:09 AM
Shared Google Calendar is my life saver
or nearly anything else
yes it is @idjaw
@idjaw True story.
has your wife figured out how to send you angry reminders from it?
I use Google Calendar tons.
Oh, same.
2:11 AM
@JGreenwell Oh goodness, no. She would totally use that.
then I will leave you in blissful ignorance
I wish ES6 just contained bugfixes/pattern-of-least-surprise fixes for javascript
anyone wanna contribute to flagging this as a dupe?
I'm in
2:26 AM
Yeah, no worries
@tristan How many libraries would that break? All of them? ;)
rbrb Wayne
Hey @WayneWerner, I have a data file:
Red Apple,Apple,3.35,8.80
Green Apple,Apple,3.45,9.80
Banana,Blue Banana,4.4,7.80
Banana,Red Banana,3.5,12.90
see ya Wayne
@WayneWerner Sure, but JSX. You're already accepting change.
2:31 AM
rbrb bud
How could I store this in a dictionary like all Apples under Key: Apple
@tristan remember Python 3 or Perl 6 or etc
The file is just fruits.txt
what have you tried?
infield = ("fruits.txt", 'r')
2:33 AM
and by all apples do you mean no matter the color which would be odd because the price or whatever is different for each
infield = (‘fruits.txt’, ‘r’)
for line in infield:
fruit, specificruit, weight, cost = line.split()
this is what I've tried
what is your structure supposed to be?
and what part attempts to do a dictionary?
I don't really know where to go from here because I'm getting an error, and I just want to be able to gave a Key: Apples, and lets the rest of the colored ones show
Try a little longer.
2:34 AM
You have an approach in mind, so make an honest attempt to implement it.
also I'd assume you want to split on ','
Yes, but the error I'm getting is: ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 1)
But I don't understand why
And no code you have shared would give that.
1. read file
2. iterate file line by line
<you are here>
3. print to see what you have
3a. ask yourself, are you sure you want to be unpacking your values in to variables the way you are doing it?
4. figure out how to create a dictionary
5. figure out how to get each line you are reading in to the dictionary structure you want to create
If you ask us to be mind readers, you'll only get snark and eventually shown the door.
2:43 AM
Alright, I'm out for the night. G'night idjaw, JGreenwell, Wayne. Yeeee: good luck
good night tristan
night @tristan
@Yeeee as a hint I will point out that you should check out defaultdict as that plus a list as a value could be helpful to this problem
Ok, thanks for everyones help!
3:04 AM
Hey all! I am learning python and came across a term "reference count". Can somebody explain what is reference count in python?
Have you tried searching for "reference count in python"?
Yes, but did not understand anything. I found this docs.python.org/2/c-api/refcounting.html
Can you give me a brief idea about it?
I would cordially suggest that you use a "real' statistics package, such as the (open-source, and very powerful ... "R" language ... to perform all subsequent analyses of your data. Be sure that each data-point that you capture includes time (or, "experiment time"). You then have a very run-of-the-mill elementary statistics analysis to do, and "R" (or SAS, or SPSS, or ...) will make very short work of it. Don't waste time (IMHO ...) "writing programs" to do this step. — Mike Robinson 2 hours ago
From a person without a single post in R or analysis of any type
3:57 AM
This might be an stupid question, but there's a way to automatically remove an specific line of code from a python script after the first time it runs?
Sounds like the XY problem. What exactly are you trying to do?
4:14 AM
I got a code to create some files on a script that is suppose to be running daily. After the first day it will never again create those files, so it's useless to keep that piece of code or disable it by "checking" daily that the files are already created
append to the files?
what do you mean?
how are you creating the files?
Why can't you check if the files are already created?
database_file = open("databases/test.txt", "a")
creating them that way
I wouldn't want to check if the files are created because it seems like a waste
I mean, it's not a big problem, I was just wondering if there was another way
4:17 AM
so... what's wrong with not changing what you have?
You should not be deleting parts of source code because it is silly
(also, note that you can just do with open('databases/text.txt', 'a'): pass )
or, open('databases/test.txt', 'a').close()
unless you're actually putting data into them
Thank you for that tip
But unless you have some really weird requirement about modifying the files, or not... there's no reason to avoid just opening the file in append mode and then closing them without writing any data.
Anyway, it was just a random though, wondering if it's possible to delete parts of source code by itself. If can or can't be done.
4:20 AM
besides, the files could have been deleted by an outside process (unlikely? maybe. Possible? Definitely)
Hm, that's a good point.
^ that
It's possible, but it's an insane thing to do to solve your "problem"
@Saelyth It can be done, but you most definitely don't need it
you're talking about writing code to dynamically update and write out the AST for your program, all to avoid the equivalent of running touch database/test.txt. One of these things is vastly complicated, and the other is harmless ;)
4:22 AM
yeah, seems totally retard when I stop to think about it xD
If your code is really that problematic, you could always github.com/ajalt/fuckitpy
Thank you guys for making me understand it
Always happy to talk someone off a ledge ;) :)
BTW, I gotta say the fuckit project is brilliant, made me giggle
not sure I will ever use it, though
no, you should literally never use it
unless you're just playing around for kicks and grins
4:27 AM
yup, that was my though
or you have some weird requirement that a program runs, and the outcome is irrelevant.
well, 6:30am, time to go for bed. Have a nice day
5:12 AM
Missed the release of Nao's debut album :(
5:45 AM
why use the yield function?
"php_serialize is available from PHP 5.5.4. php_serialize uses plain serialize/unserialize function internally and does not have limitations that php and php_binary have. Older serialize handlers cannot store numeric index nor string index contains special characters (| and !) in $_SESSION. Use php_serialize to avoid numeric index or special character errors at script shutdown. Defaults to php. "
@jk23541 did you try searching at all?
Q: What does the "yield" keyword do in Python?

Alex. S.What is the use of the yield keyword in Python? What does it do? For example, I'm trying to understand this code1: def node._get_child_candidates(self, distance, min_dist, max_dist): if self._leftchild and distance - max_dist < self._median: yield self._leftchild if self._rightc...

6:08 AM
@holdenweb looks like my bah hum bugging and joking about early xmas stuff tempted fate: metro.co.uk/2016/08/01/…
7:07 AM
I am so fscking pissed off by these incorrect edits
for "exec statement is a function in Python 3"
@Antti feel better now for venting? :)
I swear that stackoverflow.com/documentation/java/99/arrays/404/… is one of the worst pieces of documentation I have ever seen, in SO Docs or outside, and it's one of the highest rated ones in SOD.
7:37 AM
@JonClements no, system is at fault :d
not jgreenwell.,
@JonClements I saw my example was edited and edit approved by @JGreenwell
@JonClements what can I say but "Bah, humbug"? Cbg, all
the system is so shit I couldn't tell it was edit to 89 examples.
I just saw an edit to my example in the deltas
@holdenweb I'm glad we're singing from the same (Christmas) hymn sheet there. I can be jolly - don't get me wrong - it's just not the season for it yet! :)
seriously today I just woke up
went to see why did I got rep from docs
and my brain exploded.
I am about to write 7 meta posts... for like 7 distinct problems I discovered this morning with the documentation
and the reputation is not even included in those seven.
- there is no version tagging in the example editor, you need to know the syntax by heart
- it is possible to do edits on a couple dozen examples at one go which either needs to be rejected or accepted fully
- there is still no "focus section" for topics
- there are no notifications for edits to an example. I want to get notified on edits to a single example
- need to have a reputation/badge limit for merges
- there is no discussion per example
- there is no topicwise discussion anywhere
ooo... meta posts re: Documentation - go for it - there's not enough of 'em already or anything :p
7:45 AM
that is why I am venting instead.
I'd want all these 7 to make docs bearable to use...
now we have none of them
underlines decision to stay away from docs
@JonClements the private beta was a fail obviously.
@holdenweb someone merged python 2 vs 3 with "writing python 2 and 3 compatible code", then the topic has been switching between "python 2 vs 3" and "python 2 and 3 compatibility" after each edit (I didn't even touch the title)
Thankfully I'm just ignoring docs... there's no mod tooling for it and it's undergoing changes of some sort or another... so - bah... just a corner of my eye thing for now...
now someone's been version tagging the code excerpts there everywhere. the reason why it wasn't done by me for example is that I do not know the syntax.
because it is nowhere to be found.
the editor must have a way of inserting the version tag.
now I still do not know how to mark properly that an example supports both python 2 and 3 :D
so I cannot fix those
and of course there is this post of mine:
OMFG. This reminds me of the days back when Python was new and shiny, and I occasionally had to work with Microsoft technologies. The quality of information available was horrendously low, with lots of ill-informed twits messing up the channels with spurious incorrect information and speculation. Sounds like the same thing is happening with SO
7:50 AM
why is a piece of documentation more reputable if it is written by 50 persons instead of being written by one person having exactly the same amount of upvotes and the same content
50 users edit an example, after that it gets 50 upvotes.
I am sure that comp.lang.python is no longer the authoritative source it used to be when people like Tim Peters inhabited it (and even occasionally Guido)
everyone gains 250 reputation, for total increase of 12500 reputation in the system.
now if one user wrote that example, containing exactly the same text,
got 50 upvotes on that example, they gain 250 reputation, for a total increase of 250 reputation points in the system.
@AnttiHaapala Did I miss a link?
I can see the headlines now "SO users outraged at reputation inflation"
7:53 AM
@holdenweb no, no link :D
let me find
@holdenweb I occasionally see Tim pop up on SO...
once I was praising Tim Peters, then immediately after cursing 1 PEP.
(once = 2 weeks ago?)
One good thing about SOD: the situation is so dire that it's bought Jeff Atwood out of hibernation. Sure, he won't be able to wave a magic wand and make it all better, but it's nice to see him contributing again.
7:55 AM
then I noticed Tim Peters was a co-author.
@PM2Ring wow, haven't seen that?
@PM2Ring now if Joel would...
FWIW, Tim Peters has been active recently on SO, answering newbie questions.
@PM2Ring yeah... I like his profile text :)
# Normally you should not import ANYTHING from Django directly
# into your settings, but ImproperlyConfigured is an exception.
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
Umm... wonder if the OP of that code is deliberately trying to be "punny"
7:59 AM
A: Can we please introduce more reputation limits for examples on Documentation

Jeff AtwoodIdea 5: Keep Q&A rep and Examples Documentation rep in different buckets Asking good questions and writing great answers is the purpose of Stack Overflow. Seven years on (is it eight? nine? I don't even remember any more) the whole concept is well understood at this point. Not that writing good...

@AnttiHaapala Joel's probably hiding in a nuke-proof bunker somewhere...
@JonClements Nah, nobody in the Django world is that light-hearted :-)
On the positive side, I got Jupyter wroking with 3.4 and 3.5 kernels yesterday
@holdenweb indeed :)
I went to a local python meetup and they constantly talked about djangogirls and twoscoops, and I got confused and ended up trying to help some guy write a Minecraft mod in Java
The authors of Two Scoops were at the DjangoGirls tutorial I helped coach.
Danny and Audrey? They do alot of work with the Django community. Since the Django community disapproves of me, I can't help having mixed feelings about it.
8:08 AM
Meetups end up pretty much like this chat room: nominally about Python, really about wasting time chatting.
I'm sure when you wrote "wasting time chatting," you really meant "getting us out of our coding rut and involving us in meaningful social interactions"
1 example
1 contributors
"Hello, string." < self-referential example
@holdenweb anyone who is disapproved of by Django community must have done something right.
@davidism were they good?
8:14 AM
They were really friendly and good at working with the students. I didn't really get to talk to them about Django, just chat during lunch.
@AnttiHaapala Maybe the guy is planning a comprehensive introduction to string theory and got SO by mistake rather than a physics site?
They need to rehearse their presentation more though. It had a good message to the students but didn't flow very well.
They are good and well-meaning people to the best of my knowledge
does anyone know how to say that something is versions x for Python 2 and versions y for Python 3
8:24 AM
I think Antti's asking about how you indicate that version info in SOD.
morning cbg
@holdenweb I definitely got the sense of that as well when I met people at that meetup
@JonClements trying to ping myself for testing reasons
8:50 AM
Hat thrown:
A: Can we please introduce more reputation limits for examples on Documentation

Robert GrantDocs should fill gaps in official documentation, rather than trying to replace it wholesale. Instead of being the place where anyone can contribute, and farm rep, it should allow intermediate and above users in a field to craft expertly-written content: Docs contributions are written by people ...

I like those suggestions.

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