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@davidism well then, off to improve the SO docs py.test documentation
@davidism You can't.
@AnttiHaapala that should be written somewhere
meta, docs, wherever
regular joes will be coming along and creating those tags if they're not there
This is a Niantic level of terrible launch. ;)
i hated ingress ... so i just assumed i would hate pokemon ... ingress sounded totally awesome in their marketing materials ...
I don't know why I love it, but it's doing it for me in a way that Ingress didn't.
stackoverflow.com/questions/38511096/… Unclear. They want an alternative to sys.exit, but they won't say why.
Maybe this beta is more of an alpha alpha alpha 0
@thefourtheye We'll always love you bro :p
I love the stupid creatures I'm collecting on my phone. I have to catch them all
@davidism why is that post "linked" to yours? I can't find a reference anywhere
maybe a deleted comment...
@AndrasDeak I posted my topic in the comments of that topic.
Oooh, the other way around:)
sorry, going for some coffee now:D
@JonClements me hearts you too :D
high paw!
you're both less than three?
@idjaw I've never even played Pokemon before, but this thing is addictive.
@davidism alias python3=python
@AndrasDeak We have no age - we are forever puppies... did you not read my profile? :p
@corvid alias python2=python3, fify
@JonClements pupternity
I went to meta and said that perhaps perl5 vs perl6 will have different tags :D
and don't forget to watch the moment I actually started liking Matt Smith as the Doctor...
since perl5 is to perl6 as java is to c#
and got into a flame
@JonClements is that the quote in your profile?:)
@AnttiHaapala don't even go there, Python has enough "2 and 3 are different languages" trolls
@AndrasDeak just watch it :p
@davidism but they are different languages :D
@MorganThrapp Neither have I man. This is the first Pokemon game I ever played.
@idjaw Oh, wow. I honestly assumed I was the only one! I knew we got married for a reason.
The perl 6 slogan is pretty much "the only thing that changed is everything."
@MorganThrapp We were destined to find each other.
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
idjaw, oh, you're my best friend
:O I choose you morgachu!!!!!
I found the perfect illustration of a stack now:
@JonClements I have watched only till "The Time of Angels". Have a lot of episodes to cover before I reach that one.
^ oh we’re already doing such -pls’s :P
I forsee writing flask docs being really annoying if there's not many active reviewers.
@MartijnPieters and in the end, stack overflow and undefined behaviour :D
@AnttiHaapala stack overflow and flushing the contents to the heap.
@davidism the review UX is pretty bad as well. they need to get it to something more like a review queue
@MattGiltaji because that works great :P
@MartijnPieters so can you move the python3.x topic to python
and remove python3.x tag? :D
I'm told mods don't have tools to moderate docs
@AnttiHaapala I don't know if I can.
I can't edit topic titles for example.
lol lols
Wow, cyclists sure are a touchy lot ...
I don’t understand the UI at all. I clicked some delete button and now I have a draft.
what the
you may have already heard this band but it's great nevertheless cigarettesaftersex.bandcamp.com/album/i
@poke Yeah, it's impressively terrible.
@ZeroPiraeus I am sure pokemon go isn't exactly helping either :D
Pokemon Go has a better UX than Docs… And that’s saying A LOT.
okay, I really got to try this version of Pokemon
@AnttiHaapala I can't, it seems.
@poke My one complaint: the Transfer button is at the BOTTOM of the Pokemon about page. It should be at the top, most clicked button in the game.
since I hear about it everywhere now (and from ages ranging from toddler to grandparents)
@poke At least SO has better servers, oh wait
I can't even delete a topic. This topic cannot be deleted.
@MorganThrapp *snicker*
@Martijn Makes total sense to launch a thing that can’t be moderated by the moderators.
@JGreenwell It's amazing how much everyone around me plays. I went on a 30 minute walk last night at ~10pm and saw at least 10 or 15 people playing.
Can I myself for being off-topic?
@corvid We’re pretty much used to that ;D
@corvid Crow vote, I assume?
@corvid you can cv yourself too
Yes, Crow Vote. If I get enough votes, I become an actual crow.
@MorganThrapp I have two kids so I figure it would be a good way to get them to go outside....assuming no Florida thunderstorms are about
@JGreenwell It worked for me. I've never voluntarily exercised in my life before, and I'm averaging a mile day now since I started playing on the 8th.
It's nothing crazy, but again, I've literally never done this before. :P
it be nice to get back to hiking again (used to do about 5-miles twice a week)
7 miles a week is about equal to the 10 I did just spread out so it is something :)
I suspect I'll do more once it cools down a little.
It's been between 85 and 90 around here the past couple weeks.
In NY? Weird, that's hotter than it has been here in FL
granted the rain everyday might have something to do with that
Yeah. I was upstate the past couple days, and it was a little better up there. Around me though, it's been brutal. Hot and humid every day.
huh...I ran out of votes....that's rare
in Sandbox, 1 min ago, by Kevin
in Sandbox, 1 min ago, by Terry
It's aliiiiiiive
Ok, rabbit can read and write. Now I really have to figure out how to get authenticated by chat without having to hijack the fkey and cookies out of an existing session.
I'm sick of digging through POST requests in the network panel every time the session expires.
OakBot makes logging in look very easy, but when I try to replicate the params listed there, I get 200 OK but it tells me that even if I put in obviously bogus email/password combos.
... When I would expect to get 302
teaching people about natural language processing (from a practical standpoint) is way harder than I thought it would be - to people who are suppose to have a theoretical understanding
i've been trying to run another program in a different process, at the click of a button in odoo i decided to use the multiprocessing module
Can I delete my documentation submission?
but i ran into a lot of issues with windows not having fork() n all
so i ended up using a thread
@poke the SO team moderates first so they can see what tools would be needed.
And that does make sense.
it actually works but i'm concerned, if someone is interacting with the application and at the same time someone's using odoo could it cause issues
With only one python thread allowed to use the CPU at a time?
yay, I finally figured out how to turn off the blue dots (was suppressing them with custom css but they were everywhere and it was annoying)
The glowing dots are very distracting. If you need to tell the user what to do then your UI is wrong — Liam 6 hours ago
A million times yes.
yeah, the sad part was I clicked on the little question mark icon (next to Documentation title) because I thought it was a shortcut to help
not some tooltip option
@danidee No idea what odoo is but having multiple threads does not prevent someone from interacting with any of those, or all the other processes on the machine
also, as an fyi, for those of use with migraines and TBI - the blue dots were actually painful
And for threads, you still have to keep in mind that Python has a global interpreter lock, so there can only be one instruction happening at the same time, even with concurrent threads. So don’t use threads for UI bound tasks.
Hmm, I can login with requests, but there's no easy way to determine whether the attempt succeeded other than searching for the user name in the html of my next request's response.
Multiprocessing actually works pretty well on Windows, but debugging (and especially killing them) is somewhat a pain.
@Poke but i couldn't get it to work....couldn't pickle a function because it was in a class
I'm going to use regex to grab an html property because I can't be bothered to install beautifulsoup again. I will perform penance later and it will involve steel wool.
i had to move it out of the class, but then i ran into some odoo specific issues which i'll investigate later
I'm trying to find a most commonly occurring value in a list of lists. ie:
k1=[[0], [1,2,3,4] , [ 1,8]] and the result would be 1.

i'm using
from collections import Counter
from operator import itemgetter
max((Counter(l).most_common(1)[0] for l in k1), key=itemgetter(1))[0]

my result is 0 and not 1. any ideas?
You're taking the most common element of each sublist, which is meaningless.
I just realized i can just flatten it into a single list then get max occuring value from that. much easier
Is anyone else feeling like SO's user interface for the documentation is a little bit confusing?
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> from itertools import chain
>>> Counter(chain.from_iterable(k1)).most_common(1)
[(1, 2)]
@corvid Yeah, everyone does
@corvid it's exhilarating, isn't it
@corvid more than a little bit
Ok the last time I installed beautfulsoup, I went on a wild goose chase for two hours because I pip installed beautifulsoup when I should have pip installed bs4. Or was it the other way around? Crap.
I'm super confused and I must have reposted the same thing in meteor like, four times
You want bs4.
> yay, I finally figured out how to turn off the blue dots (was suppressing them with custom css but they were everywhere and it was annoying)
> the sad part was I clicked on the little question mark icon (next to Documentation title) because I thought it was a shortcut to help
@Kevin beautifulsoup4 and import bs4
ok cool.
am i the only one who doesn't get the point of the docs?
personally i feel the new docs in SO should be more like user contributions (in the php docs for example)
You’re not alone, no
User contributions on things that couldn't be documented by the official docs
and not repeating everything again
or most of it with different terms
@danidee I think it's mostly just a bit concatenation of lots of examples of usage for some API.
not this
is there an issue with the line from multiprocessing import Pool in python 2? I copied the first example from [this documentation][docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html] and just got an error
10 examples
31 contributors
@xxmbabanexx What Python version?
im using python 2.7.10
could be stuff on the sopython wiki that could go into docs if needs be I guess
that already exists in the official python docs...
@xxmbabanexx It works on my Python 2.7.5.
You can't even import it?
lemme try some stuff in the shell
i put in from multiprocessing import Pool into the shell
and got the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
from multiprocessing import Pool
ImportError: cannot import name Pool`
super weird
Try from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool.
don't have a module named dummy. running on an osx system... that shouldn't cause the issue though...
@xxmbabanexx What shows up if you enter in dir(multiprocessing) after importing multiprocessing?
Did you name a file multiprocessing.py?
['builtins', 'doc', 'file', 'name', 'package', 'f', 'multiprocessing']
everything but pool lol
Wait why is multiprocessing in that list?
@user2357112 ayyy lmao i named the program i am working on that cuz this is my first time experimenting with this. lemme rename and retry
Hahaha, that's definitely the issue.
Those namespace collisions, I wish they would have not named the logging module logging, because having a file called logging.py is not an uncommon want.
ok so the import error is gone but this program is taking forever to run... it's still running lmao any idea what is wrong?
What are you executing in the pool?
just doing the example from the documentation
from multiprocessing import Pool

def f(x):
return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Pool(5)
print(p.map(f, [1, 2, 3]))
Executing from command line or import?
Mines working from command line.
hmmm.... working from idle
@JonClements Probably Sunday. I'm away from home handling some IRL stuff, so if things go well, the next stream will be Sunday, but it's all in how someone else feels about not having someone playing home-nurse
@Oasiscircle that's so weird works perfectly from terminal
Which IDE are you using?
@tristan Understood... best wishes for you and yours mate
@JonClements Cheers. If you're curious for whatever reason, I can let the ROs know what's up.
If everything gets delivered as expected, I can take suggestions for new/more demanding games like DOOM, Fallout, or Overwatch.
our private lives are exactly that - there's no need
Fallout is cool
don't know how a stream would work with that (single mission I guess)
I'll probably start streaming some of that as I play -- I haven't yet.
@tristan if you ever wanna a talk to a stranger of some sorts and I'm about... I'm about :)
@JGreenwell I've seen other people stream longer games and they just make it an appointment like "monday, wednesday, sunday, we stream for 3ish hours"
@JonClements i appreciate that :)
yeah, that makes sense
does anyone ever get messages in linked in completely unrelated to what they normally work on? I get tons on working in biotech. Is it because I got a B- in chemistry 201 in college?
it's almost like technical recruiters aren't technical and mostly only care about getting paid
I get tons about network administration even though I've never done that (LinkedIn was worse, used to get ones for dishwasher)
i've added an SO Doc example for py.test fixtures and would appreciate any feedback from this distinguished group
argh...the blue dots have to be turned off every single time
that's it! I'm not looking at documentation until they fix that - it is literally painful
@JGreenwell how do you handle the proposed edits filling up the screen, totally preventing you from doing anything
@JGreenwell there's a "turn tips off" link at the bottom of each blue dot tooltip
does that not turn it off globally?
no, they come back on reload (I'm adding it to meta)
@JGreenwell check it's not a dupe first though
So far I only see a note on "what type of javascript library are they written in" and nothing on the problem
I always search first - which is why I don't have many answers but a lot of flags ;)
think I saw a comment on one of the numerous posts I looked at that mentioned the same point and got a response from a CM
the comment said "they are annoying" the response said "just click on tooltip icon thingie" (paraphrased); did not cover the fact that it was not global - unless you saw something I missed
tbh - I'm just ignoring the whole docs thing for the first day... I' ignored it on meta so I can focus on Q&A posts
hmm...should I post a new meta or just add it to the documenting the problems question?
Python pandas question; I have a column that has float values representing time in seconds (1.23, 1.54, 2.34, 2.56, etc.). I want to get row data of another column for say only the 2.x (2.34, 2.56, etc.).

Is there a simple way to do this? I'm new to pandas and I saw it has something like pandas.date_range() that can be used to select rows that correspond to a certain date range (literally). So can I do this with floats?
@HEADLESS_0NE u could use a for loop that goes thru and tests if the value is 2.00 <= secs < 3.00
@xxmbabanexx please avoid txt spk, "you", "through"
@JonClements I think Facebook managed to find you as a "Suggested Friend" on my feed.
but we have no mutual friends. Shenanigans are at work here.
@JonClements okay, you were right it was asked already - just added comment on global setting problem
@JGreenwell it's nice to know it happens once in a while :)
@idjaw you sure it's me? :p
harder to search meta than SO main though (google or SO's search)
@JonClements I did some reconnaissance on your friend list and there is another member of SO that you are friends with. The coincidences are getting too close. :P
How did Facebook link us together...
@idjaw Analytics
presumably someone uploaded their contacts to the facebook "Other people you may know" thingy
@idjaw aliens shakes hands
right... bed time for me right now... laters
@JonClements rbrb
@HEADLESS_0NE Yeah...I'm trying to go deeper than the obvious. Curious to know what possible data could have been used.
@idjaw Right. What part of the analytics exactly or where did they originate from? That's hard to tell...
Especially since FB tracks browsing habits beyond facebook.com (wherever there may be embedded FB analytics pixels and like buttons)
okay, SO is too much today. I need a break. Rbrb all
@HEADLESS_0NE not to mention sites that use facebook's oauth login
@MattGiltaji Yea. That, too.
@idjaw Martijn must be pulling data from sopython :P
How did I not link that!
We found the cuplrit
shakes fist at Partijn Mieters!!!!
@JonClements wow, sleep very well :)
Night rhubarb, all!
rbrb Morgan!
How can I force a python function to wait before allowing it to output to sto
I asked this question 17 days ago stackoverflow.com/questions/38190045/… and it would be super helpful to have some pointers on how to fix the python output so that php doesn't return a blank
What vegetable rhymes with tl;dr?
I guess it depends on how you pronounce the dr part?
This Kaggle competition might be of interest to some here, I'd hazard that @PM2 and @DSM would definitely get a kick out of it.
because the I pronounce dr and cauliflower, that doesn't rhyme
Shame it's not a ranking competition, or I'd have a go.
@xxmbabanexx You could perhaps improve on the question by incorporating the actual code and how the expected output looks like.
Although maybe Jelly Ear works better re: edibility.
@ZeroPiraeus are you reading out dr like dear? Or pronouncing each letter?
Tee-Ell-Dee-Arr ... which isn't the easiest thing to find rhymes for in the first place, never mind that they have to be plausible salad ingredients.
hmm....isn't it usually read per letter?
or is this another gif vs jif thing?
Yes. Tee-Ell-Dee-Arr.
How do you pronounce those letters?
You could imagine imagine turning it almost Hodorish, tuldur.
@ZeroPiraeus I just caught your "Tee-Ell-Dee-Arr". Yeah I say each letter like that
but I don't say teal dear
It helps that I pronounce "ear" as "Eeh-argh!" of course. Well, in this case it helps. In everyday life, it's something of a burden.
I have to think before saying words with "R" if I don't want my New England accent showing
Whenever someone mentions new England it just makes me want to read Lovecraft
"New England?!?! puts down tea and thinks of the queen"
I just want to eat chowder.
I uh justuh wanna eat chowda
I am usually reminded of Beetlejuice. Note: for all I know Beetlejuice is not actually set in New England, but the town in which their house is located fits my prejudices about the region.
haha nice
Was just contemplating my Geography of The United States of America:
Top left: Northern Exposure
Top: Fargo
Top right: The Wire
Right: Friends
Bottom right: True Detective
Bottom: Breaking Bad
Bottom left: Buffy
Left: Frasier
Middle: The Waltons
@ZeroPiraeus i thought baltimore was more south than new york
so you should swap top right and middle right
I do not claim accuracy. It seems to be cold there though.
it snows in both places
7 examples
2 contributors
hmm oneboxing sucks :D
I wrote an update there
that APerson has been very productive but the quality is kind of low
cannot write `foo`
in docs
one needs to write
fresh rhubarb pie for you all
adidas @idjaw
The standard division symbol "/" operates differently between Python 2 and Python 3, as Python 3 casts integers to floats before applying the division. In practice, this means that Python 2 division "rounds down", whereas Python 3 returns the decimal result.
I'm sure that is clear to anyone unfamiliar with integer arithmetic
Kinda tempted to edit stackoverflow.com/a/38513306/1014938 so that it points to the official (and far, far superior) documentation.
I get the feeling that such an improvement would be considered vandalism, however :-/
@ZeroPiraeus hey, how else will people collect those sweet new bronze badges?
Now that I've had time to think about it, I think Documentation is actively hostile to the developer community. It will encourage a proliferation of the kind of shoddy, amateur documentation that already plagues the non-Python world, and inevitably we'll start seeing projects trying to shrug off their responsibilities in the way some already do re: support and SO Q&A.
Someone who want to work ?
I have a csv file that contains a list per row ie:
[126, 129, 422, 626]
[126, 422, 626]

with open(r'filepath.csv', 'r') as f:
. reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
. for row in reader:
. version.append(row[0])

>>>[126, 129, 422, 626]
>>>,class 'str'>
they're being read in as strings. but i want them to be lists. tips?
each list is in a single cell. one column
@toshbar how about "turn string into list"?
But does it work on Windows ME
i'm so bad at working my stack overflow questions
don't worry about it, you're even worse at formatting code in your chat messages
that's exactly what i looked for but don't word it right and can't find it. thank you
how do i format code here? i can fix that for the future
for multiline messages you get a "fixed width" button you can click, or just press ctrl-k (they both just indent every line by 4 spaces)
but note that multiline messages are either full text XOR full quotes XOR all code, with all other formatting ignored by mini-markdown
there's also room 1, the chat sandbox, where you can play around
got it
thanks and sorry
no worries:)
Tkinter is a pain in the butt.
I've heard that a few times
trying to poll for widget height and it returns 1 every time
actually, I've heard <python GUI framework> is a pain in the butt a lot
little bit of googling shows that that's a symptom of the window manager not actually having to draw it yet, so it doesn't know how tall it is
but that doesn't seem to be the case here
@AdamSmith are you polling the right widget? Is there anything like "force redraw" that needs to be called to refresh the data? I'm clueless about tkinter, but eager to help:D
yes and yes but I already did it.
@AndrasDeak GUIs are terrible, just make a fancy CLI with argparse
or put it on the web.
fortunately, I don't do any "users"
I'm paring down to minimal so I can either A) figure out what I did wrong or B) post about it
but me and ducky are coming up blank.
well you need minimal anyway, in my experience that solves 95% of questions
oh wait, I might just be an idiot.
I think I'm measuring the frame before I put anything in it
mystery solved, everybody, I'm just an idiot.
one less mystery left in the world:(
I don't like gui with python
hey, Marko
did you get some sleep?
nope :P 4th day
I'm kidding, I love sleeping, I've slept well after 2 days of not sleeping
glad to hear that
how are you :) what're you doing
fine, thanks
I'm selling my soul to the devil in the form of a Documentations submission
ah on se
SO, yes

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