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How does python store signs
Since ints have an potentially infinite length
Wooooo! My android app is working! Single downside: it's pure java:(
and, rhubarb:)
don't say it is "pure Java" to Java people
1 hour later…
Okay, so python multiprocessing is giving me some trouble because it can't pickle objects above 4GB, whats the work around? I'm writing to write into a 4GB array from 12 processes.
Hi everyone. Python is becoming an important language. It is also taught to beginners. As a consequence there are many books available and many of them are bad too. Beginning stages in programming are crucial as they set the course for future coding. So we need to have a definitive guide for books in python. I have asked a question here stackoverflow.com/questions/37396265/…
I know i should have consulted you before asking but I did not know about it
I became aware of this community only after comment by vaultah
So please support this. We need to have a definitive python book guide
There are many lists available on Google, alternatively you can go the reddit community.
2 hours later…
@AbhinavGarg no. It's off topic for SO and I'm not sure we want to be responsible for an off topic resource for the next infinity years.
I agree
@Scribbles so you're back to mysql now?
@Mikhail mmap
@Mikhail use numpy, and mmap
@AbhinavGarg also that meta question does not state that it's even allowed right now. It states that those examples were allowed because they are old and that they're continued to be allowed because the community maintains them. That does not mean that new questions which are asked that are also maintained by the community should be allowed.
@AbhinavGarg it is also highly opinionated question
for example, I'd say all Python 2.7 books are outdated and you shouldn't even study it as it will soon be EOL'ed...
We argue enough about cats vs dogs and whether ice hockey is a real sport or not. We don't need this too.
@Ffisegydd who says it's not real sport?
what's real sport then?
And snooker.
And golf.
was going to say snooker first
And anything else I play.
so why not try ice hockey :D
Because I like my teeth.
Cabbage :-)
Isn't there some central Asian sport that is horse polo, but instead of a ball you hurle a (dead) goat?
hey, any "good" blogging software for two-three user techno blog, not written in PHP?
preferably in Python
so obviously needs to have syntax highlighting, dates, and perhaps search.
disqus comments ok
@AnttiHaapala Yeah back to the MySQL for my flask project, but I think I might have found a book on safari books that lays it out right for me. Other than that I am punishing my self with print layout for a non profit... I guess when you say film school it means make me a news paper... lol
obviously since in that blog I am going to say
@Scribbles again, there is no reason to take MySQL.
it is like "well I do not know how to cook beef, so I am back to rat"
I am having proples with postgres on my machine for some dang reason tried to purge everything and re install but no luck
unless you've got some bizarre HA setup where you're not using standard mysql, then there is absolutely nothing to be gained from using mysql
then you should ask about that :d
Well I figure I should copy my code and nuke my server to get a fresh start
I have a doubt from the classes tutorial from python.
Actually should do that now while I am messing with this other stuff.
It says "Usually, a method is called right after it is bound: x.f()"
@AbhishekBhatia which is true
What does bound mean here? Isn't the method f bound to the instance x after the instance of x is created?
@AbhishekBhatia should I google it for you?
and no, it is not bound to x after the instance is created.
@AbhishekBhatia recommended search keywords for google: python bound method
@Scribbles one problem with mysql is that it still doesn't support properly transactional DDL
if you have got a live system, you can b0rk it when running DB migrations
Ok popping a nuke right now so there is no mistaking what I have and havn't done
@AnttiHaapala There are many answers for differences between bound and unbound methods. But I can't find any that explain how binding of methods work, thus asked.
Then you've not looked hard enough.
Please do proper research before coming here.
You have been warned multiple times now.
Q: What is the difference between a function, an unbound method and a bound method?

Benjamin HodgsonI'm asking this question because of a discussion on the comment thread of this answer. I'm 90% of the way to getting my head round it. In [1]: class C(object): # a class ...: def f1(self): pass ...: In [2]: c = C() # an instance f1 exists in three different forms: In [3]: c.f1 # ...

this is the second search result for me in Google
incidentally the answer explains not only the difference, but how does unbound become bound.
@AbhishekBhatia I guess the problem is your attention span of 8.6 milliseconds when you look into these answers.
I was going to write "8.6 seconds" but then realized that it took less than 8.6 seconds for me to find out that this answer actually does explain how does unbound become bound
Intuitively, I would expect it is bound after the instance is created. I don't get why it is bound on call only.
So I can bind the same method twice to the same object then?
Read the answer. Do your own research.
hmm...okay. :)
You have completely and utterly destroyed any and all good will you could have with this room. You are persona non grata.
that doesn't sound good.
@AbhishekBhatia please get a dictionary, letter A
see the meaning of word after
"usually, a method is called right after it is bound"
all the words that you need are in that sentence...
Sorry, this is a better question: say x=a.f; Now I redefine f() for the instance a. Then would it x change?
@AbhishekBhatia do you actually have a python interpreter installed?
if so, perhaps it is time you could start experimenting yourself
Not worth arguing/trying to convince them.
wat :D
it is more than 5 minutes since the last kick
@RobertGrant cbg
Ok ground zero
@Scribbles :D
@JRichardSnape morning
@JRichardSnape do ppl call you severus a lot
gotta ask that
dupe stackoverflow.com/questions/37406765/how-methods-work-in-python quick, before someone else writes another useless answer :)
You should be using Python 3, in Python 3, there is no string.split! — Antti Haapala 17 secs ago
@PM2Ring shameless plug ^
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, I just noticed (and upvoted) that. :)
ok this is a new one install postgresql-server-dev-X.Y
hmm you shouldn't need that one at all
instead you need the client dev libraries
in debians the client library is called libpq-dev
and fixed
It was yelling at me so I just got it to stop by downloading that stuff
ok back to my check list
@PM2Ring that user was last seen 1 hour ago
I hate it when people post a question and then just disappear.
@PM2Ring why?
@RobertGrant Because they should hang around to respond to comments.
I think that looks right...
And if they get a good answer they should accept it, but I guess they can do that next time they log on. But not being available to respond to comments often means that questions that aren't perfectly clear can't be answered properly. So the experts get left hanging waiting for a response from the OP & the repwhores start posting answers that may not apply to the OP's actual situation.
@AnttiHaapala since I haven't used PG much is there a cheater app with a gui that is recommended, till I get my bearings
@PM2Ring ARGH I can't ignore you long enough to make the joke work, I feel too guilty
Stop being so pleasant so I feel bad
Sorry. ;)
ok guys later I've been at the computer for about 18 hours, I think its time for a nap
@Scribbles pgadmin3
but the psql command line application is much more helpful than mysql when it comes to error messages
@Mikhail just the goat's head, I think
@Antti looking at that bound method post, you should've said "There _are_ no unbound methods, the distinction is meaningless. Use proper python."
hehe :P
but there are "unbound" methods
in the sense that they have a dangling first argument?
@AndrasDeak the C stuff are really unbound methods I think
>>> int.__float__
<slot wrapper '__float__' of 'int' objects>
it doesn't say "unbound" in python 2 either
but I'm sure I've seen it print that
maybe it was ipython doing that?
no, it was the interpreter
maybe I saw it in an error...
Unrelated: didn't that "midnight UTC returns false" violate (among common sense) "Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules."?
I know the zen is not definitive, it just came to mind
rhubarb for now
>>> class Fred:
        def foo (self):

>>> Fred.foo # unbound
<function Fred.foo at 0x0000001D53DA9B70>
>>> Fred().foo # bound
<bound method Fred.foo of <__main__.Fred object at 0x0000001D568E5588>>
Q: Python threads using multiple CPUs

2rd_7I have this python code which implements threading. When I examine the cpu usage by this process, it seems like it uses all the CPUs which shouldn't be the case due to GIL. import threading def counter(n): for i in range(0,n): i = i+1 t1 = threading.Thread(target = counter, args = (3...

Anyone know a good duplicate for that?
@AnttiHaapala I have to say I don't get too much of people actually calling me Severus. But safe to say you're not the first to note the possibility for Harry Potter based jokes ;) Maybe it's because I look more like Hagrid - the joke doesn't quite work. I could shave and use some hair gel, but I'd have to spend a few years perfecting the Alan Rickman drawl...
@IljaEverilä I seem to think there was one very similar only yesterday. Maybe I'm wrong.
"Maybe it's because I look more like Hagrid ". You could be using Polyjuice Potion. :)
Who's a REST guru?
Any preference of /things?country=UK&country=France vs /things?country=UK,France ?
For a filterable search where the same param can feature more than once
@RobertGrant Not me. But I think the 1st form is better because it can handle parameters that contain commas. OTOH, some clients may not be able to send queries that contain multiples of the same parameter, eg if they typically convert a dict to a query URI, which is what Python Requests does.
However, Wikipedia says While there is no definitive standard, most web frameworks allow multiple values to be associated with a single field (e.g. field1=value1&field1=value2&field2=value3).
Hm yeah
I guess the only thing is that the first one (which like you, is my preference) builds the URL length up faster if you have a lot of inputs
@poke can you bound the same method to an instance more than once?
@AbhishekBhatia how was your research?
@AbhishekBhatia yes, you can bound the same unbound method to an instance more than once:
obj.method; obj.method - see, it is bound not just once... twice actually
In [1]: def foo(): pass

In [2]: obj = object()

In [3]: foo.__get__(obj, object)
Out[3]: <bound method object.foo of <object object at 0x7fc5f4496190>>

In [5]: a = foo.__get__(obj, object)

In [6]: b = foo.__get__(obj, object)

In [7]: a is b
Out[7]: False
Hm, github now gives unlimited private repos
(For $7/mo)
@IljaEverilä aren't they are pointing to the same method object here? Why is the output of is False?
@RobertGrant That shouldn't be a problem, unless your URLs get really long. This old answer gives URL length limits for various browsers and servers.
@AbhishekBhatia the bound method object is distinct. if you had spend 8.4 seconds reading the answers and the 1 sentence that you didn't understand,
you'd realize that a method becomes wrapped to an instance when it is looked up on that instance. it is an one-time binding, when you look that method up again, you'd get a different bound method object.
@PM2Ring that's actually way more than I thought! I should just check my server tech to see what I can throw at it :)
So, an object can have 2 method objects for the same function object?
@AbhishekBhatia what happened when you tried it?
@RobertGrant Unsurprisingly IE has the smallest limits. Although its limits are generally adequate for query strings they can be a bit small for data: or javascript: URIs. But I guess it's probably not a good idea to encourage people to create giant data: URIs anyway.
you've got no lifelines any longer. Gone is "50/50", and "Ask the audience" and so must be "Phone a Friend". It is up to you now.
@PM2Ring yeah that should be fine; looks as though my clients will be other servers anyway
@RobertGrant When I checked I got the answer as no.
He says
@AbhishekBhatia you got the answer from where?
@AnttiHaapala what does that mean?
yes / no, a simple question
@RobertGrant In [6]: id(x.f())
Out[6]: 139876474052912

In [7]: id(x.f())
Out[7]: 139876474052912
@PM2Ring Ah, your knowledge of Potter-lore is plainly way beyond mine :) I really ought to read at least one of them.
@AbhishekBhatia closing this as a duplicate of Why does id({}) == id({}) in CPython?
Yawns elaborately, like a well fed lion
See you later.
@JRichardSnape The Harry Potter books aren't excellent, but they are certainly worth reading.
The films are much better than the books
They would doubtless be more engaging than the training course I must attend in 15 mins time, but somehow I think taking a book along would not be well received.
suspension of disbelief is still better than in Dan Brown's bestsellers...
About one trillion times better
dan brown has written the same book at least 4 times under different titles
@PM2Ring @RobertGrant "most", if they don't, then they're fscking b0rken, <select multiple> anyone?
@AnttiHaapala Thanks for the link, so I tried assigning them to variables and checked ids. But the ids were still the same.
@AbhishekBhatia because you're checking the id of the method return value
not id of x.f
@AnttiHaapala select multiple is exactly what I'm thinking of
@Ffisegydd news at 10
The HP stories are engaging and Rowling builds a reasonably consistent world, although there are plenty of plot holes if you go looking for them. OTOH, they are just kids' books, not high literature.
If I have too many I could do /thing?ns=c:country&c=UK&c=France to shorten things :D
@RobertGrant lol
why not "xmlns:c" :d
Indeed :)
Oh @AnttiHaapala thanks!
If you like HP but were annoyed by some of the plot holes or illogical things in the Potterverse you may enjoy Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Eliezer Yudkowsky.
It's a bit like Java and Python - Java is the (over) engineered solution that you don't need for a lot of things, but scales indefinitely (although possibly you would never need this), and REST vs SOAP is sort of similar
There's an interesting range of opinions on this question about coding standards from the HNQ list: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/319304/…
globals()['x']=2 vs global x; x=2. Which is better? The former allows me to refer to the local x later also.
The 2nd is better, but you should try to avoid using modifiable globals.
@PM2Ring what is the alternative?
Modifying globals() is legal, but it's not recommended unless you really need it, since it makes code less modular and harder to read. See stackoverflow.com/questions/5958793/…
Interview went well. Candidate didn't catch fire.
morning everyone
@PM2Ring That answer says what you said. But what could the alternative for such a use-case-singleton?
@AbhishekBhatia The alternative to globals is to practice proper data encapsulation. Pass data to your functions using parameters, and keep your state information in classes, preferably as instance attributes although it can make sense in some cases to use class attributes.
@PM2Ring Thanks, that makes sense.
So who bought Overwatch? I think I'm gonna cave and buy it tonight :P
@AbhishekBhatia If it's only a single object what's the problem with passing it around as a parameter? In some situations if you only have a single object that needs to be globally readable and writeable by most of the functions in a module it can be ok to make it a global. But if you do do that please give it a decent name, don't just call it x.
@Programmer I did.
I figured you did. I think it'd be about 11PM your time when I could play.
Yeah, or weekends.
Morning cabbage.
brief morning cbg
@AnttiHaapala @PM2Ring @Ffisegydd why hasn't some garlic been thrown?
1 hour ago, by Ffisegydd
why is google always hiring in Cambridge? I feel like they are literally always hiring people
hey guys
They need more engineers to fix Nucleus.
@MorganThrapp Here is a list of all the festivals happening in Montreal this summer (most of these events happen every summer) thrillist.com/events/montreal/…
I have a question. I know i can add custom model meta attribute in django, but i dont know where to add this
via import django.db.models.options as options
@idjaw Fine, I'll get my passport already.
options.DEFAULT_NAMES = options.DEFAULT_NAMES + ('schema',)
@MorganThrapp You can use an EDL as well.
@davidism Abhishek knows he's walking on thin ice. See Fizzy's recent remark on the starboard and Antti's chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/30731191#30731191
@Programmer I think I actually have an E(N)DL around somewhere, I just have to check if it's expired or not.
@MorganThrapp I'm overly excited about At The Drive In
> PoutineFest
Just don't bring alcohol back with you if you want to be safe :P
Yes. Yes yes yes.
@PM2Ring He's already struck out, and he kept doing so this discussion. Just end it.
any django guys around here? :confused:
poutinefest is awesome. I had a 25 oz steak poutine at one...it was fantastic
@idjaw Steak poutine? What does that even mean? I need it though.
@MorganThrapp tourisme-montreal.org/blog/montreals-most-interesting-poutines Look for "Biarritz". That's the one
@idjaw I'm already hungry because I forgot breakfast and this isn't fair.
on that note...time to head out. rbrb :D
Ugh, you can't do this to me. Get me all hot and bothered hungry and then leave.
that's how I roll
~sigh~ <3
@davidism Ok. I agree that his latest questions re: globals is something that's easy to find on SO or any decent tutorial, so there should be no need to ask about it here. But at least it was a reasonably clear and well-framed question, compared to most of his stuff, and I got the impression that he was trying his best to behave properly, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
@PM2Ring we had a discussion in slack, check it out: sopython.slack.com/archives/ro-discussion/p1463924349000002
@davidism Rightio.
How do you politely tell this guy: "Python's len function and while loops aren't broken, but they way you're trying to use them is" ? stackoverflow.com/questions/37409755/…
cabbage, all
oh look! it's a wall of cabbage in the chat transcript... might even call it a cabbage patch
Well, someday we need to beat this chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/6/conversation/cbg
well, we could give it a go now. I'll even get us started:
It's no good. It has to be totally impromptu.
I mean, cbg.
@davidism of whats the deal with "cabbage" lol
@davidism LMAO ty
@Scribbles it's delicious!
I mean, can you imagine a sandwich without it?
@inspectorG4dget Yes.
as long as its fresh lol
A banana sandwich will always have cabbage
... lest it go bean, for yam's sake
Input from user in the Terminal is not being converted into a string-Python is quite the mystery. OP has 2.7-like behavior on his input call, but he's almost certainly using 3.4.
Oh they even made works for me cute [yam, tomato] ... especially for when I break something.. lol
There's only one rule: yam or be yammed.
My current bet is "you determined your version by running python from the command line and executing print(sys.version) in the interactive prompt. You ran your script by double-clicking the file's icon. These two actions invoke different versions of the interpreter"
My backup bet is "You're using some weird environment that has custom backports that intentionally make 3.X more 2.7-like"
Tertiary bet: OP's version is actually 2.7 and he knows it. He just didn't want to admit that he was wrong.
@RobertGrant Lol mostly yammed
I just noticed something odd in my Python 2.6.6
>>> from dis import dis
>>> dis('input')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dis.py", line 44, in dis
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dis.py", line 111, in disassemble_string
    labels = findlabels(code)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dis.py", line 165, in findlabels
    oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256
IndexError: string index out of range
@PM2Ring nothing strange
Happens on my 2.7, as well.
@PM2Ring in python2, strings are bytecode
your bytecode is b0rken
I get the same Traceback with dis('f=input')
Q: Why does Python's dis dislike lists?

InkaneIn Python (2.7.2),why does import dis dis.dis("i in (2, 3)") works as expected whereas import dis dis.dis("i in [2, 3]") raises: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dis.py", line 45, in dis disassemble_string(x) File "/usr/lib/...

Tldr, What Antti said
% python2
Python 2.7.11+ (default, Apr 17 2016, 14:00:29)
[GCC 5.3.1 20160413] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(u"input")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dis.py", line 49, in dis
TypeError: don't know how to disassemble unicode objects
@AnttiHaapala dis('raw_input') works ok.
% python3
Python 3.5.1+ (default, Mar 30 2016, 22:46:26)
[GCC 5.3.1 20160330] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis('input')
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (input)
              3 RETURN_VALUE
>>> dis.dis(b'input')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/dis.py", line 59, in dis
    _disassemble_bytes(x, file=file)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/dis.py", line 343, in _disassemble_bytes
@PM2Ring it doesn't work ok
It seems that some strings just happen to be legal bytecode, and some strings just happen to not be legal.
Wow, crazy
nothing crazy
I doubt that dis('raw_input') actually gives you any real insight into raw_input. it's just interpreting the letters r, a, w, ... as code and showing the operand name & argument for each instruction.
dis output for ''raw_input' is complete garbage
>>> dis.dis("raw_input")
          0 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 30561
          3 STORE_ATTR      28265 (28265)
          6 JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP 29813
proper disassembly is
>>> dis.dis('raw_input')
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (raw_input)
              3 RETURN_VALUE
(from python 3)
@BhargavRao "In Python 2.x, the str type holds raw bytes, so dis assumes that if you pass it a string it is getting compiled bytecode. It tries to disassemble the string you pass it as bytecode and -- purely due to the implementation details of Python bytecode -- succeeds for i in (2,3). Obviously, though, it returns gibberish." Ah, that makes sense.
python3.6 set to change bytecode
I guess I should've been doing stuff like this:
from dis import dis
s = compile('input()', '<string>', 'eval')
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (input)
              3 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              6 RETURN_VALUE
ah, so the bytecode of calling a function is CALL_FUNCTION. [you don't say.png]
dis(lambda x: input())
@PM2Ring or use python 3, which just works as expected ;)
see, they've fixed a problem you didn't even realize exists
@AnttiHaapala I tested on both. :p
@AnttiHaapala Fair enough. I don't know why I tried to dis() a string... I normally just pass it a function name.
AHHHHHHHHH....... @Kevin thank you. I just checked my python version in my terminal and it was 2 and my IDE I was running 3. Problem solved. Thank you for that push in the right direction. — Drew1208 59 secs ago
Nailed it B-)
Well, actually I thought his terminal was 3 and his IDE was 2. But whatever.
@Kevin Well, it had to be something like that. :) But yeah, you did nail it.
I have successfully shot a fish in the barrel.
So is that now a typo?
In spirit if not in letter.
Ah ahahahaha
Charged £30 by current rental agents for the pleasure of them giving me a reference to new rental agents. And they wonder why they get a bad rap.
@Kevin What he said. Let's close it.
You saucy minx.
@Ffisegydd yeah. I used a rental agent to let out my place in Nottingham. So not worth the money.
If I was king of SO, "OP's environment was misconfigured such that he could still replicate if he wanted to, but has no reason to do so" would be the third option next to "typo" and "can no longer be reproduced"
Wretched hive of scum and villainy.
(Rental agents, not Nottingham...but Nottingham also)
Trying to buy a house in Oxford. Need more money.
@Kevin I wonder why he didn't figure it out 20 minutes ago. Maybe it took him that long to realise that he had to run the script with the import sys; print(sys.version) stuff in the IDE and in the terminal... :)
@RobertGrant Or less Oxford. :)
@Bob probably should have made a mini me, I hear they're expensive.
And due to local scope binding, I do mean a "mini Fizzy" there.
I could only make a mini me
Ah, excellent :)
FWIW, "Oxford" is old Aussie rhyming slang: "Oxford scholar" == "dollar"
I take it as given that OPs will take 20 minutes to comply with the simplest of requests. I assume they're juggling flaming chainsaws while they post.
(Note to any OPs reading this: this is not a judgement, only a statement of fact)
'Biarritz, “Steakhouse Poutine”: This poutine was served on top of a 25 oz dry-aged rib steak and was the specialty dish of the week.'
@PM2Ring many, many Oxfords needed to buy in Oxford.
(but also a secret judgment)
Well yeah, but I'm judgemental in general so it's just sort of a background radiation judgement.
Don't take it personally, OPs. I can judge anyone. Watch: Gandhi was a little too handsy with his assistants, and Mother Theresa's orphanages weren't as well-furnished as they could have been.
> Ninety-eight the day she died
Complainin' 'bout the spotless floor.
People shook their heads and sighed,
"Guess that she'll like heaven more."
Up went her soul on feathered wings,
Out the door, up out of sight.
Another voice from heaven came--
"Almost perfect... but not quite."
Pretty sure Ghandi's 3rd wife was 13 years old. Possibly that's totally wrong.

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