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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

1:51 AM
5 hours later…
6:23 AM
Cabbage :-)
@thefourtheye Hi! Howyadoin?
@BhargavRao I am fine. Thanks :-) How are you?
Doing quite well, Thanks. Starting work from July.
Thats great news man :-) Congrats :-)
Where are you going to work?
EIG. Training in Mumbai for 2 months.
6:35 AM
Cool. When the summer is over, Mumbai would be a very nice place to be in :)
From Aug, yep. July there'll be heavy rains.
7:15 AM
1 hour later…
8:41 AM
@Ffisegydd played some Offworld Trading Co last night, just tutorials. Cool.
@RobertGrant Yeah it's very simple to get started with, but it gets very complicated for optimum solutions.
I heard someone describe it as similar to chess.
@thefourtheye hey man, its been ages. How are ya?
9:11 AM
@Ffisegydd I hope I have the energy to invest time into it; it does look cool
I've only done the basic tutorials, and then the first little mission thing that's listed under them
Definitely don't get it yet
Had a look at the front page. I like the juxtaposition: "Save humanity.... Go online and bankrupt your friends..." :)
9:34 AM
Anyone here?
im trying cut out a substring with some variable length in it
and where does it go wrong?
well, right now im just replacing abc with 123 but i wanna be able to replace the whole thing if it looks like this: ab_____c
9:39 AM
with what?
oh, you mean remove?
I don't know how much python peeps like regex, but a simple solution is regex
a simple and heavyweight solution, mind you
oh ok
simple and heavyweight?
Simple for you, but regex is always a bulky beast:) I assume it to be the same in python. Often overkill.
anyway, you can just use a pattern like 'ab.*c' and get it over with
that will glob up everything between a leading ab and and the last c in the string
well then there'd only be one variable character right?
or no?
.* in regexp means "any character any number of times, including 0"
but how do you want to replace a variable-length string?
9:42 AM
abdsndsgmdsgsc --> 123?
right exactly
it'll always be constant
a native python solution is to see if ab and c are in the string, then find their indices
then construct the new string by cutting the beginning, the end, and putting '123' in between
ah good idea
thanks a lot!
no prob
I'm quite nooby, so there might be better solutions:)
you should also look around on SO if you haven't so far
haha, this should be fine
yea ive looked a little bit but not all too much
9:44 AM
just watch out to have the index of ab earlier than the index of c
to avoid replacing casfsafsafab
ah yea true
but i think its unlikely
abc = <img src=\"http://www.chiang-mai.ch/storage/images_design/scharf.png?__SQUARESPACE_CAC‌​HEVERSION=1434903844741\" alt=\"\" />
i just need to be able to omit the chache version stuff
Parsing HTML with regex? That'a a paddling.
9:47 AM
well, just replacing some instances haha
the rest is of the html is gonna be removed anyway
Use <(?:"[^"]*"['"]*|'[^']*'['"]*|[^'">])+>
oh im using an API which makes it relatively simple
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
Mmmm. Regex. HTML. Can I contain myself. He comes...
9:58 AM
just copy that and embrace his love:D
Actually though, @Pigman168, if you're using HTMLParser you can get the string 'http://www.chiang-mai.ch/storage/images_design/scharf.png?__SQUARESPACE_CAC‌​HE‌​VERSION=1434903844741' already? In which case - do you want to dump the ? and everything to the right of it, or is the problem more complex than that? If it's just that then have a go at it and come back if you hit problems.
10:27 AM
Well, I just need to replace the instance of that whole html tag
cbg all!
In case of assignment where the RHS is a iterable. Will it always sequence unpack before assignment?
@vaultah example where it doesn't?
10:38 AM
I'm not sure I even understand the question, though
does it depend on LHS?
`>>> a[len(a):]=[3,45]
>>> a[len(a):]=3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can only assign an iterable`
(I don't understand the question either)
10:40 AM
22 hours ago, by Bhargav Rao
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> a[3:] = [1] # Use [1]
>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 1]
x=range(3) where it doesn't unpack and x,y=[1,2] it does unpack depends on what is on the LHS?
unsurprisingly, it's the LHS that determines what kind of object should be on the RHS
@AbhishekBhatia I'd suggest you look up some tutorials and blogs on how assignment works, they will be able to explain it better than we can.
This conversation has a familiar ring to it...
10:42 AM
@BhargavRao in a[3:]=[1] does it unpack the list before assignment?
Why not test it?
Why ask someone else when you could open a terminal and test it?
Is your time that valuable compared to ours?
oh LOL @Bhargav even had the same discussion with Abhishek
not that I'm surprised
he kept doing the same thing while he was into :D
Or is it a familiar aroma...
@Ffisegydd I am not how to test, whether it unpacks or not.
Anyhow, lunchtime. Garlic bread with my pasta for sure. And rhubarb crumble.
10:43 AM
Then go find out. Think about it. Learn for yourself.
@AbhishekBhatia Start from here stackoverflow.com/a/34171719/4099593, Create your custom class. Read more. Implement. Profit
11:04 AM
11:34 AM
@BhargavRao you really love garlic...
11:58 AM
@AnttiHaapala Lol, Looks like :D
Time for post-lunch-snooze.
got a downvote :d
12:56 PM
morning everyone
@PM2Ring hows python 3?
Morning cabbage.
@AnttiHaapala No idea. I haven't turned on my computer today. I wasn't well & spent the day in bed. I'm currently using a Chromebook that my Dad had hiding in the garage. :)
@AnttiHaapala I got a random downvote on an oldish SE.Mathematics answer a day or two ago. It's not a great answer, but it had 6 upvotes. It'd be nice to know what the downvoter didn't like...
I often leave comments when downvoting...
usually it only ends up making me angry
I generally leave the comment first. If they don't respond after a while they get a downvote. But if they fix their answer they may get an upvote.
1:13 PM
@tmthydvnprt That was the first meetup I ever went to. Mostly I wanted to prove to myself that it was something I could do.
I assume driving into an unfamiliar city and hanging out with strangers isn't a big deal for ordinary people, but I am not ordinary.
@Kevin cool! Thanks for sharing. Hope it went well.
It met my expectations. Next time I'll try actually having a conversation.
Morning cabbage.
The meetup is having a 2 week game jam whose theme is "death". Unfortunately, the match-3 game I was working on all night previous to the announcement doesn't really qualify.
1:21 PM
All you need to do is raise the consequence of failure.
@Kevin you'd feel like at home in Finland.
@Kevin Match 3 skulls. Fixed.
@RobertGrant my thought exactly.
@Kevin well, there could be little puppies outside of the play area.
then for each match a puppy is killed.
Related: Don't shoot the puppy is a challenging game.
I guess if people have made a match-3 game about street fights, I could make a match-3 game about death. It's only one step further into the realm of absurdity.
@DSM got a pandas question with your name on it, if you've got 2 minutes.
1:29 PM
@Ffisegydd: sure. Brief enough to handle here or should we take it out?
No it's really quick. I'm using df.col.dt.hour to get the hours of my col. But I'd like to do df.dt.col['hour'].
That doesn't work, it's not using a dict lookup so doesn't support subscripting.
How are you getting .dt to work on a dataframe in the first place?
Had it the wrong way round.
It's df.col.dt...
So I'm operating on a single column within my df.
Worst case is I just use eval.
@Kevin Is there anything you can do other than not click start?
Nope :-)
1:36 PM
@Ffisegydd: the only way I can think of to make that work offhand is to monkeypatch DatetimeProperties, like
pd.tseries.common.DatetimeProperties.__getitem__ = lambda self, x: getattr(self,x)
Okay. Just wanted to make sure this wasn't the next Frog Fractions or something.
Black magic. I like it.
I have mixed feelings about doing that in production code, though. I'd probably consider it better style to write a function to do it, and then call access_dt_property(df["col"], "hour") or something.
Agreed. This is for a Kaggle competition though.
At some point I'll have to enter one of those, to keep me humble.
1:39 PM
For webdevs in here that use uWSGI: do you use it in emperor mode? i was thinking this weekend about emperor vs standalone mode (specifically wherein running as non-root) and if there were any benefits (performance or maintenance) that pushed you in the emperor direction.
You're welcome to join me and Snape - kaggle.com/c/shelter-animal-outcomes
We're doing a not-too-serious one that isn't for money.
@Ffisegydd: I've budgeted for four months of funemployment (and it's been great so far, with reading and attending sports!), but I'm not adopting any new hobbies until things are settled. :-)
"Help improve outcomes for shelter animals"
Solution A: Adopt all the cattes and doges
I'm about 3 closures deep and regretting my decision.
I thought Javascript had prepared me for this, clearly I was wrong.
The best way to improve outcomes for shelter animals is to add a "cares for the welfare of animals" term to the value function of your bootstrapping world-conquering AI. Everything else is just shuffling deck chairs around on the Titanic.
1:47 PM
def one_hot_encode(label):
    def func(df):
        dummies = pd.get_dummies(df[label], prefix=label)
        df = df.drop(label, axis=1)
        df = pd.concat([df, dummies], axis=1)
        return df
    return func

def extract_time(label):
    pd.tseries.common.DatetimeProperties.__getitem__ = lambda self, x: getattr(self, x)
    def func(df):
        df[label] = df.date_time.dt[label]
        return one_hot_encode(label)(df)
    return func
Ehh, a small improvement in some problems is negligible, but in others matters enormously to the people involved. Probably the same holds for animals..
Which means I can now do:
"""Test feature pipeline."""
from feature_functions import one_hot_encode, extract_time, drop_column

pipeline = [
If you're localizing use of the hack anyway, why not just do getattr(df.date_time.dt, label)? No need for the monkeying.
That makes even more sense -_-
I forget about getattr
1:51 PM
@Ffisegydd: getattr was the only content of the new method. :-)
@Ffisegydd me want
:o yeah cool. Let me know your email and I can add you to the sopython team.
antti@finland.fi doesn't work.
yeah it is almost as easy
firstname at lastname dot name
make vowpal wabbit with 10000000000000000000000 million features
I didn't check the data yet?
1:58 PM
We picked the competition so data could fit in memory easily.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 26710 entries, A671945 to A706629
Data columns (total 10 columns):
name               19037 non-null object
date_time          26710 non-null datetime64[ns]
outcome_type       26710 non-null category
outcome_subtype    13099 non-null category
animal_type        26710 non-null category
sex                26710 non-null category
age                26710 non-null float64
breed              26710 non-null category
color              26710 non-null category
nice it has even datetimes
That's one thing which pandas isn't great at, and probably isn't going to be for the foreseeable future: out-of-core operations.
I'll put my code up in a bit. I've not done any actual ML yet, just been cleaning the data and looking at some feature pipelines.
The datetime is the date the animal met its fate (whether that be adoption, transfer, death, euthanasia, etc)
hmmhm :(
that's bad
There seem to be some really easy cheats that you can do, for example most animals are transferred around 9am - presumably because that's just when the staff do it regularly :P
I feel kinda bad using that as a feature though, if you're trying to actually do proper prediction.
2:01 PM
that is some shtty data :D
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm going to use it anyway because I want to win.
why wouldn't they actually give useful data
The people are the animal shelter probably aren't data scientists and so may not add all the juicy data you'd like.
Just like real life, more's the pity.
I'd want the date of intake ofc. and time
2:04 PM
I approve of docs that have links built in.
hmm new layout and such at scikit
2:48 PM
I had some fun with itertools on the xkcd forum yesterday. forums.xkcd.com/…
Phrase of the day: "Quantum eigenvalues of Buckminster Fuller's epistemological pseudomorphism"
[I know some of these words.png]
I have a fondness for crank science, and crank math is a favourite niche. I know I should stop.
cbg, all
Woo first submission! No feature extraction, no optimisation, just testing the workflow.
3:23 PM
The current xkcd comic is mildly amusing xkcd.com/1678 I like "regex matching valid EBNF" and "cron job to update crontab".
I nerd sniped for about five minutes until I determined that no, you can't make an EBNF regex. On account of arbitrarily nestable brackets.
EBNF in EBNF is possible though, and is in fact on the EBNF Wikipedia page because of course it would be there.
@PM2Ring gif to XLS
if I wasn't wearing a sleeping infant, I would have LOLd
> Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) is a family of metasyntax notations, any of which can be used to express a context-free grammar.
Ah yes, of course.
gif to xls? Well...
hardlinks turing complete is another good one
@Kevin omg that's awful. amazing and horrifying
3:31 PM
Google Docs from bootloader. Lol.

How bad is it that several of those ideas are ones that make me go, "Hm..."?
Prognosis: chronic tech-itis. You'll live... But you won't live well.
The fact that I started mentally trying to figure out how that diagnosis would actually work...
Is probably proof that it's correct. Good job, Dr. Kevin
With nose, if I'm patching out some functions, what's the best way to have those patches only apply to the tests that don't care about those functions?
Eg, if I have test_foo and test_bar. bar calls foo, and foo takes a long time to run, so in test_bar I'd like to patch foo to something that just returns precomputed results.
But I still want test_foo to call foo.
I have module.foo = lambda x:x, but that breaks test_foo.
3:38 PM
I don't suppose you could change module.foo back at the end of test_bar.
I could. I'm currently reading about teardown.
@MorganThrapp use pytest's monkeypatch fixture: pytest.org/latest/monkeypatch.html
@davidism Ooo, perfect. I'm using nosetest right now, but should I switch to pytest? I just started writing this test suite, so it wouldn't be too bad to switch.
I prefer pytest.
And you want to be like me, right?
Didn't we have this conversation last week? Or was that a different regular?
Yes, switch.
3:43 PM
We did not, but I do remember you and Idjaw having some conversation about tests.
But be you're own person, don't live in Fizzy's shadow.
Alright, will do.
@MorganThrapp I <3 pytest
I've never used nose, TBH... but pytest just works for me
Just remember, it's the brave penguin that goes off on their own that dies from hypothermia.
I also throw some hypothesis in there for good measure
3:44 PM
I noticed something interesting yesterday. When I take off my glasses and look at the lenses, any light sources reflected on the glass have a green tint. But when I put them under running water to clean them, the reflections have a pink tint. I wonder why this is.
I bet the answer includes the word "polarization".
Probably science.
@Kevin I have never seen that. It is now my favourite video. "Can he lead a normal life?". "No. He'll be an engineer".
Seems like it has to do with the anti-reflective coating. The Wikipedia article shows lenses with the same green tint I described.
Changing my guess to "I bet the answer includes the words 'refractive index'"
Hi guys.
Who is going to PyCon (portland oregon)?
I have half a mind to make this a question on Physics.SE. I'd need an illustrative picture, though...
3:50 PM
I wanted to so bad, but the work budget didn't get finalized until after the new year -_-
@Kevin I'm guessing you need to add a thin layer of H2O between the interference coating and light source in the diagram in the wikepedia article. Then do Math on it ;)
Well, I tried to switch to pytest, but apparently it doesn't have permission to open files on my local file system. :/
Also, why is C:\Python Workspace\Import V3\tests\rps160d1 suddenly an invalid argument to open(self.file_path, 'rt')? Grrrr.
Probably because the \t got converted to a tab. Raw strings?
Oh, duh, right.
I'm still having permissions issues though, which is weird.
\o/ Raw strings yay!
That does sound strange. Does something else have the files open?
Windows is notorious for not allowing two things to open the same file, because reasons
3:59 PM
The issue seems to be that while nosetest runs from the context of the folder of the file, pytest seems to run from somewhere else.
I had been using relative path names, but I have to use fully qualified ones now.
So nobody here is going PyCon ??
interesting. I've only ever run it from the root of my folder
I know Martian Peters is ...
I'm running it through pycharm.
Oh. Well. I don't use Pycharm, so it might do some weirdness :P
4:01 PM
Ah ha! There's a working directory option.
@Kevin Yes. Also see the article on thin-film interference
> When the thickness of the film is a quarter-multiple of the wavelength of the light in the medium, the reflected waves from both surfaces interfere to "destroy" each other. Since the wave cannot be reflected, it is completely transmitted instead.
I don't really understand the math, but conceptually it sounds like changing N1 from air to water changes the wavelength that gets attenuated.
4:24 PM
Correct. The refractive index of air is only slightly higher than that of vacuum, but the IOR of water is around 4/3, (IOW, the speed of light in water is ~ 3c/4). So the water makes a radical difference to what the thin films are doing. At a guess, it totally wrecks what the outermost film is supposed to be doing.
hey, physics talk again!
physics is fun. A lot of things are fun.
@Kevin definitely not polarisation
and yes, the anti-reflection layer is such that its thickness is fit to whatever you want to suppress
polarization is both weird and awesome
As long as we're talking glasses... there are two optical effects that I've always assumed are related to glasses but never really confirmed. It's possible they're caused by humidity I suppose.

1) Streetlights at night (and light sources in general, including the moon) have a halo around them. It looks like a rainbow that goes all the way.
2) When turning your head while looking at multi-colored Christmas lights, the red and blue ones appear to move at different speeds.
4:34 PM
that messes with the colour of transmitted vs reflected light
@QuestionC The halo from the moon could be ice crystals: earthsky.org/space/what-makes-a-halo-around-the-moon
@WayneWerner that's not what they're talking about
atmospheric halos are weird and wonderful
This is in Florida. I suppose it's cold enough if you get enough altitude though.
that's not what's going on with bright light sources at night
The Moon is probably cold enough, even above Florida.
4:37 PM
the coldness is not on Moon level, but Earth atmosphere level
small ice crystals can form in the atmosphere, reflecting incident light at a certain angle
@QuestionC The moon is definitely cold enough, even above Florida ;)
I would expect red and blue LEDs to require different PWM rates in order to have similar perceived brightness. So when you move your eyes, the dotted light trails would have different periods. If you're talking about conventional bulbs though, I don't know what would cause that.
fun fact: moon's surface temperature is above 100 degrees celsius on the light side:)
streetlight halos would definitely be different than ice crystal halos, probably all the time
4:38 PM
@AndrasDeak That's wild. Also, I guess that's why they wore good boots ;)
The christmas lights is based on the strings hanging off people's houses at a large distance. It's obvious because the distance between the bulbs appears to be changing in a confusing way.
@Kevin it shouldn't happen with conventional ones
Something something chromatic aberration
yeah but that shouldn't lead to differences in percieved speed when you move your eyes
that does explain though why my eyes get watery from bright blue LEDs
they disperse like shit in my eyes
especially without my glasses:P
Not eyes, head. I forget if you see it when moving your body. I originally noticed it just walking down the street, but I may have been incidentally rotating my head.
4:43 PM
Well if you have a lens that exhibits chromatic aberration and rotate it, say, 90 degrees, then the red rays would sweep over a slightly smaller distance than the blue ones, in the same amount of time.
Blue LEDs do that for everyone, I think
I don't know if it's an amount you could easily notice with no measuring tools, though. I'm just weakly defending my wild guess.
I have a kit 70-300mm zoom lens for my Canon. That sucker has CA like nobodies business
Hmmm, pytest doesn't seem to pick up all my tests. :(
are they prefixed with test_? and in a file named test_?
4:47 PM
Help me find the "(a) isn't a tuple" canonical for "I got an error passing one argument to mysql".
@QuestionC doesn't make a difference
I know it's around here somewhere, but it's not in the canon.
@WayneWerner good to know, thanks;)
I am not aware of such a canonical post. I usually just close Qs like that as typos :-I
I think when you move around, the main perceptive effect comes from the saccades you involuntarily do
like when you're looking at the side of a projected screen from a beamer, you can see r/g/b strips as the three colours are being projected one after the other
4:49 PM
@WayneWerner Yup.
especially if you move your eyes around on purpose
goo.gl/photos/dhM3GifQgaLp7TCW9 if you want to see the difference between LEDs and incandescents on a long exposure ^_^
@Kevin More likely, surely, that they'd use the same rate but adjust the duty cycle?
@WayneWerner nice
blinky lights ftw
4:51 PM
I will perform experiments 7 months from now and come back with my findings. I'm pretty sure it happened when sitting still, turning my head, and keeping my eyes focused on a fixed object (the Christmas lights) though.
you can also spot LED-lit brake lights on cars
@holdenweb Ok, so same period but different on-off length ratios.
@QuestionC my vote is on saccades, vs blinky LEDs maybe
thanks :)

At first when I took it I was like, "Why in the world are those dotted linesOoooohhhh", as I remembered that LEDs are usually modulated to save power
those are easily comparable time scales, anyway
@WayneWerner yup
blinky rear lights stop blinking when they become bright brake lights
4:53 PM
And to save retinas.
@Kevin yup. Often the circuitry uses a byte counter to divide a base osciallation, then keeps it the LED on for N periods out of 256
Interesting. That makes sense (about the brake lights). I know that LED brake lights are faster than incandescent.
response = arcomm.execute('',['show version'] well, also MCVE, as that line wouldn't even work
Done with the office for the day.
Rhubarb, all
Rhubarb for holdenweb!
5:06 PM
Yeah, pytest definitely isn't picking up all my tests. :/ assert 1==2 is passing.
This is not making me super confident in pytest. :P
Don't run with --mod_all_ints=1.
What, do your users not test the site? Sounds like you need to pay for my "UDD" seminar.
Well, first I'd need users and a website.
I tried import users_website_and_money, but I got an error .
Sounds like you're at just the right level to be scamm^H^H^H^H^H to bring in an AGILE Consultant
Squarespace can help you with the last part. I might even have a podcast-based discount on your first purchase!
5:14 PM
My only issue with Squarespace is that I never know which podcast's discount code to use.
I have a python script which runs as the following:
Squarespace: static site hosting without the pesky uptime or SSL support
Good old squarespace podcast discounts. Got at least 2 that advertise them.
ATP? B2W? Anything on the relay network? Serial?
I get the feeling we don't have podcasts in common.
5:16 PM
TWiP and The Instance I think advertise them for me.
I used to listen to a lot of podcasts, but I'm down to just a couple now. Mostly Let's Drink About It and a couple of tech/culture podcasts.
I work remote now, so I don't have a commute that needs loads of podcasts
I listen while I work, because I'm a crazy person.
I struggle to keep up with mine, especially now I get a lift into work rather than bus.
I may have to look into hosting sometime soon, though. I think this is the year I finally try to monetize my random Python data skills (for beer money, not for salary), and a consulting service without a webpage is going to seem strange,
5:19 PM
I listen at work sometimes
interesting fact: when you listen to podcasts at 1.4-2x speed, listening to people talk at normal speed is disconcerting
Heh, oh yeah.
also, makes me wish I could watch netflix at 2x
I can get you a decent webfaction account...
"Please describe your problem carefully, and mail it to the following address."
5:20 PM
most of my binge shows don't really necessitate timing. If I could get through them at twice the speed, hooray!
@DSM if it can be a static page (either just do it by hand or generate with pelican), just use github pages
After hearing Morgan mention it, I tried for a few minutes to listen to a podcast at faster speed. Couldn't take it. I need to think about things I hear, and faster input just causes a thought bottleneck.
(or using Jekyll, for Github)
pelican if you want to use python, but sure jekyll does the same thing really
and (at least for GH-pages) has the added advantage of not needing to do anything else
5:41 PM
I quite like Pelican
I'm really liking Lektor, it's a static site generator with an admin interface during dev. We're using it for the new Flask projects homepage.
Positives: Python, many features, looks polished, eggs. Negatives: says "build out" instead of "build".
I started trying to build my own static generator, mostly for the thought experiment.
I thought Lektor was certainly interesting
I'm trying to make something that will emit static site generators.
pip install lektor will emit at least one static site generator.
5:50 PM
Good idea! I'll make comparing the emitted source code to that my final test.
pip install lektor pelican will emit at least two static site generators. Crazy!
Maybe I should check out this pip program to see how it generates static site generators
Pretty sure they're magic pips. Late to the party, but I use nanoc for static site generation. Have found it easy and developers responsive (sshh, it's in Ruby)
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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