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@AndrasDeak thanks!
@AbhishekBhatia no problem (frankly, I was sure you wouldn't read it:P)
sry, was afk :)
oh that's OK, it's just that you sort of have a history of reading only half the stuff you're answered:P At least that was my impression from earlier. I'm glad if that's not the case.
ohk..I am just confused most of the times. Though I am trying to read more on python slowly to avoid asking silly questions.
Hey folks
new here
Hello @UNOwen
Hey all, trying to get Django-Haystack running. I've followed the install guide to a T, but for some reason when I run python manage.py build_solr_schema it complains that it can't find search_configuration/solr.xml - which is just a file within the site-packages dir that gets downloaded WITH the package
Anyone have an ideas? I don't think its a file permission issue, I'm on Windows. I've tried granting everyone permission to the file but to no avail
is it looking for it in the right directory?
can you check the current directory?
It's running from a terminal command, I feel like this is something internal to the module, but I cant find any other people complaining about it
django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: search_configuration/solr.xml
stupid question: can the slash/backslash be a problem?
It's using the Django template loader
def build_template(self, using):
    t = loader.get_template('search_configuration/solr.xml')
    c = self.build_context(using=using)
    return t.render(c)
Nope. Tried either way.
I've never coded python on windows...
(or anything else, for that matter)
@Nexion have you seen this one for instance?
sounds eerily similar
oh, it's sort of unsolved:/
or is your problem specifically that xml?
Similar but not quite.
It seems as though Django doesn't know where to look for the haystack templates
then I guess the similar issue on github is also unrelated
I have haystack included in my INSTALLED_APPS
OK, I pass
I didn't have to do anything else on another project to get this to work >.>
I might have forgot to mention that I've never seen django
all I know is that the d is silent
cbg @PM2Ring
and good night
TIL: JSON syntax permits non-unique keys. What The Yam?! Who thought that was a good idea? I get the impression that few parsers deal with non-unique keys properly. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#Data_types.2C_syntax_and_example and stackoverflow.com/questions/21832701/… . FWIW, I learned this wonderful fact from this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/36001472/…
Seriously?! (multitasking cabbage btw)
Sad, but true. But what's worse is that some people are stupid enough to actually use that "feature".
I accidentally made that mistake once, not realizing I had used the key already, and that is when I learned that json permits this.
Such a cat I am
a cat-bird?
Rather than using regex hacks I'd pass object_pairs_hook and then work with the result as a non-dictionary.
>>> s = '{"a": 2, "a": 3}'
>>> json.loads(s)
{'a': 3}
>>> json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=tuple).decode(s)
(('a', 2), ('a', 3))
Could even automatically turn that into {"a": [2,3]} or something.
I would turn it in to that list. with a log statement saying....you're being stupid, so I fixed it for you.
Is it just me or have we had a lot more Canadians in the room lately than usual?
Well, over the last month I ran in to 3, and one was from Montreal.
so your observation is correct
before that it was just you :P
There's the inspector, though. He's been around forever.
oh right!
@DSM Sounds good to me. Pity I can't test that, since my json doesn't have object_pairs_hook. But I found a possible dupe target which uses object_pairs_hook: stackoverflow.com/questions/29321677/…
@PM2Ring: yeah, that looks good. Although disappointing, I was kind of hoping I'd get an answer out of it. :-) What Python are you using that doesn't have o_p_h, though?
Python 2.6.6
man....2.6.6....I'm so sorry.
load(fp, encoding=None, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, **kw)
@DSM Well, you could write an answer... :) But maybe we should just dupe-close it.
I'm fine with that. The answer covers the same ground I would, and it even includes an implementation of your suffix idea.
Ok. I've close-voted. Hammer away
Thor smash! Something like that, anyhow.
@Ffisegydd Thanks, Fizzy! That's intriguing. Here's the results for the primes under a million. The first column gives the final digits for two consecutive primes, so the 13: line gives the count of the number of primes in the range that end in 1 that are followed by a prime ending in 3. The float at the end converts the count to a proportion for that block, i.e. the floats in the (11,13,17,19) block add to 1.
11: 3213 0.163787
13: 6299 0.321099
17: 6550 0.333894
19: 3555 0.181220

31: 4387 0.223109
33: 2810 0.142908
37: 5819 0.295937
39: 6647 0.338046
71: 5069 0.258346
73: 5443 0.277407
77: 2873 0.146425
79: 6236 0.317823

91: 6948 0.354616
93: 5112 0.260910
97: 4378 0.223447
99: 3155 0.161027
And here's the same data, but with the reverse ordering.
11: 3213 0.163787
31: 4387 0.223633
71: 5069 0.258398
91: 6948 0.354183

13: 6299 0.320332
33: 2810 0.142901
73: 5443 0.276800
93: 5112 0.259967
17: 6550 0.333843
37: 5819 0.296585
77: 2873 0.146432
97: 4378 0.223140

19: 3555 0.181442
39: 6647 0.339254
79: 6236 0.318277
99: 3155 0.161027
So the "bad" combinations have a probability of around 1/6 and the "good" ones have a probability of around 1/3.
Cabbage :-)
Hi, 4theye.
I just did a run up to 10 million using mod 30 instead of mod 10, since all primes > 30 are congruent mod 30 to one of {1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}. The pattern is even more pronounced, as you might expect.
How long did it take to run?
Oh, just a couple of seconds.
My code is a bit messy, but I guess I can put in on pastebin...
I feel silly I saw iter and was like...oh hey, that was in 2.6.6? doc says -> New in version 2.2.
I don't often use iter, but it's very handy when you need it. :) I really like the iter trick for breaking up an iterable into chunks.
IIRC, Python had iter before we had generator expressions.
you would be correct: 2.4
Ta. Yeah, I just found the relevant PEP.
ha. I just opened up codeeval, and one of the first questions was a prime problem
I'm contemplating whether I should just use your prime method you have there :p
it is an SO solution after all :P
Why not? :) Take a look at the link in my script for a bunch of fast prime code.
One of the answers on that page also shows timing info.
And if you need a range of primes that doesn't start at one, take a look at my range sieve, aka a segmented sieve.
ah yeah, these are great. yeah I was actually reading the wikipedia on it as well.
The problem I'm doing is pretty much get the highest prime palindrome under n
I feel like this problem comes up A LOT
I have it worked out, I just want to have it done fast. :)
I guess you could use a segmented sieve for that, if you can make a safe estimate for the lower limit. I guess that's a bit tricky when you're looking for palindromes.
One of the most "famous" palindromic primes: 1000000000000066600000000000001 is known as Belphegor's Prime, named after Belphegor, one of the seven princes of Hell. Belphegor's Prime consists of the number 666, on either side enclosed by thirteen zeroes and a one. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindromic_prime
My initial stab at it was for every prime just check for palindrome. Very straight forward for now. I just threw in the sieve implementation for primes, and for each prime returned, if it passes palindrome check, I keep it.
man....math is crazy....
oh for yam's sake...are you kidding me/???
you put together a frackin' website for programmers...yet you screw up your solution validation??? really?
the problem was apparently on checking for < 1000
so I said...what the hey...let me try submitting print(929)
problem solved!
yup...pretty much
What are using to do the palindrome check? The fastest way in Python would make a C programmer wince. :)
I asked this a bit earlier, though I'm curious as to whether anyone has a suggestion for sending tasks to a VPS through a browser using Selenium? I'd rather not use macros, though I don't know what other way to do it. And to be clear, it'd be through a VNC connection.
my palindrome check is not the best, but is the simplest: str(n) == str(n)[::-1]
my math is REALLY rusty
so I feel like there is probably something purely mathematical that can get my answer faster
I haven't used the google machine yet to look in to it
@idjaw That's almost the fastest way to do it in Python, except you should store str(n), rather than calculating it twice. The conversion from int to str happens at C speed, so its much faster than any mathematical manipulation happening at Python speed.
Hmmm, yeah. Storing it with single conversion. I'll make that change. Just such a let down that there were no solid tests for this to see if your code can finish the computations in a certain time. Kinda like codewars, if you go over 6s (or any other defined time by the problem), you fail submission.
and they actually give you the method name so they have an entry point to unit test your code.
Well I think I'm just going to have to find everything I'd like to perform and execute with the generated screen's pixels; lol, almost though not quite a macro.
FWIW, the number of n digit palindromes in base 10 is 9 * 10 ** ((n - 1) // 2). See here for an explanation.
interesting. Wonder if this can be leveraged to help speed up finding prime palindromes. As is, I just see it being as simple as:
prime_palindromes = []
if palindrome(n) and prime(n):
hmmm...I just realized something....
@idjaw Maybe. The probability of a number with n digits being prime is very roughly the same is the probability that it's a palindrome. If we call that probability p, and if we assume that being prime is independent of being a palindrome, then the probility of a given number being a prime palindrome should be around p². So if we're looking for big prime palindromes we can use that info to choose the size of the range for the segmented sieve.
oh! Of course! I see it now as I'm reviewing the code for checking palindromes.cool!!
ha! This is what I was thinking of. Check this out. Very interesting:
one part is so obvious now that I think about, is that a prime palindrome starts with an odd number. Right there you can cut down!
What I said before about "the probability of a number with n digits being prime is very roughly the same is the probability that it's a palindrome" is very rough. :) Palindromes are much rarer than primes, once you get past 2 digits. But we still get useful info by multiplying the probabilities.
Eg, there are 108 palindromes < 1000 and 168 primes. The estimate obtained by multiplying the probabilities is 18.144, and there are 20 prime palindromes < 1000.
I'v got an if-else stupid question
Under 10,000, we get 24.3342 and 20 actual; under 100,000 we get 105.32016 and 113. For 7 digits, the figures are 730.9039842 and 781
@AbdulelahAlJeffery We can't read that unless you indent it properly. You can use the "fixed font" button, or Ctrl-k on your keyboard.
if label not in ['eu', 'ca', 'gl', 'es', 'en', 'pt']:
	if "+" or "/" in label:
		if "/" in label:
			for l in label.split("/"):
				all_tweets.append([new_tweets, l])
			for l in label.split("+"):
				all_tweets.append([new_tweets, l])
sometimes label can = "ca+gl" or "en/es"
it only capture '/' these
in the third if
if "+" or "/" in label: doesn't do what you think
and when I replace it with "+" it get that one and not the other
You need if "+" in label or "/" in label:
`if "+" or "/" in label:` is equivalent to `if ("+") or ("/" in label):
The first part will always be true.
even that didn't fix it :(
Any string is True, unless it's the empty string.
What does label look like?
logically it should look something like
if label not in ['eu', 'ca', 'gl', 'es', 'en', 'pt']:
	if "+" or "/" in label:
		if "/" in label:
			for l in label.split("/"):
				all_tweets.append([new_tweets, l])
		elif “+” in label:
			for l in label.split("+"):
				all_tweets.append([new_tweets, l])
it is a string that take many values, supposedly inside ['eu', 'ca', 'gl', 'es', 'en', 'pt']
but noise exist
things like 'eu+es'
or 'en+pt'
you see what I mean
CBG all.
cbg, The6thSense
cbg, The6thSense
@AbdulelahAlJeffery As I said before you need to change that if statement to:
Congrats on becoming the room owner PM. when did this happen :).
if "+" in label or "/" in label:
@The6thSense Ages ago! :)
I actually did
not again ...
for label in ('abc', 'a+b', 'a/b', 'a+/b', 'cde'):
    print(label, "+" in label or "/" in label)
abc False
a+b True
a/b True
a+/b True
cde False
if label not in ['eu', 'ca', 'gl', 'es', 'en', 'pt']:
	if "+" in label or "/" in label:
		if "/" in label:
			for l in label.split("/"):
				all_tweets.append([new_tweets, l])
		elif "+" in label:
			for l in label.split("+"):
				all_tweets.append([new_tweets, l])
the problem is I don't know every possible label value beforehand
all I know is '/' or '+' is gonna be there
1 hour later…
Thanks @thefourtheye, exactly gives what I wanted, I wonder when will I have the fourth eye as you. Thanks once again :) — hunter 45 mins ago
g'morning all
Mornin @joncle
Umm... doesn't feel like a Tuesday
@JonClements Feels like a Turtle?
Errr.... maybe?
Turtles are a confusing thing to feel. Can you imagine if you were blind (or had your eyes closed, or in a very very dark room) and you were given a turtle (not knowing what it was) how would you even know what to feel? :P
*** Error in `/usr/bin/python3': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f91a19f15d0 ***
Aborted (core dumped)
what did I do guys?
cbg, btw
@khajvah Did you try to calculate pi?
Nope, Django's server was calculating something else and then it choked
So, A - it's a django server.
What's the B and C that you aren't telling?
Hard to help with only an error message.
I have no idea really. I can't recreate the error for now
I just want to know what that message means: ` double free or corruption`
@khajvah That "double free or corruption" error message is saying that something has screwed up the process's internal memory allocation system. Either an attempt has been made to free a block of memory that had already been freed, or some other dumb action has left the process's free memory list in a deranged state.
@InbarRose I'm fairly sure I could feel confused :)
@PM2Ring Interesting. Thank you. Will try to find the cause.
The OS provides robust routines for allocating and freeing blocks of memory from the heap. Low level languages like C provide simple wrappers around those system calls that make them easier to use.
That's adequate for simple programs that don't do much dynamic memory stuff, but more sophisticated programs allocate memory in big chunks and then manage that internally to minimize the time overhead in making system calls and to try to prevent memory fragmentation. But doing that properly can be tricky, and it sounds like your program has made a mess of its internal memory management.
My guess is that some C extension that Django uses is buggy, and you've just uncovered that bug.
@PM2Ring I am not messing around with C, that's the problem. It is all high level Python. There might be a bug in Django's server
Are you running on 64 bit hardware?
It could be something that works perfectly on a 32 bit system, but is incorrect on a 64 bit system. The best you can do is try to create a MCVE and file a bug report.
I am doing what I am not supposed to do with Django's server; doing heavy calculations directly from the server.
Windows or Linux?
If I am able to recreate the issue, I will file a report
Good luck! Reproducing server bugs is notoriously difficult.
:) I can imagine.
@khajvah nice
I guess that is a data address
What’s our dupe target for “I want to extract all the content from a file between STARTMARKER and ENDMARKER”?
@poke zalgo :d
soon it turns out they're html tags
No, processing a text file, line based, extracting that information. Not regex, but the common state machine answer.
I’ve written such an answer so many times, we have to have a dupe target for that.
well if you do find then please link it to sopython.com
cbg, all
@poke maybe, rep to gadget
I don’t really like the answers there though..
too many answers
dman, they cut the power off in the middle of git commit, now it got messed up. Great start of the day.
I always worry about that sort of stuff
Oh darn it, it had a py3 tag only. @Antti Can you please hammer it? (I added the python tag)
I'm feeling cheeky: shall I suggest that python3 be merged into python, and python2 questions have their python tag removed? :D
@khajvah But if you lost power during the commit, then your working directory should still reflect the committed state.
And the most that could get corrupt would have been the commit object or the branch pointer. The tree and the blob objects are created as soon as you add things to the index.
yeah, I don't think I lost any code but git is messed up
Nah, it isn’t.
@poke you never sent the link to original
Oh. Right… this one
Sorry about that.
@khajvah your history is borken
@thefourtheye Hi anna
@AnttiHaapala I redownloaded remote's .git directory
it worked
good think the remote was alright
@khajvah always have a remote. Remember bitbucket gives free private repos
no mcve / too broad / gimme teh codez stackoverflow.com/questions/36006746/…
Wonder if I could put blog content in a private bitbucket repo, then have PA pull it from there and serve the static site
That might be a convoluted approach unnecessarily based on how I did it with github though
Why would you have a generated static site on python anywhere though? Isn’t PA a PAAS like Heroku?
Good question
I use github for two things: private repos and github pages. If I can get the former from bitbucket for nothing, I'd rather pay PA than github for the latter (or an equivalent thereof)
@BhargavRao Irony is, that question also got closed as dup :D
However if there's a different way to do that then I'm all ears :)
It would make more sense to push the static site to the gh-pages branch on a github repository so it is served statically by github
@thefourtheye You were waiting for me to post that? o_O
Hehe, That too a dupe of 2 others :D
@RobertGrant Turns out… pages.bitbucket.org
@BhargavRao ha ha ha, nope. It was a coincidence... :D
Yeah but don't you pay for that?
Gratuitous use of globals().update makes me sad, but I guess it's an improvement on his earlier version that used locals().update. And he still can't get his lambda right... stackoverflow.com/a/36007783/4014959
@RobertGrant Seems to work just fine: patrickw.bitbucket.org
That’s on a free account, from a private repository.
Wow. Okay, thanks for checking that!
I will definitely move
If I'm going to have a blog I never use, it should at least be free
Can someone help me with this question please: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36007437/getting-output-of-command-in-subprocess/
tripleee's commented saying that `shell=True` is "completely usless here". `echo` is a command in cmd therefore a shell is required right? If I was doing something like `out = check_output(["C:\Windows\System32\ipconfig.exe"], shell =False)` it would work because ipconfig.exe is a standalone program. Any help would be appreciated!
@poke I see you've gone for the "comments disabled" option ;)
Anyone? :D
Q: Json.dump failing with 'must be unicode, not str' TypeError

IronWaffleManI have a json file which happens to have a multitude of Chinese and Japanese (and other language) characters. I'm loading it into my python 2.7 script using io.open as follows: with io.open('multiIdName.json', encoding="utf-8") as json_data: cards = json.load(json_data) I add a new propert...

^ I didn't ever realize Python 2 json.dumps is that brain-damaged!
@PM2Ring switched yet? ;)
@Farhan.K it is perhaps completely useless for actual use
@AnttiHaapala No, I haven't. And I just answered a Python 2 question. :P Although I will admit that the code would work equally well on either version, apart from the print statement, and I _could've used .format instead of %-style string interpolation.
@PM2Ring look at my answer there ^
there is no way to fix that mess :D
@AnttiHaapala I remember that question: I added the Python-2.7 tag.
@AnttiHaapala But for internal commands such as echo it has to be used right? I know I would never call the echo command from python but nonetheless it can't be called without shell=True right?
@RajaprabhuAravindasamy tamil DP super :).
$ which echo
@PM2Ring but my answer: the return value completely depends on whatever type the keys the dictionary just happens to have
So your assumption that it's internally-implemented like cd appears to be incorrect (except, perhaps, on Windows)
@holdenweb Also:
$ type echo
echo is a shell builtin
@holdenweb yes just for Windows is what I meant
@holdenweb 'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
$ type -a echo
echo is a shell builtin
echo is /bin/echo
@holdenweb also who'd use subprocess to execute a shell to execute echo with "static" (non-wildcard) arguments
@JRichardSnape :D
@holdenweb what sigh, that was a windows question
Thanks for your help everyone :)
stackoverflow.com/questions/36009600/need-to-call-target-values too broad, because "OP is totally clueless" isn't a valid close reason.
@Farhan.K You basically need shell=True for batch commands, i.e. everything you see when you type help at the command prompt.
@BhargavRao I love how he didn't even bother to explain and just dumped the code with the error
True :D
@khajvah Speaking of error dumps, check this out: stackoverflow.com/questions/36008282/not-able-to-install-lxml :)
@poke Yes that's what was confusing me about tripleee's comment saying that it is useless in this case.
I guess we're always telling people to post the complete error message, but that one's yamming ridiculous! I mean, a condensed summary would've been more than adequate.
Cmon, there are 30,000 available for him :D
print("*", end=" ")
SO is drowning in a sea of clueless newbies.
@BhargavRao :P.
Don't edit closed questions. It will put them in the review queue
Bargav I was editing it before you closed it
@BhargavRao That can't be repeated enough ... Too often do I see stuff pushed to the re-open queue because someone had to fix that typo. Worst part is, it only gets pushed to the queue once, so when the OP fixes his question the next day, it doesn't get back in the queue
But will keep that in mind :)
OTOH, dupes are a bit different to questions that are closed because they're bad, since dupes may act as portals to the dupe target. So it's good if the dupe looks nice.
But ideally, clean it up & then close-vote it.
@PM2Ring I usually do that
Of course, if it's just a bad question then definitely don't edit it. And that includes questions that are bad that also happen to be dupes.
But wanted to break my record of hammering in 18 secs :P
@PM2Ring I tend to edit new user's question because new user don't know how to format their question. I do it even if it was a bad question. Is this wrong?
"it only gets pushed to the queue once, so when the OP fixes his question the next day, it doesn't get back in the queue". Ah! I didn't know that. But I guess it kinda makes sense, otherwise people could keep bumping their crappy question.
@The6thSense Well... I guess it's helpful to show newbies what their question ought to look like. But really, if it's a bad question that will be closed and Roomba'd then don't waste time (and disk space) editing it. Remember, all of these edit actions get archived, even on deleted questions.
@PM2Ring Not sure if that's the reason. A automatic flag already gets raised once a post is edited by the original author a certain amount of times, so "bumping" shouldn't be too much of a problem ... I've been intending to write a meta post about it if no one else has in the past (I haven't searched).
Umm yeah that makes sense :).
The post is delved ...
I could rather post them a link in how question should be formatted
Something went wrong with your code formatting. Consult [Markdown help - Code and Preformatted Text](http://$SITEURL$/editing-help#code) and please [edit] your post.
I use this ^ (forked from the Star Lord's)
If a bad question has potential, try to get the OP to fix it. If they respond to your comments and turn it into something worth answering it's a win-win situation. If you go around cleaning up newbie messes for them all the time they'll never learn to do it for themself.
Umm will use that link bargav. Yeah we should let them do it agreed PM.
like I'd be compressing 50G to find out what their error is
@The6thSense Add a h after B the next time :P
Umm sure :P.
I used to edit a lot of questions. But these days, I mostly just edit ones where it's easier for me to do it than to explain it, and when the question deserves answers. Often I don't bother cleaning up the question until after I've answered it. Or if I start writing an answer and then notice a bunch of FGITW answers have already appeared I'll just abandon my answer and start work on cleaning up the question and improving the answers, when necessary.
So this is a new one: "Moreover, there a lot of students asked more pretty simple problems... and no one refused that... an you can check ... this is a RACIST."
seriously why don't you want to CV thta q^
guy has an exception and the problem is they don't print what exception it is, just catch it.
now everyone and their mom will come and try to guess what the exception could be
Strange urge to reply mah cv mah rulez
there is so much compensatory upvoting
when someone writes a bad quetion and I downvote
it gets 2 upvotes.
only the student questions do not get the compensatory upvotes
as I understand what the OP is doing, they're probably holding 50 gigabytes of data in memory in one object then writing it all at once
Heh, they aint understandin
know enough to use gzip, know enough to catch exceptions but don't think about not catching an exception to know what it was all about :d
@AnttiHaapala In the code that's posted, I'm surprised it doesn't crash earlier, since content is just a string which is, apparently, 50G...
I do not know what the size really is ...
but they spoke about 50M lines or what?
ah 16M
ah "i tried to catch the exception"
Ah well, most programmers made the "lets just read all the data in memory" mistake at least once ;-)
I answered that q
Morning everyone
I just noticed that I had 6 shots of espresso this morning

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