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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Everything-falls-apart cabbage for all.
cbg DSM and others
@Kevin *, you know..
I was just on the hot page.
Despite living in New Jersey, I don't interact with stereotypical New Jersey residents. I suspect this is because I live ten minutes from the Delaware river and consequently spillover from Philadelphia becomes the dominant component of local culture.
Maybe I should drive thirty minutes east and see how the people there act.
So your choices are between being like you're from Jersey and being like you're from Philly?
@zondo Nice.
@Kevin give us live-feed from your journey!
(just like a couple years ago I did with the lock and my key on my balcony, if you remember..)
(but ofc tech has advanced now, so we need sound and video feed now :))
(if not 360deg VR video :P)
@PeterVaro KevinCam?
or simply put: Kam
Now, I've spent an appreciable amount of time one hour east, at the seashore, and those people aren't noticeably stereotypical either. But maybe that's because vacation towns adapt themselves into something bland and inoffensive so they don't drive off their primary source of income.
Just go 15 minutes west from the beach - you'll find "real" Jersey there...
I should seek culture in the flyover driveover counties.
cbg Antti
I just posted an answer the same second that somebody else posted his answer. They were the same answer worded in two ways.
I guess maybe mine was the preferred wording. I have one more upvote than he does.
@Kevin (simple yet effective) Gif of the Day
I just noticed, today must be 'Lone Star Day' or something
^ that's kinda sad, isn't it?
@PeterVaro That's a pretty good gif. Did you come up with that yourself?
nah, just found it :)
You actually admit it. Congratulations! You passed the test.
oldie but goldie, yeah :)
(actual source, for reverse-ironical purposes)
Blocked for Adult/Mature content.
Someone should let the nedroid guy know his humor is mature.
That's overzealous filters for ya. Nedroid's stuff is actually pretty kid friendly.
What violence there is, is on par with Tom and Jerry type stuff.
Except possibly when the protagonists pilot their giant robot and "extend the hand of friendship" to mechaDracula but misjudge the distance and impale him through the abdomen.
Nihilistic antihumor is a threat to America's children.
@poke must... have... strawberry... rhubarb... pie....
<3 rhubarb
Do you want me to ship you one?
Oh, wait; I don't have one.
Do you want me to ship you one to ship to Antti?
Oh, wait; I also don't have one.
Maybe I should buy one to ship to you so that you can ship it to me so that I can ship it to Antti. Does that sound good?
Works for me.
I don't have any money. Could you ship me some?
I can ship you a pie which you can sell on the secondary pie market for enough money to buy a pie to ship to me to ship to you to ship to Antti.
And the green grass grows all around all around, the green grass grows all around
Do you have enough money for that? I could ship you some. I would need another pie to sell in order to ship you the money so that you can buy me a pie so that I can sell it to get the money to buy a rhubarb pie so that I can send it to you to send to me to send Antii.
I need Uber for Pies.
@MorganThrapp: You broke the chain.
The whole pie thing is out.
stackoverflow.com/questions/35633818/… just one more and this close vote can be yours!
Sorry; I already voted on it.
There's quite a variety of reasons for it to be closed. So far there are three different categories that have been voted on.
@MorganThrapp: You should have picked POB or something.
@zondo Huh?
It was voted on for three different reasons, but you picked something that had already been picked. What a waste!
zondo what are you talking about?
He's implying that it would have been interesting if everyone had voted to close for a different reason.
That question that you linked had been voted to be closed 4 times before MorganThrapp voted. One vote was for off-topic; one was for unclear; two for for too broad. I am suggesting (jokingly) that he should have said something like duplicate or POB just so that there would be one more different vote.
The internet does not do well to convey joking and sarcasm sometimes. Web 3.0 perhaps will allow this type of protocol.
I'm sorry if I worried you.
Communication is 90% body language.
@MorganThrapp: oh, yeah. I was able to squeeze out a few more characters by avoiding itertools and doing it manually, f=lambda n:sorted(sorted([i+1 for i in range(n)if j>>i&1]for j in range(1,2**n)),key=len). With a little more thought I might be able to remove a sorted and push that into the bit arithmetic.
@DSM Oh, nice! That puts you pretty close to the Haskell answer.
This is a pretty interesting project: github.com/micropython/micropython
@idjaw Oh wow, yeah, that's pretty awesome.
I keep jython and ironpython around just to make points about implementation differences (pypy I actually use, so it's different). Maybe I should add micropython to the test suite!
It's interesting. micropython is only 1.5% written in Python.
Wow, that's fast to compile.
Ha! It does something saner than CPython:
>>> myset = set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
>>> mydict = {item: (yield ''.join([item, 's'])) for item in myset}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <dictcomp>
SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function
What does CPython do?
@MorganThrapp: many strange things.
>>> myset = set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
>>> mydict = {item: (yield ''.join([item, 's'])) for item in myset}
>>> mydict
<generator object <dictcomp> at 0x0309E440>
Yeah, how is that not a SyntaxError?
@Ffisegydd Commercial of the Decade (though it is fake)
I have a feeling that generator expressions are parsed in such a way that their interior expression appears to be inside a function from the point of view of the backend.
So even though mydict = { isn't in a function, yield "".join is as far as the compiler is concerned.
That it changed between 2 and 3 tells me that the behaviour in 2 was an unanticipated consequence.
micropython also has a broader is for integers.
>>> x = 10**18; y=x+1;y-=1; print(x,x==y,x is y)
1000000000000000000 True True
>>> x = 10**19; y=x+1;y-=1; print(x,x==y,x is y)
10000000000000000000 True False
And it's like PyPy in that it doesn't necessarily call __del__.
How's everyone doing?
Trying to decide whether I should use all of my remaining sick time before it expires in two weeks
I am doing fabulously. How are you doing?
How else can I be? I'm in the Python room!
I could go for a couple four day weekends...
Thus Kevin's gradual descent into villany begins.
@Kevin lol yeah. I took this Friday and the following Monday off. Was sick yesterday too, so it worked out well (in a gross-ish sort of way).

@zondo Oh you
Is anybody in the mood for starring my github repository? It's really good...
Guys :| I forgot to call super instead of self, all is lots
ur goin to python jail, punk .
Now in minute 15 of trying to get OP to give me an MCVE. He's well meaning but knows little of our ways and customs.
I have a feeling that the psychic debugging I did 14 minutes ago will turn out to be correct, but OP didn't execute my proposed fix properly. Easy points if so.
Oh, OP flat-out refused to provide a reproducing test case. I guess I'm done.
What, OP just said "no"?
I am sorry but I haven't been able to post paintJobs.txt. I noticed that the invisible "\n" is generated when outstanding is calculated from int( line.split(",")[3])-int( line.split(",")[5]) — shinji7678 1 min ago
At least that's what I assume he's saying. The tenses are a little weird.
Can anyone explain what is happening here?
's'[a == 1:]
Does this mean "I won't ever provide paintJobs.txt", or "I have not yet provided it, but I will in the near future"?
a==1 returns True (which == 1) or False (which == 0).
@Anuj = a==1 will evaluate to 0 or 1, depending on whether a is 1 or not
I take it this is for pluralizing?
Looks like some kind of pluralization logic. Add an S as long as A is something other than one.
That helps in case a is 1.0 in which case slicing would be undefined.
Er, what Paul said.
Yer purty smart, Kevin
Great minds think alike
I like that English is so rich, but I have to admit it makes implementing language logic annoying.
I had a friend who reworded that to "mediocre minds think alike"
"alike minds think alike"
He was the self-deprecating type
That is exactly what it's for. I've used that exact bit of code before.
"Fools seldom differ" is a saying too.
I foresee problemssssss..
's'*(a!=1) perhaps?
('s'*a)[:1] :-P
a = 1e12 might be a problem
Or, oops, that's backwards innit.
Yes this is for pluralizing
I don't get why you would want to check if a is equal to 1. Don't you just want to see if it is not equal to 0?
I have zero apples. I have one apple. I have two apples.
Zero books. One book. Two books.
Whenever I have pluralized, I only use singular when a is 1
Aargh, Kevin'd.
Something something ssssss.
great minds etc.
My original example was going to be "Zero boxes", when I realized that was a bad example..
zero octopodes
In that case, wouldn't you want 's' * (a != 1)? If a is equal to 1, the result will be zero s's, right?
I still don't understand what : is doing there
a == 1 will evaluate to True or False
It is a slicing operator
@Anuj Do you know how string slicing works?
not 1 or 0
I have a script which accepts a boxen argument, so I can say "zero boxen", "one boxen", "two boxen", etc.
so you start at 0 or 1
@Anuj True == 1.
Singular of box is box, not boxen
The bool class inherits from int. True is 1. False is 0.
@PaulMcGuire: ah, but the singular of boxen is boxen.
booleans work in a surprising number of contexts where integers are supposed to be used. Ex. arithmetic and such.
>>> True + True
's'[a==1] - this gives me out of index
That's why the slicing
Do you even boxen bro?
@Anuj Yes, because it tried to access index 1.
with the ':' thing
Ohh Ok
Got it
Slicing is more forgiving about going past the end of sequences, compared to regular indexing
Kevin, let's take turns logging into chat, there is no point in both of us being here
That happened to me once with David Robinson. We gave exactly the same answer and then took turns making exactly the same comments.
Someone mentioned VR earlier
Now I got the C behind the Python
Lunchtime rhubarb for all!
I wanted to create some VR-ready jpegs, but there is something more to it than just creating an anamorphic image. If I google "how do I create a VR image", I get all kinds of "do this in Photoshop" or "do this in Google Camera".
I posted a question on SO about a month ago, earned the Tumbleweed badge for the lack of response to it.
(cricket, cricket)
I <3 floobits. Makes remote work really awesome.
Gotta go old school and reverse-engineer the .vr.jpg file format.
@DSM I wouldn't count on it being lunch time. There are probably a small percentage of people here who happen to be in the same timezone as you.
I started doing that, then got distracted with some yardwork or housework or workwork thing.
I would be happy to have some rhubarb pie, though. Can you ship me one?
I just finished my lunch a few minutes ago, altho it is already 1:30 here
If we had some ice cream we could have some rhubarb pie with ice cream if we had some rhubarb pie.
We've got regular users on every continent but Antarctica so yeah, for 90% of the room it isn't lunch time no matter what time it is
I'm ahead of you there. Here, it is 2:30 and I haven't had lunch yet. I probably won't have any at all.
I would put it closer to 95.83%
See also reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/3wz7px/…, which links to an open-source application which can render .vr.jpg files.
I've not caught on to reddit yet as a resource, my son uses it all the time.
Thanks much!
Post it as an answer to my question, and 15 big rep points can be yours!
Q: How do I mark a jpeg file as a 360 virtual reality jpeg?

Paul McGuireI downloaded the Cardboard Camera app, and it came with about 6 panorama images to view as VR images. They all have the extension ".vr.jpg". I tried renaming one of my abstract images with this extension to view in the app, but it was rejected with the message "This is not a VR photo". How do I ...

Hmm, maybe if I can compose something more salient than "here's some links that may be relevant"
howdy folks
Given that we are going on two months with no answers, I think even just the links would be worthwhile
has anyone here worked with PyCharm much? I've got some questions about running subprocesses in PyCharm I'd love insight into
If I end up not posting, and you end up finding the links useful and writing a .vr.jpg maker, there's nothing wrong with posting an answer to your own question.
@enderland No, I haven't; but if you ask your question, somebody might turn up who does.
At the very least I guess I should leave a comment...
@zondo sure, I guess that makes sense :)
I'm trying to persist something that exists within subprocess.Popen() - a docker container - but every time this returns, the docker container is 'dead' -- but only when running from PyCharm. Running from terminal on mac persists the docker image as expected
I just reached my reputation cap.
I don't understand why this is different, but it makes debugging from the IDE impossible :'(
sniff; sniff. I just got an upvote that I can't benefit from. :(
Last month I had a heck of a time keeping a subprocess alive past the end of the main script's lifetime.
Unfortunately I don't have any pearls of wisdom to give out here... In the end I gave up and used an approach that didn't require subprocess.
My main confusing part is it works fine when running manually, it's just the IDE that's failing me :'(
I wonder if somehow the IDE is handling the process differently so that the OS incorrectly decides that the subprocess is an orphan and terminates it early.
I'm not sure. I had to do this to even get Docker to run in PyCharm, and now I can run the containers, but they just auto exit there even though they are persisted otherwise
I don't know if there is a better way than Popen to launch them, either, it's possible
@zondo: but it was lunchtime for me, and explained the need for rhubarb..
You need no explanation for rhubarb. It was merely a comment. :)
"I don't have to explain myself. I'm rhubarb."
Anyone have a good intro to docker?
The main site is pretty solid for a how-to
what's the concept behind it though?
I've got 0 knowledge of Docker except what it's called.
what does it do
I need to leave, but I'll again direct you to the main site: https://www.docker.com/what-docker

They do a great job explaining their tools.
That should give you an idea of what it's all about
hehe I expect @Moshe isnt asking that to help me with my docker related question :P
It's an enterprise framework which lets you synchronously synchronize with your angular cloud node stack.
@Kevin But does it support asynch?
I think there's a jquery extension for that, yeah.
asynchronous asynchronization?
@PaulMcGuire async^2
I think what I really need is synchronous asynchronization. I've heard it helps with future race relations. That's what I've been promised, anyway.
1 - sync^2 = async^2
I can't seem to find anything on this: import _win32sysloader ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.It's from trying to use pyinstaller
Yeah, I've never been able to get pyinstaller to work.
I just use cx_Freeze.
I've been using it for months now and haven't had any problems...until I'm setting up the production server
This is the fourth question I've seen this month involving cell phone troubleshooting.
Question in some online class?
I have no hope
well I posted my question:
Q: Why is PyCharm killing my subprocess.Popen?

enderlandI have a very basic subprocess.Popen command like: cmd = ['docker', 'run', '--name=test','server'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) When I run this in a Python script from terminal, this correctly launches the docker image and the i...

The questions have been drawn out over a fairly long time period so I don't think it's an ordinary homework question... Some kind of online class is plausible if we're talking about codecademy-style "enroll whenever you feel like" courses
That's what I was thinking of: a friend at the office is doing one in R and one in Python as we speak.
Alternatively, I guess it could just be a popular theme. Once someone sees an example involving parsing cell phone complaints, everyone wants to use them to, you know, connect with the young people.
Haha, I was just thinking of that clip.
Great minds -- ah, you get the idea.
For Using Python, how to convert a base-10 number to binary WITHOUT using any modules? I came up with f=lambda x:str(x)if x<2 else f(x/2)+f(x%2) but I don't want to give them teh codes.
my gosh, how terrible Bridge of Spies was.. it had so much potentials, after all, we watched so many amazing movies from both spielberg and hanks, but this one.. yet another dumb american hero movie, without the cartoon characters (yeah, well, not completely withouth them, but at least withouth their colorful customes..)
(replace f(x/2) with f(x>>1) for versions that don't use truncated integer division)
[(x>>i)&1 for i in range(x.bit_length())] or [0]? (Flip the significance order if you care. :-)
Ooh, since when is bit_length a method? That's quite handy.
I've been mucking around with math.log(x,2) all this time.
Since at least 2.7..
Huh, it doesn't work on integer literals.
It should. Add a space after the literal.
What is this witchcraft.
The parser doesn't like syntax like 23.foo because it thinks the period is a decimal point, not an attribute token
"What the heck are these letters, I expected a float!"
3 .bit_length()
Python, whhhhyyyyyyyy.
How is that possibly legal?
I guess attribute dots have the same loose requirements about whitespace as every other binary operator.
Huh, you can add spaces before a dot method.
Even though we don't think of them as such most of the time.
That's so bizarre.
print(' a b' .
Well, time to go refactor all my code.
@enderland I posted a question to your post. Check it out.
Whoops, dot isn't an "operator" even though it behaves like one here. The docs just call it a "delimiter"
Just saw: "it supersized me". I make similar transpositions sometimes too, and "supersize" -> "su-p-r-ize" isn't a crazy mistake to make, but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen that one before.
A for effort. That's less infuriating than the your vs you're
@DSM Yeah, I found that one funny as well.
I wonder if my previous error has to do with the install location of Python. Could that possibly cause an import error?
OP is a puffer fish, whose total exterior volume increases multiplicatively when he's surprised.
Colour me impressed you made that connection.
@idjaw hrrm, I will read into that more, I didn't think that a remote python debugger was what I needed
@enderland It's not for the remote debugger. It's more for the approach of using PyCharm to even configure connecting to a docker container
@enderland But, it was more of a stab in the dark as I actually haven't configured docker for PyCharm. I probably should, considering how much I use it :P
@idjaw but it is when you config it that way
Huh, codeover.org seems to be scraping SO and rehosting weird parts of it.
^^There are quite a few odd sites doing that to SO I've noticed.
A while back I reported pythoneye.com. Eventually that got shut down, but the guy just transferred it to http://python.developermemo.com/, and still claims to own the content.
I'm assuming they have ads, I don't feel like disabling uBlock to find out though.
I do like the way Python eyes look.
Yeah, no kidding. That's awesome.
5K. yay!!.......looks all the way up to 10K....good god that's going to take a while....
It's interesting. I just saw say somebody's question, and was somewhat interested in the user's name. I checked out his profile and saw a question he asked with 2 downvotes. I took a look; what do you know? One of those answers was mine.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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