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@AjGauravdeep DON'T ping people. Read the room rules, which I bet you've been linked to before
Okay. will remember that.
Q: Adding attributes to instancemethods in Python

Li HaoyiI bumped into this behaviour when trying to get class-decorators and method-decorators to play nicely together. Essentially, the method decorators would flag some of the methods as special with some dummy value, and the class decorator would come by after and fill in the value later. This is a si...

Awesome... Thanks a lot Air.
Really appreciate your help.
I'm not really sure if that helps or not, to be honest. I've tried the snippets that answers claim work in Python 3 and they don't seem to work.
Here's another:
Q: Why does setattr fail on a bound method

tjmIn the following, setattr succeeds in the first invocation, but fails in the second, with: AttributeError: 'method' object has no attribute 'i' Why is this, and is there a way of setting an attribute on a method such that it will only exist on one instance, not for each instance of the class? ...

it worked for me and i believe i am on latest python version since i updated my infrastructure k=just 3 days back.
        self.resetAstris.__func__.attempt += 1
works for me.
Right... but several answers seem to be saying that it works even without adding __func__ in there, if you just use Python 3. Which is not the case.
yes, i read that part but as they said, it didnt work for me wither. Wonder why.
__func__ is a very ugly workaround, I think you'd be better off just setting this count on the class instead.
> The short answer: There is no way of adding custom attributes to bound methods.
Sounds good to me
by the way i also tried checking <funcName>.__dict__ to see if attribute exist in each call
Asking why you don't just set it at the object level would be a good idea
yes i think i am gonna follow that route seeing your suggestion and what everyone has answered
just hate to add a class attribute where just a robust static variable should work.
Isn't a class attribute a static variable?
it is but but i would have a class variable only when multiple methods are planning on using it instead of just one particular method.(unless conditions like these)
"Static variable" is not something that Python tends to care about (or be designed to support)
Hey @AjGauravdeep, I see that again you needed to be reminded to read the room rules. Take the time right now to read the room rules.
i use this website 4-5 times a year for maximum 2 hours in entire year. if i make a mistake i apologize and try to not repeat it.
Seems very much like the same old story where someone decides they can get private variables with double underscore, but it's just everyone's pal Mr. Name Mangler
Maybe more like Creepy Uncle Mangler
@AjGauravdeep Great, then you have the time to read the short list of room rules and commit them to memory. Sadly, this is not even the third time someone has told you to do so: sopython.com/chatroom
read again.
@AjGauravdeep Please commit them to memory.
Hey Fuchida, long time no "see"
Then you will see it is not the rules that bend, it is only yourself.
^ Sounds like an obfuscated "get bent"
@Air an apt metaphor for the matrix franchise, yes
Yeah, I guess that gumby_jesus_420 would be a better screenname for him than "neo"
im sleep deprived lol bye fam
later air, hope all is well with you
Rush hour traffic calls.
you should buy a truckasaurus for the commute.
I need something that crushes ice
That could do
@idjaw put the ice under plastic wrap and hit it with a hammer. or a macbook.
Good idea! Puts Macbook under plastic wrap
dat blade
@tristan are you experiencing any of this ridiculous weather?
snow + freezing rain
i haven't been outside since monday morning. no idea if weather even still exists.
good on you
don't look outside
keep your eyes on that screen
haha. ugh today was a waste -- i couldn't focus for more than 10 seconds or read without getting a headache. i should have just gone outside and walked around
I slid to my car today...I didn't bother walking. It was more dangerous to walk
I had one of those "learn how this works" days. So I was just following code in PyCharm all day and wrote two lines of code.
But I know things now!! So at least that...
Command+down is probably my favorite pycharm feature (find source of highlighted variable/method)
yes! Also when you want to see uses of said method/class
I need to start using its debugger (esp for concurrency) more often. There's a whole layer of awesome features I don't touch
the debugger is fantastic
take care bobby
rbrb @RobertGrant
Don't know if this kind of stuff interests you @tristan, but we are starting to open source more of our stuff, and one of the projects I'm working on right now is this: github.com/internap/fake-switches
part of a larger project of other components we have yet to open source which simulates a data center
That's super cool. Back when I did networking stuff, I'd always test my changes on the passive in the pair, or, way further back, run the changes on a 'cheap' cisco in the room
It's pretty awesome seeing it all work together. We use all of these simulated pieces to see how our OpenStack projects works in our dev environment
cool! :) We actually have this other project that abstracts all the switch commands in to an API...we call it netman -> github.com/internap/netman
so your API connects to a host (switch) and you issue API calls: e.g. "add_vlan"
and you don't need to concern yourself with the exact syntax of Cisco, Dell, Juniper, etc
Oh yeah, I remember this.
I probably posted this a while back eh?
netman, yes, this is the first time i've seen 'fake-switches'
I have to implement a delay so the software behaves more like the hardware...it's funny...I have to make the software run slower
interesting. doing variadic delay? in the past, i wrote a web interface on top of tc running on a multi-homed linux box
yeah, so I'm abstracting how each switch implements its own commit to be able to provide a timeout for whatever switch you want to create
def do_commit(func):
something like that
I should proably call the method push_commit
makes more sense to push the commit on to the switch
Oh neat, so you could specify some hardware type and fake how long it would take to come back up given N-byte sized conf
for this case we are only concerning ourselves with the commit
and since I'm just passing func and saying "do things"
that func can be anything reall
Are you doing some sort of rule-based loading for behaviors? e.g. juniper versions that dropped all vlans when adding a new one
would be cool to have some sort of config file that you can pass it for weird "gotchas." e.g. the aboved juniper thing or a cisco rule set that makes the CPU run idle while burning stacks of cash
That's actually an interesting example you bring up. We actually adding features on a need basis to support the simulations we need to run
for example, check the dell commands we support:
but we can most definitely support certain rules to make the switch behave for its intended design
so a very simple example is if you issue somethign that dell does not understand, you get the exact same error message the dell will give you in a real world case
Interesting. Seems very time consuming.
Are you just interactively reverse engineering?
for the sake of throwing it in to our "virtualdatacenter"
all this is to have a virtualized DC to run our openstack platform in dev
If you're Internap, Akamai, or another large networking hardware consumer, I'd say the effort is worth it.
that is true....*duh*
I miss having physical hardware :/ So fast
I was actually considering getting a raspberry pi to mess around with openstack and set all of this up at home....for science purposes
I think there is a company that actually delivered baremetal on raspberry pis
Yeah, rasppi is really only worth it for the GPIO slots. I'd just run virtualboxes or get that cheap intel x86 thing
I really have no other use for a rasppi
everything else that can be done, a product exists for it.
I'm happy with my chromecast
don't need to mess around with a pi to turn it in to one
I used to have a bit of fun playing with mine. I had an arduino before that ran a homebrew-beer sensor map of temperatures/light
cool :)
Well, glad we got to talk a bit tristan! I gotta get going. Hope to chat again soon. :)
Yeah, it was good catching up. Have a good night
you too
I've been working with watchdog (a library) watching for file changes, but it doesn't trigger a move event when the file is moved out of the watched directories. Does anyone know why that is/how to fix it?
@DonyorM this is usually a low-traffic part of the night in this room and i don't know off hand, but i'd probably look at the underlying event system for your OS
@tristan thanks
@DonyorM No problem. I specifically mean the "observers": pythonhosted.org/watchdog/api.html#module-watchdog.observers
If it's Linux or a *nix based OS, I'd guess that it has to do with the hook watching the inode of the file (e.g. file inode shows up and it hooks its events onto each idode). I would also guess that the event isn't triggered when the file is deleted. Maybe there's another hook to watch remove or move events?
ok I'll look into that. And yes, I'm using linux
    Python 3.5-32

            self.nanocom_log_file = createOrAppendToFileAtPAth(SerialConstants.MY_NANOKDP_LOG_PATH.replace("TEMP_ID", str(kanzi_id)))
            self.agent_config = AgentConfigHelper(kanzi_id)
            self.nanokdp_p = pexpect.spawn(SerialConstants.NANOKDP_COMMAND.replace("TEMP_ID", kanzi_id), logfile = self.nanocom_log_file)
            print ("Log: Running command ", SerialConstants.NANOKDP_COMMAND.replace("TEMP_ID", kanzi_id))
            # print (self.nanokdp_p.readline())
2 hours later…
pixbuf = self.draw_icon()
in this line I got error as : self.set_icon(pixbuf)
AttributeError: Vista instance has no attribute 'set_icon'
How it can remedy?
2 hours later…
It's been 2 days since I posted this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/35415389/…
anybody known how to create filter api
for gmail
any idea?
i know little bit
@AjGauravdeep good, I even close to being around at that time.
@GauthamSK Good for you?
How to respond to questions that post code as an image: stackoverflow.com/a/31822725/4014959 :)
Top of a mornin' cabbage to you
Good evening, IntrepidBrit.
@PM2Ring That’s amazing.
@poke Bergi posted a link to that after I posted this comment:
Of course images can be useful, even vital, for GUI & graphic output questions. When I see questions with code &/or data text posted as images I post a polite comment explaining why we need the text as actual text. But I must admit that a couple of times I've been tempted to post an answer with my code as an image, preferably with a crazy font & bad JPEG artifacting to make OCRing difficult. :) — PM 2Ring 21 hours ago
This new question is getting a lot of action: What can __init__ do that __new__ cannot?; I guess lots of people find__new__ a bit mysterious.
cbg(["poke","BobbyG", "Khajvah", "GLaDOS"])
hi friends , there is any option to check GtkTreeView is empty or not?
I don’t want to be the one to close this (since I’m also not too sure), so check this question with regards to this question please…
@Anes Check if its model is empty
Not sure what Jarrod Roberson has with Python at the moment. Two 500 point bounties, one of which is on a question of rather low quality.
How can I do pagination with raw sql?
cursor.scroll() seems to be what I need.
@khajvah how can check model is empty or not?
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM tabl1")
how many queries will this code make?
@Anes Never used it but judging from the documentation, it is something like: len(treeview.get_model())
in order to get the length
@khajvah raw SQL? LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
@poke I heard from many it's expensive
Expensive compared to what?
using cursor
cursor is not raw SQL, so I have no idea what that is. But regardless, either the curser uses SQL paging itself (using LIMIT and OFFSET), or it doesn’t page at all which means that it fetches all data at once. Now think about what’s more expensive.
Anyone have experience of algorithms that arrange shapes within a space, so you might have (roughly) time going left to right, and priority going top to bottom, but then for things that are (say) in the bottom right, if there's nothing above them they move up as high as they can go?
(Random I know)
Ok, cursors are not what I need. OFFSET LIMIT it is then
Cabbage (first time i'm saying that)
Offset and limit are amazing
i feel the input function in python3 should have a compulsory second argument specifying the type to be returned
input('Please enter a number', int)
to avoid common gotcha's that beginners have like comparing a string to a number
what do you guys think
input_old = input
def input (prompt, type):
    return type(prompt)
Like it
Don’t think that will really help though since you don’t get any benefit compared to int(input(…)).
there are definitely benefits though not performance benefits
java has something like Scanner.nextInt()
but hey python is not java, or designed to be like java
Oh, blimey yeah.
Scanners make my head explode
It's trivial to check the input
for complex cmd applications, you can use a library like readline
implying you are not using Windows. If you do, you shouldn't
i'm on *nix but what are the reasons
Try installing pandas on widnows
Some Python stuff hasn't been made to work smoothly with Windows
In the world of Python libs, Windows is the Python 3 of 2016
Not only Python tbh. C++ world is much comfier under Linux too.
had to do some hunting with pandas....finally gave up
@danidee after giving up, you start desperately googleing a step-by-step instructions for dummies and finally find already compiled binaries.
i think i came across an answer on stackoverflow that suggested that...but i had cried and given up on windows totally (approximately totally)
still play some games on windows...
@danidee fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/GPUPassthrough ... If you have 2 monitors, 2 GPUs and some free time.
@poke Um, you might like to call input_old in that function... :)
Excellent point
input_old = input
def input(prompt, typ=str):
    return typ(input_old(prompt))
input_old = input
def input(prompt, typ=str):
    return type(input_old(prompt))
@RobertGrant nope
Oh crap I see now
I lose.
I blame the crying baby
That's a reasonable excuse.
crying baby :)
@PM2Ring Yes… >_<
One question related to code design. I have a module that contains all the raw sqls. What's better: making the objects inside those functions or returning raw lists and making the objects with a staticmethod?
somehting like this
FizzyGirl has her viva today.
Good luck fizzygirl
Let's get fizzygirl. Fizzygirl
@khajvah i think the second option is better. the intent is clearer get_impacts
You really have to start singing that to her
Cabbage, people, bugrit
@PM2Ring Don't say that, he'll make the baby cry now whenever he screws up
@khajvah if you never have any need to access the raw data then your second option gives a much cleaner program structure
What does that mean?
pokes baby
@GLaDOS What does "that" mean?
It's a live examination in front of senior academics, usually, to defend a thesis
That is a demonstrative pronoun
@danidee Dandee, holdenweb, Thanks for ideas.
@Ffisegydd Good luck to FizzyGirl :)
Fizzygirl ♪
Never new the technical term
That's the only thing I have to say about this subject.
afternoon all
all is afternoon
"[The best | A good] [offense | defense] is [a good | the best] [defense | offense]" is frustratingly ambiguous to me.
Does it mean "adopting the very strongest defense possible, will also afford you reasonably good offensive power as well"? Or "reasonably good offensive power confers the very strongest defense"? Which way does the arrow of implication point?
One might argue that the statements are identical, but that's only true in contexts where "is" is commutative, which it isn't always is.
"The ball is red" does not imply "red is the ball". That's not even sensible English if you reject Yoda-isms.
Surely Yoda would say "red the ball is"?
Or perhaps "red, the ball is"
I'll be honest. I slept through most of Yoda's scenes because the little goblin bores me.
greetings Jon Clements
also cbg everyone else
"tedious, these movies are"
I hate deadlines
I would have said "boring, these movies are" :D
I now have a QWERTY§IOP keyboard :(
Mine's made of plastic.
wars star watched one new watched yet not
new one, i've watched, no. guessed, i have, the plot, yes.
cabbage, Jon
afternoon Steve
Spoiler: the force awakens.
the spoiler about force awakens that there spoilers are not is.
how can the force awake? the force is either bacterial life inside of you (>_>) or a conceptual state of being? god this franchise is stupid
isn't there something to do with midicloronins or something?
@Kevin The best offense is a good offense though, it's only oen way...
At this point I think it's practical to model the force as a whimsical space god that handwaves away theodicy with "because balance is important for some reason"
All best offenses are good offenses, but not all good offenses are best offenses.
@GLaDOS I need to know - was there ever any cake?
I open my umbrella when it rains, but opening my umbrella doesn't cause it to start raining.
The real cake is the one inside.
In a way, aren't we all cake?
I honestly don't understand why Star Wars is such a popular franchise. Is it because it was marketed with enough toys that suckers organically marketed it to their children? The original 3 were...fine... but it's not like nothing else came out in the intermediate 30 years.
@Kevin Yes, closing the umbrella is usually what makes it rain
@Kevin Yes, but all good offenses are best defenses
God makes it rain you heretic
Star Wars is the Hero's Journey archetype, expressed using laserbeam dogfights. What's not to love.
With additional inspiration from the Dambusters and ww2 dogfighting
@khajvah No, I make it rain. If you know what I am saying (my personal finances are a mess due to questionable decisions).
Now there's an interesting theological quandary. What role, if any, do/does god(s) play in the water cycle? If we accept prima facie the existence of deities, then it's reasonable to assume that they have initial responsibility over all things as Prime Mover(s). But what role do they assume in the time between the birth of existence and now?
@tristan Still waiting for my beta user. Maybe I should check on spam folder?
There are many historical gods that purportedly caused the sun to rise and set, by riding it as a chariot across the sky or by having a big dung beetle push it around. This is considerably more direct than creating the sun N billion years ago and letting it spin without additional outside interference.
@PatrickBassut haha, i wish it was launched. i see unfinished portions of the codebase when i sleep.
I see a lot of starred messages that uses a cbg function nobody defined. They will have a surprise when those actually run
If I drop a marble on the street and a man slips on it a month later, did I make him fall?
But this question bores me. It's the same category as "if a tree falls in a forest...". Finding the answer doesn't teach us anything about the nature of the universe. It's just an excuse to argue the semantics of "make".
@Kevin It's tabs, not spaces.
I'm adding an additional tally mark next to your name on my "to fight in real life" sheet.
@khajvah So opening my umbrella makes God exist?
@Kevin so what instance are you in that isn't considered real life?
@tristan Sounds about normal. I launched my startup with a few unfinished stuff. It turned out to be a good thing at the end.
There's a nonzero chance that the observable universe is a simulation inside another bigger universe. But I try not to worry about that.
Ain't nobody got time to fret about unfalsifiable theories.
@Kevin like sims in a virtual machine
This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it?
In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.
One of my favourite Douglas Adams quotes
@Kevin I can only think about this when people say that youtube.com/watch?v=xP5-iIeKXE8
@PatrickBassut Yeah -- I'm going to launch with unfinished things. After some conversations with potential customers, I found that the platform I'm building is more marketable than the website I'm putting on top of it, so the recent work as been modifying the API to be used by more than just mme.
Ah yam.
Just realised I've been working on a detached head in git. What's the best way of working out the most recent common ancestor with origin (or local for that matter)?
morning everyone
In How to rename labels in list?, the OP says "I have a file like that" instead of "I have a file like this". I wonder if OP speaks English as a second language, and if so, whether his primary language uses its "that" equivalent in cases like this instead of its "this" equivalent, and if so, what language that is.
@IntrepidBrit git merge-base branch_a branch_b ?
I have an idle curiosity about regional syntactical quirks. Like how you can tell "I have a doubt" is from India and "This dirty car needs washed" is from central Pennsylvania.
@Kevin Mistakes in a second language are almost always a mark of your native tongue.
Yes precisely.
And they have a tendency to appear when phrasing questions
Cheers Tristan, does the trick
I always wanted to have a corpus of bad English by nationality
There are a lot of interesting things you can do with that.
anyone here work in web dev? Is Front end "aesthetics" generally seen as second priority?
@corvid UX is everything for a consumer facing application.
Ah okay, I would figure server-side stuff would be more important if it can be exploitable
@corvid they go hand in hand....a powerful back-end and not so beautiful UX/UI is an ugly beast
Morning cabbage.
Shouldn't that depend on the end user?
Our company is not web dev, though we have full-time UX expert for anything user facing.
As a developer I like UX but care less about it than some other guy.
on the other hand a beautiful front-end and a weak back-end is an...ummm? cute chihuahua :)
Guten morgen morgan
Ooh, is that one of those jokes where you've heard it a million times and everyone thinks they're soooo original for thinking it up. Disregard if so.
Is there a bakery in germany called "Glutten Morgen?"
@corvid What do you mean exploitable? as in, security risk?
@Kevin It is, but I'll give you a pass because I haven't heard it in a while.
We're hiring btw (is it on-topic?)
@tristan As in, I would think focus would go into the back end because if any leaks exists on the back end then that causes a lot more havoc than if the front end has problems
@bereal It's fine to mention this at about this amount of detail (meaning it's cool to say "hey my company is hiring", but I think we'd off-topic/trash the message if a recruiter showed up and started trying to get leads)
def cbg(self):
@AnttiHaapala implying stackoverflow?
recursive a. see recursive.
@corvid Again, depends what's meant by "leaks", but yeah, it's obviously a truism to state that the backend not handing out data unintentionally is important. if your customers can't figure out or hate using your interface on your business logic, it's pointless though
@Kevin I have one of those names and I don't forgive you. I don't even like subway!
analogy: crappy star wars movies and people rationalizing it with "well, in the extended universe...." no one cares. they came to watch the movie and it doesn't matter if it's technically justified by things they'll never read/see/care about
My True last name is conducive to people making "original" jokes, which is how I identified my own gaffe so quickly.
@tristan Hmmm, neat. So you do talk with customers about the idea, that's something. Still wondering wtheck you're building that's related to nightclubs and an API alone can be useful.
Well, since you feel my pain as well, I can't not forgive you.
@tristan s/everything/important/
@PatrickBassut Nightclubs is just a slice of it. A rather unimportant slice.
And the nerdy response is, but the extended universe isn't canon anymore!
@holdenweb Well, obviously.
@tristan My company is also looking for Python developers. One disadvantage of working for us, though, is that I would be a colleague
@tristan So you admit you are guilty of terminological inexactitude?
@holdenweb Talk to my language lawyer.
Alright you wonderful people, I'm out. I hope you all have good days.
@PM2Ring not a great question :D
Popular, though. It was briefly on the Hot Network Questions list.
Style question. Suppose c is a string with length one. Which is preferable: if c in ("a", "b"): or if c in "ab":
I prefer the first one.

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