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05:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

CBG all.
3 hours later…
Mornin' Cabbage!
What horrors does Monday hold for today?
Paper submission for me. Always gruelling to get things in the right format and it shouldn't be necessary these days /grump. You?
I suppose I ought to know better than to write an answer after the OP has said "Thanks, that was exactly what i was looking for". But I guess it may be useful to the mythical Future Reader... stackoverflow.com/a/35242279/4014959 FWIW, I wrote something like this in C in 1995.
Working with client's coders, and I didn't sleep well so I'm expecting a lot of "real time" coding issues.
Don't you have some kind of TeX system?
Altruism is a virtue :) the reduced memory and storage overhead must have been v attractive in '95
i have 4 hours of startup work before 10 hours of day job work
@IntrepidBrit of course.unfortunately this journal wants word and tiff or eps only for figures (no easily produced pdf or svg images for me, no sirree, bloody embedded bloody eps bloody fonts)
(In other news, seriously considering buying a shotgun so I can scare off the yamwits who press all the buzzers in the street)
@JRichardSnape You should get on your high horse and not deal with such a low brow institution!
Tristan: ouch. Gonna be a long day.
@IntrepidBrit Add a fake "shock" buzzer. Legitimate users of the buzzers won't touch it, but they will.
@corvid hey man. How is the PostGIS going?
Still, at least I don't have clients :)
@IntrepidBrit That's a normal M-F for me :)
Not too broad :) highlights need for "answer demonstrates lack of user effort"
Lol. Yeah.
@JRichardSnape It was! I wrote that code on my Amiga, which had 10MB of RAM, a 30MHz CPU and 250 MB of hard drive space. The original code uses a segmented sieve of Eratosthenes so it can split the primes over multiple files, with each file calculated independently of earlier primes.
I've got 10 files containing the primes upto 3 billion on this machine but I don't use it much these days since the time taken to read the data off disk & then do the bit fiddling isn't much faster than just doing a segmented sieve in Python.
Couldn't find a better close reason ;_;
I forgot the flag that user to exist, but it was a common target for "user too lazy"
Too Localized?
Nah, it's one that's since been removed because SO corp doesn't want to turn away the page views from lazy people
Lol, Yep. That's one way they get a lot of views
@JRichardSnape we used xmgrace for our eps graphs. Awful program with an awful UI but it does work.
@JRichardSnape Clients can be entertaining. Usually over a few pints a year after the fact.
IMHO, something needs to be done to improve the quality of new SO content. From How does Stack Overflow prevent the Panda algorithm penalty? "[...] Google is backing out of what used to almost seem like a hard-coded preference for showing Stack Overflow results for your searches.
(cont) "In fact, since quite some weeks, a handful of months at most, I find that Stack Overflow search results are sinking to the bottom of the first Google page, sometimes even being entirely absent. This while I know there used to be Stack Overflow Q&A results for equivalent search queries."
@tristan Do you subscribe to the opinion that it's hard to switch to a long work day, but once you've been doing it awhile it's just like working a 9-5?
I guess that the flood of bad questions pouring in is a form of information inflation: as the bad quality increases the effective significance of SO becomes devalued.
@IntrepidBrit The aforementioned "start up" is mine, so I think I'm more motivated than I'd otherwise be, but yeah, once you get used to 12-16 hour work days, it just becomes normal. On weeks that I do 5*12 hour days on my $dayjob, I find that I get less productive though.
On a week that I'm feeling productive, I probably do ~80 hours of work. A bad week is ~50 for me. I do believe that not all time is created equally though, and that there are diminishing returns of throwing more hours at a problem. When I quit to go FT on one of my projects, I'll probably limit myself to 50 hour weeks unless there's an upcoming event or I'm firefighting
@tristan Yeah I completely agree with that. When we were working on 'Grav' in the Dare to be digital competition, my colleagues were throwing around 16 hours per day into the problem and I 'slacked' and only worked 10 hours, but made sure I focussed on it
Found I got more work done in the end, and they were constantly fatigued
I'm guessing you're enjoying the start-up (which obviously helps).
@IntrepidBrit I'll make sure to check out Grav. Yeah, I think of throwing hours at a problem like thrusters in a video game. You can definitely exhaust them and just start slogging your way along. If I'm doing work that doesn't really require focus (css/plumbing code/copy-edit), I can hang out on the couch and watch TV or drink beer -- I try to make sure to save that stuff for the EOW when I'm drained. It's become kind of common for me to go for a walk and have a series of..
..."oh, i can solve X problem elegantly by just doing Y" where if I had tried to just brute force by staying in front of the screen, I'd make some rube-goldberg device. Standard disclaimer that I'm not particularly bright, so others' mileage may vary
@tristan If you can find it anywhere, I'd be impressed. I lost my copy + source code in the great 'Backup disaster of 2010'.
That's a good use of time actually. I tend to try to do the css/plumbing code stuff at the start of the day just to get it out of the bloody way.
I've always found that stepping away from the problem can provide a solution. You allow it to simmer subconsciously and a solution presents itself.
Re-CBG all.
@tristan I had a bizarre moment the other day - I copied and pasted some data from a website into a text editor to do some stuff to, tried Excel, which somehow automatically parsed the html table into columns. I then proceeded to start learning VBScript to get what I actually wanted out of it, until about 5 minutes later when I remembered I could just save as csv and parse in Python.
I only started trying VBScript because I was already in Excel and my brain couldn't think creatively at all at that moment
Do I have to use < python3 to install swtoolkit ?
If so, which will better ? 2.7 ?
@Anirban Python 2.7 has many useful things back-ported from Python 3, which makes it nicer than earlier versions of Python 2. But there's no need to install it just to run Software Construction Toolkit if your system already has Python 2.4 or later.
@RobertGrant Weird. OS X has a similar hook. I wonder how it figures out that it's tabular data -- does it parse the html tags and css? (os x will also copy color)
Yeah I reckon Office tools parse html. Ish.
No. I using a new installation. No previous python.
I have removed 3
installed 2.7
Anirban it is compatible with 2.4 or above
So, I've been browsing this meta question and forked off this query which finds 1000 heavily downvoted python answers. Some of them look useful as cautionary tales. Anyone else want to have a look?
Check out this answer. (It already has it's share of meta effect, but still) — Bhargav Rao 2 days ago
bah - it hasn't save all my nice joins and filters for getting the python only tags. Still...
@PranavWaila I am going through other installation now. Going to see if it's ok.
@Anirban Also - check out virtual environments. Should save you some development headaches in the future.
@IntrepidBrit I would use v.env if other program needs to use other versions of python. Thanks.
@JRichardSnape You need to do it again :P
@BhargavRao Maybe you should add that one to the question - looks like a good candidate to me.
@TinyGiant Nope. I still dunno why it is not deleted. — Bhargav Rao 2 days ago
I want it to be deleted
Do you have a good reason in the other way?
@BhargavRao I'm irritated - because data explorer won't link to my normal stack account because it's facebook verified. I think that's why it didn't save the forked query. So I may very well not repeat the exercise (FWIW, I just inner joined to PostTags then Tags and added Tags.TagName into the where)
Yeah that's bad. There are a whole load of [bug]s and [feature-request]s on meta bout that. None of them have any official reply
@BhargavRao Well - people might be tempted to do the thing that's being downvoted (i.e. return locals()) but might be put off by all the down votes. That's what Shog9 is arguing is a good reason not to Roomba downvoted answers. However, a better example would be where the question is better - hence my query.
Yeah. Even I am against roomba-ing answers.
Try that. Has it got only python answers?
I remember a post by jonrsharpe that was downvoted but had Guido's comment on that.
@JRichardSnape Perfect. You might add a ans there.
Maybe this is a better example: +595 question with a -47 answer that says "Just exec an arbitrary string"!!
Is anyone good at marshmallow? Suppose I want to extend SchemaMeta, how can I get all the fields from __new__?
+13/-40. Sounds good
Y is that I want to generate a nested namedtuple for the schema.
@BhargavRao Added an answer as you advised. (with a link so anyone else can browse the list)
@JRichardSnape You might wanna change -47 to -27
@BhargavRao Yeah, I spotted that - should be fixed now (refresh your browser ;)
> There's a very good reason for it being -47
Ah (caught 1, not the second :()
Nice. Seeing another upvote there implies the community agrees with you
@JRichardSnape Clearly written by someone who isn't familiar with Little Bobby Tables.
@PM2Ring quite
@PM2Ring I should probably put that in there to blatantly go for the "upvote geek humour" crowd :)
The other linked post has a few valid points by mods.
@JRichardSnape Sure!
If I were a billionaire I'd send a free "Bobby Tables whipped my ass" t-shirt to everyone who advocates sending unsanitized strings to eval / exec. :)
I like the idea of preserving "cautionary tales" answers. But I think it's preferable if they can be converted to good answers, rather than simply left as-is, with a few comments pointing out why they're bad.
That's a fair point, actually. Maybe that belongs in the discussion meta question too. Most of them could be converted to a "This is a very tempting idea, but don't do it because..." by a more experienced user.
Anyway - what am I doing here - I need to do some work!!
temporary rbrb from the easily distracted one
rbrb Prof o/
I think I'm going nuts when it comes to try to include some json files in a package. My setup.py files look like this: https://github.com/serverdensity/sd-python-wrapper/blob/master/setup.py

And I've read this: http://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/setuptools.html#including-data-files And when I try to submit it I can see the hard linking but none of the json files in the serverdensity/wrapper/schema are included.
Any pointers appreciated.
@JonClements I've met Capaldi in Marks&Spencer :P
@PM I found another "hit and run" case :P stackoverflow.com/q/35269476/4099593
@BhargavRao Weird. The same OP asked a very similar question 2 hours ago: stackoverflow.com/questions/35266225/…
So he wants to reverse engineer that
Note that the answer he accepted on the old question doesn't work properly, but Rogalski's answer does.
Yep, true
@BhargavRao Maybe he's trying to do the right thing and not change his old question. So he opened a new question, and then immediately figured out how to solve the new problem himself, so decided to kill the question before people wasted time answering it. Which is fair enough.
I had added a comment there w/o testing. I dunno if that worked.
@BhargavRao It looks ok. But I can't be bothered testing it either. :) And of course it won't handle multi-digit numbers.
True. I guess that's the use case of the OP
I remember seeing that question on a "Answer if you can page". But I cannot remember the place where I saw
Lots of Python questions are making it to the HNQ these days
Has it's share of good and bad effects
I have asked a duplicate question should I mark it has duplicate or delete it?.
Depends on the post. If it adds nothing new then delete
Else self hammer as dupe.
Hmm okay I will delete it because it does not do anything remarkable then the already asked question.
Just because dupes are close-worthy doesn't make them inherently bad. If your dupe may help someone find the dupe target then don't delete it, just self-hammer it.
But if the dupe doesn't add any value at all, then I doubt it is worth keeping.
If any of the answers are of good quality and tells something new that is not mentioned in the previous post, then yep, we need to keep it.
@BhargavRao I disagree completely (I think I've disagreed with you in the past on this). Closing the question as a dupe acts as a sign post to the "correct" content.
Who cares if it adds nothing new? As long as the question is coherent enough it should be dupe closed.
I kinda understand now.
Anyone have any experience with GitLab? Good idea to use?
But again, I don't get the exact point. It acts as a sign post - true, but won't the people who see that already have seen the other post?
@Robert I have some experience. It's like Github but not.
(We've not discussed this in the past. :-) )
@Bhargav we have discussed this when I called you out on you suggesting someone delete a dupe post. In answer to your question: one search term may bring up the original, but another search term may bring up the dupe-closed one.
Ah Fine. I got it now.
@BhargavRao Sure, but the dupe doesn't need to have answers to be valuable. If someone with a similar question tries searching and wouldn't find the dupe target but they would find the new dupe question then the new dupe is a useful portal.
You can think of the dupe-closed questions as a spider web, at the centre of the web is the knowledge we want to share, whilst the branches are there to catch things that don't hit the centre.
People google some other stuff which is there in the duped post but not in the original can find the original through the dupe. Am I right this time?
Exactly. It's amazing how many different ways different people will Google for the same problem
Especially when it's an XY problem.
Different terms, keywords, etc in dupe-posts can help to broaden the potential net.
Oops, then I should stop delv-voting dupes.
Yep, Thanks I understand it completely.
I've even seen Martijn answer a question and then dupe-hammer it. His answer gave specific help to the new OP and the dupe target gave more general answers.
Sometimes the dupe targets are technically correct but a bit too advanced for the newbie asking the dupe question, so it's nice to give a more specific answer in that situation.
Yeah that's a nice use case.
Also, it's not that unusual to see questions from conscientious newbies that put links to suggested answers in their questions saying "I looked at these answers but I don't understand how to apply them to my specific problem".
Sometimes a helpful hint in a comment is all it takes to set them on track, but sometimes you need to give them a working example before it clicks. Sure, sometimes you can do that by adding an answer to the dupe target, but usually it makes sense just to answer the poor kid's question. :)
I'm really surprised that I can't find a meta post with all these info. :/
Q: Is a duplicate question considered a generally bad or good thing?

SingerOfTheFallDuplicate questions have somewhat ambiguous nature. On one hand, they are "bad", because the user asking a dup was just bad at searching in the first place. On the other hand, there are some "good" sides of them, because they help other people find answers to their question, no matter how do th...

can I stream video through HTTP?
Q: Do not delete good duplicates!

jjnguyThis question (currently deleted (visible only to 10kers)) is a great example of a duplicate question that should not be deleted. [Note: this question was later merged into this one, which resulted in the original being hard-deleted. This issue with merging was later fixed ] The titles of the du...

@BhargavRao Try meta stack exchange rather than meta SO
Fizzy delivers.
Ah yeah. I always search the wrong meta
@Ffisegydd excellent work
I vaguely remember reading a post by Jeff Atwood (either on Meta SE or maybe it was a Coding Horror blogpost) talking about the value of dupes as portals, and that it was even ok if the dupes had 1 or 2 answers, although the bulk of the answers should be attached to the core dupe targets.
Now I feel a bit guilty for voting to delv dupes.
So you should, you're a terrible person who will burn in hell.
Unrelated to the current conversation. This OP says of his own improperly indented code, "This code also turned out weird in the post". I think most people that notice their code looks formatted wrong but submit their post anyway, would benefit from a dedicated "formatting with markup" walkthrough.
I like to believe that the root problem isn't laziness, but a mixture of learned helplessness and less-than-ideal UI design.
Just from a quick glance at the formatting buttons at the top of the text box, it's not completely clear that there even is a way to format code.
Hi Factor3, that's just the way S/O decided to format it (first time I've used it, so will have to look out for that in future)... Let me clarify... there's two files - 2010.csv and 2011.csv; these contain 'n' many rows each of which contain two columns. I was trying to simplify the question - but do agree the formatting is somewhat misleading now that I've read it back! — Jon Clements ♦ Mar 8 '12 at 0:10
I wonder how much of an improvement we'd see if "indent code by 4 spaces" was moved from the fourth bullet point in the "how to format" sidebar, to the topmost bullet point.
I imagine a good portion of users are like, "paragraphs, line breaks, bold... Ok, I'm going to stop reading here because none of that is valuable to me"
@JonClements Puppy was still new to SO then?
Yeah... coming up nearly 28 puppy years on SO :p
@Kevin yeah
When will puppy become a fully grown dog?
Hmm, do people with less than 24 hours of programming experience know what "indent" means? I think the last time I used that term in a non-programming context was in high school English class.
Next time we add a manual as to what is indent in the docs.
@BhargavRao Never :)
Speaking of badly-formatted posts, this guy's been a user for a year, and posted a question with unformatted data and unformatted code (and no clear question statement). He got comments requesting him to fix his post, with several downvotes.
I quickly edited the question, but in the mean time it got a few more downvotes. A few seconds after I submitted my edit he changed the question, and then a short while later he self-deleted. stackoverflow.com/q/35270551/4014959
"I could spend 15 minutes researching how to format code, or I could paste it in raw and let someone fix it for me in 15 seconds. I pick the latter" is a rational choice, from a certain short-sighted point of view.
The tipping-point comes iff you value other people's time equally with yours, and predict that you'll ask more than 60 additional questions on SO over your lifetime.
That guy has only asked 6 questions, so he's still ahead ;-)
I received a copy of "Head First SQL" from my future employer just now.
What would that mean? :/
@Kevin seems like a solid argument for never valuing other people's time...
cabbage @MikeEdenfield.
I'm going to add Something went wrong with your code formatting. Consult [Markdown help - Code and Preformatted Text](http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help#code) and try again. to my script and see if that helps well-meaning OPs at all.
Copying that ^
The only problem is, it rustles my jimmies when I imply "you need to take responsibility for the presentation of your post" and then someone edits it for them :-P
It's like when mom sends you to bed with no supper and dad brings you up a sandwich 30 minutes later. You gotta have a united front.
A prospect which is much harder when there are 50 potential editors rather than just 2 parents
Hmm, maybe I better think of different wording than "try again", as that might be interpreted as "create a brand new post"
even harder when SO explicitly encourages people to edit posts to make them better.
The payoff matrix is something like
       scold   edit
scold | 2,2  | -1,1 |
edit  | 1,-1 | 1,1  |
@Kevin Fair point. Mind you, I was intending to CV if he didn't clarify his question.
In a vacuum, scolding and editing are about equally satisfying, but scolding is unsatisfying if someone else edits. Scolding is twice as satisfying when someone else is doing it, because you feel like the site has your back.
By the way, me saying "it rustles my jimmies when X" doesn't mean that X is bad or wrong or you shouldn't do it. My jimmies are irrational and I don't expect anyone to change their behavior for my jimmies' sake.
Your use of "Jimmies" is radically insensitive. Excuse me whilst I rouse my fellow SJWs for a crusade against Kevin, so we can shame 'n' slam him over social media.
oh nooooo it's happening
(TLDR: "not really")
But the fact that there's even an apocryphal origin story is news to me.
Oh dear, they're turning on me for assuming you were a male, rather than letting you choose your own gender specific pronoun
If everyone could refer to Kevin in the third person, Kevin would really appreciate it.
I would like to refer to Kevin in the 3rd, but unfortunately I am 2nd
Kevin is Kevin own pronoun.
Naturally, everything about me is pro B-)
pro KevinScript
morning everyone
cbg corvid
You guys see the jungle book trailer? looks bretty gud
yeah, they showed it before Star Wars every time I saw it.
lots of big names doing the voices, too
Damn, Looks really good
I don't know if I've ever seen the Jungle Book. We were more of an Aladdin family.
this is a dark gritty reboot of Jungle Book
Maybe it's not particularly gritty and they're just trying to deceive you with the trailer.
though it might be more accurate to say that the animated movie was the Disnification of Jungle Book
I think making the animals realistic automatically makes it look more gritty, because real panthers are actually horrifying
If it's rated R, it's gritty. If it's PG, the trailer tricked you.
(it's currently Not Yet Rated, I checked)
it's a Disney move, of course it's not rated R
I better see a gazelle get chased down and torn open on-screen or I'm going to write angry letters about verisimilitude.
("But this is the jungle, not the savannah". In that case, I will also write an angry letter if I do see it)
there are so many good movies, everything is wonderful
there's also another Jungle Book adaptation coming out next year.
I hate it when two movies with the same premise get released in a short time frame. Have some originality, Hollywood.
the 2016 one is a Disney remake of the Disney movie. The 2017 one, from what I heard, is closer to the original short stories.
here you go, +1 for realism:
> Favreau also decided to change King Louie from an orangutan to a Gigantopithecus due to the fact that orangutans are not native to the area in which the story takes place
"Have some originality Hollywood"
"b-but we have 20 more super hero movies to release in the next year"
at least the giant talking gorilla will be species-appropriate
also, this is all on-topic because Kaa is a python.
Suspension of disbelief is a funny thing in how you can ignore the ridiculous things but get hung up on the small inconsistencies.
in a metaphorical sense, aren't we all pythons?
"Animals can talk in this universe" is acceptable if they address it at the beginning of the story. "orangutans live in this region" is not, if they never address it and it seems like the author just goofed.
Pythonians - The human derivative of Pythons
@corvid what map do you use for your PostGIS application?
@khajvah Right now I am still looking, but playing around with leaflet, currently only messing around with the Cambridge/Boston location
Is my question still "lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem"? I added three examples stackoverflow.com/questions/24017363/…
@corvid I heard OpenStreetMap plays well with PostGIS
I think leaflet was built on top of that actually
oh, I see.
The main problem I am finding is mapping parts of a city that are... I don't know how to describe it... known to locals, but not "official"? Like "if you want to get Italian food, go to this general location"
@ColonelPanic I guess not. Voting to reopen.
@corvid Does Google maps have those locations/
I'm not a huge fan of "how do I do [thing]?" questions with no accompanying "I tried [attempt] but it didn't work", but in this case it seems fine
I am gonna beat IBM
in a year or two
IBM does a lot of cool stuff, I am using Watson Personality Insights in my application
Not really, lots of applications kind of use it in one way or another
@ColonelPanic It looks ok to me. And I suppose it's worth re-opening this old question, since I guess many readers tend to consider closed questions as inferior, so they may not even bother looking at the answers.
If someone asks for a year-old question to be reopened, that usually means it deserves to be reopened. It requires an amount of dedication and thoughtfulness that disqualifies people who would be asking for selfish purposes :-P
cabbage all
cabbage davidism
For example, you're not going to see a 1 rep vampire hanging around for 100+ days so he can get his "do my homework" request finally fulfilled.
morning davidism
I wish I could flesh out this answer but I've reached the ceiling of my understanding about floats.
I know cumulative addition leads to drifting errors, but I can't explain why to another person.
I just scored nicely on this fairly simple itertools question. It would've been a perfect question, except the OP changed the specs slightly after I wrote my answer... A couple of the answerers didn't read the question properly, but they self-deleted after I commented that their answers were broken.
Itertools questions are the best questions to read, people have such clever answers to them
I'm not entirely clear on the definition of "unique pairs" in that question. How many results should the input a=[1,1]; b=[2,2]; c=[3,3] have?
only 13 points away from not caring what tags they use with
@davidism I went through your gist yesterday and delv'd many.
e.g. does "unique pairs" mean "each element in the pair is distinct from the other element in the pair", or "each pair only appears once in the result sequence"
Mp many would have been deleted by now. :-)
just so we're clear, I wasn't asking for votes there guys, just expressing my impending ability to go slightly madder with power
Oh well, the guy gave his accept so I guess I'm all out of darns to give.
I learned how to ski this weekend. I thought I'd be terrible at it, but it was pretty fun.
Just don't french fry when you should have pizza'd.
@Kevin expert advice
I couldn't quite keep them parallel on turns yet, got to practice more.
Having never skied, that does sound tricky.
I tried snowboarding a long time ago and could never get the balance right.
I prefer to watch snow from the comfort of a warm room, than to be out in it ;-)
I want to be this good but always choose my bed.
Was he trying to intentionally start an avalanche at the beginning there? Is... Is that legal?
Good luck, any hikers potentially also on this mountain! Die knowing that it was for a higher purpose - a sweet youtube video.
that mountain is scary I doubt many others are skiing at the same time
I choose to believe that they checked thoroughly before rolling video.
but the video is cool as hell
@Kevin Well, I did try to get the OP to clarify... but I assumed "yes" as the answer to both those questions, and the OP seems happy with that assumption. :)
Due diligence has been done, then.
@Kevin I added some links, but from the OP's code I expect that the material at the links will be a bit overwhelming.
I feel like at some point I read an article specifically about implementations of frange and why multiplication is better than cumulative addition, but I don't even know how I would google for that.
Speaking of un-googleable things, does anyone know of a website where you enter a television show / movie name, and it tells you which streaming services has it?
Ex. Enter "pokemon", get back "available on Hulu and Crunchyroll but not Netflix"
That would be fantastic.
I wouldn't watch to Pokemon onna Crunchyroll. Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment
Right, I'm out.
That's not how it works. C is fast, but not 256ns to 71sec fast. C is not 355 million times faster than Python. That's just not the case. I'm sorry, but you clearly are not an expert in optimisation techniques. Your solution was not an optimally valid one. Accept it, learn something, and move on. — Pouria Hadjibagheri 3 mins ago
I guess it would require all major streamers to supply a "do you have this series?" API, which doesn't seem super likely to me. I just want them to shut up and take my money ;_;
I have no interest in a discussion with someone that is making up 'facts' as they go along.
> Accept it, learn something, and move on.
@MartijnPieters He's in London. Want me to visit him in the middle night with a cabbage bat?
Ya know them? I'm in London too, we could team up.
Uh Oh, The map, lisco wars :-(
@Kevin I'd imagine that would be covered in any decent article about floating-point... and if you want to get fancy you can use the Kahan summation algorithm.
I wonder if math.fsum would be even betterer than multiplication. (upon testing it: pretty much the same.)
@MartijnPieters I don't, but the cabbage bat is itching for their acquaintance.
hopes he isn't bludgeoned to death with frozen vegetables any time in the near future
@davidism, do you ever work with the postgres CLI, or do you have some tool to work with it?
@IntrepidBrit I must agree with that sentiment, I'd look awfully much like a suspect if that were the case.
@corvid usually I just use SQLAlchemy because I already have the models :-)
Ah okay. The CLI seems very unresponsive or I am doing something obviously wrong :\
Haven't had a problem with responsiveness in the CLI though.
@Kevin A compromise (mentioned in the Kahan summation algorithm article) is pairwise summation: "one recursively divides the set of numbers into two halves, sums each half, and then adds the two sums".
I am just trying to drop all tables. It's probably that I haven't authenticated or am doing the query wrong
If you have more than one connection opened, migrations (such as dropping tables) might seem to hang.
Make sure you're not also running your app using a connection, or have another cli open.
I bet there's some smartypants way to divide the set of numbers in order to reduce error even more.
I'd expect error to be smallest when you add numbers of similar magnitude, so... I guess the smartypants way is "sort the list before dividing it"
@IntrepidBrit: the thing is, the 256ns they are going on about is the creation time for the map() object. They forgot to include iteration in their timings.
It's the basic lack of courtesy that gets me. It's not like you're a hatchling, it's widely apparent you know a thing or two.
@MartijnPieters What the yam? I've noticed quite a few unpleasant / disrespectful comments from that user lately.
"Accept it and move on" rustles my jimmies because it implies "if you do not respond to this comment, I win by default".
@PM2Ring flag em if you see em. I can't go investigate on them now, that'd look quite vindictive and biased (and it would probably be true).
@MartijnPieters Shall do!
Of course, the rules are different when one player can delete comments... It's like having a nuke in chess.
@IntrepidBrit My grandpa was bitten by Trigger The Horse, you insensitive clod! ;-)
(incidentally, it's weird that looking up "trigger" on wikipedia takes you to a page about a japanese wrestler by that name instead of, oh I don't know, a disambiguation page)
Also pg-admin behaves very strangely on mac... is it fine for you linux folk?
Or, hang on, now it does take me to the disambiguation page. Did I just misclick the first time?
:o! My ancestor, Sir Intrepid of Britain was killed by falling earth! How dare you sir. I demand satisfaction slaps Kevin with conveniently abandoned gauntlet
@corvid seems fine to me
@Kevin Yep. Another trick is to form pairs of roughly similar magnitude but opposite sign, in the hope that the positive error of one number cancels the negative error of the other. But if you do that you have to watch out for catastrophic cancellation
@Kevin which is why I asked another moderator for the nuke. They could have done the same with a flag.
I at least tried to keep the playingfield at the same level.
@IntrepidBrit How dare you bring up satisfaction. My family has been plagued by a genetic predisposition to anhedonia for centuries! We have never felt satisfaction.
@MartijnPieters Yep, that's fair play :-)
Rhubarb PM
TIL about anhedonia
@corvid yes
I learned it from an episode of House... Er, I mean, it's enshrined in Kevinson family lore.
Good cabbage, citizens. Acting manager in the house. Stand at attention and sing our glorious anthem.
cabbage Air!
Oh glorious cabbage / may you protect us / and drench us in the blood of our enemies / blood blood blood / blood blood blood / [repeat for 20 stanzas]
@BhargavRao Hmm. "Cabbage air" sounds like an expensive appetizer at an obnoxious molecular gastronomy restaurant. Probably using a tool such as this.
cbg wonderful pythoners
Happy Chinese New Year!
@Air Lol. Looks nice!
On the subject of fancy kitchen gadgets, I really want one of these. The cocktails you could make with one of those would be amazing.
I have yet to go to a restaurant that fancy. I am not sure I am very good at the whole "upper crust" thing. My wife and I got a babysitter last night so we could go to a temporary art hotel and somehow ended up watching the Super Bowl at an '80s arcade/pizza joint/hipster bar.
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