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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@jay_sanc you mean the one by Mark Lutz? It's pretty good, I often recommend it to beginners. Long, but worth it.
@jon I saw you just popped in, and wanted to send you a message from my son: he wishes your puppy would wear a hat :)
@MattDMo hahaha :)
He asks if you're around every time he sees me in here :)
Wow - torn between thinking that's awesome and slightly scary :p
Poo... just posted a great itertools and use of or answer, and no one's going to see it :(
ok, maybe not every time, but since you're the only one he "knows", he asks if the puppy is around
Tell him I said "woof!" :p
@MattDMo , thanks for your input. But I already know about functions and strings along with for and while loops. Should I instead return "Learning Python" and trade it for "Programming Python" which is also by Mark Lutz?
@jay_sanc at least skim through it to make sure you haven't missed anything. OTOH, "Programming Python" covers a lot of the same ground as "Learning", so if you feel you have a pretty good mastery of the basics, moving up a notch won't be a big deal. If you miss anything, there's always the docs.
@JonClements will do :)
how to shuffle a list to avoid repeating numbers - [4,4,1,3,2,2] -> [4,1,4,2,3,2]
from random import shuffle -- Depending on the size of the list, it may suffice to just repeatedly call shuffle until no repeats exist -- easy implementation if you don't mind the performance hit
does it guarantee the non repeatetion of numbers ?
no, you'd have to check for that
Is that random tho?
I want no repeatetion of numbers
it swaps positions when ever there are same consecutive elements
Why don't you do what he said with an if == statement in an exception or can you do that
I guess swapping is the only way out
How could say iterate [a] with if a.next == a.previous = a.next print(a);
dint get you
How would you compare to all previous output
I will swap the index of the element whenever I see same element
and parse through the list
swap with what
while parsing if element at index n-1 and n are same then I will swap element at n with next distinct elements' index
Hey guys! Quick question - If I were to simply state a {key : value} dict in python, can I access the key without knowing the key?
Like, if the dictionary would only have 1 pair, so can I access it like a list like dict[0]
lists all available keys
in a dict
Ahh okay - thanks!
I'm trying to write single-code-base Python 2 and Python 3 code. I'm thwarted, though, by the fact some stdlib return values are file instances that don't implement io.* interfaces.
So I want to wrap a subprocess.Popen.stdout value in a io.TextIOWrapper, but that fails on Python 2.
and I want the io.StringIO instances to pass through the same code when the unit test suite is run.
I can't find code that will elegantly wrap both io.BytesIO and file in a io.TextIOWrapper, that works on Python 2 and Python 3.
first, am I right that Python 3 file implements the io.* interfaces, but Python 2's file does not? that's what my observations imply, but it seems a maddeningly obvious oversight.
@idjaw Was it you who recommended Screeps? I just started playing it and it's quite a bit of fun.
okay, I've written up my query as a formal SO question. stackoverflow.com/questions/34447623/…
@name, you also need to specify what should happen with a sequence such as [4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4]. i.e. if the shuffler cannot avoid some adjacent duplicates, what should happen?
at that point you realise you'll need to write your own special-case shuffler anyway.
CBG all
Advance Christmas. May god bless you all.
axial tilt is the reason for the season
merry Solstice celebration to us all!
anyone know how to create n store db
i heroku postgres db
3 hours later…
Hey up
Hey guys,
What would you rather do in order to switch a name of a python dictionary key

dict[new_key] = dict.pop(old_key)


dict[new_key] = dict[old_key]
del dict[old_key]
first one seems cleaner
but is it more explicit
Do the first.
By favor of 3:0 I shall do the first.
It is a grand victory for the forces of good.
And there was great rejoicing
Christmas cabbage
Should that be sprouts? Our would that be an uninformed salad based insult, I wonder
Mornin fizzy. How goes the festive season?
@JRichardSnape Merry Christmas JRS :)
Cbg @bhargav, and season's greetings to you too :)
2 hours later…
I think I’m getting crazy because of this question‌​. Am I not seeing something obvious there, that Andrea is trying to tell me?!
A small doubt
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(r"Q:\MTO\test\DiginQ\scripts\TestService\\", '..'))
I could go one level up using that how to go two level up that is get Q:\MTO\test\DiginQ
pass '../..' instead?
@poke thanks it works. Sorry if it is a silly question I tried ... but did not get it
There are only two special path segments: . for the current level, and .. for the level above
So what does ../.. specific if I wanted to go three path up should I do ../../..
Hmm.. Thanks mates :).
>>> path = pathlib.Path('/home/jon/development/testing')
>>> for n, p in enumerate(path.parents):
	print(n, '->', p)

0 -> /home/jon/development
1 -> /home/jon
2 -> /home
3 -> /
@Jon Are you a pathlib evangelist? ;)
What would give you that idea!? :p
I don’t know.. maybe the fact that it’s always you who suggests pathlib solutions instead? ;)
@JonClements very nice and simple :).
Someone have a tutorial for SetWindowsHookEx?
Have aome difficulty to use it properly :-/
is mock a default module in python 2.7?
I can't able to import mock module.
@AvinashRaj why don't you just look in the docs?
Python3 includes mock, but 2.7 won't.
I want the atomic energy lab
@AvinashRaj s/is/was/
@AnttiHaapala ??
"Was mock a default module in python 2.7?"
@AnttiHaapala Fun ... Easy ... Exciting Wow!
@AnttiHaapala sorry, I'm poor, poor , poor ,poor , very poor in Grammar..
I agree with the "was" :P
@AvinashRaj "was" is in reference to Python 2.7 being no more, having ceased to be, expired and gone to meet its maker
Gilbert’s really likes kids :P.
It is completely safe they use safe radioactive materials or is there any thing like that :P.
any muricans here?
how much is 1 pound/kg/your favourite unit of mass in the states
in USD
@BhargavRao I think this guy stackoverflow.com/users/244297/eugene-y is the real winner of the hat competition :P.
@VigneshKalai Lol :D
Did you see vaultah's hat?
No, he is a invisible man right. Now his disguise would be ruined :).
@AnttiHaapala I'm not sure what you're asking
Brief Rbrb, going out for christmas eve celebrations.
I think he's drunk(er than usual)
That makes sense. I forget the time zone deal and I guess others may not be working today :)
Is using asserts in code good practice?
Opinions vary. I don't think it's a bad idea (in most systems), but I don't do it personally.
@idjaw been busy?
@Programmer hey! Yeah...been pretty hectic at work and home these days...looking forward to some of this time off for the holidays
Time for family stuff. Merry Christmas everybody :) See you later, rhubarb!
I've noticed you've been a bit quiet. Just make sure you have some time set aside for Fallout :D
Merry Christmas to you as well
happy holidays @poke
Oh...I'm planning on gaming my heart out over the next week.
@MorganThrapp Yeah, I suggested screeps.
I've introduced my father to Portal this christmas holiday. He's very much into 2D puzzle games, and I was curious how he'd feel about 3d puzzlers.
He's enjoying it so far.
@idjaw don't forget about steam sale
Oh yes...I've been definitely going through the sales
I haven't actually found any yet for myself
and apparently the way they are doing the sale is that they are all available day one...no more specials of the day
Yeah they started that last sale, but I feel like there are less impulse buyers this way
Obviously they know more than me..
but that was the whole fun in it :P
Yeah flash + daily deals, the only times you actually bought games
They are introducing new items as the same goes on though, as the number is going up.
Just it's not a case where sales disappear after time.
So put all items you want on your wishlist and buy on last day?
I've been buying as I go.
Is there anything that's a must have? Something I'm going to kick myself for not buying?
Probably :P
Get Rocket League if you don't already have it.
I try not to buy too many games because I don't end up having time to play most of them, but if there's something really good, I'll be sad.
Ooooo, I don't have that.
I feel like that's a must-have-friend-playing-with-me type of game
Yeah, it looks like a ton of fun.
I wish I didn't redeem the code for rocketleague -- I'm on OSX and would just gift it
Also, if I hadn't already beaten Stick of Truth, I'd definitely pick that up.
Did you try Wine?
That was a great game.
@Programmer Yeah, I had a bottle and played team fortress the other night
Should I just close up rec.sopython.social?
I figured there would be more active video game chatter, but it seems like it didn't turn into that, so no point having two places
That is one type of wine...probably works better than what I meant anyway
Also, I picked up CS:GO. Ostensibly it's a game in which a russian guy or teenager will yell into his mic and then you'll get vote kicked if you don't rush
brb switching computers
I don't know why I bought CS GO... I've never actually played it
@Programmer Nah man. You can easily play RL on your own.
Not saying it wouldn't be better with friends, but it's perfectly fine on your own.
I think I've watched other people play it too much though, so it's almost no fun on my own
@tristan eh, seems silly to close it up while it's still used occasionally.
Just because we're not in there every single night talking about vidya games, doesn't mean it's a failure
@vaultah it would be fun if we organized a room/6 game.
@Ffisegydd fair enough. i'll leave it. just feels a bit silly to have a room that's duplicate in purpose when this one works so well
But then this room is often a lot more busy.
maybe i'll put a steam sale or some content feed in there (or a bot to tell us when someone is in a game)
I had to switch from Postgres to Mysql mid project...postgres is so much nicer...
@Programmer Which features were you using? Geotypes or json blobs?
I miss enums from postgres going to mysql
Otherwise, it feels largely the same (imho)
It's not even that. It has to do with the setup. You can't have more than one auto increment field in mysql and for some reason it won't let me re-define one of my columns as auto increment since it's a foreign key in another table.
Yeah, you'd have to drop the constraints to do the alter
I'm not used to phpmyadmin either is part of my problem...incoming missed deadline
and yeah, 'thems the breaks' as far as i know on auto inc. split into a mapping table
That actually helped. Thanks
Isn't Django good for MySQL languages (server side)?
@jay_sanc Django has an orm
@Programmer No worries mate. I'm doing DB work today as well.
Ya I don't even know what that means yet, hehe
Yeah I'm not a web dev, but I'm doing web dev...so the struggle is real
I'm still learning how to rename files and write in them
I started like 1 month ago
@Programmer Take it as an opportunity to learn.
Take anything you don't usually do as an opportunity to learn. It's always useful to be a bit of a jack of all trades.
I am. I just wish I could have stuck to python, so I still have some familiarity. It just doesn't interest me really
What Language are you using?
Unfortunately you'll regularly have to not use Python. Get used to it.
Embrace it.
@Ffisegydd , what do you think of "Learning Python" by mark lutz?
@jay_sanc it's a book.
What exactly do you want to know about regarding what I think about it?
Yeah, I really shouldn't complain. I'm fortunate to be where I am.
well I figured since I did Codecademy I should instead got the "Programming Python"
@Ffisegydd , I am asking if I should get a different book because I already know about loops dictionaries and lists, just classes is what I need to learn.
Honestly I'd suggest not even wasting money on books. Just read blogs/articles/tutorials online.
Alright then
I like the official python docs myself
@jay_sanc but that's just how I work.
I can't really tell you how you learn and how you would be best.
Only you can answer that.
If you like books, stick with books. If you don't, then do tutorials.
People learn in different ways, do whatever you like.
Alright thanks for the input though
@Ffisegydd @tristan we should get a multi-player game of Duke3D going :p
@JonClements I'm into it if it can run on OSX
football field mayhem?
yep - there's a cross-platform and HD version - just need to get yourself the shareware resource files, and boom...
@tristan here ya go: eduke32.com
Anyone here play confer strike?
@JonClements heh, if we'd actually play it, i'd buy it on steam -- it's like $2 right now
ahhh - well, I have at total zero xmas prezzies, so feel free :)
Wait, do you really want it?
well for £1.04 I'll get it if anyone else is going to play it - I spent years playing that
Cool, send me your steam ID or something in the room that doesn't exist
I'm worried my first thought there was "omg - it's a real life pokemon!"
@Vignesh could you email [email protected] with your email address? I've found an ebook on Data Science that may be of interest to you re. our conversation the other day.
(I think ffisegydd@ works)
I thought the same, if it makes you feel better
@Ffisegydd should do - fairly sure David set up all the old emails accounts from the old server
@Programmer lol :d
indeed I had forgotten something really important...
how much do the cheapest M&M (those chocolate flavoured poison pills) cost per some big weight unit?
My girlfriend sells them for (I believe) $4 a pound at the candy store she works at.
Maybe it's $5
yeah thanks :D just arguing with my wife whether or not certain chocolate candies are "way more" expensive here than M&M in the states per weight
(the price here is ~7 € / kg which is about $ 3.5 / lb)
Of course that price is probably marked up more
well this is pretty unscientific anyway :d
well, even if you happened to find a place selling that for $ 2.5 / lb or buy it in bulk at that price, it wouldn't be that much more expensive.
dang 45 minutes till shops close
Need to get dinner quickly
Waiting for the day when I can download dinner. :/
@BhargavRao not too far off:
Yep, I had read that a few days ago.
Guys can you help me figure out what I did wrong here?
def points_between(t1, t2):
    x1, x2 = int(t1[0]), int(t2[0])
    y1, y2 = int(t1[1]), int(t2[1])
    if x2-x1:
        m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
        m = float("inf")
    if abs(m) < 1:
        return [(f, int((f-x1)*m+y1)) for f in range(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2))]
    return [(int((f-y1)/m+x1), f) for f in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2))]
I can't figure out why this code breaks sometimes...
Getting any syntax error? Or Logical Error?
I sometimes get seemingly random values out of range between t1 and t2
Or the list of points is not between t1 and t2
No errors are raised by this code itself, but it breaks a black-box function which worked correctly when this function was severely unoptimised
Can you provide sample values where the code breaks?
(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) should sometimes be a fraction/decimal, but since they're all ints, you're going to be assigning an integer value to m
I'm using Python3 int/int -> float
The black-box function which takes in the result of this code is not known to me. It does not raise errors, but returns wrong boolean value sometimes.
@Mirac7 Provide us with inputs of what t1, t2 will be, and tests for what the return should be.
Unfortunately we can't really debug a black box.
you shouldn't be able to do range of floats
Alternative, don't, but don't ask anyone in here to help you.
except if they are rounded
ah but ofc they are
nvm :D
If only our psychic debugger were present.
@Mirac7 range(a,b) doesn't include b, don't know if that matters.
But really you can't expect us to try and debug a black box.
you are dividing by inf also
which is pretty much nono
Hang on, I'm having my program catch wrong expected black-box output to get exact values... The black box does not need debugging... It was not written by me and is guaranteed to work correctly for correct input
That probably doesn't help
another thing is, you should normalize x1, x2; y1, y2 before you calculate the slope
Final point doesn't matter
How do you know? It's a black box :P
Hey, so ROs, that topic in internal meeting.
<g> ;)
Is this an online judge?
@MarcusS Please leave it alone. We're not doing a black box debugging session without input/output tests.
and I already gave 1 plausible suggestion but was not commented on that :d
Are we back?
Yep :)
It's a Christmas miracle!
Not Festivas?
or it's just a glitch that was fixed and had nothing to do with Santa (who is real in case we have kids watching!)
santa provably exists; not sure why people doubt it
Should have used a spoiler there. The things you wish you could unsee...
wait, that's a picture of a ship for you, right?
(i wish SO's chat interface would automatically rehost)
I can't tell if it's a duck or a rabbit
Don't ask again without providing tests. Not playing.
@tristan I've got this back:
x=300.0, y=376.6025403784439, marker=(174, 293)

[(174, 293), (175, 293), (176, 294), (177, 294), (178, 295), (179, 296), (180, 296), (181, 297), (182, 298), (183, 298), (184, 299), (185, 300), (186, 300), (187, 301), (188, 302), (189, 302), (190, 303), (191, 304), (192, 304), (193, 305), (194, 306), (195, 306), (196, 307), (197, 308), (198, 308), (199, 309), (200, 310), (201, 310), (202, 311), (203, 312), (204, 312), (205, 313), (206, 314), (207, 314), (208, 315), (209, 316), (210, 316), (211, 317), (212, 318), (213, 318), (214, 319), (215, 320), (216, 320), (217, 321), (218, 321), (219, 3
They seem correct
so the functino was provided with (300, 376), (174, 293) and got correct output
Then if you believe your input and output to be correct, but an issue with the black box recipient, then you don't have a question here that someone can debug.
Ask a question on the main site if you believe you need further help.
afk food run
I still would like to know what purpose does normalizing serve here (my last message with this question was deleted)
@Mirac7 you need to have x1 is the minimum and x2 is the maximum; and y1, y2 the same way
if one of them is swapped but other is not
your slope will be incorrect (wrong sign). In your example input, both x and y coordinates are swapped
hmm no... am I making sense here :d
@AnttiHaapala however, I only need to know whether points are denser on x or on y axis, so I only really need abs(slope)... Don't I? Is this not redundant calculation?
ah sorry *
what I mean is that you need to swap t1 and t2 if t2[0] < t1[0]
I'm liking the look of fluentcv.com and please.hackmyresume.com
I'd use latex
I do currently use latex
But this can generate into latex, md, html, png, etc.
And the data is actually stored in json.
in that case, please hackyourresume.com and tell us how did it go :D
@AnttiHaapala That is done directly in range.
nvm I am very sleepy :d
What time is it there?
1800 UK, I'd guess 2000 Finland.
Finland is GMT+2
Only 8PM and had enough Christmas spirit already?
npm install hackmyresume -g
this is the most node thing ever. global install this thing to generate a simple text file
Happy holidays you all!
Merry Christmas and thanks for all the fish.
Happy holidays 2u2!
(Also I have a week long holiday \o/)
@tristan kickstarter.com/projects/shieldapparel/… I thought you'd like this Kickstarter
Brief cabbage for all!
Merry Cabbage @DSM!
Guys, what's the most popular platform that Python runs on?
@Nik Windows.
If that beanie weren't a Kickstarter, but was instead a real thing, I'd genuinely buy one just to take the mick.
Since Python runs on Android, and Android is a very popular platform, you could make a case for that too, depending on how you parse the question..
@Ffisegydd: (noob question) but win doesn't come with python out of the box. Say I make an app with python. How do I install it to the system?
@Nik you install Python and run it? You make it into an exe?
Either will do.
@Ffisegydd you can just make it into an exe? How's that done?
@Nik if you spend some time googling around I'm sure you'll find out :)
@DSM en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems is pretty interesting, I didn't realise just how dominant Android was.
Sure. Thanks for the direction. Merry Christmas, guys :D
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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