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Here is a quick code golfing of my script. A mere 8529 chars.
I rather like the O(N) cumulative sum func I wrote for that.
Using the dark magic of append in a list comp.
Really it's only 334.
Because p=input().
Yeah but NBD since I'm more interested in obfuscation than concision
@Kevin nooiice!
still not interested in a challenge?
How many lambdas do you need before eval("my_entire_script".replace("L","lambda:") becomes worth it...
@PeterVaro Things have calmed down a bit so let's hear it.
just what I wanted to hear :)
A: Tips for golfing in Python

Ming-TangUse string substitution and exec to deal with long keywords like lambda that are repeated often in your code. a=lambda b:lambda c:lambda d:lambda e:lambda f:0 # 48 bytes (plain) exec"a=`b:`c:`d:`e:`f:0".replace('`','lambda ') # 47 bytes (replace) exec"a=%sb:%sc:%sd:%se:%sf:0"%(('lambda ',...

TL;DR 5+
Six! I qualify.
so.. I started to implement a p2p Go game -- everything is cool, everything is working.. however, instead of hardcoding the exact hoshi locations on the goban, I want to create an algorithm, that will produce them to me!
here are the three main goban sizes, and hoshis on them
now, there are several tricks here, as you can see.. AND I want to make it to produce beautiful and meaningful output for grid(17) and grid(25) as well
Am I supposed to recognize either of the terms goban or hoshi?
(just to name two missing board sizes, which are not standards)
@Programmer: mochiron! ;-)
@Programmer goban = go board; hoshi = star points => follow the link
Ahh okay. Sorry, I don't click most links at work :/
Hmm, how would they be positioned for 17 and 25?
that's the trick! no one knows! eventhough the 17 layout was existed (at least two drawings were found on ancient chinese paintings) but those are missing the hoshis
so I was hoping, if we could crack the algorithm from only these three boards -- maybe we could find out
how the historic 17 looked like.. and maybe we could calculate how an imaginary extra large board would look like
if you ask me, the 25's hoshi indices would be something like: 5, 15, 25
(if the first line is 0)
If we take it as a given that the center point is always at the center and the dots are horizontally / vertically / rotationally symmetric, then the only two degrees of freedom are: "what board size is the first to transition from 5 to 9 dots?" and "given board size, how many spaces from the edge is the leftmost column of dots?"
on the 9 and 13 boards, they're also equally spaced along the diagonal
but that fails to hold for the full 19
Concentrating on the second question, there are an infinite number of polynomial equations y = f(x) that satisfy "f(board size) = position of dots"
yeah, 3 boards is not enough constraints to make for a unique solution
though, you can imagine something like: small square and big square: 9: 2x2, 2x2, 13: 3x3, 3x3, 19: 3x3, 6x6
@PeterVaro Here is a question: when you find a correct algorithm, how do you know that it's correct?
guys, guys, guys.. I know this is somewhat an underdefined problem
IIUC, the spacings look like
9:  2 4 2
13: 3 6 3
19: 3 6 6 3
but even if I want to, I cannot produce any more outputs then the ones I shared..
I'm not sure whether there's a canonical generalization or not.
If the answer to bereal's question is "I'll know when I see it", then the answer is beyond the reach of mathematics.
At least until we can write an algorithm with as much reasoning power as a human.
13 could have been 2 4 4 2, but wasn't, so we need a rule to exclude it.
I feel like the 17x17 can meaningfully keep "equally spaced along diagonals"
@Kevin so.. there are infinite number of algorithms out there that could produce these 3 boards, you say?
Yep you can take those points, plus whatever placements for the unknown boards, and plug them into a polynomial interpolation solver, and get an equation to justify whatever placement you want.
how cool is that? :)
are there any other boards that you have as an example?
Although a truly good equation would give a positive integer answer for all positive integer inputs, which isn't necessarily the case for simple polynomials. But I think you can do something with trig to get around that.
Adding together sines of different period or something.
so the 17 board would be 4-4-4-4 spacing on all of horz/vert/diag with 9 hoshi
the alternative is 3-5-5-3
@DSM you sure that has outputs for every odd number?
Sometimes when people post "find the next number in this sequence" questions on the Puzzling stack exchange site, I run it through my polynomial_fitting.py script and post some random answer that is provably a solution although probably not the intended one.
looks like palindrome breakdowns
@CSᵠ: every odd number what now?
if you can assume:
1. each board has either 9 or 5 points
2. each board has an odd amount of lines

then there is areally simple algo
you can assume the second one!
(there are no even number lines on a go board)
@DSM what's the spec on this?
"The next number in the sequence '1,2,3...' is 100, because it fits the equation 16*(x^3) -48*(x^2) + 33*x + 1"
(go is played on the intersections, not on the squares)
late 2 the party
@CSᵠ: there isn't one, I was just transcribing the separations on the 3 data points we have on the pictures PV linked.
because it seems that each board seems to want a x - 2x - x or x -2x - 2x - x format of points which simplifies things A LOT
I think I'd go for an empirical approach here: find the highest ranking Go player who will talk to you, and ask them where they would prefer handicap stones to go for boards of unusual size.
Boards of Unusual Size?
I didn't think those existed!
Possibly there's a very good gameplay reason for having a margin of three stones instead of two for 17x17 boards, for example.
@Kevin very reasonable answer.. though not the one I expected.. :(
@tzaman I've seen Princess Bride enough to know you're referencing it, but not enough to know what line of dialogue I should be adapting next.
@tzaman I don't think they exist* (I may have watched the Princess Bride one too many times).
:D I was paraphrasing according to my own best recollection
perhaps @MorganThrapp can supply a suitable rejoinder
@Kevin it depends on which game you are playing: the japanese or the chinese one -- each has different point-counting methods.. so.. it's not that simple..
The next line of dialog is Westly getting attacked, so that's pretty much the end of that exchange. :P
In that case, gets devoured by vicious Go board
(It's a travel board so it has a hinge in the middle, you see)
@Kevin While you were being eaten, did you manage to spy where the hoshi were positioned?
Sorry, information can't escape the event horizon of a BoUS
In this hypothetical I know the answer but I'm too close to the Go singularity to convey it to the outside world.
Incidentally, I saw Interstellar last week and it was pretty good.
I still need to see that.
I so envy you.. this is not the first type of singularity you are too close to
you liked it, really?
I saw Gravity last week and it was pretty good
@tzaman Really? I couldn't stand Gravity.
although both of those more for the visuals than the story
That's fair, it was a very pretty movie, just boring.
yeah, not a lot happened
"Where is the implementation of X::Y::Z? I am pretty sure that's where the change needs made"
"It is in X library"
I was a bit hover for spoilers but the visuals were impressive enough that I let it slide.
hehehe, yeah
there are also some physics-breaking issues with the Large Planet
I just love Christopher Nolan.
I quite enjoyed Gravity. I wasn't expecting it to be a meditation on the life of prayer.
It's kind of funny how closely they hew to reality for most of the film (ex. there's no sound when the camera is on the exterior of the ship) and then 90% of the way through... Yeah.
Yeah, that sounds exactly like Christopher Nolan.
Nov 13 '14 at 16:11, by QuestionC
I think it's hard to beat Gravity's attitude towards science + narrative.

It's a shark movie where the sharks are asteroids.
I think Gravity would give me a minor anxiety fit.
I got twenty maps and reduces chained together, what now?
it is pretty anxiety-inducing at times
@corvid: apologize.
@corvid You're ready to learn Haskell.
Being hit by debris once in the dark vastness of space is fine for a plot. Having it happen three times, not so much.
not to mention being within "casual EVA driving distance" of not one but TWO other stations
I often wonder if passing through a wormhole is actually something a macroscopic organism can do. To use the 2-d analogy, poke a hole through a piece of paper, and try to slide a smaller square of paper through the hole to the other side without folding or ripping the square.
Now imagine the square represents your organs.
and the debris following the main character to each of those one after another
the sharks analogy is surprisingly apt
"Shark Movie". I don't know why, but for some reason sharks are Hollywood's favorite animal-with-a-grudge.
Going on a trip?
Coming back from a trip?
biz, returning home
What's the deal with airline peanuts?
Airports are fun places to people-watch. I have fun imagining exciting backstories for everyone I see.
atm I am drinking "free" beer
goin' to "powder my nose" - rbrb
Placing stickers that resemble electrical outlets on the walls of an airport terminal waiting area is an effective way to generate a lot of human suffering.
Better to just own an airport, if you're going for bulk human suffering.
@Kevin have you liked We Bare Bears?
I haven't watched all of them but yeah it's fairly interesting.
Pretty sure Ice Bear has Asperger's.
did morgan thrapp say that one of the advent of code questions was on golf se?
I did get annoyed at the episode where they're trying to get to the hospital and their cab driver is "going the wrong way" down the highway, but in the external shot he's plainly in the right lane.
@Kevin hmm.. I only watched 3 episodes, it is nice and funny, but nothing special so far..
Do they drive on the left in Korea? Maybe the animation drones got confused.
Also in Maine, apparently. #obscurecallback
Oops gotta go, I will have more bear thoughts tomorrow.
@RNar Someone posted one of the questions there, yes. It quickly got shut down, because they just stole the code outright.
pretty proud of my solution tbh
I tried to fix my chain of maps and reduces but now it's up to 40. Please help me.
@RNar you can write a hint at the end, like "dupe", so that we don't miss the duplicate in the comments
it's closed now
will do in the future, my bad
Pff who else have been hit by the automatic concetenation of strings (s = "hello" " world") ?
I just got hit by that big time, while trying to learn a new library (django)....
what do you mean...
Hey, does anyone know how to change the heading background color for ttk treeview?
Well just following the tutorial https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/intro/tutorial02/. I made a simple mistake:
Giving me an error package polls.apps.PollsConfigdjango not found.... But because I had no idea about the internals of django I had no idea above was actually a list django used to look up packages dynamically.
cbg antti
@paul23 :D
@AnttiHaapala D:
@paul23 I've been hit by that too
and my ' key is starting to die

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