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Put it in the dishwasher to clean it better
just throw away the laptop and ask IT for a new one
Instructions unclear; baked laptop in oven for 30 minutes at 300 degrees.
@RNar Useless fact: the dutch language untill the advent of the computer age (and qwerty being so popular) didn't have the "y" letter in their alphabet.
huh. interesting.
In the netherlands the digraph "ij"took the place of modern day "y" and the combination is a single letter (It still is, when capitalizing this has to be taken into account). They also were typically wrote connected, even in typed environments.
i dont know the reason they changed, but tagalog (filipino) used to not have c's or y's since s,k,i already had all the same sounds
Reminds me of thorn which has been replaced in English with the letter combination "th"
@Kevin Old norse!
The "ij" is btw not an 'i + j' but had it's origin in 'i + i' where the second "i" was enlongated to mark a difference with the "u". In old dutch each vowel could be followed by an "i" making it's sound "long".
We still do in the region below the rivers :).
@tristan Actually that thorn really looks like how I was trying to learn the "th" sound in highschool.
Ah, symmetry
(I always adviced people not to stand in front of me while I was practicing english - unlesss you need a shower)
@tristan oh, I like it
Speaking of music and words ending in "orn", about a year ago I believe someone posted Lorn - Diamond, which I ended up listening to many times in the following days. So, a belated "good job" to the poster who was most likely tristan.
@RNar: not sure about CR for that one.
yeah I kinda thought about it afterwards and thought against it...
but alas, may the winds be forever in his favor
readlines returns a list of strings with the newlines still intact, right?
Trying to figure out if I really need this strip() in my answer.
@Kevin :) yep that was me. glad you like it and that vaultah liked the other
@kevin, yes
Ok good. I'm safe from the "well actually" brigade for another day.
except for the "well actually" brigade member that lives in my head. He made me write this clarifying message.
@Kevin -.-
He also wants you to know that he's not actually a separate personality despite my cutesy characterization as such.
you can never trust the voices in your head
~~ music chat ~~ this song is also dirty synthy like lorn: youtube.com/watch?v=Y6zdj5nazkQ and for cleaner synths but same structured experimental vibes, i've been into clark lately youtube.com/watch?v=wWjKI7Pbgso
they oft times, alike to pranksters and God, like to play practical jokes to mess with you
Reminds me of an article I read, anonymously written by a safety inspection manager, who hears voices telling him to pour poison into the chemical vats etc.
He's had several decades of stellar service, because he knows that when the mean voice is silent, there's something wrong with the batch.
Pour Poison is the name of my new Mission District, San Francisco, U.S.A. mixology lab and experimental art space
that is witch-like behavior. he should not share that to anyone lest he wants to be put in trial for a good old burning
Pour Poison Pour Poisson is the name of my international society dedicated towards the sterilization of the ocean.
@RNar I expect that's why he posted anonymously then :-)
i have no idea why but i found this comment to be so funny
Last seen Jan 2 '14 at 13:48
The comment is outdated :p
It's reminiscent of a comedy where the character is having a heartfelt conversation and the camera zooms out and they're talking to a stop sign or a goat or something.
Hmm, I'm sure this is a common trope but I can't think of any actual examples.
cbg all
What are we supposed to do with questions like this? stackoverflow.com/questions/34048855/…
Probably just cv as TB
too broad/needs mvce
That's what I just did.
upvote it sarcastically, give patronizing comments
I'm tempted to close as "needs mcve" just because he posted code with ">" at the beginning of each line.
He needs urgent help, guys.
"Yes This is not my code . i have taken it from github."
When your question opens with "what does import do?" it doesn't fill me with optimism.
pair him up with Kid Lambda and let them search for urgent help together
I only answer questions when the OP can comprehend my answer.
pff this is the wrong place to ask but really: can I "debug power consumption" of two functions?
(on android)
@Kevin I should probably learn something from that.
you're right -- it is the wrong place to ask
Hey, he could be running Python on Android >_>
He's not
@tristan :P It's just each and every problem's answers stresses the "time to complete a task" - and show this. But for mobile applications power usage is important (but apparently still neglected compared to speed).
Power consumption is a lot harder to abstract than run-time. There's no O(N) for electricity use.
question: whats the best way to pass in a function to a mapping function like map,filter,etcthat takes in multiple arguments
I'm not 100% sure what you mean, but I'm going to suggest functools.partial.
but all the arguments, except for the one you would pass your variable in, are filled with something else
>>> import functools
>>> def do_a_thing(x,y,z):
...     return x * y + z
>>> print map(functools.partial(do_a_thing, 2,3), range(10))
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
yeah that, sweet thanks @Kevin
>>> print map(lambda x: do_a_thing(2,3,x), range(10))
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
+10 rep
+15 for accepted answer
In practice I usually do the latter since importing requires me to scroll up.
Why isn't Number part of stdlib. Man I wish I had known about this earlier.
Hmm, is it possible to use partial if you want x and z to be constant and y to vary?
>>> print map(functools.partial(do_a_thing, x=2,z=3), range(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: do_a_thing() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x'
i knew about partials (just forgot about it) but i didnt know that you could do that second one without using partial
do functions like map always look for x variable to use?
No, you can use whatever variable name you want.
cuz its not like you cant use a lambda with a differently named variable so thats kind of odd....
does the order that you have the parameters matter then?
I reject the premise of the question. the callable you pass to map must have only one argument, so there is only one possible order.
partial seems like a "We hadn't figured out lambdas yet, so this is a workaround" kind of thing.
That's what the lambda is for. It turns an expression into a function with (in this case) one argument.
It seems like a slightly-stronger version of C++'s wacky bind functions.
print map(lambda x: do_a_thing(2,x,4), range(10)) would also be legal, if that's what you're wondering
Whoops I am mistaken. The function that map takes can have multiple arguments, but you have to supply that many iterables.
>>> map(lambda a,b: a+b, range(10), range(11,21))
[11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29]
OH wow I feel stupid, I didn't realize you were passing in a lambda function, thought you were just doing map(do_a_thing(x,2,4),range(10)) wow thats awkward.
Have you considered... not using map?
List comprehensions are just as strong right?
Yeah there's always print [do_a_thing(2,3,x) for x in range(10)]
List comprehensions are a little stronger because of their optional if clause.
It's like map and filter had a beautiful baby.
oh yeah I was just asking about passing in multiple parameter functions to functions that take in a function object
reduce wasn't invited.
well it only takes two to make a baby so reduce would have felt left out
I'm trying to remember if there are any plants that require three participants to have a successful germination. four if you count the bee.
This sex analogy with functools can only end in some infinite graph representing the family tree.
@Kevin There were the Player of Games aliens. Not really plants, but hey.
Haha. Provably existent species need apply please.
> if there are 73 lists it needs to appear in more than
I think Timmy fell off a cliff while writing this post
I think corn requires humans for pollination.
What has science wrought, etc
I want to edit a (wrong) answer, but the edit is just changing a 7 to a 4. SO has a problem with this due to edit size. Wat do?
comment and pray to the gods that OP sees it
Find more things you can justify editing in the post. Morally gray but meh.
(some people might find this not morally gray at all. In which case, it is meta-gray)
I'm changing 4 to 'four' and 7 to 'seven'
my new years resolution for the upcoming year is "no complaining"
i say this, because i plan on getting 2016's complaining out of my system before then
"Being enslaved by genetically engineered cuttlefish is such a drag!" * 366
I usually don't make resolutions because grand proclamations of intent give me warm fuzzies immediately afterwards and then I forget to actually enforce them.
Just to keep a resolution until New Years from today would be doing pretty well. I'm too pessimistic to try a whole year.
swim swim hungry
Dopefish isn't a cuttlefish afaik.
What a weird coincidence, a downvote on each of my top four answers all at the same time.
Hmm, yes, the ability of humans to plan beyond their immediate needs is what separates humans from lesser animals. Well put tristan.
Thanks. My hands smell like garlic
You have to stop strangling 1 rep users, man.
Wait that joke doesn't make sense because help vampires wouldn't smell like garlic and thus transfer the odor to your hands.
You have to stop strangling... Vampire hunters?
Ha. I just successfully resisted the temptation to explain something to someone!
No, it would because I'd need the garlic to protect myself.
@DSM Please elaborate.
I'm on "Rib Recipe Version #3: The Honeying"
>>> ("foo"
... "bar")
string literal concatenation is pretty wacky, yes.
@tristan: I was about to write a long comment to explain a minor point that someone else would probably get around to. I used to give in to that habit.
Nobody told me about this little "gem" :(
@DSM What was the minor point?
found it as a "bug" (missing comma)
It's intentional, but I expect it's tripped up more users than it's helped.
He mustn't give in to temptation!
I guess it could be useful to split long string literals
I've fallen for it once or twice but thankfully the debug process was straightforward.
>>> dis.dis('("foo" "bar")')
          0 STORE_SLICE+0
          1 <34>
          2 BUILD_TUPLE     28527
          5 <34>
          6 SLICE+2
          7 <34>
          8 DELETE_GLOBAL   29281 (29281)
         11 <34>
         12 STORE_SLICE+1
Is that ... the disassembly? Didn't know we can do that in userland :D
@tristan: I'm not sure if telling you would be giving in, so I'm going to avoid the risk.
It's much saner in modern Python.
@DSM :) glad you turned left
in python 3
I will never understand why the dead parrot skit in particular is such a goto in British culture.
>>> dis.dis('("foo" "bar")')
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 ('foobar')
              3 RETURN_VALUE
@AwalGarg yeah, it's the disassembly of the virtual machine's actions
@tristan I presume it is the post-optimization phase code, then?
huh, i mean it's after lexical analysis
oh, that, hmm
ugh epcot center is so gentrified now
Yay, I did it!
You're a champ corvid
Who is champ?
corvid. ostensibly he went potty all by himself
@RNar I should really make a lulzy minisite outlining them all
@thefourtheye - are you safe?
@thefourtheye - mongodb chat room is frozen - any way to revive it?
@thefourtheye hopefully my evil twin is safe and we hear from him soon
as to the mongodb room: "The last message was posted 152 days ago." - so it's been automatically frozen a while back...
@JonClements - Melon :) .. Waiting to hear from him soon.. @thefourtheye
I just remembered a question I had while driving into work this morning. I have a class and I want to decorate all of its many methods with a single decorator. Is there a way to do this without putting the @decoratorname above every single method definition?
If it helps, I'm willing to create a subclass of the class and decorate that instead.
I bet you can do something with metaclasses, but that's an enormous blind spot in my Python knowledge
@Kevin use a class decorator to apply the method decorator
Hmm, don't think I've ever done that before.
This page suggests class decoration plus overriding __getattr__, which I guess is tenable...
@Kevin depends when you want it to occur and whether per class or per instance
Per instance, I think. The whole idea is only half baked so far.
Then you'll want the __getattr__ approach - although - you could use pretty much the same thing for both
My actual use case is that I want to be able to invoke methods on thread A, but instead of running immediately, they get put into a Queue and eventually executed on thread B.
ofc this means that thread A won't be able to see the return values of the method calls, but that's OK.
So if I could take a Widget class and just do DeferredWidget = makeDeferredClass(Widget) and it magically gains this behavior, that would be ideal.
The big question mark right now is, how to not defer method calls that are performed by thread B.
I guess I could do if we_are_in_thread_b_right_now(): return regular_method(*args, **kwargs) in the decorator, assuming there is a way to detect your current thread.
would a consumer/producer method work with some logic as to the queue handling?
Yeah I suppose.
So, you need a class where for each one of its methods, foo(x, y) becomes message_queue.insert(Widget.foo, self, x, y)?
Yeah pretty much
Almost like re-creating tornado/cyclone/twisted kind of thing potentially?
I don't know what those do but I bet I'm reinventing some wheel.
@Kevin as long as it's the right colour - it doesn't matter! Priorities!
Oh wow. Just found the double shift search window in PyCharm. Man that's nice.
Proof of concept although there's a half dozen corner cases I didn't address.
pff I hate myself for not reading manuals thoroughly
But my original question is answered: yep
hello everyone!
Oh, actually my proof of concept is hanging and I didn't notice. Whoops.
stackoverflow.com/questions/6307761/… Is that what you were basically asking (originally)?
I'm guessing while queue: isn't the same as while not queue.empty():?
no builtin yaml encoder/decoder </3
wondering what is the pythonic way to get
1.) date of the 1st day of the current month e.g. November 01, 2015
2.) date of the 1st day of the next month e.g. December 01, 2015
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\kevin\python\test.py", line 5, in <module>
    queue = Queue.Queue(); assert bool(queue) == False
@RNar If it's a good edit, accept it.
@HankLiu use datetime.now()
Edits are how need-to-be-closed questions get saved.
that question aint get saved regardless of the edit :P
@RNar I'm wondering how that is in any shape giong to be not a "millionth time asked question"
And also: someone should tell the OP there to use objects instead of a string to store data.
someone should tell OP there that his code has a lot more problems than he thinks
that someone could be you
so i datetime.now() set to day 1, and datetime.now() +1 month & set day to 1?
nothing more elganet?
@HankLiu I was thinking datetime.date.today().replace(day=1) for your first question, but I can't think of a nice way to do your second one.
you can use timedeltas
not sure that i have anything trimmed with lace or black tie if you're looking for elegance
@tristan Actually not that easy since the time delta isn't constant. - Sure making your own function isn't that hard 30 + (month % 2) days, with exception of februari where you you have to account for leap years etc)
because .replace(month = today.month + 1) won't work in december, and .replace((today.month + 1)%12) will take you back to January 1 2015 in december, and timedeltas require you to know how many days are in a month.
Yeah, I'd probably just do something like datetime.datetime(now.year + (now.month == 12), 1 if now.month == 12 else now.month + 1, 1) and get on with my day.
@tristan I'm not versed well enough in python to feel confident answering people lol.
or even uglier, @HankLiu:

>>> date.today() - timedelta(date.today().day-1)
datetime.date(2015, 12, 1)
hmm relativedelta could work for the +1 month
Another hacky approach: first_of_next_month = (datetime.date.today().replace(day=1) + datetime.timedelta(days=40)).replace(day=1)
Warning, assumes that the total number of days in any two consecutive months is more than forty.
fair assumption unless you live in a society which measures their months in a different way
Warning, warnings have not been proofread >_>
bbut I have a feeling then you would have bigger fish to fry than worry about the intricacies of the datetime module
I'm pretty sure the Romans had an unnamed little baby month at the end of the year that was like 14 days but I can't find a reference right now
@kevin... i was just thinking the same
no need to import relativedelta
the romans also bathed together in public so I wouldn't trust their judgement too much
> The regular calendar year consisted of 304 days, with the winter days after the end of December and before the beginning of the following March not being assigned to any month.
>>> import datetime
>>> today = datetime.date.today()
>>> firstofmonth = datetime.date(today.year, today.month, 1)
>>> firstofnextmonth = datetime.date(today.year + today.month // 12, today.month % 12 + 1, 1)
>>> today
datetime.date(2015, 12, 2)
>>> firstofmonth
datetime.date(2015, 12, 1)
>>> firstofnextmonth
datetime.date(2016, 1, 1)
Whoops, it's not a little baby month. It's a fifty day monster month.
They originally only had 10 months, so yea.
Ok great, so my hack works even if you go back to olden times.
I had assumed the months would have just been longer tho.
Or, no, it also assumes that any single month has no more than 39 days, so it breaks in the opposite way.
I've never forgiven the roman emperors for screwing up the numbering of the calendar
The Roman calendar changed its form several times between the founding of Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire. This article generally discusses the early Roman or pre-Julian calendars. The calendar used after 46 BC is discussed under Julian calendar. The common calendar widely used today known as the Gregorian calendar is a refinement of the Julian calendar where the length of the year has been adjusted from 365.25 days to 365.2425 days (a 0.002% change). == History == The original Roman calendar is believed to have been a lunar calendar, which may have been based on one of the Greek lu...
Nope questionc
Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec need to be months 7-10 not 9-12
Simply they had a few days not within a month
@tzaman 100% agree.
Let's kill January, and make February the zeroth month.
Works for me
The days of the months form a nice pattern if you pretend that march is the first month.
Like, it's kind of necessary to pretend March is the first month of the year to do any math involving dates.
what then would happen to all those born in January
Now they're born in elevenuary.
@QuestionC Your sentence was way more confusing before the edits.
A year younger.
Now they're having been was born in elevenuary.
@Kevin undecember...
Also let's take the leap day out of February and put it in the last month, so as to minimize the amount of damage it does when not accounted for by bad programmers.
@Kevin Make earth's orbit larger, or speed up the rotation?
February is the remainder month.
The year is 11 months and change.
@paul23 we cant call it undecember, all the other months are already jealous of the attention that december gets from christmas, not to mention the usual spoils that come with being the last, youngest child
Actually let's make sure the new month system works with the "30 days hath September..." rhyming scheme. Mustn't break backwards compatibility.
@paul23 Whichever requires fewer tremendous rocket engines pointed at the sky.
it would create even more resentment from months like November or March or May who are always being shadowed by the so-called "more popular" months
@Kevin you can just wait, each year earth's rotation becomes slower by about 1/800000th of a second.
We had a leap second to account for that this year
When Greece had to pay most of it's loans
Time is so messy.
Greece paid most of its loans during the leap second?
Is that some sort of accounting trick?
Hmm, do they have to pay for the %0.00001 interest accumulated on their debt in the duration of that second?
btw a leap second means that a minute will have 61 seconds (and the highest number being "60"), the second isn't repeated like when going to DST. - So you have to program your applications to account for that.
Better fix it now, now that the troubles aren't that high (only a leap second every 2-3 years or so). But by 2800 leap seconds will happen monthly.
Future proof your applications please!
If Greece gets in a rocket ship and travels around the solar system at a large fraction of c for 6 months from earth's perspective and 3 months from theirs, how much interest has accumulated on their debt?
If anything we write is still being using in 2800, I think there are bigger problems.
Depends, are they on the highway to the euro zone?
upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/… (vertical lines are leap seconds)
Answer: irrelevant, because they could sell their magical space ship for a hundred times what they owe.
And/or use it as a makeshift mass driver to turn their debtors' territory into a collection of craters
"Older versions of Motorola Oncore VP, UT, GT, and M12 GPS receivers had a software bug that would cause a single timestamp to be off by a day if no leap second was scheduled for 256 weeks. On November 28, 2003, this actually happened. At midnight, the receivers with this firmware reported November 29, 2003 for one second and then reverted to November 28, 2003." Wikipedia
Writing screenplay: The Low Orbit Tea Cannon detects a possible kinetic bombardment emitted from the H.S. αβάσιμα, six light-months away from Earth and traveling towards the northern hemisphere at .5c. The ragtag LOTC must use their wits and a little xenotech to prevent the imminent collision and ensuing miniature ice age.
Talking about time: fuuuu it's 21:37
supermarket closes at 22:00 need to get dinner
these are those times when you wish portal guns were real
In an unlikely alliance, the satellite must call upon @tristan's Nerd Cop, the only policeman with the unlimited jurisdiction needed to prosecute evil sciencemen in interstellar space.
@Kevin Interesting. Season 2 idea.
damn, I was just about to make that reference
@RNar I always wish for a portal gun
It's been on my sinterklaas wishlist for years
I'll push up the stuff I have to the nerdcop repo later today. Pull requests are welcome
I'll make a nerdcop-meta repo too so new ideas can be tossed around
I imagine him teleporting straight to the αβάσιμα, using his utter disregard for the cosmic speed limit. "Causality is for dweebs" he says as he punches a hole through spacetime.
Although the power level required for such a feat might mean we have to wait for Nerd Cop Z.
Wait... is nerdcop a nerd, or does he police nerds?
NerdCop: Callback to the Future
@QuestionC yes
@QuestionC Yes.
See, he's a cop that hates nerds because they turned him into a robot, but robots are kind of nerdy and his maths ability is part of why he's such an effective cop, so there's internal struggle
Also, while NerdCop is in TURBO MODE, he's susceptible to non-incrementing loops, division by 0 errors, etc
if he ever gets caught in a traceback, the error raised is "NiceTry"
The commissioner orders him to disobey this order if he wants him off the streets for a while.
@RNar whoa that's good, saving to ideas list
I'm oscillating between cringing at the idea of a crowd-written fake cop drama and being endlessly amused
I wasn't kidding when I said my friend was asking about when she could read/see something.
Oh, I didn't think you were kidding. I'm not working on this during work hours, so I'll be able to upload stuff later tonight.
the repo is github.com/nerdcop/nerdcop and nerdcop.com will point to the webpage when ready
Right now I'm envisioning a mix of Axe Cop, Crimer Show, and every show from the 80's with a hot pink logo.
Hah, yeah, Axe Cop and Assy McGee have been mentioned as similar thoughts. as well as moonbeam city
The tone is "serious campy drama"
The tone for LOTC is ideally "everything of mine ever on the starred list" but I'm not quite sure how to bottle that lightning.
A more realistic goal might be "middling Hitchhiker's Guide fanfiction with the names changed"
Low Orbit Tea Cannon, the imaginary satellite that is an occasional setting for fantasies of mine that require microgravity and/or vacuum.
Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting that.
I was going to do something with it for NaNoWriMo, but I got warm fuzzies for resolving to do it and forgot to actually write anything
@DSM those are the questions where I look at them and just say "eff this, someone else can deal with this guy"
Yeah. There's no point in spending time on a question that a million other people can fix. It's more useful to spend time coming up with a clever solution to a question that no one other than the OP will even see. #SOselfpitying
I know that feel(ing).
@Kevin: the conversation sparked by my relaying that quote to one of your local fans the other day led to me learning that the word "normie" is of relatively recent net.vintage (proof).
normie is from another site, which fed it to 4chan, which fed it to reddit
normies reeeeee get out etc
Going by that search engine, it has roughly the same date of birth as its evil twin "sperg", although their growth curves differ.
yeah, "sperg" is from way earlier than "normie"
Although they're not exact opposites depending on your definition. 4channers might be entirely neurotypical while hating normies at the same time.
I had a potential investor say the word "normie" in a conversation about 8 months ago. Blew my mind a little.
Dare I ask for context?
Did you ask him if narwhals bacon at midnight good sir? XD
This was before reddit picked it up and ruined it. Context - we were talking about one of my ideas/prototypes and he was stating that it probably was "too specific for the normies" or something of the sort.
Haha. I guess it makes sense that startup culture folks would need a term for "target markets that are not themselves startup culture folks"
Previously they used "yes, but can your mother figure out how to use it?" but this often inadvertently started an escalating war of sick burns
I was kind of stunned. "...you have a suit and tie on and a desk"
"I saw you do adult things just ten minutes ago. I know this."
yeah you did
You know, I wonder how often my messages have more entendres than I intend.
Oh, I never wonder that.
Just gotta embrace the "death of the author" principle. Interpret whichever entendres you desire.
Buddhist Author: "death of the author?"
Hard of hearing author: "death of Arthur? Well, alright..." reaches for writing axe
Hmm with the increasing popularity of CUDA and the like: do GPU's now have fast 64+bit floating point operations?
Very hard of hearing author: continues reading an article on his ipad because he didn't hear you
The buddhist author believes that the completion of each draft is a little death, and in his next draft he will be reborn as a better or worse writer depending on his current conduct. This is empirically true.
writes down "kid CUDA???" in 'not even half formed jokes' notebook
cuda done better than that
@tristan -.-
zip + wrong %-formatting syntax + injection vuln.. I moved along.
@paul23 It's still multiple times slower than 32-bit float perf
but I think the highest end cards do much better than they used to
according to that ^ it's about 1:3 for a Titan Black and the workstation-class cards
@tzaman Which makes little sense (it's basically a choice of the card-chip-designers, you want your calculations to be exact right?
it makes total sense; graphics calculations tend not to need FP64 precision
and FP32 units take up less silicon than FP64, so you can fit more of them on
it's optimizing for the common use case
unless you were designing a pure-CUDA chip it's perfectly reasonable
32 bit floating point has less than 10 orders of magnitude accuracy
yeah, but it's still enough for most practical purposes while rendering
and even for game physics
Well for physics it's not to be frank, 10 orders of magnitude isn't even enough to model gravity correctly.
game physics that is
game physics is usually cloth deformation and object-destruction stuff, not solar systems
But if you wish to do things such as momentum/impulse-based destructable terrain this is even impossible.
depends on how much precision you need.
"looks ok" is a surprisingly lax barrier
Something I could see happening in a game, and being a perfect candidate to CUDA (heck without it such a game would be impossible)
you should see the cheats they had in early graphics pipelines
Well yes if you're ok with cheating
I'm helping someone debug a python app that we both have. It works fine for me, but a specific library (the gnomevfs library) throws an error for them. Everything seems to line up in the original code so I'm thinking maybe something specific to gnomevfs got corrupted.. how would I check that? are the different modules stored in a place I could use hash sums?
But I prefer "half life 2" over "doom": the engine behind half life was just so nice to play with.
A good destructable terrain engine could make for real fun time to play with
@paul23 for most game engines, performance uber alles
Where you can actually see the bullet entering the sand life the sand is water.
they did the whole destructible terrain thing about ten years ago
Red Faction series?
it was semi-popular, not enough to have longevity I guess
@tzaman I've seen those things - but they break apart so quickly as they have no realistic engine behind it to model every edge case.
@paul23 there's a natural tradeoff between being accurate and being fast enough to actually be playable
With CUDA you could actually think about making this a major part of the game, where each object will break according to it's own properties etc.
yeah, it'd be fun for sure
but you still need to build a game around it
probably the best physics in games these days is in the hardcore driving sims
@tzaman KSP!
oh, that too
how could I forget :D
But in driving sims it could indeed be fun, to see your windshield actually breaking through crack propagation.
it's more about the driving model itself
suspension, tires, track surface, temperatures, etc. etc.
Or another thing where I actually know it can be very useful: flight simulator.
a lot of things go into making the drive feel realistic
If I could use CUDA one could actually let people "add" their own airfoil shapes, and live simulation would happen so you could have the idea you fly really your own aircraft.
If only more accuracy (heck 64bit floating point is for some simulations already bordering on inaccurate, especially since intel's sin() function is so bad that you have to use modulo before taking the sine).
Guys :| I'm very confused by what work wants

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