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what does ~ do in python, for example
jk I found it in the docs
Can you link the doc? I'm curious and I have terrible sense with searching up stray symbols. =_=;
@corvid with curses, of course, you can "delete to end of line" and similar, though I am yammed if I know the exact code
Curses? Do you take me for some kind of warlock? How did you know my secret?
he knew you were a warlock. that is not common knowledge. he must therefore also be a warlock. he must then be burned at the stake.
@RNar the ~ operator is applicable (AFAIK) to integers. It just flips all the bits, giving you the ones complement of the original value:
>>> "{:o}".format(0o7654321 & ~0o6654321)
Burn me at the stake if you must, then scatter my ashes across the vast wastes of Java code out there
Man, this Raspberry Pi distro offers 3.2.3 as the latest Python. Must be a really old image, because aptitude doesn't install anything newer
@holdenweb what's up?
1 hour later…
signing off
1 hour later…
Has anyone here interviewed for a software Internship position for big companies?
@Angular Yeah, what's up?
@corvid I was wondering whether you are allowed to use modules like collections and defaultdics, etc during the interviews
You should ask the interviewer that.
Yeah, usually the questions are more logic-based than anything, such as "how can you find out if a string is a palindrome?"
Unless they specifically say no, though, I'd be more impressed knowing you were familiar with the standard library than trying to re-invent the wheel.
I'm a freshman btw, so like for example, I was trying to solve a problem to push all duplicates an array, to the back
it would be easier to use collections to count duplicates
but I can't figure out a way to do it
ex [1,2,2,4,5,5] becomes [1,2,4,5,2,5]
Make a separate array and pop all duplicates and push them to that array. Then append all elements of that array to your first array
To be honest, I think if you're a freshman and know any of those data structures, you're doing pretty well to begin with
I don't thats the thing lmao. I'm trying to learn python for the interviews, trying to get cali internship or somewhere good
Oh california, there's your problem
I've been practicing basic stuff like reverse string, palindrone, substring etc, but my buddies alll got interviews at google,microsoft, square etc
yeah, you don't need an libraries for that, you can do it with a couple of lists and a set
ye I got a solution, but it's like 0(n^2)
kinda brute forced
Easy solution should be like O(N)
b = []
c = []
for elem in a:
    if b.count(elem) == 0:
    elif a.count(elem) > 1:
d = b + c
a newbie solution, cuz IMMA NOOB=(
Indent by 4 spaces, click "fixed font", or press ctrl+k to format multiline code. You can edit a message by pressing up.
But my main concern is that I'm not able to solve these problems fast, it takes me 1hour+ to just get a brute forced solution working. How am I gonna get a good job man fml
I doubt anyone's getting an internship at Google as a freshman. Don't worry about how big the company is, worry about if you feel comfortable with the people.
my university has a co-op program, starts in Jan
I wanna build up my resume so I have a decent chance
rn, my resume consists of not to impressive projects, like a game and a chat room, etc
Sounds fine to me. I interview graduates all the time, we don't really care if they don't have professional experience yet.
so what type of projects/accomplishments do you expet
Focus on school until you know more, keep practicing. You don't have to get an internship right out the gate.
like how complex should the project be
I build projects that I enjoy, like a game, regardless of the fact that it's already made before
I got an on campus, part time programming job, and had a couple side projects on my resume, and got hired right out of university.
was that your only experience throughout the 4 years?
well, I've been programming since grade school, but it's really not that impressive
There are so many tech companies, there's a constant demand for good programmers in California.
Oh, well I started coding like a few months ago lool
I guess I shouldn't keep my expectations high
But I'm trying to aim high
Not a big deal. We've hired two biology majors who picked up programming on the side.
Your projects sound fine. As long as you can discuss specific, interesting problems you solved while doing them, you're good.
make cool gaems
lol I will, the first game I made was like a space-shooter clone type in UNITY
but like I did it for learning purposes
not impressive at all
Dude, you have a couple months of experience, you're setting unrealistic goals for yourself.
Yeah I guess you're right
Like I said, focus on school and projects you like, and worry about a tech job in a couple years.
I compare myself to others around me alot, cuz they're all getting amazing interviews already. I shouldn't do that tho
If you mind, where do you go to school?
I graduated from UCSD.
Oh, thought you might be in California.
Actually, there is a Waterloo, CA, I just looked it up.
Canada aha
Aren't there about four fairly respectable Waterloo Universities in North America?
Waterloo is #1
for engineering/cs
well known around cali jobs
v( o_o )v
in canada*
my freshman buddy just interned at google this summer
another one at microsoft
It took me a moment to think through "around cali jobs .. in Canada."
"I know Canada has a 'Khandahar', but that it has a 'California' would really shock me."
^ aha I meant Waterloo is a well known university
alot of kids get hired in cali
Mm, I figured XD
I'm stressing too much -.-
I don't really get the focus on schools. Maybe bigger companies do it, but everyone I interviewed with didn't even ask what my GPA was.
yo my gpa is garbage
engineering is hard af
+ im lazy
but i think big companies look at gpa
Best way to find good internships is by going to job fairs on campus. Find the local companies, we're really friendly.
I know google does
Yep, when january comes, I'm going to hit up every recruiter and give my resume
Where do I get some one to look over my resume
to give me some tips
Yeah, but they're Google, they can pick from a huge pool, they can afford to just weed out tons of candidates by GPA.
Most universities have a career center that will help with finding jobs, writing resumes, and speaking in interviews.
I want to get it looked by a lot of eyes tho
Start there.
would you mind taking a look at it?
you can post it if you want, but I'm going to sleep soon
this room's public though, don't put any information you don't want available forever
Can i direct message you somehow
I'd rather not, sorry. Start with the career center. A lot of professors are pretty helpful about resumes as well, you could ask if they'd be willing.
Or ask your friend who got the Google internship, they obviously did something right.
also a good tip: be sure to be informed about which technology the company you like is using
^ key tip
Quick question: how can I make a list of a specific size in bytes?
@KommanderKitten can you give an example?
I'm using Ctypes to make certain variables compatible with a shared library, and I need to make an unsigned char * array equal to the size of another unsigned char *array that has been filled with bitmap data
@corvid kk ty
So I figured, I would make a list, and transform it with c types
But the problem is I am blanking on how to make a list with a specific length.
@KommanderKitten [None] * size might do something like what you're looking for. Maybe.
I tried that...
Seg fault in my program
i'm so lost...
a list of a specific size of bytes or a bytearray?
well a bytearray is just a bunch of integers correct?
no, it's a bunch of bytes
you could try the array module
Well the end goal is to make an unsigned char array that has the same length as another one I made
you'll need to provide more context to get a better answer
The function needs to take in a bunch of parameters. one of which is an unsigned char* array filled with raw bitmap data that the program has read. This has a certain size.
Another parameter should be ANOTHER unsigned char* array
of the same size as the other one
but empty, as it will be written to in the function
It's an image filtering function. Using BMP files.
yes, but what problem are you having? did you look at array?
The problem is that my function seg faults... and I suspect it has something to do with the way I'm making the output image data char array
I wrote a C program that does the exact same thing as this one
hold on, psychically remote viewing your code ... nothing
The size of the input char array and the output char array are correct
is there a place I can copy paste my code so you can see what I'm talking about?
I realize I'm being a bit confusing here :P
Line 38 onward are where I think the program is dying
Here is what the function doFiltering needs to have
I'm not familiar with ctypes, have you tried playing around with the data at all?
Such as not passing anything to initialize the array, or passing bytes instead of a list of nones?
The docs seem to indicate that c_char_p is different from Pointer(c_char), perhaps that's it?
Or tried the array module, or a bytearray, as mentioned above?
if your going to just deal with raw image data like that you definetly need bytearray
img_in_raw = bytearray(img_in.read())
and then change
out_img_data = bytearray(img_size)
and with that I'm out. Rbrb all
OP said that my comment fixed it
from my terminal python -c 'import pythonCalcs.py' — KM617 25 secs ago
"typo" or dupe
welcome @Kristof
Dammit, I just discovered that x += y assigns x.__iadd__(y) to x in the end
@vaultah Undeed, but if x is mutable can't __iadd__ just mutate it and return x?
Hey up all
Hey up
2 hours later…
ok, regarding the question I asked yesterday about asyncio 3.4.3 vs 3.5, it's like this:
    ensure_future = eval('asyncio.async')
except SyntaxError:
    ensure_future = asyncio.ensure_future
couldn't come up with anything better
eval('asyncio.async')? What’s that supposed to do?
to return asyncio.async if it's <3.4.3 or raise SyntaxError if it's 3.5
because async is a keyword since that
the question was, how to write code that works on both 3.4.3 and 3.5
Python 3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:27:37) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import asyncio
>>> eval('asyncio.async')
<function async at 0x0000006850A831E0>
No syntax error here
what's your python version?
It's not really a keword
@bereal I included that part intentionally :P
that's weird, pylint was failing on it. will check.
ah right: Introduced by PEP 492 in Python 3.5, they will become proper keywords in Python 3.7.
ok, case closed
still, 3.7...
@IanClark && @Augusta
 _       _   _        _   _
/   /\  |_) |_)  /\  /   |_
\_ /--\ |_) |_) /--\ \_| |_
grr.. it looked so much cooler in my editor.. :/
@poke thanks for testing it for me :)
async def foo(): pass
that’s a possible test
Throws below 3.5
But… you could also just check the version number too…
@BadgerCat wooo! Four people!
@poke :)
@BadgerCat woof woof!
Jon :) meow!
public void AddDefaultSettings(string controlPath)
    Control currentControl = (Control)Page.LoadControl(controlPath);
public Control AddCustomSettings(string controlPath)
    Control currentControl = (Control)Page.LoadControl(controlPath);
    return currentControl;
That looks useful… >_<
Did you get a Java job?
Still C#
eeek :(
Don’t eek about C#!
In case I forgot to mention it the other day: Congratulations on hitting 100k, Poke!
Thanks :)
@PeterVaro :D
The problem with Moore's Law is that whenever I read something like this from more than three years ago, I can't figure out how much of a big deal "1.2 GB" was at the time unless I bust out a slide rule.
Are we talking "only early adopters with a lot of disposable income have this", or "only IBM has it, and only one, deep in their secret underground research facility"?
Or possibly "reasonably priced to consumers but come on it's a toaster so in this context it's still ridiculous"
> During the mid-1990s the typical hard disk drive for a PC had a capacity of about 1 gigabyte.
In that case I'll grade it as "affordable but not an expense you'd want to make regularly"
I remember spending big bucks on 250 MB drives in the early 1990s... I think. :)
In those days I didn't know how much RAM I had, other than "enough to play Duke Nukem"
I just got nerd-sniped by this question in the transcript.
from itertools import groupby
a = [(1,2),(1,3),(9,1),(3,4),(3,1),(3,10)]
b = [list(g) for _,g in groupby(sorted(a), lambda t: t[0])]
print [u for v in sorted(b, key=lambda t: -len(t)) for u in v]
Although I'm tempted to do that last line like this (but it's not so efficient, IIRC):
print sum(sorted(b, key=lambda t: -len(t)), [])
groupby... Cool idea.
Does "nerd-snipped" mean "unreadable piece of code"?
Sometimes ;-D
Answering nerd snipe questions isn't about following good practices!
Being nerd-snipped means getting caught by a question that's relatively easy to explain / understand but that doesn't have an immediately obvious answer. You generally end up spending more time than you intend / expect. And the point isn't to come up with a nice answer, but with one that shows off your cleverness, a bit like code golfing.
@AleksandrKovalev BTW, that's the semi-readable version: the unreadable version's one line. :)
I guess I'm still recovering from writing this answer. Mind you, I don't condone overly-condensed cryptic code, as I explained in this Meta SO answer... but it's fun to do from time to time. :)
Trying to decide whether Comparing two lists item by item rejected my answer because his lists contain unhashable items, or because he's secretly getting us to do his homework and isn't allowed to use anything "fancy"
I feel like if it was the former, he'd be more forthcoming about why he can't use sets
stackoverflow.com/q/34029726/400617 unclear, see extensive comments where op is not able to explain what "regex restful api" means
@Kevin set(a).intersection(b) cough ?
"intersection" is a long word so I did & instead :-)
Boy I sure hope they do the same thing.
"But using & is less efficient because you have to convert b into a set, unlike with insersection", you say? This is true, but it doesn't impact the complexity* so I am content to leave it.
@Kevin set(x) & set(y) will create a set for y; set(x).intersection(y) will only interate y.
(*... In the average case)
Morning cabbage.
@ThiefMaster Thanks for waiting until after I reject the PR for this important review. :-P
I was considering making the same review, to be fair.
Okay, officially I am homeless as of now
Water flooding in my office and home as well
rbrb until I get access to Internet again
Take care, 4theye!
Look after yourself!
Time to read some more Discworld. I'm reading them all, in order. I'm pretty sure this is my 3rd Discworld "marathon", reading nothing but Discworld books, but I originally read most of them as they were published, and some of them I've read 4 or 5 times.
Morning cabbage. Pity our Chennai friends have soggy cabbage. :-(
Poor soggy puppy. :/
Very soggy. And it doesn't sound like the rain's going to let up anytime soon.
75% through The Long War and the many disparate plotlines haven't merged into anything coherent. I have a feeling that all the conclusions are going to be saved for the next book.
At this point I just want to get through it so I can move onto something else. An attitude which is unfortunately not conducive to fast reading.
Next up is Catcher in the Rye. I look forward to determining whether it's a classic because it's actually good, or because everyone says it's a classic and if you don't say it's a classic then you get kicked out of the literature expertise club.
Why do all questions turn into this endless “I’m actually a terrible noob who has no idea what he does and doesn’t want to read the documentation”?
reverse survivorship bias. People that read the documentation don't make posts on SO.
@Kevin this is why I stopped reading after the second book.
I don't really remember the details of Catcher, but I wasn't that interested in it in high school.
@Kevin: be interesting to see what you think about Catcher. I find one of the main characters is completely insufferable.
The Long Earth is a very interesting premise and on an abstract level I'd like to learn more, but without clear conflict I don't get a burning desire to read "just one more chapter" until the sun comes up.
I am just a little spoiled on the plot of Catcher because many months ago I read this short adaptation where the main character is replaced with Batman's Robin.
All I clearly remember is the kid asking to try on Robin's mask, which I'm guessing is a rather liberal interpretation unless the actual main character also wears a mask.
I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Is there a way with WXPython to pass an event to the original handler after you've processed it? For example, I'm binding to the on-click of a grid, but it doesn't select the row and fire my event, it only fires my event.
I can just call .SelectRow(event.Row) (which is what I'm doing now), but I'd love to know if there's a better way.
In most event-based frameworks I've used, you indicate whether you want the event to continue bubbling up by returning a particular value from your callback. I wonder if WXPython is like that.
Try returning True from your function, and if that doesn't work try returning False, and if that doesn't work never mind.
@Kevin Yeah, that was my assumption. I just couldn't find anything in the docs. I'll give that a shot though, thanks!
I've seen event frameworks where you just call the default handler in the custom handler.
The problem is I can't even find the default handler anywhere.
Nope. It doesn't have a single method with Click anywhere in the name.
Hmm, no luck on returning things.
Hmm, I can't even look at the source because it's all .pyc and .c files.
evening :)
Kay so dumb question: is it a bad idea to flatten a nested structure to make it more manageable to deal with?
Not inherently bad, no
@corvid As always "it depends"
Beware flattening to the point where you can no longer unambiguously restore it to its original state, if restoring to original state is something you need to do.
  "name": "blah",
  "steps": [{
    "name": "do the thing",
    "steps": [{ name: "do the other thing" }]
You mean like .keys() used as an iterator? No, it's fine, but what Kevin said.
to something like
I think it depends on why it would be easier to work with.
emoji seperated values; esv
But to put it frankly: I myself -as human- find grouping & tree-like much easier as it allows me to temporary forget the rest
ex. [1,[2,3],4] and [1,2,[3,4]] both flatten to [1,2,3,4] so you can no longer extract the starting value
please is it possible to use django-allauth and a custom Model that links to django's User Model, and still have django-allauth do it's thing of users having to confirm their emails or having social integration without wrecking the original source code of allauth?
[{ name: "blah", step: 0 }, { "name": "do the thing", step: 1 }, { name: "do the other thing", step: 2}]
@corvid Well that violates the warning Kevin gave :P
i've seen so many answers but they are not quite what i want, they mostly talk about using groups and permissions but i want to have the extra details stored in another database table because i have different types of users, then the login details can be stored and managed by django and allauth
It is easier indeed - because you lost information
Having to do a lot of rearrangement of data like that may be an indication that your design needs work at a higher level, although not always.
@corvid do whatever is fast enough and does the work correctly. you might be trading off difficulty for transformation/consumption when it comes time to put those values back in the original object/store though
Also, JSON has a concept of order. You shouldn't need to index your steps like that in the array.
@tristan: I made the mistake of mentioning your Nerd Cop to a friend yesterday. It was very well-received.
@tristan they're never added to or removed, but they are changed
But yea, those formats express different things.
Reminds me of a program I wrote last week where I had an aspects_by_name dict and a names_by_aspect dict. I really should have made a Bijection class instead of duplicating data like that.
For me I was working on a solar system emulator - everything was clustered in large tree like data structures to keep track of what object revolves around which object. Becoming quickly unmanageable.
In the end I gave all object an "id" - and only used a tree with ids, while keeping the data seperatelly in a flat structure.
@DSM Awesome! I bought nerdcop.com and started working out the overarching episode guide/list and will be soliciting contributors next week -- work will be done out of this repo github.com/nerdcop/nerdcop
@corvid Is the data meant to represent a list of linear steps? Cuz if so then the latter format is fine.
But the formet format suggests there's more going on.
But then problems with deleting items became a hassle (though I opted for making that impossible, except for delete all).
All of corvid's questions suggests there's more going on XD
"sort of" linear. It's like each step can have a "parent" step. For example, making soup. There will be a step for cutting vegetables that will have steps. There might be steps for cutting an individual vegetable. Should be arbitrarily nested, but able to be iterated linearly.
We're all just blind men groping an elephant.
mongo is the reason, i'd guess
"some days you're the blind man, other days you're the elephant" momma tristan used to say
In mongo's defense, it does make tree-like structures a bit more manageable. given that they don't have any nested arrays. Okay I take that back mongo is a dumb
I know very little about Mongo besides it's a DB. Why does it use JSON and not just relational tables?
btw how do you guys handle long-long lists of "constructor properties"? - when you have like 20 properties that need to be known to fully construct something?
I cry silently into a small pillow.
@QuestionC because SQL is a tool of oppression, man
@paul23 put them in a dict and pass them around using **kwargs, but it doesn't come up much for me
Currently I'm adding extra "objects" that combine similar properties. But this quickly increases the bloat on the project as a whole
But yea, changing the structure changes the meaning of the data.
Most of my classes have like two properties. I'm real big on single responsibility.
@paul23 20 arguments to anything is a big "this is stinky, I want to refactor it" flag.
I recognize that there are situations where this isn't possible though. Ex. You want to model a planet and you need mass, position,velocity, rotational velocity, magnetic field strength, list of satellites...
@QuestionC Well I "thought" about it, but in my simulation I just have an "celestial body" object. Which has many, many variables though
Kevin maybe you just like the KISS philosophy
@Kevin that indeed was exactly the reason I keep asking this.
Although I'm of two minds about whether an object should have a reference to its position.
The position of a tennis ball in relation to the earth isn't a property of the ball, or of the earth. It's a property of the ball-earth system.
@Kevin Well I splitted the bodies & orbits.
And a body has a reference to an orbit
Although this viewpoint doesn't really inform you on how you should model your classes. Life doesn't always map nicely to OO.
I'd probably end up with a global positions dict. Or rather, a universal dict ;-)
@Kevin well I keep forgetting about **kwargs "parameters".
Though from experience I know they often make libraries "complex" to use (looking at you matplotlib >.>)
The typical Tkinter widget has ~20 named parameters, but luckily all of them have sane defaults.
Yeah but have finding that obscure parameter name in the documentation.
The Tkinter docs have had sections labeled #FIXME for ten years so I'm right there with ya.
If I really need to pass an obscene number of arguments, I'd say pass a structure representing the arguments.
AKA: Imitate the W32 API
I thought there were only 6 orbital parameters though.
@QuestionC Well it's what I did now, but like I said, there are only so many synonyms I can think of to describe it.
A dict is a structure... :-)
I'm not sure what circumstances would ever prompt me to make a full class to hold arguments. At least in a dynamically typed language.
I can picture it a lot easier in a strictly typed language. Better to do Planet(PlanetArgs args) than Planet(Dictionary<string, object> args)
@QuestionC An orbit yes, but a planet has much more than only an orbit: mass, radius, gravitational parameter --which has much higher accuracy than the mass or universal gravitational constant--, Jvalues-map (accounts for oblateness etc), rotational velocity, Sphere or influence, atmospheric altitude, max surface altitude. And then I didn't even model everything yet.
I mean, if you have something like....

myWindow = new Window()
myWindow.title = "Sup yo";
# &ct...
myWindow.display() # .activate(), WindowingSystem.MakeItHappen(myWindow), whatever.

Then you basically do have a full class holding arguments, but the class doesn't portray itself as such.
Pet peeve #312423: Googling about stack overflows is now a pain in the arse because of Stack Overflow
There is a horrible bug atop my keyboard betwixt the b & m keys.
im interested to know what pet peeves 1-312422 are
I guess that letter is dead to me
Or I could copy-paste from a pre-prepared doc
that letter was hardly required
just kidding, it took me ages to figure out a sentence without using it ^
Big Brother says, we have always had merely 25 letters.
oddly enough, in most spanish-based languages, they have 27 letters because of a secondary version of that letter
Just use onscreen keyboard :p
Arca's Mutant LP is super weird but it got 8.4 on Pitchfork. It's growing on me... :/
or bind one of your F keys though I dont actually know if thats easily done in windows...
the problem has solved itself. The bug took flight.
@vaultah yeah, i don't know about this. it sounds like trap + ambient + glitch
Hmmm, mssql seems to be throwing away my ALTER TABLE. This should be fun.
I may have to wipe the key off before I use it though

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