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chat be quiet
has my talk of Java and JS killed it off
I tried to create a discussion on hackernews about the latest commit strip. It's not working... news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10314399
The off-topic language of choice lately has been Go
Pretty much because I'm learning it and I say go.
@AdamSmith Surely you should not 'say so' you should say go
luckily since go is concurrent by default, I already have.
go ChangeLastComment("users/3058609")
@AdamSmith Is it just that subsequent lines are all run in it's own thread?
correct @Pureferret is that Yes,
Yeah, one thread per word. What.
@RobertGrant Is that really that helpful?
Basically. Go has nice syntax for concurrency. go func_call() spawns a new thread to run func. Then you have "channels" which is thread-to-thread messaging
no GIL like in Python, so that can REALLY speed some processes up
@AdamSmith But is it really helpful? And if so what for?
I think that question simplifies to "What is threading good for?"
@AdamSmith GIL rings a bell
@AdamSmith I guess
I think it's a way to do threading that's a bit more robust than the normal "do what you like, but it's almost impossible to not aim this gun at your foot" stuff languages provide
GIL = Global Interpreter Lock. Means that threading doesn't actually speed things up in Python because things can't be done concurrently. Only one thread can process at a time.
@AdamSmith Got it
one day maybe
I'm pretty much the same way. Only started playing with threading when I started playing with GUIs
@AdamSmith GUIs are evil
since the GUI has to run in its own thread so it continues to update while processes are going on
@AdamSmith Yup
our project uses them to run plugins
That said...hang on, let me get that project.
So I wrote a tkinter application that basically is just a wrapper around a glob command. It helps our accounting department find PDFs that are buried in date-formatted network-attached archives without having to dig through the file structure
But the lookup time took a while since it's a network call followed by some zipfile fuckery
and the quickest hack I could find to make it work (two years ago) was this:
reporter = GetReport(date, store, rpt, msgqueue)
reporter.start()  # starts running getReport

while reporter.is_alive():
    # while we're waiting for getReport to finish, keep updating
    # the root window, and if any exceptions are thrown, grab them
    # and display them in a messagebox
    try: root.update()
    except TclError: sys.exit()
note: never do this
also on the list of things not to write. foo = ThreadSomething(); foo.start() # starts ThreadSomething
also in my code (uncommented, wtf??) is:
for i, (key, value) in enumerate(m.items()):
    ttk.Button(report_list, text=value[0],
               command=lambda rpt=key: msgqueue.put(rpt)).grid(
                   row=i % ((LENGTH+1)//COLS)+1,
what's m? Why don't I name key and value? What did msgqueue do again? What's the weird math in row and column? ARGH I hate maintaining spaghetti code from a horrible programmer.
function getAvailableReports(){
    var self = this;
    var methods = _.without(_.methods(self),'getAvailableReports')
Calls all the methods in the reportService for page load (to get get counts only, not data)
I joined the project thinking I was a python developer and I've become a Javascript dev
I don't even know how to do the above in python
you shouldn't. You should give reportService an attribute that contains all its methods available for page load.
Although you can do it
@RobertGrant I'm listening
>>> import inspect
>>> inspect.getmembers(object, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
Or some such
I've never played with inspect
@RobertGrant Ahhh reminds me of reflection in java
fond, fond hellish memories
I was thinking [f for f in reportService.__dict__ if isinstance(f, types.MethodType)]
(or whatever that's actually called)
@AdamSmith I don't trust people to keep stuff like that up todate
But you trust them to not add the sort of method you don't want to be called to that class? :)
I prefer vars(x) to x.__dict__, but mostly 'cause I don't like dunderscores.
such a cat I am
@corvid sounds poetic
@RobertGrant Yes...?
scary thought
@RobertGrant It's an angular service so you'd need to add it to the return object. I think it's safe
@AdamSmith Does this make Go good for map-reduce?
Could do yeah
You'd have to ask someone who's using Go, not someone who's learning Go. I thought maps were concurrency unsafe by default.
@AdamSmith I thought the whole point was you split the problem across workers
Yeah map should be totally safe like that - you can do them in any order
Ditto reduce
That's how mapreduce works
as long as you don't modify the mapping, anyway.
google has this to say
Oh wow, it doesn't have map or reduce
also things it doesn't have: Classes. Nested functions. List comprehensions (not unusual, but it makes me cry)
@RobertGrant 'it's not functional'
All this makes me want to not learn it
@RobertGrant The one language I'm itching to try is julia
Both Ffisegydd and I have dabbled in Julia programming. Fun. (clarification which shouldn't be necessary, but in this crowd..)
That sounds wrong
Midnight here - g'night!
Rhubarb, RG.
Wow - how long have I not been in the room and not noticed sighs
@Kevin reading context of stars and saw your programming origins. For me it was not wanting to actually LEARN any of the stuff I was taught in some 10th grade Algebra class, so learning to program my TI-something calculator to do the math for me.
(Only reason I'm bringing it up is because of the row tag... rather not bump crap if there's another solution)
Happy Birthday to me.
@AaronHall You bumped a crap, no-effort question, changed what the question was asking for and didn't even remove the tag corresponding to the burnination request... so, no?
Is the result even on-topic for SO?
@AaronHall Pineapple, you're still alive
Fish & Chips, yes I am.

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