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@JRichardSnape Great questions attract great answers!
And great sites attract great questions! :)
Um, yeah...
And great answers make great sites!
It's the virtuous circle of life!
Which requires death to make it a circle. It's all clear now.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Anyone here ?
Hey up all
Can you all please tell me how python.org/shell is working ? I want to build that in Flask. Please guide me
is there some way to parse a json object to a class object explicitly? like json.parse<StudentClass>(jsonStr)
I searched the web, but could not find this way.
@PatrickMaupin: So you're basically saying that hashing is generally much faster than pickling? I mean, we're not just calling hash() in the first case, there's also stuff like sorting named arguments before that. Presumably, pickle's dumps has some kind of similar logic inside of it too, and more, but it's allegedly very fast so I didn't take it as a given that pickling is slower.
arp -a in Linux gives me the mac id and IP of the devices connected to my router. Is there an equivalent for this in python or should I run it suding os.system?
Took it upon myself to let FTL beat me a few times yesterday. Was pretty fun!
Good game. You've finished work now, haven't you?
I've really fancied playing a shooter recently, not looking for anything too serious (i.e. CoD or BF) but can't find anything.
I really want Overwatch from Blizzard to hit beta.
Ah yeah that does sound cool
Weds is my last day
But it was cool because I just had a 4 day weekend, so I'm feeling pretty relaxed :)
People shipping stuff are at the flat packing stuff now
Still just need to sell the car
And yeah Overwatch looks cool
Get some HoTs on when you arrive back in Britannia.
Then you can visit Cheltenham. I'll be waiting for you at the train station, you'll know it's me by the red rose I'm wearing. I spy you across the platform and run into your arms...
I'll be wearing an "I've got the HoTs for you" t-shirt
Good to see you converted to wearing the red rose, Fizzy.
I'm surprised anyone is wearing a red rose after Saturday night.
Wow, @vaultah, you've aged over the weekend
Nice change of conversation.
Thank you...
At least I could cheer on SA against samoa
Scotland-SA will be interesting.
@Ffisegydd weirdly, I misread that as "red nose" and only noticed the mistake after being puzzled by the subsequent conversation
Yeah I reckon SA's strategy should now be "pass Brian Habana the ball; wait for imminent South African try"
Am trying to setup hostspot in Raspberry which runs on OSMC(OS),anyone has idea how to do this
@Zealous does this have anything to do with Python?
And note that "Yes it uses Python under the hood" isn't a valid answer unless you're going to be actively writing Python code.
i need to create webservice using python after creating hotspot in rpi
what i need some help
what i need is some help
So once you've got the hotspot working, you'll then come back and ask the Python question?
If you have a question about Python, or Python code, then please ask a specific question on it.
But we can't help you set up some wifi hotspots.
for creating a webservice i dont want any help
if u guys know something help otherwise say that you dont know
I know lots of things, I could probably help you too, but 1) you've not really asked a question yet, and 2) I suspect you're looking for help that doesn't really involve Python and so this isn't the place to ask.
We're not here for generic "help me do X", we're here for "I've done X but it's not working because of Y and Z"
Quiet in here today. Hellllloooooo listens for echo
Hi @ian
Hey @bereal
I was feeling lonely :)
o/ @JRichardSnape
Just had my farewell party thing at work
Now very full
Excellent work. I trust you will be mainly digesting this afternoon
hello boys
Is Wolfram a good place to work?
I dunno, that software isn't even in beta yet
or do you mean the company?
@khajvah how do you expect us to even answer that?
Dunno, somebody might have worked fior them, they are pretty famous
@bereal Oof, that looks distinctly mediocre. ~50% of those that can be arsed to review wouldn't recommend :(
That's actually not bad - that sort of thing tends to select for the disgruntled
@bereal Nice website
It's interesting that usually positive reviews are all alike, but negative are very diverse.
Wow it was founded in 1987
"All happy families are alike" etc
btw, anyone works or knows anyone who works for Demonware?
Cabbage @pm2
@PeterVaro Clarence is strikingly authentic, to me. A lot of shows depict kids as merely short adults. Not so here - there's some real immaturity.
Boring lecture cbg
The show is interesting to me just on that merit.
i actually like Clarence as well
suprised to find someone talking about it here.
morning everyone
how does a bird think like a human?
Tool usage, social communication, accurate memory of places and other beings
wait to hawks eat other birds?
I don't know about hawks but some birds do eat other birds
I think we should ask @corvid, really.
crows being notoriously keen on carrion and all
@Kevin exactly! and I also like the fact, that none of my predictions at the middle of an episode will come true.. as a matter of fact, the exact opposite of what I expect will happen :P
The peregrine falcon uses its record-setting dive speed to snatch other birds midair, for example
We can ask for water and cigarettes
Then just when you expect the opposite of what you normally expect, it will be what you normally expect!
@PeterVaro Yeah, that's a good quality to have. If I can figure out the ending to a show in the first five minutes, then I'm tempted to just turn off the tv
man fuck falcons
thats messed up
Birds are all flying like "WE OUTCH HERE!"
no predators
cause if someone comes after you, you just fly away.
but then falcons come and ruin everything
Hard to fly away from literally the fastest animal alive >:-)
@Kevin yeah, well.. it is a nice quality, when it comes to serious series or movies.. however when it comes to children stuffs (no, I'm not saying that children stuffs are not serious) I kinda have a very naive and clear imagination on how should the good win over the bad..etc.
I'm not sure if it is a good thing to mix these things up in a little age
where children should learn what is good and bad, and how should the world work
(even if that's almost never the case!)
Clarence doesn't seem to concerned with good/bad, considering the protagonist has been partially responsible for the repeated maiming of that one background character.
(which makes me think: why are we teaching our children such concepts as good or bad, when those thing never ever happen in real life..)
Who, at my last reckoning, had lost an eye and a hand and sustained internal injuries from falling off of a gratuitously tall water slide.
lol Clarence isn't the best IMO but i do think it is pretty good.
"The world is just" is one of the most harmful things you can teach a child
It encourages thinking along the lines of "you are in unfortunate circumstances, but since bad things don't happen to good people, you must have done something to deserve it"
I think the worst part of the good vs evil trope is it dehumanizes the villain
thats why I really liked the Avatar series
@grasshopper Yeah I rather liked the villain in the third season of Korra who was like "guys, a monarchy is a pretty lousy form of government" and I'm like "wait. Am I supposed to be rooting against this guy?"
lol he fucked Korra up at the end
man is savage, left her in a wheelchair. I actually found him interesting as well.
@grasshopper please don't swear, there's really no need.
I just wish it hadn't caused her to fight well below full power for 3/4ths of the final season.
I wonder if they ran out of funding for fight scenes...
sorry switching from adolescent to bachelor.
in bachelor mode.
@Kevin they actually did, but I think her inability to approach things like she usually does (head on) made it a better story. I also think it runs an interesting parallel with how Aang solved his conflict.
Does python have something similar to javascript's bind, where you can return a function with the parameters bound to it without running it?
IIRC, functools.partial
>>> import functools
>>> f = functools.partial(str.split, "Hello world", " ")
>>> f()
['Hello', 'world']
Although personally I'm too lazy to import so I just do f = lambda: "Hello world".split(" ")
But this often falls foul of the "binding functions in a loop" gotcha
>>> funcs = [lambda: x**2 for x in range(10)]
>>> funcs[5]()
@corvid As Kevin says, functools.partial does the job, but take a look at the roughly equivalent code. functools.partial is the neat, systematic way to do it, but it's often easier to just give a function keyword args, with sensible defaults, and if you need a version with different defaults use a lambda
>>> square = lambda x: x**2
>>> funcs = [functools.partial(square, x) for x in range(10)]
>>> funcs[5]()
... Whereas the former does not have the "gotcha" behavior
From corvid's silence I assume he is totally satisfied by our explanations. Another job well done.
Alright, so I've finally found a use for Amazon's Dash Button Now they just need to support pizza other than Domino's.
what's wrong with dominos?
Any place that accepts orders by fax has an API, for certain definitions of "API" :-)
I saw a Tkinter question a bit earlier that I have mixed feelings about. The question itself is kind of interesting, but I don't think his users would enjoy using that GUI. But it's hard to suggest a better UI without knowing more about what he's really trying to do. And the OP's clammed up, for the time being.
@Programmer Have you ever eaten their pizza?
Dominos > Papa Johns
@grasshopper Right, but why would you eat either of them?
I mean, I know I'm spoiled by living in a college town in NY, but don't most places have at least 1 good local place?
because i am a pizza consumer not a pizza fanatic/lover
I ate a lot of Dominos in my youth, not because it was good, but because it was cheap
i want mediocrity, low price, and little effort/thought
@MorganThrapp I love their fiery Hawaiian pizza
I mean, I have a good local pizza place, but Domino's isn't bad pizza..
yeah plus local means more expensive
dominos i can get two large pizzas for 14 dollars
no local can compete w/that
Here in Australia, Domino's is marginally cheaper and better than Pizza Hut. But we have a local company, Eagle Boys, that's only a little more expensive but (generally) far superior.
omg Pizza hut is a horror show.
In Ancient Times, Pizza Hut wasn't so bad. Especially their all-you-can-eat lunchtime deals. :)
Their pizza is so greasy though...
In the early days, when you didn't have a choice of crusts, they weren't too greasy. At least, they weren't here in Oz.
I will admit to enjoy Pizza Hut's stuffed crust once in a blue super moon.
BTW, discussion of pizza is always on topic in a coder's forum / chat, since pizza is the national dish of programmers. :)
I truly need to try some american? pizza. Here in Germany we only have Italian pizza. Delicious but flat.
I really like both kinds.
Local pizza place to me makes the good kind of buffalo chicken pizza
They're definitely very different dishes.
yeah pizza hut used to be good way back
@grasshopper: You can edit your posts, if you're quick enough. Just hit your up arrow key. There's also an edit option in the drop down menu in the top left corner of each post.
Which reminds me...
Q: What's the volume of a pizza of radius `z` and thickness `a`?
A: pizza
@PM2Ring thanks, I knew this but tried to click and misclicked
I have a riddle for you guys! "When you purchase me you look for a smell, but what it is you should never tell."
@PM2Ring Not sure if I really like that or just want to groan :)
American Pizza is probably one of our greatest achievements. You really need to try it.
The polio vaccine a distant second.
@grasshopper i gotta know
I have a theory but it's too disgusting to relay
@Programmer no you have to guess, hint: it is a common item most people use everyday
@Kevin lol pm me
It involves bodily functions and the nautical definition of "purchase"
I can't come up with anything I think is possible to fit your riddle
I'm not very creative, I just enjoy a good riddle
hint 2: it is the name of a brand not just the general product, so cereal wouldn't be an answer but fruity loops could be one.
It's Fruity Loops isn't it?
no -__-
No it's definitely cereal
come on there is like 2 things you buy that you look for the smell
Perfume. Air fresheners. Deoderant. house plants.
We're obviously really good at this
Can I solve it with algorithmic brute force? No? Hard problem.
ok Kevin has something on his list that is REALLY useful.
hmm... what on Kevins list do we use everyday?
Secret brand deoderant.
house plants
omg its secret
god damn it
@Kevin ding ding ding!
good work
do i get a cookie too?
I'm curious what Kevin's nautical answer was.
^ scared to click
link is not a car but a really cool commercial most programmers should appreciate ( was on reddit a year ago)
Interpreting "purchase" as "to haul up", when you scratch the crusty area between your toes, you haul your finger up to your nose to get a whiff. But nobody can ever learn of your disgusting habit.
i don't have sound at work
@Programmer well you didn't get it right anyways
also press "r" if anyone does decide to watch it
I had my mind stuck on produce for some reason
thats actaully not too bad of a guess...
is anyone here familiar with whoosh?
It's the sound made as deadlines pass by? :)
no its a search engine framework for python but I realize I'm not sure how to make search "smart"
Hi there, I think I messed up, I just updated my python 2.7 to the newest 2.7.10, it installed successfully, but now when I import numpy, it cannot find module. How can I fix this?
like google knows it doesn't have to be an exact match but how do tell whoosh that?
try pip install numpy, if you aren't worried of possibly breaking things
wait, disregard that. idk if pip works with python 2.x
Pip works with py2, why wouldn't it?
I've never used 2.x, so I wouldn't know
@Programmer I just tried, it gives an error: "Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/pip", line 5, in <module>
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point..."
@user929304 we don't know how you installed it to begin with, so we can't really help.
If you compiled numpy against the old version of python, and then replaced it with a new version, you need to re-compile/install numpy.
@davidism I installed it using wget python.org/ftp/python/2.7.10/Python-2.7.10.tgz then configure then make and install
why didn't you use a package manager?
never install things to the system yourself, always let your package manager handle it
@davidism ok :(( thanks for the advice
what os?
@davidism I go try removing numpy and try a re install
rushing around will just make things worse
@davidism ok
the problem is python, not numpy
you need to reinstall python from apt-get
oh, I see, without removing anything first?
since many tools, including apt-get, I think, require python to run, yes, you'll probably want to leave the python you installed and overwrite it
sudo aptitude reinstall python
then, in the future, use virtualenv to install packages locally, and don't sudo make install things to your system
alrighty, thanks a lot, very kind, I m trying your suggestion now. All noted.
Doesn't Ubuntu has a gui for packages that they highly recommend?
Yeah. Software Center or something
@RobertGrant no, synaptic ;-)
still a better gui than software center
@davidism how can I remove entirely the 2.7.10 version of py that I installed manually?
@user929304 unfortunately, that answer is too complicated for chat over the internet
my best advice is sudo aptitude reinstall python and hope that it overwrites everything you did with the system version
@davidism would using locate to find python2.7.10 to find its files be bad idea?
ok :(
are you deliberately ignoring the command I've given you twice now?
no man... I did all you said, still not working, that s why I suggested sth else
unfortunately, you've screwed up your system
...new VM install time?
well, you can recover without reinstalling, it just involves a live usb and chroot
which I'm not willing to explain over chat
@davidism ok, is fine, I appreciate your help thus far
well, hopefully you've learned your lesson: unless you are building a distro, never install things to the system without using the system's package manager
Perhaps you guys should meet in person
perhaps not
If you ever see a tutorial that advises becoming root to do something, or using sudo to install something, and you don't know exactly what you're doing, run away.
oh man, vacation over and python 3.5 installed. let's get frustrated
Did you go anywhere?
boulder and denver colorado, USA
How was it?
Boulder was fantastic. Denver is basically a network of highways, lined with homeless, with a handful non-chain businesses dispersed throughout.
Sounds about right.
What's fun to do in Boulder? I understand they have very nice... checks wikipedia... prairie dogs.
I love the smell of a massive, massive linux hack in the morning.
Boulder has beautiful outdoors, hiking in the mountain, lots of great beer, and is really bike-able.
Don't try and steer the conversation back to your vacation, I want to bitch about Linux damnit!
I'd like to take up hiking one day if I can overcome my fear of sasquatch attacks.
Alternatively, if I can move to a continent that does not contain sasquatches.
@Kevin bring a camera. best defense against sasquatches
Or Yetis or Wendigos or Chupacabras
Why am I suddenly reminded of Harry and the Hendersons?
He had to be cruel to be kind :/
Goodbye...my friend
"No photographs of sasquatches exist" can imply both "sasquatches avoid people with cameras" and "sasquatches hunt down and devour anyone that has photographed them"
and also their cameras
Naturally, although I doubt it's good for their digestion
Got a weird python bug. I have old version that works, new one that doesn't.
bah shift return for new line
I am prepared to receive your MCVE.
My body is ready.
Fizzy that's what I was thinking :o
I have a handler function for a threaded UDP server, the handler is for a 'join_server' request. When the client sends a 'join_server', the server keeps the socket open by storing it. Client does the same, so we can traverse across across NAT.

The version that works stores the stores the socket in a simple dict, and all is well and good. I revamped it in the next version, to store the socket and user info in an object. All neat and tidy like.

When storing the socket in the object, it kills the UDP listener and it refuses to acknowledge any other messages.
Code, dude. Code.
Oh, I interpreted your first message as "I have [an] old version [of Python] that works [when I run my script], new one that doesn't"
As did I. I am now much less interested in your problem.
I was all set to give advice like "in 3.X you need parentheses when you print"
Oh please stop stealing the low hanging fruit Kevin
rbrb :)
# Add player to the connected nodes dict
self.modules.connected_nodes[player_id] = sock_addr_tuple


# Create new player, grab player obj
player_obj = self.modules.player_list.addd(sock_addr_tuple[0], sock_addr_tuple[1])

And the player object has an __init__ that takes the socket/addr parameters and stores it as an attribute
The grapes higher up are all sour though
So dict vs custom object
@Oliver How would we know how those things have been implemented?
I can do a full paste, but it's as I described. Is there a philosophical reason that I need to be careful how I store sockets?
I know you can't serialize sockets, e.g. with pickle...
@Oliver No, there's not a philosophical reason that sockets can't be "stored" in an object. Be careful that you don't try to pickle or shelve the values
fist bump
hmm let me paste bin it
My money's on "surprising reference counting behavior"
My money's in my pocket and is about to be "on" the counter of a place that sells sandwiches
Cut out the middleman and just eat the money
Interested in the ref counting behavior though
@Kevin Directions unclear, broke teeth on billfold
Hint: ones are just as filling as fives, for 20% the cost
@Kevin Pennies have higher caloric value for the cost
Yes, and statistically they've spent less time in humans' crevices than paper money
also, the UDP thread code
At a quick glance I don't see anything blatantly wrong
Other than perhaps "nody" should be "nodey"
Its silly. If I comment out the add player object line, it works
the method addd is spelt wrong deliberately. I was getting paranoid that maybe I was keywords and breaking it
I renamed socket to sock everywhere as well
Nah, add isn't a keyword so it should be safe to use.
The closest "name with special behavior" would be __add__
I was getting desperate :(
self.players[player_obj.id] = player_obj
I am suspicious of this line.
Is it possible that multiple players can have the same id? If so, then when a new player is added to the dict, the reference count for the old player could drop to zero, and its socket will be garbage collected
no, id is unique
Hmm, but then the same behavior would occur if you commented out the addd call altogether... Yeah, that's probably not it
I have an itertools.count magic to make unqiue id numbers that are thread safe
debugging it, it does make a valid player object
player_obj = PlayerClass(modules = self.modules, sock = sock, address = address)
self.players[player_obj.id] = player_obj

should be fine. I mean, I create an object, store it locally. then grab the id, and store it in the dict, indexed by id
comes from here

def unique_id(self):
return self._counter.next()
What are people's feelings on 3.5.0? Will I be driven to drink if I switch from 3.4.3?
I have no feelings because I haven't read a thing about it
Other than the "3.5.0 now exists" message that was pinned last week
@Oliver When you say indexed by ID in a dict, you're not relying on order in your dict, are you?
No, just that if I want to find the object again I need to know it's ID
Okay, cool
so mydict[id] returns the object
The UDP listener stops. The thread is still there, but it doesn't receive anything. Stick a simply print msg in the receiver, and I try sending packets it from a simply script in python IDLE
Also, all this testing is across localhost btw
I briefly tried to switch to 3.5, but I couldn't figure out where it got installed to, and it's not on my path. So I gave up.
Without a Minimal Complete Verifiable Example I feel like I cannot investigate any further
Where's the PlayerList instance that has the self.players dict that holds the player_obj? Have you checked that that dict contains what it's supposed to?
The PlayerList instance is store in modules. Modules is a generic object that stores all the instances of the big classes in the code.
@MorganThrapp Reminds me of this bash.org quote:
<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is.
And yes, the dict with a valid looking Player instance looks fine
I was wondering if this was a silly don't do that to sockets thing. I'll see if I can chop this up into an MCVE
Oh man, I haven't checked bash.org in years.
Spoilers: The top 100 hasn't changed.
The "latest submissions" page has an entry that refers to Star Trek Into Darkness in the future tense, so I'm guessing they haven't had many submissions lately
My company is blocking it due to "Mature content". That's high praise for bash.org.
@MorganThrapp did you have a virtualenv activated?
@tristan Nope.
I never activate, I just let pycharm manage them.
hmmmm. If I iterate over a dict in my main loop at regular intervals, and a thread pops up in the middle randomly and inserts into that same dict. I'm in for some trouble right?
That sounds bad, yeah. You should probably use a Lock.
I wonder if that is killing my udp listener.
I'll lock it up
Is new = dict(old) atomic in python? That could fix things.
@QuestionC Even things as simple as assigning a single dict key aren't atomic, copying a whole dict is far far beyond that.
cbg all
That post is a nesting doll of problems
Adding a parentheses will make it run, but not produce the desired output
> Now I have no syntax error, yet I am getting no answer/value in the end.
reaches for phantom 'lacks minimal understanding' button
> 972 matches ['Israel', 'Palestine']. Which country is it?

Turns out to be an interesting problem. The country code you use for Palestine changes depending on what country you're calling from.
@Kevin BeautifulSoup isn't a package that "read" html. In my example form excepting from user to give the url — Panos Angelopoulos 2 mins ago
@Kevin September is really the worst
BeautifulSoup can't read HTML? Am I missing something here?
Maybe he's using an unusual definition of the word "read"
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