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Hi Python. What's up?
Hard to say...
Feeling good?
Anyone ever do anything with Open Compute?
This is the state of Steam VR. It is incredible.
@AaronHall I've looked at it. It's interesting. Do you have something parallelizable?
Who doesn't?
I want to clone myself and have all my clones live different lives.
But for redundancy, you don't want all your lives on the same overheating ATI or NVidia card, do you?
Aw, man, somebody didn't like my answer
hello there.. i have a question regarding my code using python 3.x
can anyone help me?
for i in range(1,12):
    choice_search = input("Enter choice " + str(len(self.choice)+1)+ ": ")
    if choice_search == '0':
    elif choice_search == '12':
        x = 1
        while x < 12:
            x == x + 1
i encountered a memoryerror here..
the program will output all choices when the user inputs 12
x == x + 1
you're comparing, not assigning
it should be x = x + 1 for it to actually increment
or better x += 1
or even better, just use a for loop instead of a while
what are you even trying to do?
nvm, ofc I only found my problem after typing in SO >.<
this is why you tell a rubber duck first. :D
@PatrickMaupin your first problem there was answering a bad question.
And my second problem was humorless down-voters.
Not sure if it totally registered a bad question when you posted, vote-wise. I think inclinations are to downvote answerers of bad questions.
Yeah, SO doesn't do funny so well.
unless you're in the Python chat room.
hi tzaman.. thanks for the help. i missed that one = sign haha
It's hard to get the right amount of subtlety in your humor.
i have another question.. i need to print an output that changes to 'his' if the user input is M for male or 'her' if the user input is F for female. the string values 'M' and 'F' is stored in a dictionary of lists as values with string as keys.
>>> possessive = {'M': 'his', 'F': 'her', 'O': 'their', 'U': 'its'}
>>> pronoun = {'M': 'him', 'F': 'her', 'O': 'one', 'U': 'that'}
>>> for key in 'MFOU':
...     print('It is time for %s to take %s medicine.' % (pronoun[key], possessive[key]))
It is time for him to take his medicine.
It is time for her to take her medicine.
It is time for one to take their medicine.
It is time for that to take its medicine.
@JuandelaCruz Are you sure that just 'M' and 'F' suffice?
It is time for xe to take xer medicine.
yes it is.. his and her will suffice. thanks Patrick!
Where do you live? I might want to emigrate...
how about this one: the use of "a" or "an" depending on the user input. if they are vowels, the printed out is e.g. an apple and if it's a consonant, it will be e.g a banana
That one requires almost as many special cases as gender does around here. For example, you might say "an hourly worker."
h is the cause of most of the trouble, I think
Well, that and acronyms.
initialisms, rather
acronyms would probably just follow regular rules
sorry for the pedantry :)
Well, a major problem is things that some people pronounce as acronyms and others pronounce as initialisms.
those are certainly troublesome
because the a/an treatment changes depending on which camp you fall into
create a list of classifications that cause "an" and then just if foo[0] in switch_to_an... or use natural language toolkit
Yeah, if it's for real, use nltk, but if it's for homework, just do something like this:
>>> def articalize(s):
...     return '%s %s' % ('an' if s[0] in 'aeiouy' else 'a', s)
>>> articalize('ice cream cone')
'an ice cream cone'
>>> articalize('beeswax')
'a beeswax'
A beeswax what, you ask? You'll have to wait for the next installment.
ok hahaha thanks again patrick
that is pretty much what I said only expanded :P ;)
Don't disagree. Actually had it all written out before we digressed on the other issues.
SO I thought I'd post it anyway.
what do you mean by the asterisk here?
format(key, *value))
str.format(key, *value))
I like messing with NLTK classifications when I have time...man I wish I had more time
*value means that you can have zero or more parameters there, and they will be made available to the function as a single tuple of zero or more elements.
does it have any expanded form?
for example, i have five values in the tuple
The interpreter is great for testing this sort of thing out:
>>> def foo(*value):
...     print(value)
>>> foo(1)
>>> foo(1,2,3)
(1, 2, 3)
i see. last question perhaps. what if the user searched for a particular name. irregardless whether the first letter of the surname is lower case or upper case, how can i make sure it matches with that of the info inside my dictionary which could also be in uppercase or lowercase?
Q: How to convert string to lowercase in Python?

Benjamin DidurIs there any way to convert an entire user inputted string from uppercase, or even part uppercase to lowercase? E.g. Kilometers --> kilometers.

Strings have upper() and lower() methods. You should typically use these consistently, so that inside your dictionary it is all lowercase or all uppercase.
finally done with my assignment. thanks everyone!
i have one question though.. how am i going to code this: i need to print an output whose length will depend on the user input. for example, the user is prompted to choose between these fruits: (1) apple (2) banana (3) grapes (4) cherry. if the user chose 1 and 2, the printed output should be "I chose apple and banana." if the user chose 1 and 3 and 4, the printed output should be "I chose apple, grapes and cherry." or if the user chose all, the output should be "I chose all of the fruits!"
i got 24 options, not just four. i only simplified it for sample purposes
i see. hello then
can you help me with my question?
@JuandelaCruz I suspect that your question might be a bit too messy to answer it properly here in Chat. But anyway... When the user chooses all, do they literally type all at the prompt, or do they have to type all the numbers?
they choose, say, (24) ALL
i mean, they would type 24 at the prompt
because 24 is designated for all
but they don;t have to type all numbers
i already have a code for collecting the user input in a list, then acquiring their respective value from the fruit dictionary.. my problem is how to represent those data..
Ok. So (using your simple list of 4 fruits above) you want a function that takes a list like [1, 3, 4] and returns the string "I chose apple, grapes and cherry." And if the list is [3, 4, 1] you want the string "I chose grapes, cherry and apple." Is that correct?
Ok. Try this:
fruits = (
def make_sentence(lst):
    if not lst:
        return None

    if len(lst) == 1:
        words = fruits[lst[0]]
        words = [fruits[i] for i in lst]
        words = ', '.join(words[:-1]) + ' and ' + words[-1]
    return 'I chose {0}.'.format(words)
for i in range(5):
    lst = range(1, i + 1)
    print(i, lst, make_sentence(lst))
0 [] None
1 [1] I chose apple.
2 [1, 2] I chose apple and banana.
3 [1, 2, 3] I chose apple, banana and grapes.
4 [1, 2, 3, 4] I chose apple, banana, grapes and cherry.
why is it -1 again? i already forgot.
words = ', '.join(words[:-1]) + ' and ' + words[-1]
it means you started from the last right? i got it now
Thanks PM 2ring!
@JuandelaCruz That's it! words[-1] is equivalent to words[len(words)-1]
Another one of mine le sigh
Oopsies. :) You want a downvote on that too?
Why not just self-delete?
@PM2Ring I don't think I have yet so...
@Ffisegydd Is that the recommended behaviour?
I can do
Well if you don't think it'll help anyone in the future, then yeah probably.
@Ffisegydd Sure
Note that to help someone in the future it'd also need an answer (not just a comment, which can be easily and accidentally automatically deleted)
@Pureferret In that case, your wish is my command. :)
@Ffisegydd The roomba will zap it.
Once closed, yes.
Well, it only need 1 more CV
I've voted, brb.
@PM2Ring Turns out I do have pp
Wey-hey! And now I have tabs
@Pureferret Nice.
@PM2Ring I take it to most projects
My favourite thing is perhaps this testimonial: @some guy on Hacker News - "...the purpose itself is grossly unpythonic"
:) I must admit I'm not a big fan of deeply nested dicts. But I guess they're unavoidable when you need to deal with JSON.
@PM2Ring A'yup
1 hour later…
@Pureferret Don't you put words in my mouth!
1 hour later…
Sweden is the best :)
Hiya @Jon, Long time no see :P
heya @BhargavRao - how goes it?
Not bad. Lots of work this weekend.
Is that a good thing or bad thing? :p
Kinda good as it will keep me occupied and prevent me from disturbing others
yesterday, by Bhargav Rao
Have a paper submission in 3 days. Yet to write the abstract. :(
I still dunno how to impress the reviewers :D
BTW Howz your moderation work going on?
The CV Q seems to have been a little congested
Well - that's not down to me ;)
Lol, I'm sure you'd have 3 more Qs with over 10k each :P
That'd be rather optimistic :)
C'mon you are ninja puppy, Anything is small for you. :D
Have to have some time for walkies and playing fetch!
Q: Does python consume less memory than PHP for background tasks, like web scraping?
A: you'd have to try and see - way too many variables to even attempt an answer at that
I am Python noob, so not yet familiar with benchmark tools.
Though I am using Python via terminal, so it must be faster
^ wild guess
Wild and completely random?
You'd really have to go and test it.
I write in assembly using GUI, so it is slow compared to Python
I'm mean, with PHP there is the browser involved. I'm showing the output in browser, but not with Python. That's what I meant :)
But that statement made me laugh, thanks for the break @samayo
Glad to help
That means nothing if there is anything more time intensive, as that'll tend to dominate
There is 5K URLs and many data to extract from each page, so .. it's kinda big
stackoverflow.com/q/32806827/2301450 "I am just checking the simplest way to do that. No code I have tried. That's why I have posted as a question."
pls give me teh codez. I've been a good boy.
Perhaps I shouldn't mock them. They're probably desperate as the result of poor planning, or just working out where to get started.
4 answers to the [1234] question
@bereal At least they were 4 different answers. :) I feel sorry for the guy who suggested doing it with multiplication & addition. That'd be the sensible way to do it in C. But doing it with strings is faster in Python.
@vaultah I suspect they want that in Tkinter. But I can't tell if it's an assignment or a practical joke.
import Tkinter as tk

def make():
    win = tk.Toplevel(root)
    tk.Label(win, text="Don't press the button").pack()
    b = tk.Button(win, text="Ok", command=make)

root = tk.Tk()
@idjaw that's from my other account — Kulwinder Mann 1 min ago
I was coming on here to discuss that @ber
I need advice on how that should be handled
no idea, to be honest. I'm handling that by breathing deeply so far.
Here is the other part that is annoying. I searched for this '647-756-2552'. Which is the phone number in the data structure. That post comes up 6 times.
I have no idea how something like that should be flagged
yes it is also mine — Kulwinder Mann 20 secs ago
Chutzpah (/ˈhÊŠtspÉ™/ or /ˈxÊŠtspÉ™/) is the quality of audacity, for good or for bad. The Yiddish word derives from the Hebrew word ḥutspâ (חֻצְפָּה), meaning "insolence", "cheek" or "audacity". The modern English usage of the word has taken on a broader meaning, having been popularized through vernacular use in film, literature, and television. The word is sometimes interpreted—particularly in business parlance—as meaning the amount of courage, mettle or ardor that an individual has. However, in more traditional usage, chutzpah has a negative connotation. == EtymologyEdit == In Hebrew, chutzpah is...
I so wanna post Well, you are screwed @KulwinderMann
@idjaw No need to worry. It's been killed.
aaaand undeleted
@PM2Ring Meh. Sometimes I don't care about performance, and want to do it with math, but the reason I would want to do that is for clarity, and that answer doesn't cut it for me. I'd do:
>>> [sum(digit * 10 ** pow for pow, digit in enumerate(reversed(a)))]
@PM2Ring Thanks. I've been newly contributing more and more over the last week or so...so wasn't sure how handle this particular situation.
@idjaw People are allowed to have multiple accounts, but they aren't allowed to use them to screw the SO system.
@PatrickMaupin Hmmm. Maybe it's my old C instincts but I don't like the frivolous use of exponentiation. :)
@PM2Ring This is I assume a good example of abusing the SO system?
It's hard to tell. I'm inclined to write it off as due to sheer user incompetence.
He might've created a new account on his phone or school computer because he was away from his home computer & couldn't log in to his regular account.
It's not like he was hiding the fact that he's using two accounts.
rbrb, goin out to enjoy the sunday nite
His questions are bad, and he's hard to communicate, which (I assume) is due to English not being his primary language. He didn't get a great answer or much useful advice on that earlier question that you linked to. And his new question was sufficiently different to warrant being a new question, not simply an update to the previous one.
I suspect that if he'd gotten an answer on the earlier question that showed him a good data structure to use for this problem he may have not needed a follow-up question. OTOH, he may not have understood a good answer properly...
Argh. They deleted the question and my flag was automarked as helpful. ?
What should we do? :[
New name for a band frivolous exponentiation
I've often thought that Chromatic Aberration would be a good band name.
@PM2Ring Optimization is fine, but optimization in Python is completely different than in C, and not always in the way you think.
@PM2Ring That was my experience yesterday trying to help. I deleted some of my responses because people were posting all kinds of answers and he was downvoting and rejecting. Anyway, I think you're right, it's just a matter of inability to express what is actually going on.
$ python -m timeit "int(''.join([str(i) for i in [1,2,3,4]]))"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.905 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit "sum(digit * 10 ** pow for pow, digit in enumerate(reversed([1,2,3,4])))"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.816 usec per loop
@PM2Ring On one hand I think that this individual is at a level of their education that they probably genuinely need help in understanding what is going on...it's just all lost in translation in the worst place on earth....the internet :P
@idjaw Yeah. It might help if he saw a complete program that did exactly what he wants. But that'd be just doing his assignment for him, and we don't want to do that.
In [6]: a = [1, 2, 3, 4] * 50

In [7]: %timeit [int(''.join(str(x) for x in a))]
10000 loops, best of 3: 38.8 µs per loop

In [8]: %timeit [sum(v * 10**i for i, v in enumerate(a[::-1]))]
10000 loops, best of 3: 120 µs per loop
This was my answer ^
@idjaw It's like what an old high school teacher of mine used to say: "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you".
@vaultah Hmmm, now I have to dig in.
@PM2Ring Exactly. I've had my share of "can you give me your report" back in University...it's frustrating. This is the internet version of that. SO wasn't really what it is now when I was in University....so that was my equivalent :)
@vaultah Oh, wait, nevermind -- I see the *50. Yes, there is no question that that level of exponentation will be problematic...
yep :)
@vaultah What's the difference if you use enumerate(reversed(a)) instead of enumerate(a[::-1])? And I guess it'd be good to see a timing for the s *= 10;s += e approach of mohan3d
@PM2Ring If I had the time I'd love to pull him in to a chat and just explain things to him clearly. SO can be accommodating to students and their assignments...if they just stop the "dude, just give me the answer" attitude.
@PM2Ring I don't think that's a huge difference -- the difference is that vaultah was doing it with 200 digits.
And I would expect strings to shine there. I even do long binary '0111110000' strings all the time, for same reason. One conversion...
@idjaw Yeah, I don't have a lot of patience for people with that attitude. If they really want to learn, that's fine. But when they just keep asking questions that show they don't really understand what you thought you'd explained before, I'm outta there. I've had enough Help Vampires to last me a lifetime or two.
@PatrickMaupin It's Python, so he's allowed to use 200 digit integers if he wants to. :)
@PM2Ring Cheers.
@PM2Ring Sure, but to answer the question, he'd have to do a final integer divide by 10 ** 196 :-)
If you want to get a good feel for SO policy stuff, have a browse on SO Meta
rbrb PM 2Ring
The blind are leading the deaf. Unfortunately, they are not allowed to touch them in the process.
^^^^ Mod, please delete my prev post -- unwarranted words about a misunderstanding.
(Which talks about using try/except in order to try-parse integers)
The example given
return int(s, base)
except ValueError:
return val")
functions correctly
But what if one were to try to trivially integrate it as follows:
return int(myobject.myprop, base)
except ValueError:
return val
(Without separating it into a function because according to some of the answers, it's already the pythonic way)
If you're not "separating it into a function" then what's with the return ???
Now, we've introduced a potential bug in the coed - if myobject.myprop is a property that may sometimes throw ValueError, this error is swallowed by an except that should have no right to do so
patrick - return from the function I've placed the chunk of code in
This demonstrates my problem with using try/except for regular control flow - it's all too easy to capture more exceptions than you intended
In most cases, I'm not a huge fan, but in some cases it's easiest. For your example, if the base was always 10, I wouldn't do it, but if the base could change I might. But even then, I'd first do something like result = myobject.myprop and then operate on result.
If the base were always 10, then after that, you could do:
return int(result) if result.isdigit() else result
# You have a simple var and you want to see if it is string-like:
    s + ''
except TypeError:
That sort of thing usually works well to support duck typing. But you are right that if you are not careful about when you do it, you can hide other errors.
Even in base 10 that wouldn't help - it wouldn't parse "-1"
True, although you can easily add code if you need negative numbers:
So basically, we should indeed use the "try .. except" but treat it as a sub-optimal construct that should be hidden in a function, not as a python idiom.
I'd agree with that
return int(result) if result.replace('-', '').isdigit() else result
Unfortunately, you'll wind up pulling it out of the function as soon as you care about the performance hit of an extra function call.
As soon as I care about the performance hit of an extra function call I'm dropping python (or switching to pypy if it doesn't have that, not sure)
(Dropping = switch to a more suited language for the current project)
In a lot of (maybe most?) cases, I'll wrap in a function call whether I'm using exceptions or string checking like above. But there are some cases where I care a bit more about performance, but not enough to switch languages.
I suppose
Also, if you don't want to propagate the exception, it means that you're fine with either a string or an integer. Which probably means that somewhere else, you'll have to deal with the distinction. A lot of times, you can put the code that deals with the distinction directly in the try/except/else clause (taking care, as you point out, not to put too much code that could fail under the try clause).
But that's harder to do if you make a rule for yourself that try/except needs to be isolated.
@Kevin are you watching Clarence? I gave it a solid 6.9/10 -- it has its moments :)
how-to-put-the-output-of-a-function-in-python-in-a-text-file -- drive-by question, didn't respond to comment 2 minutes later...
1 hour later…
Hey folks.
4 hours later…
Is there a downside to using pickle/cPickle to memoize function calls? I see most caching/memoization libraries construct cache keys by just taking hashes of the arguments, but then the arguments have to be hashable, and using pickle is simpler. Am I missing something?
... for y_step, fade in cblks:
... ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

`cblks` is `()` the line before this call.
I tried for a,b in (): and it worked no problem.
I mean, in a shell, not replacing the code proper.
If I stuff print [(a,b) for a,b in cblks] in there, it returns [], which is correct.
Am I missing something here?
If I entirely replace clbks with (), it works.
the loop it's wrapped in works on cblks and my indentation is busted.
I am just dumb as hell. <3
@iCanLearn The primary use for memoization is to be able to trade off execution time vs. memory. For this use case, you don't want to spend all the time saved on prior executions looking up stuff to figure out whether or not you've seen this case before. This makes using hashes very attractive, even for calculations with relatively low overhead.
Also, for most cases, hashes are not a burden -- in general, if you want repeatable results, your inputs will either alread be hashable or be easy to make hashable. But if that doesn't work for you, sure, do something else. :-)
@Augusta Am I to understand you've fixed your own problem?
@PatrickMaupin You are.
Awesome! FWIW, in programming, the will to beat the machine is much more important than native intelligence :-)
In this case, perception. I was too busy fussing over the traceback to notice my checks weren't right. =_=
The machine doesn't (generally) pull things out of nowhere to make my life difficult; only I do that. So, the question becomes, "WHERE O GOD WHERE??"
And here I am~
where are we?
@JGreenwell I'm here: (30.220505, -97.798582)
that's specific
All I know is what this site tells me.

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