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I thought about something interesting
I need to use some sort of a delimiter to my serialized data I want to store, I decided to use the pipe character '|'. Problem is, if my text already contains | or some specially crafted string that might cause a problem.
There are plenty of ways to escape things, (and I'd love to hear your best suggestion)
my foolproof method of testing is by having some sort of a function that brute forces until it finds a sequence of characters that do not appear in the text and uses them as the delimiter.
any easier ideas?
Why are you rolling your own serializer?
How come matching on this regex keeps the colon in the string? How do I get it out? ([\w\d]+(?:\:)?) (a string like Hello:Goodbye)
@AdamSmith I used pickle and json and they had an output too large for me. I decided to create my own serialization for this specific project
Sounds like the halting problem
@corvid Because you asked it to? Try ([\w\d]+)(?:\:)?
yes, what Patrick said :P
@AdamSmith Be careful not to mix threading and multiprocessing.
@PatrickMaupin I'm not, I'm trying to choose one :)
If I have an object K and I want to make a new NumPy.array filled with them, how could I assign K's type during array creation? I thought numpy.zeros(shape, type(K)); would work, it doesn't, since type(type(K)) is a type Object.
@AdamSmith Actually, you can mix them, as long as you start all your processes before you start your threads.
I don't really have the expertise to know the ramifications of mixing threads and processes. I may just have to wrap a thread in a new object to handle the button press
a different method I have is to separate using pipes and have a regex get only last pipe out of odd numbered pipes
when I replace | with || before adding my own pipes as delimiters
@GLaDOS I was going to suggest something like that-- just use multiples of your delimiter if they appear in the delimited text. Keep adding more until you arrive at a number that isn't used.
I didn't think it was the best idea, though, so I kept it to myself.
i did the opposite
I multiplied all characters in the text. I then add my own
@AdamSmith The problem is basically that when you fork, all your IPC state is copied, but only the current thread is copied. Can be a huge problem. There are cheesy workarounds, but AFAIK the only thing guaranteed to work is to only have a single thread running at the time of the fork. So you can fork a process that handles forking other processes, and then start your threads, for example.
That might be a little less managable, especially if you have double-pipes in the text as well.
they will also be multiplied
Yes, and I can see that becoming a nuisance, potentially.
But if it works for you, so much the better!
I'd recommend not doubling the delimiter, but using some predefined escape character (\ is a good one) (also putting a single backslash in a code block is pomegranate impossible)
My reasoning is that you're more likely to be searching for delimiters in the text than you are to be looking for non-delimiters, right? So the delimiters should have the least-common identity possible.
thats why I suggested brute forcing the text for a sequence you cant find
for every delimiter I can craft something that will be problematic
If you double delimiter-characters to indicate that they aren't delimiters, then you'll end up searching a lot more items, potentially, maybe?
the problem is when the escaped character and the delimiter gets mixed up together
for example...?
It's possible that I'm confused, but isn't it only possible for an escape character and a delimiter to become confused if you deliberately configure them that way?
    for delimiter | where 'a', 'b' and 'c' should be a|b|c
the problem starts when the strings are 'a|a|', 'b', 'c'
they should become either a||a|||b|c or a|a|||b||c
It's very possible that I'm confused. It's late.
why is that a problem? Your serialized text is a\|\|a|b|c, and you deserialize by re.split(r"(?<!\\)|")
so there isn't much of a difference. but you can notice that the delimiter is always odd numbered
(or whatever the right number of backslashes is, I cba to memorize escaping regexes)
@AdamSmith oh wait
you're right
preprocess your text by doing s/|/\\|/g (again, escaping rules are hard and probably wrong)
It's also late here
what time is it where you live right now?
Me? 15:30
that's the correct one
It's actually only 18:49 here but I haven't been sleeping well or at normal hours.
(1:35 am)
i've been going to sleep at 5 AM for the past few days now
for some reason I only get to coding at that hour. Probably since no one is there to bother me or have me bother him
I can only work well at night.
Post-dawn, AM-hours are a dead loss for me.
What do you think about using lambda, map, reduce vs loops and other stuff?
I've read somewhere that while it's small its very not readable
list comps are usually easier to read than map/reduce
loops are usually more readable than list comps
if you're doing something complicated
lambdas are fine imo
even simple map statements are usually easier to read as a list comp
map(lambda x: x*3, [1,2,3])
[x*3 for x in [1,2,3]]
I do use map in a couple cases. map(str.strip, ['some ', ' user ', 'input'])
map(int, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'])
1 hour later…
I've been slacking lately.. :P

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