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hello, got a question, my python doesnt hold the library 'fcntl' any suggestion ?
You should install it, then.
It's probably not a default library. pip install
how?, install ./library.py
@Agawa001 I suggest you do some research online into installing python libraries.
i used test_fcntl, negative response
A wild Tristan has appeared.
ok... i ll do it the longer way
@corvid I don't even know how to begin picking apart the message that is a response to: 'If you try to be "inclusive" to people who are behaving like assholes, you're doing it wrong.'
Yes, you will. We're not here to babysit you and do your job for you, we expect you to do your own work/research.
If you expect otherwise, I'm sure we could come to some kind of consultancy arrangement where you pay us for our time.
Which means it's subject to the reflexive asshole property. "You like pokemon blue? FUCKING ASSHOLE PUNTER SHITE"
Blue? Gold was best anyway. It had the perfect progression of pokemon to ensure maximum easy victory
@Ffisegydd Speaking of which, did you get my check for being nice to me?
Pidgey => Ghastly => Abra , Ghastly catches abra with mean look, Alakazam has the highest special attack power so you just level him and win
It bounced, apparently you don't have the required 30c in your bank account.
@corvid I loved that series but theyre the only games I have that won't save anymore.
@Ffisegydd Sounds about right
wats your problem @Ffisegydd
Dis gon' be gud
Patience runs very thin around September. Such is the natural cycle of SO.
Especially when September is Eternal.
@Agawa001 Think about what you're asking. "I have a library, I want it installed. It doesn't seem to be." Ffisegydd tells you to do some reading to learn about what you're doing. This isn't being a jerk. You make a passive aggressive comment about doing it the "longer way" as if others exist as a shortcut to reading documentation for 30 seconds.
Yeah but it's twice as eternal during actual September
Maybe you should take a vacation in September then :)
@Agawa001 That's odd. fcntl is a standard module, going back to Python 2.3. It is *nix-specific, though.
I really wish there was a way to use an OrderedDict in a dictionary comprehension.
Can you not use a genexp inside an OrderedDict call?
OrderedDict((k, v.whatever()) for k,v in sorted(d, key=lambda:...)) or something?
Huh, I guess you could.
@Ffisegydd sure, why not
Not as neat as a dictcomp, but gets the job done.
It's better than the nested for loops I was going to end up with.
Did you just literally grant a wish?
well, for dictcomp that would be some intermediate dict.
I have been known to occasionally help people within this room, as opposed to just kick them out.
Chaotic good
hey @delanne
OrderedDict((field, {str(k): str(v) for k, v in info.items()}) for field, info in schema.items()) works perfectly! Thanks, Fizzy!
Helping people makes me feel weird inside, like a kind of bubbling up...or maybe it's just wind...
It's possibly your heart beating. It may have grown three sizes this day. Consult your physician immediately.
Next problem, figure out how Pymssql manages to grab a system wide exclusive lock on my DB. :/
Anyone got a "print N digits of a number" dupe? stackoverflow.com/q/32610443/3005188
I wish I could get my all-time number of downvotes, the number on my profile only shows non-deleted Qs.
@Ffisegydd it's not clear, whether he means any digits or digits after the comma.
@bereal hmm, agreed. Closing as unclear.
is it valid to say 'comma', btw? In Russia they use comma for that purpose.
In America we use the comma to separate thousands, ex. 1,234,567.89
I guess, in most of the countries they use comma for readability in long numbers.
IIRC "decimal mark" is the region-invariant term
South Africa also say comma for decimal thingy
"decimal point" is more common in idiomatic American English, but commas aren't really "points" unless you are generous about ignoring the tail
Ooooh Data Explorer to the rescue!

Ffisegydd 1727(up) 2432(down) 58%
Oh dear O.o
I need more, I'm nowhere near jonrsharpe

jonrsharpe 898 16856 94
Let the hate flow
I won't be crossing your paths any time soon
Yeah those 1727 upvotes are from when I was new to the site and full of hope.
If you downvote 10 question every day including weekends, that takes ~0.666 years. Coincidence? I think not.
I'm surprised at the mostly even split over which countries use which decimal mark
Heh, but we're in majority!
@Kevin That's interesting
Had no idea there were that many people who used the comma
I was expecting a 90-10 distribution, in the vein of traffic sides or metric/imperial
Yeah, me too
cabbage all
I always thought the decimal period was an imperial system thing, so it would be really uncommon.
All the europeans I know use comma.
So how do you install a missing standard module? Or do you have to re-install Python from scratch? Google turns up plenty of stuff about installing 3rd-party modules, but I'm not having any luck finding info about installing standard modules.
Sometimes people post questions on SO about how Tkinter doesn't work on their fresh install. These questions typically get zero replies.
Therefore I assume that the problem is unsolvable.
@Kevin They should have checked the tk checkbox on install then!
@PM2Ring AFAIK, you'd have to re-compile for some modules or move the files from a machine that's the same architecture. If you're mentioning the fnctl question from above, I'd put money on it being chunk of copy/paste that assumed Linux, but the user is on Windows.
@Kevin dot looks as though it might've originated from the UK
So all ex-british empire places
Ugh, that’s the new default install path for Python… C:\Users\poke\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35 >_<
@RobertGrant I'm surprised something that was manufactured there has worked for this long.
Plus a few outliers, probably with common roots to wherever the British got it from
AppData annoys me because it's invisible in explorer
@poke windows 10?
Oh, if you tick the “Install for all users” button, it becomes the standard path in program files
@poke That's where it is. I've been trying to find it.
@tristan true!
“Create shortcuts for installed applications” – Now, what does that do?
Definitely no buildings in the UK older than, say, America
I won't believe they're that old until I see the birth certificate.
@RobertGrant I didn't mean to suggest that stacked rocks wouldn't cooperate there
@Kevin :) Tkinter was bundled with Python on my first Mepis distro, but it was omitted in the later Mepis version I now use, but I didn't notice it was gone for a couple of years because I didn't use it. And then one day I tried to run some Tkinter code I saw on SO... So I ended up installing it using pip (of course). But I wouldn't expect to install standard core modules that way.
/me just realized that Python 3.5 installs with a SPACE in the path by default. Amazing. Take that Ruby!
That's a bit of a cheat - it is old, but it was also extended more recently
Recently as in the 6th century
@JuhaUntinen - and who says OP doesn't have the skills for the job? He said he is studying for the interview, not the job. Those are completely different, you know? — Davor 6 hours ago
@tristan The Windows/Linux thing was my first thought, which is why I said in my reply to him "It is *nix-specific, though".
@PM2Ring Oh, missed that. I think you solved it.
But he didn't say he was on Windows. OTOH, he didn't say he wasn't. :) Oh well.
Does that building prove that British stuff doesn't last? Where in the UK is it?
@tristan looks nice, has someone blown it up yet?
@wonderb0lt Why would someone do that?
@RobertGrant I can't tell if you're upset that I made a joke about british goods reliability or if you're doing a set-up.
Neither, I'm just confused by the picture :)
Oh, I just thought we were linking to stacked stones
@tristan Because blowing up ancient cultural heritage sites has happened a lot this year :(
Stones stacked into buildings?
@wonderb0lt Oh, that image is from America, not a middle eastern country where some goat-molesting religious loon is pretending he's a tough guy
Americans can blow up buildings too ;_;
Yeah but they generally go somewhere else to do it
It's the American way
@tristan Good. It's still a travesty
Yeah, we're really sorry about coming in and winning WW2 for you
Oh - lol. You're Russian?
Totally didn't know that
@RobertGrant Oh sorry, I forgot this routine was supposed to be "ha ha america is fat and bad lol we don't do anything right! this isnt a tv at all"
Tristan is a citizen of the world
Capturing the Enigma Machine was cool though
@tristan no, I...was it?
Uh oh someone brought up politics online. enters fetal position
I really don't know what we're doing right now to be honest.
I shouldn't have mentioned blowing up old stacks of stone
i was doing this tired joke
Am I too mainstream if SO’s start page only shows me 7 questions that are not highlighted? (because of favorite tags)
Now I'm drunk and somehow an assault rifle has appeared in my hands and I can't stop screaming america
There's an equivalent Simpsons joke somewhere, if I could only find it :)
Dear Sir/Madam,

FIRE! FIRE! 123 Carrenden Road
@wonderb0lt "Hope to hear from you soon"
@wonderb0lt 0118 999 88199 9119 725
A peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss.
a cabbage is neither a cab nor an age.
that's too bad, inari age is pretty sweet
It could possibly be a cab bage if you properly hollow it out and use a toy taxi
@tristan very tempted to look up American goat molesting religious loons pretending to be tough guys. I seem to remember there are a few defending their right not to accede to federal government.
Anybody here use DreamHost's cloud object storage dealie-o? It looks basically like their flavor of S3?
I've been paying $10/month for hosting + vanity domain for years and years but apart from one brief foray into hosting a weekly short fiction competition that went bust, it's basically gone unused
Getting the row of a tkinter button in grid on click displeases me because OP is using i for a row iterator and j for a column iterator
@Kevin Oh, sorry about that, I'll switch them for you
I'll still have the mental scars, though.
Are you a bad enough dude to go back in time and prevent the question from ever being asked?
I'm on break
@JRichardSnape any stories you find exist to sell newspapers and it's not even apples or oranges to compare american distrust of federal government to people that are killing others over a skywizard
Is that better than killing in the name of Slender man?
Sure. Let's turn left though.
Lol, sorry. Just remember a recent article on that.
I wonder if I should warn OP that his code will fail when height is greater than 1.
You know he'll submit another question or pester whoever answers for more debugging questions anyway lol
It's a fairly minor bug. OP speaks in complete sentences, putting him in the top 10% of SO users. I believe he can figure it out on his own.
There's a very unpredictable gap between can and will.
I am painfully aware, yeah
Meteor question on SO is a flask question in disguise
CBG ... laurel ... did you saw this video!! ... I hope many have bt for some who haven't .. here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=132&v=uipTZ2re4Uk
:D #notpython
Lesson: don't make a default sqla object in your flask init and then expect it to work well when multiple people are using your system
@VineetKumarDoshi You linked to the very last second of the video.
@RobertGrant What do you mean?
@Air Yeah, that's actually a feature.
I am so tempted to be sarcastic here stackoverflow.com/q/32613283/400617 and comment "Good thing you've chose and descriptive, specific title for your problem. No one will ever want to know if there is better, shorter code for any other problem."
freodom.blogspot.fi/2015/09/… poor Finland. In Finland the government will cut the deficit with an austerity measure that will increase government deficit by 500 million (100 € per person).
thank you haha I can't believe I didn't see that! :) — degiorgi.zico 4 mins ago
OP seems satisfied, no need to keep it open
hmm, someone else just had that print = typo a day or two ago
Do we have a dupe for this? I'm a bit uncomfortable closing such questions as typos
@tristan Not making such a comparison. Gonna leave it there.
@vaultah interesting Q/A pair you've put up, I'm going to have a proper look later.
Thanks :)
I should stick to the easy ones. That's the quickest 4 upvotes I've ever got. :) Kasra had a slightly weird answer, now deleted.
cabbage everybody. Someone know some news about stackoverflow documentation project ?
You mean besides the new meta post? No.
which new meta post davidism ?
this one ?
Q: Warlords of Documentation: Your Quest(ions Answered)

Kevin MontroseA couple weeks ago we came to meta with a proposed expansion of Stack Overflow: Documentation. The response has been very encouraging: 2,400+ upvotes and even more signups for the beta. You guys also asked a ton of questions. Some of them we were already kicking around internally, but weren’t ...

Yes, literally the newest meta post currently.
thanks @davidism i did not know about it before searching for it
can anyone explain why my labels aren't getting updated?
i think it might have something to do with it not being in the build method but i am not sure or not using the init method
Wann can you reduce your code to a minimal example showing your problem ?
@XavierCombelle you can edit and remove a message for 2 minutes by clicking the arrow to the left of a message
@davidism I forgot @Wann a minimal working example
DDP is being a dumb again
@PM2Ring the easy one are the more rewarding ones I get this guru badge for a trivial answer
i think this might work. Moving through the program depends on other things as well.
@XavierCombelle It's nice getting the points & badges, but at the same time it's a bit sad that such simple stuff attracts so much action and the truly interesting, challenging questions & answers get skipped over by the majority who don't understand them, or can't be bothered putting in the energy to understand them. OTOH, I guess I skip over lots of stuff that looks like too much work, too, so I can't really blame anybody.
@Wann there's a lot going on in that program right now. You need to debug this. Narrow the problem down by removing things that are not related to labels. See minimal, complete, and verifiable example.
A guy I've been encouraging to get into Python signed up for a university course, and is now emailing me pics from his visual basic textbook. :(
@AaronHall visual basic textbook: does such a thing exist ?
Sad, right?
I hope you mean it's a textbook that is both visual and basic.
Good job friend, that textbook certainly has illustrations and straightforward exercises. A fine guide to learn Python.
although I believe that in code complete there are example in Visual Basic which serves their purpose
Worse, he needs help, and wants me to help him.
Microsoft crap.
cbg Jon
@Kevin umm.... that definitely can't be the code - not with data = open('C:\file.txt','r') - or that's some weirdly named file...
actually, as "can no longer be reproduced"
Oops! I was continuously looking for solutions and in the meanwhile didn't figure out that I got the solution. My second code is working fine. Thanks for your help. — user3022649 1 min ago
I'm trying to write a custom context manager that will create a temp table in SQL when I enter it. Should the code to create the table be in __init__? Or __enter__. I read the docs, but I'm still confused.
I'd put it in __enter__
Alright, thanks.
TIL: Antartica has a country code for international calls.
So close to 2k rep :|
<- very far from 2k rep
Same, in an absolute sense
Brief cabbage for all.
cabbage @DSM
You can't have your cabbage and eat it too.
You can, for certain definitions of "have".
If I eat the cabbage, in a way it's more certain that I have it than if the cabbage was still sitting on the counter.
Well your body is in the process of expelling it so I'd say it's not even yours anymore
You will have the cabbage until it ceases to be cabbage
@Programmer Ahh... but look at it this way - you're closer to 2k rep than I am :p
If a cabbage falls in a chat room.
@JonClements if I look at yours I may have to cry
@DSM ooo.... looks like we'll be celebrating your 100k soon :p
I am filled with jealousy.
@Kevin you need to pray harder to the rep gods
@JonClements: true! And that's the point when I may take up a new hobby. I used to write a lot more than I do now, and I've thought of taking it up again.
Sounds like a good hobby - what sort of stuff do you enjoy writing?
I recall a certain screenplay‌​.
Fiction, mostly. I'm good at starting things and terrible at finishing them, though.
I know a lot of programmers with that problem :-)
Really? I get frustrated beyond belief if I can't finish something
I recall reading an interview of Ste(ph|v)en King where he advised writing some thousands of words a day, every day, even if they're objectively bad
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
Seems like his philosophy is, drying up entirely is worse than low quality. (as is evident from King's output these days, heyoooo)
The only King's book I read, was "How to write books"
which is quite interesting, btw.
When I was in high school I was addicted to reading books on how to write. Not addicted to writing, just addicted to the idea of it. :-/
@Programmer Yeah it's particularly endemic among amateur indie game developers
but yeah, I'm quite bad at finishing something...
that's what she said...
@DSM maybe a story about something to do with a snake, a ninja puppy and a starlord? :p
A group whose ambition routinely outpaces their ability
Lol indie game devs...I had more respect for them when their games actually had some thought put into the design and goal. Seems like they just put out games now for the sake of it
I invoke Sturgeon's Law. It has always ever been thus.
It's just easier than ever to find the crud, thanks to the Internet
Guys can python fix a sprained and swollen ankle that I can barely put weight on?
If you sit down all day to work on Python, then yes
Hmm, maybe if WebMD has an API
@Ffisegydd yeah, just make sure to kill it first so it won't bite you
I shouldn't have played Badminton :(
I blame ruby.
I love badminton. Btw, ice packs are the best way to go or ice baths if you dont mind the discomfort
@Ffisegydd At least it's a particularly emasculating game to be injured while playing
Once I get home I'll put it in ice and tank up on painkillers and gin.
Feel better soon :-)
@tristan go back to your lifting, brah.
I need you in top shape when the next wave of the 1 rep horde arrives
@Ffisegydd Oh, thanks for the reminder
I can kick people without a foot, don't worry.
Reminds me of the old webcomic Warbot in Accounting where the eponymous military droid retires after the war to work in a cube farm. His pincers are well-suited for crushing human skulls, but are not so great at working a keyboard.
I recommend it. It's like ten pages long so there's not much of a time investment.
I thought about a certain sys admin one from xkcd.
You'll laugh, you'll cry. You'll continue to cry.
> Log, Log, It's Better Than Bad, It's Good
first rule of helping over IRC: the person will always find some way that your simple solution doesn't fit his needs
i know that video is a joke, but it stings
The owner looks like Ron Swanson, which is a pretty good selling point
Wait, the video is a joke? How can you tell?
@Kevin seriously? :P
@Kevin Because he rubbed ginger against the wood. Everyone knows artisanal firewood requires a quinoa dry-rub.
If this is real, then so is that
Rich white people have an infinite capacity to spend money on dumb things.
thats racist
I dunno, it seems a little cheap. Anything under $5k a bundle is clearly just trash.
@Kevin but at least that is an honest product
I mean, it clearly communicates what it does and how it does it
I'm new to Python and have been using PyCharm for an IDE, anyone have any alternate personal favorites?
@mkemp6 PyCharm is good.
and you have to pay for the cut of the BS here -- in my very serious opion
Those logs didn't grow out of the dirt, did they? It's low-orbit microgravity hydroponics or nothing, for me.
@mkemp6 classic debate TE vs IDE, but: sopython.com/wiki/Python_IDEs
There's nothing wrong with selling logs for a thousand dollars. That's just capitalism, baby
..umm ..and is capitalism a good thing?
ugh, growing wood is non sustainable. did you know that growing pine trees damages the soil?
Well, yes, in a word.
capitalism separates who is smart and who is poor.
@Kevin I don't want them to be grown, I want them lovingly hand-crafted from only the finest atoms.
From a libertarian point of view, yes. Something something maximally efficient distribution of limited goods
i just want to live in a place where we pay for everything in hugs and giggles and everyone is best friends~~~~~~~*
@Kevin well, I'm a libertarian -- or at least I think I am -- but I think capitalism is just as bad as communism or anything else. I mean: they are amazing concepts.. on paper.. but when you start to implement them..
Of course in practice, real life has little resemblance to the principles I learned in Econ 101
@PeterVaro I'm a fan of NotePad++ for TE, and for Py looking for something a little easier to manage for a learner -- having to copy individual lines of code to the console is driving me crazy. Know of anything where you can run highlighted code chunks from the script (analogous to RStudio for R)?
I'm a first year anthropology major and my opinions on this are...
@mkemp6 have you read the article I linked? how 'bout IDLE?
.. desperately needed by everyone?
@mkemp6 PyCharm will let you do that. Alt+Shift+E.
@PeterVaro it only list PyCharm, Sublime and cim, but I'll ggoogle IDLE
"These rules apply, assuming that all parties have perfect information, and there is no barrier to entry". youtube.com/watch?v=nxXEPk3dzFg
@mkemp6 IDLE is "built-in"
if you are on a UNIX like system, just type in idle to the command line
@MorganThrapp +1 perfect.
Honestly, I've yet to find something that PyCharm DOESN'T do.
Hry up again all
"Hry up" is my new favourite way to say hello. Just need to figure out how to pronounce "hry".
The H is silent.
I am now reminiscing of afternoons spent playing Bomberman 64 multiplayer. The narrator's frantic "hurry uuuup!" message heralded the beginning of sudden death mode, when bombs would fall from the sky.
The Bomberman universe is ruled by an angry god, it seems
Haven't played bomberman in ages... use to love that game
I never could get all the gold cards.
Even with the strategy guide, there were some seriously tricky puzzles
Good thing I had a Game Shark or I never would have seen the secret final world
I remember Game Sharks.
... Which the strategy guide only hinted at the existence of, btw. What a ripoff.
It is not the role of the strategy guide to tantalize! I demand that all secrets be laid bare.
Fizzy with the amount of rare candies in pokemon that the game couldn't render?
You don't need a cheat engine to get 0xFF rare candies, you just need to do the Cinnabar Island trick :-)
@MorganThrapp how about alternating focus from the console to the script hotkeys? e.g. Ctrl +1 and Ctrl + 2 in RStudio
@mkemp6 Hmmm, that I'm not sure about. Ctrl + num is bookmark navigation in PyCharm.
@MorganThrapp got it: Ctrl + Tab + <index>... that's actually pretty slick. Starting to like this IDE more and more
@Kevin I didn't even get to use the dial up back then, I had no way of knowing that was a thing!
@mkemp6 Oh yeah, I always forget about that thing.
Have nothing to do right now. Recommendations?
Project Euler
yesterday, by Kevin
Project idea: a program that scans a document for mixed indentation, and draws a freehand red circle around the problem areas
yesterday, by J Richard Snape
Give that one to the next person who comes in and asks whether anyone has any ideas for a cool open source project they can do
Nooooooooo. I was here for that lol
I still want a utility that will swap what I have highlighted with what's in my clipboard when I hit Ctrl+V.
That sounds very difficult unless the OS has API hooks for fetching highlighted text
Windows (theoretically) does.
And even then, there might be naughty programs that don't use OS-supplied highlighting functionality, and roll their own just by inverting font colors or whatever, in which case the OS has no way at all of deducing the highlighted text's existence
My initial thought was to have it store my current text in a temp variable, send Ctrl + C, move new copied text to a temp, move original stuff back to the clipboard, and then paste it.
But I'm sure there are easier ways.
Tkinter has some functionality for interacting with the clipboard, but it is super hacky
Yeah, just use ctrl+v then ctrl+x
Last time I looked at the official Windows clipboard API, I was surprised at how complicated it was.
It's insane.
They may have to handle a very large and messy collection of use cases. #tryingtobefair
There are indeed like seven different kinds of data you can store.
Text, images, uh, and the rest
The human soul
I wonder if the introduction of the recycle bin instead of the trash can wasn't an environmentally-inspired choice but a statement in favour of reincarnation instead of annihilation.
Bitmap, dib, cibv5, enhmetafile, metafilepict, oemtext, text, unicodetext. Clear as mud.
Maybe it's because you can actually rebuild whatever you deleted, given your capabilties / tools
@DSM That depends, did the term originate with Apple or Microsoft.
@DSM Maybe people were worried that deleting a 1 MB file would permanently reduce the capacity of their hard drive by 1 MB.
Rest assured, users. The ones and zeroes are recycled, not destroyed.
I'm pretty sure apple still calls it trash lol
Apple wants you to buy a new hard drive every 18 months, so that aligns with their business goals
I've never heard of this lol
Yes, because I made it up.
Believe nothing you read in this room. Not even this.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
My whole life is a lie.
Objective truth does not exist
> Dr. Julian Bashir: You've given me answers all right; but they were all different. What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't?
Elim Garak: My dear Doctor, they're all true.
Dr. Julian Bashir: Even the lies?
Elim Garak: Especially the lies.
@DSM that's really weird - I'm actually watching DS9 now :p
When are you not watch Star Trek?
I really liked that episode, and the "especially the lies" line stuck with me.
Really really good, but you have to watch it all in the right order.
@Ffisegydd When I'm watching Dr Who, Sliders, SeaQuest DSV etc...?
Time Trax is an American/Australian co-produced science fiction television series that first aired in 1993. A police officer, sent through time into the past, has to track down and return convicted criminals who have escaped prison in the future. This was the last new production from Lorimar Television. == PremiseEdit == In the year 2193, over a hundred criminals become fugitives of law enforcement by traveling back in time two hundred years, using a time machine called Trax. Darien Lambert (Dale Midkiff) is a police detective of that period who is sent back to 1993 in order to apprehend as many...
That's also a series I enjoyed which'd be good to track down somewhere...
Wasn't that based on a movie?
Not sure...
Anyone know how to append multiple values to a single list index? like this but with proper syntax.....
lagMax = 10 #####Enter Value
lagValues = []
i = -1
for lag in range(1,lagMax+1):
print lag
i += 1
for value in Values[lag-1:]:
@AF2k15 look at list.extend?
i will check it out
@AF2k15 also, please format your code properly next time you decide to ask for help.
i guess I'm trying to do something like list[index].append(value) but that's improper

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