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Oops the question I was gathering all this data for got answered while I was durdling around, so I have immediately lost interest.
Especially when it seems to have NOTHING to do with Python.
@wouter are you in south africa?
@Kevin stackoverflow.com/a/20007730/3005188 is a nice little golf hack anyway :P
It's pretty sick.
@Kevin I think it's homework, so I won't post my code there.
Yeah, I typed up a solution but then decided not to post it.
all_scores = [
    [10, 20, 30],
    [10, 10, 30],
    [10, 20, 20],
    [20, 20, 20],
for scores in all_scores:
    print('\n', scores)
    scores = sorted(((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(scores)), reverse=True)
    rank = 1
    hi = scores[0][0]
    for v, i in scores:
        if v < hi:
            rank += 1
            hi = v
        print('{0}: #{1}: {2}'.format(rank, i, v))
I went with
#returns the number of items in `seq` that are larger than `number`
def ranking(seq, number):
    larger_items = [item for item in seq if item > number]
    return len(larger_items)
#returns the place (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) for each item in the list.
def places(seq):
    return [1+ranking(seq, item) for item in seq]
print " ".join(to_ordinal(item) for item in places([1,2,3]))
Which is O(N) but meh
O(N^2), since it has to (potentially) scan the whole list for each item.
whoops, that's what I meant.
O(N) isn't meh!
All solutions worse than O(0) are crap and unpythonic.
Lol yeah linear time would be a terrible achievement!
I s'pose mine's O(NlogN) since it uses Timsort.
Real programmers determine the output of their program ahead of time and replace the source code with the_result = [something]; print(result)
return 4 # chosen by fair dice roll
@Ffisegydd What about
never mind getting coffee
OTOH, I'm pretty sure Timsort uses selection sort for small lists. Selection sort is O(N^2) but it works out cheaper for small N. If you want to really optimize small sorts, you use a sorting network
Back in my day, it was "jajaja".
kekeke ^_^
Playing GunBound with whimsical Brazilians.
Here's a sorting network for 3 items, but I wouldn't inflict this onto a newbie:
def sort3(a, b, c):
    if c < b: b, c = c, b
    if b < a: a, b = b, a
    if c < b: b, c = c, b
    return a, b, c
And if you want to test that,
from itertools import permutations
for p in permutations('abc', 3):
    print p, sort3(*p)
@AvinashRaj: I removed your ast.literal_eval() comment. Please don't sprout that everywhere there is a JSON question.
Hrmph... I am not sure why this is working for one connection, but not the other.
def _create_connection(name):
    "name": name
  }, {
    "$set": { "status": "disconnected" },
    "$setOnInsert": { "messages": [] }
@RobertGrant no: why?
Dunno, I just know someone in SA called Wouter :)
I once met a Belgian called Wouter; are you that one?
@PM2Ring But surely ((a,b,c) if b < c else ((a,c,b) if a < c else (c,a,b))) if a < b else ((c,b,a) if b > c else ((b,c,a) if a > c else (b,a,c))) is more Pythonic
Not that one; just thought it might be a South African name :)
@Kevin For certain values of Pythonic...
@RobertGrant it's Dutch originally, I think
re: earlier conversation about passing by references or values.
i think part of the confusion is that python "references" aren't real "references" so the language gets kludgy around saying "reference" vs "value on my stack that points to another value/reference mapping"
I get my wifi from someone named router. Maybe you two know each other?
Wow. I just got yet another upvote in U&L on a little answer I wrote in December. I guess it must be helping people. :)
Fancy. I get my wifi from the well out back.
It's not like Wouter knows every person named Wouter in the world. Oh, hold on, Kevin Bacon is calling. Probably about our brunch with Kevin Rose and Kevin the bird from Up.
Wife applied for visa. Now to work until I'm 67 to get that money back.
Now you apply for a visa, which you can use to flee the country and your creditors
I used to write in a language designed by a guy named Wouter: Amiga E, created by Wouter van Oortmerssen. It was a wonderful language for a wonderful machine.
Is it me, or is Werkzeug's Don't Panic screen the best thing ever?
I think that penicillin still holds that title, unfortunately.
Ah okay. Or dwarf wheat, I guess.
@RobertGrant How expensive is it? Also, working only until 67? Pff, what is the UK, Greece 2?
Some people will say sliced bread is the best thing since... well. But I think they're in the pocket of Big Bread.
@tristan that is my projected retirement age in the UK; has been for last 10 years or so
@Kevin We just call that baguette now...
It's: visa (956), healthcare supplement (600), English language cert (300), fast track so it doesn't take 12 weeks (300), TB scan (50)
So, just over 2000 pounds
@RobertGrant Just be a hair dresser or barista in Greece and retire at 55
I may have missed some bits
That's actually not too bad. My understanding is that Europe is tolerating people doing it for free though, so maybe you're getting ripped off.
Yeah indeed, any EU citizen can walk in; the wife of a guy who has paid lots of tax has to pay
@RobertGrant Oh. I've been following the news a bit and as a non-EU citizen, I was just going to come over and stay.
Thankfully I'm not the vengeful sort
You might find it difficult to claim asylum on humanitarian grounds, at least until Trump wins the primary
@jonrsharpe There's no Yerba Mate here, the cities are quite dull, and the electronic music is largely uninspired.
I'm pretty sure those are tickboxes on the forms.
Hey - what about this: Vengeful Sort. It removes the highest numbers in a bloodbath, but then the next highest end up with the same value as the original highest ones due to the human condition.
@RobertGrant Pettysort. It's bubblesort with artificial sleeps.
@RobertGrant I think for that £2k they also throw in a buff and polish
Clearcoat is extra
The only bit I don't mind paying is the healthcare supplement, as that allows full access to the NHS for three years
The rest of it is just a bureaucratic cottage industry
i don't like a single thing that comes out of atlassian. what a pile of garbage.
unrelated: i'm doing my biweekly "update all my tickets/documentation"
but they have configurable emoticons in hipchat!
@tristan try SourceTree (at least compared to Github client)
@bereal so does slack. and when you use IRC, you're not handing your communication and trust to a corporation with hand-wavey privacy policies
@RobertGrant still junk. it's like outlook took a crap on git
unreproducible, and OP's not responding. stackoverflow.com/q/32332224/4014959
@bereal oh, i know, just trudging through that because i'm in a pissy mood because i have to deal with this garbage
What garbage?
@RobertGrant the atlassian "stack"
We use Jira and Slack
@MartijnPieters hmm.
What's the best data type for expressing an amount of time in the future, not knowing the start time?
Slack is just so amazing though
Odd how Python programmers manage to find an XY problem in every sort of bash/sed/awk solution. And that's all I have to say about this whole thing. May Python continue to shine your shoes, bake your bread, and solve all the XY problems in the universe, real or imagined. — Mike S 17 mins ago
the "best" part about JIRA is how that it doesn't have a clear way in the interface to use it to really talk about code. there's the goofy little {tag} stuff, but really the interface is more tuned to support programmer/company-scams like scrum/agile/middle management
@corvid time delta?
Slack is okay. It's no zulip.
any support for me? ^^^^^
@AvinashRaj the world's your oyster. Go for it!
@tristan sure, it's more about noncoders and coders communicating than coders talking to coders
Zulip is looks pretty neat
I don't care much for writing a python script when a sed/bash/whatever one-liner would suffice. just as much as I don't care to invoke sed/bash/whatever from Python with os.system.
Never the two shall meet.
@RobertGrant Sure, but there-in lies the issue. Tools meant to make programmers more efficient and their work more visible need to be written with programmers in mind.
Sure. We just don't (particularly) use Jira for that. But if you see tasks being completed then there's some visibility there.
Things like JIRA or Confluence are the tools for people that aren't actually doing the work, so failing to make them fast/easy to use for devs/ops/qa/design/whatever means frustration/loss of productivity at the most expensive level.
Jira is very fast when it's locally hosted; the cloud solution is a bit slower, which is annoying.
@RobertGrant Yeah, so does a piece of paper on the wall with initials next to who is doing what, then drawing a line through something that's done.
Yeah, I agree
Although that doesn't pop up a slack notification
Yeah man! Paper! And if you work remotely someone could just take a picture of the paper and fax it to you.
And I'm not talking about hosting/interface speed. I'm talking about the rate of being able to express what you did and what you need.
@Ffisegydd ah you're right. It's exactly the same!
@Ffisegydd Oh cool, you just invented trello
Fair enough; we just don't even try to use Jira for that
Which happens to be near my favorite solution.
Except at a high level
We use Jira.
Anyway, I'm almost through my bi-weekly "yeah i did the work", click click click, "as a programmer i'd like to blahblahblah", copy/paste, click click click, so /rant I guess.
Guys here drag stuff to WIP/done as appropriate, so you get steady feedback
@PeterVaro Hey did you ever finish your IDE project?
But I guess it depends how granular the tickets are; get that wrong and you either get no useful feedback, or you slow people down too much because they keep having to drag stuff around
@RobertGrant I guess in my projects, that gets handled through normal "hey, i would like it if someone could review X for me" human contact, so :/
@AvinashRaj I don't understand why he's calling it an XY problem. Your solution is fine. However, there's no Python tag on that question, and the OP explicitly mentions they're already using awk & sed, so solutions using those languages are more appropriate. Also, awk & sed are very efficient at simple text processing so your code is probably noticeably slower than the awk or sed solutions.
I sort of understand that. If someone asked how to do some sort in java and had a tag:sorting, I wouldn't add a Python answer
Maybe his analysis is an XY problem: he thinks an XY problem is suggesting (arguably) the wrong answer, when it's actually asking the wrong question
Cabbage folks
I like that theory, Robert.
I'm signing up to say that :)
Turn left!
Got a quick python 'n' run question. If I've got a subclass, it receives some kwargs that's intended for the parent class, how does one pass it to the parent init?
You'll add that, then he will disagree and then you'll do that until one of you gives up.
Hey up Brit.
@IntrepidBrit super()
That part I don't have a problem with, (sorry, should have been more clear)
@Kevin I saw Python code the other day with cat in a subprocess.Popen call. I wanted to smack them. :)
@PM2Ring Why? That's pretty fun
cats are cool :D
def __init__(self, number_cabbage, **kwargs):
    super(ParentClass, self).__init__(kwargs)
__init__(**kwargs) ?
I had a nice experience the other day where the OP said "I'm trying to call bash from Python but I'm having problems" and I said "consider rewriting the bash script in Python" and the OP said that he would. Makes me feel like I'm making a difference in the world.
Now you have two scripts
@tristan They weren't using cat to copy a file - they were cat-ing to stdin.
The OP is currently trying to write their own shell in Python, and cursing your name
@PM2Ring Totally adorable. +100 internet points
you can write bash scripts in any language
@bereal Seems to have liked that. So is the ** unpack just an operator on kwargs, and doesn't matter if I call it a chillion times? (As long as I don't do something silly like kwargs = **kwargs)
@jonrsharpe Nah, it was a fairly basic thing so it would've been pretty easy to do it all in Python, IIRC.
Q: What does ** (double star) and * (star) do for Python parameters?

ToddIn the following method calls, what does the * and ** do for param2? def foo(param1, *param2): def bar(param1, **param2):

Yeah so ** in a function definition will say "Any remaining keyword-arguments, bang them in the kwargs dict" and ** in a function call will say "Take this dict and use them as keyword-arguments in the function call"
@IntrepidBrit also here
Damnit! My DDG-foo is weak
@PM2Ring I usually don't touch the questions which has only awk or sed tag. But if there's any text-processing tag then i should post a python solution.
It's a difficult thing to Google for, but yeah you're a nab.
A national association of broadcasters?
That should word is really dangerous
List of top 50 comments on meta - Nice to see mine there :P
@AvinashRaj Maybe. It depends how complex the text processing is. awk is very efficient, sort of like numpy for text. But it doesn't have fancy stuff like being able to pass a function to do replacement in regex substitution.
@AvinashRaj that's the example of how to write bash scripts in any language.
@BhargavRao nice c:
@AvinashRaj Ha. I wrote my previous post before I saw the code in the linked answer.
welcome Wouter
Q: Only prohibit those who edited the tags from using the dupe hammer

PotatoswatterI have a gold c++ badge but this question wasn't closed when I marked it as a duplicate. The OP had left out the language tag, and it was only added later by an edit. Looking closer, no less than three "golden badgers" voted to close the question, yet it still waited for 5 votes and attracted a...

This is a great idea. It's the feature that the gold hammer is missing.
Yep. But they should make it fool proof.
I don't see how.
Morning cabbage, all.
cbg DSM
Have we got a canonical post explaining why you shouldn't use floats to represent money values?
got one in the opposite end : stackoverflow.com/questions/21208376/…
are you suggesting decimal type @Kevin?
@Kevin, we could show them my portfolio after I wrote a custom trading bot.
This? Not python, though.
hrm. Anyone know a command line tool to find devices connected by an ethernet cable? Not showing up on netstat
@corvid arp
claps hands like a seal
@BhargavRao foolproof against what?
Nailed it
Obvious joke was obvious.
At least fool resistant to 300m
I don't see edits adding the wrong language tags, and I don't see gold users wielding hammers irresponsibly. Let's not assume the worst of everyone.
(Accidentally pushed enter; had no time to think of a funnier ending)
@RobertGrant What a pity it's not more
I'm sure if there's an actual problem it would be caught and reported on meta.
I commented on that post as to how one can abuse that. The reply by Tom was satisfactory.
@BhargavRao Well, since that question needs to be edited, it will be pushed up the "recently active" list, so others will notice that (so there is some kind of review (if you like to call it that)). And if some gold badgers use that system to abuse* it, then they should be permanently banned for that. No temp ban, or warning. But that is just my opinion. (* we still need to define "abuse") — Tom 3 hours ago
@DSM That's fine, thanks :-)
@tristan Arp seems to find them well, but how can I find out what types of devices they are? I specifically have one plugged in
@corvid What, specifically, are you trying to do? Also, consider what ethernet is designed to do.
I have a hardware controller (Galil DMC-4143) plugged in. I want to detect its host and port for configuration
@davidism Perfect answer there.
@corvid Does the Galil have software written to support that capability?
controllers = #find all controllers
for controller in controllers:
  Galil.configurations.insert({ "host": controller.host, "port": controller.port })
So, yes?
does the galil support some broadcast protocol? will it always be on the same broadcast domain?
I don't think so, they have a GUI that appears to have this capability though (GalilTools), wondering how they did it
@corvid i'd go into that. maybe tcpdump to reverse engineer if it's not in the documentation
sits silently watching the Python room, and tries to channel good mojo into it
shouts HEY AARON, STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF to break the silence
@AaronHall what good mojo
honestly, just make yourself a mojito -- it's easier and more likely to make you feel better than providing free programming support on the interbutt
bah - you Kevin'd me on the mojito joke -
dreams of minty goodness
I could go for a mojito about now
got interrupted by a director who informed me that another director is taking my office, mojo is disrupted... :( bummer. Guess I should have pushed for the title when they hired me.
Do we use Kevin or DSM for the verb? I think I prefer DSM
@AaronHall doh
I have a massive office; I share it with lots of people.
We say "ninja'd" when the perpetrator is a ninja, so I think we have to say kevinned when the perpetrator is Kevin (or someone behaving in a Kevin-like fashion.)
haha, you Kevined me. Was just about to point out the symmetry with "ninja'd".
But then other people beat you to the joke too, and it always seems to be you. I'm willing to bow to the consensus though.
@AaronHall Arrange an interview :)
But is it Kevinned or Kevined (which sounds a bit like latrine)
It's got to be Kevin'd.
I think it's DSM when I am the subject "I've been DSM'd", Kevin when the perpatrator is the subject "You have Kevin'd me"
realises his writing avoidance has plumbed new depths
I'm willing to roll with that.
I've been DSM'd sounds like some armchair tumblr psyciatrist has diagnosed you with some fake disorder
The "verbing nouns" section of my grammar textbook is a mostly-blank page saying "here be dragons" so just do what you like I guess
I've just been textbooked
@Kevin that's some nice referencing
: Allow for a scoreboard of cool references/wit/punnery with some command like !+1 Kevin which will add a point to Kevin's score.
... Which I can then cash in for fabulous prizes?
... Yes.
Heh I used to be in an IRC channel that did that
We called it whuffy
that's what an internet chatroom needs, more sycophancy!
@tristan well said! I totally agree. Your majesty.
Excellent groveling, @RobertGrant.
@Kevin well complimented, my liege
I like how excited that kid is
It's all in the posture, I feel. You have to grovel with your back, not your knees.
For some reason I'm just imagining Bob as Baldrick now.
Well imagined, sirrr.
hugs turnip
(cheers for the help earlier fellow cabbageers)
I never knew how much I wanted a turnip plushie until this moment.
more like balld... nevermind
Hello every one. I'm stuck at this:
I have list of files in a directory. Every file has a single (and big) list.
Now I want to add (import?) all of them in a dictionary. If the file is named ab.py, I want to have `d['ab'] = long_list`.
What's the way to do this?
@tristan that thing is beneath you
@RobertGrant about halfway up me actually
@ypercube, ab.py? Are you using .py files for data?
Wait, what are you trying to do?
You have lists in python files and you want a key=value mapping based on file name?
@Cyphase I can rename the files if needed
@davidism meh.
@ypercube, so the files are just some_list = [..., ..., ...] ?
@tristan I had them all in a big file first and just importing one file. But I thought it would be nicer to split them in smaller files
@MartijnPieters just because you can close anything ;-P
It wasn't that big a problem before I was elected, and allowing tag edits by other users is still open to abuse.
@Cyphase yes
@ypercube, How about something like:
@MartijnPieters says a mod :P
import os
import json
d = {}
dir_name = "insert directory name here"
for filename in os.listdir(dir_name)
    name_without_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    with open(os.path.join(dir_name, filename)) as file:
        big_list = json.load(file)
    d[name_without_extension] = big_list
Why did you split them?
@BhargavRao I've only been a mod for a few months, and I am not a mod on other sites where I do have gold badges.
@Cyphase because they (higher in managment) decided they didn't want to have one huge file.
How big are these files & how many are there?
So you have control over the files; can you use JSON?
I guess you could also use __import__ and getattr shenanigans, but that hardly seems ideal
@Cyphase Do i need JSON? Why?
Because it's easier?
The lists are like [ [1,2,3], [3,4,5], .... ]
JSON can do that.
@MartijnPieters do you think it would be abused? If the question gets the right tag and the right dupe, is it really a problem?
Embrace the First Great Virtue. Take it into your heart.
@Kevin thnx for the code. I'll try it.
Oh, disclaimer: it's only going to work if the file literally contains nothing but a list. It can read [1,2,3] but not x = [1,2,3]
@Kevin yes, I got that. I can change that part.
@davidism I don't think it is prevalent enough to warrant the complexity, and if we do allow that we turn a process that now takes 5 users (hard to abuse) to just 2 users (easier to abuse).
@davidism This question amuses me because it contains the phrase "golden badgers". That is all.
There is a tradeoff in the gold badge: trust vs. possibility of abuse. So far it is firmly in the 'trust' camp.
But we've already turned a process that takes 5 users into a process that takes 1 user (in many cases)
or 2 users if the op accepts the dupe
I really don't buy that this is any more complex than those close features, or will be abused any more than any other feature.
But allowing any user to add a tag to any post so another user can dupe close it, why bother if the normal process of 5 voters is working for those rarer cases?
I'm more meh than oh dear god the abusers
My two cents: I worry that this change would create a perverse incentive where no gold badger wants to make a tag edit themselves, so it never gets done.
We don't bother with the normal 5 user process, because the gold badgers are working as intended.
"I'll just wait for someone else to edit it, so I can hammer", thinks every user simultaneously.
Why should some python questions take 5 users to close, when all others potentially take 1?
@Kevin I will use the term "gold badgers" from now on.
I was wondering how long it'd be until discussion occurred regarding that gold badge meta post
@jonrsharpe Even I'm not going to have a stab at that one ;) I have returned to finding obscure bugs in 3 party libs.
I vaguely recall that the show Freakazoid had a character with a magic pocket watch that could turn badgers (and only badgers) to gold.
Or was it woodchucks... Some kind of medium-sized rodent.
@JRichardSnape I was tempted to ask if they've tried copy and paste, but that seemed unhelpful...
I'd be happy just to have the choice whether or not to wield Mjölnir. It feels like I seldom vote to dup-close any more.
Everyone should know that the best badger is a honey badger youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg
@DSM it is the greatest samurai who leaves his Mjolnir sheathed.
@jonrsharpe ...so hard to resist the sarky comment at times. You are a paragon of virtue.
Honey Badger was one of the best guns in CoD Ghosts
We must remember: a bowl is most useful when it is empty.
@DSM So you actually found the potential to use it prohibitive rather than productive?
That seems like a failure of imagination. I'd rather have a bowl full of hundred dollar bills than an empty bowl.
Or a bowl of magic lamps, or a bowl of nanobots that obey my every whim.
No - you'd rather have an empty bowl and a wallet full of hundred dollar bills that used to be in the bowl
Because who wants to carry a bowl around the shops?
The nanobots will place the bills in my wallet for me.
Thus emptying the bowl
The nanobots in the bowl? Not going to work.
The nanobots will self replicate, leaving the bowl full while still being able to work outside the bowl.
Also I'd rather have a bowl full of air than a truly empty bowl, because a collapsing vacuum tends to have unfortunate side-effects on people nearby.
@JonClements: to be honest, yes. Now I only dup-close when it's a pretty clear canonical dup. Otherwise it feels like I'm taking on too much responsibility, and that's no fun.
@Kevin thus, it is the filling of the bowl which causes the destruction
Moscow is the world's unfriendliest city‌​. Woohoo, we're actually good at something.
Challenge: name as many uses for an empty bowl as possible, that don't involve filling the bowl.
TBH (although miles from wielding the mighty hammer), I can see @dsm's point - I think I would be tempted not to go for any edge cases and avoid controversy. Mind you , that could be a designed-in self regulation mechanism
@vaultah I always believed in you \o/
@Kevin hat, obvs
doorstop. paperweight. tasteful decoration.
@JRichardSnape Only if it's concave side up.
@JRichardSnape: you kevin'd me. :-/
either way - I'm a pluralist
if it's concave side down, then your head fills the bowl.
@Kevin (and all) thank you, it worked. I had tried with various ways of importing first, but I had failed ;)
Doing it with import is possible, but requires trickery.
Behold, my new rain catching hat. Promotes poise, balance and hydration.
How about to use as a model for a still life painting?
Yeah. i will re-examine if efficiency is not good. It's a complicated issue and I'm not sure we are doing the proper way.
@DSM This is permissible to me.
Frisbee substitute, in a pinch.
See you later all
@Kevin can the hammer reopen in one vote? Or only if it was hammered closed?
I think you can reopen in one vote. I feel like I've done that before.
I can't remember.
I think @jonrsharpe single-handedly opened a post this morning.
@PM2Ring nice. I was just musing on the collapse possibilities if it was truly empty. I like being in a place where I was just thinking that occurs on a regular basis
But I'm not sure if it works on any post, or just posts that you yourself hammered.
The latter seems more likely to me.
I did, but only because I was the one that hammered it closed in the first place
I'm not sure I've ever tried it with a question that someone else hammered shut
Where's the meta post describing the hammer?
A: When did I get close-vote superpowers?

Shog9Yes, you are now a Superhero, able to wield the mighty Mjölnir. The rules are: You can instantly close as a duplicate any question that was originally asked with a tag you have a gold badge for. You can instantly reopen any question closed as a duplicate that was originally asked with a tag ...

@JRichardSnape :) You may also enjoy the related forum thread
"You can instantly reopen any question closed as a duplicate that was originally asked with a tag you have a gold badge for."
Ooh, neat.
A: Is the dupehammer (Mjölnir) still being evaluated, and if so, what is the current outcome?

Tim PostIt's something we're always going to continue to keep an eye on, because it is quite a bit of power to wield. It's working very well in the hands of people that currently have the ability. That said, we're calling it a resounding success. While I have questioned the choice of duplicates in som...

> we're calling it a resounding success
So the devs already agree that people are using the hammer well, let's remove some of the roadblocks and see if the trend continues.

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