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My native American name is Codes Python with Emacs
Stay classy, Lounge.
Maybe they should read the FAQ again?
@Ffisegydd not sure - but it seems to be quieter these days than it was... I ended up loitering there as it seemed to be always busy - now not so much so...
What happened in the lounge?
Just a flag about a sexual act.
Hm. I've never hired referees for bedtime activities. Could be interesting I guess.
I get called for holding all the time.
Quick question about Qt, I cant find an example code of how to make a button open a file dialog to choose a file. I was thinking something along the lines of bnt.clicked.connect(OpenFileCommand) but I dont know what the command is for Qt to open a file
I just noticed a hole in my shoe. Gotta get it repaired... :(
@JeanP, try QFileDIalog

I've got holes in my shoes. I put my feet in them. BA DUM TISS!
Thank you @AlexanderHuszagh
Of course, let me know if you have any questions :D (feel free to ping, as I'll be working on a presentation).
Apparently Kanye West is running for President in 2020. 'Murica.
West/Swift 2020. In Open Mics we Trust.
Okay thank you Ill be reading the documentation in the meantime. Also @Ffisegydd I mean if donald trump can run for president i dont see why Kanye can't.
Any good suggestions for building android apps in python?
@AbhishekBhatia have you Googled around for it?
I used kivy. But buildozer is a pain to compile it.
Ah I was going to suggest Kivy.
It's the main one AFAIK.
Oh also, Jean, if you use the PySide bindings, the PySide documentation is always good too:
I need a shower :/
Never used it. Will look into it thanks. This is my first ever GUI project so im rough around the edges when it comes to my resources
github.com/ajalt/fuckitpy can hear angels singing
why does it seem like people speaking other languages in public are always speaking so much louder than everyone else?
Some code has an error? Fuck it. LOL
Ah ok, I personally love the Qt library and it makes an excellent framework for writing GUI applications. Qt's documentation is also elaborated and clear.
@corvid Im from Miami and I am Cuban. Down here It doesnt matter what language you speak. Cuban's are always the loudest.
@Ffisegydd did you read this update from Fuckit.py ? github.com/ajalt/fuckitpy/commit/… This is gold.
@AbhishekBhatia we're not the Android room, we're the Python room.
And we don't allow newly asked questions to be linked.
oh there's an android room
Pretty sure you've been linked the room rules before, don't abuse the room.
Sorry my bad.
Don't be sorry, just don't do it again.
@JeanP hahaha this is amazing
# Good thing this isn't PHP LOL that line
I need to figure out if Puzzling.SE has some kind of chess rendering engine so I can pretty up my answer.
I could do it in PIL, but the efffort-to-reward ratio is just a little too high.
@Kevin emacs has a chess plugin :)
@Kevin I tried putting what they use in chess.se, but it doesn't work, so I guess puzzling.se doesn't
s/ratio/ratio for learning emacs/
There must be some kind of website that does it.
Well, I pulled some chess piece sprites off of Wikipedia, which is like 30% of the work...
what's interesting though, is that you can put the code in your chess.se profile (where it works) so maybe you can link it? xD
I swear I once found an online API for it.
Ahh... got a chess engine installed - one sec
Another 15% will go to figuring out the hex codes for brown and tan. Damn you MS Paint for not making this possible!
You can get RGB values by double clicking the color tray, but only for colors in the color tray and not in on the actual canvas.
Errr... although - not gui LOL
@Kevin ooo - someone's done an animated gif :)
Yeah well I'm sure Kevin could animate his...list of moves...
Whew, that saves me some effort.
oh @Kevin it is a nice answer
Q: Warlords of Documentation: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

Kevin MontroseIt’s been 7 years and 10,000,000+ Questions since Stack Overflow was launched. The amount of good that has been done for the field - all the developers helped, all the person-hours saved, all the beginners who grew into professionals - is hard to overstate. I cannot express how proud I am of wh...

I can imagine the trainwreck already.
As long as i dont have to sit in my garrison all day
If there was documentation available online, everyone would read it and there would be no StackOverflow.
Excellent reference is excellent.
@davidism I agree it'll probably phail, but I wish it wouldn't. I think it could be awesome.
There's probably something that could be awesome, but what they've described doesn't feel like it.
This seems like a "boil the ocean" scenario. Documentation isn't too useful until it's very nearly comprehensive.
They even highlight Python as having a great community.
It'll certainly be interesting, and hopefully some good could come of it.
Finally, a way to get rep for people with an attention span longer than thirty se-- oh look, a butterfly!
If anything I'd prefer to work on docs than Q+As at the mo.
@Ffisegydd While you're giving away your work, want to be Chief Doctor Effervescent Team Lead on my startup?
You're close to giving away nearly 5,000 of your own work, old bean.
But yeah what's your startup idea? Does it involve cats?
Still waiting for my bespoke googly eyes service to take off
@Ffisegydd It involves data. And science. And gin.
But does it involve cats?
It doesn't. If you're willing to work for $0 an hour, I could probably arrange for some cats to be delivered to you
@tristan Oooo, sign me up. I've always wanted to do science about how much gin I can drink.
> what's interesting though, is that you can put the code in your chess.se profile (where it works) so maybe you can link it? xD

Hmm no it previews fine but doesn't display as per preview :(
that quote-unquote didn't work either...
@tristan where are my cats?
At a glance, puzzling meta doesn't seem to keen on adopting the chess engine.
@Ffisegydd where's my free work
Cats first.
And they better be fluffy, none of that sphinx sh*t.
                        | \
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                        | |
   |\                   | |
  /, ~\                / /
 X     `-.....-------./ /
  ~-. ~  ~              |
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      | /\ ~~~~~   \ |
      | | \        || |
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     (_/ (_/      ((_/
give me free work meow
print('Hello World!')
Can you write me some php? Here, have a naked mole rat.
is that cat open source?
I need to know.
The cat has open sores. Please take it to the vet.
(thanks :))
Thank you. Going to launch my new project. Catbook.
You dont get to million cats without a few litter boxes.
That actually came out entirely differently than I thought it would. Sometimes things are better read before pressing enter.
Would to like to learn about cats? I know of a cat fact service.
Im already subscribed to catfacts on reddit.
@davidism looks like a fantastic idea
Well, we'll see. I signed up for the beta for , , and (even though the last two aren't popular enough).
I'm really worried that this will somehow divide SO. What would make a user look at/trust/contribute to Documentation over Questions? Why do we need a new way to write examples, rather than grouping exising good Q&A together for different topics?
Some of the frustration we have in finding a good canonical question is that there's seldom one which is a perfect fit on the topic. When we develop our own, we can avoid that. Is this really so different (at least on the example side)?
That's my point: we're already capable of doing this by creating canonical questions, using the existing tools.
I think what annoys me about these sorts of big feature announcements is that it shows a bunch of time has been sunk into this instead of them fixing the numerous things that are bugging people about the existing system.
I'd need to see more about what the doc/example setup would look like to know whether or not I'd prefer it to the current one. But I can easily understand the desire to play with shiny new ideas rather than do boring maintenance work..
Oh, sure, I can still be annoyed though. :-P
I would like a voting site like SO to be the best source of examples/tutorials though. So many questions are asked because the op was following some awful tutorial.
@davidism the canonical question is a poor remediation of a good documentation. and I know at least php doc which would love to be improved in a way or another
Hrmph... Async with this device is very bizarre
I also still wait for a canonical documentation for SQL
Does C or C++ have official documentation? I always remember getting other sites in google results during college, rather than an official looking source.
But that's a good point, things like SQL don't really have "official" docs. Although then you run into the problem of what type of SQL each person is writing about.
today I tried to find an example for sctp_connectx (for answering to an irc question) and I had got to found it in google search
javascript has MDN, but it could be better
C++ has cppreference (I believe)
CppPreference I don't believe is official, both C and C++ are governed by ISOs and they have official documentation and specifications there I believe. But this is moreso implementations to actually port the language, not how to use it.
Could anyone please explain the magic behind this bitwise operations:
A: Bitwise operation and usage

bguiz what are bitwise operators actually used for? I'd appreciate some examples. One of the most common uses of bitwise operations is for parsing hexadecimal colours. For example, here's a Python function that accepts a String like #FF09BE and returns a tuple of its Red, Green and Blue values. ...

def Hex2RGB(hexa):
    hexa = hexa.strip("#")
    slice = int(len(hexa)/2)
    return tuple(int(hexa[2*n:2*n+2], 16) for n in range(slice))`
That's what I've been doing for that purpose.
@RenaeLider Looks like the hard way to me:
>>> import binascii
>>> print(map(ord, binascii.unhexlify('#123456'[1:])))
[18, 52, 86]
I think Renae is asking about bit-shifting.
Just create the bit table for each set of 8 bytes, for example, I did it with the hex code #00b2ff, which goes to (0, 178, 255)

Here I produced the bit table:
0000 0000 1011 0010 1111 1111

0xFF (1111 1111) just multiples does the bitwise and operator for the rightmost 8 in the table.

So, if we shift 16, we get 000 0000 & 1111 1111 or 0
If we shift 8, we get 1011 0010 & 1111 1111 or 178
If we don't shift, we get 1111 1111 & 1111 1111 or 255

Is this right @PatrickMaupin?
If you use int(x, 16) to convert a string into an integer, shifting will certainly do what you need as far as extracting the data -- left shift is efficient integer multiplication by 2**n and right shift is efficient integer division by 2**n, and a bitwise AND of the bottom 8 bits (e.g. & 0xFF) is an efficient modulo 256. But that efficiency is swamped by doing it in Python.
The example uses (some language I think it's mixing JS/C comments and Python syntax)
Alex, that's a good example.
Good example, Alexander -- I was replying to the basic question about bit operations.
Yeah, I was trying to explain it for Renae, and I rarely use bit operations outside of libraries (like bitwise OR for Qt), so I wanted validation to be sure I had it right.
The original answer hits a pet peeve of mine. Here, I'm coding 'x' to show you how you would use 'y', when 'y' is a terrible way to do 'x'.
Now here's a question where IMO the answer (disclaimer: it's mine) properly uses bitwise operations: stackoverflow.com/questions/32030412/…
But if I were decoding 3 hex numbers, I would use binascii.unhexlify.
I've used int's to replace a list of bools in a performance critical bit of code, and bitwise operations to modify it.
(I like it).
Thank you for the reply.
I've also seen the pattern of using bitwise operators in handling flags and constants. I don't know how that is done though.
For instance, BLUE | RED will result in a constant/flag that is equivalent to RED + BLUE.
Flags are a great example.

If you have an 8 bit table, you can have up to 8 options to have all permutations via bitwise or (Qt does this a lot).
I also once used bitwise operations to check for collisions in a code-golfed Sudoku solver.
@RenaeLider | is used instead of + because | is idempotent - you could do it again and again and have the same result.
For example, if I have:

BLUE = 0000 0001
RED = 0000 0010
GREEN = 0000 0100

Any | operations will produce no conflicts or overlaps.

BLUE | RED = 0000 0011
BLUE | RED | GREEN = 0000 0111
I prefer Python to pseudocode.
assert BLUE | RED | GREEN == 0x00000111
But what if RED = 0x0 and BLUE = 0x1. In that case RED+BLUE==BLUE ? Wouldn't that create a collision?=
That's why you have to define it properly. No flags should have a 0x0 type.

That would indeed produce a collision, but if you properly define your flag values, there will be no collisions (which is merely shifting one byte each time to create a new value).
RED shouldn't be 0x0.
By the way, I think you mean 0b0 and 0b1. The 0x prefix is for hex.
Then why're all the folks using hex values above? Is binary the convention for these sort of things?
Yes. Hex would work, but binary is the convention. So your flags are 1, 2, 4, .. in decimal, not 1, 16, 256, .. .
Any multiple-of-two base would work.
Anyway, I have to head out.

What's the deal with Enums? They have a name and a value, much like any constants or attributes, except that they are objects with pretty reprs? Also, Enum subclasses can't have multiple inheritance. What am I missing here?
Would anyone care to guess what this code does (without looking up the problem statement)?
@Air, sounds like fun; I'll take a look when I can :).
I should clarify that end is defined by the "grader" program so you'll need to define it to make the code runnable
Where do s and d on line 13 come from?
Did you obfuscate this just for fun? Beyond just the variable names.
@Air, I think you've got some code in the wrong order :).
@Cyphase Oh yeah, good catch. I moved those around for silly aesthetic reasons after testing it and didn't re-test.
And yeah, this is just for fun.
Sounds like you figured out where s and d come from already, but for the room, here's a fixed version that actually runs (if you define end as, say, 6)
Now I'm heading out.
@Air, well, I can tell what it does just by running it :).

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