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Wooh, re.search works!
Thank you very much.
Ah, somebody just printed the variable. The actual underlying variable is a tuple (the parentheses) containing a string and nothing else.
Hmm I'm not entirely sure I know what that means.
But don't let me keep you from your work...
>>> import ast
>>> x, = ast.literal_eval("(u'D:\\Owncloud\\.owncloudsync.log',)")
>>> x
This example says we're going to evaluate everything inside the double-quotes (that's the ast.literal_eval() part, and then we're going to take the first item of that (that's where we do 'x,' which unpacks the other side into a single element. Now we have a string that makes a bit more sense.
@JGreenwell Ah okay, I see!
@PatrickMaupin I suppose you do that if you want to do more with the content later?
@Cerberus what are you trying to do? (capture the value to a variable, its position, etc)
I'm not sure why you wound up with the representation of a tuple inside a string, but yeah, if you had a lot of data in there, it would make more sense to process it that way. Even with this example, as you can see, you can get the path without all the surrounding cruft. BTW, Python has an eval(), but that will evaluate any expression, including one that wipes your hard-drive.
@JGreenwell I am trying to find out whether or not the variable contains "owncloudsync.log". If yes, then go on (send a push message to my phone); if not, then do nothing.
> import re

myvar = eg.event.payload
myvar2 = re.search('owncloudsync.log', myvar)

eg.globals.my_variable = myvar2
Oh, so "" was just the representation. Try myvar2 = re.search('owncloudsync.log', myvar[0]) -- that might get you the string.
(add [0] after myvar)
@PatrickMaupin Mmm I only need a yes or a no, whether or not owncloudsync.log is in the string.
The above is the script that tests eg.event.payload. The first stem would seem to be to try and re.search it, then show the result in an OSD.
That's actually easier. But first, see if my assumption is right, that the string is eg.event.payload[0]
Ok will do.
> 02:12:32 TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
At least that is a new kind of error message!
That is just when I press "test" to test the syntax of the script.
How did you get what you had in myvar before?
The event log shows it, so that's how I knew what thing I had to search in, or so I hoped.
You've got a None in your event.payload.
There seems to be a None somewhere!
What do you get if you print(eg.event)
> 02:14:18 DirectoryWatcher.Updated (u'D:\\Owncloud\\.owncloudsync.log',)
@PatrickMaupin Hmm I'm not sure how to do that, because eg.event will probably only be loaded when the script is triggered?
I can try it in the shell thingy, but I suspect it will be empty.
It's not!
> <eg.Classes.EventGhostEvent.EventGhostEvent object at 0x03DA6E50>
But print eg.event.payload results in None in the practice shell thingy.
So I can't test that except by actually triggering the event and acting upon it.
According to this not every event will have a payload. Try print(eg.event.string)
But I can get the eg.event.payload content to show in an OSD, so I thought that part was working.
But I can try that string...
> print(eg.event.string)
That seems correct.
So you're on a different event now.
Ah, I get what you are doing!
The script wouldn't accept the payload in the regex, because it isn't a string, and it wants a string.
Let's see what eg.event.string is when the file changes...
> import re

myvar = eg.event.string
myvar2 = re.search('owncloudsync.log', myvar)

# myvar2 = eg.event.payload
eg.globals.my_variable = myvar2
This gives my OSD "None" to display (it displays eg.globals.my_variable).
Hmm eg.event.string contains only DirectoryWatcher.Updated, while eg.event.payload has (u'D:\\Owncloud\\.owncloudsync.log',)
I think you're going to need the event, if you read the page. But sometimes the event is None. The simplest way to deal with this without blowing up on events you don't care about would probably be something like myvar2 = re.search('owncloudsync.log', myvar or '')
Using myvar or '' says that if myvar evaluates to False (as None will) to simply pass a blank string to search.
But if it is None, then it just doesn't match, right? I can do "proceed only if it matches".
@PatrickMaupin Okay, but, if if myvar is false, then I simply won't get a match, right? And I only need to distinguish between match and no match.
If it is None, we will pass an empty string instead (that's the or ''), and then you won't get a match.
And if we pass the None?
Then nothing will happen, right? Which is good.
Because I only want my phone to start synching when EventGhost sees that owncloudsync.log has changed.
You don't want to pass the None into the function -- that will blow up. That's why we use the or -- it will pass a string in, but will replace None with the empty string.
But if it blows up, nothing will happen, right?
Which is what I want, if the file hasn't changed.
Well, it won't blow up, because ** x or '' ** will replace an x of None with the empty string.
Btw, "blow up" is actually "raise an Exception"
Okay, but is that a problem?
I have added the or '' bit.
Whether it's a problem depends on the context. Anyway if you add that bit you don't need to worry about it any more -- according to the doc, event should be None or a string.
Now to get the right bit out of the tuple eg.event.payload and throw it at the regex...
@PatrickMaupin Done.
It doesn't like my trying to go a thingy out of the payload.
No, it turns out that event is a string. Just pass the event or '' and use the search.
But the string is useless to me: it doesn't contain the file path; it says only DirectoryWatcher.Updated when I OSD it.
or use in
It says only DirectoryWatcher.Updated
@JGreenwell Hmm how do I do that?
Right. And actually, I may be lying -- it may be a tuple or it may be a string. We haven't determined that, although we have determined that sometimes it's None. The easy thing to do for your case to not worry about it is to always convert it to a string.
Ah! That would be nice.
Is there a command for that?
And JGreenwall is right. We hadn't got there yet, but yes:
if 'owncloudsync' in myvar:
    print "It matches!"
    print "Nope!"
That looks nice and easy...
myvar2 = 'owncloudsync' in str(eg.event.payload)
I think it's a one-liner.
That will get you True or False in myvar2
@PatrickMaupin Ah! Let me try that...
see, I should have re-read what had been said (just responded to pings) so missed the event stuff
Hmm how do I write that?
@JGreenwell No big deal -- it was a classic XY problem and I didn't respond correctly.
This is not right: if myvar2 == "True"
@JGreenwell I'm sorry, I haven't been very clear.
True and False are not strings. Just if myvar2:
Ohh OK.
That works!
The OSD was correctly displaying "It matches!".
Great! Well, I'm off -- rhubarb, everyone.
@PatrickMaupin Thank you very much!
That was monstrous of you, helping stupid little laymen.
You're welcome!
Now at least the Python issue is solved and I can proceed...
We call them barbarians because their language sounds like "bar bar bar end end end"
Why do so many people not even bother to do a simple Google search with one or two yamming keywords from their question prior to asking? This clown is looking for a "matplotlib widget" for use with Qt Designer. Lo and behold, a search for matplotlibwidget (after searching for matplotlib widget qt designer) turns up 2 likely possibilities. Am I a freaking genius, or are people just really dumb? (Not that the two are mutually exclusive...)
Easy rep for you, then. Steal the info, add your own flavor, whammo, at least one up and an accept.
It was in comments. I didn't feel like writing an answer...
I don't feel like writing one either.
Now I get the answer in the comments. Somewhat. But when I'm commenting, before I'm done writing the comment, I cut and paste the thing into an answer field...
I was just going to say you can feel free to write one :)
Plus, MPL isn't my area of expertise.
I do that sometimes. Depends on the site. Here, I do it less, but on Biology I tend to do it more so I can add better formatting, citations, etc.
It doesn't have to be. A lot of the questions I answer aren't necessarily my area of expertise, but I can google, and synthesize original sentences and code from other sites.
I did high school freshman biology. I didn't care for all the rote memorization. Decided that was one of the reasons I shouldn't be a medical doctor.
I'm a scientist doing cancer research for a biotech startup in Cambridge, MA. Programming is just a hobby for me, I love science :)
I thought so. I try to read people's profiles so I get more of a feel for where they're coming from.
I've gotten some feedback that I'm too self-promotional/braggadocious. I reworked my profile a bit to remove the brags on the badges. But I also know that the profile is the one place I'm really allowed to self-promote (based on precedence) so I do promote some of my SO answers there.
I had always enjoyed nature and learning new things when I was a kid, and quickly decided I wanted to be some sort of scientist when I grew up, vaguely thinking wildlife biologists living on the plains of Africa studying lions or something. But, like many people who go into a certain field (and definitely a lot of scientists) I had some really great teachers who nurtured my curiosity and taught me about new and exciting fields.
When I first heard about the immune system I was hooked, and have been more-or-less doing that for about the last 15 years or so.
Don't worry about people complaining about your profile - it's yours. Who are they to complain? They can put whatever they want in theirs...
Well it's not the profile, but the profile was making me focus on things that bled over, so it's more to encourage my own self-restraint.
If you got some cool badges, show them off! If you have answers like that yield one, promote it! I promote a bunch of stuff in my profile (and some of it very carefully in answers, if relevant).
Ah, I see. Fine lines can be tough to stay on the right side of...
Project Euler got hacked. That's depressing.
You'd think they'd be able to crowd-source some security.
It did? Site looks OK to me...
yay! It's back!
I had to refresh
Better than nothing, I suppose.
I see. I've messed around a bit with it in the past to see how concisely I could solve some of the problems, but haven't been on in a while.
Term paper 3 -> complete! ^_^
rbrb for now. I have to go change my guinea pigs' cage before the smell kills someone.
Have fun!
you bet :)
I've had a hamster, that's not an easy task. Congrats on the paper, JGreenwell. I'd offer to review it for you, but I've already procrastinated enough on important stuff I need to do. :D
Congratulations on the term paper! I'm just here to procrastinate, myself.
As long as one doesn't work too hard on procrastinating - that's acceptable :)
I assure you I procrastinate assiduously.
I saw the chatting about profiles. I updated my SO profile (including pic), but it hasn't propagated to chat. I guess that's automatic, but with a lag?
How long ago did you change it?
Not very; maybe 5 or 10 minutes. It's obviously a different database...
Yeah... it generally takes a little while
Try now - I've forced a sync from main->chat...
Ahh... that looks more human :p
That's not what my co-workers say.
hahaha :)
So do you work for StackExchange, or how are you able to do this force sync?
cbg all
@PatrickMaupin nope - don't work for SE - just a moderator... there's an option on chat profiles that quickens the sync process (mostly because sometimes it doesn't sync by itself at all - and I wanted to see what the new image was :p)
I'm just unit testing some classes I've been writing, what's the best practice with regards to testing __repr__?
@shuttle87 what do you expect to test about __repr__ exactly?
just that it does what I expect, I'm writing a class that's a bit like a set but of a fixed length
so I'm trying to figure out if it's worth testing this or not
before I write the class that is.
Not quite seeing where __repr__ comes into that... if it's supposed to be fixed length and like a set, then there's other more obvious checks
Ok this seems to be what I was thinking, I'll just leave it then
@PatrickMaupin ahh... so @MattDMo's responsible for introducing you to this room of (in)sanity? :p
Well, I did follow the link myself :-)
You've just given up a potential escape clause by admitting self-liability - sheesh :p
Yeah, I do that a lot. I think it's my subconscious undermining me.
Not sure why I'm up at 3:45am
I'm not really sure why I'm up at 9:45 PM. So are you in the UK?
Aye... that I would be
Ah'm frum Texaeus
Although my wife is from England. She's a gringo with a green card.
However, 9:45pm is still quite early - even for a Sunday
True dat. But naps are one of my favorite hobbies.
Anyone have a good intuition for why subprocess functions takes lists of strings instead of a single string?
That's a hobby I could get behind for sure
@AaronHall I think it's so you don't have to worry about parameters that have spaces in them.
Like windows file names. How many noob questions would you get on that?
Same reason one doesn't use string interpolation for building SQL queries
Windows paths are a pain.
Security makes sense
replace "paths are a" with "is a"? :p
This one has somehow managed to escape ever building SQL queries by any method.
Second on the overqualification of the Windows sentence.
I meant it more in the plural of "paths"
And Jon meant it more in the sense of an "OS"
I've spent too much time fighting with cygwin to get it to recognize the right path to launch firefox. I gave up and used cygstart
And that wasn't my first battle with Windows paths.
I feel for you. I have managed to be curmudgeonly enough to shirk any Windows duties for years now. I just send email to the nice lady in accounting explaining that I can't even open up that invoice link to check it for correctness, never mind approve it.
I was telling my friend to use requests instead of urllib and friends for months. He finally switched and is loving how many lines of code he can throw away because of it.
Right - I'm off-ski - enjoy your evening - great to meet you @Patrick
Rhubarb, Jon! Enjoy your shut-eye.
I'll have to look into requests the next time I have any web client thingies to write.
Anyway, I think I need to leave as well -- g'night all.
good night all
@JonClements hows people per hour
@AnttiHaapala haven't checked it in a while.... already got someone chasing me up on it for deleting one of their "answers" though :p
just saw holdenweb advertising you in a tweet
Wow - that was ages ago :)
ah :D it was, 16 jul :P
was browsing my spam folder
Think Martijn also tweeted a link - glad you're paying attention :p
anw just asking hows the website
I do not have monies to hire anyone :(:(:(
I just retweeted it. Hope it helps. Can't sleep... So I'm gonna finish reading Shirky.
@AnttiHaapala haha... it's one of the better ones
Thank you @Aaron
Yay, I earned a thanks from Jon! I collect them like badges. :)
Dangit, I always go meta...
Shirky is kinda paradigm changing...
any one here good whith regex?
just ask your question, if someone can help you, they will
i had a string to search
modified: scripts/Accessories - Categories.plist d.plist
deleted: scripts/CTO iPad - iPad Mini.plist
renamed: scripts/Search.plist -> scripts/Searc.plist
new file: scripts/aa.plist
needed to know if i can use regex to get the values of:
modified: Accessories - Categories.plist
deleted: CTO iPad - iPad Mini.plist
renamed: Search.plist
new file: aa.plist
.. thats is
thats it**
the regex i used to find the values is this --> (\w* *\w+): *scripts\/(.*?\.plist)
but im a regex noob.. i was wondering if theres a better way?
here is the test string again (neater)

modified: scripts/Accessories - Categories.plist d.plist
deleted: scripts/CTO iPad - iPad Mini.plist
renamed: scripts/Search.plist -> scripts/Searc.plist
new file: scripts/aa.plist

and here is expected results:

modified: Accessories - Categories.plist
deleted: CTO iPad - iPad Mini.plist
renamed: Search.plist
new file: aa.plist
if it's working, well that's good. Only modifications I can suggest is ^(\w+(?: \w+)?:) *scripts\/(.*?\.plist).*
use that with a sub and using \1 \2 for the substitution string
the last .* will remove extra parts after .plist
also to be used with re.M
thank you very mmuch
checking this now
Hey up all
What is wrong with for i in [1].append(2): print "%s" % i?
ok, [1].append(2) is a mutator rather than a new list producer.
[1]+[2] maybe?
It mutates the list in place, and as such returns None.
If you're going to ask why code doesn't work though, please give the error message as well.
Fizzy: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
at least in Py3
and Py2
and with that, rhubarb to all. It's currently 3:41 AM EDT, and I have to work in the morning. Curse my insomnia!
@RecognizeEvilasWaste Correct. That's a general convention in Python: methods that mutate an object in-place return None. All the built-in mutable object methods follow that convention, and it's a good idea to do the same with your own mutable objects.
Guten Tag, poke.
For those who read C, here's an interesting page I saw on the Hot Questions list the other day: Is uninitialized local variable the fastest random number generator?
Hm yeah thanks - that was interesting :)
I like that Vivaldi seems to open PDFs in the same tab with no fuss
(Possibly other browsers do it as well and it's just that I'm doing it on a new laptop and so didn't set the browser to download PDFs always, because opening them used to take a long time)
Most browsers ship with their own micro PDF reader now, yeah
Ah okay
But it's also cool that Vivaldi is a totally usable daily browser already. I love the Opera guys still.
E.g. github.com/mozilla/pdf.js is what Firefox includes.
Oh yeah I remember that now
I think it was just so slow on my old machine that I turned it off
Regardless: ♥ Vivaldi
They certainly seem to have won your heart
Cabbage everyone
It's the old Opera guys, of course I love them :)
Oh my goodness I finally got the bit of ML coursework working. After all my trial and error and trying to understand everything, I'd just typoed a slice.
I scraped desc from this user's profile https://twitter.com/pkumar2408 : )
as there are some different fonts, it appears to me as "\u03c9\u043d\u03c3 \u03b9\u0455 \u0192\u044f\u03b9\u0454\u03b7\u2202\u2113y, \u2113\u03c3\u03bd\u03b9\u03b7g, \xa2\u03b1\u044f\u03b9\u03b7g, \u0455\u03b9\u043c\u03c1\u2113\u0454 a\u03b7d \u043d\u03c5\u043c\u0432\u2113\u0454, \u03b1"
any way to decode them correctly?
@RobertGrant I have had that so many times. It's nearly always a basic error that has me chasing my tail for hours
Yeah, so annoying :)
Cabbage folks
@JRichardSnape how you chased then?
: )
@RobertGrant Yeah. I always have to remind myself at the start of the project, proper testing works out better in the long run!
I have started :)
Now have a whole 8 tests
@puncrazy I'm not sure I understand. Still - your string above has lots of unicode code points in it (Not different fonts, but using characters outside the ascii encoding in place of certain letters). E.g - it uses ω instead of w and so on. You'll notice a few standard ascii characters in there - "y, " and "g, ". Playing with unicode and especially displaying it on your terminal can be hard...
And that one helped me write a better bit of code for that year 9999 thing
@RobertGrant Yeah. I usually find with tests I'm sitting there and going "This test is entirely pointless" and realising how wrong I was 2 months later
And I'm also thinking of slightly refactoring that method to make another behaviour a bit easier to test
So, yes. Enjoying tests so far.
Win. Going to hop on the GitHub just now. My email informs me there's been a flurry of communications :)
Also using the atlassian git client now, for increased win
I don't even know what an atlassian git client is ;). DDG will let me know
Ooh nice! Looks like Atlassian could finally be an actual contender for TortoiseGit. Let me know how you get on with it
Atlassian make JIRA and Bitbucket
@RobertGrant That’s SourceTree, right?
It basically seems more reliable and full-featured, but much less pretty than the Github client
@poke yep
You can also give Git Extensions a try
Quickly pushes the test code before @IntrepidBrit sees it's missing
But it’s also not pretty.
@IntrepidBrit I might even switch to BitBucket, as it's free. Maybe depends on the issue management tools around it, as I'd imagine they want you to use Jira
Which is cool, because I want to use Jira, but I might then have to pay more for it
Intriguing. I've been labouring with the command line git mainly - a bit of the "standard" (wonders if it is standard) windows client at work, too.
Best way to pass a list of $stuff to a method and inside that method check if other stuff is contained in $stuff? Frozenset?
Might have to get into some of this GUI git fun.
I basically want everyone using the same tools as me: Vivaldi, DDG and SourceTree
@RobertGrant bit of context?
@poke how does that compare?
sets the contextbit
Also = what is this $ of which you speak?
$ is a way of denoting a variable in chat. From a long-dead programming language.
It's not.... it's not.... PHPese, is it?
I'll pretend it's a string in BBC BASIC
Ah yes
all is right with the world
Hey I loved BBC BASIC :)
@RobertGrant Not too sure, haven’t used source tree much. I only gave it a try a while ago when it wasn’t as polished as it is now.
@RobertGrant As did I, Bob, as did I he said with a whiff of wistful whimsy
@RobertGrant Haha. I generally don't look at the source code. You're okay ;)
Morning @PM2
Or very late evening for you, I guess
@JRichardSnape I've got a generator that takes a start date and an end date, and it yields dates in between those two. I now want to add an exclusion list of dates to skip over, and am wondering if I should pass them in as a FrozenSet.
@RobertGrant Not totally dead. Using $ to denote the rvalue of a variable is common in various scripting languages (eg the sh family), not just PHP. And in Python, $ is used in Template strings.
I guess the only thing is that I could remove them from the list/set/whatever as I skip over them, in which case FrozenSet wouldn't help, but that seems a bit premature.
Sounds reasonable. If you have long contiguous periods, I'd tend toward passing in start and end pairs - but they could also be in a set
Nah shouldn't be too long at all
@RobertGrant Sounds good to me, too.
Although hmm, maybe it's worth thinking about in case someone does that
Some evil yet intrepid Brit
But I'll probably just kick that out in form validation - you can't take 1000 years of leave halfway through a project
nice pointer to template strings @PM2, I wasn't aware of that. I take back my PHP allusions, Robert ;)
@RobertGrant Some management consultants I have worked with appear to find that acceptable
Thanks for the confirmation guys; I'll do that
You could handle date intervals as a tuple. But I guess that can get messy.
@PM2Ring yeah I guess it'd be cool if I wrote some code that handled date operations on tuples like that, or a tuple of start date and timedelta, but I'm not there yet :)
That's where my mind was going - a set of start/end tuples. But then you'd have to validate that end was after start (c.f. earlier mention of evil yet intrepid users) etc.
@JRichardSnape I think lots of people don't know that template strings exist. :) I haven't used template strings much, but they are handy.
I guess when people read in the Python 2 docs "The string module contains a number of useful constants and classes, as well as some deprecated legacy functions that are also available as methods on strings." they take a quick look at the module, and then move on, not bothering to look at the stuff down the bottom. OTOH, I just noticed that the Python 3 docs omit that paragraph.
Hello everybody
hey hey
@IntrepidBrit so my tests will be come a lot more useful when I've made this change, as I can test excluding leave etc in a more testable way
@PM2Ring since in Python 3 the legacy crap is removed
@RobertGrant Excellent stuff.
@AnttiHaapala Ah, of course.
>>> py2 - py3
{'letters', 'count', 'ljust', 'expandtabs', '_idmapL', 'atof', 'atoi', 'capitalize', 'index', 'lowercase', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'lstrip', 'upper', '_float', 'strip', 'translate', 'index_error', 'center', '_multimap', 'atol', 'rsplit', 'splitfields', '_int', 'find', 'lower', 'swapcase', 'maketrans', 'rstrip', 'atol_error', 'join', 'uppercase', 'atoi_error', 'atof_error', 'rjust', '_idmap', 'zfill', 'joinfields', '_long', 'split', 'replace'}
Greetings @Slass33
Is this coherent? "Virtual Machine (VM): A software emulation of the critical details of underlying computer hardware"
I'd swap details for parts and remove underlying
Although then it doesn't read as nicely
"A software emulation of the computer hardware needed to run a program" ?
That's less accurate, unfortunately
It's "needed to install an OS", I think.
Yeah that makes more sense
In the context, I'm using it as a stand in for "python interpreter/bytecode runner"
But still - I think your first is more accurate. It does read a bit strangely - can't put my finger on why.
^ yeah exactly. it makes part of my brain itch
Oh, as in the Python VM?
@RobertGrant Yessir
"Virtual Machine (VM): A software emulation of the critical details of the underlying computer hardware"
adding a the?
I didn't think the Python VM was that at all. I will bow out now :)
"Critical details of the underlying computer hardware presented in a software emulation?"
@RobertGrant Yeah, it is in many regards -- e.g. why id(some_object) gives you a pseudo memory location
Yeah sure, memory locations makes sense, but things like USB ports and CPUs?
CPUs are totally abstracted, for USB ports, you run through the OS or sys modules, which are calling to the C abstraction layer
Memory is the only one I thought would be emulated in that regard
@RobertGrant File objects, scheduling
Hm yeah okay I suppose it makes sense :) Never thought of it that way before
Can't wait to hear your talk :)
@RobertGrant Shooting to be done Thursday night. Will be bothering the regulars later for their availability on Friday.
As you can see, I will not be able to check it for accuracy
In fact you might want to investigate any bits I don't question
@RobertGrant The point of giving a talk is to teach others and solidify one's own understanding. If I don't give you the tools in the talk to question the content, that's a failing on my part.
True :) But I reserve the right to be obstinately stupid
@RobertGrant As is your god given right on the internet.
Ah don' need no ninnynet for that! pounds fresh clip into assault rifle
hello Guys, My python script is returning String like this: (u'ya29.xAG1gvBKIBSiM3qa45dI4PViPB1QsNmfO7WY6H0amKW-fDKOFGQnZdZ9qeYMPdbtRsb8Ib0'‌​,)
@arshpreet that's a tuple with a unicode string inside
I want the value only between ' ' commas
@arshpreet google python tuple unpacking; that should help :)
yes this is tuple but I am converting it into string because of Flask-webframework does not return tuple
@RobertGrant I miss freedom fries, pitchers of beer, and chicken wings. America, I am coming for you this SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY

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