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Ok, thanks for the response
short answer: use an extension or library
long answer: use an extension, library, or application
Do not try to build .gyp in VS unless you want to go crazy and know a lot about building extensions
@JGreenwell: Could you provide me a link or so? What you mean with using an extension?
Q: How to use GYP?

MicroHat11I am trying to build JCEF to a visual studio project using GYP. The JCEF download includes all the C++ files and .gyp, .gypi files. I have no experience in Python and wonder how I run the actual .gyp file so it turns into a visual studio project? I downloaded the source but could only find ...

If you're interested
Tools->Extensions and Updates->Online->search for google....or was it in plugins....have to check
i want to build .gyp to vs
the other way around
if you have VS 2013 (there is a problem with C++ in earlier versions)
python build\gyp_v8
"c:\Path to Visual Studio\Common7\IDE\devenv.com" /build Release build\All.sln
if still having problems see stackoverflow.com/questions/20051318/…
Good evening pythoners
morning :)
Jon Clemens is from the future
am I? :p
time is always moving; therefore we are all from the future
we are in presence
getting awful existential in here
What time is it in britishland? Almost 2 am
Is that why it's so quiet here this time of day? Is this chat mainly populated by redcoats?
consider in this case that the knowledge of what happend (the past) you will use in your actions and therefore shape the future. The presence is therefore only the tool to create the future with the past
redcoats? haha... a lot of us are western europe - but yeah - it's 2am
also, apparently, most people in the US use this chat from 9a til around 7p (or 8 to 6) or (7 to 5) depending on the timezone
Apparently, us yanks are like SO at work
typical ;)
It's a lie.. I never spent work hours at my non programming related job here, illegally chatting
Jon, what are you doing up so late on a Wednesday/Thursday?
Oh... I do all sorts of weird hours ;)
Sounds like the kind of hours that would make me eat extra-unhealthily and never exercise
I need stability in my life to function properly
Each to their own I guess :)
We're developers, or researchers or other IT/IS, comes with the territory
I had a job once where I would travel to prisons and do my job, but the x-ray specialty side of it. The hours tended to be during the day, but it was still too much for me. Met some cool people, though. Interesting nurses and x-ray techs tend to be willing to work with prisoners. Had some interesting experiences, nothing too crazy.
Now, I do get called in at random hours once in a while when I'm on call, and it's pretty bothersome. But mostly stable
Hours spent on the road driving all over southern California was definitely part of the problem.. How much travel do developers tend to need to do?
I would appreciate to travel on call by car trough California. :P
currently all my development have been virtual contracting work
That sounds convenient. If they have the self-discipline for it. They work from home, right?
also I agree with @sharpshadow: I miss real work
Do you guys work from home or something? What's not real about it?
eh, they pay well and you don't have to travel but you have to re-setup your system for each job and they tend to be short term (so constantly looking for work)
I'm still a student and just programming in my freetime.
I see
So do you have to do your own taxes and stuff @JGreenwell? Independent contractor style?
I've finished what I was working on - time to chill - rbrb for a bit
Having a drink?
hmm...yeah, 1099 form.
rbrb @JonClements
What kind of dev work do you tend to do? I was under the impression that kind of work is usually webdev type stuff
lol....yeah, that's mostly it but there are virtual employees that work in full developmental environments (Database Admins, Software Development Leads, etc...)
I haven't picked up a lot of contracting jobs (1 real one, couple of internship-style ones)
You miss working a 9-5 type job?
I did, got a 9-5 data entry job at the college I attend now (while working on Master's and looking for better option)
Ah, cool, good for you. What kind of better options are you looking at?
At the moment I settle for NOT JAVASCRIPT.....after that its all bonus ;)
How the heck do you get away from javascript?
So I just installed into my virtualenv flask-sqlalchemy. Now I have sqlalchemy 0.9.9, and the latest version is 1.0.5. How can you tell if it is safe to update it? Is it best to just leave it at the version the package installs for you?
The flask-sqlalchemy website says 0.6 or higher, is that a good enough indication that it would be safe to update? Not that I need to right now, just for general reference
"and extra helpers that make it easier to accomplish common tasks" not sure if the helpers will work with 1.0.5 perhaps check if its backwarts compatible
How would you check if a package was backwards compatible to a given version? Only thing I can find is about 0.7
Seems like it's safer to only update a package if you need to : p
If you don't want to experiment then yes. I can't find any word on not beeing backwarts compatible on the official site and they would announce that normally.
Since it was a big update tho there seem to be some bugs with other apps groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sqlalchemy/hQppcFNFEGY and perhaps flask-sqlalchemy helpers will bug too
How often are these old libraries having cool new features added?
I like getting an upvote on an obscure late-blooming answer, because that means I typically have another coming to one of my top answers. Theory: someone who likes to vote takes an interest in me. Love when that happens.
I've been getting random upvotes since I joined this chat.. I'm not entirely sure if people just made their way to the question randomly or if people from this chat have been snooping around my profile
SO prefers people in the search engine when they are in chats. notserious
@Dracunos could be coincidence... it happens :)
Oh my gawd...
Do you know how freaking difficult it was to get the pycharm terminal to launch powershell and automatically start in the virtual environment?
why do you need powershell?
yes, yes I do
you're talking about windows powershell?
Didn't have to be powershell, I guess I could have used cmd
except auto start (don't like auto starting stuff in my virtuals)
<-- is not an auto starter
So, now that i have allll that setup, now within my terminal on pycharm I can deactivate and use 'workon' now.. But usually the virtualenvwrapper doesn't work in pycharm.. MAybe I should have just fixed THAT issue instead
@JGreenwell Just out of curiousity, did you do something like: Powershell -noexit -executionpolicy remotesigned -File [path]\.virtualenvs\[virtualenvname]\Scripts\activate.ps1
yep, though I think I used -executionpolicy Bypass
Yeah, I just realized all I had to do was type Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted into my powershell and it would have worked from now on.. Is it safe to deactivate the execution policy?
@Dracunos only did it once just to see how well it would work and ended up just using the built-in IDE for Powershell and then run python scripts through other methods (cause of the headache it caused me)
its required a lot, particularly for quick and dirty personal scripts, but when I deploy it - I just move to using .NET tie-ins anyway to avoid the issue :)
You're probably doing more complicated stuff with it than I am
well, when you run it as a flag it only changes the execution-policy for that process. So as long as your not calling a bunch of processes from that one it will revert back to normal when the command finishes running.
If you use Set-ExecutionPolicy is where it changes it for the shell or user
I set my execution policy back to restricted, although I don't know what security risks that entails. I'll run it as a flag through pycharm from now on.. I have it set to RemoteSigned instead of Unrestricted.. Not even sure what the difference is
But the terminal automatically starts in the project's virtual environment, so that's cool. I can always deactivate if needed
Set-ExecutionPolicy explains the differences between the policies
anyway, Rbrb all
Thanks for the help, see you
rbrb @JGreenwell
what does 'rbrb' mean?
perfect thanks
Jeeze, Jon, you must have that page permanently clipboarded. You beat me to it :p
I can see me screaming out loud 'Asparagus' repeadetly with a long 'u' in public.
I introduce myself as a greenbean all the time
You new to python?
Yeah, pretty new. Although I feel like I'm going to feel new for years
@Dracunos oldness kind of creeps up on you
Believe me, I know, I'm almost thirty and 24 feels like yesterday
how's the temperature acclimatising going Steve?
Staying out of it as much as I can. Woke up at 5:15am and it was down to an almost acceptable 88°
After work today I got to my car and the steering was so hot I had to let the AC cool it down for 5 minutes before I could drive.
High was 111° today, currently 104°
Still in phoenix?
Sometimes I'm afraid my rear view mirror will fall off
Pycharm makes version control so much easier.. I'm afraid I'll get spoiled
@Dracunos that was a radical change of subject :)
No, the subjects are related.. Let me think
What (if antyhing) do you do about a question that is undoubtedly a dup but has a substantial number of upvotes for both Q&A?
I'm within 400 points of 5k now, but haven't had time to answer any questions for a while :-(
@holden the "lesser" quality one - should be closed as a dupe of the higher quallity one
OR... the one with the least views - should be closed as a dupe of the higher views
The one I quoted was the lower-scoring; just voted to close
That one does have a better and more searchable title...
Although the other has a better accepted answer, but then again - confuses the issue with
@JonClements I edited the title for the other question to improve its findability
nice... it's closed
@holdenweb thanks for that
cbg @Martijn
cbg @Vignesh
How are you this fine day @JonClements
Fine thanks - you?
Yeah me too thank by the way nice dog yours?
Nah - just something someone found on the net that looked kinda cool - makes a change from the yelllow one for a bit
:) nice though
Right... time to take a break from the computer... rbrb for a bit
Anyone on Twitter want to retweet me?
I just spent the last 4 hours working on a writeup on generators. :D
Oh yeah, feedback is most appreciated.
Now I have to go to bed before my wife realizes I'm still up.
She's pretty ferocious when she's wanting to get to sleep and feels like I'm keeping her up.
sleep well everyone!
See ya!
Thanks, Some Guy!
@AaronHall that was beautiful but y didn't it get any upvote except mine
oh hey, I just posted it, so it takes time for posts to get recognized.
But I've been wanting to write that one up for a long time now.
I finally did it.
ok, for real, gotta go to bed.
Sorry didn't see that good night
@AaronHall you, sir, get an upvote
Hey up
please stop telling that the globals are "nice"
(hint: they're not)
does anyone have experience with github.com/PyFilesystem/pyfilesystem? mostly if it's stable/bug-free enough for a production setup
@AnttiHaapala Yes, they are.
Do you really want to use classes for all your view functions or have to accept an extra argument all the time, even if you might not even need it?
Pyramid doesn't need classes for all its view functions </probablyMissingThePoint>
@ThiefMaster NO
that is the another grievance, flask gets the "class-based views" utterly wrong
Matter of preference I guess.
matter of not writing proper applications.
fwiw I am now porting flask admin to pyramid
mostly done with it, but...
damn it is very spaghetti
@ThiefMaster the problem is, you can mostly assume there is this request
and response...
but then ppl start playing with g... "oh it is the better way to pass arguments."
the thing is: you saved 1 parameter per view func and 1 parameter per subfunction call
for code that does not run under anything else than threads and will be very complicated to test and to use under any other settings than the http requests
is it worth it? "yes, because it saves me 7 keystrokes"'
well, you could name your request req and it would be equal savings then? :D
That's true, call it r
def bargy(r, g): etc
I might call it r; it probably would save me some RSI
the problem is all the people defending the globals and saying they're quite OK, instead of trying to minimize their use :(
" However Flask is just not designed for large applications or asynchronous servers. Flask wants to make it quick and easy to write a traditional web application."
anyone ever done any testing on when does .translate on unicode strings become faster than .replace().replace().replace().replace()?
@AnttiHaapala That sentence should probably reworded. While it's not perfect for async stuff it works perfectly fine for large applications
even armin said it is probably a bad idea, but you're defending it :D
I know exactly the problems it gives on large applications, we were using Pylons before, and switched to pyramid
if you're just doing a simple (even large) web app on a threaded server it does not matter
but if you need to do something clever it will become a nuisance
a curse
@Kevin - you're an arse. Because of you, I am now reading an article on hippos, have a tab open on mexican drug cartles cartels AND how banning bottled water is bad for student health
(all links from the most recent slate star codex)
If only they were called cartles - it makes them sound so much friendlier!
Thanks Bobby! Can rely on you to poke a hole in my mini rant :)
I am Kevin. You hurt Kevin, you hurt me.
But your name is Robert.
Also - is Fizzy about? I have to ask him a question about this article (damn you Kevin!) - newscientist.com/article/…
It reeks of impossible science.
Hence New Scientist
I think I stopped my subscription years ago when I got one with COULD MINI BLACK HOLES CAUSE CONSCIOUSNESS emblazoned on the front
That sounds exciting - but it's the magazine equivalent of link star bait
Unbelievably so
Also I just turned 18 and my parents said they wouldn't pay for the subscription any more. But cancelling was totally a protest.
Definitely a protest. You took it into your own hands
"Once, he hid for two days and nights inside an aardvark hole. Another time, he floated down a river disguised as a dead cow, drifting under a fresh, fleshy hide with two eyeholes cut out of it, to size up an enemy camp downstream."
What am I reading?
As I was making some tea, I was thinking about that interview question, "What happens when I type a URL in the browser and hit enter?" and got as far as ARP cache, and then started saying "ARP ARP" like a seal under my breath as I got back to my desk.
Brilliant. Does that happen to you often?
Anything that sounds like a seal barking does tend to make me start doing that, yes
Not quite sure why
It's like I'll sometimes say "work work" like the little guys in Warcraft 3
haha those little grunts guys!
"be happy to"
I haven't got as far as "It's in the pipe; 5 by 5" yet, but I'm sure it's coming
Has ARP lost all sensible meaning to you now?
@RobertGrant Are you just getting "stuck"?
No I'm now doing work work again :)
I am sure you'd be relieved of your duties if you'd start talking like a Zerg
@AnttiHaapala I'm rebelling
@RobertGrant what do you mean imperatively?
"Why are you behind on your code?"
As in via a config instruction like add_view
Instruction is a weird word there
I mean :D what are you trying to achieve :d
Good question :)
ah now I think I get it:
you'd want to use the view_defaults with add_view?
A way to specify CBV defaults
@IntrepidBrit I am no @Ffisegydd, merely a peiriannydd, but I would say trust your instinct. The paper it's based on has a rather strongly worded rebuttal - journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.070402
Yeah, that'd be the same result
I was thinking of a more direct analog to how view_defaults is applied, ie by applying some config to a class instead of a function, but it doesn't have to be like that at all
or how about: make a custom renderer :D
that could delegate to another renderer :D
if you're still talking about overriding templates
Hm yeah
Yeah I am
I am doing the flask admin and there are similar problems there
I'd want to override some of the templates with Tonnikala :D
but not all
I actually just want Pyramid by default to switch renderer if I use the template override with a different extension, but yeah maybe I could make my own renderer that does that
@JRichardSnape Excellent. Ever since someone convinced me once (when drunk) that perpetual motion was possible, and then found it was it wasn't - I have a near fanatical zeal over not believing impossible things. Not really befitting of a scientist though.
This is basically trying to achieve perpetual motion as well, isn't it?
No energy in; some out
Well, apparently it's all based on semi-conductor science.
all based on = bit of a stretch on
This theory is based on true events
"allowed in the case of electrons in a superconductor, which flow without resistance"
Not something I know, nor could verify easily. Much easier to ask the registered scienceman on this one
I like the fact that heat death of universe = free coldness for superconducting, that makes sense
And can be used in space now, I guess, thus affecting anyone who is born pre-universe heat death
Ah yammy death. I just blew the circuit.
"geojson = current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db.session.scalar(func.ST_AsGeoJson(value))‌​"
That looks awesome; what does it do?
Man I really do love semicolons.
@RobertGrant Would it work pre-entropy death?
I dunno, hence "I guess" :)
But I just meant that in space, everyone can hear you scream "ROOM TEMPERATURE IS -273 HERE AND SO I JUST ACHIEVED ROOM-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTION"
Probs not likely
@RobertGrant looks awesome?
to me that looks horrible.
it is from flask-admin geoalchemy extension
flask admin has a way to configure a session to be used for each object view
That's because you know what it's trying to do :) I just see geo stuff with databases.
except the geoalchemy contrib then looks up for the single db session in the current app's sqlalchemy extension
this is called "hardcoding"
I just guess someone confused hard code with hard core
You ain't hard code / unless you're way hard code
Okay - here's a question. When I have a running process, is there any-way I can tell the OS to not swap out the program?
@IntrepidBrit depends on the os, and then yes and no.
in linux, root only. you'd lock all pages in memory
another would be to not have any swap :D
then you'd just have a crash/OOM killer instead
A crash is not desirable either. Normally, we'd use a micro for this job, but the micro guy is off work and I've been drafted in to use the existing RPi part to do a bit of investigative work
And I just melted a lot of components because the program didn't switch off the pin at the right time.
Hey guys
(Obviously a job for a micro in the final design)
I have for line1 in a.readlines(), line2 in b.readlines():` but it gives an error "NameError: name 'line2' is not defined". How do I fix it?
@RobertGrant the thing is, that fancy function has the unused view parameter...
which would have .session, which is the session assigned to that view...
but instead someone thought this was much more hardcore
Maybe you should just attack pyramid_fullauth next and make it awesome and easy to extend etc
I guess we'd need a coder license
or something like... "This Github user was approved by Donald Knuth"
most of the top python projects are crap :(
python3wos.appspot.com boto - bwaah, requests - yuck, pika - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Django ;(...
There was a problem with the pika tests - github.com/pika/pika/issues/369#issuecomment-109080485
Oh you just mean in general
Update: letsencrypt say they'll launch in September
Yam yeah!
@IntrepidBrit also I made a slightly hacky way for multiple tenancy to be supported, so I'll revert the password soon
Only very slightly hacky; should be many to many and I made it one to one for now user->company
@RobertGrant write Java, you will soon tire of them;
Of what? :)
Use the link arrow, Luke
Isn't that the lambda thingy for Java?
anyhow. off top give yet another presentation. This time with live computer simulation demo. The presenting equivalent of a high wire act. Wish me luck
Yeah wow hope it goes well :)
@AnttiHaapala what's wrong with requests? I thought everyone praised it?
@RobertGrant Ah okay. Good hack, as far as hacks go
@JRichardSnape Good luck!
Yeah I was being lazy last night; I'll fix it properly tonight I think
I want to test my website & need some proxy of countries any way guys?
@K3yb0ard15T Sounds sketchy :P
@RobertGrant requests throws whatever exceptions it pleases
@IntrepidBrit its for testing i swear.
Cabbage Jon
Can you do me a favor?
Can you look at this question and tell me what the deleted comments were? I’m super curious.
Umm... don't think it's a massive breach of rules: 1 deleted comment by Carsten: let me help you out: unET :: ET t t1 -> t (Maybe t1) (says GHCi)
(code block formatting mine)
uh, so that’s the only deleted comment? wow… I’ve seen that earlier today but was wondering what else what going on that created that kind of hostility
Hey, Nottingham Uni! That's where I went.
@poke well - having looked at the post - there's now 3 deleted comments... but yeah - that was the only one
You’re a good mod, Jon.
Flattery gets you everrywhere or something :)
morning everyone
Hey Jon. You're the bestest boy mod there ever was. Here's a scooby snack. Oh, by the way could you delete @corvid's account for me? good boyyyyy
Morning corvid
@IntrepidBrit umm... how many scooby snacks? :p
Well, I was going to give some to scrappy doo thefourtheye too, but you can have his share...
@IntrepidBrit looking at the JIRA REST stuff, that may be easier than I thought, if I can find a good way to add it to the UI
sup nerds
H...hello Mr Tristan sir
Interesting to see how controversial this question turns out to be. Currently at -7 / +4.
It's a basic enough question, but with an attempt to at least show what they tried and a complete error message. It's not high quality, but I think people are voting to offset the votes in the opposite direction rather than on the content there.
@MartijnPieters Yeah that last bit happened pretty dramatically here. And then the sympathy answers got tagged on.
anyway good tutorial to learn python ? i am working php now. want to learn python? please any idea ?
There were some good karma farming questions in the past 12 hours that were easily answerable by a few seconds of thinking of profiling/dis use
@MartijnPieters I would agree. I think people exhibit decreased objectivity when questions are perceived as "easy" or "too basic"
@RobertGrant Bloody UIs
naughty naughty duckduckgo giving out the 2.7.x version as the first result
does stripe have webhooks? It seems to say it does in the docs, but it seems kind of vague. Found what I want in the events, but want stripe to inform
@JonClements Fattery. And it makes you go everywhere.
@IntrepidBrit I just don't want it to be confusing as to what can override what (e.g. I'm using JIRA but there are no time estimates on the JIRA tasks so I want to override that with a value in the PM tool for now)
Fattery will get you everywhere
Thank you @RobertGrant
Except on a plane, unless you buy 2 (or more) tickets
thank you@tristan
@Thennarasu no problem buddy. if you have questions, just write them down and keep going through the tutorial -- they're likely answered
some people see beauty, i see the annoyance of people not standardizing on a socket size.
I just see blondes, brunettes, red heads...?
@tristan The only annoying thing is that there's metric and english system ones. If it was just metric all would be right
thank you@tristan
@corvid And then a dozen bolt head sizes within the same half dozen millimetres (adjusted spelling due to room membership)
My friends saying php developer easy to learn python its true ?
Depends on how advanced the PHP you did was, but you should give it a try :) I knew PHP before Python.
I don't fully understand, but Python is a more logical language. PHP is a collection of things to memorize.
I also am ex-PHP.
<trolling>I believe it's possible that it's true that your friends say such things</trolling>
thanks @RobertGrant
@IntrepidBrit twirls end of moustache
ugh stupid promises
@corvid meant to be broken am i right? COME BACK TO ME KAREN :(!!!!!
Hey all have a doubt
Q: Sorting list of strings based on substring in each string

PaulI have a list like below: a = ['e8:04:62:23:57:d0\t2462\t-55\t[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]\tTest', '00:1b:2f:48:8b:f2\t2462\t-57\t[WPA2-PSK-CCMP-preauth][ESS]\tT_test', 'e8:04:62:23:4e:70\t2437\t-61\t[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]\tT_guest', 'e8:04:62:23:57:d1\t2462\t-53\t[ESS]\t', 'e8:04:62:23:4e:71\t2437\t-56\...

Can n't this be done in map function
@VigneshKalai Elaborate, otherwise you're like a dog dropping off a decaying squirrel at our feet
Map preserves order, so probably not
That's right. I eat decaying squirrel for breakfast.
It's all I can afford.
@VigneshKalai Sure, the map function can be done on a lot of things. Doesn't mean it needs to be.
@tristan that question is done using lamda method is there another way to do it map
@tristan just finding the possibilities
I think I am overcomplicating all my schemas :\
@VigneshKalai You could map the split and then sort the end result
@corvid You should keep your schemes simple, otherwise Bond will just escape

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