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Oh man, that's another series I need to reread.
@Kevin ahh.... you've just reminded me of "Inner Space" - haven't seen that in a while and always thoroughly enjoy it :)
I liked Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain, while we're in the micronized-people-exploring-human-bodies genre.
@davidism yes it was me ... it is a good article I thought it was awesome... but @AnttiHaapala is correct in that just because you can does not mean you should
@Joran suddenly reminded of Dr Malcolm from Jurassic Park :p
you made a dinasaur ....
I always find it a bit hippocritical.. - well... a previous film you did you managed to turn yourself into a giant mutant fly... pot calling the kettle black or what...
Just because you could transfer yourself a few metres across the same room - you should have just walked :)
that movie was so dumb
and I cant believe how many sequels it spawned
(the fly ... not JP)
Jurassic World is out soon I think
The OP of Fissile Numbers has discovered an OEIS page with an error. Get your editor hat ready @DSM.
Alternatively, if such small changes are common and you don't actually have to do anything personally, get your leisurely disinterest hat ready.
I actually want to see that one
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
oh ok ... that thread doesnt make any sense to me ... now I feel dumb
I always think I want to get in to code golfing, and then I read a code golf thread. :P
Ugh. Is this question too broad enough for me to unilaterally close it (I'd remove the bounty).
if in doubt, close
goes to check the question
Not sure, but I'm definitely not fond of the link-only answer at the bottom
yeah... that one could go
I think the Q is specific in what it's asking for, but broad in the number of possible ways to implement a solution.
too many solutions isn't necessarily a problem
I'd close it. Those two answers are basically link only also.
It also says "What's the best way" not "What are ways".
so, one code-only answer, one method-name-only answer, one two-link-only answer. Not great.
Is that upvoted answer the best way? No.
Better post the best way and snatch the bounty, then ;-)
so, is it supposed to be better to keep subdocuments on a document to avoid making multiple queries for a 1 to 1 relationship?
Anyone else fancy checking OP's code here before a no-repro cv?
Q: Wrong result in calculating md5 sum in python

user3516540I have mounted drive(linux OS) on windows. Now I am copying large files size(2GB,5GB and 10GB bin files ) to drive and vice versa. After copying I am trying to calculate md5sum using python .The follwing is my code . with open(fileName, 'rb') as fd: md5 = hashlib.md5() while True: ...

NameError: name 'fileName' is not defined :-D
@Zero Umm... my only thought was they copied the files from windows->linux without using binary mode... but
But seriously. I can't try to replicate because I don't have an md5sum command to compare the results against.
I wonder if it behaves differently for files that are exactly k* (2**20) bytes large, versus ones that aren't
Can't see why they'd object as long as you stay in the 2-10GB upload range ;-)
Nice page. Ok, I get the same result when testing on my tiny <1kb file.
Wild guess: mixed indentation problem? The OP thinks the update is going on inside the loop, but it's only happening at the end.
Er, by "same result" I mean "the md5 checksum is the same when calculated by the script and the site" rather than "I get the same result as the OP, in that the checksum is different between the script and the site"
The indentation is all spaces in the raw source, but that doesn't prove anything either way.
@DSM It's all spaces in the question (and by happy coincidence, typo and no repro are the same close reason).
@Kevin Checked, and nope.
It was a long shot.
Give me some credit, guys, I checked that first of all. :-) But I'm not quite willing to rule it out yet..
Right, that's enough due diligence for me anyway ...
We've spent, what, a combined several hundred dollars in consulting time so far?
I don't expect anyone to check the indentation because AFAIK there's no way to see the raw until someone makes an edit and you can go to the revisions page.
You can go to revisions page without someone making an edit, no?
I hope not, because then my revision_viewer.user.js userscript is all for nothing
There's a userscript somewhere that adds a "History" button to each question that shows the revisions page.
I just click edit and hit F1 to open it in $EDITOR ...
Q: SE Modifications -- Username autocomplete in comments, inline revision source, and utility links

Tim Stone Screenshot About This userscript adds four main features: Various utility links on posts and in the top bar Inline viewing of post revision source Markdown on the post history page Links on comment timestamps for linking to specific comments (with enhanced "link-ability" for people wit...

Wow, this is specific.
Wow indeed.
Why don't we have a Python.SE yet guys?
If metallic cartridges were a tree, what kind of tree would they be?
It almost sounds like that user stumbled upon area 51 and thought that was the right place to ask questions
@Kevin OT: migrate to Metallic Cartridge Analogies.
Their meta site would be called Meta Metallic, which is pretty cool.
obscure stargate reference since I was just rewatching it: the "tree" would be iron root
@Ffisegydd The Man is trying to keep us down.
Speaking about The Man keeping people down, currently watching V for Vendetta. Great film.
Mmm, yes.
It's p. good, I like the alliteration and violence
why do people answer when theyre just wrong ... stackoverflow.com/questions/30513526/…
And it's not often that the Doctor and Elrond are in oppositional roles.
It's in my top ten list of blockbuster movies about terrorism with a nuanced pointed of view, certainly.
Hugo Weaving is a great actor.
@JoranBeasley some people gotta learn the really hard way?
Though I always think of him as Agent Smith, rather than Elrond/V/Red Skull.
Same, I just like the name "Elrond" better when it comes to invoking humorous juxtapositions.
He'll always be Mitzi to me.
stackoverflow.com/q/30472354/400617 too broad, generated two low quality answers
If this doesn't really help then go for Forking the flask codebase. <- Is that really suggesting to fork the Flask repo?
Or have I misunderstood it?
iterate, rinse and repeat, make it break it and fix it.
yes, that's what he's suggesting, unfortunately
Does anyone here have experience on understanding the Facebook data model? Im attempting to scrape data, but have a hard time understanding the facebook model
Can't say I have.
You should probably just ask, if someone can answer, they will do.
what is a facebook model? does it wear a swimsuit?
@Kevin: THanks
I have no idea what you mean by "Facebook Data Model". There's Facebook, there's the data, what else do you need?
you mean you dont understand oauth2?
@PhilipHoyos you can edit and delete previous messages by clicking the arrow at the left.
Just seen someone with 6k rep asking a "givemetehcodez" question ;_;
(because I don't want to see all those -1's in my rep history :] )
Voted yesterday.
yeah, it has held on to life pretty well somehow
Well if you use the API, it will give show you an output, and I have not been able to store that information yet. It seems like its using nested dictionaries and lists and dictionaries. So I was you curious
@PhilipHoyos we know how to use Python. If you ask us a question involving Python, with an actual explanation/code, we might be able to help.
Please read sopython.com/chatroom before continuing.
I need to get to 20k so I can delv-pls immediately.
Unfortunately, has dried up again so I haven't gone on a rep spree in a while.
@corvid you should really try to put more in the answer than that, but now that you point it out, there's probably a dupe lying around somewhere
is it actually right? It seemed like just a hunch
Can someone point me in the right direction of learning python that will help me scrape this structure: { "id": "7032467248", "name": "John Doe", "statuses": {"data": [ {"id": "101530787276591749", "message": "Some status update", "likes": { "data": [ { "id": "102031564151197179", "name": "User 1" },], paging": { "cursors": { "before": "MTAyMDM1NjQxNTExOTcxNzk=", "after": "OTIyNjEzNDAxMTAwMDQz"} } }, "updated_time": "2015-05-09T08:18:32+0000"}, ****next status with id message and so on***]}}
define "scrape"
@PhilipHoyos looks like JSON
@Kevin I wish to be able to store the information for further analysis
@PhilipHoyos docs.python.org/3/library/json.html might be a good place to start.
ok. with open("save_file.txt", "w") as file: file.write(data_you_want_to_save)
Be sure not to break the content provider's terms of service
@Kevin and @Jan Thank you both I thought It was nested dictionaries and lists.
@PhilipHoyos It may well be, it's very difficult to say as you've given little detail.
Is that in a string? Or is it Python code?
@PhilipHoyos that's what JSON essentially encodes
@PhilipHoyos it is, in JSON format. Have you considered reading the Facebook API docs, which probably outright say that the return format is JSON?
@Jan,@Davidism. Im fairly new at the whole coding bit, and didnt actually realize what JSON was before just now. I did read the API docs.
googling "JSON" (and any term you're unfamiliar with) is a good start
Thank you all for your help.
@Davidism, thanks - I had the understanding that json was like a form of html format.
nope, but they're both text-based
They're both non-regular languages... :-)
both LL1, I believe?
stop confusing the poor guy
We're talking about parsing now, pay no attention to us. It's all academic stuff with no relation to your problem.
In formal language theory, an LL grammar is a formal grammar that can be parsed by an LL parser, which parses the input from Left to right, and constructs a Leftmost derivation of the sentence (hence LL, compared with LR parser that constructs a rightmost derivation). A language that has an LL grammar is known as an LL language. These form subsets of deterministic context-free grammars (DCFGs) and deterministic context-free languages (DCFLs), respectively. One says that a given grammar or language "is an LL grammar/language" or simply "is LL" to indicate that it is in this class. LL parsers are...
my_data = json.loads(my_json_text)
thats all you need to do ... and now you have a dictionary (or a list) or some object you can manipulate
I'm inclined to agree that they're both LL1, after a brief glance at that article
Nice! Thank you very much!
(the quote and cv are unrelated, although both are silly mistakes)
@davidism still not sure why they're trying to do that anyway... the dev server will show you a log and if you're using a proper front end, that'll have logs... printing to console is weird :)
yeah, and if you really want to profile, there's Werkzeug's profile middleware
@davidism well - easy upvotes for you - not long after saying flask is dying down :)
Interesting weather today - alternating bouts of strong sunlight and strong downpours.
gotta have my rep!
I can smell the petrichor through my closed window.
@Kevin you in England at the moment? :)
I wrote that last sentence just so I could use the word "petrichor".
we'll have some strong winds and a bit of snow no doubt... we normally get four seasons of weather in one day :)
it was quite hot here in Prague today
It's been overcast and raining for the last two weeks in San Diego, which is bizarre.
@davidism, quick flask question, should you be able to make your static asset folder a directory back from your root app?
pretty sure you can put it wherever you like as long as you configure the app correctly
although that might make it harder to pip install the app if you go down that route
I store my CV in my static folder and have a link to it via ffisegydd.com/static/Pizzey2015.pdf
If that's what you meant? I dunno. I'm too tired.
like that, where client/ is the static folder
Aaand the sun is out again.
@Kevin has he got his hat on? hip hip hip hooray?
s/Sun/Wretched Day Star/g
He's wearing his cool guy sunglasses as usual
Artist's depiction
How can you tell without going blind?
That looks more like those noddy flowers people put in their cars to "look cool"
It was first posited by Copernicus that the sun wears sunglasses
stackoverflow.com/q/19788011/400617 crazy upvotes, op outright says it's no longer reproducible
@davidism Pinhole camera. Don't leave home without it.
People had much better names back in the day. As a scientist now if you discover something it's just boring. "Kepler's Laws" sounds a lot better than "Jones' Laws"
It is conjectured that the Sun's sunglasses are as massive as 100 Earths. There have been talks of establishing a space mining operation on them, but it's all cheap dollar store plastic so no one wants to bother.
...I think you just made that up.
It would also excaberate the greenhouse effect
@Jon: erm.. just to be clear, it's officially established that those flowers don't make you look cool? That's, like, certain?
Why my pycharm doesn't autocomplete?
it's too hard to keep up with all the random new things that spawn in the javascript world :\
I mean suggest
@DSM If looking like a hippy from the 60s is cool - it's most definitely cool :)
Q: Why isn't PyCharm's autocomplete working for libraries I install?

Mo.PyCharm's autocomplete isn't working for installed libraries. I have the following code: from boto.emr.connection import EmrConnection conn = EmrConnection(aws_keys.access_key_id, aws_keys.secret_key) I want the editor to tell me what methods I have available to me when I press ctrlspace. Th...

Hey, thanks davidsim
@DSM Not if you're sincere about it. Or even if you have one ironically. But if you ironically have one "ironically", it's cool.
Although that too may become uncool soon. I suggest factorially increasing your level of irony each day, to stay ahead of trends.
Wow... strange to see Bill The Lizard without a diamond next to his name ;(
cffi is pretty cool. I used it to give this answer. However it has some arbitrary limitation (the necessary to set the value of the first two typedef in my answer made me pain to add)
How do I search for 2 tags at once?
Like, questions containing both [python] and [c]?
Does [python] [c] not work?
Haha, I was just mispelling one of the tags, mb.
@QuestionC: let me guess -- you typed [v] instead of [c]?
Lawyer actually.
Oh, I thought your example was literal. I tend to type pyhton if I'm typing quickly.
Here's why I like python's SO community so much...
[c++][language-lawyer] -> 1066 results.
[python][language-lawyer] -> 6 results.
@tzaman nice bit of team work there :p
@JonClements cheers! Yours really was by far the best solution
I didn't notice I hadn't eaten lunch until 3, and by then it was too close to end of day to worry about it.. but now I'm hungry. Rhubarb for all!
@DSM rbrb!
Anyone fancy some crackers and pate? :)
Like, the bald part on a guys head?
That doesn't sound very tasty and seems a little mean.
Well.... I went for
Pâté (UK /ˈpæteɪ/ or US /pɑːˈteɪ/; French pronunciation: ​[pɑte]) is a mixture of cooked ground meat and fat minced into a spreadable paste. Common additions include vegetables, herbs, spices, and either wine or brandy (often cognac or armagnac). Pâté can be served either hot or cold, but it is considered to develop its fullest flavor after a few days of chilling. == VariationsEdit == In French or Belgian cuisine, pâté may be baked in a crust as pie or loaf, in which case it is called pâté en croûte, or baked in a terrine (or other mold), in which case it is known as pâté en terrine. Traditionally...
@poke how long did that take to write? :0
I really wish pycharm would let you search the output pane ...
thats the one thing eclipse does better
@JoranBeasley you can, just press Ctrl+F
or maybe you can now ... lemme check
it didnt work before ... maybe they added it
still not searchable
on 4.5.1
the run output panel .... just to be clear
works for me
are you running on linux? im on windows...
yeah, but it's java, that shouldn't matter
focus the output window, go to Edit > Find... > Find, if the key combo isn't working
weird I wonder why my keymap has something different
but thats awesome :) thanks :P
ctrl+f works in all the panels except output
well at least in the code panel
ahh ctrl+f was mapped to find > replace instead ...
there was no binding for just find
and output pane does not support replace for obvious reasons
@davidism I got your message; thank you for saying something. When I answered the question yesterday, I was under the impression that the Q&A mentality in Chat was about the same as it was on SO-proper, and that a suboptimal answer was just forgettable noise in lieu of a better one, with the obvious caveat that if a better answer is being given, keep a worse one to yourself (or at least suggest it so that it can be dismissed as such).
Please understand, though, that there is another human being on the other side of this chat window and the impression that you gave was that I was an idiot and that, as king, you were a better person than I am, rather than simply being a better, or at least more-alert, programmer.
For what it's worth, when I learned (because he told me) it was for a challenge, I was a lot less interested in doing his work for him? v( o_o )v`
Anyway, that's that.
I think the right term for situations like these is "Rhubarb"? (Talk to you lot later!)
Hi @Augusta ... thanks for dropping back in :-) TBH I'm not sure any of us covered ourselves in glory yesterday evening (I noticed your conversation before @davidism did and should probably have jumped in to say that os.path was the way to go outside of artificial "challenge" circumstances, but decided to keep watching TV instead). Anyway, thanks for trying to help out last night, and hope to see you around here again :-)
So that there are no misunderstandings, I am fully aware that probably everyone in this room is a better programmer than I am, too. ;)
That's almost certainly not the case (and anyway, we're all worse programmers than someone here, with one exception).
True, but how do I know I'm not that one programmer? :y
Or maybe a property of being The Worst Programmer is non-awareness of that distinction?
In the same way that The Worst Scientist thinks that they already know everything.
Becoming a scientist to Know Everything is the same as becoming a bishop to meet girls.
is suddenly reminded of the Bishop of Bath and Wells from Blackadder ...
I was reading the sun-sunglasses conjecture in the starred (Ha ha! "Star!") comments, and I got to thinking: do Cepheids 'blink' when the lenses of their sunglasses pass between their surface and the observer as they rotate?
Because that would make sense to me.
I guess from our point of view, it's 'winking' and not 'blinking'...

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