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Hello, what is the difference between an API and a library ?
@Ffisegydd thanks, I'll take a look
@Nakkini what've you found out so far?
@Ffisegydd oh, I thought you were showing me a solution :)
@Nakkini API is the interface of a library against which you program... like "what is the difference between keyboard+display and the computer"
nowadays API also can mean something like a webservice, that does not even have a library written for it...
I think API is bad naming for such a case :D
Should just be interface
@RobertGrant so API is like a wrapper ?
Well, I say no. Depends on what you mean by wrapper :)
@Nakkini if you have a library, what you as a user of the library use is the API...
API = application programming interface
a library of course often wraps other APIs
So the library is all the code. The API is the functions and their signatures that you can call to access that code. While the internals of a library may change, the API should stay the same.
@Nakkini most of the operating system is APIs of libraries wrapping other APIs ;)
@AnttiHaapala so the API is just a bridge to communicate with the library ?
it is not a "bridge", it is the public facing part of it
@AnttiHaapala something like a remote control ?
It's part of the library
It's not external to the library
when you use the tv, you press the buttons and watch the screen
It's more like the buttons on your TV and the screen and speakers
that is the "API", it is the essential part of the TV
what you do not do is open the tv and put a screwdriver in there ;)
the remote is also a part of the API
@JanDvorak yeah but that makes the metaphor more confusing :)
Implies that it's something distinct from the tv
API is how you are supposed to access the library as like
Who is starring all this?
the buttons and the speakers and the screen are supposed to be used to when watching TV...
Consider a library as a cube, and an API as one of its faces
I am starring phrases that i see smart for my mind and help me to understand
@Nakkini starring isn't a private thing that only works for you; it's a shared system. Please don't clog it up with my half-arsed metaphors.
@RobertGrant sorry, i thought starring means the phrase is helpful
We generally use it for @kevin's one-liners
And then, when there's room, @tristan's one-liners
And finally, if there's really nothing better around, my one-liners
so... success?
Yay, treat :-)
Hi guys, there are very few questions about OpenBR onStackOverflow
@RobertGrant continuing the analogy,
@Nakkini don't worry, I'm just grumpy that D3 isn't doing what I want. It's not my room anyway, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to what I say about it :)
the "web service stuff" APIs is like calling the infrared link a "Human-machine interface" :D
@Antti taken a look at the Trello lately?
@Nakkini you can unstar stuff too
@ZeroPiraeus obviously not too recently, noted ;)
@AnttiHaapala well, I have other things to do than searching to unstar what i starred. May be if you give me some rössypottu i will have energy and will to unstar.
Would've been quicker to do it than type all that, but looks as though someone's cleaned it up
hands Nakkini an unidentifiable chunk of something sugary
who expulsed me from the room and why ? Did i do something wrong ?
@JanDvorak @RobertGrant please don't interact further with the confirmed troll Nakkini aka Kabyle aka Begueradj aka PythonLearner.
@ZeroPiraeus That is not nice to call me a troll. I asked a question about libraries and APIs, after that someone asked why I starred some messages and I answered to him in a funny but respectful way.
And kicked again.
I need to go out, but I'll be back within the thirty minutes before he can get back in.
can you provide a reference for the name changes?
stackoverflow.com/users/3522371/begueradj this is the main account, suspended until 2016 :D
What links these two accounts?
the guy? :D
Unfortunately if we went into much detail on how we know it's him then he could evade it more easily in the future.
Is it right to hold a grudge, though? In the javascript room we already have one guy who essentially stopped trolling after some time
@JanDvorak the room owners have a private board for tracking this stuff, it spans months. We're reluctant to feed trolls even by mentioning them much.
Do you call it Trollo?
Davidism bit late no? :P
It's nearly 9am here.
@JanDvorak notice we didn't immediately kick this user. They've been around for a couple weeks, and we finally caught on. If they had changed, we presumably wouldn't have noticed them.
@JanDvorak a suspended user is suspended.
Haha, this is great python.org/doc/humor/…
I wish I'd seen it earlier
@Ffisegydd yeah, I'm just going to take tomorrow off, I can't sleep :-/
@AnttiHaapala true...
Thanks for the explanation
Hello everyone
are the dotts ... and ..filter opposites in intra-package imports ? like : from .... import mod and ..filter import mod, the former is (backward) and the latter is forward ?
no, each dot means "go up one level from this module"
Oh, I didn't think it was that :) looks
this is true only in a statement like ..mod
bare dotts indicate to go down one level ( parent package)
Isn't that what I just said?
but you didn't say that, you said no, which means they're not opposites
they aren't
Is this what they mean by the Zen of Python?
n dots in the beginning mean: "go n levels up"
@AnttiHaapala ah
I experimented with that for one hour
@poke cbg
....foo.bar.baz means "go 4 levels up, and from there find module baz within the bar package contained in foo package
Yea exactly
what about bare dotts, from ... import mod ?
right ?
and "...." means "go 4 levels up and import from there"
it would mean "go 3 levels up, and import mod from that package (3 levels up from current module)"
@direprobs please write complete sentences in one message
also, it's spelled "dot", one t
I love to add the t, do you mind that ? ;P
yes, I mind
as you wish
The concepts here are the inverse indeed
I see that myself now running the Python interactive interpreter
@AnttiHaapala makes sense. Hadn't come across that feature, but glad I saw it here before I had to google it :)
I cannot confirm this behaviour in your question in Python 2.6 nor 2.7, works there.
Yea, you're right
Bleh, finally home.
this makes namespace packages non-sense to me, only a fallback option
@direprobs I do not have windows; on linux appending to __path__ work just fine on 2.6 and 2.7 too
the only thing that changed was
@AnttiHaapala This works on windows as well, I was wrong about that, indeed in Cpython 2.7 path is searched before sys.path
@direprobs you can get code like __path__ to appear correctly by using `` backticks (`) `` (or using CTRL+K for multiline blocks of code).
@direprobs should we close your question :?
you should write an answer there stating what did you do wrong and accept it at least :d
@AnttiHaapala, I should've written my answer, but I forgot the question
can't remember the trick for getting a backtick to appear within a code span
Escape it
If you're going to write an answer ! as I'm busy to do that now
You need to escape the escape escapes!
this is `ing me off
no :P
` \` `
that, without spaces
I'm glad it's not just me that needs a chat preview
written as
` \`backticks\` `
without spaces
@poke that's cheating
Write a single back tick, press CTRL+K. Done.
Yeah that's what I did, but he doesn't want that :)
He wants normally text, then a codey ` thing, then normal again
Actually I just wanted to see how many people I could provoke into littering the chat with avant-garde punctuation :-P
high art
@AnttiHaapala, you said you don't use Windows, have you tried Freya OS ?
no, not interested
computers are tools :D
Not me, I'm soon going to get married to a computer :P
Fiction, never believe that again, hahahah :D
if it is debian based then I will move to it when/if it proves worthwhile
Having looked at it, there's already one OS out there that has bizarrely cartoony icons centered at the bottom of a bland-looking screen, don't need another.
not debian, Ubuntu
@RobertGrant, it has another version, older one, called elementary os
ubuntu is debian based
Yup, but Ubuntu is a little bit different, call it more user friendly.
I'd call it less user-friendly sometimes
I am using ubuntu though :P
I don't like linux, I used kubuntu for one year, that when I was in high school. But that sucks, Firefox isn't good, graphics are poor, I mean it's design is all about picture over another picture, not hardcoded like Windows or Mac, that's a cheap way to deal with things
I do like the way Elementary / Freya / etc. looks. I'm used to Unity now though, so I'd need a compelling reason to switch.
unity is appalling sh*t, the one thing that I hate the most on Ubuntu (I am using it now though)
the reason for me using Unity is that the other alternatives are worse on Ubuntu.
Btw Freya has no Desktop icon :L, they don't even provide that as an option
including the KDE - my desktop has KDE and it keeps crashing all the time ...
that wouldn't be a big miss, I do not use the desktop for anything :)
Even that last version of KDE, shitty more than any release.
so when wasit that you tried kubuntu?
It's very slow, like Windows Vista hahah, come on guys, 2015 now ! lazy programmers
@direprobs can we stop this now? it's borderline trolling
either get to the point, or just let it go, it's not an interesting conversation
@davidism what's the time there?
1:30 am
@davidism, sorry about that
Okay, wow
cabbage and long time that not join in this room
@Robert it looks fancy but I'm not sure it's the best visualisation style.
It's not immediately obvious what it all means.
No, I've no idea what's happening
It just looks awesome :)
Yeah is awesome but how it work?
better what is the objective of the rappresentation
Guys, I only want to make sure that I'm right: this statement ( from ... import mod ) < import from the left-most package ?
and ( from ...pkg import mod) < import from the right most pkg or module ?
What does left and right mean in this statement?
think about the . as the same as ../ in paths
so the first is ~"from ../../../ import mod.py" and the second is like "from ../../../pkg import mod.py"
though as you have noted, not exactly because it will consider search paths etc.
So I hear a lot of hype about the blockchain. Is it just a (clever) way of synchronising distributed transactions every so often?
any help, why this does not split at back slash?
date = "feb. 21\11  1.1.19990"
date = re.sub("[/\//:?,\\\\.;\"]", " ", date)
print date
result is
feb  21	  1 1 19990
i was expecting
feb  21 11	  1 1 19990
@nlper you're not using raw strings, r''
the actual regex is
Why not r"feb. 21\11 1.1.19990".split('\\') ?
@nlper ah now I see
your original string does not have \
it instead has \11
which is a tabulator
>>> date = "feb. 21\11  1.1.19990"
>>> date
'feb. 21\t  1.1.19990'
11 it is taking as "t", 12 as "n"
@AnttiHaapala, assume I'm in a package chain like this: dir0.dir1. dir2 in dir2's __init__.py file, I've written the following from .. import mod = ' from dir0 import mod? and 'from ..dir2 import mod' = from dir0.dir1.dir2 import mod` ?
part \ooo
first is right, second is wrong
it would look for dir0.dir2
these are not "directories" but "packages"
. means "within the package of this module"
.. means within the package containing the package that contains this module
hey guys. I've got multiple text files here that need replacing sensitive info inside them and producing a new file. For instance in "John:ID123:AHKWD" , I'd replace ID123 with something like ID999 . Is there a language that's more suitable than python to do this with?
Do it in whatever you're comfortable working with.
@Brunaldo yes, use assembly.
@AnttiHaapala, the second is wrong ? from ..dir2 import mod = from dir0.dir1.dir2 import mod` ?
since dir1 is a subpackage of dir1 and dir is a subpackage of dir0
assume that dir2 also has a mod module
did someone mention big penises
ahh :P it depends
What the heck happened here?
Also, cbg
no idea
It came out of the blue.
Oh well, at least you have another alias
@Ffisegydd I've put an issue on Github for that stack thing. See what Big Mike thinks.
Are you sure it's not your mistake?
Not at all
I doubt it's a bug
There seem to be some "how do I do this" issues on there, so I didn't feel bad adding to them
If only there were some kind of website where people could write questions and answers on programming.
Now I feel bad
Damn your complex psychological manipulations!
sudo make me a sandwich.
> Enter your password:
> Enter your password: SANDWICH!
> Error: Ffisegydd not in the sudoers group.
This incident will be reported
@PeeHaa cbg
Ugh. This apple juice tastes so unreal
I am back. You have a nice subject to talk about today: me. What is my crime ? I want to learn programming.
The punishment of wanting to program is a life sentence of learning.
Wayat = Nakkini
i asked a question about APIs and libraries: why this makes me evil and troll ?
I should write a script that announces name changes...
Who knows what makes people evil and troll
If you're the guy from yesterday, no one thinks you're evil or a troll. You merely have a problem communicating your ideas clearly, which makes it painful to help you.
@Kevin Zero was saying he's a troll. From earlier today
@Kevin look on Trello
5 hours ago, by Zero Piraeus
@JanDvorak @RobertGrant please don't interact further with the confirmed troll Nakkini aka Kabyle aka Begueradj aka PythonLearner.
aka Wayat
Oh, never mind then.
The answer is probably that he wasn't trolling today, but we know who he is and from previous behaviour he is massively banned
also, a sock of a suspended account
@poke that so needs an anti-shout service to counter it :)
I’m going to include that in R.A.B.B.I.T.
@PeeHaa Know that one :)
hi guys
I see foaas offers a filter to integrate with shoutcloud :)
anyone who has experience with opencv (& numpy.ndarray)? I'm wondering how easy it is to integrate both. As I need to use scipy's convolve/statistics to make the image out of a 3d function. But then I wish to use opencv so I don't have to reinvent the wheel for glob detection. I wonder how fast this is, or should I just stick to numpy and implement my own versions of the algorithms?
Or actually not the speed, but I wonder if it normal to integrate both libraries like this.
Deafening silence. Guess I'll just have to try and see if they integrate well.
@paul23 no idea, sorry
My best guess is that it might be worth trying to integrate
I'm afraid I'll have to write a library to integrate both libraries together. Seen that happening quite often and I don't have time for that (need to finish calculation of the results this week).

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