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I wouldn't learn C, because I may stop worrying about entering my undergraudate program but how would I stop worrying and taking care of { } :P
Sorry mate, you've lost me there
Still C is a strong language most operating systems based on it.
I guess our first lang in uni is Java
I've always thought that's a bad first language as it forces you into an OO mind set
similar to C in some forms, isn't it ?
isn't python oop?
@lukas it's multi-paradigm
Java is fully OOP
You can't not OOP
at least in C++ - you don't have to OOP if you don't want to :)
@JonClements yeah ours was Java as well, and I thought it sucked for that reason
how is ruby like?
And Java isn't necessarily fully OOP, because functions, ints, booleans etc aren't objects
So it's fully OOP in your sense, but not in the good sense
Good point - so Python's more OO than Java in that sense :)
@IntrepidBrit Well, you don’t have to use OOP for your code :P You can put it all in the main function or other static functions
@JonClements definitely
Everyone wants to merge dictionaries. Why?
seminar late, sees oop, whispers * Smalltalk *slinks away again
Ah, Smalltalk. Seaside very promising; killed by AJAX.
@JRichardSnape LMFTFY "Everyone knows there are 254 shades of grey in any reasonable coding system"
Off-by-two errors?
@poke Well, yes. You could do that. And abuse Java that way ;)
Presumably all colors of the form (x,x,x) are gray, except when x = 0 or 255, because those are black and white respectively. That leaves 254.
You could argue that white and black are just special cases of gray…
This is true.
I feel like a lot of conversations in here end with "we're both right, depending on what definition of <thing> you use"
... For certain definitions of "a lot" :-D
@Kevin pff, that's just semantics
Programmers arguing about semantics? What's next, dogs and cats living together?
Next up: if anything, they should be called metasemantic variables.
I've written back to Facebook asking what I could improve to get that job/what job I could get
Maybe I'll get a reply in 3 months
I'm with @poke, but I accept that membership of the set *grey * is not a black and white issue. I'd like to reassure @AaronHall I did consider it pre-post :)
"What could I improve?" is dangerously close to "why didn't I get the job?" which is dangerously close to "what protected class of people could I claim to be in that I could sue you for discriminating against?", so they'll probably remain silent on the matter
"You would need to dedicate more time in the office" implies "older people with families need not apply" implies "here, have a big bag of settlement money"
Anyone of you tried Freya OS ?
Not me.
The graphics are much better than any linux os
The stupid thing is that, no desktop icons !
@Kevin I think if anything, a white male from the UK is the most likely to be discriminated against at Facebook. That's what "we value diversity" means.
Or at least in SA. Maybe they're totally bright and whatever at Facebook.
Anyway. I'm just annoyed when people see a system that seems broken (and probably is), due to the demographic of people in it, and change the inequality instead of removing it.
But maybe there is no way to remove it, and that's the best you can do. Who knows.
does not have either the time or energy to argue against the wilful ignorance inherent in any sentence containing the phrase "a white male from the UK is the most likely to be discriminated against", but wishes to register his vehement (white, male) disagreement.
In case anyone's been hiding under a rock and hasn't already read it: Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is.
If you don't have the time or energy, then best not say it. And visit Verdun if you'd like an example of white males having it so easy
@RobertGrant Could you help me understand something about how addresses work in UK?
My friend lives in Blackpool, England
No, @Robert, it is not bestnot to say it. Leaving that kind of nonsense unchallenged gives people the impression that "everyone agrees with me". Everyone does not agree with you. Your position is absurd. I do not have time to educate you.
I want to buy him something online, and the address field there asks for a "city"
You are leaving it unchallenged, you're just blurting out some feel-good claims.
Hot topic detected! Please keep it civil.
@SomeGuy Blackpool
Cool, thank you
Wanted to be sure, because it isn't in this list en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_the_United_Kingdom
@Kevin No intention of taking it any further.
@SomeGuy It's a town, but it'll get there
E.g. in SA that is literally true; there is a legally enforced hierarchy of employability, which I am at the very bottom of, and also of mandatory business ownership by that same hierarchy. Not saying it's wrong, but it's bizarre to claim it doesn't exist.
If Blackpool wasn't a real place, it would sound like a good lair for a Sauronesque overlord.
We have to bring the sword of destiny to... dramatic music builds ... The Black Pool.
@Kevin talk like that'll have some unsubstantiated moral posturing on yo ass
@SomeGuy (fyi - Cities used to be defined by "having a cathedral", but I don't think that's the case any more)
That's amusing
Alternatively, it sounds like a body of water with a serious algae problem.
We're well past "tinged green pool" and "opaque slime pool", now it actively absorbs light from its environment
Oh, that's pretty much the actual reason. "Blackpool gets its name from a historic drainage channel (possibly Spen Dyke) that ran over a peat bog, discharging discoloured water into the Irish Sea, which formed a black pool"
Wow, haha
" (on the other side of the sea, "Dublin" (Dubh Linn) is derived from the Irish for "black pool")". TIL.
I would expect tuple to work the way the OP desires
My money is currently on "the OP has two files with the same name in different directories, and he's opening one, thinking it is the other"
@ZeroPiraeus so, that link was a metaphor asserting a blanket generalisation, which is what you were asserting, not anything more. If you have the correct link, I'm happy to read it.
Alternatively, his OS is short on resources and is only handing out half of a file handle at a time
Anybody here experience with the bittle framework?
Bottle I mean
Exeter, USA. "Uh. See Exeter, UK"?
Ie - Exeter, UK. "Old fortress on the river Exe."
@TauseefHussain I've used bottle in a very basic scenario.
@Kevin Or he's reading from files he's written to but hasn't closed. :) But why didn't he originally think it was worth mentioning that his script was writing to those files in the question...
@JRichardSnape Its to do with sending a Json string generated via javascript to bottle. I am new to python and the bottle documentation doesnt help either.
@PM2Ring I'll have to give "do you have any open file objects?" a higher spot in my psychic debugging routine.
@TauseefHussain Ah, don't get me started on Python documentation (it's something I have complained about previously). I found the bottle documentation bad. I'm not really sure what you mean about "sending a string generated via javascript to bottle", so not sure I can help you
Nice to see you're finessing the psychic algorithm Kevin
@JRichardSnape Ah and the struggle with bottle continues :) Thank you though!
It won't impress anybody if all my guesses are wrong :-)
People only remember the guesses that were right. c.f. lottery winners
@RobertGrant To reiterate: I intended only to challenge ("disagree with, object to, take exception to") your assertion, not to debate it. I believe it's important to do so, but I don't believe that doing so gives me a responsibility to rehash the argument any more than asserting "that's not what OrderedDict does" makes me responsible for debating the design decisions behind the way it works. There's a lot of material out there if you care to look for it. And now, seriously, I'm done.
@JRichardSnape 255. 0 is black.
@tristan Or 254 - 255 is white
@JRichardSnape Yep, I have a similar principle when it comes to comedy. If I get a response to 20% of my jokes, I consider that a good day.
@Kevin 20%!!! I aim for 2% and still miss regularly
ok, 20% for "I bet this will get starred for sure", 2% for "No idea if anyone will get this, but I'll do it anyway out of selfish amusement"
Good morning friends
@ZeroPiraeus this isn't the first time you've overreacted and had your brain go down some fairly simplistic trammels regarding what you're assuming I'm saying, which were exactly the opposite of the case last time, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were similarly off the mark this time. If you want to avoid this, for the sake of the people you talk to, at least, then maybe don't get furious so fast on so little evidence.
@ZeroPiraeus If you want to get angry on the internet and then vanish, assume that does not constitute a reasonable challenge, and neither does failing to actually reply to anything being said to you.
@tristan see chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/23405906#23405906 and following messages for a full discussion of the set membership of Grey and whether it is a closed or open interval
Ah, the firm's back to blocking chat. I wonder what happened.
ah, cheers jrich
I'm going to have to invest in a bigger data plan, I suppose.
@AaronHall or a vpn or proxy really
@AaronHall Surely some kind of tunnel out is too tempting... Although I guess it is potentially "get you fired" material
I don't think that's very practical or well advised.
I'd rather just have my own private connection.
I worry about the day I have to switch to mobile chat, because I can't text very fast
Then DSM and I will have a reversal of fortune, when it comes to racing for a joke we both thought of at the same time.
@Kevin What if I just hosted a sopython proxy
I used about 150MB doing a video chat with a DB class on Monday. Otherwise, I mostly use my connection to browse when I'm waiting on the subway or directions when going to a meetup. I also have a few pdf's I should probably finish. My plan is 1GB of 4G and unlimited 3g when that's out. I rarely run out, but when I do, it's slow.
Surely the corporate drones wouldn't want professional-enterprise-java.net locked
@AaronHall that's a cool plan, though
@tristan That would work if my hypothetical future impediment is "chat is blocked" rather than "my boss can see my monitor all day"
command line client :)
@Kevin he meant hire a proxy to represent you in chat
Although if I end up in an open-plan office, I'm more likely to sacrifice my job than chat ;-)
It's T-mobile, $10 a month because of my wife's cell. I got rid of my cell plan.
@AaronHall that is awesome, wow
Yeah, I think I did the majority of my chatting in here in an open office
Over here it costs around $1m to get a gig of data
(Possible exaggeration)
I'm in an open office, but I'm in a corner facing into the centre of the room
Standard price is $20 a month, It's a flat $10 a month savings, but if I spring for another 10, I think I get 3GB. Probably worth it...
I think chat is good for my interpersonal skills. They should be paying me extra for my interest in continued education.
I have this, IRC, and a twitter client open all day at work in an open office. As long as I get stuff done, no one cares.
'To be eligible for Project Fi's Early Access Program, you'll need a Google Account and live in a U.S. zipcode where we have coverage. All Google Accounts with "@gmail.com" can be used with Project Fi, as well as some other Google Accounts like those that end in "@yahoo.com" or "@hotmail.com". '
wait, some google accounts end in yahoo/hotmail.com?
I've always preferred @outlook.com for my google account.
@tristan I've got a custom email address as my google account
It's for backwards compatibility with grandmas who only recognize those two sites as valid email hosts
Well, I did have. Then I got bored with people asking how that's possible and got a gmail account.
@RobertGrant same, but the phrasing sounds like some yahoo and hotmail accounts are actually controlled by google
Ah yeah, clever :)
ok, http2, What's up with that? go
SPDY done right, apparently
...and @poke wins at the internet today
The implementation is ridiculous
Every few pixels, it sends an AJAX request to get the legs…
yeah, that's what i'm looking at
and then in legs, they call legs again
@poke Oh dear
Reminds me of the Horse Raised By Spheres (which is vaguely NSFW), in that it is both weird and horse themed.
@tristan That’s just a link for the endless scrolling to recognize the next “page”.
I love this little cafe next to work. They have a mess of bacon on their grill, 2 eggs on a roll is $2.25, cheese is .50 and bacon (they slap it on with a huge metal spatula) is $1.00
We get full cooked meals for around $2, if you get the daily lunch
>>> a,b,c = 1,2,3
>>> d,e,f = None, None, None
>>> all([ x is a or x is b for x in test ])
work cafeteria?
is there a more idiomatic way of saying "only X or B is in some_list?"
ok, bizarro world. chat transcript doesn't work. chat itself does.
I assume they get the premises and utilities free, and pass the savings on
and LinkedIn still works (just the site and profiles, not messages)
Well, that could always just be LinkedIn
@tristan (X in some_list) ^ (B in some_list)?
@tristan Yes
Use XOR for all your "one or the other, but not both or neither" needs
Nah, they block messages to prevent insider trading.
In general, use a gen exp not a list comp as the arg to all() so you get short-circuiting. But you probably don't need to use all() here.
That's fair, otherwise they need to log the messages for all time.
It's legit info strategy, unfortunately.
@Kevin oh good call. i forgot about bitwise as an approach
thankfully, SO does that for them. You can read every message by anyone ever in a chat here, or so I think.
let's keep that assumption going.
@PM2Ring yeah, i think i'll try out a bitwise thing
Last I checked, our transcript goes all the way back to the birth of the room, when it split away from "Python and Robotics"
but how are they going to provide transcripts to the auditors if they block the transcripts?
Tristan, I'm not totally clear on what your lists look like. Are you trying to check that a list looks like [a,a,a,a,...] or [b,b,b,b,...], or is [a, a, b, b, a, b,...] also ok?
the logic i'm trying to handle is that i get a list of dictionaries, some of which are keys to empty dict values
so consider [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] and i want to check if only A is not an empty dict. othertimes, i need to check if a,b,d only are not empty dicts. etc
Was bitchin with the SO guys :P
@tristan you don't have to make a list comprehension inside the all. just remove the square brackets and you're better. But this would be idiomatic for what you ask: not set([x, b]).difference([c,d])
Where "expose the best posts" and "reach devs everywhere" translates to "we want to drive more people to our careers site"
nevermind, dicts aren't hashable, so sets are no good
True that
@Aaron got another Necromancer?
Guys, I've found the greatest subreddit: reddit.com/r/catsstandingup
Yeah, that one's good too
@davidism I've always preferred /r/animalsbeingdicks
No new necromancer badges since yesterday's for __slots__, I'm still at 24
but I'm about to crack the top 4000 users for all time!
@AaronHall no necromancer today? Go stand in the corner and hang your head in shame! :p
whistles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Once I get 100 likes on that post I'll ask them for Great Question Badge :P
Good idea
WoW another downvote on a controversial answer
@JonClements: You mentioned the other day that you enjoy American country music. I'm not a huge fan of country myself, although some of my favourite songs are country songs :) You may enjoy the work of singer / songwriter / guitarist Kappa Larsen (formerly Kappa Danielson). Here's her home page, and here's a cute clip from a few years ago of Kappa doing a cover of Southern Cross with her daughters.
Another interesting downvote! Nice to know that. Ty! :) — Bhargav Rao 29 secs ago
@PM2Ring bookmarked - I'll check it out later - melon :)
@JonClements No worries! BTW, Kappa has an identical twin sister, Kristi Starr, who's also a musician.
Where's @DSM when you need him sighs
Oh! DSM likes country music too?
I'm not sure - I know he quite likes pandas though :p
Kung Fu Pandas :D
@Bhargav that's the one!
Copied from ur words actually
Oops, I accidentally asked my boss which of these two had a higher priority: paying off technical debt in project X by refactoring things into a more maintainable form without actually changing any client-facing features; or adding a new feature to project Y.
who is ur?
egyptian god of mouth breathing?
@tristan nickname for uri gellar - obviously!
I have a sinking feeling that the first one will never get done, until they ask for an apparently simple change in project X and they'll be shocked when it takes me 60 hours to change a font color or something.
@JonClements no u r
also, what the hell is an uri gellar? http://gellar?
schoolboy error, Kevin
never mind, googled 'uri gellar' and apparently it's a specific type of human waste
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ur- ur- Forming words with the sense of ‘proto-, primitive, original’.
Does any PEP mention as to not to exploit the list comp in an unconventional way?
@PM2Ring Nice link (the family singing Southern cross)
@JRichardSnape Glad you like it. They do a version of Sweet Home Alabama with a friend doubling the mandolin. It's a little bit slower than usual, but it works nicely at the more relaxed pace, IMO. Kappa has quite a few clips on YouTube, and the sound quality's generally very high.
youtube.com/watch?v=zKD7g56DNN0 Is still the best version of Sweet Home Alabama ever.
Yeah - just going through a few. "You say it best..." etc. Nice listening for a Weds afternoon (the university equivalent of Friday afternoon, I always think).
@BhargavRao zen of python maybe?
if you're looking for a defense to your answer, i'd suggest not caring
Nope, I just wanna know if it is wrong to do so
@MorganThrapp I'll pay that. :)
Not caring is the best actually :P
@PM2Ring They have a whole bunch of covers and they're all as, uhm, interesting as that one.
I just want to know who decided those elf shoes were a good idea.
fastest way of learning python?
@BhargavRao Why does it need a PEP? It's just bloody stupid to create a list comp full of Nones when a simple for loop does the required job. :) The only reason to do it is to show that it can be done, or if you're writing intentionally bizarre code, IOCCC style.
@LukasTrisauskas Reading tutorials and practicing.
@LukasTrisauskas accelerate to near lightspeed
@LukasTrisauskas Go into a time warp
@MorganThrapp Love the Leningrad cowboys
@davidism :)))))
@JRichardSnape My dad showed me some of their stuff years ago and I had totally forgotten about them until now.
@MorganThrapp And as for "elf shoes" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winklepicker ;)
Speed in that case really depends on your frame of reference though.
@PM2Ring Yeah! IO Python CC :P
P.S. I'm not quite old enough to remember them
@JRichardSnape Huh, shows you what I know. I'd never heard of them before. I love the name though, it makes me want to buy a pair.
@davidism nothing is impossible
@LukasTrisauskas Except putting toothpaste back into the tube :D
@MorganThrapp I've entertained the notion before. never quite made it. Used to be a guy wore them on the local music scene back home where I played
@BhargavRao like I said nothing is impossible
Convincing someone who thinks nothing is impossible that something is impossible.
@JRichardSnape I feel like I don't have the look to pull them off, though.
That Leningrad Cowboys clip reminded me of these guys: a bunch of Finns covering Polk Salad Annie
If nothing is truly impossible, then it's truly impossible to find something that's truly impossible.
Can god create a stone so heavy even he cannot lift it?
Yes, and He can lift it too :-)
Boom! @davidism brings Russell's paradox to the table (I think, roughly)
(that's not actually my view on the subject, I just think it's a funny response)
Doughnuts? Is there anything they can't do!? :)
@JRichardSnape Play it in reverse :D :D
Mmmm, now I want doughnuts.
I'm taking the Homer Simpson approach to Philosophy
Is that a post for ants? Damn this is not FB
@davidism I mean, the guys not wrong.
I like that strip
Yeah, SMBC is always pretty good.
Back when I read webcomics on a regular basis, SMBC, XKCD, OOTS, and Cyanide and Happiness were always my tops.
Well, and Penny Arcade.
good python learning resources?
@LukasTrisauskas I've always thought learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ was quite good.
The CS solution to the Omnipotence Paradox: administrators are omnipotent in the system they govern. But even still, they can't make a file so large that they can't delete it.
God works the same way. Maybe.
I wish it was Py 3, but it's still really good.
learn python the hard way is very low quality
on a similar note - I like this youtube.com/watch?v=LWd-0-J1nEg possibly coloured by the fact that I know one of the academics being parodied. Warning - language a little "fruity" as it's parodying a grumpy northerner
the way it's structured, and some of the things it teaches, spawn awful questions on SO
@davidism okay
What don't you like about it? I've always heard good things and from poking at it, I liked it.
I'm intrigued by the vehement reaction LPTHW inspires
I didn't think it was so awful. I can see the overly patronising tone and insistence on Py2 are irritating
Plus 1 for "some of the things it teaches, spawn awful questions on SO"
On the other hand - I didn't use it, so can't say properly
@LukasTrisauskas diveintopython.net and inventwithpython.com are good, but a little old
@JRichardSnape I'll agree with that, I just haven't found anything else.
I'll still take it over Codecademy.
@davidism Very appreciated
@LukasTrisauskas a much better approach is to pick some non-trivial thing you actually want to do and go from there, rather than looking for general resources
agree with that 100%
python itself has a tutorial in the docs that is good
@davidism Django docs are useful
django and flask (and many of their extensions) all have official tutorials
and I'm sure that's true of many other projects
The official Python tutorial is good if you're already a programmer, but it's not something I would recommend to someone who has no idea what a variable is.
The hard part is knowing what is non-trivial but still possible for any given skill set.
This is why invent with python gets my vote. I haven't read the whole thing, but that's on the first page.
Books can give you a rough idea of your limitations, ex. by saying "at this point, you should be able to implement Hangman", but that probably doesn't qualify as something "you actually want to do"
@davidism python 2.7 FTW
@LukasTrisauskas Nope.
(Unless you ask #Python, in which case Python 3 is just "needless busywork from #python-dev")
Wow... think I've just asked my 3rd question this year... I'm starting to wonder about myself now
Well, both 2 and 3 have their merits, such as-- is pushed off cliff by both opposing factions
... is rescued by the mechanical airship that is Python 4
@LukasTrisauskas Write lots of Python. And study code written by good coders. Don't just read it - pull it apart, modify it, put it back together, etc, so you can understand why it works & why it was written the way it was.
There's tons of great code on SO, and although not all of the code submitted in SO answers is Best Practice, a lot of it is quite good, and the best answer generally contain good explanations, too. OTOH, a lot of the Python code on SO was written to answer the OP's question and so it may not follow best practice in terms of writing modular code.
Python 4 is in the planning stages. It currently consists of a single sticky note saying "maybe incorporate steampunk elements???"
@JonClements I found something like that a while back for someone, I'll see if I can find it (unless a bona fide pandas expert turns up first)
dumb unmaintaned open source repositories :\
@JonClements you're slipping, old pup
Pretty sure I've posted this before, but it's so good: ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/album/love-everlasting
I just want to take this moment to rant about how bad sybase is. </rant>
What is a sybase?
It's a SQLish DB.
Oh, why?
an si base is "kilo"
Well, for one thing, the program to view the schema of a table is a completely different program from the one to actually write SQL.
While we're ranting, I'm annoyed that tkSimpleDialog.askstring uses neither camelCase nor lowercase_with_underscore naming schemes. Ditto for tkMessageBox.showinfo.
And there's no way to easily get the schema of a table as a create table statement.
Oh, the "why" was a "why does it exist." "Who made this and why did they do it?"
Oh, I dunno.
But it makes me cry.
Did anyone test the new navigation stuff?
It's "enterprise" so you know it must be good.
@tristan I'm afraid. I'm afraid, MTFL. MTFL, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a... fraid
Hey up
@JonClements as what it means to be Jon disperses into the ether, the Python community hears a faint bark, followed a whimper, then feel a collective pang of sadness
Heya ... What's fizzin up?
hey fizzy
bah, finally found a perfect addon for my code, but I am already am too deep in with the other addon that's not as good. Think it's worth it to dump the old one and go to this one?
@Ffisegydd how'd it go?
@corvid how much time?
@tristan probably like a day to replace everything. It's the routing mechanism. I really just kind of want something like flask blueprints but I'm using node unfortunately
will your employer pay you for the time spent?
yeah I just don't want to waste their time
heh. you're employed because you provide more worth than you cost. switch to the new approach :)
It went fine Jon. Spent most of it discussing pandas.
@Ffisegydd talking of which - easy one for you stackoverflow.com/questions/30353913/…
Not at the moment.
@JonClements my google fu turned up this while trying to find a function I'd seen before. I think it fits your case if you substitute your col1 for seatblocks stackoverflow.com/questions/17116814/…
let me know if I've misinterpreted
I know it doesn't quite put the values into an actual index value - if that's your blocker, I think I'll have a look for creating a multiindex from columns - I'm sure I've done that before. I've got that irritating feeling I've done this before, but can't remember where / how
rbrb @PM2Ring
rbrb PM

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