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it is really annoying
Ans: because explicit is better than implicit
Me: but then why is the self added to the arguments implicitly when the function's called?
Ans: because it'd be tedious to pass in the object every time. Isn't it great it does it for you?
Me: !!!!!
At least it saves you from those cases where you need to repeatedly .bind(this) for inner functions, as in JavaScript. (Though they've now solved that with a different function syntax...)
omnomnom lemon cheesecake.
@JeremyBanks wait what do you mean by that? I'm using _.bind everywhere, what is this new syntax you speak of?
Is a comment that disparages a language feature considered offensive? Or does it need to actually target a person or persons to be considered offensive?
It's not possible to automatically fix indentation of code written in languages with inferior block delimiters such as indentation. — rightfold 12 mins ago
Looks (almost) okay to me
@RobertGrant Yeah, that's a little inconsistent.
good morning everyone
morning tristan
cbg, tristan
hell froze over and i'm using mongodb for a project
@vaultah Ok. Maybe it's not offensive, but dissing Python's block structuring using indentation is inflammatory.
Don't think so, the user frequently visits and answers Python questions
@PM2Ring No, it's just stupid and childish -- "what sort of language cares if I use parens instead of curly braces? what, it can't properly track open and close chars?"
I flagged it as "not constructive"
I think this was kind of a joke
not sure, testing the waters by poking him
@tristan Yeah, it is childish... and I had to restrain myself from making an equally-childish retort.
@tristan so the tides have turned...
If you take out the word 'inferior', it's not inflammatory at all and is actually a pretty important point.
somebody please help me.. I'm truly desperate here: how on earth can I create a deadlock free subprocess, where the parent tries to continuously write to the child's stdin, while that child tries to read from it? I've tried almost everything in the last 10 hours, but still no luck.. If I use the .communicate, I finally managed to send the message, but that also closes stdin
anyone, any idea?
Just saying, one adjective completely turned the phrase.
@corvid yeah, i'm trying a new process in which i just launch a site and add features as i think of them instead of consciously deciding what to build
@QuestionC I'm sure there'd be an equivalent Pythonesque comment on a question where the problem was a missing closing brace :)
@tristan You should write a blog about your new process and share it in Hacker News.
@Ffisegydd i'll get right on that
Make sure you're working in Ruby also.
And on a MBP, in a coffee shop
Periodically turning to other customers and asking, "Is your LTE working on your 6+?"
Planning shaming: how a Python developer ruined software engineering
While wearing a scarf and skinny jeans.
Trigger warning: contains adverbs
@Ffisegydd and nothing else
@PeterVaro no idea, but I've starred that in case someone else can help later :)
@QuestionC Well, yes. He didn't need to use the word "inferior" in that comment. But he did, and that's why it's inflammatory.
Or you could ask on SO, I guess
@RobertGrant thank you very much..
reading now peter
superb, thanks
does it have to be a child process?
if there's only one parent, you could use a queue from multiprocessing
@tristan I've tried somethign like this:
    self._lines_queue = Queue()
        def get_input():
            for line in iter(stdin.readline, ''):

        Thread(name   = 'inputd',
               target = get_input).start()
you don't get a semaphore when using queue, but if it's 1-parent to 1-child
bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-32725167 oh lord. If it turns out Farage would have won, or there's a recount and he wins. ermehgerd.
@PeterVaro The documentation for communicate is covered in red warnings about deadlocks.
Oh, that actually is Al Murray
Everything basically says "Use communicate()"
I've read it, yeah
Let me think about it. Unix or Linux?
wtf? I have a faster upload than download speed sighs
@tristan only linux (atm only arch :))
@QuestionC which is fine, if I only want one data block to be sent
@PeterVaro Oh good -- was hoping not windows because i have no idea how that clown car full of shit works
but if I want continuously then I don't know what to do
AFAIK you cannot reopen a pipe
ha ha and my girlfriend thought i'd spend my sick day playing video games
in your face, person that cares about me
(Is she moving to Germany?)
@RobertGrant yeah, probably, unless in our travels we decide that we're not compatible
@RobertGrant Maybe... Python forces you to indent properly. So once you're used to Python's block-structuring via indentation it's actually pretty easy to spot block-structure errors. In contrast, in a language that uses braces it's almost impossible to spot wrongly-placed braces by eye unless the code is also indented consistently.
@tristan fair enough :)
@PM2Ring no, sure. I'm just saying there could well be some comment made were it the other way round :)
so @tristan any world changing ideas?
@corvid (Sorry, was AFK for a few.) I'm referring to the new ES6 "arrow function" syntax. (x) => { return x } instead of function(x) { return x; }. They're implicitly bound to the current this. Only supported in Firefox currently, but it's been standardized so it should come to other browsers before too long.
The idea is that you'll use the conventional syntax (or the new class/method syntax) to define methods, and use arrow function syntax where you don't want implicit this to be assigned on call.
@PeterVaro trying something now
okay, I'm trying to be patient here.. although I did not sleep in like 34 hours, and tomorrow morning is my ultimate deadline :(
but ofc this is not your concern.. I'm just painting the context here :)
@RobertGrant But we Pythonistas wouldn't stoop to such behaviour. :) But, yeah, we could say: "It'd be easier to spot your brace error if your language forced you to indent your blocks properly..."
Yeah exactly :)
Possibly some reference to the fact that their language uses some old-fashioned brace-based block notation
@PeterVaro totally understand
wow, people really get upset about throwaway comments about indentation
@tristan appreciated :)
Made-a-calculation-error-yesterday chagrined cabbage for all!
Hey up
@JeremyBanks sorry, didn't reply to your message! But wouldn't automatically providing a self variable do the same thing? It just has to obey the same rules as explicitly providing it in the args
class Thing(object):
  def __init__(self, name):
    self.name = name
  def get_printer(self):
    def printer(message):
      print "HEY", self.name, "YOU'VE GOT A MESSAGE", message
    return printer
Silly example, I know.
@tristan Hey, Python's blocks-by-indentation is enough to prevent some people from learning Python, so it's not a minor issue. FWIW, it stopped me for a couple of years, but now I love it.
The issue is how do you get a reference to self inside of printer, if when you call printer() it will get a different value of self -- from the calling context.
@PM2Ring sure, but it's just a dumb comment from someone trying to troll.
Yeah I was explaining some Pythony stuff to a C# dev, and he was interested until I mentioned the indentation thing
Although this is a bit silly, because you'd probably be calling it as a non-method, so there'd be no value of self to replace it...
@RobertGrant just call it a visual closure
My perspective might be negatively biased by JavaScript. :P
Hiya @Jeremy .. Hows the mod life going on?
@JeremyBanks all I mean is wherever a function would automatically receive a value, and thus requires a self at the start of the args list, why not make a self variable available automatically, without having to specify it?
I bounced the first time I tried to learn Python on account of the indentation. Got over it, obviously, but at first I thought it was a confusing and invisible constraint. Now I can't even remember how it felt to be confused, although I definitely remember feeling that way, if you know what I mean.
@Robert have you read and understood how the data model works? :)
the first time i used python, i was 14 and thought "oh, uhh okay, this feels too easy and isn't real programming" and stopped using it.
Let's say I have, if it's not clear from what I'm saying :)
@DSM my first encounter was disappointing... why can't I just indent how I want!?
then kind of realised I still indented code anyway... so got swayed a bit more
I liked the indentation aspect
It makes the code look neat
That could be made to work reasonably. I guess the true answer is "it seemed like a good idea at the time", and it hasn't seemed like enough of a pain in practice to get the community's opinion to change. :P
Yeah I'm so anal about code indentation that it wasn't an issue for me at all
@PeterVaro I am still a little confused about your problem. How are you creating this subprocess? os.fork()?
@JeremyBanks yeah, I'm sure that's it. It's just hard to measure how many people are put off by the weirdness of it :)
@QuestionC like this:
self._pipe = Popen(args   = './plastey',
                   stdin  = PIPE,
                   stderr = PIPE,
@RobertGrant Well... have you or have you not read how the Python data model works? :p
I haven't, @JonClements
@RobertGrant so errr.... you know what I'm going to suggest then, right? :p
Some subset of it that answers my question without having to trawl through the data model, which may still leave my question unanswered?
@QuestionC I'm trying to write to it, like: self._pipe.stdin.write('message\n')
which is not working
when I do: self._pipe.communicate('message\n')
then 'message' is receieved, but as I mentioned, it is also closing self._pipe.stdin, so no further communication is allowed
@JeremyBanks get_printer() is a closure, so the printer() it returns can reference the selfparameter of get_printer(). I'll post a quick demo...
What's this data model question? (I skimmed the transcript but couldn't see where the conversation started.)
@PeterVaro And the subprocess, should it output to stdout (by this I mean the console) or is it supposed to pipe its output back to the main process?
a = Thing('a')
b = Thing('b')
pa = a.get_printer()
pb = b.get_printer()
@PM2Ring Don't worry, I understand why that works. My point was that it would not work if Python used JavaScript's implicit this-on-call.
@JeremyBanks Ah, rightio!
@DSM basically the self thing
6 mins ago, by Robert Grant
@JeremyBanks all I mean is wherever a function would automatically receive a value, and thus requires a self at the start of the args list, why not make a self variable available automatically, without having to specify it?
@RobertGrant I think I mis-parsed that question the first time I read it -- sorry!
@QuestionC well, it would be pretty nice, if it could write its own stdout/err and then the parent can read that
@Jeremy bad JB - bad JB! :)
@JeremyBanks does that make you more or less in favour of what I'm saying? :)
Man, I keep hitting Hot Questions to answer..
The list / dict literal syntax performance question is also 'hot' now.
I agree that in most cases, automatically adding self as the beginning of the argument list inside of a class block would definitely be convenient. It's probably been avoided in the interest of minimizing special cases, to keep the language simpler. (Now, whether the resulting language as a whole is simpler as a result may be more subjective.)
Ahhh... just the man to better explain why self exists for instance methods @MartijnPieters :)
Think of the Ninja and he appears :D
Why we use self?
Because explicit is better than implicit.
And boy do we reap the benefits of the descriptor model now.
@RobertGrant However, that would prevent things like this:
@MartijnPieters context:
1 hour ago, by Robert Grant
Ans: because explicit is better than implicit
Me: but then why is the self added to the arguments implicitly when the function's called?
Ans: because it'd be tedious to pass in the object every time. Isn't it great it does it for you?
Me: !!!!!
class Foo(object):
    def double_utility_thing(x): return x * 2
    cool_static_property = double_utility_thing(10)
You can define things other than regular methods inside of class blocks.
And because it is passed in you now can do things like classmethod and staticmethod
Though this is a terrible example and you should never do it.
class mylist(list):
    def __new__(cls, obj=None):
        return super(mylist, cls).__new__(cls, obj)
and have the right context passed in (or omitted)
@JeremyBanks Sure. But aren't they covered by the rules regarding whether or not Python will pass in self?
@MartijnPieters thanks, I'll have a read
The descriptor binding behaviour (what passes in self or cls or nothing at all and also makes property so damn useful) has turned out to be a honking great idea.
I'm going to drop of this conversation now, because I don't have good answers already, am doing a poor job of rationalizing them on-the-spot, and have got to be off to work shortly. :)
@MartijnPieters This is a pretty awesome benefit.
@JeremyBanks: we need to watch out here; two mods in a regular chatroom? Better not cross the beams!
So at this point I'm struggling to keep up with the answers :) Would you lose that behaviour if you didn't make people type self at the start of the args list of some functions, but instead created a self reference within the function automatically?
@MartijnPieters it's less Ghostbusters and more JarJar arguing with two Jedi
I've a feeling this wouldn't be popular, but I've always thought it would make more sense to have a magic variable $ that refers to what is currently self or cls as appropriate. I also think we should have a magic "hidden" namespace _ so that self.__init__ is _.init etc ...
Although I'm not trying to argue, I genuinely just don't get it :)
@RobertGrant then you couldn't call an unbound method, or repurpose it.
Is unbound like a static method in Java?
@ZeroPiraeus yeah that's basically what I'm saying, except you call it self
@Zero sounds very ruby-ish
@ZeroPiraeus Did you write a Meta Q in the end re. linkedin?
@ZeroPiraeus sorry no, yours is cleverer
@Ffisegydd No, got sidetracked. You wanna do it?
@Ffisegydd thought you'd already written a linked in post?
No not particularly :P was just wondering. I might write it up later.
@Jon this is a different scenario.
@Ffisegydd Give me a shout if you decide to do so; I'll do likewise :-)
It's really kind of sad a company that size can't do their own tech-sup
Wait, unbound methods gone from Python 3.
@ZeroPiraeus You don't have to call the 1st parameter to a method self, that's just a convention; it's not like this in JavaScript. You can call a method's 1st parameter _ if you want to, but people reading your code will hate you. :)
@JonClements also there's no function to only show unread messages in their inbox. How rubbish is that?
Yeah, I know that. I'm talking about something like this instead:
def _.init(*args):
    $.data = args
/me vomits
@MartijnPieters just to be clear: I'm not talking about removing the distinction between self.var and var in a function, so it can't tell which is which. I'm saying make the self work automatically, in exactly the same way, without having to specify it at the start of each method.
okay, so then it would be a special case for static, class, abstract methods?
@Robert have a good read through docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html :p
$ would be like cls in classmethods, and a SyntaxError in staticmethods.
Called to implement operator.length_hint(). Should return an estimated length for the object (which may be greater or less than the actual length). The length must be an integer >= 0. This method is purely an optimization and is never required for correctness.
Wow... first time I've noticed that
Classmethod would still work, right? You can just add a cls var instead of a self, if it's best to call it that.
@PM2Ring may cabbage have mercy on your soul
And staticmethod wouldn't have self or cls added to it
Thanks, Jon!
@PM2Ring make sure to attend our spring GM :)
And thanks also to whoever else was involved in the process.
@PM2Ring Congrats!
@JonClements Have we decided what form the hazing ritual will take this time?
@PM due to your timezones you may not be able to attend of course, which is no big deal, we'll see what time we can set that's convenient for all.
@PM2Ring: hey, now you're all tilted! Pineapples for you.
@JonClements I'll do my best. Hopefully, it'll happen at a time when that's possible. The last one was pretty late for me. But that was while I was on Daylight Saving time, so that means I have an extra hour now.
Did we ever put together a wiki page on typical RO availability/hours?
@RobertGrant But then you cannot pass it in explicitly.
Yeah agreed
And how do you propose the self appears? Methods are just functions.
That was one thing I wondered about
I can create a new function, outside of a class, and give it the right arguments, then stick it on a class.
Or manually find it to an instance with function.__get__(instance, type(instance)).
or pass in self explicitly.
@tristan and @QuestionC I also posted a question about it, just now:
Q: How to create non-blocking continuous reading from `stdin`?

Peter VaroI have a single process, which has been created like this: p = subprocess.Popen(args = './myapp', stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) Later on, I'm trying to write to p's stdin: p.stdin.w...

That flexibility is very very powerful and useful.
I'm coming from the point of view of default the simpler case, and config (e.g. optional self=?? on any method) the more unusual case
@PeterVaro You forgot to tag [python]
@PeterVaro still working :) i have a multiprocess queue approach that will vomit the lines over from a parent to a child, but it's being weird. working on a prefork model now
@BhargavRao -- but fixed ;)
@ZeroPiraeus I think we did
@PeterVaro :)
@tristan can't wait to put my hands on it..
@JonClements Don't see it here ... sopython.com/wiki
Maybe it makes more sense as a Trello card, actually. Publishing typical availability might be misinterpreted as a promise.
@PeterVaro Just a guess, but does p.stdin.flush() after your write each line make a difference?
@Zero think we put our time zones on a trello card
@JonClements Considering CEP 10, is this adequate?
user image
@Zero are we sure it's not in an archived card?
Er, maybe :-/
@PM2Ring after writing?
Puts that self thing on the AMA questions
@PM2Ring right you got access to the trello board and "Dark Council" access to sopython
@PeterVaro Yeah, like this: p.stdin.write('my message\n'); p.stdin.flush()
I've already tried that...
Ok. As I said, just a guess.
thanks anyway
alright, i have no idea what i'm doing
Hey up
@JonCle ... What is the use of this wiki page? sopython.com/wiki/Duplicates_json .... What is the history of that?
@Ffisegydd 1500 UTC is good for me, I have a meeting then lunch starting at 1700.
@BhargavRao I believe @Ffisegydd created that
@JonClements Cool. I'll check it out tomorrow; it's getting late here.
If only we had some revision history to tell what was going on in the wiki...
@davidism indeed :)
give me 6-8 weeks
right... got a headache and having yet another nose-bleed
@JonClements :(
@JonClements How are you now? Better? < I meant to ask if your headache had subsided >
@BhargavRao ?
@RobertGrant ?
Err ... Was that a wrong question to ask?
It just looked odd, given he just said he had a headache and nosebleed :)
Like, 15s before
I guess I mis-read it ... MyBad :'(
I'm fine... I'll live... bbi a few hours :)
@JonClements cheers
(You do make friends with rhubarb)
@RobertGrant rbrb :)
My ADSL connection is having problems, so I'll say Rhubarb for now.
@PM2Ring rbrb :)
@RobertGrant thank a lot
@XavierCombelle belated b'day wishes
didn't want to ping you and disturb ya yesterday
hrmph. In python, how do you get a parent class's method? Is it just implicitly handed to the child class?
is it correct to instantiate a class within the constructor of an other class ?
Yes, you can. Indeed, that's what many classes actually do.
@BhargavRao I don't mind to be disturb by pythonista
@BhargavRao thanks a lot
@Nakkini it's not incorrect. Why do you ask?
@corvid super()
the same concept isn't working in JS. I tried MyObject.__super__.myMethod.call(3) and it doesn't find it. It's weird.
@davidism i ask in order to be sure. Thank you
@Ffisegydd new ro?
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /home/dsm/work/DGTI_Core/Hypercubes/libHypercube/wrappers/lib/java/libHypercubeP‌​rovider.so already loaded in another classloader
Just another Wednesday. :-/
Just switch to a different slice of the hypercube where the library does exist.
@davidism Jon promoted PM earlier. There was much rejoicing.
corvid, well, JavaScript is another matter altogether.
@corvid Try super().my_function(...)
@corvid I wrote a reference for python class use here gist.github.com/Fuchida/8041764 it does go into how you would call a parent classes methods from a subclass. hopefully there some info of use for you in there
@PeterVaro are you under windows or unix ?
@XavierCombelle unix (linux)
@PeterVaro as an Arch user, you're required to specify Arch Linux whenever possible. ;-)
@davidism sir, yes, sir, I did a few lines earlier
@PeterVaro looks like you simply miss p.stdin.flush() in this question
Q: How to create non-blocking continuous reading from `stdin`?

Peter VaroI have a single process, which has been created like this: p = subprocess.Popen(args = './myapp', stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) Later on, I'm trying to write to p's stdin: p.stdin.w...

@XavierCombelle as I commented there: I've already tried that
but the subprocess still does not "respond"
That subprocess is weird as heck.
"malevolent" is not in the dictionary Eclipse is using.
Are you trying to comment some Java code as "malevolent"? Try sinister or malicious instead.
No, I needed a word which started "male" to highlight an ambiguity in our parsing rules, and (hat tip to @tristan) "malevolent" was the first one which came to mind. But you're right, it does seem to know both of those, oddly enough.
@PeterVaro how did you know that the process did not respond ? you intercepted p.stdout
this question regularly come up ... I still have never heard of a good recipe to do this
Guys, please let me know if I can improve this answer.
A: How can I find the sum of a list of numbers with recursion?

thefourtheyeWhenever you face a problem like this, try to express the result of the function with the same function. In your case, you can get the result by adding the first number with the result of calling the same function with rest of the elements in the list. For example, listSum([1, 3, 4, 5, 6]) = 1...

OK - I get the child process responding. i.e. I can verify the "receiving" process is triggered into the block with q.put() in it by each message. I do that by simply having the receiving process output to a file when it enters that block
@thefourtheye Tldr?
There is no tl;dr for that actually
I know :P
Okay, edited to include headings now
is it just me or is stack overflow super slow today?
Fine for me here
@thefourtheye Nice answer there! Enjoy 2 badges now
@BhargavRao Thank you :-) Please let me know if I can include any more details.
@thefourtheye: that's nice work! I seldom find the energy to explain what I'm doing.
Naw, It is perfect
@DSM Thanks :)
I have a doubt ... Why was this question downvoted stackoverflow.com/questions/30109030/how-does-strlist-work like hell
It was a legit question
People fear what they don't understand :D
To be fair, it was a lot of questions, some related, some not.
4 in total
But -6 was a rip-off
That was kinda sad
People differ about whether the goal is to bring the vote total to some "correct" measure of question quality, or whether it's just a lot of people saying "this question isn't great, -1".
The sad thing is he put a bounty on it
And got more dvs I guess :P
Ew, just got caught using pathlib.Path(__file__) where I could use pathlib.Path()
@thefourtheye Any improvements to my answer there?
Internally, str(list) actually creates the repr representation of the list object. So to get back the list after calling str on the list, you actually need to do eval on it and not a list call.
I am not sure if eval will work always
Will import pathlib; pathlib.Path('..').resolve() work in Windows?
@thefourtheye After calling an str on a list of strings only ... If you have an object or sumthing then it wont work :)
what is this .toys domain? meteor.toys
@corvid afaik they just changed the internet rules and you can have a whole slew of new .extensions
I'd been wondering why .io was so popular lately.
Figured it was one of those Tuvalu-style places.
@MartijnPieters How you feeling about your AMA? Nervous?
Another question: does os.path.abspath('..') work the same in Linux and Windows?
Don't see why not.
Oh, is his AMA today?
You can get free official Windows VMs here: dev.modern.ie/tools/vms if you want to try it out yourself.
In a few hours, I believe
I created an account just to upvote fizzy His Fizzyness there
Upvote me while you're at it?
(I'm Amaan Cheval)
@DSM I thought that was like, Indian Ocean or something
@SomeGuy Done!
@vaultah I think the appeal of the os package is it's mostly cross platform
though it might have some odd caveats
Return a normalized absolutized version of the pathname path. On most platforms, this is equivalent to calling the function normpath() as follows: normpath(join(os.getcwd(), path)).
Normalize a pathname by collapsing redundant separators and up-level references so that A//B, A/B/, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A/B. This string manipulation may change the meaning of a path that contains symbolic links. On Windows, it converts forward slashes to backward slashes.
@SomeGuy too busy to feel anything atm
@MartijnPieters Haha, what are you so busy with?
@BhargavRao ah, right. Thanks...
Dinner time RbRb
And @Martijn ATB for your AMA
In other news, MartijnPieters.ninja is available.
NinjaAI only appears to feel, we all know it's merely a clever trick to pass the Turing Test.
Just saying.
@SomeGuy work, loads of other pans in the fire, a bike that needs servicing, kids that are nearing exams, what-have-you. You know, life.
@MartijnPieters: time-saving tip: you can use min(seq) instead of next(iter(seq)). Fewer characters. </heh>

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