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How can I check if integers in a list are between a range easily?
@F4z Do you only care about if all of them are in the range?
(1 <= i < 10 for i in yourList)
If you want to see if all of them are in the range, use all(1 <= i < 10 for i in yourList)
I have a list [] and I want to see if each number is between two other numbers e.g. 0 and 10 if yes, get the amount of numbers within that range if not skip to the next
You can use sum instead of all then
>>> l = [3, 3, 3, 10]
>>> sum(1 <= i < 10 for i in l)
My range is from 0 to 100:

0 - 9
10 - 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 - 79
80 - 89
90 - 100
i'm checking this list: [12, 84, 100]
if the numbers in the list falls between any of those rtanges then add a "*" next to the range the times it occurs
in this case, result should be
0 - 9
10 - 19 *
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 - 79
80 - 89 *
90 - 100 *
Sounds like this might be an XY problem
Sadly, I've got to go
its alright
i'll figure it out
I have an interface that could be a file or database. There are times when I want to truncate all of the data for the interface.

Should I use `del` to delete both the interface (python object) and the backend storage or should I have separate functions for deleting the interface and the backend?
1 hour later…
@Rawrgulmuffins I wouldn't use del for either of those. close for disconnecting (so that you can use it with contextlib.closing), and something explicit like truncate or clear for actually emptying it out
So I am a little new to python and am having trouble following a tutorial. Here is the code.

`import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../datasets/loanf.csv')
intrate = df['Interest.Rate']
fico = df['FICO.Score']
p = plot(fico,intrate,'o')
ax = gca()
xt = ax.set_xlabel('FICO Score')
yt = ax.set_ylabel('Interest Rate %')`

When I run the code though I get the error.
"NameError: name 'plot' is not defined"
I am running the code through Anaconda is there something I am doing wrong?
Looks like you missed an import statement
@tzaman I put import pandas on the first line and the tutorial doesn't import plot anywhere either.
yes, but you don't import plot anywhere
it's not a builtin
@tzaman why would the author do that though what about the gca function? will the samething happen?
I have no idea
It looks like the author intended for you to do from matplotlib.pyplot import *
and yes, unless it's defined somewhere or imported
However, you'd be better off explitictly sticking to namespaces and doing something more like:

import pandas as pd
... # Skipping the firs
fig, a
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
... # Skipping the first portion of your code
fig, a
Keep hitting enter accidentally
now it says module object is not callable when using plt
@grasshopper - That would be plt.plot
What I was trying to type earlier:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
... #Skipping the first portion of your code

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(fico, intrate, 'o')
ax.set(xlabel='Fico Score', ylabel='Interest Rate %')
@JoeKington Ahh i see as I predicted though I ran into the same issue with gca()
@grasshopper plt.gca() should work
ax = plt.gca() as well. However, I'd recommending explicitly creating the axes instead of grabbing the current one. e.g. fig, ax = plt.subplots()
`from matplotlib.pyplot import *` just dumps all the functions from `pyplot` into your local namespace, which is bad for various reasons.
`import matplotlib.pyplot as plt` is better, as everything remains accessible as `plt.some_func()` but now it's clear where stuff is coming from.
thanks guys its working now, any idea why he would completely exclude plt?
how is it possible, that when I create with subprocess.Popen and I'm using the Popen.communicate method the parent and the child can communciate with each other, but when I change only one line, and replace the .communicate with .stdin.write the child process cannot see the input I'm sending?
because it blocks writing to stdout
or you're not flushing
Rainy Cabbage :-)
@AnttiHaapala who's blocking it? ouch! one should never flush the stdin!!!
@thefourtheye .cCc.bBb.gGg.
@PeterVaro C-to-the-B-to-the-G
for key, value in obj.iteritems():
temp[key] = func(obj[key])
this code gives outputs a dictionary with mutable keys when the original ones are immutable any ideas?
giving the Error TypeError: unhashable type
when i try to print temp[0:5] if i just print temp it is fine though.
@grasshopper print(key, type(key)) what does this say?
and where is it giving the Error TypeError
when I return temp[0:5] if I return just temp everything is fine
it is a dictionary, why do you expect temp[0:5] to work, it does not make any sense
sorry new to python, thought that meant it gets the first 5 key value pairs
there is no ordering in dictionary, so "from 0 up to 5 (excluded)" does not make any sense at all
is this Python 3?
you can just exit the loop after 5 iterations:
oh ok, hmmm its weird cause when I copy the dictionary everything works fine.
for index, key in enumerate(obj):
     if index >= 5:
     temp[key] = func(obj[key])
I am using panda to read a csv file and it returns an object that allows for obj[a:b]
when i do type it returns
class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'
it is not a dictionary
and you probably should ask the pandas experts here
@AnttiHaapala thank you! I just did pandas.core.frame.DataFrame() and it worked. New to python so I am making alot of simple mistakes, the documentation isn't super helpful.
your first question is about not asking correctly
Hi Frnds,
@JenitaLazar hello : )
I have question im using Jquery UI dialog .It not opening
code: $( "#actual-hours-dialog-list" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
width: screen.width-100,
height: screen.height - 325,
resizable : false,
modal: true,
open: function() {
close: function() {
if ( $(this).find("span#changed").length > 0) {
var changedHours = $(this).find("span#changed").text();
@AnttiHaapala yeah my original question isn't pretty helpful thanks for working with me.
$( "#actual-hours-dialog-list" ).dialog("open");
@JenitaLazar pretty sure this is jquery think you want this room
@JenitaLazar You might want to try the JavaScript room
i defined the div in python as stream |= Transformer('//div[@id="altlinks"]').after(tag.div(id="actual-hours-dialog-list"‌​, title='Actual Hours for Ticket - %s' % data['ticket'].id)).after(tag.div(id="actual-hours-dialog-entry", title='Actual Hours for Ticket - %s' % data['ticket'].id))
@grasshopper the pandas docs are excellent incidentally :p
And hey up my flowers
Still remember that feeling of "......what?" when I got on a bus in Nottingham and the burly bus driver said "Eh oop, love."
Guys call guys "love" in the East Midlands, it turns out
@RobertGrant maybe it's the tennis tem
:) He did ask if I had game
Eyes React
"React" is a noun there
*term even
Currently in Leicester and can confirm East midlands is a friendly place. Mornin' all
@JRichardSnape eh oop, love
And I agree; I was in Nottingham for 10 years
hey up, Bobby G
Here's a Python question
Is this code a generator, even without an explicit send() method defined?
def fib(max):
    a, b = 0, 1
    while a < max:
        yield a
        a, b = b, a + b
Yes, everything that has yield in it is a generator
All generators have the send method
Ah okay, thanks!
When you use send it becomes a coroutine, no?
def coroutine(func):
    def start(*args, **kwargs):
        f = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return f
    return start

def foo():
    while True:
        value = yield

f = foo()

f.send('Bobby G is the only Bobby for me.')
@Ffisegydd yes, I guess so
That's how David Beazley defines them anyway.
@Ffisegydd BobbyG makes a good rap star name
BobbyG in da HIZZOUSE
good morning
@Ffisegydd thanks
@Robert Beazley is a must read for anyone learning Python.
dabeaz.com/per.html is pretty damn good.
hmmh maybe my library has one of those :)
I know someone recommended it the other day here as well
Pretty sure it was me again.
@Games would back me up, he was the one who recommended it to me.
if i create a dict in a loop only if there is data to put in, how do i avoid of "overwritting" it ? damn dont know exactly how to phrase it properly
I'll keep an eye out for it, thanks
@StephanK I wouldn't recommend that book for you, in all honesty. It's probably a bit too advanced for now.
i only accept that if you recommend me something for my level ^^
I don't know anything for your level.
seriously stuck at a pair of {}, if i just create the dict, then the grader gives me an error because its empty when there is no data that goes there (no idea why an empty dict is a problem) and i have not yet figured out how to only have a dict when it is needed
You need to explain what your actual issue is, as it's really unclear.
i have a loop... data is put into a dictionary, some of the data has adress data, that goes into an inner dictionary
now that dictionary should only be created if i have adress data for that point in the loop
If statement?
my first solution was simply to create the dictionary, that just meant in the cases where i had no adress data, it was an empty dict
that got rejected
Then don't create the dict if there's no address statement, use an if statement.
Man I want to go back to university
yes i did that, check if there is adress data and then create it
that lead me to my "overwrite" problem
If you're iterating over data then why are you overwriting data you've previously worked with?
I wonder what David Beazley's consulting rate is
mhm i try to word it ..i think my problem is where i return the nodes(the outer dict), i return it after the loop
@RobertGrant If you have to ask - you can't afford it? :p
this is my whole function, maybe it makes it a bit clearer pastebin.com/AsWne3hT
@JonClements damn right I can't :)
@StephanK that code is bad. Don't ever use blind pass with an except:
You'd read PEP8 as well
i could only think of if statements instead, what would you have used ?
Everytime you do something like the following, I kill a puppy.
except :
That's 7 puppies :(
that is the part that actually works :) i am open to suggestions what to use instead
Well you haven't actually said what part isn't working. You've also not given any example data.
If this was a question on the main site, it'd be closed.
oh i thought i mentioned the address dict problem
 for lol in element:
            if 'k' in lol.attrib:
What the hell is the point of a variable called lol?
that creates it, but since i return node way later and indented more to the left( dont know how that is called) it gets overwritten
that might be a poor choice
i think i have to change the position of my return statement, place it so it returns after every run through the loop
If you return a lamdba from a list comp, does it capture the variables (that it refers to) in scope inside the comp?
Do expand
(I don't know is probably my answer)
But I'll happily play about to find out
Here's an interesting thing you've just prompted me to do
>>> llist = [lambda x : y * x for y in range(5)]
>>> llist[0](2)
>>> llist[1](2)
>>> llist[2](2)
Should I have been expecting that?
(I wasn't) (And I'm talking to myself, which could be defined as madness)
Ah - Hi JOn
Go on - enlighten me (or point me to a doc I should have read!)
Yeah I did:
funcs = [lambda y: y*x  for x in [1,2,3,4]]
for f in funcs:

When I was hoping for 3, 6, 9, 12
Well - I'm glad I interpreted your question right, at least.
...They say fools seldom differ...
Yeah :)
Sorry I was off playing.
It was prompted by the chapter on closures in Dive into Python 3, where he does the same sort of thing, but outside of a comp. Was wondering if there were a compy way of doing closures
That's another reason I'm highly unlikely to use lambda in anything that matters
What you do to work around is default it in the lambda, eg: llist = [lambda x, y=y : y * x for y in range(5)]
just because it was mentioned here earlier, anyone has any oppionion on codementor?
Ah - thanks Jon. That format has jogged something in my mind - I think I've seen someone (maybe you) use that before in a SO answer.
But will that break if y is a list?
(Obviously the code will, but will the defaulting)
I guess it's even more explicit if you write it as
llist = [lambda x, k=y : k * x for y in range(5)]
Not sure what you mean by break...
I guess it won't break, because it's a different function each time
@JRichardSnape I find that less clear :)
I was just thinking about that default variables gotcha
Interesting - for me it's more obvious what's going on. Good job neither of us is vying for BDFL :)
You might also find the bit on "Evaluation time discrepancy" interesting as well ;p
Hah - you guess my mindset well - I'm working my way through them going "Ah! Hmmm" ;)

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