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Ha ha, love that "Class documentation goes here." stackoverflow.com/questions/29291036/…
@Cilyan :O
Sometimes I think we should open a "do-my-job.stackexchange.com" for all the questions like "hey, I must do this, but I do not know how" more or less disguised...
HA HA HA I would like to help with the developemnt of py3k python.org/dev/peps/pep-3000 I have coding experience in python. How can I get started?
Don't know if he's serious or if he just meant something else, but at least I had a good laugh
Also it is his first python post
everything else is perl, c, javascript....whelp, if your going to start something new might as well start big
2 hours later…
Is salad really two years old already?!
Just curious if anybody is familiar with any academic literature that shows that Python is a more clear / more usable programming language than other languages. Specifically Python vs. Perl and Python vs. Java
This was essentially all I could find: legacy.python.org/workshops/2002-02/papers/14/index.htm
2 hours later…
@tristan well not my port
@tristan I am just the poor maintainer
and the problem is I am not using it right now :D
the OP did both the C lib and python bindings and had it in google code with "checkout and compile yourself", my friend then put it in pypi, and at 1 moment I needed that in Python 3, so I was stupid enough to ask for the maintainership
@AnttiHaapala Its just 8 in the morning. You are already in SO :-)
Hi All and specially @AnttiHaapala could you please give some suggestions on my question. It's been 2 weeks I've been stuck and going nowhere in my last posted question
ON the website I found the following notifications, after which my python script has stooped working.
Go to Tools --> Internet Options --> Advanced --> Security
Following options shall be checked
Use SSL 3.0
Use TLS 1.0
Use TLS 1.1
Use TLS 1.2
Kindly apply and save the changes and restart the browser/EXE.
Kindly upgrade IE browser to the latest version if ‘Use TLS1.2’ option is not available
@user1977867 Maybe you should get someone on codementor.io to help you, as I think that'd be more appropriate
@RobertGrant thanks for the reply, do you mean I'm lacking effort to find a solution or asking too much. I'm even trying to try a differentapproch for this work. Any suggestions would be helpful and indeed i'll try codementor
It seems to be a paid option, which I cant afford :(
+1 to what Robert said
@user1977867 your problem was that the sslv2_3 flag did not enable TLSv1.2 (as it should have); at that point you don't have any other option except to upgrade your python to the 2.7.9
or don't use the python
or use some other SSL wrapper
if their stance is that "you must upgrade IE" then you should take it as "you must upgrade your python" as well
@thefourtheye yah
@AnttiHaapala thanks, I downloaded and built python 2.7.9 but now it say no module named _ssl and on the python help page i found that ssl cant be installed on 2.7.9
my python veriosn is now 2.7.9
import _ssl # if we can't import it, let the error propagate

ImportError: No module named _ssl
Can't wait to download Pillars of Eternity
I want my BG fix
@user1977867 you need to have the ssl development libraries - header files
what is your operating system?
ubuntu version
Linux version 3.13.0-48-generic (buildd@orlo) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015
Linux shridhar-H3.13.0-48-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
no that is not ubuntu version
cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
if it is ubuntu 14.04.2 lts
then why doesn't it have an uptodate python 2.7?
because ubuntu 14.04.2 lts has 2.7.6 PFFFT
yes it previously by default had 2.7.6 but the code dint work on it
you just need to install the backported python 2.7.8 methinks
and you told to upgrade to 2.7.9
or 2.7.8~ubuntu
I have 14.10 and ubuntu has backported the ssl module to 14.10
but why not 14.04
I think the proper course of action woudkl be for a) you to install proper ssl libs to compile the python
and for us to do a bug report to ubuntu that we fscking need the tlsv1.2 on LTS
@user1977867 askubuntu.com/questions/310258/… your namesake here
@AnttiHaapala shouldnt we 1st try if it actually works on 14.10,
well 14.04 has long term support, it is better for servers etc.
that's why it would be very important that they backported the SSL libs there
>>> ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2
this is 14.10
ok i have another ubuntu machine 12.04.3 LTS orginally script used to work there
yeah the other problem is that your script IIRC was working on even python 2.7.3
and I couldn't replicate the connection errors on anything else
however, Python 2.7.6 you cannot force TLSv1_2
yes , the machine with ubuntu 12 has python 2.7.3
I mean when I tried it 2 weeks ago
(python 2.7.6 on ubuntu 14.04 ) reported same error protocol violation
python 2.7.9 on ubuntu 14.04 cant find ssl
btw could you explain what "force" to use tlsv1.2 mean and the line self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) tells to do
The Python 2.7.8 in Utopic contains backports for the TLSv1.1 and 1.2 protocols in the _ssl module; however the TLSv1.1 and 1.2 is not usable / at least enforeacble on Python 2.7.6 as shipped with Trusty. Given the number of security woes lately in OpenSSL, and the possibility of breaches in TLSv1, it would be worthwhile to preemptively apply the https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0466/ to at least Trusty.
python2.7 (Ubuntu)
Undecided / New
@user1977867 you compiled your 2.7.9 incorrectly
you need to have libssl-devel installed and
tell configure to link in SSL
ok, so should i remove python first or just install libssl-devel
no, you shouldnt remove the ubuntu python
yo ucan make your system not boot
only the python you compiled yourself if you didnt install that over your system python
Writing a statistics package in Python, I find myself prototyping functions in ipynb, then manually copy over into a text editor. Is this workflow efficient or there's a better way?
I don't prototype, I write 100 lines of code, then run and it works :D
it is more efficient
I guess the best workflow is to kill u and suck ur brain then? :D
@Kevin tried eating a cow's brain, and that seemed to work
well, if you believe my neural connections would work after the suck then why not
so basically my point is what works for you, works for you
@Heisenberg it sounds reasonable to do it that way, unless you feel it's slowing you down
@Heisenberg as @AnttiHaapala says, the better you get, the less you'll need to experiment with, as you'll "know" what works
@RobertGrant I prototype in ipython notebook mainly to take advantage of tab completion, help file, and pretty matrix printing. I don't get these things while working in Sublime Text. Is that right or I just don't know how to get those things in ST?
Don't know, sorry. You can try PyCharm, as that's a Python IDE
you can get something to work in ST
I have never used it personally but I know ppl swearing in its name
@AnttiHaapala I downloaded and installed python from forum.xda-developers.com/android/software-hacking/… and the code works perfect now
i need some help in python list of dict for print the order of key
Cabbage everyone
hello katherina
You new here?
i need some help in python list of dict
O dear, I am a terrible programmer
you in a hury?
@DaSaDiYaChaiTAnYa please use the SO site for questions: stackoverflow.com
@DaSaDiYaChaiTAnYa and read the room rules :) sopython.com/chatroom
Hi @RobertGrant
@Katherina aloha
@RobertGrant okey i will read it
@DaSaDiYaChaiTAnYa thanks
I need more coffee
I'm so tired pff can barely keep my eyes open
actually, I never understand the formal distinction between SO and SO chat. Basically I go to chat for "opinionated" stuff. Is that how it's actually supposed to be?
SO is where you ask questions; SO chat is where random stuff is chatted about :)
@user1977867 good, you might want to track the bug I made into ubuntu
@Heisenberg you can ask more opinionated questions in chat, but don't push for an answer if people aren't replying. That's basically all there is to it.
I see. Thanks!
Ditto non-opinionated questions, although only really if they're already on SO, haven't been closed there because they're a bad question, and haven't been answered well. And then same thing applies about not pushing for an answer.
you can also ask unclear questions and things like that, this is interactive
but even better: chat
So you guys just hang out here for fun?
I do
Fun and also I get abused by @Ffisegydd, which is always good
Well to be honest SO chat has been massively helpful to me
way more so that professors and TAs
so thank you all for that :-)
You welcome
yeah, in grad school
That's cool :) I'm probably not someone who helped you, because I'm a python noob, but I do like that people with good problems can get a bit of a helping hand
not CS though. I'm in social science, but very interested in quant
is your school also that bad?
no it's very high ranked actually
lucky you
it's just that the logistics of going to see profs
and the fixed cost of getting them to understand your issue
my teachers have never done something with c# or java, they only know javascript html and php
I wonder if we'll look back on these old institutions and think, "Wow. How did anyone learn anything when we had universities?" :)
yeah it's just a commitment device for me to be honest
so much has to be learned by myself
and till date i thought its wrong to chat nonsense here...whats up where u work hows the college.... but yes everytime i come here i find people who inspire me a lot...
Everything I learned is by myself
wich is quite hard since we move from country like every 6 months
@Heisenberg yeah, it's like a gym membership. Once you're paying, you have to go :)
the thing in uni is that
you should really go there to learn to learn
and read the papers and write papers etc..
if you think you go there to learn the bleeding edge tech you're in a wrong place
takes alot to become a professional developer
the principles haven't changed really... 99 % of this stuff was invented in 60s, 70s or 80s
True dat
I keep wondering if it 's something for me to become programmer
I was a "programmer" before going to highschool
like most programmers
like a hobby or something
those are the best tho
@AnttiHaapala how did you get initiated? I didn't know anything about coding until last year in college. I've been trying to get my little brother into it, but have not been successful
@Heisenberg you gotta love it :)
I got a C64 in the time when they really were outdated, with manual
I did the same, with a BBC B
"A what?" - shut up kids.
yah, now there is nothing...
you have ipad and youtube :D
By yourself? Or because your parents are knowledgeable
by myself ofc
99.9 % of my age class have taught their parents to use computers
I only really program because it gives me the excuse to hang around here and abuse Bob.
Don't wait for a role model to tell you what to get involved in; find something that's interesting and jump in hard
@Ffisegydd and ignore room rules
there were no role models
@Ffisegydd And use a phone with no apostrophes
I didn't know anyone who would program computers, except that a neighbor had made 1 program, which was basically like "your first basic program"
Yeah damn straight. Room rules are ridiculous. Down with the ROs!
and say "hey up"
Nah I say hey up all the time, not just in chat.
@AnttiHaapala one of my dad's pupils was a budding programmer, but he was a lot older than me
frankly I didn't have any friends who were more than 1-2 years older than me, no such relatives, and didn't really know much anyone between my and my parents' age :D
excepting that there were some older pupils in the school but, that's it.
if some of them was a programmer too, I wouldn't know :D
at the age of 13 v used to write java codes... ike printing a palindrome, triangle of * , reverse strings, etc. And people used to think these kids code so well. But unfortunately... we never realised or honestly speaking v were stupid enough not to ask what import iostream did, it was just there ... without it it wont run.... in college we were confused when in data struc stacks were taught... LIFO and in Operating systems stack heap were places from where variables took memory...
well the beauty of C64 was that it was so low tech
to do anything useful one needed to learn binary
@user1977867 yeah this is the problem with showing kids stuff that "engages" them - they don't know what's going on and get bored easily, and frustrated because stuff isn't as easy as they thought
yes, and now anytime I see a yougster starting with coding stuff i want to tell him just dont do this... i feel to have lost 8 years till i realized ... importance of seeing whats behind
@poke cbg
@Ffisegydd Poor Bob.
What would Alice say if she knew?
I don't know, she doesn't have my public key.
@poke cbg !
@poke she'd say HU76976HYHIGIYG8Y83HF93J191JFDF8292F
Except to me
Offline - back in a bit
@Katherina Same! And it worked out well, so believe in yourself ;)
I've got my doubts sometimes ;)
brb coffee
That moment when you write a longer answer to a new question and just before you press save, that line appears at the top telling you that someone answered it… :|
or the question got deleted by the OP
or that "someone" is Martijn
Luckily it was a Git question, so I’m safe from Martijn :P
you guys summoned him lol
Cabbage @Martijn
@poke lol
Oh boy, here goes my mobile data
Inlined images need a stop button…
Oops, sorry... :-)
Why did you remove it? :(
You could have turned it into a link, like me
lol, now I feel bad
Ah, now I am not able to find the same image... But I liked yours more ;-)
@thefourtheye You know… you could just look at the deleted message… ;P
Boy, I learn something about SO daily...
@Katherina Does your “brb coffee” include buying coffee, grinding coffee, brewing coffee, and drinking coffee?
Don't forget growing!
@poke haha not at all! I had a little chat with my internship mentor
I see ;)
they canceled my project
Oh, and now what?
Well even if i've spend like 100 hours on it, I'm glad to be rid of it
Baaah, I need this stupid C# gold tag.
@Katherina what happened?
I took to long to finish it, wasn't worth it, an expert is taking care of it now
If the explanation is rusty please let me know
I'm just stuck at this point
I apologized but it was just too difficult for me right now:)
@Katherina can the expert help you understand a little bit extra?
I am afraid he has no time for helping me out
well atleast i've done 70% of the job tho
So, the expert has the time to just finish it, but doesn’t to explain it… that’s just great. Why invest in teaching your employees?
@F4z What happens when there is already a dollar sign at the target location?
@poke that shouldn't be a problem at the moment, I just want to make sure that I can move it to the left and return the string
And what happens with dollar signs that are between the old and the new location? Do they stay at their index, or do they shift to the right?
Yep that's kinda the story @poke, They don't have the time to learn me things, they are very busy all the time. It doesn't really matter, they give me a opportunity to learn:) I can take care of myself, as I've always done
they stay at the same place e.g. ".$.$.$..$" I want to move the last dollar sign (position 9) to position 7, the end result should be: ".$.$.$$.."
What if you move it to the position 1 though?
basically, it just swaps the dollar sign with a "." and replaces the "." with a dollar sign
is it $.$.$.$.. or $$.$.$...?
if we use the "$.$.$.$.." and I want to move the 3rd $ sign to the 2nd, it will replace the dot with the sign and the sign with the dot so the result will be $$..$.$..
>>> def move_dollar_to_the_left(game_string, position_number, to_move):
        lst = list(game_string)
        lst[position_number - to_move : position_number - to_move] = ['$']
        lst[position_number : position_number] = ['.']
        return ''.join(lst)

>>> move_dollar_to_the_left('$.$.$.$..', 3, 2)
@thefourtheye That’s a weird name.
@poke that didn't work :\ the output would give me extra characters plus is it possible to do this with string concatenation and string joining only?
Wow. This company only accepts CVs in .doc format. Really?
@F4z Oops, what did I do there…
>>> def move_dollar_to_the_left(game_string, position_number, to_move):
        lst = list(game_string)
        lst[position_number - to_move] = '$'
        lst[position_number - 1] = '.'
        return ''.join(lst)

>>> move_dollar_to_the_left('$.$.$.$..', 3, 2)
It's 2015, they should be using .docx
They also support .docx but that's not really the point :P
@Ffisegydd I first read “CSV” and thought whaaaaaaaaaaat?
@poke sorry to trouble you but, if anyone actually, how would I use this code:
def move_dollar_to_the_left(game_string, position_number, to_move):
get_coin = game_string[len(game_string) - position_number]

first_part = game_string[0:position_number - 1]
second_part = game_string[position_number - 1:]

return second_part
to make it swap places? I'm trying to use string concatenation and string joining to achieve the swapping
@poke: cbg
cbg in the office.
@poke: I left the chatroom tab open on the office machine again, sorry.
Hi Martijn !
Just sent a job application without even attaching my CV. I need coffee -_-
haha nicely done @Ffisegydd =P
It's all good though because I have coffee and stroopwafel now.
Stroopwafel, o really
"Password must not be longer than 18 characters" -_-
@Ffisegydd 144 bits of entropy ought to be enough for anyone.
Also cbg :-)
@Zero but it means that people who use automated password thingies that generate passwords may be caught out.
I mean it doesn't affect me personally. As this is the 247th website I've signed up to, my password is naturally "Ffisegydd246".
Any actual reasons for the character limit?
So when they store it in their sqlite database in plaintext it doesn't take up too much space.
@Ffisegydd Yeah, I get caught by that too. Just channelling Bill Gates :-)
That moment when that other answer I mentioned gets accepted although it’s less detailed… (but hey, the solution appears earlier in the text so that’s better, right???) >_<
Someone thinks tristan's a turtle.
> Tristan will be our turtle for this program
> “I run this open-source library […] In attempting to make use of the library in a real application, [I found out that it really working that well after all]”
Best intro to a question I’ve read so far.
The tristan turtle's got a clone as well.
  >>> re.sub(r'(?<=[A-Za-z])\b|\b(?=[A-Za-z])', '"', s)
So '{responseHeader1:{status:0,QTime:94}}' would become '{"responseHeader1:{"status":0,"QTime":94}}'... cool...
Hi. I have a super basic linux question. Is there a linux chat room or is this a good place?
@Dave ask here..
It is so simple it would get locked immediately if I posted it on serverfault... ok...
I just created a vm on azure, and I am able to ftp into it. But I see no ftp server app installed. Why is that?
or is there a ftp server manager that I don't see?
@Dave this is the Python chat room, so it's probably not appropriate to ask here.
Avinash shouldn't have told you to ask it here.
is there no linux chat room on serverfault?
or stackexchange?

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