@AnttiHaapala Frankly, it'd almost be worth joining and then gaining enough rep to be able to downvote the question. Then again, it's possible if I looked at more questions on the site, I'd feelthat way about most of them.
@Zero: I've only dabbled into puzzling waters when someone here has linked something, but yeah, a lot of the questions they seem to like are very different from the ones I'd like. Different cultures, I guess..
you know whats hard to debug? software that has to be deployed on completely fresh servers. Ive spent more times reseting my virtual machine than programming.
Oh, you spent 20 minutes making sure SSH is working properly so you can do multi server installation? Well screw you there is an indentation error in line 129 do it all again ;-;
I generally avoid 2.x questions unless I know that it doesn't matter. I'm not comfortable enough with the difference and typically don't have a Python 2.x instance open.
Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 24 2011, 12:22:14) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> sorted([1, "1"])
[1, '1']
Python 3.x's sorted() function cannot be relied on to sort heterogeneous sequences, because most pairs of distinct types are unorderable (numeric types like int, float, decimal.Decimal etc. being an exception):
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 8 2014, 08:07:42)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux
Type "help", "cop...
I'm trying to replicate (and if possible improve on) Python 2.x's sorting behaviour in 3.x, so that mutually orderable types like int, float etc. are sorted as expected, and mutually unorderable types are grouped within the output.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
>>> sorted([0, 'on...
The actual Python 2 implementation is quite involved, but object.c's default_3way_compare does the final fallback after instances have been given a chance to implement normal comparison rules.
Implementing that function as pure Python in a wrapper gives us the same sorting semantics in Python 3:...
@Ffisegydd: I'm reusing former material here, but when I first saw what I needed to do with prototype to get JS to behave the way I thought it would, I gave up on it being a language for me.
Maybe my system is set up weird, but when I miss a paren somewhere in my 500 line script, FF just says something like "syntax error in file" and that's it. Not too helpful.
tl;dr takeaway:
If you're looking for a very high standard for yourself or team, JSLint. But its not necessarily THE standard, just A standard, some of which comes to us dogmatically from a javascript god named Doug Crockford. If you want to be a bit more flexible, or have some old pros on your...
There was a call to JSON.stringify on the client side that was escaping the troublesome characters. Removing this lead to the python working as desired.
The other answer is just about as useless as Python Unicode can get. It is a deep dark magic, is Unicode, so let's just throw something at it and see if it sticks!
Guys I am trying to attach a text file to an email to be sent, but for some reason it's getting put in the message body. I've tried following python docs but I find them so confusing
cbg everyone. Inside a class I have a function, foo, that uses a helper function, bar. Would it be more pythonic to define bar outside the class, in the class but outside foo, or inside of foo?
@JKillian Defining bar inside of foo would mean that you recreate the function every time foo is called, so that’s likely not what you should do. You could define it as a class member (possibly as a staticmethod), but you should only need to do that if that helper function is still very specific to that type. Otherwise, having it defined at module level is totally fine.
@Martin Sorry I can’t help you better; I never tried to send an email with Python (yet alone with an attachment ;) )
> @vaultah You're not the only one. Though the edits are all ok (they don't take away from the documentation, makes text flow a bit better, etc), the title of the PR is a bit over the top.
Hey! :) I made a GUI in QtDesigner, and converted it to use for python. I've got it up and running. But I need to load an image.
When I click open, it opens a QFileDialog and opens a file. The file is an image, and I want to display the selected file.
1) What do I display the file on? Lets call it QImageThingy 2) How would I go about connecting the value returned from the QFileDialog to the QImageThingy and display the image?
You don't really need to hold my hand through it all. As long as you can point to the relevant thing I need to look up, I'd be really grateful.
@JoranBeasley - I've been googling for half an hour, I've read through the documentation. My only prior experience Bo's PySide tutorials on Udemy, and I'm working through the PyQT book by Mark Summersfeld.
@JGreenwell - I can't find how to include it using the QtDesigner.
A similar question was asked here, but without description how to rescale the image. I only found the C++ specs for QPixmap so far, and a reference guide for pyQT4. But the latter does not seem to have any reference to QPixmap.
Question: Does anyone know how to show a rescaled version of the fu...
Basically it Pixmap is used when you just want to display the image, QImage is used when you want to directly manipulate it
If you keep reading you'll see how QImage can manipulate the image (and if these methods would do what you need without needing to load other libraries)
Again, it gives direct access to the pixel data so you can always just make changes and then loadFromData if you have to
just saw QFileDialog ques: first load and assign object(contain filename): fName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(...)
Then just open use it normally (unless your expecting a list of files): f = open(fName, 'r') with ....
@WasifHyder also don't worry about inconveniencing us - this is how one learns. Even if it is just where the documentation is (which with Qt is a little tricky)