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02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Hey hey hey, how's python, guys?
@AaronHall fine I think?
how's @Aaron?
You got six accepts, I just read, congrats
Yeah... didn't have a bad day yesterday... don't normally bother answering much, but managed 300 yesterday
cool, strange thing, I got seven upvotes on a single old answer today.
Nice... always good when that happens
when that happens? That never happens
I think what they're asking makes no sense (security-wise), but I have no idea how to explain that to them.
@AaronHall @ZeroPiraeus pointed out that your answer was way better than the accepted answer, which is just bad advice.
Yeah, I forgot he did that today, but before he did that I got 3 on that one.
Well, maybe I'll finally have a gold badge for an answer... finally.
Woke up to this news
1 hour later…
@thefourtheye if i run your code, the output displayed in an order like OrderedDict([('racers', '3'), ('visual', 'Clock') but when convert the type to dict like dict(OrderedDict(line.strip().split(":") for line in fd)), order of the items changed
OrderedDict is nothing but a dict (read subclass) only. You don't have to convert it to a dict to use it like a dict.
is there anyway to remove the term Ordereddict?
While printing?
oh no, shutdown in my area. i can't continue further :(
Hmmm, you can't... But try OrderedDict().items()
Oh, the monthly shutdown?
Dang... The whole day, without power... Sigh...
going to play cricket..
That's exactly what I do when there is shutdown :D
:D yesterday only i received my degree certificate. Bye :-)
Congratulations :-) Enjoy....
2 hours later…
@thefourtheye hoho
0 0 0 0 upvotes yet
A: Access value from tuple by key in python

Antti HaapalaShould 2 of your classes have the exact same probability, only one of them would be retained in a dictionary in code like this. What you should to do is to use the classes as keys and the probability as value. from operator import itemgetter dfs = { "android": android_term_df, "spam...

anybody know how can i make a program to delete files from a folder which are older than 5 minutes in ubuntu OS?
I know how to make a program to delete files
but i am not sure how to check that they are created more than 5 minutes ago
@AnttiHaapala Cabbage :-)
@ShubhamNishad os.stat(path).st_ctime - Windows
A: Using the lambda function in 'command = ' from Tkinter.

levijust param = lambda x,y,z: get(x,y,z) final_param = param(evt,Current_Weight,entree1) bouton1 = Button(main_window, text="Enter", command=final_param ) Also your get function needs to return something not print it def get (event,loot, entree): loot=float(entree.get()) return loot

bad for my rep bc I need to downvote answers
and then they ask "why the downvote"
"just read my answer when I am finished"
I stopped downvoting answers a week ago
you should downvote answers but should not downvote questions, especially those which are not asked before
should downvote questions that are stupid, show no research effort, cause head ache because they are so badly written.
I wish downvote would cost more to the OP
some are like "oh just -2, I do not want to delete this"
Q: How to set video duration using python?

shoujsI write a python program to record streaming video. I can play the recorded video using VLC. I find the duration will be 1 hour whatever how much time I take to record the video. I use ffmpeg to inspect the video. It tells me 1 hour of duration. So is there a way to set the correct duration for ...

I have done this biz too but I have no idea what OP's asking there^
I have written 5 good answers this morning:
total 8 rep.
In that one someone had adjusted the white balance
Or saturation
Though I still see the white & gold dress
Exactly. Someone had adjusted it. I bet everyone sees the white and gold in that particular one.
I see white and gold too..
how do some people see black-blue?
I see only white and gold... :(
the original is white/gold but people have edited it to red/black, blue/black, and red/blue
contributions and suggestions are greatly appreciated
1 the original dress is blue and black. 2 you should set your repo up as a proper python repo with setup.py etc
3 you need a proper readme
4 You should use str.format instead of %s
5 don't ever use except without catching specific exceptions
6 use super().__init__() instead of calling __init__ method of the class
7 you have zero comments...
8 avoid importing *
9 Refactor this loop: for power in range(len(groups)):, you don't need indexing groups
would you mind posting these as issues?
@61612 if i'm not mistaken , you must be vaultah..
You are not mistaken ;)
@zachgates not at home at the moment
@61612 no problem
Yeah I'm on my phone so can't
@Ffisegydd yes
the point was that some ppls eyes make it look like this
cbg all
Where to look for my case
>>> print(x)
[u'11', u'10']
>>> print(*x)
11 10
>>> print(*x, sep=',')
But i just need '11','10'
@RajaSimon what's the question?
@61612 what did you mean when you said :21830600
"Refactor this loop: for power in range(len(groups)):, you don't need indexing groups"
@RajaSimon print(*map(repr, x), sep=',')
I have to query my Todo like Todo.query.filter('11','12') but in my form return list and that list given 11,10 only.. If i gonna given sql query will return error
@AnttiHaapala I will try and let you knw
@RajaSimon you are using python 2 with print_function
my solution is for python3
Yes i am using python 2, And i import print_function, And your solution works fine
but it will print u'10'
oh @AnttiHaapala but i tested with query and no issues, I can get all result now
as I said: if u'' is a problem this is not right
(also neither is my approach in general) :D
In this question, I could not understand, what is n here in nth_prime(n)
Here is one method to check if a number is prime:
def is_prime(n):
k = 2
while k < n:
if n % k == 0:
return False
k += 1
return True
How does this function work?
This is a decent way of testing if a number is prime, but looping k all the way to n
might be a bit cumbersome. As a little bonus question, can you think of a better place
to stop?

Using the is prime function, fill in the following procedure, which generates the nth
prime number. For example, the 2nd prime number is 3, the 5th prime number is 11,
and so on.

def nth_prime(n):
Is value of n for nth_prime(n) same as value of n for is_prime(n)?
in is_prime, why is k set to 2
ah nvm i see. it's counting upwards
@overexchange No
@PM2Ring if value of parameter n in nth_prime(n) is something like 2nd /3rd /11th... prime number then how do I pass on the actual number as argument to nth_prime(n)?
@overexchange the nth prime means that you number the primes like p1 = 2, p2 = 3, p3 = 5, p4 = 7, p5 = 11, pn = ?
and you cannot pass that number as the argument to the nth_prime...
what your nth_prime needs to do is to count from 2... upwards all the numbers, testing if they are primes
whenever it finds a prime, you can increase k by 1
Eg, here's a short table of inputs and outputs for nth_prime():
when k == n that is the prime you were looking for
 n: nth_prime
 1: 2
 2: 3
 3: 5
 4: 7
 5: 11
Note that the quoted is_prime(n) function is very inefficient, although it should be easy to understand why it correctly tests if a number is a prime. If you want to check the primality of a lot of numbers (eg you want to calculate the 100th prime), then it's much better to construct a table of primes. The standard way of doing that is with the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
FWIW, there's a very compact way to do "The Sieve" in Python, but it might be a bit too advanced for you at this stage.
def is_prime(n):
    def f(n, k):
        if k > (n // 2):
            return True
        elif n % k == 0:
            return False
            return f(n, k + 1)
    return f(n, 2)
Cues sound of Antti's head smashing into his keyboard. :)
@PM2Ring I modified is_prime(n) as shown above
@PM2Ring sorry :D
@PM2Ring no headbanging
i was writing to the "why assert is different from if"
A: Is python assertions crutches?

Antti HaapalaIn my view, there is a big difference between if and assert: The expression after assert is never true [1]. If it were true, your program might as well stop executing at that point because we do not know what is true any more. [2] Thus, an assert should be considered an invariant. In a correct...

dunno how to write it :D
bc I got 1 upvote and 1 downvote
@overexchange Yes, I noticed. It's better because it's only testing for k <= (n // 2). But it's worse because it's using recursion instead of a simple loop. And you can reduce the set of ks that get tested even further.
@overexchange you should use the sieve of eratosthenes.
> You should never catch AssertionError, except in the circumstances when you need to catch AssertionError
def sieve(limit):
    limitn = limit + 1
    not_prime = set()
    primes = []

    for i in range(2, limitn):
        if i in not_prime:

        for f in range(i*2, limitn, i):


    return primes
@thefourtheye :D
because I want to write "you should never catch assertionerror"
then someone comes to argue but "how about the case x"
@AnttiHaapala I read that a little while ago. I like it. But maybe it'd be better if you said: "The expression after assert should never be true."
it is never
* in well-behaving program.
My rule of thumb: Exceptions are for catching crap data, assertions are for catching crap code.
that is disabling the asserts should not affect anything excepting performance
@PM2Ring Good one...
except in python the crap data / vs crap code is a bit difficult
w.r.t the said "assert the type is this"
it is crap code...
but it should be a TypeError
@PM2Ring @thefourtheye maybe I should write it like this: if your function requires the arguments to be of particular type, raise TypeError if expectations failed etc...
the AssertionError stands for "SNAFUError" or "FUBARError"
the wiki specifically has this dimwitted example of testing that the function is given a properly typed argument, with isinstance()
one should never use assert if there is a better one to do
I've never seen the point of assert in code. I mean I use it in unittests obviously.
Probably is just the fact that I'm not a computer scientist.
The highest rated answer (& associated comments) in the Best practice for Python Assert that Padraic linked to is pretty good. But so is this answer from that page.
hi everybody
i am new to django
i need to host my site ..so i follow digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/… this link
that should give you everything you need for prime numbers :)
but i got Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.
@PM2Ring About the second answer you linked to, I couldn't resist but think more about Exceptions in that case. We get all those benefits + nice traceback
any one knw about this issue
@karnaf sorry, django isn't my forte
@thefourtheye Sure, but Exceptions are for things that could possibly happen if your program is behaving correctly. If you use assertions properly, then the AssertionError will only happen because your program is broken and you need to change its logic.
assertion means here that you state a fact.
if you cannot know it, then you shouldn't assert :D
hmm maybe I should write it like this
It kinda makes a little sense now...
it should not be read as "ensure" or "confirm" or "test".
that's why the python wiki linked in the question is very bad, it asserts something that it cannot hold for a fact :D
ignoring performance for not using sieve, priority is to follow functional paradigm, so I wrote something like this..
def is_prime(n):
    def f(n, k):
        if k > (n // 2):
            return True
        elif n % k == 0:
            return False
            return f(n, k + 1)
    return f(n, 2)

def nth_prime(n):
    def traverse_for_nth_prime(count, k):
        if count == n:
           return k-1
        elif is_prime(k):
            return traverse_for_nth_prime(count + 1, k + 1)
            return traverse_for_nth_prime(count, k + 1)
    return traverse_for_nth_prime(0, 2)
@overexchange python does not work with functional paradigm
there is sys.recursionlimit
value is 1000
what about sys.setrecursionlimit?
yes the value is right
the recursive approach is not pythonic, you cannot do nth_prime(1002)
For me, It is not about python's recursionlimit, it is about the same coding style than can be migrated to scheme or haskell
recursion limit is something related to python mechanics, which I least care, Because python is not my langugae to use for ever. It is paradigm which I want to stick to
so why do you code it in pytohn?
you can do all the same programs you can code in scheme or haskell, but the paradigm is different
Because I do not want to deviate from the course www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa12
python has gotten its own paradigm really, which is generatorial programming :D
since python does not support tail call optimization, you do not need to do tailcal optimization there either
thus no need to use the count in function params :D
I did not get you
why do I not require count?
@overexchange: In functional languages like Haskell recursion is efficient (and really it's the only way to implement looping behaviour). But in other languages, recursion is generally less efficient than a simple loop because it involves the extra overhead of a function call. Some languages can optimize tail-call recursion (like your nth_prime() uses) and compile it into a simple loop, but Python cannot do that.
the TCO means, if you return just the return value of a function call:
return myfunc()
it can be optimized into a jump to the beginning of the function
python wont do it.
@overexchange: BTW you could change if k > (n // 2): to if k*k > n:. Do you see why? Also, after testing with k=2 you could then only test with odd k.
Intention is to just follow this rule of thumb for FP
and practice more on these lines, despite the question do not ask for FP approach
you should actually precalculate sqrt(n)
then you should use scheme and haskell :D
Later I would go for OOPS paradigm to design data abstraction and ADT with python from the same course. Getting both paradigms from single course is too much to ask.
@AnttiHaapala I would be using scheme in later part of the course. I did not get you when you say, precalculate sqrt
@overexchange Its a basic optimization in Prime number check. Here is my very old blog post, where I tried to explain the basic optimizations of Prime number check. You might want to check that.
@AnttiHaapala Sure. If n is large enough (and it almost always is) that's cheaper than squaring in the loop. But I was leaving that optimization for the reader. :) And in Ancient Times (in other languages), it was often a PITA to do square roots, since they required loading an FP library, or using an integer sqrt function.
FWIW, here's my standard sieve:
def primes(n):
    ''' Return a boolean list of all primes < n '''
    s = [False]*2 + [True]*(n-2)
    for i in xrange(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
        if s[i]:
            s[i*i : n : i] = [False] * (1 + (n - 1)//i - i)
    return s
@AnttiHaapala If I need to store the sequence of primes and return that sequence, How would I approach in FP paradigm for my above program?
But this one's pretty cool: stackoverflow.com/a/10733621/4014959 ... even if it is recursive. :)
With a Python 3 version by the Tim Peters: stackoverflow.com/a/19391111/4014959
I remember writing a memory-efficient sieve to store boolean values as single bits, it was in C though
@overexchange you would return the list of all primes from the function; and you would pass the current list recursively
As you know, re-assignments are not allowed in FP
For numbers greater than 5, all primes are of the form 30k + r, where r is in {1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29}. So you can store boolean data for the primality of 30 numbers in a single byte. I have such a database on this HD that goes up to 3 billion.
this is where am stuck
@PM2Ring yay I have more rep than tim peters :D
Maybe Tim should lose a few points given the TimSort "fiasco". :)
@AnttiHaapala I am waiting for the day when @MartijnPieters says the same about @JonSkeet :D Congrats man
Yeah, right.
Jon Skeet is the Chuck Norris of SO.
@PM2Ring Atleast he has a "fiasco".... :(
the fiasco is that instead of being valid up to 2 ** 64, the timsort works until 2 ** 48 only
@PM2Ring Jon Skeet is the Martijin Pieters of C# :D
though there is probably not many systems that could even theoretically support the 2 ** 48 addressspace now
actually I have read jon skeet's answers
and martijn has better answers.
@AnttiHaapala Ya, The Martijin AI is better than Jon's AI... I think the Puppy did a good job there...
if i take a python answer from martijn and a c# from jon skeet, then my personal not so humble opinion is that martijn answers better
jon skeet gets upvotes bc he is so legendary ppl go see his answers and upvote them once more
Is it 2**48 or 2**49? And don't forget that's the number of elements in the list. And the smallest Python object takes 12 bytes to store.
@PM2Ring I think they said ~2**49 you will see errors
not true, we are talking about the list items, so they are 8 bytes on a machine that has 64-bit address space
@AnttiHaapala Yep.
ofc you'd have to have distinct values i guess?
but you could always sort a long array
I didnt read the paper
anw, one would need at least 2**50 address space in the best case
and that is not even doable
but what the java guys did was: "oh if timsort uses 85, then we can halve that since our arrays are max 2 ** 32" or so
@AnttiHaapala You need space for the pointers in the list, and space for the elements themselves. But I guess the list could contain multiple references to a small collection of elements
and then you can get errors much sooner
@AnttiHaapala Whoops!
I still do not understand why others don't understand why the blue-black dress photo is so damn interesting.
they say "what about it, it is just a shitty photo"
but the point is exactly that I cannot see the dress as anything else than blue-black, yet some photographers, photoshoppers etc have argued that "of course it is white-gold"
Jay Neitz, a University of of Washington neuroscience tells Wired: 'I've studied individual differences in color vision for 30 years, and this is one of the biggest individual differences I've ever seen.' He sees gold on white.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2971953/The-Great-Dress-Debate-New-photo-shows-really-black-blue-sorry-Kim-saw-gold.html#ixzz3T2rY22KH
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The dress thing reminds me of the classic Checker Shadow illusion. In the image below, squares 'A' and 'B' are the exact same shade of grey.
@thefourtheye chances of that ever happening: 0.000000001%
@MartijnPieters You are already more than 40% of his rep.... May be in two to three years you might overtake him, right?
@thefourtheye If Jon stopped answering altogether today, it'd take 8 years.
@MartijnPieters what do you think on a rep cap on individual question, answer?
@AnttiHaapala I'd oppose it. It's been proposed before and shown to have no real effect anyway.
or have the rep cap only affect answers that are more than x old
@MartijnPieters If he stops answering today, lets say you approximately get 300 daily, you ll get 109500 in a year. So, in 4 years you ll surpass him, right?
Really, why complicate matters?
@thefourtheye He won't stop gaining rep just because he stops answering.
I get about 120k a year.
the truth is there are some really poor answerers who get to 10k, 20k quite fast
Coasting on existing answers nets about 60k.
@AnttiHaapala because they produce answers in quantity.
so capping those posts is not going to make any difference.
or have dark minions
@AnttiHaapala How do you think I crossed all those numbers? :D
But Jon is younger
capping answer rep is going to penalise the quality answerers.
@thefourtheye my point exactly ;)
Why is anyone so focused on catching up with Jon though?
He's got 30k answers, more than anyone else. He worked for it.
When I started answering questions, I had no idea what Python is... After sometime, I started with JavaScript also...
actually when doing vote badges, ppl will go through top voted answers and go upvote them
We want to see the Python super ninja on top!
the thing is the reputation gains are much easier for someone who started before
not because of the quality of the answers but because they have been upvoted more,
@AnttiHaapala I totally agree...
it is like accumulation of capital
So? They got in early. Why should those that joined the party late get to have a say in that their continued work is worse than what they contribute?
And Jon continues to contribute.
ah actually jon is not a good example :D
Alex Martelli coasted for a few years, and is now contributing again, which means he gets to hold of on me catching up a little longer.
since 31128 answers and 750k rep
>>> 17380 / 639
>>> 750000 / 31128
ok :D i quit :d
he has worse rep/answer ratio than me
@AnttiHaapala Wait, what about the rep-cap?
>>> 7147/256
see it does not matter...
I mean that jon skeet has not gained more rep than me per answer
thanks to the repcap
same for martijn
martijn has, for the time being, a lower rep/answer ratio than me
This is the current Rep to Answer Ratio (Including Alex and Jon)
95810        Alex Martelli  61.447295
487339                 DSM  47.641292
216074                poke  43.880215
2188562         Peter Varo  42.211111
1241495       IntrepidBrit  40.000000
1014938       Zero Piraeus  39.116279
1333975              Ahmad  37.631343
2301450              61612  35.932489
104349      Daniel Roseman  35.117049
61938         Robert Grant  34.394495
3005188          Ffisegydd  33.058462
1971805             TerryA  31.456442
953482               Kevin  30.893191
846892   Ashwini Chaudhary  29.877178
alex martelli stopped answering so that drives up the rep ratio :D
that is why a rep cap is a bad thing :D
I look at different metrics instead.
Woah, mine is better than Martijn?
Da Hell!
I've got a fair way to go before I get on that list (I'm at 13.827338). OTOH, I have my Unsung Hero badge. :)
That's accepted answer count weighted against accepted answer rate.
user_id   answer_count       display_name  reputation      ratio

95810            6081      Alex Martelli      373661  61.447295
487339           1734                DSM       82610  47.641292
216074           1678               poke       73631  43.880215
2188562            90         Peter Varo        3799  42.211111
1241495            14       IntrepidBrit         560  40.000000
1014938           301       Zero Piraeus       11774  39.116279
1333975           670              Ahmad       25213  37.631343
yeah, but it is because you remove your bad answers :D
So 71% of my answers are accepted. Together with the number of accepted answers places me 4th overall.
I looked into worst python answers, and there were for example a lot from S.Lott :d
-20 and so :D
not that I disagree
@AnttiHaapala I remove my bad answers you mean?
cbg all
that you use the delete, unlike some others :D
that does not count delete?
We don't know what others delete. :-)
Deleted posts are removed from the data set on SEDE.
yes... not that I oppose it, I too could delete some zero score unaccepted answers :D
I just found out that PyCharm is able to move a class from one .py to another, and automagically add the necessary import's _and_ at the same time refactor all code using that class to import from the new module
Which is simply AWESOME :-D
da hell
I went to see my 0 answers and they're good
@pepoluan it is awesome, but at the same time there is no ide for say java that couldn't do it :D
afk, rbrb a bit
Many of my zero answers are +1/-1 :( :(
@BhargavRao That is how I started ;-)
I tell that one should use hash_hmac with md5 instead...
and they go and upvote total crap answers
I can't delete or I lose 8 rep!
@thefourtheye Perhaps, all start that way
Nope... Most people know what they are doing when they start answering I guess..
02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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