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I sometimes say things like "with python you can just write it and it works" .... I think some people take that entirely too literally
2 hours later…
@tristan I answered it, it didn't even require guessing.
Although maybe you posted that before they added code.
1 hour later…
@iCodez done. And efficient use of profile description section.
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
>>> tail: write error: Broken pipe

>>> p.communicate()[0]
my cmd is= tail --line=+4181 file | head --lines=222 | egrep --regexp="string"
and im concerned with the grep output, if string is a no match output should be ""
in my python terminal it works fine, giving me the output, but does not return back the control to
>>> until enter is pressed
i used this in m y script but it stops the script giving some error, so i used p.wait() just after p.communicate()[0] . Using wait the script runs but hangs and eventually exists
before this i was using status,output=commands.getstatusoputput(cmd) and then check if output==""
however this fails when broken pipe occurs, is there a way to get this running
no need to do p.wait after p.communicate
p.communicate waits implicitly
"cmd is actually run as { cmd ; } 2>&1, so that the returned output will contain output or error messages."
hey @AnttiHaapala , glad u r here. U helped me resolve my problem yeterday but, I seem to have stuck again
this for getstatusoutput, so you will catch the error message too with that, not what you want
yes but on terminal it works fine the p.communicate thing but not on my parent script where i actually have to implement it
so what is the problem, you just need to do p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE); p.communicate()[0]
if the stderr is closed in the parent script
and stdin, you need to do stdin=open('/dev/null', 'rb'), stderr=open('/dev/null', 'wb')
"if the stderr is closed in the parent script" no i havent put anything like that in parent script
stdin=open('/dev/null', 'rb'), stderr=open('/dev/null', 'wb') shud it be put in the function itself or globally, i dont wish to change the default behaviour
this is for the Popen call
i tried doing p=subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) gives me
NameError: global name 'PIPE' is not defined
or you can safely do stderr=PIPE
yes because you did not import PIPE from subprocess
but then y it did not give this erro when only stdout=PIPE was used
because you had imported PIPE then
or you wrote subprocess.PIPE :D
import subprocess

p=subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) >> gave error
p=subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) >> gave NO error
there is no debate here, only I am right and you are wrong.
who said im saying u r wrong. I just realized this behaviour and shared it
Q: Python nested functions and 79 char limit of PEP8

tommy.carstensenThis question is related to another question. How can I avoid violating the Python style guide, when using nested functions? Should I simply avoid inner functions and use classes instead? If I add a loop and a nested if statement, then I quickly run into trouble. Furthermore I quickly end up with...

I did actually find an example of four nested functions in the stdlib when I went to look just now, but it was in Lib/test/test_scope.py (inside an exec(), no less), so I don't think it really counts :-)
@user1977867 no, I said you're wrong, you realized some behaviour that you misinterpret, I said there is no point in debating because what you had evidenced in code did not match the 4 lines you pasted me. Prove me otherwise
@Antti Finn Alert ;-)
% python
Python 2.7.8 (default, Oct 20 2014, 15:05:19)
[GCC 4.9.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import subprocess
>>> p=subprocess.Popen('/bin/echo hello world', shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'PIPE' is not defined
@ZeroPiraeus not applicable here
Fair enough :-)
@ZeroPiraeus thanks anyways, appreciated
there is a difference between I am plain annoyed or I just speak so frankly that ppl think I am coming through the internets into their office
If I ever have children, I'll keep them in line by threatening them with a visit from you ;-)
you know the "Linus Torvalds" rages on the internuts, now I say there is a guy with steel nerves :D
it is amazing that he can not blow up all the time with all those ppl around him :D
Yeah, I've read about the tone of discourse on lkml :-)
Just before the comment that triggered your Finn alert, I even went to shower :D
Change of subject: if anyone with sufficient rep fancies reviewing the pending edits at stackoverflow.com/users/1014938/… I'll be grateful. Not asking for approvals but genuine reviews; I'd just like to have them out of the way before I go to bed.
Oh hi @Unihedro - noticed you reviewed some of them :-)
@ZeroPiraeus could debate with not removing c++ from wx
Just didn't seem particularly relevant to me - yeath it's a C++ library, but does that mean adding because of ?
yes, I think wxpython questions should most often have python tag too
Grr - that missing space is annoying.
hmm the on duplicate key could say something about so-called "upsert"
Oh, I agree people should add the language tags to their posts; I just don't see it as adding much to the wiki to stick it in that list.
did the related tags show up somewhere?
or was it so that stackoverflow suggests some combinations of tags or something?
actually I do not particularly like the INSERT being called a "query"
only whatever follows a SELECT is a query
It's just supposed to be informational - I tend to think if you add every conceivable related tag, the important ones get lost in the noise.
@ZeroPiraeus Just being a typical reviewer :)
Some of them were quite usage-guidance-lacking so I threw a reject vote, but at the end they might just pass because people like approving.
people like to approve as noticed by the suggested code edits
"oh this python code looks much nicer with this indentation, I'll accept"
Fair point re: upsert and calling it a query - I did a lot of these today, focusing on tags that had a wiki but no excerpt (because there seems to be a bug that stops the wiki being displayed if the excerpt is missing). On that basis I was making small improvements where it was easy, but not thinking for ages about each one.
hey, I am just being a Finn here ;)
From my point of view any (tolerably decent) excerpt is better than none, because they appear in hover text and might prevent mistagging.
protip for mass editing tags: 1. Don't do it on weekends, as you'll drain the robo-reviewer pool and you end up with the reviewers who reject a lot
you ask a Finn to do a review, they will tell whatever mistakes there is.
Yeah, it's all good :-)
2. Even stuff like "for questions about (similar scope), use [tagname] instead." helps speed up rushing to the approve button.
Albert Einstein gives a paper and a Finn says, "I didn't like the wording on page 52" :D
ah I need to do some tag wiki edits before 20k I guess
Will save this chat for possible improvements; don't think I can re-suggest or alter edits until they've passed through review.
(will take a few days to act on, though – going away for the weekend tomorrow)
@AnttiHaapala It's a lot of work for very little rep ...
@ZeroPiraeus You can edit a suggested edit.
I can? I know I can edit someone elses; as proposer I don't see an edit link on the review page.
I want a tee shirt! How expensive are they?
I think that's yet to be established. Anyway ... bedtime for me. rbrb all :-)
@ZeroPiraeus i couldn't edit either
I guess one needs to have tagwiki edit privs to edit
Which are standard coding frameworks?
@user123 Define standard?
@user123 define coding, define framework
and for what? :D
@AnttiHaapala /closed as duplicate of my question
@Unihedro coding paradigm used in large projects which are used in general by various successful organization
@user123 In such case, none
google python style guide
for starters
okay, but if we have 6-7 team members, each working on different modules of project, having different codes, third party packages etc
other than that, there is no such thing like J2EE that would be widely accepted
@user123 so my advice is: don't
don't do such thing as each working on different modules
if possible
now want to combine all modules and release first version, so just wanted to know if there is some standard framework to organize things properly
see, "now want to combine all modules"
if you have a product, from day 0 I would organize stuff so that everything is integrated.
1 software company said that first week what they did was: write an installer that installs README.txt on the user's computer.
after that there is a working product ever since with more and more features
@AnttiHaapala thank, next time this point cant be considered for sure, but as we already started as a beginner, we have to get some solution for now
@user123 Need more context.
I do not know what your product is and what are these modules
As well as the budget, the time given, and skill levels and experience of all the workers.
what I do with my separate modules is package them as eggs and wheels, then install in virtualenv for product deployment, alongside with a glue module that makes them work together.
but I am doing webapps and server apps and maintaining them as well.
@AnttiHaapala product is related to Data processing, Natural language processing. Most of stuff is backend programming related
ok, so now we are talking about virtualenv and making packages... and so...
how we do it with those is that each individual package is in a separate git repository
@user123 Then it sounds even weirder to have everyone work on separate modules.
they are pulled in on the deployed server, and then setup.py develop each to install them from git checkout to the production virtualenv
and +1 for unihedro
there is such thing as "modular", but if you are doing a product your first concern should be the product, not the modules.
@user123 you do realize that with this approach, writing modules takes 90 % of time, and the integration takes another 90 %
@Unihedro we each know what other guy doing, but as everyone can not focus on all different task, one guys does indexing, one large text processing, one server handling and so on, is that wrong methodology?
It kind of is.
Integrating with each others' code is going to take more effort than you expect.
it definitely is the wrong approach, I wouldn't dare.
Especially when you come to specifications and unit testing.
hhmm, i am even realizing this, learned from first experience of product development
even if you have 1 person working on 1 set of things, you should integrate early and all the time.
At my old programming part time (yep) we had a simplistic system where we all work on the same project, but instead of going BDD (behaviour driver development) we headed for demand and queuing development
suggest you to go get some eXtreme Programmign and Scrum books from library :D
it might be easier to admit the mistakes earlier
So we would get the task, break it into shades of the IO, then settle on what's going to be done on the internals; Afterwards, we decide on the dependencies and make the best use of our time.
Instead of, you know, coding separate stuff asynchronously.
there is also the point that if you code asynchronously, everything can become a bottleneck...
also you cannot decide to drop 50 % of the lesser features that easily anymore, sure you can, but you did work on them already
so good way is, from day one - keep integrating task done by each team mate and proceed on next day with combined one. Correct?
Also, do daily builds.
yes, that's what we do; then do an integration server...
And use version control. Any kind of version control.
use git :D
or hg
When it gets somewhere, decide on what to unit test with, and then set up either an integration server, or decide on who's going to do most of the unit testing.
because if you cannot for some reason do completely synchronized development, you'd be happy you were using git or hg
Also, don't bother using a specialized framework unless you actually need one. However, get an IDE that you're familiar with.
suggest pycharm for IDE, if none chosen,
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, I've seen too many wannabe coders trying to learn SVN when they really should be using something else.
if you have a startup company, you can get discounts
why IDE needed?
@user123 Because.
it speeds up development
a good ide that is
we were using svn
currently shifted to git
The less time you spend typing, the better, since you waste less time + sanity drops slower + more effective.
each has his own directory, commits his code every day bases
Especially since most good IDEs support macro and building and stuff
@user123 There's the problem, since everyone is working on different stuffs.
so with git you can setup so that you have a continuous integration server that would merge commits that pass the tests and install correctly and bark back at the developer who tries to break the build
say with pycharm, you do not need to remember if it is nltk.stem.SnowBallStemmer or where it should be imported or so,
you just do x = SnowBallStemmer(), and get an error for undefined symbol, ctrl+enter and "import from where it should", done.
The need of an IDE is not only true for Python development. For example, with IntelliJ doing Java, you can write cout + ctrl + enter and it finishes an entire print statement.
Which is awesome.
but for python the error detecting is crucial
And you can do like name + alt + enter and get options to replace with public static String name. Handy!
@AnttiHaapala That's why you need unit testing. :p
pycharm knows if you have undefined variable
you can do 100 % TDD ofc
IntelliJ knows when you have a potential problem in Javascript development, as it performs null analysis, function swapping, and stuff like that.
but often one cannot get to 100 %
okay thanks guys, this was much fruitful : )
Komodo is same as pycharm?
@user123 At least you were talking with real developers and not some wannabe ones with no idea what they're doing.
@Ffisegydd :(
old version of pycharm though
the free version of pycharm is good enough for pure python code
but if one needs to do javascript and xml and so, then the licensed version (for which a free trial is available) is a pretty much must
@AnttiHaapala thanks fir this info
cbg again
@Ffisegydd actually your 7 commits is false. God rested on 7th day, and certainly did not do any commits.
Quoth Antti Genesis 2 "1Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. 2By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done." Incidentally, I think Bible contains a clue that we're living in a computer simulation, notice how it is talking about hosts, must be a Beowulf cluster.
Good luck. 18446744073709551615 is 2 ** 64 bits, to store the sieve you need 2 ** 60 bytes, which incidentally is 1048576 TiB. With current hard disk prices it will cost about 35 million dollars to store this data. — Antti Haapala 18 secs ago
Q: javascript didn't recognize python list

gjivanyaThis my views.py from flask import Flask from django.utils import simplejson from django.core import serializers app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/autocomplete') def get_contacts(request): context = RequestContext(request) cat_list = [] if request.method == 'GET': cat_list ...

WTH, how is this guy perverting his flask code :/
@ThiefMaster best of both worlds, flask routing and django orm <3
Cbg, have a wild night partying and fixing databases?
sadly just the later...
anyway... last final change and puppy can get some sleep.... puppy not happy...
Fellow pythonistas! I hope you can help me for I am in quite a pickle (pun intended).
I am parsing quite a big number of text files. I decided that I would like to make the code parallel - it makes sense, as one file processing job is atomic.

I am having a hard time deciding whether to use threads or processes. I like how multiprocessing module works and I have working implementation. I think I want to avoid threads due to mess with GIL. But my older colleague at work tells me that I want to use threads because of overhead on context switching using multiprocessing.
While looking at top output with Pool with four spawned processes it seems he may have a point - 4 processes are created and each is using 50% of CPU
hem, context switching on a single core is expensive
who said the processes will run on the same core, they are not doing context switches on multicore processors
if you have strictly cpu bound problem, set the number of processes to N cpus or N-1
if you have an IO bound problem set the number of processes to even more
and your colleague is wrong there mostly
train cbg
@Nebril ^
@JonClements: I missed your birthday?! Belated happy birthday!
thanks @Antti
@MartijnPieters you have the next chance to celebrate puppy's birthday on April 4th ;)
@Martijn thanks :p
the thing is, he pointed that hyperthreading even on one core will help me, but most of the processing is really CPU, so I don't think this would be of any help
python has GIL, only 1 thread is running python or c extension*() code at any given time.
if you're using CPython
ask your colleague to come to the SO chat :d
yes, that's the case
I'll try, thanks a lot for help :)
Quick question, if I have an enum, how do I get it's order? Like func(MyEnum.OptionTwelve) == 12
... in any case the context switch means that the single core changes the task context, compared with thread switch, it flushes the translation lookaside buffer
@Pureferret enum.Enum?
@AnttiHaapala in my code that returns a string
I'm half way through changing the value to a number, but I wanted to check there wasn't an easier method
I had the impression that int(MyEnum.OptionTwelve) would work
you need to be more specific: give the enum definition
and what enum are we talking about and which python
if it is Python 3.4 and you use builtin enum, and you do not set values, they get integers automatically
if you set strings, why do you want the order?
@AnttiHaapala Python 3.4....
so your class MyEnum is...
@AnttiHaapala to help me group them.
you can use any values to your enums, even namedtuples
`class MyEnum(Enum):`
` EnumOne = 'First'`
` EnumTwo = 'Second'`
but I do not think there is any magic number being done there...
@AnttiHaapala If that's the case I'll keep on changing them to numbers
hmm wait,
@AnttiHaapala Except these go into a Django Field, and that doesn't work. I've tried. I'd love it to work
Q: Is it possible to define a class constant inside an Enum?

Zero PiraeusPython 3.4 introduces a new module enum, which adds an enumerated type to the language. The documentation for enum.Enum provides an example to demonstrate how it can be extended: >>> class Planet(Enum): ... MERCURY = (3.303e+23, 2.4397e6) ... VENUS = (4.869e+24, 6.0518e6) ... EARTH...

does django understand enums?
@AnttiHaapala I've seen it and it doesn't work in my case
Q: How can I combine/nest EnumFields in Django?

PureferretDjango-EnumFields lets you combine Enum fields in Django (the clue was in the title). Can you combine nest these? Here's an example that plays off the docs: from django.db import models from django_enumfield import enum class BeerStyle(enum.Enum): LAGER = 0 STOUT = 1 WEISSBIER = 2...

My answer there doesn't work
>>> MyEnum.Option
<MyEnum.Option: ('name', 1)>
>>> MyEnum.Option.value
>>> MyEnum.Option.index
from enum import Enum
class MyEnum(Enum):
    Option = ('name', 1)
    def __init__(self, value, index):
        self._value = value
        self.index = index

    def value(self):
        return self._value
hem... that does not look right
@AnttiHaapala it might work
that is django enum not python enum
I guess
so I bail out :D
@AnttiHaapala Wise
ah sorry, yes supports the real enum fields
so the above code could work, but you need to define them all in 1
@PM2Ring cbg
@PM2Ring enough comments on that prime question
the problem is my answer still is not marked as accepted. I feel so tired
Wish there was a blacklist for stackoverflow :D
Sure, Antti. I'm done there, too. And I just got the "Please avoid extended discussions" message. But I just wanted to tell the OP a little about big factorization. Pity that he didn't mention that in the question... I guess this is just the good old XY problem.
@AnttiHaapala most C code releases the GIL though.
@MartijnPieters yes, if they do not touch python objects
@AnttiHaapala I find it useful to link OPs with <10 rep to the meta page about accepting; FWIW, I gave you that upvote.
so if you are doing any I/O or stuff a C extension can handle another thread can do Python code.
in any case on a multicore computer, if you worry about performance and your problem is separable, you should be using multiprocessing, for now.
"I am parsing quite a big number of text files. I decided that I would like to make the code parallel - it makes sense, as one file processing job is atomic."
in this case -> multiprocessing.
@Pureferret nice
@Nebril you can test the values around NCPUs; transfer minimal amount of data via the map() itself if not needed, because pickling will not be fast exactly...
@AnttiHaapala thank you, I will do so
in any case, you can switch a sane multiprocessing.Pool.map code to use threading with minimum amount of lines
yeah, I am aware of that, I was messing with workerpool module. but it felt a little wrong :D
thus replace multiprocessing with multiprocessing.dummy to use threading instead
unfortunately, I am on python 2.7
then replace 3 with 2 in the URL
Or upgrade to 3 ;)
oh, cool
if only it would be so easy ;)
thanks anyway, it seems like it will make my life easier :)
also, if your text is just 8-bit strings, you can use the mmap module to map the files in memory for possibly faster access
raspberry pi 2 arrived
Nice dude. I'm tempted to get one, but at the same time I'm not even sure what I'd do with it.
I have a project already, implemented on rasp1
but the 2 will be so much better with being able to run stock armv7 debian
all for rasp1 was custom built and then the packages end up staying stale
@AnttiHaapala Apparently, they're light-sensitive. See raspberrypi.org/xenon-death-flash-a-free-physics-lesson
That appears to be a handy thing to throw in your travel bag...
My carrier web developer.I want learn python.plan to study self..daily 4 hour plan to study.it become a good developer python or else i have go coaching center ?please help me
Hey @sripriya. What exactly are you asking? It's not clear.
i want to learn python.Now i am beginner which is best way learn python self study or coaching class?its not possible coaching class because working. please help me which is best
@sripriya No one can answer you. It depends entirely on you, how you prefer to learn, how much time you have.
What works for one person may not work for another.
no sir.now i am working php developer and also learn python sir.after two year i want good programmer both php and python sir
Sripriya, self-study can work, especially if you can already program in some other language. However, you may need to improve your English skills to get the full benefit of the Python tutorials, reference materials, and sites like Stack Overflow.
you should set a target that you are a good programmer, not "good programmer in php" ;)
@sripriya you don't have (and I don't want you) to call me sir. I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. Both methods are perfectly fine, pick whichever suits your own style.
a good programmer will often not feel happy with PHP
I have learnt everything related to programming by self-learning
@Jon just registered to vote :P not sure if I'm going to bother (i.e. spoil my ballot) or not yet, but thought it'd be nice to have the opportunity to :P
though I think a good mentor could have helped at some times :P
@Ffisegydd go vote for Ffisegydd
@Ffisegydd good man... it's also still your right to not vote
or "Jon Clements for Moderator"
also funny Brits
"register as a voter"
thank u for cooment Antti Haapala
in Finland the voter registration is the population registry, that's it.
thank for u r comment Ffisegydd
@sripriya no problem
the location where you vote, the rolls are compiled on 51st day before the elections...
today on wards start to learn python and php
and you need to be eligible for voting on the 51st day before the elections
ofc in finland thus no one can count the number of ppl that actively registerd but didn't bother to trash their ticket :P
@Ffisegydd I think instead of blank protests, you should campaign for PR
Pull Requests?
"We want more Pull Requests in our Parliament!"
how about proportional representation
so instead of voting for "hanged" or "shot" you could have more pleasing alternatives :d
@Ffisegydd Aren't there already enough gits in parliament?
single tranferable vote for example: "I vote for Vermin Supreme, or Jon Clements, or if not these then I vote for myself"
thank u so much @PM2Ring
Vermin Supreme FTW! :p
In Australia, we have some form of preferential voting in most elections.
@PM2Ring although, for some reason - I disagree with the compulsory voting in Oz
Bloody hell the Labour choice is an 18 year old student.
@PM2Ring so how does it work in practice?
@Ffisegydd :D
@Ffisegydd link
I guess that newspaper isn't leaning towards labour :D
because normally we would look at it and think the party had gone made to select an 18-year-old."

Read more: http://www.westerndailypress.co.uk/Bath-Labour-candidate-youngest-MP/story-20253021-detail/story.html#ixzz3RWiyzhJa
Follow us: @WesternDaily on Twitter | WesternDaily on Facebook
I don't want to sound ageist or anything... but you shouldn't get to be an MP until at least 30
@JonClements you are actually a bit age racist there, you just think based on what is common in UK
@JonClements Fair enough. It is compulsory for adults to attend a polling place on election days, but votes are totally confidential, so you're free to write random crap on your ballot paper if you want to. :) And although voting is theoretically compulsory it's not strongly policed, so you're unlikely to get fined if you don't vote, and very unlikely to get fined if you don't register.
@PM2Ring I get that... it's it's my time I'm talking to make a vote implying I choose not to vote... if it's a democratic society, I should just have the right to not turn up to vote... :p
There's an independent in Bath who looks okay but 1) her website has no details on her policy opinions and 2) it's a wordpress site. Come on now, make a bloody effort (says the man who helps run a site that uses Bootstrap).
Although, I'd be happy to try a "I choose not to vote" on the ballots for a bit - see what the results are...
@JonClements Point taken. OTOH, I reckon that if you don't have compulsory voting then the people who do vote are not necessarily a representative sample of the population, making the voting process not much better than a radio or TV phone-in survey.
But I'm not really into politics...
he says there he's working on beard :D
hate those hands
@PM2Ring yes, but the people who don't bother voting are generally people who don't give a shite about voting... so it's their fault if they don't making their vote heard...
(and probably just go with the flow or tick something at random "'cos I had to")
@AnttiHaapala In practice it means that minor parties or independent candidates tend to align themselves with one or the other of the 2 main parties. This gives people an illusion of greater choice, but ultimately, the preferences will almost always flow to Liberal (the main right-wing party) or to Labor (the main left-wing party).
wb @jonrsharpe - long time no see - how's things?
well, it is still better than in Finland...
@JonClements good thanks!
I just popped in to ask if anyone thought that a canonical Q&A on "why isn't my input a number" would be useful - I can't see one on sopython.com/canon
previously we had 3 big parties, now we have 4 big parties which means it is total lottery what the end result is :D
because they do not align before the elections
@PM2Ring ^
@jonrsharpe I believe a lot of that is contained within Kevin's "asking a a user for input into they give a valid response"? But not 100% sure what you mean...
last 4 yrs, there were 8 parties in the parliament, 6 of them were in cabinet and 2 in opposition, it had the greens and the ultrareligious by-the-bible conservatives in the same gov :D
the current largest party was the smallest opposition party after the last elections ;)
@jonrsharpe Hahaha... I'm starting to think that question is going to be eternal September... with various levels of attempt :p
@JonClements very possibly!
@Ffisegydd yes, either of those would do - who do I talk to about getting one added to the canon list?
@jonrsharpe I can add them now :)
@Ffisegydd great, thanks
@Ffisegydd errr... isn't Jon already on the editor list?
No but you might as well add him while I'm typing up this question
Added him now :)
@jonrsharpe added you to the editors list, so you should be able to add/edit questions in the future if you find any good ones.
@JonClements I admit that a major down-side of compulsory voting is that there's a significant chunk of the population whose vote is primarily emotional, with little basis in political fact. But I guess that happens in places with non-compulsory voting, too. :)
@Ffisegydd thank you
@jonrsharpe the login is quite straight forward - we use SE's OpenID auth thingy... so no email/password thingy
@JonClements OK, noted; I'll give it a go next time!
@Ffisegydd @davidism have we got an issue on the github to address revision control?
It's not actually a mongodb, but a postgresql db, but yeah.
stackoverflow.com/questions/28474727/… ; features this gem: print (ShoppingList([0[q]],[1[q]])) and OP isn't responding to clarification comments.
ummm: davidism self-assigned this on 19 Nov 2014
Cue overdue task #13761
anyway.. guess it's not important since it's a whitelist system at present... all working as planned
@Ffisegydd Flagged
Q: What is the best way to create deb package from python project?

avivbI am looking for something with pre/post install/uninstall. And maybe with the ability to also package the virtualenv with the requirements.py already installed. Thanks!

Passed that R course I did. 100%. If I hadn't missed the final quiz I'd have gotten 105% :(
Why do people persist in writing their own factorial functions when math.factorial() exists and is faster than anything you can write yourself in Python? Anyway, next time I can link them to this :)
@PM2Ring To answer homework?

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