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I use it in --classic mode to get the >>>, otherwise sometimes people get confused by seeing those In and Outs.
What does "in" call?
kinda hard to google it :D
I want to know why xrange is so slow when doing "in" against an int
how do I get ipython to run python 3?
pip install ipython3
I want to post a question about range being slow for in against int. There are specific type checks in operators like sum to increase performance. why is this an exception?
ok they fixed xrange (range) in python 3 :(
damn python devs
z@piedra:~ $ mkvirtualenv --python=$(which python3) ip3
[ip3]z@piedra:~ $ pip install ipython
[ip3]z@piedra:~ $ ipython
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct  8 2014, 08:07:42)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 2.3.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
This constant time membership check was added in Python 3.2 only.
xrange didn't have it :) that's annoying I guess
If you know the start, stop and step you passed to xrange(), then you can do this in constant in Python 2 as well by using simple maths. I am sure that's what they did with range() in 3.2+.
@AshwiniChaudhary, I know you can and I know it's simple. In fact, I did something very close to it. It was very verbose though. I don't want that in my code :)
@AdamSmith cbg
There is a reverse correlation between the length of a line in my code and how much I like the context that line executes in.
Everything on my laptop feels broken because I don't have vim installed :(
are you on windows? because vi is available by default on many linux distributions
Yes I'm on Windows
I've been using chocolatey to do all my reinstalls on my home Win boxes, but this is a work computer and I don't want to rock the boat lol
so I keep finding things I assume are just installed but aren't
sorry to hear that
lol :)
I used vi for everything before I found out about pycharm
so now it's vi for everything but python
enlighten me :)
it's a python IDE by jetbrains. It's very good. I highly recommend it.
and it has the vi plugin like any other IDE so you can use vi commands inside it.
Aaand if you're a studend you get it for educational use for free
Not a student, boo.
You don't need to be.
Well. Technically you only need a student's e-mail address. but I'd pay for pycharm if I had to. worth my $$$. You have the community edition for free which is what I used before I had a job
I've never really found a great IDE. I tend to just use whatever IDE the rest of the team is using whenever I'm in a group project, or just vim and a command line when I'm on my own
Not that I'm against them at all, just haven't found one that worked for me
Try pycharm. Very good.
downloading now
I second the vote(s) for pycharm
You don't need to have a student's email address, either; you can get an open-source license for free.
Is that the "Community Edition" it's flaunting on the Download page?
Yep. There seem to be a few "free" license options.
I'm not sure what hoops you have to jump through for each one; I think I gave my academic info, although I'm an alum.
The community edition seems to be free, but it's not as feature-rich as the commercial version
What's the diffrence between a sequence and a streak? ( english not python )
It's feature-rich enough, I still have no idea what the difference is
nothing I'm using at this time
but it doesn't mean it's not something I'd ever use
Remote development features sound nice to me.
I've never really dug my claws into VMs for development purposes
do I have to get a plugin to use the vim keybindings?
I think so, yeah, that's why it's one of the most popular ones :)
is that IdeaVim?
Hi guys! I cant wrap my head around rabbitmq. Im trying to use publish/subscribe pattern but for some not so obvious reasons "async" producer is using select that blocks my run loop. How do I get about this? Run the producer in another thread and then somehow tell to the publisher thread to do some actual publishing? Also this is my first time using pything or rabbitmq for that matter. #PHP4Life :D

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