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with open(logFile, "r") as f:
for line in f:
m = re.search(myPattern, line)
if (None != m):
result = m.group(1)
if (result != "PASSED"):
for this, is using direct "return" fine?
can it handle the closing of my "logFile"
If you have code properly indented, use CTRL-K to indent it another 4 spaces and have it properly formatted.
with open(logFile, "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        m = re.search(myPattern, line)
        if (None != m):
            result = m.group(1)
            if (result != "PASSED"):
Please don't use != with None. Use m is not None, or in this case, simply if m: will do as match objects are true in a boolean context, None is false.
But to answer your question: yes, return is fine.
The with statement will trigger the __exit__ handler on the file object, closing the file automatically.
That's the whole raison-d'etre of the with statement, to catch the context being exited by whatever means.
with open(logFile, "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        m = re.search(myPattern, line)
        if m and m.group(1) != "PASSED":
@MartijnPieters Thanks for your advice. I don't know how to format code here.
@JonClements , @davidism, re: room tags, as long as is in there, it's fine with me.
@MartijnPieters this is shorter
another question here is that, I want to use "subprocess.call" to trigger another script
but that script needs user to input a "Y" to continue
Are you aware of the import statement? that's the usual way to get one script to interact with another, rather than using subprocesses.
do you know how to let python to handle this ? I mean when running my python script, it will automatically enter "Y"
If you want the second script to run parallel to the first, consider using threading or multiprocessing.
no I do not want them to run parallely
@Alex Is that other script also written in Python?
I just want to run one test script again and again, sequentially
that script is written in perl
Ah, if the second script is not a Python script, then subprocess probably is appropriate :-)
I think the Popen class has support for sending "Y" to the process.
You can print 'Y' into the stdin of the other script, and that will behave just like the user typed Y.
Test it on the command line, eg echo "Y" | perl otherscript.pl
ugh i hate regex..and i used to like it so much
How can I put echo "Y" | perl otherscript.pl in subprocess.call
subprocess seems to treat all that after "echo" as one string
the pipe line in shell does not work in subprocess
while True:
    value = raw_input("press Y to continue: ")
    if value == "Y":
    print "\nYou did not press Y."
print "\nYou pressed Y! good job."

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
obj = Popen(["python", "a.py"], stdin=PIPE)
press Y to continue:
You pressed Y! good job.
replacing ["python", "a.py"] with ["perl", "otherscript.pl"] ought to work just fine.
Was just about to link that :-)
ps = subprocess.Popen(inputY, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = subprocess.check_output(runSanity, stdin=ps.stdout)
@Alex Sorry if I confused you. That was only to show how to pipe data to another program on the command line, so you could check that the perl script behaves as expected. And if it does, the stuff Kevin just posted should do what you want.
here is what I do after getting all you help
that inputY=('echo', 'Y')
it's verboten to turn PHP questions in Python questions, right?
Man was not meant to meddle in such things.
@PM2Ring OK,thanks all your help
right... need to get a couple of hours shuteye before my next "shift" as it were
No worries, Alex
bloody timezones... rant rant...
sleep well @JonClements i know the feeling all too well
@tristan What do you mean? Like "How do I translate this PHP code into Python"?
@JonClements Kids these days, they got no stamina. :) Sweet dreams, Jon.
@PM2Ring nah, PHP + regex problem. i solved it and did a write up because one of the comments was "don't do that thing because i don't like it" which always irks me
/ cbg
any tool there is to validate uuid...
I have a 16byte hexstring that I'd want to see is uuid belonging to class x
hardly a kid... and see how you feel after doing 18 hour days for 7 months :p
rbrb for now
Oh neat, the regex works in either language
rbrb pupster
I don't know about UUID validation, but I want to contribute anyway, so I'm writing this post to tell you I don't know.
i've been up for 9 hours and it's now just 9am in the timezone i usually work in
says "valid" but does not say class
That page's validation code looks relatively easy to port.
That's bad in France...
@Ffisegydd yeah, that's quite shit
I was like "ok, but they were nazis who were killed"
except they werent.
goddamn cowards
(for those not aware, 12 killed in Paris shooting)
I hope the french police find and torture information out of those responsible.
bc jihadist and nazis shooting each other -> win.
What are you on about?
What, did the magazine have secret nazi leanings or something?
it was left-wing, wrote same kind of stuff about every religion and nazis :D
Some cowards fired automatic weapons at unarmed satirical writers because people are too dense to understand satire.
so how do i know if my uid is type 1
Good question. That page only distinguishes between 3, 4, and 5.
Maybe type 1 UUIDs weren't designed with future extensibility in mind, so there's no surefire way to distinguish them from other types.
yes, but it is not even valid type 1
this is the stirng
there is
I literally only answered this question because a commenter said "don't do this"
Reminds me of the "adverserial help desk" technique. If you're having problems getting X working, you go on Linux fansites and say "Linux sucks because you can't do X" and then in ten minutes you'll have five replies calling you an idiot and providing thoroughly documented examples of how to do X.
Yep! Thought of that as well. Corollary, "Python is slow at..."
UUID validation? Does that guarantee it's unique?
@RobertGrant the problem is I have some IDs from third party service
and I want to guess how they are generated.
if they are UUIDs then they should be UUIDs of the same type
bc it does not make sense that for consecutive items coming through the same pipe, one would use different algorithms
@tristan landlords are stupid because they don't advertise on my website
so far I couldnt PROVE that they are uuids
Haha, why did i eat downvotes on that question
Looking at the UUID wikipedia article, I think there's no way to distinguish type 1 and 2 UUIDs, because the only difference is that type 2 UUIDs replace some bytes in the timestamp with other information.
[u'1e48174575f2a480e019ffffaf6bede3', u'1e48136ff55fad00e019ffff9709ef62', u'1e483780f282a1c0e019ffffa8bc066c', u'1e48136ff55fad00e019ffff9709ef62', u'1e48377bdde3a200e019ffffccd835a3', u'1e48257358a9ae00e019ffffec3879af', u'1e48174575f2a480e019ffffaf6bede3', u'1e481665f17cac80e019000000aecde6']
You could still make an educated guess: try to read the UUID as type 1, and if the timestamp indicates a time period outside of 1970-2015, it's probably type 2.
these cannot obviously be md5 hashes...
but they didnt seem to match the uuid type fields in the proper places
or maybe there is a timestamp?
@AnttiHaapala Cabbage! Happy New Cabbage, and all.
cabbage new yams to green beans and lentils alike
My answer doesn't do a full validation.
well, obviously it cannot use any random scheme :D, nor hashing
I wish there was a faster flag type. maybe i'll write a plugin
Urgh messed up my CV on the 2nd one so retracted it :/ it's still CVworthy though.
Using one drive and Google drive API documentation you could create Python scripts to sync folder between accounts. But I'm confused will it be handle by bandwith on server side or any script I try to create will just cache on disk then sync using my bandwitch upload speed. ?
I got all ids
then reduced with and and or to get the bits that do change...
is this answer low quality or is it someone just mad because i'm advocating that filters are ignorable
In [42]: '{:0128b}'.format(ands ^ ors)
Out[42]: '00000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111100001111111100000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
0 are the bits that do not change, 1 are bits that do change
it seriously does look like a guid, 48 bits at the end changing...
"mountebankery" is an amazing word
@Ffisegydd could you delete your message from this q, since you didn't actually vtc with it
@davidism yeah done, I accidentally closed it as a url of another question (mis copy/paste) so retracted it.
Another person using #linkedin though!
Good morning @davidism
Good morning @tristan
removed the hashtag nonsense
But...how will people know that he's #linkedin now? D:
I did a cv
Going for "can no longer be reproduced" there. At least I think that's what the OP is saying.
are you #desperate #to #be #social
I'm interpreting "My problem was X" as "I fixed X and now everything is working fine" rather than "Sorry my problem was unclear, now that I've fixed X it should be easier for you to understand what my actual issue is"
I went for "show code" just because the question, then subsequent "answer" have nothing to do with eachother
went with custom close vote "plz no" (not really, i went low quality and left a silly edit message)
Ohp, stahp
@tristan get to 3k so you're actually useful! :-P
Harsh. But true.
@davidism i'm busy working on answering unpopular questions :P
I could probably answer the specific error that one posted, but it has nothing to do with the actual question they asked.
I'm staying away from that one because I don't know anything about 80% of those tags.
i'm still a little sad that this answer didn't get more love
surefire way to get more votes
i need to just do some ruby questions for a bit
the next permission/privilege i care about is at 10k
3k is nice to be able to close stuff, but then it's 10k as 5k is useless.
yeah, hooray, the wiki that never happened
okay, back to my regex + unicode
@Ffisegydd 15k is also kinda useless
All privileges are useless except close voting and edit-without-review.
being able to delete questions instead of waiting 48 hours and deleting answers is useful sometimes though
(plus all the stuff you get at 250 rep and below that I totally take for granted)
Seeing deleted questions is critical for enjoying meta posts.
Yes. That's all I want it for.
Editing tag wikis without review is nice.
I get to clean stuff up without having to worry about people dissing my work.
Ok, I'll add 'viewing deleted posts' to my list of useful things.
Although that's more on the "entertaining" side than the "productivity" side
^^ 100% yes, but that's the point of SO for me
Wanna read those train wrecks.
Productivity side: delete posts, entertainment side: view deleted posts
SO greatly negatively affects my productivity
I like to think of it as an investment. Every post I read puts me one bit of knowledge closer to CS godhood.
Hah, I get so much more knowledge out of just reading an algorithms book for a couple hours than I do being on SO all day
I guess my true motivation is the slow drip of appreciation I get from each OP that I help. It's life support for my self esteem.
("is it really a good idea to base your self-worth on the value you can provide to others?" Uncertain. If I just switch over to "love yourself unconditionally", I feel like this unmoors me from ordinary morality, and I'll end up being satisfied with myself while I be rude to cashiers and take candy from babies. this seems like a net loss for humanity.)
"Well, drink five Bloody Marys and you won't remember."
@Kevin doing things for self esteem is "love yourself" anyway :)
kevin's house of career advice and self-help mountebankery
The 'file' in question can only be accessed once you have filled in your email address on a random file hosting site, and they'll email you the link. No thanks.
^ hah. alright.
@MartijnPieters I used one of the file upload sites suggested meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4637/… here. If you have a better suggestion about how I can convey the file, please tell me... — 5xum 1 min ago
Fib detected. ctrl-f for "filehosting" in that link reveals 0 results.
Maybe he got it from Jeff Atwood's link, but what does Jeff know of our customs and ways?
I suggested pastebin, but now I'm thinking the OP is going to reply "the file isn't just readable ASCII text, pastebin will mangle it"
I guess he could base 64 encode the file and upload that to pastebin... But every additional hurdle we put in front of the OP reduces the likelihood that we'll get the actual file contents.
What IDEs do you guys use? I'm currently on LiClipse, but I think I'm ripe for a new environment. :)
+1 for an amusing bug, although he might have better luck on super user
Not sure what files he'd have that are legitimately from before 1980
I use Notepad++ and cmd. I only occasionally pine for intellisense.
i intimidate the bits on my disk into doing what i want
@MartijnPieters The OP of that question has updated his post to a dropbox link. Should we vote to reopen?
(I'm assuming downloading is now possible, but can't verify, because dropbox is blocked on this machine)
@RomanLuštrik PyCharm and Sublime Text are the two main ones.
@MartijnPieters Thank you for letting me know. So the proper course of action now is to go murder whoever gave me this monster of a file? — 5xum 34 secs ago
Haha. Here is the reason we say "always assume your code will be maintained by a psychopath that knows where you live"
hah, found an answer to that question
@Ffisegydd PyCharm looks nice, thanks.
@RomanLuštrik I'm a fan of PyCharm too.
Whether "you can't do that" is a real answer to "how do I do this?" is up for debate, but +1 anyway.
pycharm is great. I enjoy it when I'm not remotely in vi (or locally). Just make sure you also get to know a simple editor for when you're in hostile environment.
@Kevin I've now updated the post to contain the actual file data.
feel free to reopen..
i do all my coding from downtown donetsk
Thanks :-)
Whatever they have, they have control codes in the file (ACK and SUBSTITUTE).
@ReutSharabani I use IDLE to fiddle with small bits (still new to Python in general) and then use a respectable IDE to code the full simulation.
I guess the answer is now lines = file.read().split("\n")
@RomanLuštrik see the sopython page for some good detail sopython.com/wiki/Python_IDEs
@RomanLuštrik Yeah I use PyCharm a lot. It's very, very good once you get used to it, and has support for the science/data modules now.
Isn't lines = file.read().split('\n') the same as lines = file.readlines()?
@Ffisegydd and it's vim keybinding plugin is pretty good, too. I assume the emacs one is too?
mmm, maybe? I always forget about readlines.
i always forget all the cool stuff pycharm can do. my mate showed me some thing where i could do some chord to generate N-number of elements in html and it kind of blew my mind
i'm just now starting to appreciate the nosetest and debugging env put into it
i think i'd spend $10 for a video tutorial of all the cool crap that i'm probably missing in my pycharm workflow (e.g. running tests on commits, the little cool stuff code generation based on chords, etc)
Yeah. If only someone would write a book on how to use PyCharm...I'd buy that book in a second...right, @Games?
jetbrains has video tutorials somewhere
I would not buy such a book or video, because I don't use pycharm.
@RomanLuštrik , I like vi, others like emacs. They're both very common on servers, it's a huge advantage to have control over one. vi is more common, emacs is more capable.
(just adding my data point so PyCharm book writers don't think "100% of polled users would buy my book, I will now invest my life savings in marketing it"
@RomanLuštrik also, if you're a student, you can get all jetbrains products for personal use for free (one year). Try it out!
@Ffisegydd ugh reading is such work
and reading doesn't have the same "just watch this and then repeat"
Is there an extension to cache x-depth of pages searched and visited by google? I should make one.
ughhh "emacs is more capable (than vi)"
Funny, PyCharm considers space around = as a mistake. :)
@RomanLuštrik, not everywhere
not as a mistake, but as not consistent with pep0008 when args to a method
^ what he said
It's underlined. :P
Just like my surname and name of the package. :)
I wonder if you can turn this pep0008 standard off.
leave your mouse on it and it will tell you why it's decorating your text
@RomanLuštrik That should only happen inside of function calls/definitions.
First-day-back-at-work cabbage for all!
For my surprise witness, I call to the stand, the Ghost That Never Lies.
Ghost That Never Lies, who is responsible for this style violation?
Don't point at me, you jackass!
@RomanLuštrik alt+enter gives yuo fix suggestions
I need a job :/ — Ffisegydd 1 min ago
@ReutSharabani Good suggestion, thanks.
I actually have a working solution to that question, wasn't going to post it but am bored :P
every time i open a new tab in chrome, one of my often visited sites is seamless web. i feel like chrome is mocking me
How come that got closed as too broad? It's pretty specific. The problem is it is unclear. No visible question and confusing requirements.
@iCodez I suppose people might go for the "There are either too many possible answers..." part of Too Broad.
Thank you for not telling him about our secret high-rep queue, and perpetuating the myth that it doesn't exist. Can you imagine what would happen if that got out?? Phew, that was close. As Verbal Kint said, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist". And thank God that we also have our special secret high-rep user comment box as well to post messages like this in, so that only us high-rep users can read them. I'd hate to see what those lowly peons would say if they ever caught wind of this... — j08691 16 mins ago
It would seem PyCharm doesn't like my default mutable values to function parameters. :)
Good call PyCharm!
@iCodez there are lots of ways to implement pseudo random number generators.. recording the paths that cats run around a room with a camera, oscillation, system entropy, returning the integer 8
The post about the file with \x1A characters in it has turned into a dupe.
I posted 3 candidates in the comments, but already have used up my close vote.
@iCodez I voted to close it as a "looking for a tool".
Eh, I was just saying unclear would've fit the bill better. There was no question, so it is unclear what the question is.
@tristan Have you any idea how much cats not run in a day? They sleep some 12 - 14 hours a day. That's a lot of downtime for a PRNG..
Looking for a tool? More like "looking like a tool"... Ok, that's unwarranted, I don't even know what post we're talking about.
@MartijnPieters but they name at seemingly random intervals
when i was unempl^H^H^H^H^H^H freelancing, i started tracking and charting it. the variable EPSILON_CAT_BLINK_NAP_DURATION is like 70% of why i started taking on more work
I don't know about that Meta post. I swear Martijn is doing something we're not. :P
You can get a good five second head start if you write a script that constantly scrapes the front page for new posts.
@tristan Or use one of implementations of PRNGs. R has good capabilities for it (and can generate numbers from a butt load of distributions).
@RomanLuštrik i was joking...
@tristan Ouch, that stings, especially re: my "seeking validation from strangers" post from earlier.
I'm kinda tempted to do the Data Science Coursera Specialisation. But I don't want to give them £300 :/ I also don't know if I have the patience for so many video lectures.
Without clicking that link, I'm pretty sure I know where it goes. Classic Dilbert right there.
Whoa. PRNGs should return 4.
Yeah, 4 is sensu XKCD. :)
I'm off, ttyl.
@Kevin: I think it's "after the spirit of" or something.
Children tonight for dinner we are having Lentil and sweet potato curry.
"Dinner children"? Sounds morbid.
Maybe it's an unusual phonetic transcription of "sense".
Yeah my English failed a bit there.
No, I think I've seen it before. Roman's probably just dropping the Latin, which makes sense, given his name.
Yeah, I don't think there are many accents that tack random vowel sounds to the end of words.
Russian sure does.
The Japanese do, on account of only being able to end words on a consonant if it's an N.
I don't think we've ever gotten a Japanese user in here. I guess they get their tech assistance elsewhere.
They all speak Ruby. <0.5 wink>
After some research, there really aren't many Python questions on the Japanese SO at all: here.
japan to time zones other than in australia, south korea, and india means not many people on chat, so i can't imagine they'd stick around
I guess Python's big draw, "it resembles ordinary English!", isn't so attractive when you don't speak English.
while f is open:
while bar is open:
And just translating all the keywords to their Japanese equivalents doesn't work because they've got different subject-object-verb order or whatever.
I'm going to hate myself for not coming up with that one, tristan.
Mandatory Training: 15 of 24 completed let's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrrrrobot
yesssss it resumes
The lulz-worthy imagery seemed to calm down after the first several videos, alas
Lame, the drugs ran out for the graphic artist
I recently misplaced the usb-to-micro-usb cable that came with my phone. I wonder if a generic replacement cable would also work, or if there's some weird proprietary stuff in the original.
I have to admit that I didn't know that calibrating the profiler was a thing
On keycard access: "Sometimes criminals will pretend to be an employee, and simply walk in through the door drafting behind you." I know that's a correct usage of "drafting" but I still can't get silly "3 Fast 5 Furious" images out of my head.
@Kevin I've used generic ones for my phone.
Which is a Galaxy S3.
@Kevin was it a monster brand usb-to-micro usb cable? my computer reported that the bits felt "warmer"
@CodyPiersall Oh good, that's my same model :-)
@tristan: I'll refuse to admit the same thing, because I'm too proud.
@tristan Yeah, I absolutely need my bits to be clear and bright. No mushiness please.
@AirThomas i convinced a couple of junior employees that the term was "spacedocking" (don't google it) and left it there as a long troll
@tristan That's because most cables are at room temperature, but urine is at body temperature, which is slightly higher. And when you buy a Monster cable you are taking the piss.
but oh man, when that tree bore fruit...
That's funny, yet cruel :-)
took a few months before "don't let anyone spacedock you" was said loud enough for a room of people to hear
It's still pretty good advice, really.
I wish I could unlearn what that meant.
Protip: blank your short term memory with heavy drinking.
If only I weren't at work!
Working hard, obviously!
Serious Business Time: x is a numpy array. id(x) and id(x[:]) return different values. Does this imply that using x[:] produces a copy of x?
"Sounds like my ex-wife! Wokka wokka wokka!"
It gives a view of it, but not a copy.
I think.
Theoretically, stuff only moves into long term memory when you're sleeping, so you could wait til you get home. But in practice it's hard to get a blackout to extend backwards to several hours before you started.
```python -m timeit -s "import numpy; a = numpy.zeros(100000)" "b = a[:]"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.23 usec per loop```
@Ffisegydd I'll go with "yes, but not necessarily a deep copy"
```python -m timeit -s "import numpy; a = numpy.zeros(100000)" "b = a.copy()"
1000 loops, best of 3: 766 usec per loop```
Ctrl + K to format the code
The header is copied (hence the different ids), but it will be the same data in the same memory location.. hence the word "copy" is confusing. — tom10 1 min ago
I think it's a lazy copy, where it won't actually copy unless you need to.
Seems we've all converged to the same conclusion :-)
Thanks @valutah; in the future I will!
@Ffisegydd yes. that's what that means or a reference. definitely maybe one of those two
and if it's the latter, it's not a deep copy, but a new reference to the first element of x array
ugh just read up but i guessed it, so go me my reign of adequacy continues
if there a profiler like timeit that can run a function a whole bunch of times?
yeah :/
will end up writing something on my own i guess
I'm not sure, but perhaps you could profile timeit while it times your function?
I reject your Nvm. I read all (removed) posts just because I can.
@Kevin I read them too, but they seem awfully redundant
Yeah I do the same :D the perks of power.
timeit is pretty dumb anyway because it disables garbage collection
great, now i know what a microcosm of my code kind of profiles like, great!
"I've been going to school for software engineering for a few years now and I don't quite see the difference between returning a value with a function and just manipulating a global variable within the function."
link. i have some prejudices that need confirmation
@Ffisegydd: sounds like some of my recent interviewees. :-(
lot of effort into that avatar
@DSM awwww. I'll come interview for you...please give me a job... ;-;
KevinScript sort of works that way. Behind the scenes, a value returned from a function goes in a "returnedValue" register, that any part of the interpreter can access.
(the user can't access it though, that would be dumb)
love that call to a method that doesn't exist yet. way to get away with it due to import, guy
Or at least, that's how I'd like it to work. right now it's a terrible recursive spaghetti nightmare.
@Ffisegydd Probably too broad, but otherwise it's not a bad question, beyond the "a few years"??? bombshell.
I wasn't suggesting closing, it just amused me.
i don't even know where to start on that one
maybe 1) don't lie
@Ffisegydd: insufficient hockey fandom, wrong continent, and I like you too much to sentence you to writing Javascript for me. ;-)
The reason the poster can't understand the point of not using globals is probably that he has only written code for school, where a really big project might be about 1000 lines.
I'm guessing.
"i've been going to culinary school for a few years and i don't quite see the difference in adding eggs to the cake mixture before cooking versus after"
He's not been told to do-the-needful enough times.
@Ffisegydd Fair enough :-) I'm reacting to the "haha n00b" downvotes I suppose.
would "what school?" be a rude question?
@Ffisegydd Fair enough :-) I'm reacting to the "haha n00b" downvotes I suppose.
hooray and equally bad answer appeared
crapping directly into your globals can be advantageous "depending on the context"

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