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@vaultah in what way? Even if you just have foo.pyc without foo.py, you can still import foo and have access to all of its functions, etc. with no issues.
@vaultah the trip is going alright, but it ended up being more solemn than expected (which is to say, I'll probably be back for the 40th day)
Cabbage all!
cbg @davidism
Watching AGDQ, Transistor speed run right now is pretty awesome.
where AGDQ == watching people play video games while trying to beat those games as quickly as possible
Did you see the Pokemon TAS? / Are you watching?
TAS? I'm not into these sorts of things
They used a glitch in Pokemon Red to reprogram the snes to stream the twitch chat. With a Python script handling the chat api.
TAS = Tool Assisted Speedrun, basically using a program that sends the inputs at the correct time
bleh tool assisted. where's the fun in that?
Yeah, I don't think it's interesting from a player perspective, but from a programmer perspective there's a ton going on.
Oh yeah, from programming perspective, it's super neat
sorry for the gruffness, it's 6a here and i'm pretty stressed out looking at apartments and imaging my future poverty
You moved/are moving?
I got back yesterday from 7 days of sailing, I'm a little behind on the times.
My girlfriend and I are looking to move to Berlin this year and want to buy a place by the end of 2016
Dang, I knew you were fancy, but sailing fancy?
I can't sail, although I can steer a bit, lol. Another family and mine rented boats and hired a skipper. Sailed around some islands in St. Lucia and the Grenadines.
So why Berlin? Are you going to do freelance there?
Oh man, that sounds great.
Wish I could have done less sailing and more diving, but it was a pretty good vacation overall.
Berlin is a wonderful city and a great midway point between the girlfriend and I's family and we decided to start taking life a bit more seriously
I can't imagine moving to another country, but that sounds pretty cool. Do you speak German?
A little. I would plan on working for an american company remotely for a while until I became professionally fluent
cbg, yo. Whassup?
hey hey :)
who wants to bet this ends up being a typo?
One week of doing nothing on SO got me 75 rep. So I should hit 10k in ~6 months with no additional effort.
alright, getting offline before i use too much mobile internet. take care all
2 hours later…
I'm trying to read a csv file with nearly 1 lakh rows and it is taking forever. Sublimetext is hanging
Is there some way I can do it without making sublime text hang
Maybe you should use a text editor that doesn't need to read the whole file into memory...
which OS you're using?
Sorry I wasn't clear enough. I'm trying to read a file using python in Sublime text
What do you want to do to the file? It might be easy to do it with a tool like sed or awk (assuming you're on *nix).
if it's windows then I would suggest you ConText Editor, it's VLC of Text Editor
@MattDMo yeah I know that, but I was curious if i can do something like
>>> somefancyfunc(open('file.pyc', 'rb'))
<code object from the compiled file >
import csv

f = open('all_india_pin_code.csv')

csv_f = csv.reader(f)

for row in csv_f:
	print row

have you tried the same code in Python by default editor
No, I'll try it
Wow! It is working in Idle. Thanks
How long have you been working on python?
Since quite a time but I'm dumb. And I also had an ECT treatment for Screezophinia. And for some reasn ECT makes you forget a lot of things. I am relearning python.
CBG @RobertGrant
@Wally don't build in Sublime Text, use the command line
Sublime Text hangs for me as well
especially if you're reading big files and processing them
Thanks for the info.
I know this sounds ridiculous, but I've only just found out why hashtables have such fast lookup times
I love not constructive questions on SO
Cbg one, cbg all
@vaultah That got my mind confused. LOL!
@Ffisegydd cbg
I had something UK-ish to say, and was waiting for you. Now I've forgotten it.
I kept getting a "syntax error" (IIRC) earlier
was weirrrd
cbg Jon
Good to see a proper name back :)
I have the following route in flask
I'm getting a internal server error when I submit blank form
Is this correct method to check if a form has been submitted or is blank
if request.form["number"] != "":
I can't see pastebin with our stupid corporate filtering
    @app.route('/find_pin_codes', methods=['POST','GET'])
    def pincodes():
        if request.method == 'POST':
            if request.form["number"] != "":
                number = request.form['number']
                number = number.replace(" ","")
                number = number.replace("-","")
                number = number.strip()
                strnumber = number
                    number = int(number)
                    num = pinCodes.query.filter_by(pincode = number).first()
(You might want to use Flask validators instead of checking in your route, but that isn't your problem right now)
@RobertGrant Can you be more clear. I'm unable to understand what you mean by that isn't my problem
As in that might be a better way to structure your code, but it won't solve your error right now. It's just general advice
I'm afraid I'm a Flask noob though, and am used to seeing a Form class and validation against that; I don't even know if the syntax you're using is correct or not, sorry :(
cbg all and happy new year
@RobertGrant I normally proxy through one of my servers when that happens :)
@Bestasttung same to you!
@JonClements melon
@JonClements yeah I may have to start looking at that; they've now blocked gaming.stackexchange, so those random questions I see on the right of SO I can no longer click on :)
That however does seem a more reasonable thing to block than pastebin :p
Hi all .. ! shall i give my question link here. ! can you able to help me ?
@JonClements yeah I'm not complaining :)
@rajasimon if it's a newly asked question, then no please don't link it.
@rajasimon since you've edited it, it'd be bumped to the front page again... so people on the main site that are able to anwer it will already have looked at it or will see it... so no need to post it here right now
hm . thank you .. ! hope someone will answer ...
@MartijnPieters cbg
cbg @Martijn
Wow... so glad I bothered answering this one :(
umm... thanks random upvoter...
Where can I get a list of all dunder methods?
How do I find a substring inside the columns of a database using SQLAlchemy. Will this work
@vaultah thanks
missed it :)
@JonClements you're welcome :)
apparently __len__ can not return float
that's new... :(
Errr... well, it doesn't make much sense of something's len :)
yeah, but it was unexpected for me that python enforces typing... :)
It does that in a few places
and a length of something (say a custom class Dude) can be 1.88 (in meters)
that's the underlying CPython thing? so it's CPython specific?
Dude is not a container though.
@ReutSharabani but then the custom len presumably can return a float?
Q: Flask-SQLAlchemy query where substring is in database against a whole string

IskrenFor the impatient, I am looking for a way to execute this query: SELECT * FROM area WHERE '125122141113166' LIKE CONCAT(area.code, '%') ORDER BY LENGTH(area.code) DESC from an Flask-SQLAlchemy model. Here's more information on the setup: I have the following table (irrelevant fields discarded): ...

custom len? if you use the dunder python will convert it to int
@ReutSharabani that's not the length of class Dude... height is an attribute of Dude...
so if you use len(dude) when dude is an instance of Dude, you'll get 1 and not 1.88
You shouldn't be using len when something isn't a container.
I'm working with video files and I have a video, it has a length... I understand what you're saying, just didn't think of it beore.
I came across a solution for flattening a list of lists using [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] (l is a list of lists). Any tips on where I can learn about the logic behind this statement?
It's called a list comprehension
Google around and you'll find plenty of tutorials and examples.
I like sum(list_of_lists, []) but nobody else does... They have a thing about efficiency :P
And readability.
this is the most readable thing ever. sums the lists, simple as that. If you know you can add lists...
@ReutSharabani Yeah. Don't use len() to mean something that's not the number of elements in a container or you will confuse and annoy people.
@PM2Ring Well, I don't have much choice do I? :)
@ReutSharabani it's not readable at all unless you know the fact that sum takes a start argument
@ReutSharabani I don't object to that construction, and I'm sure I've used it myself.
I thought sum taking a start argument is more well known than adding lists..
@RomanLuštrik That code is equivalent to the following
I use it a lot when things take less than a second anyway... Optimize when necessary ...

Maybe that's why Intel wouldn't have me
newlist = []
for sublist in l:
for item in sublist:

Note that the order of the `for` loops is the same.
@Ffisegydd But anyone who uses sum() should know that it takes a start arg...
@Jerry you're in Australia? :p
So how do we post intdented code here? Or can't we?
no, but I'm in the southern hemisphere all right
to indent code use CTRL + K
@PM2Ring there's instructions on sopython.com/chatroom :)
to unindent indented code , still use CTRL + K
Note that you can't have indented and unindented code in the same message.
Which is what I think your issue was before.
@JonClements Ta. I knew I'd read that stuff somewhere a few days ago; I just skimmed that page a few minutes ago and totally missed the ctrl k stuff :embarrassed:
And if you want to thank us , please star poke's advice to members of sopython chatroom here
@Swordy Rightio. Does the Ctrl K thing work in other SE chatrooms, too?
@PM2Ring yes , but you won't be able to thank poke there..
@PM2Ring yeah it's the same across all SE.
Excellent. I mostly hang out on SO and 'Unix & Linux', but I intend to investigate 'Code Review' and a few other SE sites soon.
@Ffisegydd hi r u remember me ?
@davidism cabbage dude, good holiday?
@Aniket yes, yes I remember you.
yes, pretty good overall :)
Happy New Year :)
@PM2Ring it might be different on things like Math.SE where they use LaTeX to show functions, don't know for sure though.
I'm being very nice in all my answers right now, I think it's because I'm so stress free. I predict this changing by the end of today.
Woke up hours early, I'm still off schedule a little. And I still feel like I'm on a rocking boat. :/
@davidism is that like a rocking horse, but shaped like a boat?
@Robert @davidism just has a really dodgy chair :)
Does any body know how I can convert this SQLAlchemy quesry into Flask-SQLAlchemy
Flask-SQLAlchemy doesn't make any difference.
@davidism Now I have If I Had A Boat stuck in my head. :)
Oh man. Someone posted a linkedin question and actually used #linkedin stackoverflow.com/q/27775449/3005188 and to make it official/ping people
"belongs to Twitter"
@davidism but I use queries similar to
        num = pinCodes.query.filter_by(pincode = number).first()
in flask-SQLAlchemy
@Wally I'm not clear what problem you're having. Do you want pinCodes.query.filter(pinCodes.pincode.like('%needle%')).first()?
pinCodes.query is basically a shortcut for session.query(pinCodes)
I don't understand what stackoverflow.com/questions/27779766/… is asking, but I bet it's an XY problem. :)
I want to find a caseinsensitive substring inside all the columns of a particular row
@Wally then you'll need to query each column, but that has nothing to do with the code you originally asked about
@PM2Ring Thanks, that makes sense.
I’m constructing a query using SQLAlchemy and SQLite3 in which I’d like to select rows in which a String column contains a particular substring. What is the best way to accomplish this? @davidism
@RomanLuštrik i remember you , you helped me out once in the R public chatroom
@Swordy Oh yeah? I hope it helped. :)
@Wally you keep changing your question, please just make a regular site question for this that explains exactly what you want
yeah it did , was struggling with R syntax.. :) Thanks..
I'm not digging into Python as well. It's a bit frustrating because I value everything compared to R. :)
@RomanLuštrik My pleasure! List comprehensions can be hard to understand at first, but it's a good idea to get familiar with them because they're very succinct & (generally) efficient, so you'll see them a lot in Python code. OTOH, when abused they can be hard for anyone to understand, even the person who wrote them. In that situation they're sometimes called list incomprehensions. :)
Same case with me.. I'm into python and R was quite different
Heh mine is opposite. I want to learn R but know that I can do whatever I want easier and quicker in Python due to already knowing the language pretty well.
Pandas :)
@Ffisegydd R has some handy data structures that make it "natural" to do some standard things a statistician would want to do.
@PM2Ring Hehe, a post on SO mentioned that they are sometimes called incomprehensible list of comprehensions. :)
Yeah definitely. You can get most of those using libraries in Python, but I should make the time to learn R.
If you want something done in R, just say so. I can probably lend a hand/keyboard. If nothing else, I might know in which direction to go.
Try writing in multiple languages simultaneously. That can be fun. :) Eg, a Web page that uses HTML/CSS & JavaScript, which communicates with a Python CGI script that uses the Web data to write a PostScript file.
@Roman awesome, I might start lurking in the R chatrooms actually just to read what people are doing and get myself in the mindset.
@Ffisegydd You'd probably be better off reading the tag.
Nothing much has been going on in the two chatrooms we have.
It's mostly used to coordinate closing and deleting of really bad questions and poking fun at datascience.stackexchange.com :)
How can I try my program in 2.7.6 if I don't have that installed on my machine?
Is there any online tool?
Ah ok :P
@Ffisegydd R chatrooms aren't that active . You ask questions and all you get back is your own echo :(
@Swordy There's little idle chatter, but if someone posts an interesting question or topic, people are more than willing to chime in.
Please see stackoverflow.com/help/mcve; we aren't psychic — jonrsharpe 3 mins ago
I sometimes leave my crystal ball at home.
Hello, is it possible to ask a question related to Python programming on StackOverflow ?
@Begueradj Of course :)
Look what I found, Instagram does the same thing as LinkedIn:
@Begueradj that's the whole point, isn't it? :) Try reading first:
People are pissed off at office because of Python. I am keeping low profile
@davidism bahahahahahahaha amazing. Well I asked the last meta post, it's your turn now. See if you can get some meta gold :P
Anyone got a dupe target for How to find the combinations (probability) for a,b,c,d,e? Seems like a fairly common problem.
Though it doesn't seem as bad, as they still allow bug reports there.
@Ffisegydd I asked the question because there is a big Pythonic sect on StackOverflow: every person that dares to ask a question on Python programming, this sect will hurry to downvote him until he dies
It's another unfortunate question in the "if you knew the name of the thing, you'd know how to implement it" category. The magic words are "power set".
1. We prefer "Dark Council" over "sect". 2. People will downvote bad questions, whether Python or not.
@RomanLuštrik It looks like user2097159 is psychic... :)
@Begueradj if you don't spend the time to understand and formulate your problem don't bother asking others...
@Kevin truth be told, I'm not sure what he is looking for, the output was manually generated so I lean towards combinations, but still - not sure.
Does someone know an open source project that is not too huge so that i can participate in its development ?
@Begueradj what in particular are you interested in?
@Begueradj asking others what you should contribute too is backwards. Find something you use regularly and feel comfortable with.
@Ffisegydd I would like something that is related to Python & Network programming
So what libraries do you use related to that?
Heh. Well I do know of a websocket project that needs some help...
num = pinCodes.query.filter(pinCodes.taluk.contains('Hanam')).first()
@davidism I finally found the answer
The KevinScript team could use a couple unpaid interns to do my bidding...
@Wally all you were looking for was contains instead of like? That was completely unclear from your original posts, go back and read them!
@Ffisegydd school project ? :)
sopython project
rbrb, off to work
I was actually looking at some answers in the site and was really confused. LOL! Nevermind.
No, the sopython community has its own projects. One of those we need a system that can listen to the Python websockets for newly asked questions etc and then broadcast these newly added questions to other projects we have.
@Ffisegydd thank you very much. I bookmarked their website so that I will read more about it later
I recently started using Autobahn. It has many documentation problems..
And by problems I mean "undocumented features"
"Undocumented feature" is just another term for hidden treasure.
Generally speaking, I like answering questions by digging into source code, but I guess this isn't the case :D
@Reut you've got issues with your answer there. It's the correct solution (using a dict) but remember that OP is using Python 3.
Is it possible to have a girlfriend on StackOverflow ?
@Begueradj are you asking whether it's possible to have a "Relationship" like on Facebook?
@Ffisegydd yes
No, no it is not.
Is this like your last question, where we say "yes, that's possible", and you then say "actually, I tried and got downvoted to death"?
@Kevin do not be mad :)
I wonder what percentage of SO users would get sour grapes if you advertised your relationship with your SO.
(er, that SO acronym is getting overloaded now. Use context clues to determine the difference between "Stack Overflow" and "significant other")
I'm gonna say... 5%.
@Kevin yes, you are right on this
I have a question to ask you guys. I'm bad at coding, but I still do it cos I love coding and python. Should I stop coding. Not that I'm gonna stop if you say I should
@Wally If you love coding, you'll improve. Just give it time and keep at it.
@Wally Coding is better than having orgasm. So keep coding
Beating yourself up over how bad you are at coding and asking strangers on the internet if you should stop is not going to help there, though.
Keep coding, read how others write code, never stop trying to understand what code does.
@MartijnPieters I am a bad coder ? how did you know ? :)
I think "I'm bad at coding but enjoy it anyway" has applied to about 99% of coders at some point in their lives.
Thanks for the amzing replies.
The remaining 1% being CS visionaries that sprang fully formed from their father's brow.
@Begueradj Well, you do have more answers and a higher score in the PHP tag. That doesn't help. :-P
You can only start out amazing if you're one of the people that invented the industry.
@Wally Coding is good therapy. So if you have fun coding, keep doing it. Please.
My biggest problem is that I have very very bad memory and can't remember commands. I'm using Evernote to partly cover that problem.

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