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@ChillarAnand when I try to install PyQt 5 from which I downloaded from RÄ°verbank, I get the error of PyQt5 requires Qt v5.0 or later. You seem to be using v3. But I installed Qt5.1 by apt-get install
python path
what do you mean by python path
type it into a search engine
What am I supposed to do with an answer which is just a copy-paste from a forum? The guy added a link to the source, so it's not exactly plagiarism, but it's not his work.
@StefanoSanfilippo link? i'll comment
that's technically not an answer
A: searching a programm in source code

MyDogfinal String meineURL = "http://www.stagetwo.eu"; URL url = new URL(meineURL); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openConnection().getInputStream()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); // Kompletten Seiteninhalt auslesen String line =""; String quelltext =""; w...

Oh, well, he copy and pasted the relevant section.
@JonClements Jon probably best to be tomorrow. I might try the single player for a bit now though.
The question is shit, so it will get closed anyway
@StefanoSanfilippo it's not obvious whether that is against the rules or not, as he did provide attribution.
@Ffisegydd which is exactly the reason why I asked :)
I was more discussing this comment
Copying a solution from another site and giving attribution is not acceptable, unless you are the author of that code. — talves 3 mins ago
what the fuck is talves on about
that doesn't even make sense.
A: When the answer to a question exists on another site, what is the proper way to respond

Jon SkeetMy usual practice is to link to the resource but either quote a short but relevant section (e.g. the "remarks" section of an MSDN page) or praise it. Creating a verbatim copy of a large amount of text is only good in the face of the resource being removed - which I suspect isn't going to happen f...

Q: Would it be wrong to copy-paste questions from Quora?

Ivo FlipseSince Quora just went public, I decided to have a look around and found certain topics like Gmail that contained questions that would be great for the Web Apps SE-site. However, would it be considered plagiarism if I simply asked the same questions on the new site? Edit: I would only look at th...

SO is a question/answer site. If it answers the question, it fits the format.
It's not some artisinal answer yammery.
@StefanoSanfilippo I've asked in The Tavern, let's see what they say
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 19 secs ago, by Ffisegydd
Hey guys. Does anyone have any advice/link to a meta question on answers copied fully from a 3rd party site? Found an answer (http://stackoverflow.com/a/26563480/3005188) which seems to just be a code block that is copied from another site, the author attributed it though. What do!?
Hah, just come on though. What if someone asked about generators and I linked to a blog post by Guido and then attributed it? The answer would be objectively better than most and there would be no value in rephrasing it.
SO has so many questions exactly because people are too lazy to search for their own solutions.
lol at that guy still going on about how even documentation should not be used as an answer
this is why i prefer the python community.
i've never, ever had to defend giving a canonical answer. f-ing lunacy.
yeah... python community is as banana as python :)
cbg @avi
does anyone have experience with online ad sales? i'd like to learn about how businesses see campaigns. do they buy N-impressions for their ads or can you sell it based on a "your ad will show up N% of the time?"
@avi cbg
@tristan there are 3 types of ads which be calculated based on N-ads will show M times or M clicks or M actions but not M% of time
M actions?
and it sounds as if M clicks would be really expensive/annoying to sell
(also, thanks @ChillarAnand)
@tristan there advertisers that make "N% of the time" work - for example, The Deck.
afaik, cpc(cost per click) is most popular among others although cpa(cost per action means a user buys or signups for something) makes lot of money.
@ZeroPiraeus never heard of that
@ChillarAnand they're consciously trying to be the opposite of Adsense, I think. Some fairly big names in their roster; the model might work better with premium content because the screen estate is more desirable.
@ZeroPiraeus thank you. i'm playing with advertising prices this afternoon.
There's Project Wonderful, which uses an "infinite auction": projectwonderful.com/abouttheinfiniteauction.php
yeah, i'll be selling adspace for my startup, but i'm making rules around the content
like nothing flashy, no pop ups, only tasteful nudes (kidding), proper grammar required
@ZeroPiraeus avacado.. i've seen a lot of publishers(including me) started with cpc and then moved to cpa.
from the site with the ad on it, CPA is concerning because it really requires trusting that your advertising client is a) honest b) knows how to actually trend user behavior
Gruesomely murdering the tax authorities is not a crime, right?
I'd be performing a public service!
is having 'fun' trying to understand UK tax returns.
It is, but one of those little ones that everyone does anyway -- like public urination or crossing between train cars while it is in motion.
Right now I just would limit it to those responsible for the 'help' sections for the form.
The parts that make no sense whatsover as they reference either non-existing fields on another form, or those parts that have clearly nothing to do whatsoever with the issue at hand.
@tristan u got be careful because the only reason they are buying something only because they trust you
@ChillarAnand exactly why CPA is risky for the host. if i have a business that buys a CPA from me and then lies and says "nope, no sales happened" or doesn't know how to track referrers, I don't get paid. Which means I make my site look tacky for nothing.
@MartijnPieters last time i calculated my estimated taxes for my consulting company, i found a recursive loop and several null pointers in the forms. fun.
hey anyone can help me for 1 thing quickly?
@paul23 shoot it
stackoverflow.com/questions/7961363/… this question is about how to remove duplicates from a list.. But it's quite annoying: almost all answers convert to sets first.
Yet sets are undorder: but for me the ORDER needs to be retained
[a, b, b, f, e, a, c] => [a, b, f, e, c]
Should I open a new question (though my experience is that people seem to ignore those extra constraints, and then mark it as duplicate)
@tristan dont signup up for a cpa network. run only trusted banner ads
oh ty :) - just wondering which is: seen_add = seen.add there?
I mean it isn't even smaller/faster to type an underscore instead of a dot??
nvm ignoring the small textual footnotes is a trait of me it seems :P
@ChillarAnand yeah. i'm adding guidelines and a "design an ad" widget on my site for those without a pre-existing banner image. i'll be hosting them from partners.example.org to wash them through ad blockers
Still seems a terribly silly optimization: optimize in algorithms and let the compiler/interpreter work on small lines
@paul23 protip: always read to the end ;-)
Meh a "future, smarter run time" might figure it out by look aheads/jits/whatever we dont' know yet..
yeah, the users really respond well with "it's slow, but technically it's not pre-optimized, so it may get better in the future!"
@paul23 Python cannot optimize that for you.
Due to the very dynamic nature of the language.
Also not JIT? It can see that there's no user input in the loop there..
The interpreter cannot know if seen.add will be the same from one iteration to the next.t
No, CPython has no JIT.
@ZeroPiraeus its very difficult to read to the end especially if one has ADHD!
so the whole loop might be optimized away by an interpreter.
read what
PyPy is a reimplementation of Python that includes a JIT, but it turns out that for many setups the code doesn't run long enough to get any benefit from a JIT.
This above is a good enough reason I would say to put it frankly :P
@tristan SO answers
if people starting doing such optimizations, a good JIT might save more time/work than keeping track of the optimizations..
@ChillarAnand was kidding about adhd
Reading SO for me is: "hey there is the code, do I understand the code (Y/N): Y: go paste it and abuse it. N: read the post"
@tristan laurel
btw is there a way to clean up python installations?
@paul23 you mean pypi packages?
@paul23 yeah, the rm utility is really handy for that.
windows xp here -.-
then the...handgun? utility?
uh, just the other day I started python and it started an old ide which used an ancient compiler..
1.4 I believer
isn't windows XP EOL, EOS?
Well it's either that or vista for me
Vista is under support.
Yet is like 2 times as slow
Anyway, not relevant, sorry.
You'd probably be greatly helped by reading about virtualenv
But really I noticed I got like 5 installations all over the place of python
Get a recent version of Python installed and then isolate your projects from the scary demons of old versions.
So then remove them if you want? Virtualenv is still what you want.
@tristan this is bananas tristanfisher.com
Well yes I've used exclusivelly 3.3 for myself... BUt I then need 2.7 to work for university projects (in some way they sticked to that)
So I need to swap between those two often, but I'm not sure what caused python path to point to the version 1.x I still had apparently
@ChillarAnand haha, thank you. took me like 30 minutes and people seem to appreciate it more than like...anything else i've done
haha, you can tell how little work i put into it by looking at tristanfisher.com/includes/css/manpage.css
lol it's not even valid css towards the bottom
last-chid { //center }
[removed, annoying]
@Jon I'm not gonna lie, not a big fan at all so far.
@Jon any particular reason, or just that it's too bloody difficult?
that'd be my major complaint
The aliens are too hard and there's too many of them. I find myself forced to take a military stance when I don't want to just to beat the aliens.
It also feels slow compared to Civ V
Jon's finally snapped and started talking to himself.
@davidism well... I'm the only person that sometimes listens to us
ooops... no... I meant woof woof!
person puppy person puppy person puppy.... woof! Be gone demons!
which game is this?
@tristan Civ:BE

@ChillarAnand i cleaned up the css, check it out now.
@Ffisegydd I do like the new tech tree, but without bonuses some of it just takes too long
super simple. css
actually, could even tighten it up more
there, now it paints even fewer times. nanoseconds faster.
someone has to timeit to find difference
yeah, just looks cleaner. even though my vim is throwing in an 8 width tabstop like a sociopath
If Civ:BE came out for Linux, I would buy it, but that's never going to happen. :(
:set tabstop=4
yeah, if it was on osx, i'd buy it to play online with you fine people
yeah, @ChillarAnand it's somewhere in this mess and i kind of don't care because it's only css
@davidism I think games is the only reason that Windows get to stay on my computers :)
I've just accepted that I'll never play most AAA titles on PC. I either get it for PS3 or ignore it.
@JonClements True that!
@Ffisegydd I reckon it'll be good with at least 4 human players
Who is getting a PS4?
Sometimes I'm tempted: "Windows can play games", "Mac looks nice", but it's only momentary weakness. :)
I'll get a PS4 eventually, but I still see nothing worthwhile on it (or XBone).
I'll be buying one next summer after I settle into my new place, so it would be neat if y'all went with Sony instead of Microsoft
Yeah, same.
new little big planet made me think, but I won't have time until next summer anyhow.
Wow... I haven't bought a games console since the PS2
well, even the PS3 was 8 years ago
I really want Transistor to come out for Linux, since Bastion supported it.
But no, it's only Windows and PS4 for some reason.
Wow... if 200 != r.status_code - that's always indicative of someone that uses C :)
At least The Witness has said it will come out for Linux, but same deal at first: Windows and PS4.
vs if r.status_code != 200 @JonClements?
It just looks so good. Influenced by Myst, exactly my kind of game.
i'm not sure what the gameplay is -- you walk up to a panel and navigate little mazes?
i do like that it's actually colorful
There are some more explanation videos, but the puzzles get way more complex, all the ones they've shown so far use the same interface though.
@tristan That's the one... it was a way to prevent doing if (r.status_code = 200) mishaps
not sure how i feel about the dynamic of requiring other characters. seems like it will be frustrating to play with 3 other people to get through parts of the game.
If you had no other choice, how would one go about changing a line in Python from another Python script?
i thought about loading the whole thing into memory, doing a search/replace, and then dumping it back to the file, but that seems messy for what amounts to changing a variable.
is the line in a class or no?
@tristan yup
@Soviero not sure "yup" really helps as an answer to @tristan's question there :)
@JonClements he asked if the line was in a class, and i said yes. what am i missing?
if in a class, you could just replace the class by saying like

`from import_module import MyClass`
`MyClass.method_to_replace = some_other_method`

otherwise, import the `import_module`, then change the relevant section in its locals()
@tristan and how do i write that back to the original file?
That's not what you asked :) I'd do a swap. import, change the variable in the namespace, then save to import_module.py.tmp, then open import_module.py with a context manager and swap its contents with that of import_module.py.tmp
if you delete and recreate the file, you'll have issues with applications that still have a reference to the old filehandle
@Soviero and Jon mentioned that because my question was X or Y
@Soviero do you have example input/output?
@JonClements It's okay, I found a solution using regexp
Aww Cabbage no...
haha, why do i bother
the word "solution" is ringing in my big puppy ears...
SOPython should maintain as mostly server-side, right? Minimal JS?
i'm all for minimal JS
js is best to add features/functionality, not provide base requirements
yeah I was just thinking of adding infinite scroll, but that seems really overkill when basic pagination will do
no js unless absolutely necessary
@corvid I'm also working on search right now, I'll put pagination in as well, so don't do that
oh okay wasn't sure if that was part of search
what are you using for search?
our search is pretty simple: check if tags match, then search title and body. I'm just using postgresql's built-in support for full text search
oh neat
i might use that for a while then. was going to look into ES next week
that's a pretty good 2 part article, although I was actually looking for another one I found a few weeks ago
I should really start syncing bookmarks between work and home
hi all
i thought the below should be okay when converting long to date:
mdate = 1414239121200

datetime.fromtimestamp(mdate / 1e3)
but it turns out that it does not account the time zone
any idea? or better way to convert long time stamp to date?
Well... timestamps don't have tz info
what's wrong with what you've got exactly?
I actually get the result but, it is in different time zone than mine (actual time zone of long time stamp)
then adjust it
since it doesn't carry any timezone info... you can't tell if that's the timezone of +11 or -11
so you'll still end up wrong in some sense trying to adjust it to "your" timezone
use a project tz aware system if it's important
how to adjust it?
easiest, but perhaps most naive way is...
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

mdate = 1414239121200
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(mdate / 1e3)
print dt
# 2014-10-25 13:12:01.200000
print dt - timedelta(hours=5)
# 2014-10-25 08:12:01.200000
so, use a "known" offset for hours/minutes etc... to the timedelta
i see,
1 hour later…
@Jon finished a game. 326 turns in total but on easiest setting.
Got the Harmony victory.
@corvid have you decided to not add pagination then?
@Ffisegydd good job :)
Breaking the usual rule about not immediately linking questions here, because I find the result fascinating (and this room is full of the kind of people that might actually know what's going on):
Q: Why does this key class for sorting heterogeneous sequences behave oddly?

Zero PiraeusPython 3.x's sorted() function cannot be relied on to sort heterogeneous sequences, because most pairs of distinct types are unorderable (numeric types like int, float, decimal.Decimal etc. being an exception): Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 8 2014, 08:07:42) [GCC 4.8.2] on linux Type "help", "cop...

Poking about in the sorting here.
I didn't bother looking at the Python source, I have to admit.
@Ffisegydd I implemented pagination as part of search
I might get a pr up for search by Monday, if I can get some work done tomorrow
@MartijnPieters Unless I'm misreading you, BrenBarn is right that it's the order 'bool' < 'complex' < 'int', rather than '(' < '0' < 'F', which matters ... but yes, both answers clarify the situation. Ta!
@Martijn are you leaving the answer deleted, or carrying out surgery? If the latter, I'll happily upvote when it returns :-)
Nope, no time, it is gone.
rhubarb though, I'm gone too.
'k ... thanks for the elucidation anyway :-)
I'm using Flask and have SQLAlchemy schemas in models.py and a view function that returns a user's information in views.py.
Flask is complaining that the views function doesn't know what a class in models is, which makes sense
Do I just 'from application import models' in views?
This works, but then I have to say models.User instead of User. Is this the right way to do it?
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