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it's okay if I include minor contributions to SOPython on resume, right?
I have no problem, and if David/Stewie do, I'd be massively surprised... you had a commit made
@owatch you're alive!!!!!!!
no, he's clearly a ghost
I'm not actually here
@davidism I assume as lead dev. you have no prob with @corvid's question?
Fine by me @corvid.
I just got myself some earplugs, although they'll be difficult to get in my ghost ears
I just learned the band I was gonna see tomorrow got a new singer :\ not sure if good or bad
@Owatch did you not buy the non-corporeal version?
I found them lying around, rather than buying them
Umm... had wondered where those ones went...
umm... 2 smtp requests per account per 60 seconds seems reasonable doesn't it ?
with a queue of 30 per 60 seconds
since it's a relatively new domain and new server, I'm doing a favour for a mate for...
don't want it black listed
who sends more than 2 emails a minute anyway
he's moaning that it's coming back saying sent, but the other person doesn't receive for a few minutes
wonder if he's ever written a letter :)
When I send an email, I expect it to be received two minutes before I started writing it. Anything slower just isn't acceptable in 2014.
I usually about two per day
Then again, I'm don't have colleagues to communicate with, so that may be an influence
I expect to be able to send 100 emails per second. I'm that guy
corvid likes the CC feature
Aw... It is such an honor...
oi! that's not fair evil twin of mine :(
No no no no no... You are my evil twin, brother :)
that's only because you're evil, so you think I'm evil :)
The other probability is I am a good puppy and you are actually evil :)
gimme a mo - need to transfer some domains
Still keeping yourself busy :)
when don't I? :)
Hmmm... That's true... :(
updated the NS's
updated the DNS records
should be a fun half hour
why hello
some little puppy is up past his bedtime
work needs doing so... had a small puppy nap
then always stuff to do
any problems with that bares teeth? :p
nope :) i'm still working as well
@Devin, yep, I've heard of the Borg pattern, since I'm the one who introduced it (in 2001, cfr code.activestate.com/recipes/… ;-). But there's nothing wrong, in simple cases, with simply having a single instance with no enforcement. — Alex Martelli Apr 26 '10 at 21:49
this is looking smooth
hopefully not speaking too soon though
jquery is pretty awesome for making that so ridiculously easy to do
and shame on FF and IE for not implementing the html5 datetime element
spoke too soon
cbg folks!
@thefourtheye lol, he made the borg pattern.
ha ha ha
I remember reading that comment. Super awesome.
"heh" on the borg method, but he/she should use a class method instead of abusing the locals() on the obj
oh f*, pointed the domain to the wrong place.. good job
Flash News: Sleep deprived puppy, crashes the Internet thingy.
@thefourtheye Hush now puppyrazzi! :P
First reporters say that, it is because of the excessive usage of Coca-Cola
@thefourtheye how did you get that photo... you're stalking me or something!?
hellllllllllll yes python3 relative pathing isn't painful
when searching for connotations of a domain name, i came across a reddit whose focus is on attractive dead women. it's pretty graphic.
what the yam, reddit
Could anyone help in understanding the difference between the two ?
print sum(x*x for x in range(100))
print sum([x*x for x in range(100)])
The argument in first example is a generator, in second it is a list
Thanks! :)
>>> print(soup)
<html><body><p>Test html a tag example</p>
<p href="http://www.packtpub.com'&gt;Home&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href=" http="">Books</p>
it displays &gt; instead of > symbol.
what i need to do to get > ?
i think the above pic would be flagged..
@AvinashRaj Maybe you should be consistent with your quotes
Also you have a <p> open tag with a </a> close tag.
OMG. that's perfect. @Code i failed to notice that.
helps to have valid HTML =p
this is the one they gave.
html_atag = """<html><body><p>Test html a tag example</p>
<a href="http://www.packtpub.com'>Home</a>
<a href="http;//www.packtpub.com/books'>Books</a>
is this a valid one?
nope...have closing single quotes for the addresses.
and a semi-colon instead of a colon
how come the book gave me an invalid example..
yep, thanks again :-)
@AvinashRaj Is this from an ebook?
if so, there might be some formatting issues that made a double-quote turn into a single-quote.
Yeah I've come across that with stylised quotation marks
You would think that ebooks with code in them would have the code snippets marked so that you get plain ol' quote marks.
Not inverted ones like you see in some typefaces.
@MartijnPieters cbg man!
How ya been?
@MartijnPieters On what? Any new project?
Full-time contract with a CDN-producing company.
They build CDN networks for ISPs.
And that means a lot of data goes through a lot of networks, and suprisingly people want to know things like 'how much' and 'when'.
The team I'm in builds a reporting console and API to give you all that.
Holy crap. That sounds like a pretty big project. How many people involved?
So databases, Splunk, log processing, fully RESTful API, frontend with Highcharts, etc.
The company uses Scrum to run dev teams; our team is 8 people, but there are another 3 teams in the same location, another 8 teams in India and in Spain, IIRC.
Doing different things, there are a lot of aspects to a CDN.
I can imagine, loads of moving parts.
How do you communicated with each other? Like what tools do you use?
Jira for the Scrum part, managing the current sprint, backlog, etc.
Bugzilla for bugs.
There is buildbot for the automated testing on commit and nightly runs.
Ahh, so you don't use Travis CI?
The team also uses Trello for in-team 'stuff' tracking (retrospective goals, etc.)
@GamesBrainiac Travis is for OSS, this product is not open source.
There is a custom Django-based integration and functional testing system
because you need to test against a network of machines.
You have a CDN after all, not just a single server.
Man, this sounds complicated. I mean not only is there content delivery but load balancing and a whole lot of other stuff.
Review Board for code reviews (everything going into the code is reviewed)
Separate database server, monitoring server, utility server (running the management interface), search heads (Splunk comes in a load-balanced setup).
@MartijnPieters You know, I work hard to understand stuff. Read books, and watch tutorials, but I've never really built anything large.
And no matter how many books/videos I consume, I always feel like I can't make the real stuff
Each engineer is assigned a blade, a server in a rack basically.
And on the blade there are tools to build and rebuild the virtual machines that make up your virtual CDN.
Takes 45 minutes to build the whole thing from scratch.
I'm guessing you use chef for automatic creation of servers?
Nope, in-house tools.
This system predates Chef, I'd say.
Ahh, I see. Well if you're building such a HUGE CDN, why not use Go instead of Python. Isn't python too slow if you're using something like twisted?
Even with pypy?
This isn't all Python.
The CDN moving parts are C++.
Ahh, now that makes sense :P
I was like thinking, twisted is gonna die under this load :P
Oh boy, yes!
So I wanted to ask, how can I gain the kind of experience you gain from building such large pieces of software?
We are talking dozens of GBPS per machine, sustained.
I mean, I'm still a student, so I don't have access to JIRA or all the other stuff.
Don't worry too much about such tools; that'll come.
But the experience? Building something large is something that I haven't done.
I also don't know how to go about it on my own.
You'll pick that up in no time with a little interning, perhaps.
The people building something large usually train you :-P
Ahh, but that mentorship is hard to find mate.
Stuff this large didn't start this large.
It started as a single CDN company; they managed their own CDN in the earlier days of the web when things were smaller. And built experience from there.
Then bring in more and more people and experience to manage all that as they grew.
Ahh, I see. That makes sense.
I just get intimidated sometimes. There's more to building software than answering SO questions, and reading books on best practices.
Again, I work in a team of 8 people. We have a few QA, a front-end guy, a scrum master.
And you pick up the stuff as you go along, focussing on just the area you are working in.
Ahh, thats interesting.
The company also organises training.
I was hired on the basis of my tech skills, not experience in building something huge.
Ahh, thats reassuring :)
brb, lunch.
I had some experience in Scrum, I did Extreme Programming before, used a little Kanban, did some task estimates, but never the whole deal.
This is the first time for me to do a full-on Scrum process. So I'm learning too. :-)
I wouldn't be doing this job if it wasn't an opportunity to soak up new experience.
Ahh, I see what you did there ;)
I'm cleaning out the codility tag (it is a meta tag).
@MartijnPieters Done.
two questions left.
both need new tags..
Cbg again
I was just wondering... is there a non-introductory, expert python book which explores the less known parts of python, coercing rules, metaclasses, tricks ....
Ideally I'm just looking for a complete list of features, as there are plenty of articles on the net.
But I don't know what I'm missing because I don't have a list...
@KarolyHorvath I would suggest Programming Python by Lutz
Its a bit old, but it does not go over the non-trivial stuff. But its a long read.
@GamesBrainiac: Just checked it. That's not what I was looking for.
Would you rather prefer a cookbook?
@JonClements cbg mate :D
@Games word up dude (or something or other?)
Definitely NOT.
@JonClements So, have you gotten your wallet back?
this pup is gittin down with da lingo, ya know
@KarolyHorvath Okay, then. Lesser known is a subjective term. There are many lesser known parts, like the inspect module, or metaclass manipulation.
@KarolyHorvath Even within those lesser known parts, are lesser known parts. Hence, your question must be more precise. Would you like a book on understanding python's OO better, or do you want more module specific knowledge?
@Games nah my man... doh from da street ya? katch me bro!? Spag bog twas wicked tho' yah?
Of course: there are generators, comprehensions, decorators, iter and functools and all that stuff. I'm really looking for more advanced stuff.
I'm trying to fill in the GAPS.
Which is of course entirely subjective.
@JonClements I need a puppy translator :P
Please don't force me to write a "proper question".
@KarolyHorvath I feel I understand your dilemma. You've gone through a lot of the used modules, and understand magic functions. Now you want something even more advanced.
I would suggest you take a look at concurrency and metaclasses.
Also, extending Python through C.
you can scatch the concurrency and the C interface. The latter looks quite simple, and the former... well, I doubt I will need anything fancy. Maybe parallel async tasks (DB, fs, ...)... if performance is an issue, I wouldn't code those parts (or anything at all) in python...
@KarolyHorvath Okay then, metaclasses it is.
In order to learn more about Metaclasses, there are two main books that I'd recommend. Python 3 object oriented programming, and Mastering Python object oriented programming (by S. F. Lott, who is also a really awesome SO user)
the C interface is quite similar to all languages... ruby, php... you learn what goes behind the scenes. but once you saw one, you saw all of them.
Are there, or are there not images on stagnites.co.uk/stag-party-ideas/Birmingham ?
@GamesBrainiac: thanks, checking them.
@KarolyHorvath Python 3 OO by Dusty is a quick read, if you've messed around with classes in python.
@JonClements eh?
Yes, there are.
What about them, though?
Possibly that as a good book? Beazley is a bit of a beast.
@Ffisegydd But thats more of a reference. Cookbook is better for learning.
Hmm true.
ducky's is a bit simple. mastering might be useful, but it will take a couple of hours to harvest the good parts of it. thx.
@KarolyHorvath You mean dusty?
lol. right
@KarolyHorvath He's a good writer, and knows his stuff.
my name recall is a bit dusty :D
@Ffisegydd Also, I gotta say reference is outdated.
@KarolyHorvath Glad to have helped mate.
@Games so is Python 2 but people still bloody use it :P
@Ffisegydd Actually its Python 3. :P
I know I was just making the point.
Oh wait, there are two versions
There's a 3 reference, and a 2 reference :P
Sorry, my bad. I just read the 3 version.
thx again.
@KarolyHorvath No problem mate. Come by this chatroom, and share what you've learnt every now and then :)
@Jon I've started the download!
@Ffisegydd What download? Is there a good show on?
Civ: BE
Oh yea man!
Thats the shit!
Thats the real deal :D
@Games get it and you can play with us!
@Ffisegydd woot!
@Ffisegydd Wish I could, my internet is damn slow, so there will be too much lag to enjoy it.
ping is horrible with EU as well :(
@Games not sure lag applies to turn based games really :)
@JonClements LOL! Believe me, it does.
Sometimes, you won't even get a turn from me, since my connection dies every now and then.
ahh... the 70 year old game of chess problem then...
Ahh yes. Have you played all the Civs?
Played the originals... then some Civ5 - just 'cos of Civ:BE coming out
@JonClements I played Brave New World first, since it was the latest at the time. Then explored the others.
@ChillarAnand hey! :) cb
unable to deploy django app from 3 days. can someone suggest a good tutorial or talk on how to do it?
@ChillarAnand How are you trying to launch it? gunicorn with nginx?
"Don't use Django" by "Jon Clements"? Will be available in all good shops soon :p
tried apache + modwsgi and ngnix + gunicorn. failed at both :(
@ChillarAnand Erm, why?
@JonClements haha, I had trouble when I first launched an app with django.
Deployment isn't all that easy.
nginx is configured successully & gunicorn daemon is running but get these error unknown directive "iupstream" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/site.com
@JonClements wont u use django?
errr... is iupstream even valid for an nginx conf? There's upstream ?
@JonClements Thats what I was thinking too :P
something wrong with gunicorn?
you would normally have an upstream @django { pass_proxy ... } then use @django in a try_files
Yup no iupstream. Check your conf.
@JonClements Although I am interested, why do you hate django now? :P
@Games don't hate it... it's just the projects I need to do, I just end up "working against it"... it's easier to just start with Flask and a few bits and build, than it is to adapt/construct to the way django works
@JonClements I agree. I've been using morepath a lot recently since I've been mostly working on building APIs. I like flask more than django right now since its a lot simpler.
a lot of noobs(like me) find django easy to start with as it comes with a lot of features!
@ChillarAnand I started with django because it had, and still has the best documentation.
@ChillarAnand I'm not arguing the fact it has features... it's just that it has features in it's own mind set... and as soon as you need to step outside the boundaries of its design, it's very easy to get lost
@JonClements But ya gotta admit the docs are amazing.
cbg, @all
@Games I will admit that :)
@JonClements A lot of the times, I look at flask docs, and I'm like "so what does this thing do again?" :P
@Games well, there's only a few dozen in flask which are all fairly self explanatory... while django is more... "which one of the hundreds of modules should I be looking for, for x, and then does it have an appropriate method, if not, how do I then adapt that to do y"
at which point, I just think... f* it... I can write this in 5 lines and be done with it
@JonClements Thats what I thought too, but thats because one has used other frameworks that one feels that flask is well documented :P
I started with Django in 2005... don't get me wrong
I can use it... but it's painful... and I'd rather not... :)
Yea, I don't disagree with the fact that it too causes me pain.
But, I just wish other projects were well documented.
I mean check the docs for requests, its really very good.
btw folks, angular 2.0 is looking hawt.
@Games haha... I'm just looking at a django project now for a client... just found the most awesome function
sadly - it's one I wrote...
# TODO: actually generate a sitemap
def generate_sitemap(request):
    return HttpResponse('')
@JonClements lol
since it hasn't changed in about 3 years... guess it never will :)
@JonClements "Screw the sitemap" :P
@GamesBrainiac gunicorn is serving django app correctly at localhost. but nginx is not serving them at my ip. its just showing welcome page :( no error logs! i've set server_name to my ip.
@ChillarAnand So, let me get this straight, are you hosting on an actual server?
Or just using your computer's static IP?
computers static ip
Are you doing so on your LAN?
@ChillarAnand have you told nginx to serve the pages?
@GamesBrainiac yes
@JonClements yes,
Okay, I bought Civ BE
I'm so weak :)
@Robert you must obey the puppy and the baby
you're a good boy... well done...
cbg @Martijn
@Robert you going to join us in a game later... I think @IntrepidBrit is busy, but there's you, @Ffisegydd and I that could do a game
I'm generally dead by siege worms/aliens by turn 30... so... I don't expect to last too long
but Stewie's an evil bugger
I love the fact that Brian wraps a towel around himself... :p
@Ffisegydd so... tonight/tomorrow for Civ:BE ?
I think you were planning on a bit of SP today or something?
Ahhh... it also appears that when you put your phone on to charge... it helps to switch the plug on...
it's going to be one of those days...
wish this £1.7bil bill will get off the news
? it's not on my news. and I found nothing on bbc.co.uk
oh... keeps getting mentioned on various feeds and radio stations I listen to
what is it in reference to? i'll move there for far less; don't fret my europretties
I just can't work out how the powerhouses of the EU (France/Germany) are getting rebates for failing... yet the UK which is now (just about) growing again, gets hit with that
Germany was failing? My impression is that they have the stable economy that they want. Not massive, but not failing.
@tristan not failing - just not growing as much
Also, how does it feel to be the America of Europe?
@tristan I think that projections I read show that the UK (if still part of the EU), will be the largest economy in Europe by 2030 or something
Sure, I totally believe that as well. (that was not sarcasm. or that. or that last bit)
Anyone know where application logic is supposed to go in Flask?
Like my routes are in views.py, SQLAlchemy stuff in models.py
Smart money is on UK or Germany
@quantumtremor what do you mean application logic?
Hi guys
what about a function that returns the list of all the user's friends?
@tristan I'll give you great odds on Greece :)
@quantumtremor that's views.
So everything else is in views?
pre-database is views or an import off of views.
tristan: and I read something about forms too. I guess that's just for form validation?
@tristan but yeah... we are kind of the america of europe - not sure if that's good or bad
in my views file, i have a from calculations import moving_average and I call that to get a moving average (surprise) to return to the template
@quantumtremor yeah, if it's not stuff required or directly related to a form, hang it off of views
so do you also have a calculations.py that implements moving_average
@JonClements i want to respond to your greece comment, but i'm trying to mature as a person and will bite my tongue
yes @quantumtremor -- it's cleaner than having a bunch of stuff in views
Apr 19 at 1:40, by abacus
That was my initial thought, but I wasn't sure if there was a more formal way to do it. I guess I'll just do that. Thanks
@JonClements at least america and UK can be free to bond at the adult table
hello @KeremZaman
Apr 19 at 1:32, by abacus
I'm running a web app on Flask. I want to queue commands to be executed every ten minutes. Basically, I have a SQL database that has statistics for tournaments. When the stats are updated, I want a 'recalculate stats for this tournament' command to enter a queue. Every ten minutes, the commands in the queue are run. Whats the best way to do this?
Alternatively, the tournament director can also force statistics updates.
@tristan All right, thanks, That's what I was wondering. I'll just organize my python files as I see fit then, and import into views
@quantumtremor haven't really got that far since April then? :p
Pretty much
I rewrote the entire front end in Angular over the summer
@quantumtremor no problem. for what it's worth, it might help to consider a larger flask project often has views that call a different module for shared forms
if it's something that's re-used, move it out of a blueprint/route specific view and into a separate file to prevent circular dependencies
yeah..... that's pretty uhh... something. thanks ass.
I suppose if it goes badly... he can just regenerate...
this place is a petri dish and it would be really easy for it to become a serious problem here.
Same as London
so many public surfaces, spaces, close contact, etc
(or any "mega" city)
yeah -- new york is particularly rough though because of its warm climate and density
Oh... I've been to NY in Feb... and that isn't warm at all :)
(i.e. sweaty hands -> touch subway pole)
yeah, nov->mar are our cold months in which only a few days will go over 15
At least in England we only have two categories of weather: "1) Weather we don't like and 2) Weather that we dislike more than the weather in point 1)"
Think I was there one July... that was hot
didn't like that at all
I'll be back in a second... need to kick a server into shape...
I don't recieve cons today on Codereview... day is lived not in vain :-)
Yeah, we're tropical in July, but also, because we're a northern city, it's kind of taboo to wear shorts/sleeveless clothes to anything other than to pick up your unemployment check.
I have an error on Pycharm while importing PyQT4 on project at Settings>Project Interpreter
Install packages failed: Error occurred when installing package PyQt4.

The following command was executed:

/home/kerem/İndirilenler/pycharm-community-3.4.1/helpers/packaging_tool.py install --build-dir /tmp/pycharm-packaging7436430219791517235.tmp PyQt4

The error output of the command:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kerem/İndirilenler/pycharm-community-3.4.1/helpers/packaging_tool.py", line 56, in do_install
import pip
ImportError: No module named 'pip'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
looks like you don't have pip installed
@tristan When I first opened the window which we import modules, Pycharm offered to install setuptools and pip and I accepted.
looks like that didn't happen, based on the fact that the interpreter can't import it (ImportError: No module named 'pip' )
@tristan I have installed pip just now and now I am getting this error on PyCharm:
Install packages failed: Error occurred when installing package PyQt4.

The following command was executed:

/home/kerem/İndirilenler/pycharm-community-3.4.1/helpers/packaging_tool.py install --build-dir /tmp/pycharm-packaging6132707762159552771.tmp PyQt4

The error output of the command:

DEPRECATION: --no-install, --no-download, --build, and --no-clean are deprecated. See https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/906.
Downloading/unpacking PyQt4
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement PyQt4
Haha @JonClements that tweet is adorable.
what is this, a 1980s futurist program?
@KeremZaman that's telling you what it needs.
@KeremZaman check out /root/.pip/pip.log
@ChillarAnand dpaste.com/3F3A1XE
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