@corvid Ah okay. There are certain discrete orbits electrons can "inhabit" and they just can't transition from one t'other. That diagram specifies which states they can move from and to
that's why I like subjects that are less abstract, you can try things out and make sense of it more easily. Big reason why I like python, the interpreter is awesome for trying out theories
A flame (from Latin flamma) is the visible, gaseous part of a fire. It is caused by a highly exothermic reaction taking place in a thin zone. Some flames are hot enough to have ionized gaseous components of sufficient density to be considered plasma.
== Mechanism ==
Color and temperature of a flame are dependent on the type of fuel involved in the combustion, as, for example, when a lighter is held to a candle. The applied heat causes the fuel molecules in the candle wax to vaporize. In this state they can then readily react with oxygen in the air, which gives off enough heat in the subsequent...
Situs inversus (also called situs transversus or oppositus) is a congenital condition in which the major visceral organs are reversed or mirrored from their normal positions. The normal arrangement is known as situs solitus. In other rare cases, in a condition known as situs ambiguus or heterotaxy, situs cannot be determined.
The term situs inversus is a short form of the Latin phrase "situs inversus viscerum", meaning "inverted position of the internal organs". Dextrocardia (the heart being located on the right side of the thorax) was first seen and drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in 1452–1519, and...
I bet, although it's not something I would personally depend on. "I'll walk down this dark alley, since an attacker won't know the proper place to stab"
Schools should just accept the fact that people are a gestalt hive mind, and allow them to access their prosthetic memory (i.e. the internet) during exams.
I had a calculator that you could program functions and constants into, do plotting, solve equations, etc. Of course it wasn't allowed under the exam rules as it was too OP.
I saw one calculator where the person had taken out the insides completely and replaced it with a phone, then they had a fake button panel to make it look like a calculator and their home screen had a fake calculator screen at the top so it looked like the real thing.
Then to use it they could just take the fake buttons off and use their phone.
this question is interesting to me. It's effectively asking, "when I catch an AttributeError, is it possible to get the object that caused the exception?"
MISSION: 'at' symbol ('@') followed by a character-set 'a', 'b', 'c', where 1) the followig expression can contain at most 1 of the elements of the character-set 2) the length of the expression is 0 or at most the length of the character-set 3) the expression is unordered 4) the expression cannot be followed by another word like character.
The best solution is when the regex is highly extensible, and removing or adding a new character to character-set does not require to completely rewrite the regular expression.
@a => match
@aa => not a match
@bac => match
@xabc => not a match
@acx => not a match
@ => match
@corvid I always envision the z axis as perpendicular to the computer screen. Maybe they wrote the page on a screen embedded in a table surface, in which case "out/in" is also "up/down"
Me neither ... my understanding of the nature of the universe comes, to a worrying degree, from thinking about especially timey-wimey DW plot points in the shower.
I'm drawing a state diagram for this regex, and so far I don't see a way to make it have fewer than N! nodes, where N is the number of characters in the permitted set.
Only problem is, when the user says, "actually, the permitted set has 26 elements", then the run time balloons to "larger than the lifespan of the universe"
I asked it, because if you want to draw, you have to "render" it, and I don't think you want to write a rendering engine as @Kevin did -- so you want to use a framework instead
anyway, if it is only coordinate-geometry, than @Kevin has a point
IIRC, most of the terrible code was in figuring out in which order to draw the polygons, so no Z-fighting occurred. If you only care about vertices, then it's a lot easier.
@RobertGrant because LightTable is terrible => it tries to solve a problem (terrible debugging features of JS) but instead of solving it only hides this fact from you
AFAIK it's designed to give instant feedback during the development process, which includes OpenGL stuff, so you could visualise graphical code, such as code that renders a cube :)
anyway -- the last thing I don't like about LT is its GUI -- but ofc this is a personal matter
@RobertGrant because the problem is in OpenGL and JavaScript -- we need better environments, interpreters, whatever -- not creating utils which keep these tools unimproved
I have three Django apps which run on local server. Now I want to push it on cloud like GAE. Any advices ? I don't know where to start and I need to know from the scratch.