Well, I'm a well versed programming in C++, know a decent amount of C# (and have dabbled around in many other languages). My new work will involve python, so I'm looking for a book aimed at explaining the python way of doing things etc for experienced developers
@OMGtechy i do data work in python. currently working on building a database by scraping / aggregating and deduplicating. then i'll move to pandas for the analysis and time series stuff
ML=machine learning (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_learning), technically I use more of a statistical philosophy but ML is the computer-sciency term for it
Although, to be fair, I imagine I will barely touch its potential; will be using it for things like test automation
Machine learning is awesome. I'm developing something like Cleverbot (www.cleverbot.com) and it's going pretty well right now. Basically, it constructs a database of linked phrases obtained from user input and uses them when appropriate (although not always accurate, of course).
On a completely unrelated note, does anybody here use Blender?
I suppose they would have more than a few Blender game devs, but I'm trying to develop an addon. Oh well, I had a feeling it wouldn't be super-on-topic anyway (I just wish API had better documentation. It sucks)